CPWA Code Brief
CPWA Code Brief
CPWA Code Brief
1. These rules describe the financial method and procedures to be observed PW Officer in
dealing with:
Transaction relating to CP Works &
In keeping & rendering accounts to Comp. Authority for final consolidation.
DFPR, 1978
R&P Rules 1983
GAR, 1990
GFR, 2005
List of Major & Minor Heads
Treasury Rules (In case of UT where treasury system of payment exists)
3. In case of dealing with initial & compiled accounts of PWD Officer, these rules are based on
Account Code Vol-III.
(1) Accounts Officer – The Head of an Office of Accounts or the Head of a PAO set up under
the scheme of departmentalization of accounts.
(3) Administrative Approval – The formal acceptance of proposal for incurring expenditure in
PW Deptt on a work taken up by the administrative department concerned.
It is, in effect, an order to the PW Department to execute certain specified works at a stated sum
to meet the administrative needs of the department requiring the work.
(5) Advance Payment –A payment made on a running account to a contractor for work done by
him but not measured.
(7) Assets – In the accounts of works, it indicates all outstanding or anticipated CREDITS,
which have to be taken in reduction of final charges.
Examples: Recoveries of advances or recoverable payment, and sale proceeds or transfer value
of surplus materials.
(8) Bank – An accredited bank acting as the agent of the Reserve Bank of India in
accordance with the provisions of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (2 of 1934).
(9) Book Transfer – It is a process whereby following transactions which represents assets and
liabilities are taken into account by way of settlement or otherwise:
- The financial transactions which do not involve the giving or receiving of Cash, or of stock
- The corrections and amendments made in Cash, Stock, or Book Transfer transactions
previously taken to account.
(10) Charged Expenditure – The expenditure which is not subject to vote by Parliament as per
Article 112 (3) of the Constitution of India.
(12) Chief Controller of Accounts –The Head of the Accounting Organisation of the
(14) Competent Authority –The Government or any other authority to whom the relevant
power may be delegated by Government.
“Contract” Any kind of undertaking, written or verbal, express or implied, by a person, not
being a Government servant, or by a syndicate or firm:-
- for the performance of any service related to execution of works or the supply of materials.
“Contractor” A person, syndicate or firm that has made such an undertaking for the execution
of works or for service in connection therewith.
(18) The Department – It is used to indicate the Public Works Department which also
includes the works organisation, if any, under an Administrator.
(19) Deposit Works – Those works of construction or repair, where the cost is met, not out of
Government Funds, but out of funds from non-Government sources.
Such cost may either be deposited in cash or otherwise placed at the disposal of the Divisional
“Direct Charges” The charges incurred directly for execution of a work, project, or job, which
are incurred directly for its execution and are included in the regular accounts of it.
“Indirect Charges” The charges which pertain, or are incidental to a work, project, workshop
job or manufacture job, but which are not incurred directly or solely in connection therewith and
thus cannot be taken directly into such detailed accounts.
(22) Direction Office –The office of an administrative officer e.g DG(W), CE, SE or a Supdt of
- who has one or more Divisional Officers working under his orders and
- is not himself entrusted with the execution of works or with the receipt and disbursement of
public money,
But if such an officer is also entrusted at any time with the receipt and disbursement of public
money, he is treated as a Divisional Officer
(23) Direction Officer – The Head of a Direction Office (The CE/SE is not a Direction Officer
unless direction of business of one or more divisions is entrusted to him. Thus SE employed on
Special duty is not a Direction Officer).
“Direct Receipts” The receipts realized in connection with a work or project, either by officers
of the PW Department or other departments and are brought to account directly as appertaining
to the work or project.
“Indirect Receipts” The receipts which pertain or are incidental to scheme or work, but cannot
be taken directly into such detailed accounts.
(25) Division and Divisional Office – These terms denote respectively the executive charge held
by a Divisional Officer and the head office of such a charge.
(26) Divisional Officer –An executive officer of the PW Department who is not subordinate to
another executive or disbursing officer of the Department, even though the executive charge
held by him may not be recognized as a “Division”.
- Disbursing Officer of other departments, (if they spend Public Works funds and are required
to render their accounts direct to the Pay & Accounts Officer.)
(27) Final Payment : The last payment on a running account made to a contractor on the
completion or determination of his contract and in full settlement of the account.
(28) Financial Adviser – The Adviser on Budget and Accounts matters including internal
Finance of the Ministry.
(A State Government means the Government of the State specified in the First Schedule of the
(30) Inclusive Rate of Cost –The rate of cost of the entire work relating to a sub-head,
including the cost of material, if recorded separately in Accounts (eg Works Abstract).
(48) Rate of Cost –The total cost of a work or supply divided by its quantity . In the accounts,
it represents the recorded cost per unit, as arrived at by dividing the up-to-date final charge
on a sub-head, by the up-to-date progress thereof.
(31) Intermediate Payment: A disbursement of any kind on a running account, not being the
final payment. It includes
- Advance Payment
- Secured advance
- a combination of above.
- The cost per unit fixed, in respect of an stock article for the purpose of calculating the amount
creditable to the sub-head concerned of stock account by charge (Debitable) to the account
or service concerned, when any quantity of that article is issued from Stock;
- Following charges are also included in Issue Rate on percentage basis based on carriage/ other
incidental charges of previous year:
- Handling Charges
- Storage Charges
(33) Labour – (Paid on Muster Roll) when a separate materials account is kept for one or more
sub-heads of an estimate and the term “labour” is used in connection with such an account, it
denotes all charges pertaining to each of those sub-heads, other than
(34) Liabilities –This term includes all anticipated charges which are adjustable as final
charges, but have not been paid, regardless of whether or not they have fallen due for payment,
or having fallen due, have or have not been placed to the credit of the persons concerned in a
suspense head subordinate to the account of the work concerned.
(35) Local Loan Works – The works executed by the PW Department on behalf of a
Municipality, Port Trust or other corporation, where the cost of the works is to form part of a
loan given to it by Government for the purpose.
(36) Major Estimate The estimate for a work where the sanctioned amount of the works
expenditure exceeds Rs. 50,00,000/-.
(37) Major Head (i.e Function) –The main unit of classification in accounts denoting function
e.g. 2059-Public Works, 2216-Housing etc.
(38) Market Rate – It is the cost per unit at which the article, or an article of similar
description, can be procured, at a given time from the public.
(39) Minor Estimate The estimate for a work, where the sanctioned amount of the works
expenditure does not exceed Rs. 50,00,000/-.
(42) Operation (Manufacturing/ WKSP A/c) – It indicates the charges incurred on the
manufacture operations connected with specific jobs.(Term used for accounts of manufacture &
workshop transactions)
(43) Outturn (Manufacturing/ WKSP A/c) – It denotes the value of the finished products (or
of the work done, in cases in which the articles brought are not supplied departmentally) of
manufacture operations connected with specific jobs.
(44) Progress (Manufacturing/ WKSP A/c) - The up-to-date quantities of work done or
supplies made.
(45) Public Works – means civil works and Irrigation, Navigation, Embankment and Drainage
Works etc.
(46) Quantity (Normal Works) – It describe the extent of work done, supplies made or
services performed, when these can be measured, weighed or counted.
(47) Rate –It means the consideration allowed for each unit of work, supply or other service in
relation to estimate/cost/contract/contractor bills/ vouchers.
(49) Re-appropriation The transfer of funds from one primary unit of appropriation to
another such unit (i.e Detailed Head).
(50) Recoverable Payment means a payment to or on behalf of a contractor which does not
represent value creditable or payable to him for work done or supplies made by him and has,
therefore, to be made good to Government by an equivalent cash recovery or short payment of
(51) Running Account The payment for work or supplies is made to a contractor at convenient
intervals subject to final settlement of the account on the completion or determination of his
(53) Secured Advance An advance made on the security of materials brought to site of work, to
a contractor whose contract is for the completed item of work.
(55) Special Officer (or Specialist Officer) – Those officials of the Department who are not
- Divisional Officers OR
(56) Storage charges- The expenditure incurred, after the acquisition of the stores,
(57) Sub-divisional Officer –An official, whether a gazetted officer or not, who holds the
charge of a recognized sub-division subordinate to a Divisional Officer.
But When a Divisional Officer holds the immediate charge of a recognized sub-division in
addition to his own duties as the executive head of the division, he is treated as the Sub-
divisional Officer in respect of the charge of the subdivision.
(58) Sub-head – For the purpose of financial control and convenience (where the work is
large) the total cost of work is divided into small portion which are called sub-heads e.g.
excavation, brick-work, concrete, wood work, etc.
(59) Sub-work – In the case of a large work consisting of several buildings or smaller work,
or groups thereof, each such distinct unit is considered as Sub-Work if that unit is sufficiently
large or important to kept distinct for the purpose of accounts.
For example, the outer wall, the solitary cells, the cook-houses, the jailor’s quarters, etc.
- intended to cover such items of the expenditure incurred on the store as do not enter their
book value. (i.e. establishment expenditure)
- where it is necessary to keep watch over values of stock materials till their final disposal.
But since these transactions must be accounted for, a minor head “Suspense” is provided
under certain Major Heads for passage of such temporary transaction subject to their final
(62) Takavi Works – It denotes works of construction or maintenance relating to water courses
or any other works, expenditure on which is treated by Government as a takavi advance (i.e. an
advance to cultivators) recoverable from the party or parties concerned.
(65) Water Course –A channel for the supply of water from an irrigation work, which falls
under the definition of the term as given in the Canal Act. The definition given in the Northern
India Canal and Drainage Act of 1873 is as follows:-
“Water course” means any channel which is supplied with water from a canal, but which is
not maintained at the cost of Government, and all subsidiary works belonging to any such
(64) Voted Expenditure – The expenditure flowing from Consolidated Fund of India duly voted
by Parliament.
(66) Work – It applies not only to works of construction or repair, but also to other individual
objects of expenditure connected with the supply, repair and carriage of tools and plant, the
supply or manufacture of other stores, or the operation of a workshop.
(67) Works Expenditure and Works Outlay – These indicate respectively the expenditure,
and the other capital charges, on the special services connected with the construction, repair
and maintenance of work.
The charges falling under these categories may be net when any receipts are taken in
reduction of the charges, but they do not include the cost of the general Services, Tools and
Plant and Establishment, or any charges not taken to final heads of account but kept under one
of the suspense accounts.
Besides it may also undertake petty services like manufacture or supply of stores.
It may not undertake the works as are vested in or transferred to the administration of
department as explained in Chapter- 5 of GFR 2005.
GFR Rule 126: A Ministry/ Department may at its discretion take up the original works /
repairs works as follows:
b. Repairs Works (Above 10 lakh & upto 30 lakh) & Original Works (upto Rs. 10 lakh):
Through assignment to CPWD, State PWD, BRO, MES and other PSUs.
c. Repairs Works (Above 30 lakh) & Original Works (Above Rs. 10 lakh): Through assignment
to CPWD, State PWD, BRO, MES and other PSUs BUT after consultation with Ministry of
Urban Development.
In taking up works the Ministry/ Department has to follow the procedure laid down in Rule 132
& 133 of GFRs 2005.
a. A departmental Regulations framed on the principles followed by CPWD must lay down
detailed procedure in this regard.
e. Limited Tender to be called for work costing less than Rs. 5 lakh.
f. Execution of Contract & Award of Work should be done before commencement of work.
g. Final Payment for works done can be made only on the personal certificate of OIC/
h. The works entrusted to Public Works Organisations can be taken up by them only after grant
of AA & ES and Allotment of Fund by concerned authority.
These are laid down in Rule 29 of Government Accounting Rules, 1990 and notes under
major head 2059 and 4059.
Rule 29 :-
The classification of transaction has closer reference to the function (Major Head),
programme (Minor Head) and activity/ Scheme (Sub-Head) of the Government and the
object (Detailed Head) of the revenue or expenditure, rather than the Department in which the
revenue or expenditure occurs.
Finally adjusted in the accounts of Div. Officer against the provision of fund made therefor.
Not adjusted finally in Divisional Accounts but pass through it for incorporation in the
accounts of concerned Deptt & Govt concerned.
These are debitable to the grants controlled by these departments:
(a) Works of the Posts & Deptt of Telecommunication or Broadcasting and other quasi-
commercial departments and undertakings.
(c) Works connected with the conservation of ancient monuments relating to the Archeological
(d) Works connected with the construction and maintenance of civil aerodromes (ie. Airport
These are treated as operations of the division in the first instance, but the entire cost is
ultimately recovered from the party concerned. (the primary accounts of these transactions
should be kept in accordance with the rules of this code, even though the ultimate cost of the
transactions may not have to be brought to account finally in the books of the Divisional
5. The transactions (Finally adjustable) of Public Works officers are grouped under
following heads:-
I Expenditure heads:
0059-Public Works,
0216-Housing etc.
(This Head accounts for the Receipts as well as payments for cash, stores or other values
received from or paid to or on behalf of other departments or Governments)
Under these heads, the account of certain payments or receipts which await clearance by
payment/ recovery in cash or otherwise are kept.
The transactions under each of these groups are further sub-divided for purposes of accounts.
In the case of Expenditure and Revenue Heads, the division is like this:
Detailed Heads
Object Heads
Major Head
Sub-Major Heads
Minor Heads
7. Opening of sub heads, detailed heads and object heads of account under the various
Major and Minor heads of accounts within their respective territories –
The UT Administration of Daman & Diu and Pondicherry has the power to do so subject to
observance of conditions laid down in Note 2 below Rule 26 of Government Accounting
Rules, 1990.
10. Revenue is realized and placed to credit of Government as it falls due under the statutory or
other rules governing it.
11. The expenditure can be incurred only against a grant voted by the Parliament or against
the appropriations provided for to meet charged expenditure.
12. Classification of expenditure incurred on a/c of payment made on the basis of Court
Rulings & Award of an Arbitral Tribunal :
13. Classification of Lump Sum Advance to provide for immediate Financial Relief
(i) As per Rule 79 to 81 and GOI Decision of “Compendium of Rules on Advances”, a Head of
Department or a Head of office may sanction an advance to the family of a Government Servant
in permanent or temporary employ (excluding casual and daily-rated staff) who dies while
in service (whether on duty or on leave with or without pay) in order to enable the family to
meet its immediate requirements, if in the opinion of the Head of Department or the Head of
Office, as the case may be, the family concerned has been left in indigent circumstances upon
the death of the Government servant on whom it was dependent and is in immediate need of
financial assistance.
(ii) The amount of an advance shall be equal to two months’ basic pay and Dearness pay
taken together subject to a maximum of Rs. 8,000/-
(iii) Such advance is adjusted as early as possible, and in any case, within a period of six
months from the date of its sanction, by deduction from the amount that may be payable on
account of arrears of salary due, the DCRG or the CPF/GPF or any other payments due to the
(iv)The advance granted under this Para should be debited to the Major/Minor/Sub- Head
“8550-Civil Advances-104-Other Advances-Lump Sum Advances to provide immediate relief
to the deceased Government servant’s family”.
(v) If the amount of DCRG or similar other payment is less than the advances initially
sanctioned, and if the balance is eventually treated as irrecoverable, the same should be
debited to the Major/Minor/Sub-Head “2075-Miscellaneous General Services-800-Other
Expenditure-Write off of Irrecoverable Loans” advanced to provide immediate financial relief
to the deceased Government servant’s family”, under special sanction of Government.
for all disbursements relating to works/ pay & Allowances (Gaz/NGE) & Contingent Charges
relating to own division as well as other divisions as may be so authorized.
Bills for all long term advances and for GPF withdrawals of staff (other than Group ‘D’) are
submitted to PAO concerned.
(b) In the Departmentalised Accounts set up, Divisional offices are assigned a Cash
Assignment Account in the accredited bank by the Chief Controller of Accounts, against
which they draw cheques for payment of bills passed by them on the basis of letter of credit.
(c) The above drawing & disbursing power may also be delegated to an officer other than the
Executive Engineer with the prior approval of CGA.
(d) All payments relating to a specified circle office(s)/Zonal office(s) is to be made by the
respective Pay and Accounts Officer.
(e) The Pay and Allowances bills of employees covered by New Pension Scheme, 2004 are to
be submitted to the Pay and Accounts Office for Pre-Check and payment. A separate Pay Bill
Register for this purpose is maintained.
(f) The monthly accounts of all receipts and disbursements are compiled by the Divisional
Accountant and are submitted to the Pay and Accounts Officer.
(g) The PAO for a particular Division is decided by Chief Controller of Accounts. General
principle is that the Division will be attached with Zonal Pay and Accounts office
corresponding to the Chief Engineer it reports for administrative directions.
(h) The charges on each project, work, or sub-work are recorded under different Major Heads
separately in the accounts of Divisional Officers.
(i) In the case of works of certain classes {(i) Irrigation, etc. commercial undertakings. (ii)
Quasi-commercial undertakings, (such as self supporting workshops)}
Proforma accounts of all transactions connected therewith are prepared annually by the Pay
and Accounts Officer or by the Divisional Officer, as may be required.
(j) The record of a transaction of receipt or expenditure is to be made at once under the
final, debt, deposit or remittance head to which it pertains, if that be known,
but if the exact head cannot be ascertained at once, then the transactions should be classified
temporarily under “Deposits” if a receipt, or under “Miscellaneous Public Works Advances”,
if a charge.
(k) In case of non-fulfillment of conditions for opening of Cash Assignment Account the
Chief Controller of Accounts may attach such division with the other Cheque Drawing
Divisional Officer or Pay and Accounts Office.
In such cases the Accounting procedure to be followed is prescribed in Annexure ‘B’ to this
Guidlines for opening and closing of Cash Assignment Account in r/o EE,C.P.W.D.
1. Opening of Account:
In CPWD, a division is either opened afresh or after closure of other division. In all cases the
O/o DG(W) has to submit the proposal to CCA 45 days before actual opening giving all the
information eg. Name/Address of the division, address of bank while fulfilling following
(a) There should be a sanctioned post of Divisional Accountant or a post of equivalent rank is
to be diverted.
(b) A certificate that all liabilities/suspense accounts have been cleared OR will be adopted
by the new division on Proforma Basis as per Para 16.4 of CAM. (In case of opening of division
after closure of another division).
(c) Where the balances have been adopted by successor division, the Divisional Officer as
well as the PAO has to provide the certificate to Principal Accounts Office that the balances
have been adopted.
(d) The Long Term Advances and General Provident Fund Balances etc. of Government
employees will be settled/transferred by exchange of Cheque. The
Short term Advances will be settled in terms of Para 10.8 of Civil Accounts Manual.
(e) Where the Cash Assignment Accounts is not opened for non-fulfillment of above
conditions, the concerned Division will be attached with Pay and Accounts Officer or other
Cheque Drawing Divisional Officer.
2. Closing of Accounts The office of DG (W) shall intimate the Chief Controller of Accounts 45
days in advance before actual closing of the division
alongwith a certificate that all the liabilities and balances under Debt., Deposit, Remittance
and Suspense heads have been cleared.
If not it shall direct some other division to accept the balances of the Division in terms of
Para 16.4 of Civil Accounts Manual. In this case, certificate of adoption of balances in the books
of the nominated Division as well as Pay and Accounts Officer shall be furnished along-with the
Accounting Procedure for attachment of the Division with another Division / PAO of the
Division, where the Cheque Drawing Powers are not vested or Cash Assignment Account is
not opened.
(i) The EE will maintain cash book in GAR-3 (as is being done by other NCDDO).
(ii) The Divisional officer shall maintain all the Forms prescribed in the “Book of Forms of
CPWA Code” as usual
Except CPWD 51 (Settlement with Banks), as the cheque will either be issued by the Cheque
Drawing and Disbursing Officer(CDDO) with whom the Division has been attached or by the
PAO under whose jurisdiction Receipt and Payment functions have been assigned and monthly
Account will be prepared accordingly.
The NCDDO, Divisional officer will present the bill to CDDO/PAO for pre-check &
payment. The Divisional officer will send an attested photocopy of the Measurement Book
(M.B), along with necessary certificate to CDDO/ PAO, who will check the bill with reference to
agreement of work, Estimate, M.B and rules and order in terms of various provisions of CPWA
Code ( para 10.2.19 etc.), CPWD works Manual , GFR, CGA (R&P) rules etc. Payment to the
contractor will either be made by cheque or through e-payment (as and when the system is
The cheque on behalf of the contractor shall be collected by the messenger of the DDO on
production of the following receipt:-
(iv) PAO/CDDO may arrange payment of Permanent Advance to Divisional officer or any
other other sub-ordinate officer as per the sanction of the Competent Authority in terms of
provisions of para 6.6.8 of CPWA code.
(v) No temporary advance will be drawn. In such eventuality the amount may be drawn on
Abstract Contingent bill (GAR-30- Payment Voucher) and details sent in GAR – 31 or GAR
– 32 (Adjustment Vouchers).
While adjusting:
The adjustment of the amount drawn on Abstract Contingent bill should be adjusted within one
month from the date of drawal.
Vouchers less than Rs. 500/- need not be sent to PAO/CDDO.( Note below para 3.4.3 of
(vi) All receipts in the form of instrument i.e. Draft/Cheque will be endorsed in favour of
CDDO/PAO intimating necessary classification.
(vii) All cash receipt shall be remitted directly into bank through challans.
(viii) Divisional Officer (NCDDO) will be personally responsible for clearance of balances
under CSSA and MPSSA.
(ix) the Cheque drawing Divisional Office will compile the Monthly Account on behalf of
such Division.
- He has a right to seek the advice of the CCA in all matters connected with the accounts of his
division or the application of financial rules and orders.
It is however desirable that he shall first obtain the advice of the Divisional Accountant who
is specially trained for this duty, and this should be done in writing in all cases of importance.
2) Divisional Accountant
- Such official is either recruited through initial recruitment examination conducted by IA&AD
or has qualified in SAS/JAO(C) Examination with Public Works as a compulsory paper.
b) He should be fully conversant with all sanctions, orders and other divisional proceedings
which affect the accounts of receipts/ charges.
c) He is treated as the senior member of the office establishment though his position is
analogous to that of a Sub-Divisional Officer, vide paragraph 45 of the Central Public Works
Department Code.
d) He is duty bound to bring the fact (where he considers that any transaction/ order affecting
receipt or expenditure would be challenged by PAO etc.) to the notice of the Divisional Officer
with reasons to obtain his orders.
The DA has to follow such order but if he is overruled and is not satisfied with the decision of
Div. Officer, he should at the same time make a brief note of the case in the Register of
Divisional Accountant’s Objections, Form-60, and place the Register before the Divisional
Officer for reconsideration of the decision or recording his reason for disregarding DA’s advice
for PAO’s information.
An objection entered in this register is not considered as finally disposed of until it has been
reviewed by the PAO, for whose inspection the register should be available at all times. If no
inspection (by Accounts Officer) takes place in a year, the Register or, an extract there from
should be submitted to the Accounts Officer in the month of April for review.
f) He is responsible for the efficient and satisfactory checking arrangement for the computed
tenders and conducting a test check personally to satisfy himself.
g) He is bound to bring to the Divisional Officer’s notice all instances relating to exceeding of
the financial limit (as delegated) by subordinate officers. This will also include watching of
excesses in expenditure against the appropriation for individual works.
i) As a rule he is not involved in monetary transactions. However where the transactions are
not large the Divisional Officer may on his own responsibility and with prior approval of CCA
entrust such job to the DA.
