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The document discusses various philosophical and religious concepts through dense prose. It touches on themes of duality, identity, and finding heaven on earth.

The document is structured like a play or story, with chapters corresponding to stages of a narrative. It explores ideas around personas and identities through metaphorical language.

The excerpt on page 3 discusses the duality of personality and how each person has both a best friend and worst enemy within themselves, as seen in their own reflection.







I. The Two-Faced Persona (Exposition)

II. Inciting Incident: For Each Christ, There's an Anti-Christ

III. Conflict: Civil War

IV. Rising Action: Apocalypse Now

V. Crisis: The Fall Before the Fall

VI. Climax: The Split

VII. Falling Action: The Truth About Truth

VIII. Resolution: The Heaven on Earth Code



The Two-Faced Persona (Exposition)

A boy new to a neighborhood is finding it difficult to make new friends. So, he complains to his
father. “Daddy," sighs the boy, "I want a best friend. Where should I look?”

His father—sensing the chance to seize the teachable moment at hand—snatches the nearest
mirror in sight. He then holds it up mere inches from his son’s face.

“Look, look young man!” the father snarls. “Not now . . . but right now, you're staring face-to-
face with the only best friend and enemy that you'll ever see in this lifetime. So take a real good
look—till death do you part!”

(Best Friend & Worst Enemy Stares Back in the Mirror.)

Shakespeare—if indeed he is history's greatest playwright—could no more have declined to

begin his most famous monologue with "all the world's a stage, and all the men and women
merely players" than could have Jesus forgone beginning the Lord's Prayer with "Our Father . . ."
After all, since a personality belongs to a person, which belongs to a persona (Latin: "actor's
mask"), each personality merely reflects the role in which each actor is cast. Hence, it goes
without saying, the foremost playwright of necessity had to write his opening lines accordingly.



In fact, if not in name, Western drama started from the moment the Greek poet Thespis defiantly
stepped away from the chorus to speak for himself, thus birthing the term thespian.

Moments before Thespis left the audience stunned by the birth of tragedy, the first independent
actor must’ve caught wind of Oscar Wilde’s insight, presumably by way of an echo fast-
forwarded to the past: "Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life." Indeed, take one
glimpse at life itself and it becomes apparent that Newton's famed law that "for every action,
there is an equal and opposite reaction" is by no means restricted to motion.

Even the universe when it banged in a big way into existence found itself split down to the core:
the temporal present split into past and future, energy split into matter, and matter split into anti-
matter. And since this is a uni-, not multiverse, what holds for the Big Bang equally applies to
every such mortal "little" bang known the world over.

(Energy splits into matter and antimatter.)

Bang! Two gametes unite. This fertilized egg consists of two strands of helix comprised of
recurring base sets of two nucleobases. DNA and RNA together draw up the genetic blueprint.
The resultant protein synthesis reflects whether dominant or recessive traits emerged at each
binary gene locus, before birthing two parts of the central nervous system—i.e. the two halves of
the brain and the set of two spinal nerves on each side of the spinal cord. The duo then sends info
down to two eyes, two nostrils down to two lips, two shoulders down to the heart’s two pumps—
each consisting of two chambers—down to two hands, two legs down to two feet.

Even Noah marshalled two of every kind into the "ark." In short, no matter how thin you slice the
page on which hers- and history is written, there will always be two sides to the story!

Not even the language of the cosmos—mathematics—is exempt from the rule. Though counting
is said to start with the first number, it is in fact the number two which serves as the mother of

division and all such plurality. Oh, oh! The number two only arises by way of . . . that's right—
splitting one into halves. Hence the saying "a house divided cannot stand." Why? because,
according to Jesus of Nazareth, "No man can serve two masters."

Regarding this peculiar split at the ground of the natural numbers, Prince Hamlet put it best:
“There is something in this more than natural, if philosophy could find it out.” Peculiarities
notwithstanding, the people tune in for drama, not for information. And since "it takes two to
tango," two opposing forces serve as the recipe for drama. After all, even the spice of life boils
down to plain ol' salt-and-pepper.

Monotony is the mother of boredom, you know. Besides, a script wherein protagonist is devoid
of an antagonist is no story at all; no—that's a diary. Write Lex Luthor out of the script and write
out the possibility of Clark Kent ever attaching "super" to man. Remove Satan and crucify the
need for crucifying Jesus of Nazareth. In light of such necessity, then, when Thespis broke free
of the chorus, not only did he speak on humanity’s behalf but he equally shed light on the split
rooted in the persona itself. In short, where there's only one, there's no story; and where there's
no story—there's no hers- and history to write about.

If everything from aardvark to zucchini is split down to the core, that means each personality
worn by each person is in effect an "actor's mask" split down to the core.

C'est la vie!

(All mortals have a split personality.)



Inciting Incident: For Each Christ, There’s an Anti-Christ

As the old professor scribbled the day's lesson on the chalkboard, a brash student could be
overheard mumbling: "Why can't we just skip class and take exams online already?"

The old professor, ever up for a duel, abruptly threw down the gauntlet. "I'll make a deal with
you . . . you saucy rascals."

