Orthopedic Study Guide 2018

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Orthopedics revolves around diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of injuries or diseases afflicting
the spine, pelvis and extremities.The module presents state of the art knowledge and experience from clinical
Introduction experts and researchers specializing in the area of trauma and orthopedic surgery. It is a review of in-depth
clinical aspects of trauma and orthopedic surgery. It will h ave a thematic emphasis on interactions between
basic and clinical sciences related to trauma and orthopedics
Semester semester VII (Fourth year MBBS)
Duration 5 weeks
At the end of the module, the students will be able to:
 Diagnose common Orthopedic conditions based on clinical information and knowledge of basic sciences
 Correlate clinical presentation and management plans with underlying Pathophysiology and Anatomy
Module Outcomes
 Justify treatment plans based on principles of management of orthopedics and knowledge of Pharmacolo gy
 Demonstrate ability for quantitative re search at the level of undergraduates
 Recommend action plan for dealing with fire arm injuries in hospitals
 Bed Side Teaching
 eLearning
 Lectures
Teaching strategies  Practical session
recommended  Self-study
 Seminar
 Skills lab
 Small group discussions (SGD)
 Tutorials
 Anatomy
 Biochemistry
 Community Medicine
 Forensic Medicine
 Internal Medicine
 Orthopedics
 Pathology
 Pharmacology
 Physiology
Spiral – Two, Semester – Seven OrthopedicsStudy Guide, 2017 1 | P a ge
Department / OBJECTIVES
Subjects At the end of the week, the students should be able to:
 Differentiate b/w the types of cartilages
ANATOMY  Describe the morphology of bones
 Describe the development of cartilage
 Describe the blood supply and nerve supply to long bones

 Explain the development of Bones, cartilages and Joints

 Discuss Histogenesis of Bone
 Describe the endochondral and intramembranous ossification
 Discuss the developmental and congenital anomalies related to skeletal system

Calcium, Phosphate & vitamin D

 Explain the classification and biochemical role of Ca, Phosphate Vit D
BIOCHEMISTRY Effects of Parathyroid hormone
 Describe the role of Parathyroid Hormone, Vitamin D and Calcitonin in bone metabolism
Uric acid metabolism & Gout
 Explain the role of Uric Acid and Pyrophosphate metabolism in gout and bone mineralization and their
relationship to kidney function
Synovial fluid composition
 Explain the composition and function of synovial fluid in a typical Synovial joint

e-Learning link http://www.jsmu.edu.pk/curriculum_semester7.html

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Occupational health
 Define occupational health
 To enumerate the common occupational health issues in Pakistan.
 Discuss the control and prevention of occupational health hazards
 To emphasize the role of government in the prevention of occupational health hazards
 Describe the steps in risk prevention on hazards in the workplace

Accident and Prevention

• To understand the concept of Accident
• To enumerate the difference of intention and un-intension accident injury
• To describe the control and prevention of Accident

Disaster and preparedness

 To understand the concept of disaster and its Preparedness
 To classify the disaster
 To understand the concept of disaster cycle
 To understand the control and prevention of disaster

Occupational disease Prevention

 To Explain the common Occupational diseases

 To Explain the Health Hazards related to occupation
 To Enumerate the steps for health hazard identification
 To Differentiate the Risk of Health hazard identification and Risk management
Health education in Occupational health

 To Give Approaches of health education

 To List Essential components of health education in occupational health
 To Discuss Limitations of health education
To Discuss the Importance of health education in occupational health

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Sports Medicine

 To understand the concept of Sport Medicine

 To understand the sign and symptoms of Sports Injury
 To describe the control and prevention of Sports Injury

 Spinal injuries
Drugs management of osteoporosis & Osteomalacia
 Enumerate the drugs used in the management of Osteoporosis & Osteomalacia
 Explain the principle therapeutic approaches to the management of Osteoporosis & Osteomalacia
Treatment Osteoarthritis (OA) and Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
 Classify the drugs used in the treatment of OA and RA
 Discuss the indications, side effects, dosage of drugs used in OA and RA
 Design a treatment plan for OA and RA
 Explain the principles of pharmacokinetics and the drugs used in the Rx of OA and RA.
Drugs used in Gout
 Classify the drugs used in the treatment of gout
 Discuss the indications, side effects, dosage of drugs used in gout
 Design a treatment plan for gout
Treatment of Gout
 List the drugs used in osteomyelitis
 Develop a treatment plan for osteomyelitis.
 Recommend parameters to monitor antimicrobial therapy for effectiveness and toxicity.