DA however cannot issue Final Receipt (Form-3) over his own signature.
j) He should affix his dated initials after the last entry of the day’s transaction in the Divisional
Cash Book/Stock Accounts, in token of check.
k) He is also required to make periodical inspection of the accounts records of Sub-Divisional
Officers and to check a percentage of the initial accounts under the orders of the Divisional
Officer and bring the defect to the notice of Div. Officer and SDO/ subordinate staff.
The results of these inspections should be placed on record for the inspection of the CCA. The
serious financial irregularities are to be reported at once for the information of that officer, even
though set right under the orders of competent authority. All defalcations or losses of public
money, stores or other property should be reported immediately to the CCA and other authorities
l) He should also examine that the Form-85 (Accounts of interest bearing securities) & Form-
86 (Annual Account of Interest Bearing Securities) are correctly maintained by Sub-divisional
Officers. A few transactions in the register should be compared with the entries in the cash book
or other account, and vice-versa.
- The periodical Test Audit and Local Inspection of Divisional and Sub-Divisional offices are
arranged by Audit/Accounts Officer with approval of Competent Authority.
- Divisional Officer is responsible to provide initial accounts with connected documents for
- The presence of HOO at the time of inspection is desirable but not essential.
- Inspecting Officer should discuss the draft IR wherever possible with the HOO before its
submission to Head of Audit/Accounts Offices.
a) Sanctioning Authority is required to communicate all sanction/ orders forming base for
audit of receipt and expenditure to the Audit Officer and PAO (Para 84 CPWD Code & Rule-
29 of GFR 2005- Procedure for communication of Sanctions)
b) Only the sanctions of Divisional Officer relating to Write Off of Stores OR Loss of Public
Money are to be checked by the PAO.
d) Technical sanctions need be communicated to the Accounts Officer only in respect of:-
b) The replies of the Divisional Officer should be based, as far as possible, on his own
c) Part I of the Audit Note and the Inspection Report should be returned through the
Superintending Engineer after the Divisional Officer has recorded his replies thereon. The
Superintending Engineer will pass orders in respect of matters which he is competent to deal
with finally and record his remarks (with a note of the action taken) on all other points, before
returning the documents to the Audit officer/Accounts Officer.
Exception the Divisional Officer may send his first reply to an Inspection Report direct to
the Audit Officer/ Accounts Officer with a copy of the reply to the Superintending Engineer.
d) Once a transaction is entered in the Audit Note or otherwise challenged in one or the other
documents, the responsibility for having the objection removed will devolve upon the Divisional
Officer, and the Audit Officer/ Accounts Officer is required to report to the higher authorities all
important items and any serious delays in the adjustment of individual objections.
f) An Audit Objection which is protested as being incorrect will remain in force till its
withdrawal is intimated by Audit/ Accounts Officer.
g) In case of objections on inadequate sanction, excesses and other deviation where the
Divisional Officer has already taken action to regularize such transactions within his powers
without preparing Revised Estimate But intimation of such sanction does not reach the
Audit/Accounts officer while the divisional accounts are being audited/ inspected, the Audit /
Accounts officer will raise the objection as they are not authorized to assume that necessary
sanction has been accorded. As such in order to avoid unnecessary raising of objections, the
Divisional Officers are required to sent earliest intimation of such actions/ information to the
Audit/ Accounts Officer (i.e within a week of dispatch of Monthly Accounts if such intimation
cannot precede or accompany it).
h) Divisional Accountant is responsible
(i) for bringing prominently to the notice of the Divisional officer, at least once a month, all
irregular transactions on which action has not already been taken by the latter at the instance of
Sub-Divisional Officers or on his own and
1. Appropriation:
(i) Sanction for expenditure (special/ general) of competent authority has been obtained.
(ii) Funds to cover the charges have been provided by competent authority.
Note- The Accounts Officer should bring to the notice of competent authority the instances of
incurring of unauthorized liability on work by PW Officer to get the work stopped or regularize
its execution. (Para 66 of CPWD Code)
- Divisional Officer does not necessarily require any specific provision of funds within the
appropriations for his own division.
- It is sufficient to see that such payments are made only in accordance with the rules in the
relevant Chapters of this Code.
- A grant or supplementary grant may be in respect of expenditure falling under one or more
major heads or sections of a major head.
- For purposes of financial control, the grant allotted to each major head of account is
divided into primary units of appropriation.
Govt. account is kept in the following three parts, (asper the Constitution of India):-
-“Receipts heads (Revenue Account)”: dealing with the proceeds of taxation and other receipts
classed as revenue
-“Receipt heads” (Capital Account): deals with receipts of a Capital nature which cannot be
applied as a set off to Capital Expenditure
-“Expenditure heads (Capital Account)”: deals with expenditure met usually from borrowed
funds with the object of increasing concrete assets of a material and permanent character. It
also includes receipts of a Capital nature intended to be applied as a set off to Capital
-“Public Debt”, “Loans and Advances”: comprise of loans raised and their repayments by
Government such as, Internal Debt, External Debt of the Central Government and Loans and
Advances made by Government and their recoveries, transactions relating to “Appropriation
to Contingency Fund” and “Inter-State Settlement.”
The transactions connected with the Contingency Fund set up by the Government of India or
of a State or Union Territory Government under Article 267 of the Constitution / Section 48
of the Union Territories Act, 1963 are recorded.
Part III Public Account of India (including Union Territory and Union Territory
Administration / Government) or of the State concerned.(No separate Pub.A/c for UT Govt
and transactions are booked in Pub. A/c of India)
The transactions relating to “Debt” (other than those included in Part I Consolidated Fund),
“Deposits”, “Advances”, “Remittances” and “Suspense” are to be recorded.
The transactions under Debt, Deposit and Advances: Here the Government incurs a liability
to repay the moneys received or has a claim to recover the amounts paid, together with the
repayments of the former (Debt and Deposits) and the recoveries of the latter (Advances).
The transactions relating to “Remittances” and “Suspense”: This Part embraces all merely
adjusting heads under which such transactions as remittances of cash in Banks appear. The
initial debits or credits, to these heads will be cleared eventually by corresponding receipts
or payments either within the same circle of account or in another account circle.
- Within each of the Divisions and sections the transactions are grouped into Sectors such as,
“General Services”, “Social Services”, “Economic Services” under which specific functions
or services shall be grouped.
-The sectors in some cases are sub-divided into Sub-Sectors (as enumerated in the list of Major
& Minor Heads of Account).
(b) In Part II – Contingency Fund: It has a single Major Head and all the transactions met out
of the Contingency Fund are recorded under it.
5.2.4 Allotment of Code to each Major Head and range of Code Numbers.
- The first digit indicates whether the Major Head is a Receipt head or Revenue Expenditure
Head, or Capital Expenditure Head or Loans and Advances Head or it pertains to Public
- If the first digit is ‘0’ or ‘1’ the Head of Account will represent Revenue Receipt,
- If the first digit is ‘8’ it will represent Contingency Fund and Public Account (4000 for
Capital Receipt) and (8000 for Contingency Fund).
Consequent addition of 2 to the first digit of the Revenue Receipt will give the Code Number
allotted to corresponding Revenue Expenditure Head, the Capital Expenditure Head and the
Loans and Advances Head of Accounts; e.g.
Such a pattern is however, not relevant for those departments which are not operating
Capital / Loan Head of accounts e.g. Department of Supply.
In few cases where receipt / expenditure is not heavy, certain Major Heads have been combined
under a single number and the other relevant Major Heads themselves form sub-major heads
under that number.
For example Major Head “4202 – Capital Outlay on Education, Sports, Art and Culture” where
under the distinct Revenue Expenditure Major Heads 2202 – General Education, “2203 –
Technical Education, “2204 – Sports and Youth Services and “2405 – Art and Culture” have
been brought down as “Sub-Major Heads” as 01, 02, 03 and 04 respectively.
Object Head (It is termed as “Unit of Appropriation” which is meant for itemized control over
expenditure and indicates the object/ nature of expenditure on Scheme(Sub-Head), Sub-Scheme
(Detailed Head) or Activity/ Organisation e.g. “Salaries”, “Office Expenses”, “Grants-in-aid”,
“Loans” and “Investments” etc.)
Minor Head (identify the Programme undertaken to achieve objectives of Function represented
by Major Head)
- The detailed classification of account heads in Government Accounts and the order in which
the Major / Sub-major and Minor heads shall appear in all account records shall be such as are
prescribed by the President on the advice of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
The list of Major and Minor heads of Accounts of Union and States contains the classification
prescribed (including the code No. assigned up to the major / Sub-major heads and minor heads
thereunder) should be strictly followed.
Expenditure which is subject to the vote of the Legislature is to be shown in the accounts
separately from expenditure which is “Charged” on the Consolidated fund of India or of a State
or Union Territory Government. The expression “Charged” or “Voted” are appended to the
heads concerned to distinguish the two categories of expenditure.
Procedure for preparation of Budget Estimate under Sub-Head: Stock Minor Head “799-
Suspense Major Head 2059 Public Works”
a) The Central Store Division will prepare its budget on the basis of their requirements.
b) The working divisions will, however, prepare their budget for stock in two parts viz., (1)
direct purchases, and (2) by indenting on Stores Divisions.
c) Provisions for stock under category (2- By indenting on Stores Divisions) made by the
working Divisions will then be reduced from the provisions of Stores made by the Central
Stores Divisions at Zonal Levels.
d) In case of such provision (c) above made by Working Division not falling under the
jurisdiction of concerned Zone (where Central Stores Division functions), The concerned
Zonal CE works out the such provisions on the basis of data received and intimate the other
Zonal CE under which the Central Stores Division functions for necessary adjustment.
The procedure relating to the preparation of Demand for Grants, to the appropriation and re-
appropriation of funds, to the distribution of fund and to the Budget matters generally is laid
down in the General Financial Rules. The special procedures applicable to C.P.W.D. are
detailed in Departmental Manual.
- Estimates of transactions taking place abroad are required to be accounted for under the
functional Major Head of Account, relevant minor head, Sub-head, Detailed Head and Object
Head as the case may be.
- receipts of the department arising in the accounts of the High Commission / Embassy of
The receipts are passed on by the PAO, Ministry of External Affairs to the PAO concerned of the
Department for eventual booking under the relevant minor head of the Major Head concerned.
-In the case of expenditure abroad viz. expenditure on stores, the debit on this account would
be passed on by the P.A.O., Ministry of External Affairs, to the P.A.O. concerned of the
Department for eventual booking under the relevant Major / Minor /Sub and detailed head of
The estimates for departmental payments abroad with the abolition of the average rate of
exchange w.e.f. 1.4.74, These are required to be budgeted by adopting the composite rate of
exchange as notified by the Ministry of Finance.
The resultant loss by exchange arising from such transactions is debitable to the capital head
while in the case of revenue heads, such loss/gain by exchange is accounted for under the major
Head “0075” (in the case of gain by exchange) and “2075” (in the case of loss by exchange).
(a) Re-appropriation of funds from the primary unit of appropriation to another such unit within
a grant or appropriation may be sanctioned by a Competent Authority at any time before the
close of the Financial year subject to
- the provision of Rule 10 of DFPR, 1978 and other general /specific instructions laid down by
the Finance Ministry in this respect.
(b) Re-appropriation shall be made only when it is known / anticipated that the appropriation
for the unit from which funds are being re-appropriated will not be utilized in full or that
saving can be effected in the appropriation for the said unit.
(c) Funds as a whole will not be re-appropriated from any unit with the intention of
restoring the diverted re-appropriation to that unit when saving becomes available under
other units later in the financial year.
(d) All cases of re-appropriation involving savings of more than Rs. 10 lakhs for the Plan
Heads relating to a Ministry / Department as a whole would have to be referred to the
Ministry of Finance for a decision giving detailed justification in support of the proposal.
- They are jointly responsible for reconciliation of figures appearing in the accounts being
maintained by Department and PAO.
- Initial responsibility of reconciliation rests with PAO. After the accounts for a month is
compiled, the PAO has to provide all DDO (i/c CDDO) an extract from Expenditure Control
Register/ Compilation Sheet showing monthly expenditure (i/c progressive figures from May to
March) classified under various Major Heads for reconciliation.
(a) The progress of expenditure on works or other items for which there are specific
appropriations: It should be watched individually month by month, through the Register of
Works, Contingent Register and other relevant accounts.
(b) In respect of works or items, lumpsum appropriations for which are placed at the
Divisional Officer’s disposal: The progress of expenditure should be watched against
appropriations by the maintenance of a record
(i) of the expenditure in the form of a progressive abstract, showing month by month the up-
to-date expenditure of the year, and
(ii) of the grants, in the form of a register showing the appropriations and re-appropriations
ordered from time to time.
(C) Un-discharged liabilities: It plays an important part in expenditure and as such their effect
on individual and lump sum appropriations should be watched while expenditure of a month is
being reviewed..
(i) Outstanding in the suspense account relating to contractors and labourers, in the accounts
of works
(ii) Outstanding in any of the regular suspense accounts of the division (this may affect the
grant for Minor Head “Suspense” under the Major Head it is classified as well as the Grant for
works & Services falling under same/ other Major Heads)
(iv) Matured claims of contractors, suppliers, etc. awaiting settlement and all Unmatured
claims, the recurring or non-recurring likely to fall due for settlement before close of the year.
(d) Anticipated credits: It will ultimately be taken in reduction of the expenditure chargeable
against any individual or lump sum appropriation (Statement E of Appendix 2)
(e) This review is of special importance in the last three or four months of the year.
(f) Collective Review in r/o Primary/ Secondary Unit of Appropriation: If desired, this
review may also be conducted by maintaining a suitable register of appropriations being
maintained for the purpose: see clause (b)(ii) above. Such a review helps in formulating
proposals for re-appropriation.
Form 57- Register of Transfer Awaited: All liabilities and assets of the division (adjustable by
transfer credit or debit to remittance heads of accounts) should be recorded in the register as
soon as they become known. As they are cleared, an entry should be made in columns 7 to 9 so
that items awaiting adjustment may be known at any time.
Note- This register is intended primarily for all transfer transactions, recurring or
nonrecurring, which have to be responded to by the Division, but if desired, important items
which will be cleared by original debits or credits may also be entered to facilitate the watching
of their clearance.
1.“Cash” : The term includes legal tender coin, notes, cheques, Deposits-at-Call Receipts and
Demand Drafts. A small supply of one Rupee Revenue Stamps may be kept as part of the cash
balance. (Ref Rule 19 of R&P Rules,1983).
2. The Divisional Officer is the primary disbursing Officer of the division, and all realisations
and payments on Government account made by his subordinates are made on his behalf and on
his responsibility.
3. Every Government Officer is personally responsible for the money which passes through his
hands and for the prompt record of receipts and payments in the prescribed accounts as well as
for the correctness of the account in every respect.
4. The private cash or accounts of members of the department is not be mixed up with the
public cash or accounts.
5. CDDO is to effect recovery of money (incorrectly withdrawn in any bill passed by CDDO as
intimated by PAO) without delay & w/o any regard to any correspondence made and repay the
sum as per PAO’s direction.
6. A Government Officer supplied with funds for expenditure remains responsible until an
account of them has been rendered to the satisfaction of the PAO concerned. He has to ensure
that payments are made to persons entitled to receive them.
7. Any person may pay money into an accredited bank to the credit of the CPWD vide a
memorandum or Challan in Form G.A.R. 7.
- No Expenditure can be incurred out of the consolidated fund in anticipation of passing of the
Appropriation (Vote on account) Act or the Appropriation Act relating to the Budget of a
financial year.
- The first (interim) LOC to be opened in favour of a cheque drawing Divisional Officer at the
beginning of the Financial year will cover the amount to the extent of one-sixth of the
authorized Budget allocation to each Division for which vote on account has been obtained.
- For allotments out of “ other Ministries” works: Concerned CE/Division will have to
produce the Advice of the Client Ministry for allocation out of their Vote on Account after the
Appropriation Act is passed by Parliament and assented to by the President.
- The Budget allotment is communicated by the IFA (Internal Financial Adviser). On the basis
of the Budget allotment communicated by the Budget Section/Finance Division of the Ministry,
the Head of the Department, will make distribution of the allotment among the DDOs under his
control, under intimation to PAO and the Central LOC Cell.
- LOC Cell (at Principal Accounts Office) issues the amount of assignment from April to
September of the financial year upto 80 % of Budget Grants allocated to the Divisions on the
basis of the allotments for the CDDOs and the net cash requirement for disbursal of works
and ancillary payments, Pay and allowances, T.A., contingencies etc. as intimated by the
Divisional Officers,.
- While determining the Assignment for 2nd LOC, the Account Officer(LOC) will also take into
account the anticipated drawals on account of Advances and withdrawals from GPF for
which Divisional Officers are authorised to issue cheques.
- Thereafter, the Accounts Officer (LOC) will authorise the paying branch of the bank by
means of a LOC, to make payment on the cheques drawn by the concerned DDOs during the
said six monthly period, not exceeding the limit specified in the letter of credit.
- While issuing the letter of credit for the 2nd LOC of the financial year after the Appropriation
Act (Budget) is passed, the Account Officer(LOC) will take into account the amount of 1st
LOC issued earlier on the basis of the Vote on Account.
- Proposal for the 2nd LOC will be submitted by the C.P.W. Divisions not later than 10the June
every year. Reason for reduction of the amount of LOC, if any, will be given.
- Proposals for 3rd LOC will be submitted by 15th September alongwith the reconciliation
statement upto the end of August. The 3rd LOC will be issued by October for any new Works
authorised or new Deposits received.
- The 4th LOC will be issued upto the last working day of January which also takes into
account the Revised Estimates, Supplementary Demands etc.
- The 5th & final LOC will be issued on 15th of March indicating;-
- The Demand for Final Adjustment should be received by 10th March for the Division
located at New Delhi and
- No further LOC for the Financial Year will be issued after 15th March.
- The paying branch is to ensure that at no time the amount assigned in the LOC is exceeded
by the payment of any cheque.
- The fresh LOC (issued after expiry of the period prescribed in the earlier LOC) will be treated
as an addition to the unspent balance of the earlier LOC except in r/o the 1st L.O.C as stated
- The Accounts Officer (LOC), while communicating the assignment for the 2nd L.O.C and
subsequent L.O.C should indicate not only the amount assigned for each L.O.C, but also the
progressive total of assignments upto the end of the previous L.O.C so that the bank is
enabled to ensure that the total cumulative drawals from the beginning of the year do not exceed
the total progressive Headwise assignments.
- However, the unspent assignment for the last L.O.C (5th LOC) of the financial year is not to
be carried forward to the first L.O.C of the next year.
- The cheque actually issued during the last L.O.C but presented for payment during the
period of Ist L.O.C (within the period of validity) will be taken by the banks against the
assignment of the year in which they were drawn (Previous Year) and not against the
assignments of the year in which they are paid (Current Year).
- The Divisional Officer should keep a close watch over the drawals and should take prompt
action for the renewal of the LOC by assignment of additional funds by PAO.
(i) The Divisions will not incur any excess expenditure and / or make any diversion of fund.
Each CPWD officer/ CE responsible for allocation / distribution of budget grants will ensure this
and strict compliance.
(ii) Each CE will give quarterly projection of expenditure and receipts to the Office of
DG(W) which in turn, will give a consolidated expenditure and receipts (Division-wise)
projections to the CCA. Shortfalls with reference to targets for preceding quarters for both
expenditure and receipts will be explained.
(iii) No unauthorized deposits (deposit works from Civil Ministries) will be accepted by the
CPWD under any circumstances and no LOC will be issued for such items starting from now. As
a practical measure, LOC will, however, be issued for deposits accepted last year.
(iv) Although in the 2nd LOC upto 80 % of budgeted allocation will be released, the EEs will
have to ensure that reconciliation of expenditure is done on monthly basis and in time bound
manner with the PAOs . Cases of default will be reported to DG(W) in October and each
month thereafter.
- maintain Work wise Ledgers in the Division which are prescribed as an essential requirement
for the CPWD.
(This will ensure that there are no diversion of funds from one work to another, one
Ministry to another and from deposit works / Suspense Heads to budgeted works).
(vi) Divisions will not make payment of bills of SE’s and CE’s, which is a function of PAO’s
(where PAO exists).
(i) 2nd LOC (June each year) can be submitted direct to LOC Cell by all.
(ii) The subsequent LOC requests received by the PAOs will be forwarded to the Headquarters
within 7 days by the PAOs.
(iii) The LOC Cell of PrAO will release the LOC in not more than 5 working days from the
receipt of the proposal without insisting on reconciliation statement for the 1st and 2nd
LOC(April and June).
(iii) LOC for the full amount (100%) in respect of works of the Ministry of Home Affairs
and Ministry of Defence will be released, if so desired by the Divisions concerned.
(iv) LOC for the full amount of deposit (100%) in respect of Deposit works which are
permissible in the system (from autonomus bodies etc.) will be released. Departmental charges
will be presumed to be leviable / deductible from the LOC amount unless the EE specifically
suggests with reasons that no such deduction be made.
(v) LOC will be issued directly from New Delhi in respect of all Divisions under intimation to
the PAO’s concerned.
(vi) Batch processing of LOC will be resorted to, whereby outstation LOCs are issued first
(without compromising on the immediate requirement of the local Divisions).
b. Pay and allowances, including wages and Medical reimbursement claims – both advances and
final bills; (However Pay and Allowances of Govt. Servant covered by New Pension
Scheme,2004 will be paid by PAO )
c. Travel Expenses;
d. Office Contingencies;
e. Advances from Provident Fund for all categories;
g. Payments arising under the Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme to Group ‘D’ employees;
h. All short term loans and advances to Government servants (i.e. recoverable in less than
60/70 instalments).
Categories of bills that can only be paid by PAO & not by Divisonal Officers:
Bills for all other kinds of payments like
b) Withdrawals from GP Fund (in r/o Government servants other than Group ‘D’)
- Above bills are submitted to PAO for pre-check and payment by cheques/ DD.
- Such payments should not be made by the Divisional Officers by issue of cheque against their
Separate maintenance of establishment charges (pay & Allownces) & work charges:
Undisbursed balances of cash drawn for pay & allowances of regular establishment may be kept
in departmental cash chests but they should not be mixed up with the regular cash balances of
Department, accruing from money obtained on cheques for other payments (viz. works and
- In absolute necessity, on man of some length of service and proven trustworthiness may be
- There is no bar on cheques being drawn for less than Rs. 10.
- The petty sums and the wages of labourers and establishment charged directly to works
(excluding such categories of work-charged establishment, as are borne on regular
establishment of the Department) should be paid in cash.
- For Petty sums/ wages and VPP, it is permissible to draw money by Cheque to replenish the
cash chest (Minimum cash actually required to meet currant disbursement).
- All cheques in Divisional office drawn for Rs. 10 Lakh and above shall bear two signatures.
The second signatory shall be the Divisional Accountant or a senior most official as may be
nominated by the CCA.
2) Cheques shall be payable at any time within three months after the month of issue, thus a
cheque bearing any date in January is payable at any time upto 30th April.