The professor paced a bit with hands behind back . . . with twinkle in front eye. Then he
proposed as follows: "Whoever from among you can bring me a compass so uniquely fashioned
as to only admit of a north point devoid of its southern counterpart, why, not only shall you be
exempt from class but you shall ace the course."

(The Yin is Married to the Yang.)

Each man dreams of that lovely embrace from the mermaid with beautiful face, freed of her
dragon’s monstrous tail. Ah, but not even the divine rights afforded to Jesus of Nazareth sufficed
to have his cake and to eat a slice of heaven, too. No, no!

Given that Sin pays employees in the wages of death, it’s safe to say the price of heaven is far
from cheap. In fact, not until Jesus crucified his own fleshly Antichrist was he granted the right
to resurrect the Christ. After all, only in meeting such necessity could the glorious ascension
come about! Yet, owing to the Nazarene's insistence that "the kingdom of heaven is within you,"
it’s apparent that one need not look up to ascend but merely to look down . . . deep down within
to be exact.



Just as the Nazarene had to crucify his own nature—for heaven's sakes—Siddhartha had to
exterminate his. "Nirvana," said Siddhartha, upon having realized the Buddha, "is the cessation
of natural desires and happiness [ensues]." Just as Jesus—all alone in the desert—fasted for forty
days and forty nights before the antagonist finally made his appearance, Siddharta also meditated
for forty-nine days and forty-nine nights before encountering his foe. Interesting to note. …

Aha! Superman had Lex Luthor, Jesus had Satan, and Siddhartha had Mara the Tempter! Yet
unlike the classic comic book tale, wherein Clark Kent transformed into some superhero to battle
his villain, Jesus and Siddhartha both had to duel with their "bad guy" before the coronation.
Indeed, neither Jesus nor Siddhartha had the good fortune of stepping inside a phone booth,
loosening up a tie, and transforming into a superhero before the showdown. After all, The Christ
and The Buddha, both of which are titles, demanded each figure sacrifice his antihero’s nature
before the coronation got underway.

How striking are the parallels of the biographies attributed to history's two leading religious
figures? There is something in this more than natural, if philosophy could find it out. ...

Aside from the fasts endured by Siddhartha and Jesus alike, there’s also the three temptations
that occurred before each embarked on his ministry. What a coincidence! As for the “fast” itself,
quite possibly, given that the nature of starving epitomizes mind over matter, each famed fast
may have a double meaning in this sense: with a fast, each man denied his flesh and fast was the
fleshly guardian’s response! Oft lost in the bill up to that legendary showdown—between Jesus
and Lucifer—is the unlikely source that led the Lamb to the slaughter.

"Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil," reads the

(Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted.)


As if Spirit were Don King promoting some mega-bout, the promoter, apparently, saw it fit to
bring the two combatants together. "After fasting forty days and forty nights, he [Jesus] was
hungry. The Tempter came to him and said, 'If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to
become bread.' " Not to be outdone, "The Tempter" in the Buddhist tradition clutched ahold of
these biblical three temptations and exchanged the currency for the three poisons of Buddhism.
Whereas Jesus’ antihero felt tempted when presented with kryptonite made of "stone and bread,"
Mara dangled forbidden, nay, seductive fruit before Siddhartha’s equally starved eyes.

“The spirit is willing,” warned the Nazarene, “but the flesh is weak.”

And so, just as Jesus' mortal flesh salivated at the mere whiff of mouth-watering bread, the sight
beheld by Siddhartha's third eye equally induced salivation. Only, Mara dangled his three
beautiful daughters before meditative mortal eyes. Siddhartha, however, unlike Jesus, knew all
too well the ecstasy of the flesh. And so, given the former prince's thumbscrew, his mere attempt
at starving the sex-drive only resulted in "Spirit" equally having led him to the showdown.

With eyes shut and heart opened, Siddhartha meditated and meditated. Unlike David, who slew
Goliath with slingshot, Siddhartha found his stone made of meditation. After all, he merely had
to shut his eyelids to behold the giant foe. And what may be most unsettling of all, it was from
Siddhartha's own mind's museum that his enemy plucked portraits of the most beautiful women.
Mara, then, put on an art exhibit wherein a stream of erotic pictures flashed before Siddhartha's
third eye. “Mara's daughters," reads the Scripture, "had come to him glittering with beauty."

(“Mara's daughters had come to him glittering with beauty.")



As did matter and antimatter, Siddhartha's own mind split on him. No different from the particle
whose antiparticle counterpart perfectly mirrors it, that hallowed "indwelling Buddha-nature"
came equipped with an equal and opposite reaction. Whether called Satan or Mara, an antagonist
by another name would smell as devilish! What more is lust than chastity inverted, after all?

Given the above insight—namely, the necessary price for admittance onto the world's stage is the
sweetest of appetizers served with the bitterest of desserts—not surprisingly, the only good news
the Nazarene had to share was that "the kingdom of heaven is within YOU." Such a fact, of
course, entails hell shares the same zip code. C’est la vie.