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Bone disorder classification
 Classify bone disorders based on pathogenesis and pathologic findings.
 Inflammatory bone disease
 Metabolic bone diseases
 Hereditary bone diseases
 Diseases of unknown etiology
 Bone tumors
Developmental and Congenital Anomalies
 Discuss the developmental and congenital anomalies related to skeletal system
Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis
 Describe the pathophysiology, pathogenesis, morphological and clinical features of
Osteoarthritis,Rheumatoid Arthritis
 Interpret lab tests for diagnosis of Osteoporosis, Rickets & Osteomalacia
Gout and crystal deposition disease
 Describe the pathophysiology, clinical features and morphology of gout & crystal deposition disease.

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Parathyroid conditions
 Differentiate between the features of hyper and hypoparathyroidism.
 Describe and classify the etiological organisms, route of spread and pathophysiology and morphology of
various types of osteomyelitis
Synovial fluid analysis
 Correlate synovial fluid analyses with their representative disease classification
Bone tumors
 Describe WHO classification of bone tumors
 Discuss the etiology, epidemiology, risk factors and pathophysiology of important bone tumors
Soft tissue tumors
 Classify soft tissue tumors
 Discuss the clinical manifestations, prognosis, and rational clinical management of Soft tissue tumors.
 Compare the processes of modelling and remodeling of bone
 Explain the major steps in bone remodeling.
 Discuss the impact of calcium, vitamin D, or parathyroid hormone concentration changes on bone
 Explain the role of radiologic imaging in musculoskeletal system
 Describe the principles of MRI, isototope bone scans, DEXA scans and CT scans
 List the techniques involved in diagnosis of bone tumors
 Identify common skeletal injuries on radiographic films (e.g. fractures and dislocations)
Joint infection
 Name the major pathogenic organisms causing joint infection.
 Describe the pathophysiology and elements of prevention and management of joint infection
 Outline the main clinical features and laboratory tests to recognise Joint Infections (Septic, Viral,
Tuberculosis arthritis)
 Classify gout
MEDICINE  Describe the pathogenesis, morphological and clinical features of gout.
 Differentiate among various types of gout based on clinical presentations
 Develop a plan for treating acute gouty arthritis
Osteoporosis and Osteomalacia
 Diagnose osteoporosis and Osteomalacia based on clinical features, laboratory tests and, imaging results
 Develop a treatment plan for Osteoporosis and Osteomalacia
Parathyroid disorders
 Diagnose hyper- and hypo- parathyroid disorders based on clinical manifestations and investigation
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 Develop treatment plans for hyper and hypo parathyroid disorders
 Classify vasculitis
 Describe the pathophysiology involved in the inflammatory process of vasculitis
 Discuss the clinical manifestations and treatment of vasculitis
Systemic sclerosis, Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis
 Describe the pathology, prevalence, etiology, symptoms, and diagnosis associated with systemic
sclerosis, Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis.
 Discuss current treatment strategies used in the management of Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis
 Classify the different types of fractures
 Describe the specific types of fractures
 (hip fractures, Colles’ fracture, pelvic fractures)
 Discuss the general principles of management of fractures
 Describe the therapeutic measures for different fractures, principles of fracture treatment in child ren
and common complications of fractures
 Discuss the management of fractures and principles of fracture fixation
Musculoskeletal diseases
 Describe the clinical features, laboratory tests, imaging of musculo skeletal diseases:
Rheumatoid Arthritis, Seronegative Spondylo -arthtropathies, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Osteoar thritis and
Osteoporosis, poly/dermatomyositis, Achondroplasia., Osteogenesis imperfect a, Osteomyelitis, Paget's disease
(Osteitis Deformans), bone tumors, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Myotonic dystrophy
 Describe the sequence of a trauma patient ev aluation
 Describe the appropriate triage of a trauma patient.
 Describe the rapid assessment of a patient with spinal trauma.
 Describe the etiology, pathophysiology, and the appropriate management of patients with spinal cord

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 Develop a plan for diagnosis and treatment of patients with torso trauma
 Describe the classification of pelvic fractures and the associated complications
 Describe the mechanisms of injury, assessment, and management of maxillofacial injuries
Back pain
 Identify the most common conditions causing back pain
 Diagnose and manage non-traumatic neck and back problems
Bone tumors
 Correlate pathological findings with clinical presentation of bone tumors
 Justify diagnosis, investigations and treatment plans for primary bone tumors
Mode of Internal  Continuous monitoring of attendance and practical assessment in short groups.
Assessment:  It will be in the form of MCQs, assignments, stages/sub -stages, projects, quiz or OSPE.
 Internal assessment carries 20% weightage in summative semester examination.
Mode of terminal
One Correct MCQs, One Best MCQs+ Extended Matching Questions and OSPE (observed + un observed).

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