MR Hassaniya Language Lessons

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Peace Corps

P. Dot
Hassaniya lessons
P.DOT – Hassaniya Lessons

Lesson 1: The Alphabet

Lesson 2: Vocabulary 1

Lesson 3: Greetings

Lesson 4: Numbers

Lesson 5: Vocabulary 2

Lesson 6: Vocabulary 3

Lesson 7: Days of the Week and Some Expressions of Time

Lesson 8: Introducing Self/Someone

Lesson 9: Leave-taking Expressions

Lesson 10: Some Useful Expressions & Phrases

Introduction to Hassaniya-Peace Corps/Mauritania

Lesson 1: The Alphabet

Hassaniya Alphabet Pronounced as in

a Bat

e Cutter

i Kit

u To

aa Far

ii Meat

uu Food

b Book

t Take

th Think/That

j Jamais (in French)

h No equivalent

kh No equivalent

d Dark

f Father

dh No equivalent

r Rice

z Zebra

s Sea

sh Show

s No equivalent

Introduction to Hassaniya-Peace Corps/Mauritania

d No equivalent

t No equivalent

dh No equivalent
No equivalent

gh No equivalent

v Veil

q No equivalent

g Good

k Kit

l Let

m Many

n Noon

h High

w What

y Yes

Introduction to Hassaniya-Peace Corps/Mauritania

Lesson 2: Vocabulary 1

Aane I

Nte You (Singular-Male)

Nti You (Singular-Female)

Huwe He

Hiye She

Nahne We

Ntuume You

Huume They

Mra A woman
leyaat Women

Raajil A man

Rajjaale Men

Tivle A girl

Taavilaat Girls

Tvel A boy
iyyel Boys

Ishiir A child

Ishaashre Children

Usra A family

Um Mother

Bu Father

Zewje Wife

Introduction to Hassaniya-Peace Corps/Mauritania

Zewj Husband

Khit Sister

Khu Brother

Is-sbaah Morning

Il-gaayle Noon

Id-dahmiis Afternoon

Leyle Night

Is-sbuuh Breakfast

Li-qde Lunch

Li-cshe Dinner

Introduction to Hassaniya-Peace Corps/Mauritania

Lesson 3: Greetings

Is-selaamu caleykum Peace be upon you (use at any

time of the day)
We caleykum is-selaam And on you, too (reply to the
above greeting)
Ish haal is-sbaah Good morning

Ish haal li-mgiil Good afternoon

Ish haal li-mbaat Good evening

Eyaak il-khayr? Are you in peace?

Il-khayr il-hamdulillaah Peace only

Ish haalak? How are you?

Lebaas meshaallaah I am fine

Ish haal usrtak? How is the family?

Lebaas cliihum They are fine

Ish haal ish-shaqle? How is the work?

lebaas meshaallaah It is fine

Ish haalak mca il-vetre? How are you with tiredness?

Lebaas meshaallaah I am fine

Ish haal Mary? How is Mary?

Mary lebaas cliihe Mary is fine

Ish haal ishaashrtak? How are your children?

Lebaas cliihum They are fine

Merhbe! Welcome!

Shukran! Thank you!

Introduction to Hassaniya-Peace Corps/Mauritania

Lesson 4: Numbers – Counting 1 to 20

Waahid One

Ethneyn Two

Ethlaathe Three

Arbca Four

Khamse Five

Sitte Six

Sebca Seven

Ethmaanye Eight

Tisca Nine
ashra Ten

Ethdacsh Eleven

Athnacsh Twelve

Ethlittacsh Thirteen

Arbactacsh Fourteen

Akhmistacsh Fifteen

Sittacsh Sixteen

Esbactacsh Seventeen

Ethmintacsh Eighteen

Etsactacsh Nineteen
ishriin Twenty

Introduction to Hassaniya-Peace Corps/Mauritania

Lesson 5: Vocabulary 2 (Common Objects)

Taable A table

migcayde A chair

Baab A door

Kuwe A window

Qlem A pen

Qlem rasaas A pencil

Karne A notebook

Ktaab A book

Sak A bag

Tabshuur Chalk

Sebbuura Chalk board

Plaat A plate

Kiddu A spoon

Muus A knife

Balaaye A broom

Metke A bed

Mbedju A blanket

Dra A bed sheet

Hsayra A mat

Lbaas Clothes

Tirki A shirt

Sirwaal Pants

Introduction to Hassaniya-Peace Corps/Mauritania

N caayil Shoes

Raale Bike

Bassaraat Eye glasses

Il-me Water

Etaay Tea

Kaave Coffee

Il-lben Milk

Is-sekker Sugar

Il-milh Salt

Maaru Rice

Il-huut Fish

Il-lham Meat

Introduction to Hassaniya-Peace Corps/Mauritania

Lesson 6: Vocabulay 3 (Names of Places)

