ST Augustine's Primary School Bulletin: Monday 19 September

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St Augustines Primary School Bulletin: Monday 19th September

All staff are invited to the Deanery Mass at Ss Peter & Pauls Church on Monday 26th September at 4.30pm. Parking is available in the school and then it is a 5 minute walk to the Church. There will be refreshments served in the school afterwards. Overtime Claim Sheets: The next cut off date for completed claim forms 14th October 2011 Monday 19th Reception pupils to stay for lunch Mrs Ezekiel to commence KS2 1:1 tuition in school all day Mr Jan Choeanec (Guitar Teacher) in school 9.30 & 10am 10.30am 3.00pm 3.30pm 3.30 4.30pm 3.30pm Year 2 Stranger Danger talk from Local Police KS1 Headteacher Assembly KS2 Headteacher Assembly Spanish Classes Mrs Neale Basketball Club starting for Years 4, 5 & 6 Staff Meeting Bullying led by Miss McCusker and Miss Bergin in 6b Tuesday 20th Mr Hatzar away supply required Nursery pupils to commence Occupational Therapist in school 9.00am 10.30am Mrs Doyle to meet with parent KS1 Hymn Practice Mrs Kannathasan away at Midday 1.20pm 3pm 3.20pm Mr Firman, Guitar teacher in school KS2 Hymn Practice Choir Junior Hall Wednesday 21st Mrs Williams away Mr Hatzar away supply required am, Mrs Kirwan to cover 4a pm Miss Bergin to attend PE course all day PPA am, supply to cover pm Am Mrs Brogan to attend Primary Admin Forum at TC

8.00 8.45am 9.00 3.45pm

Year 1 & 2 Gym Club Infant Hall Violin Teacher in school.

10am Leadership Team Meeting Monitoring Mrs Kannathasan away at Midday 1.00 3.30pm Cello Teacher in Youth Hall.

3.00pm KS2 Deputy Headteacher Assembly Ethiopia Assembly led by Mrs Holden 3.30pm 3:30 4:30 3.30 4.30 Netball Year 5 & 6 Instrumental Ensemble KS2 Hall Film Club (Year 5 & 6 pupils) in Class 6a Thursday 22nd Mrs Doyle to attend BRES Headteacher Conference at Prince Regent Hotel Educational Psychologist in school observations in Year 2, 3 and 6 9.30am 10.30am 11am pm 3.15 4.15pm 3.30pm 3.30pm 3b to Gants Hill Library KS1 Assistant Headteacher Assembly 3a to Gants Hill Library School council to feedback to classes Dance Club, Years 1 & 2, Junior Hall Spanish Classes Mrs Neale Focus Groups Friday 23rd Mrs Doyle to attend BRES Headteacher Conference at Prince Regent Hotel 9.30 12.30pm 9.15am 1.20pm 3.00pm 3.30 4.30pm Mrs McCartney to attend Meaningful Adult Intervention in Play Mrs Anthony to cover class Golden Book Assembly Mrs Holden to lead Mr Tim Eaton (Woodwind Teacher) in school Book of Achievement Mrs Anthony to lead Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 Football Training KS2 Playground

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