Holding Pattern Theory

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A holding pattern for instrument flight

rules (IFR) aircraft is usually a racetrack

pattern based on a holding fix. This fix can
be a radio beacon such as a non-directional
beacon (NDB) or VHF omnidirectional
range (VOR). The fix is the start of the first
turn of the racetrack pattern.

Holding Pattern
Content source: SKYbrary About SKYbrary

1 Definitions

2 General

3 Standard Holding Pattern

4 Non-Standard Holding Pattern

5 Entry Procedures

6 DME Procedures

7 Speed Limitations

8 Holding Clearance

9 Related Articles


Holding Pattern (Merriam-Webster) - the usually oval course

flown by aircraft awaiting further clearance; especially to land
Hold Procedure (FAA Pilot/Controller Glossary) -a predetermined
maneuver which keeps aircraft within a specified airspace while
awaiting further clearance from air traffic control
Holding Fix (FAA Pilot/Controller Glossary) - a specified fix
identifiable to a pilot by NAVAIDs or visual reference to the
ground used as a reference point in establishing and maintaining
the position of an aircraft while holding

Holding patterns are flown as a delaying tactic, be it for ATC

requirements such as airspace saturation or approach delays, as
the published termination of a missed approach procedure to be
flown whilst coordinating further clearance, at pilot request to
allow time for completion of abnormal or emergency checklist
procedures or at any other time that a delay in flight progress is
required. Under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) pilots are expected
to adhere to proscribed holding procedures inclusive of speed,
hold entry procedures, timing and rate of turn, as the protected
airspace for the holding pattern, and thus separation from other
traffic, is predicated on those procedures.
Standard Holding Pattern

A standard holding pattern is depicted in the following diagram

which shows the ground track as it would appear in still-air
conditions. The holding "fix" can be any of a VOR, a NDB, a
radial/DME fix, a specified waypoint or, in some circumstances,
the current aircraft position as generated by the Flight
Management System (FMS).

Standard Holding Pattern

After the completion of the appropriate procedure to enter the
hold, all turns in a standard pattern are to the right. During entry
and holding, pilots manually flying the aircraft are expected to
make all turns to achieve an average bank angle of at least
25˚ or a rate of turn of 3˚ per second, whichever
requires the lesser bank. The inbound leg is flown following the
assigned radial or bearing to the fix whilst the ground track for
the outbound leg is adjusted for the wind conditions to facilitate
the turn to intercept the inbound track. The outbound leg is
flown for the appropriate time interval to achieve the regulated
inbound timing. Inbound timing for a standard hold is one
minute when at or below 14,000' and one and a half minutes
when above 14,000'. When the pilot receives ATC clearance
specifying the time of departure from the holding fix,
adjustments should be made to the flight pattern within the
limits of the established holding pattern to leave the fix as close
as possible to the time specified.
Non-Standard Holding Pattern

A non-standard holding pattern is one in which the turns are

made to the left or the inbound timing is other than standard
values. Unless the ATC clearance includes instruction to hold
non-standard, make left turns or a non-standard holding pattern
is depicted on the chart, pilots are expected to make all turns to
the right after initial entry into the holding pattern; that is, a
standard holding pattern is to be flown unless specifically cleared
Entry Procedures

Entry sectors for a standard holding pattern are depicted in the

following diagram. Note that there are three entry sectors based
upon the heading at which the aircraft approaches the holding
fix. Note also that there is a zone of flexibility of 5˚ on either side
of each boundary; that is, within the zone, the entry procedure
appropriate to either side of the boundary can be executed at
the discretion of the pilot.

Hold Entry Procedures for a Standard Holding Pattern

Sector 1 procedures (parallel entry):
Upon reaching the fix, turn onto the outbound heading of the
holding pattern for the appropriate period of time
Turn left to intercept the inbound track or to return directly to
the fix
On the second arrival over the fix, turn right and follow the
holding pattern
Sector 2 procedures (offset entry):
Upon reaching the fix, turn to a heading that results in a track
having an angle of 30˚ or less from the inbound track reciprocal
on the holding side
Continue for the appropriate period of time, then turn right to
intercept the inbound track and follow the holding pattern
Sector 3 procedure (direct entry):
Upon reaching the fix, turn right and follow the holding pattern
Entry procedures to a non-standard holding pattern requiring left
turnsare oriented in relation to the 70˚ line on the holding
side,just as in the standard pattern. Thus the corresponding
entry procedure diagram for a non-standard holding pattern is a
mirror image of that for the standard pattern.
DME Procedures

DME holding is subject to the same entry and holding

procedures as a standard holding pattern except that distances,
in nautical miles (NM), are used in lieu of time values to define
the limits of the holding pattern. In describing the direction from
the fix on which to hold and the limits of a DME holding pattern,
an ATC clearance will specify the DME distance from the
navigation aid at which the inbound and outbound legs are to be
terminated. The end of each leg is determined by the DME
indications. Conversely, when the aircraft is FMS equipped, a
pilot might be cleared to hold at a defined waypoint on a
specified track with a specific leg distance expressed in NM.

