Ali. Belhocine, Abd. Rahim Abu Bakar , Mostefa Bouchetara,
Ansys workbench provides with a large range of analysis that
Structural and contact analysis of disc brake assembly during
can be performed on a certain geometry. Following are the
single stop braking event, American Journal of Mechanics and
steps needed to find a solution or result of any type of design
1. Open ANSYS Workbench.
2. Select the type of analysis that you want to perform.
3. Choose the material from Engineering Data sources P = Fdisc÷ (As*µ) = 10000 Pa (3)
that you need your geometry to be made of.
4. Then you need to import the required geometry file In equation (3) Fdisc is the force that is being applied on the
on which the analysis is going to be performed. rotor disc. As is the surface area in contact with the brake pads
5. After Importing the file . you need to click on Setup, and µ is the coefficient of the friction. So the total
This will open Mechanical [ANSYS Mechanical Pressure due to the brake pad pressing on the rotor is
Enterprise]. considered to be 1 KPa.
6. After this generate suitable mesh and apply suitable
conditions and constraints. 6.1.
7. Last step is to solve for obtaining results.