Apparently, "heaven helps those who [dare] help themselves" to this age-old duel. For this
reason, given that there is only one true religion—though more versions of it exist than covers of
the carol “Silent Night”—when all such trivialities are cast aside, what remains is the Secret of
the Ages: there's a war going on inside that no persona is safe from.

(There's a war going on inside that no persona is safe from.)



Conflict: Civil War

“I object!” a man shouted from the pews. “How on earth did he start out Saul, fall off this horse,
and end up Paul?”

The reverend raised an eye brow. “Guess ya never heard that every saint dates Darkness before
eventually marrying the Light.”

(Conversion from Saul—persecutor of Christians—to Saint Paul.)

Encores aside, in all of history there's really only been one war. Indeed, every “war” is fought
inwardly . . . on home soil. So, in reality, each war amounts to a civil war!

Lo and behold, this war stirred up every drop of bad blood that resulted in bloodshed responsible
for all blood ever to have stained God's grass carpet. This war boiled the blood that spilled over
into Cain murdering in cold-blood his own blood brother. Ah! alas, millions of Cains would
plop onto the world's stage and go on to repeat this original act of betrayal, if not original sin.
These backstabbers stepped into the footprints left behind by the original lawbreaker of the "My
Brother's Keeper" oath, thereby murdering their own Abels.

As for revealing the true nature of this war, sure, your holy book of choice may point you in the
right direction, but the heart alone can steer you home. Shakespeare offered sound advice on the
matter: “Go to your bosom; Knock there, and ask your heart what it doth know."

Knock, no, bang on the door of your heart with both hands! And if your heart is at all a friend,
not foe, well, it will surely open up to you. Besides, has not the Heart long been renowned for
“having Reasons that reason knows nothing of”? Once opened and upon seeing your heart-
wrenching state, the Heart will feel so moved by this heartfelt moment that it will finally sit you
down for the long overdue heart-to-heart chat.



“Roommate, I have some bad news,” the Heart will confess. “This place in which you
(consciousness) and I have been lifelong residents has become—ahem—a battlefield." There’s a
war going on inside that no persona is safe from.

Run to the moon in hopes of escaping, if you'd like. But, remember, just as you can't possibly
travel without those feet with which you now stride, your mind must also come along for the
ride. Besides, this war is not fought on but rather is waged in mind, and—paradoxically—it
occurs not in front but behind the forehead. Yet some, still, pick-up and move across the globe.

Escapists trying to escape from themselves . . . you don't say! Apparently in the midst of fleeing,
however, these escapists overlooked the fine print stamped on each birth certificate: no mortal
can draft dodge this civil war.

Stay put . . . mortal. Young lady, no need running to New York City or flying to Paris. No, no!
Hey, listen, the war wasn't fought in your hometown to begin with. It’s therefore just as insulting
to your own faculty of reason to leave your hometown—in hopes of escaping—as would it be to
attempt to leave your own body. “Think you’re escaping” said Joyce, “and run into yourself!”
Well, then, conserve your energy—you’re going to need every ounce of it for battle, anyway.
Unpack your bags. Cancel the flight.

Never has a change of circumstance resulted in a change of character. Never! Why fix the
mirror, darling, when the only thing broken is the heart of the viewer? And so, when the Eagles
sang, “You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave," the "hotel" in question
does indeed reside in a "state," but it is of Mind, not California.

This war stems from what the Bible calls man’s “original sin.” Of course, the true origin of sin
isn't to be found in the Garden of Eden but rather lies within each Adam and every Eve. Each
mental garden came equipped with its own “serpent,” apparently. All mortals are tasked with
having to clean out their own backyards, for only then can the slithering foe be exposed.

(Cut the grass and the serpent reveals itself.)


Rising Action: Apocalypse Now

When the lad lied to his father about getting good grades—a claim later disproved by his report
card—the boy asked, “Will I be punished?”

His father answered: “Son, the only lies you’ll be punished for in this lifetime are those which
you tell to yourself!”

(Life is but a mirror.)

The final chapter of history's most famous book is appropriately titled "Revelation." Named after
the first word of the text—"the revelation from Jesus Christ"—it’s apparent John the Divine's
apocalyptic vision strives to resolve the most important tale of all. To be exact, this is an
allegorical tale whose metaphorical extension stems from the Book of Genesis.

"Allegorical tale?" a fundamentalist is sure to scoff.


Even Jesus himself felt compelled to admit, "Though I have been speaking figuratively, a time
is coming when I will no longer use this kind of language." (The use of "figurative" in an

allegory marks the height of an autological word.) At any rate, what better time than now, Lord?
Besides, unlike the time in which the Scriptures were written—thousands of years ago—not only
is today's populace literate, in this age marked for its information, but even the phones have
become "smart." Apocalypse Now!

Regarding the figurative nature of the language in which Jesus preached the Good News, the
even greater news, then, must be the Master's anticipated revelation. This fact is made evident by
the first word of the storied final biblical book apokalypsis ("unveil," "reveal"), which, of course,
is said to have been dictated to John from the Christ himself. So, the true meaning of the
apocalyptic vision marks the long-awaited moment when Jesus would "no longer use this kind
[figurative] of language but will tell you plainly about my Father." Apocalypse Now!

