Question Answer On Central Accounts Manual: April 1976
Question Answer On Central Accounts Manual: April 1976
Question Answer On Central Accounts Manual: April 1976
2. From which date the responsibility for compiling the accounts of the
Union Government (Civil) including those relating to taxes, duties and
other receipts and deposits realised or refunded under any law has been
entrusted to the Controller General of Accounts in a phased manner ?
a) 1st Jan 1976, b) 1 Feb 1976, c) 1st Apr 1982, d) 1st April 1976.
a) Same Day, b) First working day of the next month , c)3rd of the next
month , d) None of these
10. The Consolidated Monthly accounts from each Principal Accounts
Office to the office of Controller General of Accounts should be furnished
a) Last day of the same month , b) 17th of the following month , c) 15th
of the following month, d) None of these.
a) Last day of the same month , b) 17th of the following month , c) 15th
of the following month, d) None of these.
12. G.P. Fund Accounts of Group 'D' employees and the employees
covered by the Merged DDO scheme maintained by
15. GPF accounts in respect of the All India Service Officers borne on
State shall be maintained by
16. The Central Pension Accounting Office was established with effect
22. To watch the settlement of accounts and claims from other accounts
offices a Register of Inward Claims is to be maintained in Form no
25. The sanction orders for payment of loans should be scrutinized and
the noted in a Loan Register in Form
a) CAM 44 , b) CAM 48 , c) CAM 55 , d) CAM 58
27. Link cell of State bank of India to RBI , CAS, Nagpur located at