3) Action in case where currency of 3 months expired owing to cheque not being presented
at Bank:
- it may be received back by the Divisional Officer and cancelled under his signature.
-The cancelled cheque is not to be destroyed but be treated as Voucher / Sub-Voucher for
issuing a fresh cheque in lieu thereof.
-the fact for issuing fresh cheque should be mentioned on the voucher i.e. the cancelled cheque.
Entries regarding cancellation of old cheque/issue of fresh cheque etc. should be made on the
counterfoil of old non-MICR Cheque or loose leaf/record slip of MICR cheque, and in the
relevant documents viz. register of cheque issued, office copy of the original Bill, list of
outstanding cheques etc.
4) Action in case of a cheque remaining unpaid for more than 6 month after its issue & not
surrendered for Renewal/ Cancellation:
it should be cancelled in the manner indicated in Rule 47(1)(iii) of CGA(R&P) Rules, 1983. The
practice of Revalidation of cheques has been dispensed with.
5) Action in case of request for issue of fresh cheque in lieu of a cheque allegedly lost within
a period of 01 year from date of issue of original cheque:
- The Divisional Officer will send an intimation by registered post (acknowledgement due) to
the bank drawn upon regarding the alleged loss of cheque and advise it to stop payment if the
cheque is presented for payment thereafter.
- If the currency of the Lost Cheque has not expired at the time of sending such an intimation:
the bank shall acknowledge in writing as per provision in Civil Accounts Manual.
- If the currency of the Lost Cheque has expired at the time of sending such an intimation
- No acknowledgement of the “Stop payment order” may be insisted upon from the bank;
- the Postal acknowledgement may be treated as sufficient for the record of the cheque drawing
Divisional Officer.
- The Divisional Officer will send a copy of Acknowledgement to the PAO for issue of a Non-
Payment Certificate.
- The PAO, on receipt a copy of this acknowledgement will, after verification of his relevant
records i.e. register of cheques delivered, etc. and after keeping a suitable note in that register,
issue a non-payment certificate to the Divisional Officer.
- The Divisional Officer will note particulars of the Non-Payment Certificate received in his
records, to indicate that the original cheque has not been paid and it has been ‘stopped’ from
payment. A similar note will also be made on the counterfoil/record slip of that cheque and
office copy of the relevant paid voucher before issuing a fresh cheque in lieu thereof.
- The number and date of the fresh cheque will also be noted in the relevant record viz., paid
voucher and counterfoil/record slip of the old and cancelled cheque etc.
- The Paying Bank continue to remain responsible to exercise precautions to ensure that the
cheque in r/o of which such advice is received is not subsequently paid even if it does not issue a
Non-Payment Certificate.
- If the original cheque (stated to be lost) is found to have been paid afterwards: the
Divisional Officer will report the matter with the fastest mode of communication i.e Electronic
Transfers immediately to the paying branch under intimation to the PAO as per rule 48 of
Central Government Account (Receipts & Payments) Ruels, 1983.
Note: In so far as other N.C.D.D.O of CPWD are concerned, they shall be governed by the
provisions of Chapter 3 of Civil Accounts Manual (C.A.M).
its cancellation must be recorded with dated signature on the counterfoil/ record slip and the
cheque must be destroyed.
- the cheque should be defaced and forwarded to the PAO. Simultaneously, the entries in the
accounts should be suitably reversed.
Receipt of Money
1 – Accounting Procedure
a) Money is received by a Govt Officer should at once be brought to account in the Cash Book
(Form-1) and a Receipt (CPWA Form 3) should be granted to the payer unless the
Government authorises the use of Cash Memo, (CPWA Form 3-A) in any particular case.
- If however the amount is realized by way of recovery from a bill/ voucher, a receipt may be
issued ONLY if specially desired by Payer (to whom the Bill pertains). The details of such
recovery by way of deduction should be clearly recorded on the receipt.
- Receipts (Form 3) or a cash memo (Form 3-A) can be issued only by Divisional Officer,
CDDOs or other specially authorised officer or Departmental Accounts Officer. (Such officer
are required to maintain Cash Book in Form-1)
- As per Rule 23 of R&P Rules No duplicates/ copies of Receipt granted can be issued on the
ground that the originals have been lost. In case of necessity, ONLY a certificate may be given
in lieu thereof.(Except in cases where duplicates have to be prepared and tendered with
originals as authorized by special rules)
he should not mix it up with the imprest or any other cash in his charge. But pay or remit it at the
earliest opportunity, to the nearest officer having a cash book or deposit into accredited Bank
accompanied by a challan in duplicate. The acknowledgement of the Bank giving full details
should be forwarded immediately to the next superior officer having a cash book, to enable him
to make the entries therein. The record of the transaction will be in the correspondence and not
in the imprest account of receiving officer.
1 Final acquaittance for private cheques and drafts on local banks accepted under proper
authority should not be given to the payer until they have been cleared.
2 The officer receiving cash has to ensure that it is duly recorded in Cash Book and the entry
is initialed with date by him BEFORE he signs the Receipt/ Cash Memo.
- Such instruments relating to rejected/ unsuccessful tenders are returned to the contractor on the
same day as the tenders are opened.
- These are not accounted for in Cash Book BUT recorded in the “Register of Tenders” which
is considered as a Subsidiary Cash Book/ an Accounts Form.
- Contractor receiving back the EMD has to give a Stamped Receipt in above Register.
- In case where the EMD is received much prior to date fixed for opening of tender OR where it
cannot be refunded on that date due to some reason, such EMD should be accounted for in Cash
Book and should be returned as per procedure laid down vide Para 17.19 of CPWD Manual.
- When they are sent to the Bank for encashment, they are shown in the Payment Column of
Cash Book as “Remittances into Bank”.
- Where such transactions are frequent and numerous, the cheques etc may be initially entered in
“Register of cheques received and adjusted” (Form C.P.W.A. 1-A) and only the daily totals of
receipts and remittances entered in the Cash Book. This Register also facilitates the watching of
the clearance of the cheques.
Note –
1. Above procedure also applies in r/o Deposit-in-Call receipts received prior to the date fixed
for opening of tenders or which for any reason cannot be returned on that date.
2 When Cheques are dishonoured, the original entries on both the sides of the Cash Book
should be written back by minus entries.
Disposal of Receipts
- Moneys realised should be paid, as soon as possible, into the accredited Bank, for credit as
miscellaneous receipts of the department.
- A Divisional Officer may use of cash receipts temporarily for current expenditure instead
of obtaining fresh cash by cheques but before the end of the month, he must send to the Bank a
cheque for the amount thus utilised, drawn in his own designation and endorsed by himself
with the words “Received payment by transfer credit to the Public Works Department.”
- The receipts realised by short payment on bills or other vouchers can not be utilized by
Divisional Officer as above.
1. Manner of Payment
a) All payments for which officers have been authorised to draw cheques should make the
payment by cheques.
c) The cheques drawn in favour of contractors and other should be made over to them by the
disburser direct; but the disburser may be assisted in making disbursements by a cashier.
d) The occasional delivery of cheques through a subordinate may be permitted at the discretion
and on the responsibility of the disbursers. (Transaction is recorded in subordinate’s
correspondence and Not in his accounts).
e) Drawing of cheque and deposit them in Cash Chest at the close of FY showing full
utilization of grant is a serious irregularity.
f) Payments due to contractors may be made to their banks instead of direct to contractors if
so desired provided that the Department obtains:-
(1) an authorization from the contractor in legal document like “Power of Attorney”
conferring authority on the bank to receive payment, and
(3) The receipt given by such bank shall constitute a full and sufficient discharge for the
(4) The contractors should, whenever possible, be instructed to present the bills duly receipted
and discharged through their bankers.
(5) Above provision does not create any right/ equities in favour of the bank, vis-a-vis
(g) The payments to suppliers of stores may be made by obtaining Bank drafts if so requested.
Guidelines for making payment for stores procured from by direct order from
Pvt. Firms and Individual abroad:
The payment is arranged in following manner as per the provisions of Rule 129 of R&P
(i) This rule covers purchases from abroad made under the normal procedures and rules.
Purchases and procurement of stores under special arrangements will be governed by the
procedure specified in the relevant agreement or instrument or undertaking.
(ii) The concerned DDO (which placed order after due sanction) will soon after checks like
receipt/ inspection/ verification of article, forward the Bills (with certificates & endorsement) to
the PAO/AO. The PAO will pass the Bills after usual Pre-Check.
(iii) The PAO/AO will procure a Bank Draft in specified foreign currency in favour of supplier if
so permitted by Schedule of Payments and forward it to the DDO for onward dispatch to
supplier. The converted cost in Rupees as per Bank Scroll is booked under relevant Major Head
by PAO.
(iii) Payment for the supply order or order under accepted tender involving heavy
payments, with a specific payment schedule clause therein,
(a) A LOC opened in favour of foreign suppliers through the accredited bank of the Ministry or
Department concerned.
(b) Telegraphic Bank Transfer from India directly into the payee’s pre-specified bank account
abroad as soon as the completed invoice and all relevant documents as required by the terms of
the contract are received in the Ministry/ Department/ Accredited Bank in India for the purpose
adhering to the stipulated time schedule of payment.
(Special care should be taken to ensure that the requisite documents are promptly passed on by
the bank to the respective authorities (Ministry or Department)for verification whether the time
schedule is to reckon from the date of receipt of the same by the Department or bank, whichever
is earlier.)
Stores ordered direct from firms abroad on FOB basis & subject to its own inspection by
Min/Deptt/ in consultation with DGS&D/ through Embassies & Missions:
The above payment procedure will be supplemented by a check that the inspection
certificate on the supplier’s bill has been recorded by the Inspecting party/agency concerned.
- General instructions regarding the form of bills and their preparation, completion and
stamping are laid down in Rule 33 to 37 of R&P Rules, 1983.
- Suppliers of stores and other should be encouraged to submit their bills and claims in proper
departmental forms.
- But, bills not prepared on such forms should not be rejected if they set forth the necessary
details of the claims. In such cases, the additional particulars required should be added by the
distributing officer.
(a) Every payment must be supported by a voucher setting forth full/clear particulars of claim
& other information for proper classification/identification. In case of works, the full name of
work, head of account and other particulars (for debiting charges & crediting deductions) should
be indicated.
(b) When a voucher exhibits any expenditure from which revenue may prima facie be expected
to accrue ( e.g. payment appears in a bill for removing material from a building or other work,
either dismantled or undergoing repairs or for clearing jungle or cutting trees in the compound
of building or in canal banks, etc.) a note should be recorded to indicate how the old materials
removed or the trees cut, etc., have been disposed of and if sold, when the sale proceeds will
be credited to Government.
(d) Voucher must bear a pay order specifying the amount payable in words and figures signed
or initialled, and dated by the responsible disbursing officer.
(e) Voucher should also bear, or have attached to it, an acknowledgement of the payment,
signed by the person by whom or in whose behalf the claim is put forward. This
acknowledgement should be taken at the time of the payment. Payee may sign in an Indian
script but should not the amount in the international numerals.
In case of payment by remittance, a note of the date and mode of remittance must be made on
the bill or voucher at the time of remittance. In cases of remittance by postal money order, the
purpose of the remittance should be briefly stated in the acknowledgement portion thereof.
(g) For article received by VPP, the value payable cover together with the invoice or bill
showing the details of the items paid for may be accepted as a voucher. The disbursing officer
should endorse, a note on the cover to the effect that the payment was made through the
post office and this will also cover charges for the money order commission.
1. Cash Book
(a). Upkeep
1. Divisional Officer (having CDDO Capacity) has to maintain a Cash Book (Form-1) for cash
2. Officers entrusted with Imprest/ Temporary Advance are to maintain and render accounts of
disbursement in Imprest Cash Account (Form-2)
3. Accounting of transactions relating to pay and allowances of the staff in the Cash Book
Form I as under:
- The Divisional Officer (CDDO) draws the required cheques by their designation.
- The Cheque amount is entered in Column “Bank” on payment side of Cash Book.
- The transactions recorded under Payment & Receipt side are then classified under respective
Major and Minor Head.
- The amount of these cheques should be simultaneously entered in the Subsidary Cash Book
(Form G.A.R 3)
- The Cheque amount is entered in Column “Bank” on payment side of Cash Book.
- The amount of deductions will simultaneously be entered on payment side under column
“Cash”(Payment Side) and on under column ‘Amount (Cash - Receipt Side) & (Payee A/c.).
Cheques for net amounts should be drawn in the name of the payees.
(iii) Cash is to be counted at regular intervals & Certificate of Counting (Actual Cash Plus
Balances of Imprests & Temporary Advances) should be recorded on the body of Cash Book.
(iv) The actual balance of cash should invariably be stated in both in words and figures
(ii) If a mistake is discovered before Cash Book is closed, it should be corrected by drawing
the pen through the incorrect entry and inserting the correct one in red ink between the lines. The
disbursing officer is to initial (with date every such correction.
(iii) If a mistake is discovered After Cash Book is closed: No corrections of errors in amount,
classification or name of work, can be made in that book but through a transfer entry with a
suitable remark in red ink.
(ii) The DDO should compare each entry on payment and receipt side w.r.t. Vouchers,
Challans, Counterfoils of Cheques etc. to ensure that
(iii) The DDO is to verify the totalling of the cash book or have this done by some principal
subordinate (other than the writer of the cash book) who should initial (dated) it as correct;
(iv) The Actual Cash Balance should be counted on the last working day of each month (i.e.
immediately after closing the cash account of the month), OR on the first working day of
the following month before any disbursement is made on that date (where this is not possible
to count the cash balance on last working day).
The details of the actual balance should be recorded in Form 5, and a certificate of the
count of Actual Cash Balance excluding Imprest/ Temp Adv. (word/figures), should be
recorded below the closing entries of the month. The certificate should be signed by the
disbursing officer who should invariably date his signature.
(If the prescribed schedule of counting cash balance could not be followed due to absence of
DDO, the same may be done at earliest opportunity)
(v) Adjusting entry for error detected in counting actual cash balance:
(i) Excess Balance: It is treated as receipt and accounted for under caption “To cash found
surplus in chest”(Receipt Side) with classification as Major Head- 8443- Civil Deposit (Minor
Head- 103- Public Work Deposit).
(ii) Short Balance: It is treated as Advance and accounted for under caption “By cash found
Deficient in chest”(Payment Side) with classification below Sub-Head- “Miscellaneous
Works Advances” under Minor Head- 799- Suspense of concerned MH.
(i) An imprest is a standing advance of a fixed sum of money given to an individual to enable
him to make certain classes of disbursements.
(ii) The amount of an imprest should be kept as low as possible and in no case exceed Rs. 5000/-
without the special sanction of the Administrative Ministry / Administrator concerned.
(iii) The procedure for maintenance of Permanent Advance or Imprest is laid down in Para
10.12 of CAM Volume-I read with Rule 291 of GFRs,2005.
(iv) The sanction of issue of Permanent Imprest/Advance shall be addressed to the PAO of the
(v) The PAO will obtain the Acknowledgement (as on 31st March) from such DDOs in the
month of April each year and tally the aggregate outstanding balance in Register of Permanent
Advances (CAM-61) with the Ledger Balances.
(vi) The account of imprest cash (Form-2) should be kept in duplicate. The counterfoil should
be retained by the imprest holder and the original supported by the necessary vouchers, should be
forwarded to the officer from whom the imprest is held (At the time of recoupment/ proposal to
increase or decrease the amount of the imprest/ to close the account altogether).
(vii) The account must be rendered to the DDO in time to enable him to incorporate the account
in his cash book before it is closed for the month.
(viii) The DDO should examine the imprest cash account with supporting vouchers and initial
(dated) it in token of approval and record a formal pay to authorise the recoupment,
enhancement, reduction or closing of the imprest, as the case may be.
(ix) In case of any objectionable disbursement in Imprest A/c, the DDO may recoup the
imprest in Full treating the item as “Miscellaneous Works Advances” and being entered in
Cash Book as “Item awaiting adjustment in the Imprest Account …..” for watching the removal
of object or till amount is made good by the Imprest Holder.
(x) The imprest-holder is responsible for the safe custody of imprest money and he must at all
times be ready to produce the total amount of the imprest in vouchers or in cash.
Debit: Major Head “8672-Permanent Cash Imprest” & Minor Head “101-Civil”
Credit: Major Head “8782-Cash Remittances etc” & Minor head “102- Public Works
Remittances” Sub-head “ Public Works Cheques”
(b) On Recoupment of Imprest: When such cheque is encashed, the amount remains in the
hand of Officer sanctioned with Imprest, who depending of disbursement made gets the amount
recouped from time to time.
Debit: Office Contingencies or Work concerned below the functional Major/Sub-Major Heads
of Accounts
Contra Credit: Major Head “8782-Cash Remittances etc” & Minor head “102- Public
Works Remittances” Sub-head “ Public Works Cheques”
Debit: Major Head “8782-Cash Remittances etc” & Minor head “102- Public Works
Remittances” Sub-head “ Remittances into Bank”
Credit: Major Head “8672-Permanent Cash Imprest” & Minor Head “101-Civil”
(ii) Account of Temporary Advance is kept in “Imprest Cash A/c (Form-2). It must be closed
as soon as possible.
(iii) The payment of Temporary Advance is recorded in Red ink in the inner column on
payment side of the cash book giving complete details as to whom paid and for what purpose it
has been paid.
(iv) The Adjustment of Temporary Advance in the next month is recorded in Red ink in the
inner column of the Receipt side of the Cash Book indicating “ To adjustment of
Temporary Advance given to the disburser” with full particulars.
(v) The Refund of undisbursed amount the same should be shown as cash refund in the inner
column. Such undisbursed amount will form part of the cash balance if not paid in the same
month in which refund of such advance has been recorded in the cash Book.
(vi) When such undisbursed amount is paid in subsequent month, the payment shall be
classified as “ By payment of undisbursed amount of temporary advance” in the cash
column of the payment side.
(iii) Such advance must be adjusted under the proper Head of Account within one month in
GAR Form-32.
(iv)The cash taken out of the chest by the disbursing officer himself to make payments at a
distance is also regulated in the same manner
(i) CDDO is required to send annual requisition for all three categories of cheques to PAO
(ii) PAO concerned forwards the consolidated divisionwise requirement directly to the accredited
Bank with direction to deliver the cheques directly to CDDOs/PAOs.
(iii) The concerned Bank after delivery of Cheque Books to CDDOs etc furnish a CDDO wise/
Category wise Break up of cheques with Sl.Numbers etc to concerned PAO with copy to
Principal Accounts Office.
(iv) PAO of the Divisions will endorse a copy of this requisition to their Principal Accounts
(v) The cost of printing, binding, packaging and despatch etc. of Cheque Books will be borne by
the accredited Bank.
(vii) CDDOs will intimate the first serial number of cheque of all the three categories of Cheque
Books from the first day of their use to their respective PAO with a copy to the Principal
Accounts Office for record.
(viii) PAO and Principal Accounts Office will maintain Divisionwise / PAO wise Register
respectively for issue of Cheque Books to the PAO/CDDOS and monitor and reconcile the
details on yearly basis. The reconciliation statement shall be submitted to the concerned
DyCA / CA on 10th of the month of the following year.
(ix) Receipt Books (Form 3) and Cash Memo Books (Form 3-A)
(i) These are obtained from the Central Forms Stores, Kolkata by divisional Officers.
(ii) The Divisional Officer should keep a record of the Receipt and Cash Memo Books received
and those brought to use .
(x) Cheque (or Receipt) Books should on receipt be carefully examined by the Divisional
Officer concerned who should count the number of forms contained in each and record a
certificate of count on the fly-leaf.
(xi) Cheque Books must be kept under lock and key in the personal custody of the
Divisional Officer authorised to sign the receipt.
(iii) The chest should be opened/closed in the presence of both the custodian.
(iv) The duplicate keys of Divisional chest should be placed in separate sealed cover and lodged
with different officers of higher rank or with the relevant branch of the accredited bank. A
duplicate key register should be maintained and once a year, in the month of April the keys
should be sent for, examined and returned under fresh seal, note being made in the register that
they have been found correct.
(v) One cashier may make the cash payments of two or more Divisions wherever such an
arrangement is found to be practicable.
(vi) The Divisional Officer should count the cash in the hands of cashier at least once a month.
The result of such counting should be recorded in the form of a note in the cash book showing
the date of examination and the amount (in words) found.
7.1 Introductory
1. The general administration of all the stores of a division for arranging following duties is
vested in the Divisional Officer,
(b) their custody and distribution according to the requirements of works and
2. Govt Officers entrusted by the Divisional Officer with the stores function are responsible for
maintaining correct records and preparing correct returns.
3. All transactions of receipts and issues of stores should be recorded, as per provision of
Chapter 7 of GFR,2005.
(a) the debiting to a work of the cost of materials not required, or in excess of actual
(b) the debiting to a particular work for which funds are available of the value of materials
intended to be utilized on another work for which no allotment has been sanctioned,
(c) the writing back of the value of materials used on a work to avoid excess outlay over
appropriation, etc.
There are 04 categories of stores: Stores item/ T&P/ Road Metal/ Other Materials.
(i) The cost of acquisition should be debited to the particular work for which they are
required, when the work is done departmentally by the contractors whose agreement is for
labour only;
(ii) otherwise, it should be kept in a suspense account pending clearance, by debit to specific
heads of account or works.
(i) The cost of the supply of all stores, required as tools and plant for general use of the
division is debited at once to the Minor Head “Machinery and Equipment” subordinate to
the major head under which such charges of the division are classified;
(ii) Special items of tools and plant, which are required for a specific work (not for general
purpose) are debited to that work.
(i) If it is required for the general maintenance of a road is debited under MH-“3054 Roads
and Bridges”, Sub-Head “Maintenance and Repairs’ against the estimate sanctioned for the
collection of it and
(ii) If it is acquired specially for use in the construction of a road or other work, its cost is
debited to the estimate for such construction.
(d) Other Materials: In the case of other materials when purchases are made for the general
requirements of works, the cost is accounted for under the Suspense Head “Stock”.
5. The four classes of stores thus fall into two distinct categories as shown below:-
(i) Stock.
6. A numerical or quantity account (MAS/ Bin Card) of receipts, issues and balances has to
be maintained for all stores, even though debited to final heads until the stores are disposed of
finally either by consumption on works or otherwise.
This Quantity Account are to be reconciled periodically with the Value Accounts (except in
the case of stores debited to final heads).
The initial records/Returns of all stores of sub-divisions should take account of quantities
only, and
I. General
- Each Sub-Divisional Officer may have a separate stock in his charge, either at his headquarter
or scattered over the sub-division under direct custody Sectional Officers (i.e. JE
(Civil/Elect/Mech) OR Sec. Officer (Hort.).
2. Stock accounts may be maintained in a Sub-Divisional Office, even though the officer in
charge is not authorized to keep a cash account in Form I. A separate account should be kept in
the Divisional Office of any stock which is directly under the charge of the Divisional Officer.
- It is maintained to ensure accuracy/ uniformity of posting of all transactions and facilitate the
preparation and valuation of indents throughout the Department.
- The Issue Rates should be filled in by the Divisions concerned who should circulate them for
use by other Divisions obtaining supply of stores from them.