If the true apocalypse calls for decoding the famed allegory, why then are the symbolic persons,
places and things still encoded? Each Sunday preachers dispense fortune cookies to the audience
but never reveal the need for cracking open the figurative shells. Aye, the allegory has become
flesh indeed!

The opposition to human salvation—long personified as the devil—maintains his, pardon, its
cartoonish characteristics. The horns for ears borrowed from the Greek god Pan, the reddish skin
tone swiped from the Egyptian god Seth, and even the underground den of the god Hades was
confiscated—all for figurative sakes.

“'Tis the eye of childhood that fears a painted devil,” Lady Macbeth noted. Of course, Truth
looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; and therefore is winged Scripture painted blind!
Although "speaking figuratively" for the sake of rendering abstract truths more accessible is
quite sensible, the refusal to decode these holy texts, however, coupled with parading them as
literally true borders on criminal.

(Tis the eye of childhood that fears a painted devil.)



"The bad thing about all religions," griped Schopenhauer, "is that instead of being able to confess
their allegorical nature, they have to conceal it."

Even the word apocalypse, incredibly, has itself become a figure of speech. For apocalypse to
have become a figure of speech is akin to using a literal translation of a word to symbolize its
own literal meaning. Dizzying logic indeed! And such non-sense is sure to abound whenever
clearly codified texts are interpreted literally.

For ages mortals naively awaited the return of airborne saviors. Not to mention, apocalypse went
from its original Greek meaning—"to reveal that which is hidden"—to itself having become a
term of concealment. The result? a literal anticipation of a final figurative war between good and
evil. Incredible! To further compound the gross misinterpretation, billions believe this ultimate
showdown is set to take place at some undisclosed location called "Armageddon." In Islam,
Muhammad's apocalypse has equally been misinterpreted as a literal "Jihad."

(Billions believe a literal holy war is set to take place.)

How can Christians look outwardly to some future place for the holy war when the Christ not
only told them that "the kingdom of heaven is at hand" but also lies "within"? Why would any
Muslim suppose Jihad calls for fighting against Islamic enemies when the very meaning of Islam
is "submission to Allah"? The only possible Jihad, then, must be a willful failure to submit.

For ages this real-life civil war fought behind foreheads has been symbolized by various code
words—ranging from Armageddon to Jihad. Oh, but is not every war fought inwardly . . . on
home soil? So, if heaven is your heart's desire, no need for looking up but rather look deep down.

After all, a person waiting to leave the earth to go to a heaven is like a fish waiting to leave
the sea to go for a swim!

Since over half the world's population is Jewish, Christian or Muslim—all three of which believe
in the Torah—the most general apocalypse of all demands decoding the Genesis of it all.
Apocalypse Now calls for the fall of all such mythical chains from the Fall of Man.

Lamb, open the scroll with seven seals. ...



Crisis: The Fall Before the Fall

“The Tree of Life can’t possibly sprout to the heavens apart from its metaphysical roots reaching
down to the very depths of hell,” whispered the wind thru the trees.

(Mortals must go through hell before reaching heaven.)

"How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning," reads the famed Scripture.

Each "morning" births the day anew; each "son" produces his father anew. A father, then, always
serves as the morning with respect to his son. Hence Genesis states that "in the beginning when
God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the
face of the deep." (Note: the italicized code words, each of which forms the substance of the
intended apocalypse.) Is not the son of the morning also known as the Prince of Darkness?

Shortly after the opening passage, it consequently states that "God said, 'Let there be light.' And
God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness." Aha! so the
separation of the light from the darkness forms the very theme of the world's most famous
extended metaphor.



From the moment the fallen angel descended from the heavens—thereby separating the Prince of
Darkness from God—on to the consequent separation of the light from the darkness at the outset
of creation, clearly the emphasis on "separation" from the Divine forms the theme. Therefore,
from the Old to the New Testament, the only possible resolution lies in the redemption that
emerged from this original separation of the light from the darkness. Enter the "Mediator."

If Satan was initially an angel, an “arch” one to be exact, who dwelt with God in heaven, the
only "sin" that could’ve arisen was separation from this original state. What more is separation
than to fall away from? Hence the wages of sin equate to death, as in the death of the original
nature. So, before the before, the original Fall of the fallen angel planted the metaphysical seed
that would germinate into the physical as the Fall of Man. The Original Sin is made flesh.

Because fallen angel symbolizes the fall from God's nature, it is apparent "Satan" denotes the
fulfillment of the condition necessary for a cosmos. In other words, the only conceivable means
whereby something timeless can create time, the only way something immaterial can transform
into the material, is simple: the source had to divorce Itself from Its own essence. Amen!

(“I FORM the light, and CREATE darkness.”)

This cosmic divorce is the original fall, long personified as the devil. To state it plainly: God had
to sacrifice Its own essence for the sake of creating Its own villain . . . a bad guy made from
Divine carcass. This divine play, which Hinduism calls the Lila of Brahman, boggles the mind.

