Topological Optimization of Automobile Rotor Disk Brake: Vipul Matariya, Hiren Patel
Topological Optimization of Automobile Rotor Disk Brake: Vipul Matariya, Hiren Patel
Topological Optimization of Automobile Rotor Disk Brake: Vipul Matariya, Hiren Patel
An automobile disk brake is essential pads against a brake disc with a set of callipers. The
mechanical system used to slow down and stop the brake disc or rotor is usually made of cast iron, but
vehicle. During the operation of brake high amount of may in some cases be made of composites such as
kinetic energy will generate high amount of heat reinforced carbon – carbon or ceramic matrix
energy and forces. The generated heat increases the composites. Figure 1 shows the typical constriction of
rotor temperature, which lead disk brake rotor floating caliper disk brake. The disk brake contains of
deformation due to combined effect of mechanical a brake pads,brake disk, housing, yoke andpiston.
forces and temperature. During study, disk brake
rotor will be investigated for frictional forces acting
on it and heat generated due to friction between
calliper pads and rotor surface. Brake rotor
dimensions can be optimized for strength with
reduction in weight using advance topology
optimization method. Topology optimization is very
useful engineering technique especially at the concept
design stage. Topology optimization is able to
Figure 1: A typical constriction of disk brake
produce reliable and satisfactory results with the
verified structural model. Topological optimization
will be performed on ANSYS 18.1 software. New disk II. DISK BRAKE ROTOR
brake rotor shape will produced with the Creo 3.0 Brake disc, also called brake rotor, is fixed to the
based on the topology optimization result. The new axle, so it rotates with the same speed as the wheel.
disc brake rotor from topology optimization result Braking power of a disc brake is determined by the
will compared with the traditional concept model and rate at which kinetic energy is converted into heat due
topology optimization base model. It will analyse that to frictional forces between the pad and the disc. For
a new rotor will not fail during an experiment test, an efficient brake design, it is also important that heat
and these results will verified with a fabricated real is dissipated as quickly as possible otherwise the
sample under the durability condition. temperature of a disc might rise and affect the
performance of a disc brake. So to get an optimum
Keywords - Disk brake, Ceramic materials, ANSYS, performance in demanding applications, ventilation is
Topological optimization. introduced in the brake disc which increases the
cooling rate.
requires the user to tailor the friction coupling to directly correlated with brake squeal and could be the
stiffness matrix, Thus, the effect of non-uniform reason for bad noise performance.
contact and other nonlinear effects are incorporated.
A systematic analysis is done to investigate the T. Jearsiripongkul and D. Hochlenertstudied the
effects of system parameters, such as the hydraulic mathematical-mechanical models for studying the
pressure, the rotational velocity of the disc, the brakes dynamics of modern passenger’s cars. A
friction coefficient of the contact interactions between simplified model for the dynamics of a floating
the pads and the disc, the stiffness of the disc, and the calliper disk brake is presented. The model includes
stiffness of the back plates of the pads,on the disc the brake disk, modelled as a flexible rotating plate,
squeal. The simulations performed in this work calliper and brake pads. In the model all the
present a guideline to reducethe squeal noise of the prominent features of squeal are reproduced, such as
disc brake system. e.g. independence of the frequency on the speed,
etc.For a moderately wide frequency range (1-5 kHz)
III.LITERATURE REVIEW the transverse vibration of the disk plays a significant
role in squeal. The pad stiffness and damping
Friction-induced vibrations in automotive disc coefficient are modelled by distributed nonlinear
brakes are of substantial interest for academic springs and linear dampers, respectively.The
research as wells for industry. The numerous development and laboratory implementation of the
customer complaints due to brake noise cause high active squeal control goes along with a more
warranty costs in the automotive industry. To enable profound understanding of brake squeal and a better
silent brakes to be developed, noise, vibration and modelling of the phenomena, ultimately leading
harshness (NVH) engineers analyze these phenomena improvements in the design of disk brakes.
using computational and experimental simulations as
well as vehicle tests. In the automotive industry, M. Nouby and K. Srinivasan investigated the
computational simulations have become increasingly influence of brake design parameters on brakes squeal.
important because of shorter product development They studied by modifying the various structure of
processes as well as cost reduction necessities. brake pad to reduce the squeal. The finite element
Conventional materials are replaced by composite method (FEM) is used to simulate and predict the disc
materials in so many fields due to their lightweight brake squeal using a complex eigenvalue analysis. An
and easy processing. Nowadays hybrid composite approach to examine the disc brake squeal based on
drive shafts are also used in replacement of the steel the complex eigenvalue analysis is proposed in which
and aluminum for the preparation of these composites a positive real part indicates that the corresponding
automotive parts. Synthetic fibers mainly carbon, Eigen mode is unstable and in turn squeal may occur.
glass, Kevlar have satisfactory strength properties From the several simulations done by complex
coupled with relatively low cost, recyclability and eigenvalues analysis, it is observed that higher
biodegradability and are being used in automotive coefficient of friction increases the likelihood of
industries, construction as well as in packaging squeal. The squeal can be reduced by decreasing the
industries with few drawbacks. The low density of stiffness of the back plates of the pads. The chamfer
fibers allows fabrication of composites that gives provided significant squeal reduction. To explain the
good mechanical properties with a low specific mass. effect of slot configurations on squeal, the
The increased interest in the use of fiber among understanding of the pressure contact distribution
researchers and technologist’s has been well known. between the pad and rotor are required.
In automotive industry brake squeal has become an
important cost factor because of customer L. Rudolfexamined the study of fade in
dissatisfaction. In North America up to one billion conventional disc brakes results from two basic
dollars p.a. were spent on noise, vibration and harness causes. (1) The brake pads overheat, reducing their
(NVH) issues. From the literature it is observed that coefficient of friction which decreases braking ability,
many researcher and automobile industries are and (2) Excessive heat in the brake pads is transferred
working on reduction of noise and vibration. via the hydraulic pistons to the brake fluid, which
boils and produces bubbles in the brake lines. The full
S. Oberst and J. C.S. Lai studied the influence of circle disc Brake resists these fade inducing causes by:
geometrical parameters (namely, the number and (1) Distributing in-pad heat over a greater area and
location of slots) of brake pads on brake squeal noise. conducting heat both away from and through the
Four different brakes lining geometry were prepared brake pads into the brake body structure to enable
(i) basic configuration without any slot (ii) basic more efficient heat dissipation, and (2) isolating the
configuration modified with a vertical slot in the mid- hydraulic cylinder from the brake pads so that direct
surfaces (iii) basic configuration with two slots and heat is not transferred to the brake fluid.
(iv) basic configuration with diagonals slot.This study
reveals for the first time that severe nonlinearity is