- These vocabularies should be kept up-to-date by issue of correction slips as and when
1. All materials received should be examined, counted/ measured for their quantity/ quality/
specification at the time of delivery and should be recorded in the Goods Received Sheet (Form
8-A) and in the Bin Card (Form 8) immediately thereafter.
2. The Acknowledgement to be given to a supplier for stores received can be signed only by
the Divisional or Sub-divisional Officer.
- One copy being retained by the store keeper and the other two sent to the Sub-divisional
Office, out of which one copy will be passed on to the supplier and the other to the Divisional
Office for posting the Priced Stores Ledger and making payments.
- The instructions regarding the making of entries in the Measurement Books apply mutatis
mutandis to the entries to be recorded in the Goods Received Sheets.
- Separate Goods Received Sheet should be prepared in respect of goods purchased from one
2. It can be issued only on receipt of an Indent (Form 7) signed by the Divisional or the Sub-
divisional officer.
3 Indents will be printed in the form of booklets and will be duly machine numbered, and kept
in stock by the Divisional Officer
4.Indents should be prepared in quintuplicate. The 5Th copy of the indent should be retained as
the office copy and the other four (marked as “original”, “duplicate” etc.) presented to the
Supplying Division.
5. A record of the stores indented should be simultaneously kept in the Register of Indents
Form 7-A.
6. In order to keep a watch on the materials issued to works and to avoid excessive issues, a
MAS Register (Form CPWA 35) is kept.
7. After entering the quantity issued in all the copies of Indent., an entry for such issues is
simultaneously be made in the Bin Card (Form 8).
8. One copy of the indent should be retained by the Store-Keeper of the Supplying Division as a
voucher in support of the entry in the Bin Card; the second being returned to the indenting
office. The third and the fourth copies of the indent should be sent to the Divisional Office for
further action.
9. On receipt of the third and fourth copies of the indent in the Divisional Officer the issues
should be valued at the Issue Rates fixed.
1. A chronological record of the Receipt, Issues and the running balance of each article of
3. These cards will be posted from the Goods Received Sheets and the Stores Indents.
4. All the Bin Cards should be serially numbered
6. The Divisional Officer should arrange periodical verification of balances as per Bin Cards
with those in the Priced Stores Ledger.
7. As soon as Bin Card is completed, it should be returned to the Divisional Officer after
carrying over the balance to the new card. When received in the Divisional Office, the entries of
the completed cards should be checked with the Priced Stores Ledger and discrepancies, if any,
pointed out to the Sub-divisional Officer concerned for further action. The Bin Cards should then
be recorded in the Divisional Office.
2. Cash payment should not be made for stock received from other sources except in
accordance with the directions in Chapter 4 of Govt. Accounting Rules, 1990. When under those
rules payment for supplies made by any department is made in cash, the claims of such
department should be dealt with in the same way as those of suppliers.
3. In case of procurement through D.G.S.&D. the Indenting Division may make “Advance
payment” from the Budgeted Heads of Account to PAO, Supply, who will make payment upto
98% on the basis of proof of Despatch i.e, R.R. etc. to the supplier. The balance payment of
2% will be made to the Supplier by PAO, Supply on receipt of Consignee’s Receipt and
Inspection Note etc. of the DGS&D.
2. This rate is fixed on the principle that the cost to be charged to works on which the materials
are to be used should approximately equal the actual cost of the stores and that there may be no
ultimate profit or loss in the stock accounts.
3. It should provide, beyond the original price paid and the cost of carriage, etc., for the
storage charges.
4. Issue rates of cement, steel or any other item in the contracts, should not be less than the
market rates of these commodities irrespective of the issue rates of the Central Stores. The
credit due to less issue rate of the Central Stores will automatically go to the work.
5. It is not necessary that the Issue Rate for an item should be the same in all sub-divisions,
but a uniform rate should ordinarily be prescribed for all localities in a sub-division.
6. The Issue Rate of an article of stock should be fixed at the beginning of each year and will
remain constant throughout the year. The Issue Rate should be revised earlier if there is any
material variation in the purchase rates.
8 If the Issue Rate of an article is appreciably less than the market rate, the following
precautions should be taken:-
(b) Issues to other divisions and departments may be made at a rate higher than the Issue
1. A storage rate if fixed annually for each Division or Sub-division on the principle that the
total estimated annual expenditure on maintenance of store is, as far as possible, recovered
from the issues likely to be made during the year.
3. The expenditure on storage charges is debited to a distinct Detailed Head “Storage” under
“2059 Public Works – Other expenditure / 4059 Capital Outlay on Public Works etc.” as
the case may be.
4. The amount of recoveries effected for the year on account of storage (Through Issue Rates)
should be worked out from the total credits to suspense-stock and adjusted under the head “0059
- Public Works – Other Receipts” OR taken in reduction of expenditure under the sub-
head “Deduct Receipt and Recoveries on Capital Account” which may be opened below the
relevant minor head under “4059 Capital Outlay on Public Works etc.”
5. The amount so adjusted should be compared with the expenditure on storage as booked
against the final head of account and the profit / loss on storage, if any, should be adjusted in
accounts in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 7.2.33.
1. Carriage and other incidental charges which are incurred simultaneously in connection
with several articles of stock and cannot be allocated to the various articles, should be booked
under a separate sub-head under stock titled “Handling and other incidental charges.” This
is included in Issue Rate on percentage basis.
- 10 Percent supervision charges should be realized in addition to the value of stock including
storage charges in all cases
- The amount recovered on this account should be treated as Revenue/ Capital receipts.
1. The receipt and issue transactions of the entire Division are abstracted in the “Summary of
Stock Receipts” (Form 9) and the “Summary of indents” (Form 10).
2. These forms are posted daily in the Divisional Office from the copies of Goods Received
Sheets and the Indents.
4. The total value of receipts and issues in these Summaries should be reconciled with the
corresponding monthly total of the Priced Stores Ledger (Form 12)
1. It is an Account (Form 12) maintained in the Accounts Branch of the Divisional Office to
record day to day transactions relating to each item of stock.
2. it has different sections or sets of pages for different articles of stock with columns for
receipts, issues and balances for both quantities and values.
3. Separate Ledger is maintained for articles falling under each sub-head of Stock i.e civil/
electrical/ mechanical likewise.
4. All items of receipts and issues is entered in the Ledger from the copies of Goods Received
Sheets and the Indents which are received daily from the Sub-divisions.
5. At the end of day’s postings, the balances under each article should be worked out in
respect of quantities as well as values.
6. The Ledger should be closed for both quantities and values at the end of each month.
7. The monthly total of receipts, issues and balances should then be worked out for all the sub-
heads, which should agree with the Summary of Stock Receipts and the Summary of
7.2.34 At the end of each year, the amount of annual excess or short-fall representing the
differences in values due to revision of rates etc., should be worked out proforma and credited
to Revenue (or as a receipt on capital account) or charged off as “Losses on Stock”, as the case
may be.
1. A physical verification of all Stores shall be made at least once in every year.
(i) Who is the custodian, ledger keeper or the Accountant of the Stores to be verified, or who is
a nominee of, or is employed under the custodian, the ledger keeper or the Accountant; or
(ii) Who is not conversant with the classification, nomenclature and technique of the particular
classes of stores to be verified.
3. The result of all verifications of stock should be reported to the Divisional Officer for
4. If any discrepancy is noticed, the book balance must be set right by the Verifying Officer,
treating a surplus as a receipt and a deficit as an Issue, with a suitable remark.
5. The value of stores found surplus should be credited at once as a revenue receipt or a
receipt on capital account, as the case may be.
6. The value of a deficit should be kept under “Miscellaneous Works Advances” pending
recovery or adjustment under orders of competent authority.
7. When the loss is declared as irrecoverable and its write off ordered, a transfer entry
should be prepared clearing the head “Miscellaneous P.W. Advances” by debit to the
detailed head “Minor Work” under revenue/Capital major head concerned.
(i) Clerical Error is corrected in accordance with rules relating to cash book.
(ii) Error discovered after accounts for the months are closed is corrected by:-
- Making entries of value (Not Quantity) when there is no change in the related Head of A/c
(i.e. compensating error of value),
b) Stock Accounts: Other corrections in Stock account may be necessary in the following
(i) When quantities are found surplus or short, either as the result of stock-taking or
(iii) When stores of any description become unserviceable and have, therefore, to be removed
from stock.
Method of Corrections:-
(i) Both in quantity and value accounts, all additions to quantities should be treated as receipt
and reductions therein as Issues
(ii) In the case of materials to be declared unserviceable, no adjustment should be made until
receipt of orders of competent authority, obtained on a Survey Report in Form 18.
(a) General or ordinary T&P, i.e., those required for the general use of the division:
The cost of the supply, repairs, and carriage is charged to the Minor Head “Tools and
Plant”OR “ Machinery & Equipment”
(b) Special Machinery and Equipment i.e., those required for a specific work:-
The cost of the supply, repairs, and carriage is borne by the work concerned.
2. The Accounts of Tools and Plant issued for use by subordinates of the subdivision, or
temporarily lent to contractors, lent to local bodies and others should be specially reviewed
periodically to ensure its time return in good condition.
1.All articles received should be examined and counted at the time of delivery and recorded in
the Tools and Plant Received Sheet, Form 13
2. Form-13 should be prepared in triplicate.
3.One copy is retained by the Store keeper and the other two are sent to the Sub-divisional
Officer,(for posting the Tools and Plant Ledger) and the Divisional Officer (for making
necessary payment or adjustment of values)
4. The acknowledgement, as may have to be given to the person from whom the articles are
received, can be signed only by the Divisional or Sub-divisional Officer
5. A register of T&P Received Sheet (Form-12A) showing the receipt, issue and return of the
booklets containing Tools and Plant Received Sheets should be maintained in the Divisional and
the Sub-divisional Offices.
(b) Issues
1. The articles of Tools and Plant is issued only on receipt of requisition known as T&P Indent,
Form 14 signed by the Divisional or the Sub-divisional Officer.
2. The unstamped (USR) but dated acknowledgements must be obtained in support of all
issues and in the case of tools etc., lent to contractors.
3. The Indent should be prepared in triplicate, two copies being presented to the Division/Sub-
division indented upon and the other retained as office copy by the indenting Division/Sub-
1. A consolidated account of the receipts, issues and balances of tools and plant is maintained in
the sub-divisional office in Tools and Plant Ledger (Form-15).
Part I - For articles in hand: The articles should be grouped under the prescribed sub-heads,
which are
(3) Tools,
Part III - For shortage awaiting adjustment: It is brought into use only if any shortage
comes to notice
3. Part I and Part II of the Ledger should be posted from the office copies of the T&P
Received Sheets and the T&P Indents as and when a transaction takes place.
Payment for tools and plant received from suppliers and other sources should be made generally
in the manner prescribed for stock receipts.
IV. Recoveries
1. When tools and plant are lent to local bodies, contractors or others:
The hire and other charges should be determined by local rules and should be recovered
2. The cost of carriage of all Government tents belonging to Executive and Revenue Officers
should be debited to “Machinery and Equipment”.
If they are used wholly or partly for private purposes, recoveries will be made in accordance
with rules framed by the Administrative Ministry/Administrator concerned.
1. A Sale Account in Form 19 should be prepared by Sub Divisional office in support of every
2. If the amount of sale is not recovered within the month in which the articles are delivered,
it should be charged to “Miscellaneous P.W. Advances” as a sale transaction by the issue of a
transfer entry.
3. It is not permissible to write-back the cost of special tools and plant in anticipation of the
possibility of the articles being utilized on another work or project at some distant date.
4. No articles can be removed from the numerical accounts on the plea that the accounts of
the work to which the cost of the articles was debited have been closed
1.The rule relating verification of stock applies also to verification of tools and plant, with the
exception that when any articles are found deficient, the note of the deficiency should be made
in red ink in the Tools and Plant Ledger, Form 15, without making any entries in the quantity
columns, so that the articles may continue to be borne on the accounts of tools and plant, until
the loss is adjusted by a recovery or a sanctioned write off
a) Losses will be treated as deficiencies. When writing up the T&P Ledger, Form 15, the
deficiencies should be recorded in Part III and their clearance should be watched.
b) Articles found surplus will be treated as receipts in Part I, and will therefore require no
further action.
(c) If the deficiencies are made good in kind (Entry in TR Reced Sheed w/out quanity &
Part-III – deficiency only):
The Receipt/ Recovery is shown in the T&P Received Sheet, Form 13, without making any
entry in the quantity columns, and, in the T&P Ledger Form 15, the articles received is not to
be entered in Part I, but taken direct to Part III, for clearance of the items outstanding
(d) If the deficiencies are made good by recovery of cost or their write-off (Entry both in
Part-I & III:
The articles is shown as issued in the T&P Indent Form 14, and when entered in the T&P
Ledger Form 15, it is not only be entered in Part I in the ordinary way, but also in Part III,
thus clearing the items outstanding therein.
3) Loss of Articles temporarily lent/ sent out for repairs (Entry both in Part-I as issued
permanently & II):
(b) The items should be shown as received back in the appropriate columns of Part I & II of the
Tools and Plant Ledger and should also be shown as issued permanently in Part I of the Ledger.
2. The copies on loose sheets being submitted monthly to the Divisional Office within a
fortnight (Two Weeks) of the submission of the monthly accounts.
3. The Form 16 shows kilometer by kilometer the receipt, disposal and balance of road metal
of each kind (stone, kunkar etc)
4. The balance of metal in each kilometer should show whether there are any transactions on it
during the month or not.
5. Separate Statements(Form 16) should ordinarily be kept for metal collected for annual
repairs, for renewals and for petty repairs.
The maintenance of this detailed account (Form 16) showing the receipts, issues and balances,
kilometer by kilometer, may be dispensed with by the Divisional Officer, provided:-
(a) that he should maintain in his own office, a register showing separately by each road or
section of a road, the quantities of metal of each description paid for month by month in
connection with all estimates for collection and
(2) that, whenever any executive officer or subordinate officer (responsible for any part of the
balance of the metal) is transferred, the accounts of Road Metal should be verified..
2. Metal found Deficits: It should not be removed from the quantity account until recovery
of their value or receipt of sanction to write off. but a red ink remark should be recorded at
once and carried forward, from month to month, until the discrepancy is set right.
1. A rate-book or Schedule of Rates showing the lowest rate at which metal can be supplied
to the road-side throughout the division, should be kept in the divisional office in Form 17.
2. The rates should be revised from time to time, as old quarries are exhausted or new ones
opened, or as other circumstances affect the rates.
IV. Charges for Quarries
1. Sometimes the land is acquired for extracting road metal primarily intended for:-
(ii) the construction of a new road or the raising in class of an existing road,
2. The charges connected with the land and quarries are adjusted in the following
(a) Charges not exceeding Rs.1000: The amount should be debited direct to “Maintenance
and repairs” or to “Construction” accordingly as the quarry is intended to serve the purposes..
(b) Charges exceeding Rs.1000 and the road metal is required for Maintenace of an existing
road or roads for a series of years
The total initial outlay should be debited to the sub-head “Land, Kilns, etc” of the Stock
Account and this sub-head should be gradually relieved, by debit to the collection estimates of
each year.
(c) Charges exceeding Rs.1000 and the road metal is required for Construction of Road:
It should be charged direct to the original work concerned such portion of the cost as is proper.
The balance, if any, should be debited to the sub-head should eventually be cleared by debit to
“Maintenance & Repairs”.
7.5.1 The accounting procedure relating to materials obtained specially for a work is described in
Chapter 10 .
(c) Bring to account certain classes of transactions which do not pass through the cash or
stock account e.g. for credit to Revenue heads on account of revenue not recovered in cash
including lapsed Deposits;
(d) Respond to a remittance transaction advised by the PAO/AO, if the corresponding debit
or credit to the Remittance head has not already appeared in the accounts;
(ii) Suspense charges which can no longer be kept within the accounts of the work.
(Necessary either when the accounts of any contractor or of the work itself are to be closed, or
when any recoveries (otherwise than in cash) have become due, e.g., by the transfer of stores to
any other work or account).
(f) Effect periodical adjustments eg. annual adjustment to credit to the head “8009” GPF an
amount equal to total of interest accruing and afforded to various Group ‘D’ and Work
Charged establishment accounts by contra debit to the head ‘2049 – Interest Payments’ etc .
- No correction is admissible, it being sufficient to make a suitable note of error against the
original entry.
- The error must be corrected by transfer, however, old and small it may be.
- If the accounts of the year are not closed (When error occurred) , the correction should be
made by the removal (through minus entry) of the item from the head under which it was
wrongly taken to that to which it properly belongs.
- the correction should be made by transfer from the one to the other.
(ii) an item credited to a DDSR Head instead of to a Revenue Head; or debited to a DDSR
Head instead of to an Expenditure Head
– the correction should be made by transfer to the head under which it should originally have
– correction should be made by debiting refunds and crediting the proper head; and
– correction should be made by debiting the proper head and crediting the relevant
departmental receipt head (or in the case of a department not having corresponding receipt
head, to the major head 0075 – Miscellaneous General Services).
When Correction is not permissible: A suitable note of it should be made in the account
6) All corrections in accounts advised by the PAO/AO on his auditing the documents:
Correction should be carried out (After due verification) in all relevant records in red ink and
attested by the dated initials of the Divisional Accountant. A reference to the audit note or
other advice should also be noted against the correction.
7) For every transfer entry there must either be an authority in Transfer Entry Order (Form
C.A.M. 34) or an order recorded on another document e.g., Survey Report etc.
8) A single transfer entry may cover a number of adjustments and corrections, provided that
all the necessary particulars are set forth in respect of each.
- However, on one side of every transfer entry, there should be only one major head but
there may be a debit or credit to various other heads or vice versa.
9) A TEO may be initiated by the Sub-divisional Officer, in all cases which comes under his
10) All TEOs should set forth such explanation of the correction or adjustment proposed to be
made as would establish clearly the correctness and necessity of the entry.
11) All transfer entries of a month should be entered in the Transfer Entry Number Book
(Form CAM 35).
12) The effect thereof should be reflected in the monthly accounts of that month after
preparing a ‘Summary of Transfer Entries’( Form CAM 36).
9.1 General
1) Public Works revenue when collected should be brought to account in accordance with the
classification prescribed in List of Major and Minor Heads of Accounts.
2) It is not permissible to take credit for revenue to the head concerned until it is realized.
- creditable to the minor head:- 800 “Other Receipts” below the concerned functional Major Sub-
Major Heads of Account
-by debit to Sub-head “Miscellaneous Public Work Advances” under the Minor Head “799-
Suspense” below the functional Major/Sub-Major Heads of Account vide paragraph 7.3.13.
The recovery of Licence fee from Government servants, occupying residential buildings will be
made either in cash or by deduction from their pay bills through their disbursing officer
(c) Where Government residences are meant for allotment to the staff of a single
The administrative Ministry concerned will make necessary arrangements for the allotment and
the recovery of Licence Fees of such residences.
(d) Where CPWD has the GPA residences under its control (In absence of office of the
Directorate of Estates):
The Divisional Officer of the CPWD Division in charge of the residences will continue to make
the allotment and recovery of Licence fee of such residences.
(e) Amounts due (hire of Government Furniture and Government Property lost or
damaged by a Government servant):
These may also be recovered either in cash or by deduction from pay bills in accordance with
the rule in this paragraph.
(f) The assessment and recovery of licence fees pertaining to buildings under the
Directorate of Estates at New Delhi and its regional offices:
A bill in suitable form should be sent to the licensee on or before the last day of each month.
The Licensee should be required to pay the licence fees before the expiry of the following
(h) When recoveries of Licence fees are to be effected through a disbursing officer,
A demand in (Form 48) Statement of Licence Fees (including hire charges of furniture,
govt property lost/ damaged) recoverable in cash or by deduction from Pay Bills, should be
sent, in duplicate, before the close of each month to that officer who will make the necessary
recoveries and return one copy of the statement, duly completed.
(i) Amounts recovered by deduction from Pay Bills of Government servants under the Payment
control of Civil PAO will not be passed on to the Divisional Officer for adjustment in the
Divisional Accounts.
(j)The PAO in whose circle, the recoveries are made will credit the revenue heads concerned
The Divisional Officer should, however, credit the accounts of the Licensees in the Register
of Licence Fees of buildings and lands, (Form 49)
(k) Although individual-wise account is maintained in the cases of licence fee (Rent) for
Government quarters (GPA managed by the Director of Estates) no monetary settlement is
to be effected.
Such recoveries are booked directly against the final head 0216 - Housing in the books of
(l)The accounts consolidating authority of the different Ministries/Departments shall render
monthly statement of receipts including progressive figures for that financial year to the CCA
of the Ministry of Urban Development and also to the computer cell of C.G.A’s organization
(m) Budget forecast for the receipt under the Major Head “0216 – Housing” based on actuals
etc has to be furnished by Postal Board, Telecom Board and F.A. Defence etc to the Ministry of
Urban Development in connection with the preparation of Budget Estimates/Revised
Estimates etc.
(n) A Licensee (who receives pension from Government) should be treated as a private
individual for the purpose and the payment will be made in cash only.
b) Cash repayments of revenue actually collected and accounted for under the Major
Heads 0059 Public Works, 0216 Housing, 1054 Roads and Bridges or Irrigation Major
heads concerned:
It should be accounted for under the minor head “900 Deduct-Refunds” of the Revenue head
c) All other refunds of revenue, (i.e. refunds of licence fees adjusted by short assessment or
short realization in a subsequent month) and repayments of “Receipts and Recoveries on Capital
Account” should be taken in reduction of the receipts under the heads concerned.
I. Registers of Revenue
a) All revenue receipts of the division should be classified and abstracted in a Register of
Revenue, Form 46, maintained in the Divisional Office.
b)The receipts relating to each project, for which a separate capital account is kept should be
registered separately and
All the other receipts pertaining to a major head should be booked collectively.
c) All receipts and recoveries on capital account should also be abstracted in Form 46.
Exception: these buildings falling within the categories specified in clauses (1) and (2) of Rule
2 of Appendix 2 to the Account Code for Accountants General should be excluded from this
“(1) residences for use of the President or the Head of a local Administration;
(2) buildings which are situated within the precincts of jails, hospitals, police lines, tehsils,
educational institutions provided that they are allotted free under the orders of Government
to Government Servants who are required to occupy particular houses in order to ensure the
proper performance of their duties”
(3) Private buildings hired for use as residences or are used as such, wholly or in part should
be included in this register.
(4) Licence fee free quarters for Group’D’ employees need not be entered in this register
except when allotted to persons from whom licence fees is recoverable.
(5) Rest-houses and other travellers’ bungalows be entered, although licence fees receipts
from them are also treated as licence fees of buildings which are required to be booked under the
heads “Rent/licence fees”
(b) On closing the account of a work involving expenditure on the construction, acquisition
or equipment of a building intended to be used as a residence, or expenditure on additions
or alterations to an existing a residential building, the Divisional Accountant should see:-
(i) That if it is a new building, it is entered in the Register of Licence Fees of Buildings and
Land (Form-49)
(ii) That steps are taken to obtain the orders of competent authority to assess or revise the
licence fee, as the case may be and
(iii) That the correct capital cost of the building is noted in the Register of Buildings referred
to in paragraph 138 of the Central Public Works Department Code.