Hence the Vedas felt compelled to attribute the entire fiasco to a sort of divine magic, better
known as the veil of Maya. After all, if Brahman is immaterial and timeless, then the material
world in time amounts to the grandest magic trick of all.

A sacrifice to atone for the original sacrifice. Enter the need for a "Sacrificial Lamb."

"I am the light of the world," Jesus declared. "Whoever follows me will never walk in
darkness." (For the sake of context, Jesus boldly identified himself with "the light" only after
having told the adulteress to "sin no more.") Given that Adam is said to have bitten from the
forbidden fruit—thus divorcing humanity from God—this encore of the original separation
symbolized the fallen angel made flesh in the Fall.

In short, the reproduction of the cosmic act points to the true meaning of the fall from heaven,
which preceded the "son of the morning."

(The angel that fell away from the indivisible God.)



Climax: The Split

A kindergarten teacher spots one of her kiddos bawling at recess. Concerned, the teacher asks
the child what's bothering her.

"I only have one piece of Play-Doh!" the child mutters, in between sniffles. "So, so now I can't
make a friend to play with Suzie [name of her imaginary friend]."

"Awwww, let me see if I can be of help," the teacher says.

And so, the teacher—ever resourceful—turns her back to the distressed girl. In a matter of
seconds, the teacher breaks the clay into two pieces. "Tada! Here you go, sweetie: now you have

(The Split Persona.)

The number two is to division what the underground part is to trees. That is, the root of division
also serves as the ground of multiplicity. Hence the entire world is rooted in divisibility. Now,
ponder if you will, two only comes about by way of dividing the One. It matters not which whole
is divided into halves—whether it be cellular division whereby the parent cell divides into two
daughter cells or "our Father who art in heaven" divides into two "sons." Aye, there’s the rub.
Here lies the reason there is two “Adams” which perfectly correspond to two Testaments.

The first Adam, by virtue of his very birth into the physical, curses the world with the original
sin. The second Adam, on the other hand, is fated to atone for the mishap. Hence Jesus, or the
second Adam, condemned all such reproducers (sons) of the counterfeit nature as "you [who]
belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires.” Here lies the true reason

Lucifer had to start out as an archangel—that dwelled with God in heaven. Indeed, as the Sufi
mystic Kabir noted, “Behold but One in all things; it is the second that leads you astray.”

If God is one and indivisible, then, clearly everything in God's "abode," if you will, partakes of
the all-encompassing One. To truly grasp this necessary condition, rooted in the purest of
mathematics, is to come to grips with why the allegory had to depict the contrary nature as an

(Such necessity has long puzzled many a mathematician in their attempt to reconcile how the
sole factor of the primes, aside from themselves, is an indivisible number.)

At any rate, the improbable division of the indivisible One forms the basis of two contrary
natures. This original division in the metaphysical serves as the root from which sprouted the
forbidden dualistic fruit plucked from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Plato—that Paul Bunyan of philosophy—sensed the binary opposition steeped in metaphysical

roots. Yet, when confronted with Reality unmasked, the Platonic one blinked! He in turn
depicted the Demiurge as a secondary kind of god, a mere cosmic artisan. The Gnostics,
however, read between those dyadic lines. After all, that Pythagorean giant upon whose
shoulders Plato stood, clearly spelled out that very Monad, which Voltaire deemed “a circle
whose center is everywhere and circumference nowhere.” Of course, it is only when that
encircled absolute finds itself mirrored by a second circle does the overlap occur in the center.
The resultant shape is known as the vesica piscis.

Given the state of affairs, Christianity’s adaptation of the Platonic metaphysic birthed everything
from incorporating the ichthys, as a symbol, to the two separate occasions on which Jesus fed the
multitude with fish. The Graeco-Roman pagan influence looms large indeed.

Vesica Piscis

The ancient Greeks deemed the dyad “audacity” for having split from the One. In the Judeo-
Christian view, “pride” was preferred to note the DNA of Satan’s downfall. Indeed, the Monad
mirrored by its own negation is the very Logos stamped on the world. “All things,” said
Heraclitus, “come into being by conflict of opposites.” From the energy on which the cosmos
runs down to the very time that records its lifespan, the entire fiasco is split down to the core.

Given the condition necessary for division, the wages of sin must indeed be death. "Sin,” then, is
shorthand for separation. Hence this death of the original nature at the outset, for the sake of
birthing its anti-, or the equal and opposite reaction, set the stage for redemption. Besides, what
more can salvation offer aside from, well, retribution? Humpty Dumpty’s great fall, in this case,
was into two pieces of nature. In short, for those initiated into the mysteries, the secret of the
ages is both whispered into the third ear and revealed before the third eye: to be human is to be
born with a split personality. How unsettling . . . how true!