DME Holding
Speed Limitations

The expected holding speed for many charted holding patterns is

published on the associated enroute, terminal or approach chart.
In cases where a speed is not specified, holding patterns must be
entered and flown at or below the appropriate airspeed for the
holding altitude. These speeds can vary from region to region so
pilots must be aware of the limitations in force for the area in
which they are operating. ICAO maximum holding speeds are as
Holding altitude 14000' or below - 230 KIAS
Holding altitude above 14000' to 20000' - 240 KIAS
Holding altitude above 20000' to 34000' - 265 KIAS
Holding altitude above 34000' - Mach .83
Holding patterns restricted to Category A and B aircraft only - 170
Pilots are to advise ATC immediately if airspeeds in excess of
those specified above become necessary for any reason,
including turbulence. After such higher speed is no longer
necessary, the aircraft should be operated at or below the
specified airspeeds and ATC notified
Airspace protection for turbulent air holding is based on a
maximum of 280 KIAS or Mach 0.8, whichever is lower, from the
Minimum Holding Altitude (MHA) to 34000' and Mach .83 above
that altitude.
Considerable impact on the flow of air traffic may result when
aircraft hold at speeds which are higher than those specified
above. After departing a holding fix, pilots should resume
normal speed subject to other requirements, such as speed
limitations in the vicinity of controlled airports, specific ATC
requests, etc.

Holding Clearance

A holding clearance issued by ATC will include at least the

following items:
a clearance to the holding fix
the direction to hold from the holding fix
a specified radial, course, or inbound track
if DME is used, the DME distances at which the fix end and
outbound end turns are to be commenced (hold between
[number of miles] and [number of miles]). If the outbound DME
is not specified by ATC, pilots are expected adhere to the
standard holding pattern timing procedures above
the altitude or FL to be maintained
the time to expect further clearance or an approach clearance or
the time to leave the fix in the event of a communications failure
For example, "BA123 is cleared direct the SHA VOR, descend to
and maintain FL180. Hold South East on the 140 degree radial.
Expect further clearance at 1035Z". If the holding procedure is
charted, the clearance can be abbreviated to exclude the
published information. "BA123 cleared to OLLNO, hold as
published, maintain FL120. Expect approach clearance at 2215Z".


The rate at which an aircraft executes a turn expressed in

degrees per second.

In turning flight, the number of degrees of heading change per

unit of time (usually measured in seconds) is referred to as the
rate of turn. By definition, a rate one or standard rate turn is
accomplished at 3°/second resulting in a course reversal in one
minute or a 360° turn in two minutes. A rate one half turn is
flown at 1.5°/second and a rate two turn at 6°/second.
The bank angle required to conduct a turn at a specific rate is
directly proportional to True Airspeed (TAS). The approximate
bank angle required to accomplish a coordinated rate one turn
(3°/second) can be calculated by dividing the TAS (in knots) by 10
and then adding 7. Using this formula, an aircraft flying at 80
knots would require 15° of bank for a rate one turn whereas at
160 knots, 23° would be required and at 240 knots a bank angle
of 31° would be required to achieve the same rate of turn. As
high bank angles are undesirable, especially in IMC, ICAO
guidance for holding procedures states that "all turns in nil wind
should be at a bank angle of 25 degrees or Rate One, whichever
requires the lesser bank". Protected airspace is then based on
the radius of turn for the maximum allowable holding speed at
25° of bank.

Radius of Turn
Content source: SKYbrary About SKYbrary

The horizontal distance that an aircraft uses to turn is referred to

as the radius of turn. It varies as a function of bank angle and the
square of the airspeed.

Radius of turn is dependent on both airspeed and bank angle.

The radius of turn at any given bank angle is directly
proportional to the square of the airspeed. Doubling the
airspeed results in a radius of turn that is four times greater
while tripling the airspeed would result in a radius that is nine
times greater. Conversely, if the aircraft speed remains constant,
increasing the bank angle will decrease the turn radius.
These relationships are the opposite of those found in Rate of
Turn where increasing the speed decreases the rate of turn and
increasing bank angle also increases the rate of turn.

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