(c) The Licence fee for Government residential buildings shall be revised once in three years
by the Directorate of Estates. (See S.R. 324 and F.R. 45-A)
(d) Cash refunds of licence fees realized should be shown separately as minus realizations in
the Register of Licence Fee of Buildings and Lands, and thus distinguished from the gross
realization of licence fees.
(i) Cash
(i) Cost of Materials received from or services rendered by other division/ department, (ii)
Cash receipts as are taken in reduction of expenditure in accordance with the rules.
3. Initial Records upon which the accounts of works are based: These are as below:-
(iii) Work-charged Establishment Bills (other than those borne on regular Establishment)
(1) to labourers and members of the work charged establishment, of their wages and
(2) to contractors and others for work done or other services rendered.
The general rules relating to cash payments and vouchers in paragraphs 6.4.1 to 6.4.8 apply to all
these classes of payments. Only special rules are, therefore, set forth in this Chapter.
(a) Permanent and temporary employees of the division whose pay is charged to the head
Direction and Administration.
(b) Members of the work-charged establishment as defined the CPWD Code (i.e Work-
Charged Establishment borne on regular establishment).
(ii) Labour reports for Muster rolls containing 15 persons or less are not required to be
(iii) The Daily Labour Report is checked with reference to Muster Rolls and discrepancy is to be
(a) One or more muster rolls should be kept for each work,
(c) It is permissible, however, to keep one muster roll for labourers employed upon several
small works,
(d) Labourers may be paid more than once a month and the period determined locally.
(e) Separate Muster Rolls must be prepared for each period of payment.
PART-I The daily attendances and absences of labourers and the fines inflicted on them
should be recorded daily in Part I of the muster roll.
PART-II: the progress of work done by the labour shown thereon in all cases where such
work is susceptible of measurement.
If the work is not susceptible of measurement, a certificate to this effect should be recorded.
(It is not necessary to reproduce the details of measurement in Part II, nor need Part II be
written up if progress is reported once a month or often in any other suitable Form and such
separate reports are considered sufficient.)
(g) The Muster Rolls are to be checked 100% by the Sub-division wrt the entries in the
Measurement Books before payments are made by the Divisional Officer.
(h) After a muster roll has been closed, payment thereon should be made as expeditiously as
(i) Each payment should be made or witnessed by the Official of highest standing available
who should certify to the payments individually or by groups.
(j) Item remaining unpaid, should be recorded in a Register of Unpaid Wages, (Form CPWA
21-A maintained in the Sub-Division),
(k) The payment of unpaid wages should be made on Hand Receipt, Form CPWA 28;
(l) Wages remaining unpaid for three months should be reported to the Divisional Officer
who will decide in each case, whether the liability should continue to be borne in the accounts
of the or should be credited to capital or revenue.
(i) This form is used for payment where labourers are employed casually for short period in
exceptional and urgent cases like Urgent Silt Clearance of Canals, Closing of Breaches of
Bunds etc.
(ii) The Name of labourers engaged need not be given in the form.
3. Where it is possible to determine the quantities of work done after its completion or at
intervals during its progress, (Payment on the basis of quantity of work done)
It is expedient to pay the contractor, at suitable rates, on the basis of work actually executed.
4. Where it is NOT possible to determine the quantities of work done after its completion
or at intervals ( On the basis of labours employed)
In the case of urgent repair of canal breaches, this method of payment is not practicable, it is
permissible to pay the contractor on the basis of
- his own profit or commission being either included in the rates allowed, or paid separately in
lump sum or at a percentage rate.
When this course is adopted a report of the numbers of labourers employed day by day
should be made daily by the official incharge of the work to the Sub-divisional Officer.
5. The use of the muster roll or the measurement book is not permissible in such cases.
(c ) Travelling Expenses
When it is necessary to bring labourers and artificers from a distance
They may be allowed wages for the number of days occupied in the journey to and from the
site of the work, if they join the work with proper despatch.
At the discretion of the Divisional Officer, bona fide traveling expenses may also be allowed to
2) All the measurement books belonging to a division should be numbered serially and a
Register of Measurement Book should be maintained in Form CPWA 92 in the divisional
office showing the serial number of each book, the names of the sub-divisions to which issued,
the date of issue and the date of its return, so that its eventual return to the divisional office may
be watched.
- A similar register should also be maintained in the Sub-divisional office showing the names
of the Sub-divisional Officer and Sectional Officers to whom measurement books are issued. (It
is also known as MB Movement Register)
3) Books no in longer use should be withdrawn promptly even though not completely written
carefully observed:-
It should be recorded only by EE, AEE or AE or the executive subordinates in charge of works
to whom measurement books have been supplied for the purpose.
(b) All items of work in a project, irrespective of their cost, shall be measured and recorded
by the OIC of the work, not lower than the rank of J.E. The Sub-Divisional Officer may also
record measurements for any particular item of work himself.
(c) The Officer accepting the tender for any work may require the AEE/AE to record
measurements himself or exercise 100% check on the measurements recorded by his
subordinate for any item including those, which owing to their situation,
(d) All measurements should be recorded directly in a measurement book, at the site of work,
and no-where else.
(e) date of written order to commence work,(N/A where work done on Piece-Work)
(f) date of actual completion of work, (N/A where work done on Piece-Work Agt)
(g) date of measurement and,
(ii) In the case of bills for supply of materials required for specific works:-
(a) name of supplier, (b) number and date of his agreement or order (c) purpose of supply in
either of the following forms applicable to the cases:-
(f) In the M.B.’s and RA bills, the full nomenclature of agreement items need not be
reproduced but only the abbreviated nomenclature need be used.
(g) In the case of extra and substituted items of work for which no abbreviation/nomenclature
is provided in the agreement, the full nomenclature of item shall be reproduced in the M.B.s
and bill forms for running account bills.
(h) The pages of the Measurement book should be machine numbered. Entries should be
recorded continuously, and no blank pages left or page torn out. Any pages left blank
inadvertently should be cancelled by diagonal lines, the cancellation being attested and dated.
(i) The entries should be made in ink only. No entry may be erased. If a mistake should be
corrected by crossing being initialled and dated by the responsible officer. When any
measurements are cancelled, the cancellation must be supported by the dated initialls of the
officer ordering the cancellation or by a reference to his orders initialed by the officer who made
the measurements, the reasons for cancellation being also recorded.
(j) On completion of the abstract, the MB should be checked the Sub-divisional Officer who
should enter the word “Check and Bill” with his dated initials. The Sub-divisional Clerk
should then check the calculation of quantities in the abstract and the bill, in case of work carried
out by contract, and should then place the Measurement Book and the bill before the Sub-
divisional Officer who after comparing the two, should sign the bill and the Measurement Book
at the end of the abstract.
(k) Any corrections to calculations or rates made in the Sub-divisional, as well as, in
Divisional Office should be made in red ink and brought to notice of the Sub- Divisional
Officer or the Divisional Officer, as the case may be, and of the person recording the original
measurements. In the case of final bill, payment should be deferred until the corrections have
been accepted by the person making the measurements. All corrections made by the clerical staff
should be in red ink.
(l) Each measurement book should be provided with an index which should be kept up-to-date.
10.2.9 The Sub-divisional Officer must satisfy himself [before passing a bill for payment]
before submitting it to the Divisional Officer for payment that the work or supply billed for has
actually been carried out/completed in accordance with the claim preferred. He should
personally inspect all works of any magnitude before submitting claims of final payments
in connection therewith.
In addition to the above, the Sub-divisional Officer is to check measurement of the works in his
charge as laid down in departmental manual.
(ii) These are used for preparing the repairs estimates and contractors’ bills for such repairs
so as to avoid taking detailed measurements on each occasion.
(iii) The Standard Measurement Books shall be prepared after the completion of the work by
the Construction Division that has executed the work. All drawings, Standard Measurement
Books etc. should be properly documented before handing over the building. All the
(iv) These will be accounted for in the same manner as ordinary Measurement Books in a
register in Form No CPWA 92 (Part II). The measurement books used as standard books
should be numbered in an alphabetical series, so that the numbers may be readily distinguished
from those assigned to the ordinary books wherein detailed measurements are recorded
whenever work is actually done.
(v) The entries of measurements (and abstracts thereof) in the standard measurement books
should be recorded legibly in ink, and certified as correct by a responsible officer.
(vi) SMBs should either be written by the S.D.O. himself or the executive subordinate incharge
under his orders.
(vii) Each set of measurements taken by the executive subordinate incharge should, however, be
fully checked by the S.D.O. after which it should be examined by the Divisional Officer and
(viii) After above examination it is declared in writing in the book itself as finally approved
by him for the purposes of preparing annual repair estimates and contractors’ bills for the
work done.
Until this is done, the book will not be assigned a number and will not be entered in the
Register of Standard Measurement Books.
(ix) The SMBs will be brought up-to-date under the supervision of SDO with reference to the
building or work concerned within one month of closing of the accounts of the estimate
therefor. All such corrections will be attested by the S.D.O. These should be maintained very
carefully and accurately as they may have to be produced as evidence in a Court of Law.
(x)The Divisional Officer should periodically certifty that all SMBs of the division have been
inspected by him, that entries therein have not been tampered with and that all corrections due
to additions and alterations in the buildings have been made in the books and the latter are
reliable and upto date records.
(iv) When a payment is based on standard measurements, the gazetted officer or subordinate
preparing the bill for payment should be required to certify that the whole of the work, (or work
since previous running bill, as the case may be) as per standard measurements has been done and
that it has not previously been billed for in any shape.
a) First and Final Bill, Form CPWA 24:- It is used for making payments both to contractors for
work and to suppliers, when a single payment is made for a job or contract, i.e., on its
b) Running Account Bill, Form CPWA 26:- This Form is used for all running payments to
contractors and suppliers (other than those relating to lump sum contracts for which Forms
CPWA 27-A and 27-B are prescribed), including cases where advance payments are proposed
to be made or are already outstanding in respect of the same work against the contractor.
The final payment of running work shall also be made in Form CPWA 26 printed on yellow
In cases, where secured advances are to be made or are already outstanding in respect of the
same work against the contractor, Account of Secured Advances, Form CPWA 26-A should
be attached to the bill.
c) Hand Receipt, Form CPWA 28:-This is a simple form of voucher intended to be used for all
miscellaneous payments and advances, for which the special Forms CPWA 24 and 26 are
not suitable.
The claim for refund of lapsed deposit should, however, be preferred in Form G.A.R.46
1) Before bill is prepared the entries in MBs relating to description and quantities of work of
supplies should be scrutinized and check measured by the SDO.
2) The bill should then be prepared from the entries in the Measurement Book, in one of the
Forms applicable.
3) The rates allowed should be entered in the Abstract of measurements and in the bill as per
agreement etc.
4) Where quality of work done/ supply made is not as per specification, only part rate (not full
rate) should be allowed. Full rate should be allowed when the contractor/ suppliers complies
with the requirement in full.
5) If the agreement does not specify the rates to be paid for the several classes of work or
supply, but merely states that the estimated rates or a certain percentage below or above
them, will be allowed,
it should be seen that the standard rates adopted are those of the sanctioned estimate which
was in force at the time the agreement was executed, or
if the agreement was preceded by a tender, on the date the tender was signed by the contractor.
Subsequent sanctions to original or revised estimate have no effect on the terms of such an
6) The payment for supplies is not permissible until the stores have been received and
The advance payments against Railway Receipts or advance payment to firms for supply of
stores, should be debited to the Suspense Account “Contractors-other
Transactions/Advance Payments” in the Schedule Docket of stock or Work concerned, which
should be cleared by minus debit when the material is actually received.
7) Every RA Bill should be checked arithmetically with reference to previous RA Bill, MBs,
agreement rates before signing and submission of the bill to Divisional Officer for check and
payment. Memorandum of Payments should then be made up, any recoveries which should be
made on account of the work or supply on other accounts being shown therein.
8) Bills which include charges on account of purchase of goods on which Sales TaxVAT has
also been charged should be supported by the certificate signed by the Divisional Officer to
the effect that goods are not exempted and rates are correct/ regular as per agreement.
9) Under section 194-C of the Income Tax Act, 1961 introduced by Finance Act, 1972,
deduction of Income Tax is required to be made at source by disbursing officers from
payments made to contractors in certain cases. Other statutory deductions are also to be made
as applicable.
10) Every page containing the detailed measurements must be invariably scored out by a
diagonal red ink line, and when the payment is made.
11) The number and page of the measurement book in which the detailed measurements are
recorded and the date on which the measurement was made
In the indenting sub-division, the receipt of the materials should be recorded in the
Measurement Book after comparing the quantity with the indent received back from the
supplying Division and a certificate to that effect recorded on the indent. Simultaneously the
entry regarding the actual quantity of materials received will be made in the Register of Indents
against the quantity indented. This indent will then be valued with reference to the priced
Vocabulary of Stores and sent to the Divisional Office with the Omnibus Transfer Entry
Order. When the Omnibus Transfer Entry Order is prepared and sent to Division, the
corresponding entries in the Measurement Book should be scored out, giving a reference to the
Omnibus Transfer Entry Order. When the claim is received in the indenting Division, the indent
attached thereto should be verified with reference to the indent received from the sub-division
along with the Omnibus Transfer Entry Order.
12) Payments for work done or supplies made on a running account should ordinarily be
made monthly, in terms of the relevant clauses of the Contract Agreement.
13) Such payments (12) should be treated as payments on account, subject to adjustment in
the final bill which should be drawn, in the appropriate Form (FORM CPWA 27-B) but printed
on yellow paper. In Case of Final Bill the payee has to certify in writing that the payment is
“in full and final settlement of all demands”. ( it does not preclude the disbursing officer from
entertaining a further, bonafide claim omitted from the final bill by mistake or through
inadvertence. If, despite this explanation, the contractor objects to the addition of the words in
question, the payment should be rendered unconditionally)
(15) When secured advances are allowed it should be seen that an Indenture in Form CPWA
31 has been signed by the contractor, and a detailed account of the advances must be kept in
Form CPWA 26-A, the Account of Secured Advances, which should be attached to the Running
Account Bill. These advances must be recovered by deduction from the contractor’s bills for
work done as the materials are used in construction.
(c ) Aid to Contractors
a) It is necessary sometimes, in the interest of work, to engage labourers or contractors or to
incur other liabilities on behalf of the contractor concerned, with a view to complete the work
which he has neglected or failed to complete. In such a case it is permissible to spend
Government funds on behalf of the contractor in accordance with the terms of his agreement.
(This is known as AID TO Contractor)
b) With a view to avoid subsequent disputes with the contractor, suitable intimation should
be sent to him (1) as soon as action is taken under this paragraph and (2) subsequently, as
charges are incurred on his account.
- Divisional Officers may sanction advances upto an amount not exceeding 90% of the value (as
assessed by the Engineer-in-charge or an amount not exceeding 90% of the material element
cost in the tendered rate of the finished item of work whichever is lower) provided that they are
of an imperishable nature and that a formal agreement is drawn up with the contractor under
which Government secures a lien on the materials and is safeguarded against losses.
-Payment of such advances should be made only on the certificate of an officer not below the
rank of Sub-Divisional Officer, that the quantities of materials upon which the advances are
made have actually been brought to site, that the contractor has not previously received any
advance on that security and that all the materials are required by the contractor for use on items
of work for which rate for finished work have been agreed upon. The officer granting such a
certificate will be held personally responsible for any over-payment which may occur in
- Recoveries of advances so made should be made from his bills for work done as the materials
are used, the necessary deductions being made whenever the item of work in which they are
used are billed for.
c) The Divisional Officer has full powers to make advance payments to electric supply
undertakings under the Indian Electricity Act, 1910 for execution of works.
d) An advance payment
(1) Such Advance for work actually executed but not measured may be made with the
previous sanction of the S.E.
(2) the certificate of a responsible officer (not below the rank of SDO) to the effect that not less
than quantity of work paid for has actually been done, (Final payments may, however, in no
case be made without detailed measurements.)
(3) When an advance payment has been authorized by the competent authority, it should be
followed by detailed measurement within two months at the most
(4) the advance being adjusted within three months from the date on which it was made ,
subject to the extension of this period by Director General (Works)/Chief Engineer, in
exceptional case, for reasons to be recorded in writing:-
(ii) to six months in respect of advances exceeding Rs.50,000 but not exceeding Rs. One lakh.
(iii) Any extension of the period of adjustment beyond the above limits and beyond three
months in the case of an advance exceeding Rs.One lakh will require the previous sanction of
the Government of India.
(5) The grant of a second advance before the first one has been recovered should not be
permitted except in very exceptional circumstances.
Where such circumstances exist and it becomes necessary to grant more than one advance in
succession, the limits imposed above should be held to refer to the aggregate of the advances
outstanding against a particular work at any time and sanctioned to the extension of the period
of their adjustment should be regulated accordingly.
(6) Divisional Officers should submit a monthly statement, in the prescribed form for the
information to the Superintending Engineer concerned giving details of advances made to
contractors for work done but not measured so that clearance may be watched.
(2) Previous sanction of the Divisional Officer or the Superintending Engineer, is necessary
which should specify in respect of each appointment (1) the scale of pay (2) the period of
sanction and (3) the full name of the work and the nature of the duties on which the man
engaged would be employed.
(3) Rules for the grant of leave, gratuity, pension, travelling and other allowances etc., to
members of work-charged establishment are contained in the manuals of the department
(4) The leave salaries, travelling and other allowances of members of the temporary
establishment whose pay is charged to works under paragraph 10 of Central Public Works
Department Code are regulated by the rules applicable to temporary establishments.
(5) The Pay and Allowances of WC Establishment borne on regular establishment will be
charged under the functional Budgeted Salary Head of Account.
(2) A consolidated bill in this Form should be prepared monthly either for the whole sub-
division or for one or more sections of it, as may be convenient,
(3) Names should be grouped in the bill by works on which the are employed, sanction to the
entertainment of the establishment should be quoted in each case, and the SDO should certify
that each man being employed on the work for the period and on the duties for which his
appointment was sanctioned.
(4) If the acknowledgement of an individual cannot be obtained on the bill itself, it may be
obtained separately on a Hand Receipt, Form CPWA 28, which should then be attached to
the bill as a sub voucher.
(5) Pay bills may be signed at any time not earlier than five (5) days before the last working
day of the calendar month for which such pay and allowances are earned and shall be due for
payment on the last working day of that month.
(6) In the case of WC staff attached to Sub-Divisions located away from the Head quarters
of the Divisional Office, monthly pay bills may be signed not earlier than the 15th of the
month to which the pay and allowances relate. The same will be prechecked by the Divisional
Accountant and passed by the Divisional Officer of the Division concerned well in time so as to
arrange payment on the last working day of that month.
(7) Adjustments, if any, between the pay and allowances actually admissible for each month and
those already drawn should be positively made at the time of actual disbursement or in the
next month.
(b) Subsequent payments should be made on Hand Receipts, Form CPWA 28, reference to
the bill in which the charge was originally included, and to the particular item thereof, being
quoted in each case.
(c) When making payments of arrears suitable notes of payment should be so recorded against
the original entries in the Register, as to guard against second payment.
(2) Payments should be made on Hand Receipts, Form CPWA 28 which should set forth all
the necessary particulars of the journey performed and of the expenses claimed and should be
countersigned by the Divisional Officer prior to payment.
I. General
1) Issues of materials to works, whether from stock/by purchase transfer/ manufacture
are divided into two classes:-
(1) Issue to Contractors:- Issues of materials to contractors with whom agreements in respect
of completed items of works i.e., for both labour and materials have been entered into.
(2) Issue Direct to Works:- Issue of materials when work is done departmentally or by
contractors whose agreements are for labour only.
(i) When as per CPWD Code it is necessary to retain in the hands of Government the supply
of imported materials.
(iii) with the object of utilizing existing stocks of materials, it is desirable to retain in the
hands of Government the supply of certain other materials as well, and a condition to this
effect has been inserted in the contract.
(3) the rates to be charged to the contractor for each description of material;
(c) the contractor should be held responsible for obtaining from Government all such
materials required for the work and for making payment therefore, by deduction from his
bills at the rates specified regardless of fluctuation in the market rates or in the stock rates of the
(d) The rates to be charged to the contractor for materials to be supplied should be definitely
specified (vague quotations, e.g., “at stock rates” being avoided)
(e) Where the contract provides for the payments for work done to be made at a specified
percentage below or above the rates entered in the sanctioned estimate of work (or the
Schedule of Rates),
it should be stated in clear terms in the contract that the deductions or additions, as the case
may be, of the percentage, will be calculated on the gross (and not the net), amounts of the
bills for work done, and in fixing the percentage it should be borne in mind that the calculations
will be so made.
(f) No carriage or incidental charges are borne by Government for moving the materials
beyond the place where the contractor has agreed to take delivery thereof.
(g) In r/o Contract where supply of materials from govt stock is not stipulated:
If the contractor desires the issue to him, for use on a work of materials which exist in
Government stock, the material should not be issued except with the express authority of the
Superintending Engineer who should specify in each case the rate to be charged. EE is
required the furnish the recovery rate and reasons for such contingency.
(i) Recovery Rate for such non-stipulated materials will be Higher of following three rates:
- Rate as provided in the AR for the item of work on which it would be used plus or minus the
percentage above or below the Schedule rate allowed to the Contractor
{ i.e. (Basic Rate as adopted in AR (Agreement Item) + 7.5%%) X Percentage of the rate quoted
for that particular item bears to the estimated rate of that item.}
- OR Market Rate
(No carriage or incidental charges should be borne by Government in connection with the
The Current Market Rate OR Rate asper DGS&D Rate Contract of constituent item is adopted
for working out Analysis of Rate.
(iii) Where the finished item in which the materials to be used is available in the agreement,
For working out AR for the three rate formula, following analysis is adopted.
(Basic Rate as adopted in AR (Agreement Item) + 10%) X Percentage of the rate quoted for that
particular item bears to the estimated rate of that item.)
(iii) Where the finished item in which the material is to be used is not available in the
agreement or where it’s rate is delivered according to clause 12-A of the agreement,
The element of rate for the material taken in the AR of the item should be considered while
applying the three rate formula.
(a)The intention of this rule is to prohibit the supply of materials to contractors with the object
of giving them financial aid,
(b) In case of unavailability of stipulated materials: The supply must be arranged by the
Divisional Officers by purchasing the materials from other sources and then supplied to the
contractor at the stipulated rates.
(c) Issue of Stock materials to contractors for bonafide use on works are exempt from the
usual charge of 10 per cent on account of supervision and contingencies, (which is
applicable when stock materials are sold to the Public)
2) An unstamped but dated acknowledgement (USR), should at once be taken from the
3) The issue of materials should simultaneously be entered in the Account of Materials issued to
contractors, Form CPWA 35-A (MAS).
4) When the materials are obtained by purchases, full details of the articles received should at
once be entered in a Measurement Book, Form CPWA 23,
5) On the authority of the contractor’s acknowledgement, the cost recoverable from him should
be debited at once to his personal account by charge to the suspense head “Contractors –
Other Transactions (COT)” in the account of the work concerned.