Il-medrase School

Il-vasl Classroom

Id-duush Toilet

Il-kuziin Kitchen

li-mbaar Hangar (Straw roof that you sit

Id-daar House

Il-beyt Room

Il-khayme Tent

It-tabb Dispensary

Il-marsa Market

Il-butiig Shop

Il-mekteb Office

li-bhar River

Il-haasi A well

Il-mekiine Pump

Il-hadiiqa Garden

li-hriithe Field

Bell ish-shaqle Working place

li-msiid Mosque

Il-benk Bank

Waqvet il-biis Bus station

Il-mataar Airport

Introduction to Hassaniya-Peace Corps/Mauritania

Lesson 7: Days of the Week and Some Expressions of Time

Lethneyn Monday

Ith-thlaathe Tuesday

Lerb ca Wednesday

Likhmiis Thursday

Il-jumuca Friday

Is-sibt Saturday

Il-had Sunday

Kill yuum Every day

Kill sbaah Every morning

Kill dahmiis Every afternoon

Kill leyle Every night

Kill ethneyn Every Monday

Kill jumuca Every Friday

yuum Day

Sbuuc Week

Shhar Month

Sene Year

Kill sbuuc Every week

Kill shhar Every month

Kill sene Every year

Introduction to Hassaniya-Peace Corps/Mauritania

Lesson 8: Introducing Self/Someone

Aane esmi Sidi My name is Sidi

Aane wul Brahim My last name is Brahim

Nte esmak? What’s your name?

Nte wul aash? What’s your last name?

Aane min Muuritaan I am from Mauritania

Zewjti min Muuritaan My wife is from Mauritania

Nte min mneyn? Where are you from?

Zewjtak min mneyn? Where is your wife from?

Hiye min mneyn? Where is she from?

Huwe min mneyn? Where is he from?

Huwe esmu John His name is John

Huwe wul Hogan His last name is Hogan

John maahu min Muuritaan. John is not from Mauritania. He

Huwe min Amriik is from America
Nte min Amriik? Are you from America?

Ebday, aane maani min Amriik No, I am not from Ameri


Nte min Muuritaan? Are you from Mauritania?

Eheyh, aane min Muuritaan. Yes, I am from Mauritania


Aane garraay I am a teacher

Zewjti maahi garraaye My wife is not a teacher

John mutetawic John is a volunteer

Zewjtu maahi mutetawica His wife is not a volunteer

Zewjet John dektuura John’s wife is a doctor

Introduction to Hassaniya-Peace Corps/Mauritania

Lesson 9: Leave-taking Expressions

Maca is-selaam Good-bye!

Ile il-liqaa See you!

yuum saciid Have a good day

Leyle saciide Have a good night

Mbaatu bikhayr May we have a good night

Maca is-selaam Stay in peace

Emiin! Amen!

Ile mca is-sbaah See you in the morning

Ile id-dahmiis See you in the afternoon

Ile il-gaayle See you around noon

Ile ewl il-leyl See you in the evening

Ile is-subh See you tomorrow

Ile il-liqaa See you soon

Ile il-liqaa See you later

Introduction to Hassaniya-Peace Corps/Mauritania

Lesson 10: Some Useful Expressions & Phrases

Aane vetraan I am tired

Aane nacsaan I am sleepy

Aane jicaan I am hungry

Aane maani jicaan I am not hungry

Aane catshaan I am thirsty

Aane maani catshaan I am not thirsty

Haadhe haami It’s hot

Haadhe maahu haami It’s not hot

Haadhe baarid It’s cold

Haadhe maahu baarid It’s not cold

Esmah li Excuse me

Musaameh You are excused

Nte ish gaayes? Where are you going?

Aane gaayes id-daar I am going home

Aane gaayes il-medrase I am going to school

John gaayes il-marsa John is going to the market

Huwe gaayes il-butiig He is going to the shop

Aane maani gaayes il-mekteb I’m not going to the off


Nte titkellem il-hassaaniye? Do you speak Hassaniya?

Eheyh, aane nitkellem il- Yes, I speak Hassaniya a little bit

hassaaniye shwey
John maa yitkellem il-hassaaniye John doesn’t speak Hassaniya

Aane maa nibqi il-varensiye I don’t like French

Introduction to Hassaniya-Peace Corps/Mauritania

Aane maa nibqi kaave I don’t like coffee

Jennifer tibqi il-hassaaniye Jennifer likes Hassaniya

Aane negra I study

Aane newkel I eat

Aane nishtqal I work

Hiye maa tegra He doesn’t study

Hiye maa tewkel She doesn’t eat

Hiye maa tishtqal She doesn’t work

Aane laahi nirgid shwey I am having some sleep

Aane maa nishtqal dhark I don’t work now

Aane ndewr nistrah I want to rest

Introduction to Hassaniya-Peace Corps/Mauritania

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