Count no mortal deaf who has but once heard the truth. …

When the mighty Macbeth tasked the doctor with curing his wife’s “mind diseased,” what more
could the doctor prescribe than “therein the patient must minister to himself”? There’s a war
going on inside that no persona is safe from. Even Lord Buddha, in all sincerity, pointed out that
“the Buddhas are only preachers. The thoughtful who enter the Way are freed from the bondage
of Mara.” Or, as the Nazarene eloquently put it, “Let him deny himself and take up his cross.”
Indeed, it is very simple to be saved, but it is very hard to be simple . . . simply put!

The secret of the ages pulsates throughout the entire course of existence. Glance at the clock, and
Father Time whispers: past and future collide in the present. Height wars with length to the
greatest of depths. As for matter itself, which at the Big Bang is said to have unceasingly
canceled out each spec of matter with its antimatter, incredibly in the aftermath lay the "and one"
requisite for the creation of a cosmos.

The walls can talk, and they can be overheard whispering of Trinities. And the most storied
Trinity of all shows itself to be Father (reality), Son (antireality) and Holy Spirit (synthesis).
Aha! And so the story goes, the Nazarene had to “give up the ghost”; that is, out anti- the anti-.
After all, a negative plus a negative equates to a positive. “The Word became flesh.”

When John the Baptist saw the Son of God approaching, he declared: "Behold, the Lamb of God
who takes away the sin of the world."



If all sin points to the absence of God's nature, then to "take away the sin" entails reproducing
the Divine's nature in the flesh. Again, it is worth noting that every son is a re-production. Hence
the idiom "that boy is the spitting image of you" is used to highlight the features of the father re-
produced in the child. (Image = "re-produce.") But, wait! Does it not say in Genesis that "man is
created in the image of God"? This explains why in Genesis 6:2 it states clearly "the SONS of
God"—that is, not a Son but rather Sons. In short, what John really meant was: Behold the
Lambs of God who take away the sin from the world. Aye, there’s the rub.

Each dawn just moments before waking eyes, the heart—renowned for having reasons that not
even reason knows of—whispers its silent prayer in the third ear: Silence the Lamb. Shakespeare
voiced this longing when noting that "the Lamb entreats the butcher: where's the knife? Thou art
too slow to do thy master's bidding." Too slow to "be about my Father's business."

Indeed, to be born human is to be born a Sacrificial Lamb . . . in training. Just as an empty birth
certificate form awaits each newborn, there is equally an empty cross awaiting occupancy for the
born again. Only, this real cross is specially tailored for a nature, not a body.

(Real cross specially tailored for a nature, not a body.)

If God is ultimate reality, which is shorthand for Being, then everything ultimately consists of
this same Being. Hence John wrote—"takes away the sin from the world." For the counterfeit
fleshly nature, on whose behalf all non-humans will, merely extends from the restrictions
imposed on their forms. Nevertheless, to exist is to be. …

"To be, or not to be: that is the question" and the answer, apparently. Indeed, from aardvark to
zucchini, everything on the world's stage has being. Yet of every such noun, only a person—not
place, not thing—can abstract its own being for the sake of willing it into fleshly becoming.
Why? "the Word is made flesh" is strictly a human affair. Consciousness (Nous) alone can
abstract the world-soul.



What more can a mind do, after all, than reflect? Hence, to paraphrase Shakespeare, the mind's
sole function "is to hold, as it were, the mirror up to the nature" of the world to thereby reveal the
image of the Sacrificial . . . the Sacrificial Ape! After all, Homo sapiens are but the
grandchildren of apes. Lo and behold: it is the nature of those old beastly genes, which casts
such a long shadow, that is set to be crucified.

(The nature of the beast is set to be crucified.)

Every non-human drowns in the original sin. The human alone can save the world by liberating
its soul from the divine carcass. Eye for an eye . . . tooth for a tooth . . . nature for a nature. The
original sacrifice must be atoned for: from human-being to being-human. Hallelujah!

Each time man's best friend feverishly barks and wags his tail upon seeing his master, the dog
instinctively says—Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin from the world. In human
flesh resides both the priest and the Sacrificial Lamb. "As, in this world, hungry infants press
round their mother, so do all beings await the holy oblation," reads the Vedas. Indeed, the sole
purpose of consciousness is to steer wills back home, thus taking away the sin of the world. This
is the true meaning of "thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as in heaven."

The only sin in the world is the nature stamped on the world itself. Spirit had to sacrifice Its own
nature for the physical—flesh birthed from death. Being divorced Its own essence—becoming
born from execution. Given the cosmic tax levied on mortals at birth, how is it to be repaid?

To redeem is "to regain, to save." So, quite naturally, Jesus warned his disciples that "whoever
wants to save his life will lose it." (Note: "save" codes for redeeming the original nature by
sacrificing the counterfeit.) Redemption also means "clearing a debt." What a coincidence!
Clearing a debt is the very meaning of nirvana (extinguish). In short, whether the Christian
prefers to say the physical nature must be crucified or the Buddhist calls for extinguishing bodily
desires, so far as both mean "put an end to"—it is all the same. Tomato or tomahto.

Finally, friends, the zeitgeist calls for slicing away all symbolic peels from the truth.