This adjustment should be affected by affording credit to the head concerned, as indicated
Source or receipt of
Head of Account to be
Value to be credited
1. Stock (including
Stock At Issue rates
Work concerned
Contractors other
para 10.3.13 (c )
Division to another
concerned Supplying
Purchase Settlement
At rates payable to
Rule in Appendix 6
Appendix 6
If the amount thus credited differs from the charge made to the contractor’s account, the excess
of the former over the latter should be treated as additional final outlay (plus or minus, as the
case may be) on the work.
This can also be taken over by the Government, if required for use on other work in progress,
only on special arrangements and at the prevailing market rates.
Articles borne on the T&P Account of the division may be lent temporarily to contractor for
use on Government works being executed or maintained by them. The hire charges of such
Tools and Plants count from the date these are taken out from Departmental workshop or specific
place till the date of their return. See also paragraphs 7.3.3 and 7.3.7.
A. Original Works
The full value credited to head concerned should be debited to the work (paragraph 10.3.12) and
the quantities entered in the Register of Materials-at-site Account Form CPWA 35.
(b) In the case of materials received direct from suppliers, full details of the articles received
should at the same time be entered in a measurement book, Form CPWA 23, with the full name
of the work as entered in the estimate, vide paragraph 10.2.8(e).
10.3.12 (a) when materials are issued direct to a work either for work to be done departmentally
or through contractor on labour rates, their cost is “debited to the Suspense head “Materials” in
the account of work.
(b) A detailed account of item of materials showing the receipts, issues and balances, should be
kept in Form CPWA 35, so that the total issues of each items may be watched with reference to
the estimated requirements.
(b) All surplus materials at site of works, which have been completed or stopped or on
which outlay has been prohibited for any considerable length of time, should be
(their value being credited to the work to which they were originally issued and debited to the
work to which they are transferred or to the stock Account, Form CPWA 73, as the case may be.
- any resultant loss being borne by the work to which they were originally issued, and the
disposal of materials being shown in the materials-at-site account also.
(d) The loss by the disposal of surplus materials at less than the book value
It should be debited to the work for which the stores were originally purchased.
- were issued to them and charged off to their accounts under paragraph 10.3.4. See also
Paragraph 10.3.9.
1) Unused balances of materials charged direct to works should be verified at least once a
year. A report of verification of the materials should be prepared by the SDO and submitted to
the Divisional Office.
Note – The rules in paragraphs 7.2.34 and 7.2.35 regarding verification of stock apply mutatis
mutandis to verification of materials at site of works
with the EXCEPTION that the value of materials found in excess and recoveries of
shortages/losses, if any, should be credited to the appropriate sub-head(s) of the work.
10.3.15 A similar verification of the unused balances of materials must invariably be made on
the completion of a work, but on or before the completion of a work, when no more materials are
required for use in construction, steps should first be taken to dispose of all surplus materials by
transfer or sale, so that
(1) the accounts of the work may promptly receive such credits as may be admissible under
paragraph 10.3.13.
(2) the balance at debit of the suspense head “Materials” may, as far as possible, represent
the net cost of the materials actually used in construction and
(3) the surplus balances awaiting clearance may be reduced to a minimum (vide note below
paragraph 10.3.14).
10.3.16 If the gazetted officer or subordinate in direct charge of a work, the accounts of
which are kept by sub-heads, is transferred before the accounts of it are closed the unused
materials at site of the work should be verified by the relieving officer, in company with the
relieved officer, and the report prescribed in paragraph 10.3.14 should be prepared by the Sub-
divisional officer and submitted to the Divisional Office.
10.3.17 The physical verification of unused materials under each item with the balance
shown in Form CPWA 35 should be made annually in respect of all works, the accounts of
which were opened on the last day of the financial year, but it is not necessary (in following
cases) that the balance should be verified at the close of the year, if:-
(i) the work has been under construction for not more than three months
(ii) the accounts of the works are expected to be closed within three months or
(iii) the balances were verified at any time during the year.
10.3.18 After the completion of a work, materials issued by the Department, theorectical
calculations of all the items of materials used on the work should be made in the Register
showing the clearance of Suspense head “Materials”, Form CPWA 38, and compared with the
quantities issued as per Form CPWA 35.
- the market rates (in the case of items not borne on the stock of the Department) prevailing at
the time of completion of the work; any plus or minus balance will be borne by the work.
B. Repair Works
- For minor repair works done departmentally:- An MAS account, Form CPWA 35 should
not ordinarily be kept, as control on the issue of materials can conveniently be exercised in
such cases.
In addition to cash payments and issues of materials, there are other transactions relating to the
accounts of works, which are of the nature of adjustments usually recorded in the Transfer
Entry Book in the Form C.A.M-34 of the Divisional Office.
I. Introductory
a) An account of all the transactions relating to a work during a month whether in respect of
cash, stock or other charges, in respect of estimates.
1) Final Charges (it includes and exhibit separately charges for materials issued to
Contractors/ Direct to Works i.e work taken up departmentally or through labour contract),
3) Contingencies.
The category “Suspense Accounts” will contain the following “Suspense Transactions”.
1. Contractors
2. Labourers
3. Materials
4. Land Acquisition
- The estimate, account and completion certificate of such work should be prepared on a
single form, Petty Works Requisition and Account, Form CPWA 32, and
- Separate Works Abstract are not necessary.
d) Percentage Charges on account of Establishment, Tool and Plant, Accounts and Audit
and Pensionary Charges levied on works Expenditure:
- This charges should not be shown in Works Abstract and Register of Works, (Form
CPWA 40),
- they are eventually included in the cost of works through Schedule of Works Expenditure
(Form-64 of Monthly Account)
d) Ordinarily there should be one Works Abstract monthly for each working estimate,
but if the estimate is for a large work which is divided into several subworks, it will usually
be found convenient to prepare a Works Abstract separately for each sub-work.
(i) Abstract of Estimate relating to purchase or supply materials and to employ labour for
construction separately (whether by contract or by departmental agency):
It will carry following distinct Sub-Heads (1) the cost and quantity of “labour” and (2) the cost
of materials
(ii) Abstract of Estimate when any item of work is to be executed by contract (for the
completed items of work):
It may show merely the quantity and cost of each item of work
These may be treated as separate sub-heads, being grouped under one or more heads, e.g.,
“Work-charged Establishment”, “Contingencies”,
3) If the number of sub-heads in the working estimate for a work or sub-work is large:
it is permissible to break up the estimate into two or more parts, and to treat each part as
sub-work for the purposes of accounts; but no part of an estimate can be separated from the rest.
4) Following THREE MATTERS may be seen from account of the work in the Works
i) “amount” i.e., total charges finally classified under the relevant categories, and
ii) percentage of the progress of work compared with the amount technically sanctioned and
time allowed.
iii) “rate of cost”, i.e., cost per unit on the basis of the recorded “amount” and “progress”.
5) The charges classified under a final sub-head should include all ordinary expenses
incidental to construction.
If any part of a work is pulled down and rebuilt to any serious extent, the extra charge for
construction should ordinarily be debited to the sub-head concerned under the terms of his
agreement. But if the amount involved be so large as to affect sensibly the cost or rate of the
sub-head, it may be debited to the sub-head “Contingencies” instead or, with the sanction of
the competent authority, to a new sub-head additional to the original sanctioned subheads of the
6. In the accounts of Major Estimates, under final charges entitled “Additional charges for
Materials issued to Contractors/Direct to Works”:
i) Difference between the rates charged to the contractors (Stipulated Rate in Contract) and
the actual cost to Government (Issue Rate)
ii) Carriage and incidental charges in connection with the materials issued to contractors, if
under paragraph 10.8.1 are chargeable to the work.
iii) Balances outstanding under the suspense head “Materials” after transferring the cost of
material to the final heads
(a) General
In addition to the head “Final Charges”, a few suspense accounts are opened in works Abstracts
to record transactions of a temporary character which are either not adjustable as final outlay in
the accounts of the works concerned or the correct classification of which cannot be determined
immediately. These accounts are:-
(1) “Materials – for the record of the cost of materials issued direct to work (through
stock/purchase/ manufacture/ transfer etc), either executed departmentally or through a
Contract for labour only.
(2) “Contractors – Advance Payments” – for the record of advance payments and of their
(3) “Contractors – Secured Advances” – for the record of secured advances and of their
(4) “Contractors – Other Transactions” – for the record of all other debits or credits to
contractors awaiting settlement.
(5) “Labourers” – for the record of unpaid wages of labourers and of their subsequent payment,
not that of “Work-Charged Estimated”, and
(6) “Land Acquisition” – for the record of Advance payments to the Land Acquisition Officers
and of their subsequent adjustments.
(ii) The head “Labourers” is meant for the clearance of the unpaid wages of labourers.
If a Running Account Bill or Muster Roll is only partly paid, the total amount due thereon as
value of work done or supplies made should be brought to account in the Works Abstract as
final charges and the amount remaining unpaid should be shown as a minus entry in the
appropriate suspense column – “Contractors – Other Transactions” or “Labourers”.
(iii) If any wages of labourers remain unpaid after the completion of a work:
- The accounts of the work may be kept open for a period of one month, which may be
extended to three months at the discretion of the Divisional Officer. Thereafter, the accounts
of the work should be closed, the balance under the suspense head “Labourers” being left
- This unpaid amount should be shown in any Completion Report or Statement, (Form
CPWA 45) as a liability against the work and
- It should be excluded from the total expenditure on the work, so as to arrive at the amount
actually brought to account.
- If unpaid wages of labourers are claimed and paid subsequently to the closing of the
account of a work, the payment should ordinarily be charged against a fresh estimate under the
same head of service as the original work.
(iv) The accounts of a contractor should be closed as soon as his contract is completed. If he
does not take final payment for more than one month after the final bill has been passed, a
note to this effect should be recorded on the bill, the amount of the work as passed on the bill
should be incorporated in the Works Abstract on the authority of the bill and the balance due
to him should be removed from the accounts of the work by credit to the Minor head “ 108-
Public Works Deposits” below the Major Head “8443-Civil Deposits”.
-If the final account of a contractor shows that he has already been overpaid or that the
account closes with a balance due by him, the account should be settled by a recovery in
cash or otherwise, but if an immediate recovery is not practicable, the balance should be
removed by debit to the sub-head “Miscellaneous Works Advances” under the Major Head
“799-Suspense” below functional Major/sub-Major Heads of Account.
(i) Advance payments made by the Divisional Officers to the Land Acquisition Officer under the
revised procedure for the adjustment of the land acquisition charges will be debited directly to
the suspense account, “Land Acquisition” within the Works Accounts till the possession of
land is received or intimation of actual payment to the owners of land is received.
(ii) This suspense head will be cleared by the Divisional Officers on receipt of the accounts
along with the Land Award Statements, vouchers etc. from the Land Acquisition Officers,
by debit to the final head “Acquisition of Land” in the accounts of work.
(iii) Any balance of the advance should be refunded by the Land Acquisition Officers along
with the accounts. Award statements etc and credited to the suspense head “Land
(iv) If there is any delay in the land acquisition proceedings and final payment of
compensation etc.,
(v) The accounts of work can be closed leaving the amount under suspense account “Land
Acquisition” unadjusted as in the case of suspense account “Labourers” in the account of
work, and may be reopened in case refund has to be made or some further amount has to be paid.
(vi) Adjustments of outstanding amounts, if any, after the closure of the accounts of
workshould be watched through a separate register.
(a) Unpaid balances of partly paid running account bill or muster rolls are invariably
incorporated (Labour & COT Sub-Heads).
(b) (Credit Purchase of Materials from outside sources) The value of materials received
from sources other than stock (including manufacture), whether for issue to contractors or for
issue direct to works is at once brought into the accounts of works even though payments to the
suppliers and adjustments crediting the transfer accounts concerned, may not be made at once
(c ) Wholly unpaid muster rolls and bills of contractors and suppliers are sometimes taken to
b) It should be posted day by day from the Cash Book and the connected bills of contractors
and suppliers,
c) Cash Refunds and Readjustments of final charges being posted as minus entries.
d) At the end of Month, Stock and adjustment transactions should be added, write back
final charges being posted as minus entries.
e) The closing balances of contractors accounts under the suspense heads (1) “Contractors –
Advance Payments”. (2) “Contractors – Secured Advances”, and (3) “Contractors – Other
Transactions” should agree with the balance as per the ledger accounts of the contractors in
respect of that particular estimate/work.
f) The closing balances under the suspense head “labourers” in each case should be agreed
with the connected Register of Unpaid Wages.
(g) When finally completed and certified by SDO, all the Works Abstract of a month should
be examined and initialed by the Divisional Officer.
(b) In respect of petty works, no record is necessary EXCEPT the Petty Works Requisition
and Account, Form CPWA 32, which is self-explanatory.
(d) Only the figure of expenditure against entry ‘A’ will be posted in the register of works.
(e) The Contractor Ledger Form CPWA 43 will take care of all the suspense heads including
additional charges for material and labourers.
(f) A separate folio or set of folios of (Register of Works) Form CPWA 40 should be assigned to
each Estimate.
(g) The transaction relating to each Schedule Docket should be posted separately and an abstract
for the entire work should be prepared on a separate folio or set of folios for comparing the
cost of the work and with the provision in the estimate. The following instructions should
receive special attention:-
(i) The Register of Works is not a classified account of works. For facility of reference it should
be supplied with an index which should be sub-divided under the prescribed heads of
account classification.
(iii) But when a revised estimate is sanctioned, the account of the original estimate should be
closed and the revised estimate should be entered on a fresh folio, prominently marked
“Revised Estimate” in red ink, and a reference to the folio on which the original estimate is to be
found should be entered thereon.
(iv) In the case of works for which specific appropriation are sanctioned individually, the
amount of appropriation for the year should be noted in the Register at the top of the page,
any additions or deductions made during the year being noted in the same place.
(a) The posting of the Registers of Works, Form CPWA 40 should be completed Before the
date of submission of the monthly accounts to the Pay and Accounts Officer, and the Registers
should then be laid before the Divisional Officer for review.
(b) Actual, as well as, probable excesses, whether in the total cost of a work or in the rate of
cost should receive special attention, and works slips in Form CPWA 39 should be prepared
and submitted to the Superintending Engineer.
(c) If the transactions of a division are very large, the Divisional Officer may allow an extra
period of a few days for the completion of the Register of Works, but the submission of the
monthly accounts to the Pay and Accounts Officer should not be delayed on this account.
(ii) Before the account of work can be closed on its completion: it should be seen that
- Necessary adjustments of cost have been duly made in the “Land Acquisition” accounts
- All liabilities not originally brought to account have either been liquidated or since brought
to account and
- The balances under the suspense accounts “Contractors”, “Labourers” and “Land
Acquisition” have been cleared.
- If the whole or any part of the expenditure on the work is recoverable from another
department, Government Local body or individual, action should be taken to effect or
complete the necessary recovery before the accounts of the work are closed.
- Ordinarily, it should be possible to complete all the repair works and to settle the accounts of
contractors and other suspense accounts, before the expiry of the working year.
- If, in any exceptional case, any work remains to be done and, it is proposed to carry it on
to completion, action should be taken as under:-
(1) The expenditure incurred in the next working year should be treated as expenditure
against the annual maintenance estimate for that year.
(2) The suspense accounts of the work should be closed in the last month of the working
year, by transferring the balances of all those accounts to the general suspense accounts
“Public Works Deposits” or “Miscellaneous Works Advances”, as the case may be,
(3) All unsettled liabilities and assets should then be treated as those pertaining to the next
working year’s estimate.
- a double red ink line should be ruled below the final entries and a note made in red ink
“Work completed in ……20”.
(b) If it is a Deposit Work, steps should be taken promptly to surrender the unexpended
balance, if any, of the deposit with the approval of the Divisional Officer.
- The items should be included in a consolidated Completion Statement of Works and Repairs
in Form CPWA 45.
The completion note in the Register of Works should then be amplified thus: “Work completed
in ….20 Completion Report statement submitted with this office letter No. dated 20”.
The orders passed subsequently by higher authority on the excess reported in the Completion
Report or Statement should also be noted in the Register of Works, Form CPWA 40 to complete
the record.
V. Schedule of Rates
10.6.13 To facilitate the preparation of estimates, as also to serve as a guide in settling rates in
connection with contract agreements, a schedule of rate for each kind of work commonly
executed be maintained in the division and kept up to date. It should be prepared on the basis
of the rates prevailing in each locality and necessary analysis of the rates for each description
of work and for the varying conditions, thereof should, as far as may be practicable be recorded.
The rates entered in estimates should generally agree with the scheduled rates but where, from
any cause, the latter are not considered sufficient, the deviation should be explained in detail in
the report on the estimate.
b) A separate folio or set of folios being reserved for all the transactions with each contractor
for whom a personal account is maintained.
c) A personal account should be opened in the ledger for every contractor, whether or not a
formal contract has been entered into with him.
d) If only materials are issued to the contractor or any payments are made on his behalf, a
ledger account must be opened.
e) A Ledger A/c is not opened when the work or supply entrusted to him is not important
and no payment is made to him except on a First and Final bill, Form CPWA 24, on
b) [Except when a contractor’s account is to be closed and the procedure is observed in respect
of unpaid bills] the value of work done or supplies made by a contractor should not be
credited to his account until his bill has been passed and payment made thereon.
c) Debit entries in the Ledger should be made only on the basis of transactions recorded in
the accounts, the posting being made from the supporting cash, stock or adjustment vouchers,
e) Security deposits of contractors should not be included in their personal accounts in the
f) The form of the Contractor Ledger provides for the following columns “-
1. Date
2. Voucher Number
4. Advance Payments
5. Secured Advances
6. Other Transactions
Gross Transactions:-
8. Debits
9. Credits
11. Remarks.
(g) Columns 8 and 9 (Debits & Credits) constitute the ledger account proper
(h) Columns 4, 5 and 6 (Adv Pay/ Sec. Adv & COT) set forth the net effect of each posting
on the three suspense heads making up the account.
(i) Column 10 (Total value of work or supplies) is also not a part of the personal account,
but will be found useful for the purpose of exercising a check over the continuity of bills in
the case of running accounts.
(j) Columns 1 to 3 (Date/ Vr. No/ RA Bill No) and 11(Remarks) require no explanation.
(k) Column 4 – “Advance Payments – If the bill is Running Account Bill (Form CPWA 26),
“figure D” of the Memorandum of Payments should be posted in this column.
(l) Column5 – “Secured Advances” – figure ‘E’ of the Account of Secured Advances, Form
CPWA 26-A should be posted in this column.
(m) Column6 – “Other transactions” – In the case of running Account Bill, figure “G” of the
Memorandum of Payments should be posted in this column. (If a payment is made on a first
and final bill, Form CPWA 24, no entry should be made in this column unless a recovery is
made from the contractor on any account). In the case of transactions other than these, the
amount paid or recovered should be entered. The amount of the advance made under paragraph
10.2.18 should be posted in this column.
Debits (Payments) to contractors should be posted as plus entries and credits (Recovery) as
minus entries.
(vii) Column 9 – “Gross Transactions – Credits” – Here should be entered the value of work
or supplies creditable to the contractor, which will be figure F of Account I in the case of
running Account Bill.
(viii) Column 10 – “Total value of Work or Suppliers” – In the case of Running Account Bill,
here should be entered the total value of work done or supplies made upto date, as per figure
A of Account I of Bill, but before posting the bill it should be seen that the figure shown in
Account I of it as “Deduct value of work shown on previous bill” agrees with the last entry in
column 10 of the ledger against the work concerned. In token of this check, this last entry in
column 10 should be initialled (and dated) by the Divisional Accountant.
b) The closing balance of each personal account should the amount outstanding, if any, under
each of the three suspense accounts, (I) Advance Payments, (2) Secured Advances and (3) Other
c) The Divisional Accountant should ensure the correctness of the Contractor’s Ledger,Form
b) He should be encouraged to look at his account in the ledger and sign it in token of his
acceptance of it.
Separate ledger (Form 43A) for work (deptt/ labour contract & land
The Account relating to issue of material direct to work when contract is of labour or the work is
to be done departmentally and also for land acquisition (10.5.21), the ledger will be maintained
in Form CPWA 43-A. This form provides for the following columns:-
1. Date
5. Material
6. Labour
7. Land Acquisition
9. Gross Transactions
10. Debits
11. Credits
13. Remarks
delivery, if incurred
para 10.3.3
but if they are transferred to another work, the charge may be debited to either work as
may be equitable.
(d) In all cases, the places from and to which materials are conveyed, the distance, the
quantity and the approximate weight must be stated clearly in the payment vouchers.
(a) In the case of irrigation projects (Commercial), to the revenue account of the project, and
(b) in the case of other works, to the contingencies of the sanctioned estimate.
(1) The Civil Department should be responsible to the Public Works Department to account
for appropriation placed at its disposal.
(2) The Public Works Department should retain budgetary and financial control
(3) The Public Works Department should retain technical control through inspection.
VI. Execution of Government Works by Local Bodies
When the Public Works Department entrusts to the agency of a District Board, or other
local body, the maintenance of Government buildings or roads, without transferring the
property to the local body:
a) The payment made to it on this account should be treated as a payment for work done by
a contractor.
b) If lump sum payments have been agreed upon, the procedure for settling the account
periodically, and for recording the cost of the works, may be simplified, with the concurrence
of the Chief Controller of Accounts provided:-
(i) that a certificate that the work has been done in accordance with the conditions agreed
upon is placed on record by a responsible official;
(ii) that if the payment is made for a number of works expenditure on all of which cannot be
classified in the accounts under a single head of account, the necessary detailed classification
of the charge is set forth and
(ii) that, as far as possible, the liability of a year is settled within that year.
Accordingly it is not permissible to apply, without the sanction of the competent authority, any
anticipated or actual savings, whether due to the abandonment of a part of work or to any other
cause, on a sanctioned estimate of a definite project, to carry out additional work not
contemplated in the original project or fairly contingent on its actual execution. However, subject
to the availability of funds under sub-head “Contingencies” in the sanctioned project estimate,
and subject to the acceptance of the Engineer-in-Chief, such additional works not contemplated
in the sanctioned project, may be executed by the Divisional Offices.
1) In a lump sum contract the contractor agrees to execute a complete work with all its
contingencies in accordance with the drawings and specification for a fixed sum
Essential Characteristic:-
(i) A schedule of rates is specified to regulate the amount to be added to or deducted from
the fixed sum on account of additions and alterations not covered by the contract.
(ii) Except ABOVE, NO allusion (Reference) is made in the contract to the
- schedule of rates or
(iii) Detailed measurements of the work done are not required to be recorded (EXCEPT in
for additions and alterations.)
2. The form of contract prescribed by Government in consultation with its Law Officers. Before
the form is finally determined, the advice of the office of the Chief Controller of Accounts
should be sought..
A certificate should be given by a responsible officer of Government (not below the rank of
SDO) to the effect that, by an suitable method he has satisfied himself that the value of the
work done is not less than a specified amount and is in conformity with the contract
Note - The Divisional Officer is exempted from specifying in the bill the method employed
by him in estimating the value of work done.
- A certificate of completion of the work according to the prescribed drawings and specification
signed by the Divisional Officer.
it is necessary that the accounts of additions and alterations should be kept quite distinct
from those of the rest of the work. There is no objection to payment for additions and
alterations being made before the completion of the work, if the detailed measurements of them
have been made and the contract provides for that.
1. The forms of bills used for payments are Forms 27-A and 27-B.
2. Form 27-A: The Form of Bill has THREE PARTS:
- A detailed account of the materials should be kept in PART- II of the bill (No record of the
materials need be kept in the Measurement Book.)
- the certificate at Sl.No. 3 of Part III printed on the bill (Form CPWA 27-A) must be signed
by the Officer not below the rank of SDO.
3. Form 27-B:
-The details of additions and alterations alone should be given in the bill for the rest
1. Subsidiary Works Accounts like Works Abstract/ Register of Works & Contractor
Register are maintained for Lump Sum Contract Transactions.
- Lump sum Payment of work for which no detailed measurements are necessary
- Net amount remaining after the deduction of the portion withheld (as Security)
3. Above type of payments should be accounted for in the works accounts under the suspense
head ‘Contractors – Advance Payments’.
- Either ‘Secured Advances’ (Accounted for under Suspense Head ‘Contractors- Secured
- Other recoverable payments, (Accounted for under ‘Contractors – Other Transactions’).
- The total advances or other recoverable payments will be deducted by short payments from
the total value of work done, and
- The recoveries so made will be shown as minus figures under the suspense heads
Chapter 12
12.1.1 When materials are manufactured departmentally, either for the general requirements of
works or for a particular work, a separate account, called a Manufacture Account, must be kept
of the transactions connected with each manufacture. See also paragraph 14.1.2.
12.1.2 The detailed account of the expenditure on a manufacture is maintained in the same way
as the accounts of a work. An account of the quantities and value of the products of the
manufacture is to be maintained in the job card opened for each job from which the cost of
“operation” and “out-turn” can be ascertained directly.
12.1.3 The progress of the manufacture will have to be recorded in a “Register of Manufacture”
(C.P.W.A. Form 42).
12.1.4 It is essential that the accounts of manufacture shall not remain open indefinitely. If the
operations are seasonal, the accounts of each season should be kept separate and closed as soon
as the operations are closed. In cases in which operations are continuous, the accounts must
nevertheless be closed periodically, but at least once a year.
12.2.1 A Manufacture Account is debited directly with (1) value of raw materials issued from
stock or obtained otherwise, (2) the cost of the labour employed, and (3) other incidental charges
connected with the operations.
(a) Capital charges, such as the cost of land, kilns, special plant, etc., incurred in connection with
a manufacture which does not extend beyond a single season, are debited wholly to the account
of the manufacture.
(b) Capital charges in connection with a manufacture extending over more than one season
should be debited in the first instance, to a special account under sub-head “Land, Kilns, etc.” of
the Stock Account. This account should also be debited with the cost of repairs and renewals of
the kilns, etc. All these charges should be recovered in suitable instalments by debit to the
‘Operation’ Accounts of the several seasons, the number of instalments and the amount
chargeable for each season being determined on the merits of each case, under the orders of
competent authority.
Note 1 - The decision as to the suitable instalments whereby the “Land, Kilns, etc.” account is to
be cleared periodically, as given by the authority sanctioning the initial charge, should be
recorded in the Priced Stores Ledger Form 12, and not deviated from without the further orders
of that authority.
Note 2 - When the land, kilns, plant, etc., acquired for departmental manufacture operations are
leased to a contractor of the division or other person, the rent charged should be credited to this
special account and not to Revenue.
(d) Save as provided in clause (c) above, no charge is permissible on account of the general
establishment and ordinary tools and plant charges, or on account of interest on the capital cost
of the land, kilns, plant etc., though all these charges should be included in any proforma
accounts of the manufacture operations of the divisions, which may be prepared under orders of
the Administrative Ministry / Administrator concerned, with a view to compare the cost of
articles manufactured departmentally with rates charged by suppliers.
12.2.3 The accounts of road metal digging are not treated as manufacture accounts, but the
charges connected with land and quarries acquired for such operations should be dealt with in
accordance with paragraph 7.4.5.
12.2.4 A job card may be opened for each job and all the expenditure connected with the
job should be noted in this card. The value of job should be finalized after adding/totaling this
expenditure and adding suitable percentage to cover labour, tools and plants, overheads etc. The
value of this can be compared with the market rates by the Divisional Officer to satisfy himself if
the work is being done economically.
12.3.1 A Manufacture Account is essentially a suspense account as the cost of the operations
cannot be cleared finally until they are closed. Manufacture transactions are, therefore, recorded
under a distinct sub-head, called “Manufacture” of the Stock Suspense Account.
12.3.2 In the Stock accounts, the manufacture transactions should be recorded thus:-
(a) “Operations” charges should be shown as receipts of Stock under the sub-head
“Manufacture”, charges representing value of Stock Material issued to manufacture being
simultaneously treated as issue of Stock under the sub-heads concerned.
(b) All out-turn should first be brought formally on the Stock account, by crediting its value to
“Manufacture” and simultaneously showing the articles as receipts of Stock under the sub-heads
concerned. The value of surplus material sold or otherwise disposed of should, also be credited
to Manufacture”.
Note 1 If the rate of which any article of out-turn, manufactured for particular work is valued,
turns out to be different from the Issue Rate of a similar article already in stock, the value of the
two articles may be averaged for the purpose of stock accounts, allowance being made
necessarily for the different quantities at the different values.
13.1.1 The account of Minor Head “799 – Suspense” under those functional Budgeted Major
Heads of Accounts where expenditure on Works is involved like “2059 – Public Works” etc.,
with their Subordinate Sub-Major Heads in the Consolidated Fund of India, divided into as many
of the three Sub-heads named below as may be required, is kept in each Division under a single
Major Head of expenditure unless Government has directed otherwise:-
(1) Stock, (2) Miscellaneous Works Advances and (3) Workshop Suspense.
The above mentioned heads are of temporary character and all the transactions recorded under
them, are ultimately removed either by payment or recovery in cash or by adjustment. These
transactions, therefore, consist of both debits and credits, the latter being treated as reduction of
expenditure when making up the account of Major Head.
In addition to the above mentioned Suspense Heads of Accounts in the Consolidated Fund of
India, the Minor Head “129 – Material Purchase Settlement Suspense Account” below the Major
Head “8658 – Suspense Accounts” in the Public Account of India, is also operated to account for
the settlement of dues of the Suppliers of Stores, if payment is not made in the same month in
which the stores have been received. In exceptional cases where the Department does not have
required expertise, it may project its indent to the Central Purchase Organisation (e.g.
D.G.S.&D) with the approval of Competent Authority in terms of the provisions of Rule 140 of
General Financial Rules,2005. The indent form to be utilized for this purpose will be as per the
standard forms evolved by the Central Purchase Organisation. However existing procedure for
the procurement of stores through D.G.S&D shall henceforth be followed in such exceptional
cases as per the detailed procedure laid down in Appendix-7C(b) of CPWA Code.
Besides the above mentioned Suspense Head another Minor Head “107 – Cash Settlement
Suspense Account” below the Major Head “8658 – Suspense Accounts” is also operated for the
settlement of inter-departmental transactions with Cabinet Secretariat and Ministry of Defence
(See Paragraph 22.4.10)
13.2.1 When materials are received from a supplier or from another department in India or
abroad (see Note below) their value should be credited to the Minor Head “129 – Material
Purchase Settlement Suspense Account” under the Major Head “8658-Suspense Accounts” as
(i) Immediately on their receipt, if they have been received for a specific work, so that, per
contra, the cost may be included at once on the accounts of the work and those accounts, as well
as, the connected subsidiary accounts, may take cognizance of the receipt of materials at the
earliest opportunity (see paragraph 10.3.6 and 10.3.11); and
(ii) On closing the account of the month, if they have been received for stock and payment has
not been made for them during the month, so as to secure agreement between the quantity and
value accounts (see Note below paragraph 7.2.29).
Note 1:- The rules for the adjustment of transactions connected with stores obtained from abroad
are contained in Appendix 6.
13.2.2. The following simplified procedure has been laid down to be followed in cases in which
the procedure laid down in the above paragraph, entails much work:-
(i) A single transfer entry order known as Omnibus Transfer Entry Order, Form 53A may be
prepared for all purchases of stores made for specific works in a sub-division during a month, but
it should be written up as each transaction takes place, the entry being attested at once.
(ii) As soon as materials for a work are received from a supplier, a debit entry should be made at
once in the works abstract in the column concerned, viz., “Contractors – Other Transactions”, or
suspense head – “Materials” or “Final Charges”, as the case may be, should be made in the
Omnibus Transfer Entry referred to at (i) above, brief particulars of the transactions being noted
for purposes of identification.
(iii) If any item of supply be paid for during the same month, the amount paid should be noted in
the relevant column and at the end of the month, the total of all items paid for during the same
month should be worked out and only the net amount credited under Material Purchase
Settlement Suspense Account.
(iv) The Omnibus Transfer Entry Order should be incorporated in the transfer entry book only at
the end of the month so that it may not be necessary to copy out in detail the transactions paid for
during the month.
(v) For all items paid for during the month, a single entry “Purchase made and paid for in the
same month” should suffice in the transfer entry book, the suspense register of Material
Purchases Settlement Suspense Account and the Schedule of “Material Purchase Settlement
Suspense Account”.
In order to reduce clerical work, these transfer entry orders may be prepared in triplicate or
through computer so that one copy thereof may serve as an authority for the transfer entry to be
sent to the Pay and Accounts Office; the second copy may be pasted in the transfer entry book in
the Divisional Office, and the third may be pasted in the Suspense Register.
13.2.3 When the actual value of the materials is not known, an estimated figure should be
adopted, any difference being adjusted, as soon as known, by a plus or minus credit to Minor
Head “129 – Material Purchase Settlement Suspense Account”, below the Major Head “8658 –
Suspense Accounts” as the case may be. (See also note below paragraph 13.2.4)
13.2.4 When the price of the materials is paid or adjusted by transfer, the payment should be
debited i.e., Minus Credit to Minor Head “129 Material Purchase Settlement Suspense Account”
and the outstanding credit under “Material Purchase Settlement Suspense Account” thus cleared.
Note – If the amount admitted in payment exceeds the amount credited to “M.P.S.S.A.” the
difference should be charged direct to Stock or to the work concerned, and should not be shown
as minus entry.
13.2.5 Unclaimed balances in the Material Purchase Settlement Suspense Account should be
dealt with in accordance with the procedure prescribed for Deposit balances in paragraph 15.4.1.
Paragraph 15.4.3 regarding the repayment of lapsed deposits applies mutatis mutandis to
repayment of lapsed balances of Material Purchase Settlement Suspense Account. Outstanding
balances lapsed to revenue and requiring adjustment on the basis of Old PAO Memos should not
be equated to repayment of lapsed Deposits.
The write back of such lapsed balances of “Material Purchase Settlement Suspense Account” are
in the nature of corrections of erroneous adjustments and no precheck of such transaction is
contemplated. Pre check by PAO would be necessary, if the amount is required to be paid to any
13.2.6 The account of this head should be kept in Form 67, “Suspense Register”, the details
being recorded in a separate set of folios for each of two headings (1) Purchases for Stock and
(2) Purchases for specific works (see also Rule 9 of Appendix 6).
13.3 STOCK
13.3.1 The head “stock” is opened in all divisions in which stock of materials is maintained for
general purposes, vide paragraph 143 of the Central Public Works Department Code. In divisions
in which no stocks are maintained, this account should be opened only when any manufacture
operations are undertaken.
13.3.2 The money limit for the stock reserve of a division, prescribed by the Administrative
Ministry/Administrator concerned, vide paragraph 143 of the Central Public Works Department
Code, is meant to be applied to the value of materials acquired or manufactured for stock
purposes only. Excesses over this limit are, therefore, permissible only when caused by
unadjusted expenditure on manufacture operations connected with specific sanctioned works.
13.3.3 The account head “stock” is debited with all expenditure connected with the acquisition of
stock materials, and with all manufacture operations. It is credited with the value of materials
issued to works, or sold, transferred or otherwise disposed of, and the balance of account will
represent the book value of the materials in stock plus the unadjusted charges, etc., connected
with manufacture.
13.3.4 The sub-heads of the Stock account are:- (1) Small Stores, (2) Building Materials, (3)
Timber, (4) Metals (5) Fuel, (6) Painters’ Stores, (7) House Fittings, (8) Miscellaneous Stores,
(9) Land, Kilns etc., (10) Manufacture and (11) Handling and other Incidental Charges Nos. (1)
to (8) may be replaced locally by other suitable Heads, if necessary.
13.3.5 The general account of the receipts, issues and balances of the suspense head, “Stock”
should be maintained in the Suspense Register, Form 67. A separate account should be kept in
respect of each sub-head, the transactions of the several sub-divisions being detailed therein as
separate items and the totals of all sub-divisions as another.
Transfers within the division should be accounted for against a single item “Deduct Transfers
within Division” before the total for the entire head “Stock” is struck.
13.3.6 Expenditure booked under the sub-head “Handling and other incidental charges” should
be brought to nil at the time of adjustment of profit and loss in the stock accounts as laid down in
para 7.2.34 of this Code.
Note (a) The clearance of balances under “Transfer within Division” should receive special
attention. (b) The subsidiary accounts of stock are described in Chapter 7 and 12.
13.4.1 Transactions recorded under Sub-head “Miscellaneous Works Advances” under the Minor
Head “799 – Suspense” below the functional Major/Sub-Major Heads concerned are divided into
four classes:-
Note: No charges should be debited to this head on the ground of absence or insufficiency of
sanction or appropriation except as provided in item (2).
13.4.2 When stores of any kind are sold on credit, their value (plus if recoverable, the
Supervision charges referred to in paragraph 150 of the Central Public Works Department Code)
should be debited to “Miscellaneous Works Advances” under the detailed head “Sales on Credit”
so that (1) the accounts of Stock or Works from which the materials are issued may be kept
correctly, and (2) the recovery of the value from the local body or individual concerned may be
watched through the regular accounts.
Note – In each case, there must be authority for the sale on credit
13.4.3 Outlay on Deposit Works is required to be limited to the amounts of deposits received.
Any expenditure on Deposit Works, incurred in excess of the amount deposited, is chargeable
annually to “Miscellaneous Works Advances” pending recovery
13.4.4 Under the heading “Losses, retrenchments, errors etc.” appear the following:-
(d) Retrenchments and losses of other kinds recoverable from Government Servants
13.4.5 The head “Other items” is meant for all debits, the allocation of which is not known or
which cannot be adjusted until recovery or settlement is effected or write off ordered. The
following are cited as examples:-
(3) recoverable outstanding appertaining to works, the accounts of which are closed vide
paragraphs 10.5.19 and 10.6.8
Note – The share of municipal taxes paid by Government on behalf of licensees of Government
buildings should be debited to this head, pending recovery
13.4.6 Items in the “Miscellaneous Works Advances” account are cleared either by actual
recovery, or by transfer, under proper sanction or authority to some other head of account. Items
or balances which may become irrecoverable should not be so transferred until ordered to be
written off.
13.4.7 The detailed accounts of this head should be kept in Form 67, Suspense Register. For
items falling under the class “Expenditure incurred on Deposit Works in excess of deposits
received”, details are not necessary, as these are recorded in the Schedule of Deposit Works,
Form 65. For each of the other three classes of items, a separate set of folios should be reserved,
and all the items under each class should be detailed, so that their clearance may be watched
individually. An abstract should be prepared to show the totals of all the classes.
13.5.1 When a workshop has been established, the accounts of which are kept in accordance with
the rules in Chapter 14, all direct outlay on the jobs executed and on other operations of the
workshop is passed through the suspense head “Workshop Suspense” and a separate account is
kept under it of each job or operation, so that all charges relating to each may be collected and
charges of a general nature may be suitably distributed over all the jobs or operations affected,
before the total cost recoverable is determined.
13.5.2 The recorded expenditure on a job is removed from the suspense head only when and to
the extent that, an adjustment is effected against the deposit received or against the service or
other head concerned, vide paragraph 14.2.4. This removal is effected by a credit to the account
of the job. But, when any charges are transferred from one job or operation to another, the
transfer should be made by plus and minus debit entries
13.5.3 On the completion of a job, all outstanding charges on it must be debited, as soon as
possible, to the head concerned, but in cases where this cannot be done, as in the case of
expenditure incurred in excess of the deposit received, the unadjusted amount should be
transferred to the head “Miscellaneous Works Advances” pending settlement.
13.5.4 The detailed account of the transactions under this head should be kept in a suitable form
prescribed in accordance with the rule in paragraph 14.1.3. The object being to maintain an
account showing the cost of each job or operation and its adjustment from time to time.
14.1 Introductory
14.1.1 The accounts to be kept in a workshop depend on the extent of the operations and
14.1.2 When there is a small shop in a division for the execution of repairs of tools and
plant or small manufacture jobs, the accounts of works executed in such shops should be
kept in the forms prescribed for repair works or manufacture operations, as the case may
14.1.3 Larger workshops, with special plant or machinery are treated as separate subdivisions
or divisions, for account purposes. When such workshops are of the character
for similar undertakings. When they are run mainly for departmental purposes, the
accounts should be kept in accordance with the instructions laid down in this Chapter. In
either case, the exact forms to be used and the procedure to be observed will be settled by
the Administrative Ministry/Administrator concerned, in respect of each workshop in
14.1.4 For every job there must be an estimate of cost (providing for all charges,
including the prescribed percentages for indirect charges, vide paragraph 14.2.5)
sanctioned by competent authority and accepted by the indenting officer, local body or
individual: See also paragraph 14.1.5. The amount to be realized from the indenting
party will, however, be based on the actual cost including indirect charges, though the
authorized limit of cost, which the officer in charge of the workshop may incur without
Note – If the execution of a job for another division, department or Government is likely
to extend beyond one financial year, the limit of the cost which may be incurred in each
14.1.5 No work should be undertaken for municipalities or private parties before the
whole estimated cost including all charges for supervision, profit, etc that may be leviable
under the rules for the time being in force, has been paid to the Divisional Office. This
rule may be relaxed at the discretion of the Divisional Officer, or Superintendent of the
Workshop, in the case of Government Offices where full recovery is not open to doubt.
In such cases a rough estimate of the probable cost must be prepared in advance and the
officer concerned is required to give an undertaking that he agrees to pay the actual
charges in full on completion of the work. The full expenditure incurred must be
deducted from the officer’s pay for the following month. In all cases, prior to work being
commenced an undertaking should be procured from the party concerned that it will not
hold the Department responsible for loss by fire or theft or any other factor which could
not be foreseen when the estimate was prepared. In cases where it is found that the
original estimate is likely to be appreciably exceeded, a revised estimate should be
prepared and the procedure outlined above adopted. The cost of the operations should be
14.2.1 Receipt and expenditure transactions in connection with the Workshops are
(a) Where capital accounts of a Workshop are kept and intended mainly for the needs
basis), the capital expenditure should be recorded under the relevant Major
head 4701 Capital Outlay on Major and Medium Irrigation. Receipts representing
revenue receipts and working expenses will be booked under the minor heads opened
under the corresponding division and sub-division of the major head 0701 Major and
Medium Irrigation and 2701 Major and Medium Irrigation respectively, divided so as to
meet the requirement of the proforma accounts of the shop (vide paragraph 14.3.1).
Note – The procedure described above will apply mutatis mutandis to the transactions of
a Workshop established for any other system or project for which regular capital accounts
are kept.
(b) Where capital accounts of a Workshop are kept and intended mainly for the needs
of the Civil Works Branch, all expenditure incurred upon it, whether of the nature of
capital or of working expenses, should be recorded under the major head 2059 Public
revenue receipts will be booked under the minor head “800 – Other Receipts below the
major head ‘0059 Public Works’ divided so as to meet the requirements of the proforma
all expenditure should be booked under the major head ‘2701’ Major and Medium
Irrigation or ‘2059’ Public Works as the case may be, and all receipts, whether
“recoveries of expenditure” or “revenue receipts”, under the minor head “800 – Other
Receipts” of the corresponding revenue Major Head ‘0701’ Major and Medium Irrigation
14.2.2 All capital charges on buildings, plant and machinery and stock materials and all
charges incurred on their maintenance and on the upkeep of the necessary general
establishment, should be accounted for as ordinary Public Works transactions under the
major head concerned, in accordance with preceeding paragraph and under the general
instructions of other Chapters of this Code. These are charges which neither pertain to
any individual job executed in the shops nor are capable of direct apportionment amongst
all the jobs, and are, therefore, met out of the grants of the Department, the distribution of
such charges over individual jobs being made in accordance with the rule in paragraph
14.2.3 All other expenses connected with the operations of a workshop are debitable to
the jobs concerned and should, therefore, be accounted for under suspense head
exclusively to any job should be debited to it at once, and those of general nature should
be treated, in the first instance, as general charges (under one or more suitable headings)
and apportioned subsequently amongst the jobs concerned in accordance with a definite
Note 1 – This paragraph does not apply to incidental charges connected with the stock of
materials which should be dealt with under paragraphs 14.2.2 and 7.2.27.
Note 2 – All liabilities should be taken into account, even through undisbursed so that the
general charges may be correctly allocated month by month, and the recorded
expenditure on each job may represent, as far as possible, the actual cost uptodate.
14.2.4 In the case of jobs of all classes, the cost of operations should be cleared or
adjusted in transfer (paragraph 13.5.2), as the case may be, month by month but in the
following cases the accounts of a job may be settled once a year in March, or in an earlier
(a) When the total cost during the year is not larger than Rs.500/-
Note – When the estimated cost of a job is recovered in advance, it should be kept in
deposit in the first instance and the adjustments of actual cost made under this paragraph,
should be effected against the deposit, the unexpended balance being refunded only when
14.2.5 In addition to the direct charges referred to in paragraph 14.2.3 – the account of
each job should be debited, not through the Workshop Suspense account but directly
under the head of account concerned, with suitable percentages determined by the
(a) Supervision charges under paragraph 150 of the Central Public Works
Department Code.
(c) Maintenance charges of buildings, based on actual plinth area of the building,
(d) Depreciation of buildings, plant and machinery
The percentage for Supervision charges should be calculated on the value of materials
issued to each job. The other charges are ordinarily calculated on the total cost of labour
and stores pertaining to the job. It is usual to charge a further percentage on account of
profit except in the case of jobs executed for other divisions of Government.
done for other Governments, Local Funds, Private Parties, etc, is treated as revenue
receipts and credited to the minor head “103 Recovery of percentage charges” under
appropriate Sub-Major Head below Major head “0059 – Public Works” in accordance
with the provisions of Rule 9 of Appendix 4 and Statement ‘E’ of Appendix 2. The
above procedure will be followed mutatis mutandis for distribution of “Tools and Plant”
charges also.