Falling Action: The Truth About Truth

“There’s only three types of people that tell the truth,” noted the Oracle of Sagacity: “children,
fools and drunks.”

Schopenhauer added: Aha! this explains why “every child is in a way a genius; and every genius
is in a way a child.”

“Indeed,” continued the Oracle, “for only one whose bent is such as to have remained child-like
as an adult, the result of which may appear foolish to most, is nevertheless sustained and drunk
from that nectar which the Muse pumps into his heart and overflows from his mouth.

(With the eye of genius, the Mind of God shall be read!)

"What is Truth?" asked Pontius Pilate, and then like an absentee father he famously left before
his seed could bear fruit.

Maybe Pilate, like most, preferred the darkness of ignorance; that is, he was not so much afraid
of the dark as was he what the darkness hides. At times people don't care to hear the truth,
Nietzsche once said, because they fear the sound of reality will drown out their illusions. So, to
answer Pilate's question, the truth is simple: to become God (Being) in human form—that is,



Of all Saint Paul's letters, his greatest insight came by way of a few key lines written to the saints
in Rome. "For the earnest expectation of the creatures has waited for the manifestation of the
sons of God," Paul wrote. And who are these sons of God? Paul answered, "As many as are led
by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." From aardvark-being to zebra-being, all are
condemned to work on behalf of the flesh. So Paul concluded, "We know that the whole creation
groans and suffers immensely together until now."

"To whom much is given, much will be required," the Nazarene warned.

To the human-being was given the divine right to become God in flesh. Consciousness serves no
other purpose aside from aiding Being in its quest to be + come born again. Salvation ensues.
There’s a cross with the Physical Nature’s name on it. Jesus, therefore, forewarned his disciples
that "whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross." Notice he
didn't disingenuously say: "Hey guys, look, I'll die on the cross for you and thereby save you
from your own sin." Rather, the only Good News the Christ had to share was that by taking up
your own cross you can save yourself, too. After all, "the kingdom of heaven is within YOU."

If the triadic process of the annunciation, crucifixion and resurrection serves as a prerequisite for
the completion of the Holy Trinity, then such conditions shed light on the cryptic moniker Son of
Man. Sure, the meaning of "Son of God" is apparent, but what is to be said of the Son of Man?

The Annunciation of the Incarnation was, pardon, is reserved for the Virgin Mary. "Virgin," after
all, signifies pure. And "blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." Hence the birth of
the Son of God from a virginal womb symbolizes the purity of heart required for willing on
behalf of the spiritual nature. And, furthermore, because the "Word [nature, logos] becomes
flesh" through human willing, such reproduction denotes the child of the rebirth—that is, the Son
of Man.



Whereas the physical nature calls for reproducing genes that result in the son of man,
reproducing the spiritual nature amounts to the Son of Man. In short, the annunciation to "take
up your cross" calls for crucifying the nature of the beast, thereby resulting in the resurrection of
the Son of God in the Son of Man; the former denotes the logos/ideal, the latter marks
actualization. Hence the need for ascribing Jesus both a metaphysical and physical father.

(The reason Jesus is ascribed both a metaphysical and physical father.)

Sacrifice is always painful, and so the truth hurts! Nobody likes giving up something of value for
something else, even if that something else is more valuable. But in this life, the law of the land
decrees: you can have anything you want but not everything you want. Nobody gets to serve
both masters. Nobody! And so goes the drama. …

What the Bible calls "the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil," the Upanishads calls the "two
birds that are always together, cling to the same tree. Of these, one eats fruit of various tastes,
and the other looks on without eating."

Because each garden comes equipped with its own serpent, all mortals are charged with having
to cut their own grass. By no other means can this slithering foe be exposed and crucified.

Each time she shows herself to be Madonna's "Material Girl living in a material world," Eve
again allows that ol' cunning serpent to beguile her. The Eves of today have failed to heed Erma
Bomback's warning not to confuse fame with success. "Madonna is one; Helen Keller is the
other." Ah, the Annunciation is reserved for the "virginal" heart.

"Get thee to a nunnery!" Hamlet advised. Better yet, as Jesus found himself burdened with
carrying a cross so heavy not even Atlas’ shoulders could’ve withstood such gravitas, the
women on hand were said to have “mourned and wailed for him.” Yet, the Nazarene turned and
urged them to “not weep for me; weep for yourself and for your children. For the time will come

when you will say, ‘Blessed are the childless women, the wombs that never bore and the
breasts that never nursed!’ ”

The first Eve—still suspended in the abstract—whispers to all of womankind, fated to ensure the
Logos is made flesh: Don't bite the apple, last Eve! "Deny yourself and take up your cross." Only
then shall you inherit the divine right of Daughter of God from whose will the Daughter of
Woman is birthed.

(The Daughter of God.)

Every time his Adam's apple bulges from gulping due to lusting for Eve—all in the name of
reproducing the flesh—Adam once again bites the apple. Ah, the Adams of today have failed to
heed Schopenhauer's insight regarding the character stamped on the awakened: "There arises
within him a horror for which his own phenomenal existence is an expression, the kernel and
inner nature of the world which is recognized as full of misery."

Indeed, Jesus noted, in a manner so frank that even Frank himself thought it too frank: “For there
are eunuchs who were born that way; others were made that way by men; and still others live
like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven.” Ah, every such last Adam “who can accept
this should accept it.”

The first Adam—forever immortalized in the ideal—whispers to all of mankind: Don't bite the
apple, last Adam! "Deny yourself and take up your cross." Only then shall you inherit the divine
right of Son of God from whose will the Son of Man is reproduced.

For each moment at the crossroad is an opportunity to nail the physical nature onto the cross,
whose road leads to salvation. For each denial of the expression of this counterfeit nature places
you one step closer to salvation. But before embarking on the only resolution to every such hers-



and history known the world over, it would be wise to heed the Nazarene's warning to "count the
cost, whether he [or she] has enough to complete it."

The gauntlet through which your cross is set to be carried will find them "mocking" you for
willing on behalf of a foreign nature. To carry your cross will call for enduring a "crown made of
thorns," as on many dark nights of the soul you will feel foolish for daring even to attempt.
Inwardly your own nature will turn its back on you. Look in the mirror, if you dare, and behold
the reflection of your very own Judas—that concrete manifestation of "the one who has dipped
his hand into the bowl with me will betray me." All must take place before consummation.

The price of heaven on earth ain't cheap! You have to pay the price for life's reward. There is no
such thing as a free lunch after all. "For if salvation were ready at hand and could be discovered
without great toil," mused Spinoza, "how could it be that it is almost universally neglected?"
Because "all things excellent are as difficult as they are rare" answered the philosopher, whose
painted word-portrait of God was so sublime that even Einstein professed belief in it. And given
Einstein's definition of "God," unsurprisingly the man whose surname has become a nickname
for Genius went so far as to say, "I want to know God's thoughts—the rest are mere details."

How eerily close was Einstein's ambitious quest to that of Jesus of Nazareth, who declared: "I do
what I see my Father doing"? Clearly the Nazarene, who stated “God is spirit,” was alluding to
that sublime form seeing exclusive to the third eye—namely, intuition, not tuition.

In retrospect, it was all but inevitable that history's most celebrated religious figure and its most
famous scientist would both arrive at the same conclusion. After all, great minds think alike for
the same reason passengers boarded the same train . . . of thought inevitably end up at the same
destination. And so, given that wisdom means knowing the best end at which to aim and
rationality means knowing how to best support that end and virtue means actually putting such
knowledge to good use, well, it is apparent that striving to be like God is the wisest thing Homo
sapiens (wise person) can do.

(Great minds think alike indeed.)


Resolution: The Heaven on Earth Code

If heaven is your heart's desire, no need for looking up but rather look deep down. After all, a
person waiting to leave the earth to go to a heaven is like a fish waiting to leave the sea to go
for a swim!

(The Heaven on Earth Code Unveiled.)

May the writer, though unfit to carry the goose-feather quill pen with which Shakespeare wrote,
nevertheless for illustrative purposes adapt The Bard's most famous monologue? Thanks.

All the world's a stage.

And all the men and women who grace it are merely actors;

For each grand entrance, there is an exit stage left . . .

The only play to have ever been performed is Life.

Billions of years passed without a single ad lib . . . not one,

Because "if it ain't on the page, it ain't on the stage!"



From aardvark to zebra, all recited lines by rote;

That is, until the script called for a unique character.

"Casting call for an onstage spectator," reads the marquee:

A chance to do the unthinkable: star as the Playwright!

So all the world's a stage and . . .

Lo and behold, the play is autobiographical.

To be the Playwright, or not to be: that is the only question!

For all who dare take up their divine right to sit on the throne at God's right hand, the answer to
the Sphinx awaits: Be thyself to know thyself, because to know thyself is to know thy happiness.
After all, Being is a state; happiness is a state. A match made in heaven and on earth.

The Buddha said: "The one Buddha-nature is present in all beings."

Lord Krishna said: "The real yogi, with all his passions subdued, is one with Brahman."

Confucius said: "Heaven means to be one with God."

Moses said: "Here, O Israel, the Lord is God, the Lord is one."

Muhammad said: "The oneness of Allah."

Lao Tzu said: "If you open yourself, you are one with the Tao, and can embody it


Jesus said: "My Father and I are one."

In short, if every one lives one life and shares one love in one world, then there can only be one
Being. Behold the food for thought hereby served! Granted, as John of Patmos noted, "It will
make your stomach bitter, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey."



This holy war waged in the very depths of the writer’s being has boiled over into pouring his
heart out into veins, which in turn leak unceasingly through the very hands via which the blood
transfusion occurs . . . from pen to page. Ah, but Voltaire cautions all fated to the verbosity so
characteristic of scribblers whose attendant spirit [was] present from one’s birth in the
Millennial Generation. “The secret of being a bore is to tell everything.”

Lamb, reseal the scroll with seven seals!

This is the Heaven on Earth Code.

Amen and Awomen.




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