14.2.6 The indirect charges referred to in paragraph 14.2.5 should be brought to account
whenever the settlement of the account of direct charges is effected under paragraph
(i) the Capital Account, showing the values (after making due allowance for
depreciation) of the buildings, machinery and plant and stock and the outstanding balance
(ii) The Out-turn Account showing, in such details as may be necessary, the charges
on labour, stores, the general and indirect charges and
(iii) The Profit and Loss Account showing on the one side the actual working
liabilities of the year e.g.(a) interest calculated on the mean capital of the year under all
the heads named in (i) above, (b) the actual maintenance charges of buildings and
machinery and plant, (c) depreciation of buildings, machinery and plant calculated on the
Capital Value thereof and (d) general establishment charges plus a suitable addition
thereto on account of leave and pensionary charges, for audit and accounts establishment,
only on such jobs in respect of which this percentage is not credited to the major heads
“2016 Audit” or “0070 Other Administrative Services – 60 – Other Services 110 – Fees
for Government Audit” in the regular accounts (vide Rule 7 of Statement E of Appendix
2) and on the other side the percentage charges made under paragraph 14.2.5 excluding
for audit and accounts establishment credited to “2016 Audit” or “0070 Other
Note – The stock account should be treated as a part of the Workshop account, only if
Ministry/Administrator concerned to be part and parcel of the shops. When the whole or
part of a stock is merely and adjunct to a workshop neither the interest charges on it nor
the losses or gains (including supervision charges) arising out of it, should appear in the
14.3.2 Subject to such directions as may be given by the Chief Accounting Authority of
the Administrative Ministry, the Chief Controller of Accounts will review the annual
accounts of a workshop, in consultation with the officer in charge of it and report to the
Chief Accounting Authority concerned on its financial working specially bringing out the
necessity or otherwise of revising the percentages fixed for the several charges referred to
in paragraph 14.2.5 above.
Note – To facilitate the review of percentages, it will be found convenient to show in the
Profit and Loss account, not only the figures of the year but also the progressive figures,
15.1 Introductory
15.1.1 Deposit transactions of the Public Works Department are of two kinds:-
1. Public Works Deposits, which pass through the regular accounts of the
the following classes, which are passed through the head Public Works
e. Miscellaneous deposits.
15.2.1 Security Deposits of subordinates and contractors, whether made in the cash or in
one of the forms of security referred to in Paragraph 15.2.2, are covered by a bond or
agreement setting forth the conditions under which the security is held and may be
recorded in the Deposit Register or the Register of Securities, as the case may be.
15.2.2 The recognized forms of interest-bearing securities and the conditions to which
Central Government or a
State Government
withheld, if necessary.
National Savings
Pass Books
Ministry/Administrator concerned.
v) Bonds or debentures
Central Government as
Fixed Deposits.
the pledge, the bank shall certify on it that the deposit can
Bank along with the challan and send the bank receipt to
the pledge.
may result from the failure of the bank or any other cause
and if the security is lost, the loss will fall on the depositor
Note:- While accepting the Fixed Deposit Receipts it should be ensured that these cover
the stipulated period of Contract plus the defect liability period mentioned in the Contract
and also the receipts should be made out in the name of the Divisional Officers.
Cooperative Banks
Security Certificates
Non-commercial Banks
Guarantee bonds in the form prescribed and duly stamped
Insurance Corporation of
a) National Insurance
Company Ltd.
Company Ltd
c) Oriental General
Insurance Co Ltd
15.2.3 Cash deposits of subordinates and contractors may be converted at the cost of the
(i) that the depositor has expressly desired this in writing and
(ii) that the acceptance of the new forms of security are permissible under the rules as
Note – Cash which has actually been received or recovered may be converted even
though the full amount of the deposit which is being paid in instalments, has not yet been
awarded, made from contractors’ bills, should be credited to Major /Minor Head “8443-
withholding from payment the required percentage of the value of work actually
measured and passed, if the total amount recoverable on this account during the financial
year in any case is so small that its exclusion from the works outlay of the year is not
likely to affect the grants appreciable. The limit fixed for the purpose is Rs.500/- for each
15.2.5 Without the special orders of Competent Authority, no security deposit should be
I For Works
15.3.1 Deposits for works other than takavi Works are passed through the head “Public
Works Deposit”. Such works are known as Deposit Works and the detailed rules relating
15.3.2 Under the rules in Paragraph 10.5.19 sums due to contractors on closed accounts
may be placed in the Deposit Account. When a sum so held in deposit is ultimately paid
to the contractor concerned, his acknowledgment should set forth such particulars as
would establish the settlement of his account in connection with the work concerned.
III Miscellaneous
15.3.3 All other deposits are classed as Miscellaneous Deposits. This head also holds
until clearance, all items of receipt, the classification of which cannot be determined at
15.4.1 At the close of March each year, the following classes of items in the Public
(i) Deposits not exceeding twenty five rupees, unclaimed for one whole account
year, or residuary balances not exceeding the said amount out of deposits partly
(ii) All Deposits or balances in excess of the above said amount, unclaimed for
Note 1:- A list of deposits and balances thus lapsing shall be sent to the Pay and
Accounts Officer in accordance with the relevant directions. For the purpose of this rule,
the age of repayable item, or of a balance of it, may be reckoned as dating from the time
when the item deposited by a party in connection with a contract or supply order is on
awarded to the same party, the age of item will be calculated with reference to the date of
the letter.
paragraph 15.4.1 which pertain to contracts, supply orders that are under litigation or
arbitration shall not be deemed as “unclaimed deposits” for the purpose of credit ting to
Government under this rule. They should, nevertheless, be listed out distinctly along
with relevant particulars so as to facilitate action for releasing the deposit or for forfeiting
it, depending on the judgment or award at the conclusion of the litigation or arbitration.
Relevant claim will require pre-check by the Pay and Accounts Officer before repayment.
revenue, the original realization should be traced and reference to the credit should be so
recorded against the original entry in cash book and other accounts as to make the
15.4.3 Deposits credited to Government under Paragraph 15.4.1, or confiscated under the
provisions of an agreement or bond cannot be repaid, without pre-check by the Pay and
(3) that the claimant’s identity and title to the money are certified by the Divisional
The amount repaid should be treated as a refund of receipts under the Major Head
to which it was credited and the repayment should be noted in the Deposit Register
against the entry for its credit to Government vide Paragraph 9.4.2.
I Deposit Register
maintained in the divisional office in a register in the same form as the Suspense
Register,C.P.W.A 67. This Deposit Register should show, month by month the total
receipts and adjustments and the closing balance of each separate deposit item, but in
respect of deposits for work to be done which are accounted for in detail in the Schedule
of Deposit Works, Form CPWA65, a single entry for such deposits will suffice.
against the original entry in the Cash Book and other accounts as to make the
having been made, should be made in all vouchers for refunds. Any acknowledgments
previously granted should be taken back, if possible, and destroyed, a note of the
II Schedule of Deposit
15.5.3 From the Deposit Register, a monthly extract know as the Schedule of Deposits,
Form CPWA 79 should be prepared for submission to the Pay and Accounts officer. This
form is in two parts-Part I Account giving total for each class of deposit. Part II detailed
extracts from the deposit register. In PartII only such items need be extracted as are
Note:- The entry for deposits for work to be done will be supported by the Schedule of
Deposit Works.
15.6.1 Transactions connected with interest-bearing securities do not pass through the
Cash Book and consequently the regular accounts of the Division, unless any cash
actually pass through the hands of officer of the department, which should be avoided as
far as possible. A register of the receipt and disposal of these securities should, however
be kept in CPWA form85 Register of Interest-bearing Securities and at the close of the
prepared from this register for submission to the Pay and Accounts Officer. This account
should be supported by (1) the acknowledgment (in original) of depositors for securities
returned or re-transferred to them during the year, and (2) the certificate of the Divisional
Officer that all securities shown as outstanding in this account, or their acknowledgments
Saving Bank, no entries should be made in respect of it in the Register in CPWA Form 85
until the security has been fully paid up. But if such security deposit is to be refunded
before the full amount is recovered, it should be treated as fully paid up and brought on
the register before being refunded. The annual Account in CPWA Form 85, should be
the period covered by the Account from the Deposit Register, verifying them at the same
time with the actual recoveries as shown in the Register of recoveries (paragraph 22.2.9)
Note 2 – If any Post Office Saving Bank Deposits have been hypothecated to a Divisional
(ii) the register for such securities should be kept by him and he should sign the annual
Note 3- The procedure to be observed when a subordinate who has furnished an interestbearing
the agreement and on the procedure followed locally in regard to the disposal of the
16.1 Introductory
16.1.1 Non-Government Works are divided into three classes – (1) Deposit Works (2)
16.1.2 The General direction for the exhibition in accounts, of transactions relating to
contributions from Central Revenue to Local Funds and Public bodies, and vice-versa as
(as the case may be) under the head of account most closely connected with the object for
which the contributions are made. Thus, a grant for the construction of a school should
“2215 – Water Supply and Sanitation” and a grant for construction of a road to “3054 –
Roads and Bridges” and grant given for general purposes, such as grant to make good a
Note 1 – If the financial assistance given by the Central Government to a Local body
does not take the form of a grant of cash, but of expenditure in the Public Works
Department equivalent to the whole or a part of the cost of a work constructed by that
Department on behalf of the local body concerned, the contribution thus made should be
debited as expenditure under the detailed head “Contributions” below the relevant
Note 2 – When buildings are constructed by CPWD and handed over to the grantees – In
cases where the grantee institutions, organizations etc are willing to have the buildings
constructed through the Central Public Works Department out of the grants-in-aid given
by the Government, the sanctioning authority should get the buildings constructed
through the Central Public Works Department instead of giving grants directly to the
grantee institutions and then hand over the buildings to the grantees. The following
The expenditure on such works should be met from the Budget Grants of the
provision for the “Grants-in-aid” may be made in the respective Ministry’s grant under
the relevant Major Head (Education, Medical, Public Health etc). The budget provision
in each year should be restricted to the actual amount that is likely to be expended on the
work in that financial year. The amount will not be paid in cash to the grantee institution
but paid to concerned Central Public Works Division by means of ‘Government Account’
Cheque, debiting the expenditure as grants-in-aid etc, the latter shall classify it under the
Note 3 – A contribution paid by a local body or private party with the express object of
meeting the whole or part of the cost of construction by the Public Works Department of
16.1.3 In the Public Works Accounts, contributions made to Local Bodies are debited
to the object head ‘Contributions’ below the relevant major/minor head corresponding to
the function/programme closely connected with the object of the assistance. See also
Note – The rule in this paragraph does not apply to Irrigation, Navigation and Drainage
Works (Commercial)
16.1.5 For every Non-Government Work there must be a duly sanctioned detailed
estimate of requisition as the case may be, in the same way as for a Government Work.
I. General
16.2.1 For every Non-Government Work the local body or other party concerned should
advance the gross estimated expenditure, which is payable by it to the Divisional Officer
Public Works Department Code. The amount received should be credited in the accounts
to the head “108 – Public Works Deposits” under the Major Head 8443 – Civil Deposits”,
against which will be debited all expenditure incurred up to the amount of the deposit.
Note – In case of autonomous bodies financed entirely from Government funds where the
receipt of money is assured only 33W% of the estimated cost of a particular work need be
got deposited as advance and thereafter expenditure incurred may be got reimbursed
through monthly bills. The deposit of 33W% obtained earlier should be retained for
16.2.2 A consolidated record of the transactions of a month relating to all Deposit Works
of the Division should be prepared in Form 65, Schedule of Deposit Works. The
schedule shows, in respect of each work, the amount of deposit received and the
reduction of the deposits and therefore, shown in the schedule as minus realizations and
not as expenditure.
charged on the Consolidated Fund of India under the minor head 799 Suspense, Sub-head
major head. These should simultaneously be transferred to the Deposit Work concerned
by debit to “108 - P.W. Deposits – Deposits for work other than Takavi Works to be
incurred on Deposit Works in excess of deposits received (voted) (In case sufficient
funds are not available) in accordance with the instructions contained in paragraph 16.2.1
16.2.3 The amount of each deposit should be rateably divided into two parts, one
representing the share available for works expenditure and the other the total amount
chargeable as establishment, tools and plants, audit and accounts and pensionary charges,
if any, recoverable under the rules, vide Appendix 4. In the schedule, the deposit
received for each work should be numbered as a single item, but the transactions relating
16.2.4 The percentages leviable should be adjusted month by month as the works
expenditure is incurred.
16.2.5 The accounting procedure prescribed in paragraphs 16.2.1 to 16.2.4 is also
16.3.1 Expenditure on a local loan work, including the portion of expenditure on a joint
work, which is incurred against a sanctioned loan under orders of competent authority
should be accounted for under the head “Loans and Advances pertaining to the
16.3.2 All charges debitable to a loan should be brought to account as they occur so that
the interest charges may be correctly calculated and adjusted in the Pay and Accounts
Note – This rule applies also to the percentages (vide paragraph 16.2.3) leviable under the
rules which should, therefore, be adjusted monthly by inclusion in the Schedule of Work
I. Provision of Funds
16.4.1 It is not imperative, as in the case of a Deposit Work, that the estimated cost of a
Takavi Work shall be deposited by the person or persons interested in the work, before
any expenditure is incurred on it, as if the amount due is not received in cash direct from
them, it is recoverable through the District and Revenue Authorities in the same way as
arrears of Land Revenue. Endeavour should, however, be made to effect direct and
prompt recoveries of the probable cost of Takavi Works, as recoveries through the
District and Revenue Authorities cause considerable trouble and delay in adjustment.
16.4.2 The transactions relating to Takavi Works should be recorded under Sub-head
“Takavi Works Advances, under 8550 – Civil Advances, 103 - Other Departmental
Advances”. They should be accounted for in the Schedule of Takavi Works, Form 66,
which shows the expenditure incurred on each work, the amount realized on account of it
16.4.3 The rules in paragraphs 16.2.3, 16.2.4 and Note below paragraph 16.2.2 relating
16.4.4 The accounts of all works of construction or of special repairs should be closed as
soon as the work is completed. Ordinary maintenance and repair works should, however,
be considered as completed on the31st October of each year (or any other date that may
the takavi year) and expenditure thereon incurred subsequently should be accounted for
as pertaining to a new work of the following year, so that the transactions and balances
16.4.5 The following procedure is prescribed for effecting recoveries through the District
and Revenue authorities, on account of the cost of individual Takavi Works, not covered
(a) A certicate showing (1) the full name of the work, (2) the name and address of the
responsible cultivator or cultivators, (3) the authority for undertaking the work, (4) the
total expenditure incurred, (5) the amount (with full particulars if any), recovered in cash
and (6) the net amount still recoverable, should be prepared in duplicate by the Divisional
Officer, on the completion of the work (see paragraph 16.4.4) and submitted to the
(b) On receipt back of the duplicate copy, duly accepted, the amounts accepted
should be credited on the authority of it to the Takavi Works Advances account by debit
to the detailed head ‘Cultivators’ subordinate to the relevant functional major head for
IV Waters Courses
16.4.6 The foregoing rules apply to such water courses only as are classed as Takavi
Works. The account rules relating to water course of other classes are given in Appendix
17.1.1 The conditions under which one department of the public service may raise debits
against another department under the same Government or any department under another
Government for services rendered or articles supplied to it, are regulated by the directions
case of petty works, all charges connected with the construction and maintenance of
buildings, etc for the several Civil Departments of Government will be brought to
account as expenditure of the Public Works Department (Civil Works Section) or of the
Civil Department concerned, according as the administration of the Works rests with the
Note 2: The value of Public stores issued to other departments is chargeable to them.
17.1.2 The cost of the land acquired by the Civil authorities on behalf of the Public
Works Department is debitable in the accounts of the latter as part of the cost of the
works for which the land is taken up; but when it is taken up for two or more noncommercial
the department for which the greater part of the land was taken up, unless there are
17.1.3 When a special officer is employed for the acquisition of land for the Public
Works Department, the expenditure on pay, allowances, etc of the special officer and his
Department as part of the cost of works for which the land is acquired. When the land is
taken up by a civil officer, not specially employed for the work, only special charges
etc, will be borne by the Public Works Department as part of the cost of works for which
17.1.4 The licence fee of buildings hired for use as residences of Government servants of
any Civil non-commercial department is chargeable in the accounts of the Public Works
Department. In special cases, when the hired residences are, under the orders of
Government, placed under the charge of any other department, the charges on account of
rent in connection with residences will be disbursed and borne by that Department.
When any land or building not belonging to the Public Works Department is hired by
another department to be occupied for any other public purpose, the rent is payable by the
department concerned, and Divisional Officers do not disburse rent for such premises
unless ordered by Government to do so.
17.1.5 When prison labour is employed on Public Works no charge is made by the Jail
department if the convicts are employed on Jail works, but in other cases the full market
value of the work performed, as certified by the Divisional Officer is charged to the
17.1.6 (1) Transfer of land from one Department of the Government to another shall be
the Government shall be at the present day cost minus depreciation of the structure(s)
standing on the land. Valuation for this purpose shall be obtained from the Public Works
(3) The allotment of land to, and recovery of cost of buildings from public sector
(4) The transfer of land and buildings between the Union and State Governments
shall be regulated by the provisions of Article 294, 295, 298 and 299 of the Constitution
of India and subsidiary instructions issued by the Union Government which are laid down
in Appendix 11 read with Rule 79(4) and Rule 279(5) of General Financial Rules, 2005.
Note 1: The term ‘department’ occurring in Sub-rules (1) and (2) above means a Ministry
Note 2: Market value when applied to land may be defined as the price which the land
would fetch if sold in the open market subject to the ground rent or assessment shown
against it in the revenue registers, or, if no ground rent or assessment shown against it in
the revenue registers, subject to a ground rent or assessment levied at the rate at which
ground rent or assessment is actually being levied on similar land in the neighbourhood
excluding all cases in which such similar lands in the neighbourhood are held free of
assessment. This is the market value which has to be credited or debited, as the case may
be, in the case of all transactions between the State Governments and the Union
Government or between the Union Government and State Governments or the Railways.
17.1.7 Services rendered, or articles supplied, by one division to another will be settled
Works Advance, as the case may be Procedure whereof is laid down in Appendix 7-
A of C.P.W.A Code.
except for the supplies arranged in exceptional cases on or after 1st July 2005 by the
Department of Supply which are paid initially by the PAO(Supply), should be paid by
Inter-Departmental transactions, see Appendix 7-A and Appendix 7-C of this code.
17.1.9 Cash recoveries made from employees, contractors, etc as also revenue realized
the payments being made in the manner prescribed in paragraph 17.1.8. Cash obtained
from banks on cheques and cash receipts including surplus cash remitted to Banks, are
17.2.1 (A) In terms of the provisions of Rule 140 of General Financial Rule,2005,
indent to the Central Purchase Organisation i.e D.G.S. & D with the approval of
Sub-head “Payment for Purchases through DGS&D” under Minor Head “129-
Material Purchase Settlement Suspense Account” below the Major Head “8658-
amount due, to the Suspense Minor Head “107 Cash Settlement Suspense
Account” below the Major Head “8658 – Suspense Accounts” pending clearance
tools and plant as may be leviable under the rules, should also be included, by a
Note 2 – The cost of workshop jobs need not be adjusted monthly, vide paragraph
Note 3 – Since all inter-divisional transactions, irrespective of the fact whether the
Divisions fall within the same Circle of Account or in different Accounts Circles, are
required to be settled through “Advance Payment”, the procedure of which is laid
Pay and Accounts Officer. In other cases, the Divisions should resort to direct
services to the Divisions should prepare a bill for the claims recoverable from the
Divisions and send them directly to the concerned Divisional Officers for payment by
cheque or bankdraft, as the case may be. This expenditure will also be accounted for
by the Divisional Officers in their accounts just like any other transaction arising in
their books.
17.2.3 The responding division should examine every transfer claim advised to it
for adjustment/payment, but it may not reject a transfer/claim because the voucher is
not in order or is wanting, nor may a transfer/claim advised be partly accepted and
partly rejected: it may be rejected altogether if it does not pertain to the division:
otherwise, it should be accepted provisionally in full and this dispute as to the amount
consultation with the Officer who advised the transfer. See also paragraph 17.2.7.
Note – For procedure for payments against Civil Credit Notes. (Railways warrant and
Department originating the transfer to the effect that the payment vouchers have been
duly audited and passed in accordance with the rules. Divisional Officers are,
(b) Similarly, in the case of transactions between Public Works Divisions, including
followed. claims should be supported by all necessary vouchers, except those relating
to work done for other Divisions, for which see paragraph 17.2.6(b).
Note : In the case of Stores issued from “Stock” by one Division to another Division
within the same circle of account, the supplying division will issue the stores on
receipt of cheque from the indenting Division as advance payment for the
cheque in the Cash book as debit to “Remittance into Bank” under the Minor Head
division for the month in which the transaction occurred, but in the case of work done
in workshops the cost is adjustable in accordance with the rules in paragraphs 14.2.3
and 14.2.5.
(b) As regards work done in a Public Works Division on behalf of another Division,
including the Divisions of other Government the claims should be settled by the
Divisions amongst themselves without the intervention of the Pay and Accounts
Payment has already been introduced w.e.f. 1.4.1993 by doing away the operation of
should, however, be sent to the Pay and Accounts Officer with the Monthly account,
duly supported with Form CPWA 64. If, as a result of check in accounts office, it is
noticed that an excess payment has been made over and above the Advance Payment
the Division will claim the amount of excess from the originating Division by
special case, treating the item as an original transaction. On the contrary, if short
payments are noticed in check in accounts office, the originating Division will send a
In order to enable the Public Works Divisions to settle the excess/short payments
in the manner indicated in this paragraph, the Pay and Accounts Officer will notify
the discrepancies noticed in check in account offices both to the originating and the
responding Divisions.
Note 1: For the purpose of this paragraph, work done includes jobs executed in
account of establishment, tools and plant, etc, that amount of the estimate and
appropriation for the work should be rateably broken up into two parts to represent
Note 3: The provision regarding audit before intimation of transfer may be relaxed
in the case of any item appearing in the accounts for March and requiring adjustment
with another Government (other than a Public Works Division) vide paragraph
and Accounts Officer (paragraph 17.2.2), the Divisional Officer should examine such
transfers as expeditiously as possible and report all his objections to the Pay and
transfer transactions not relating to the execution of works, with (1) Ministry of
17.2.9 The Divisional Accountant should see that there is clear authority of the
[except those relating to work done vide paragraph 17.2.6 (b)] have been received and
have further been completed by obtaining thereon, from the responsible disbursing
officers of the division, the classification of the charge as attested by their dated initials.
He should further see that when transfer/claim advised to the division for
18.1 Introductory
18.1.1 Pay and allowances of Government servants of the P.W. Division if not charged directly
to works, as well as, personal advances, except those payable by the Pay andAccounts Officer
referred to in para 6.2.2 sanctioned by competent authority are drawn by means of cheques [vide
paragraph 3.2.1(a)] and in accordance with the procedure prescribed in the C.G.A.(R&P) Rules,
1983 which are applicable to the C.P.W.D. subject to the special rules laid down in this regard.
Note 1 – The sanction of competent authority to personal advances may, if preferred be obtained
in the form of counter-signature on the bill itself before it is passed by the Divisional Officer for
I. General
Head of Offices under whom they are employed, and the latter should make proper
Note – For the purpose of this rule, the Divisional Officer is treated as the “Head of Office” of
(iv) Government employees joining Government Service on or after 01-01-2004 and covered
Each of the bills may be prepared by including both permanent and temporary establishments
and divided into separate sections comprising the establishments and indicating the description
of each section prominently, alongwith sanctioned number of posts included therein (in the case
of large establishments, separate bills may be prepared for different sections, if administratively
found convenient). While for permanent posts the sanctioned strength need only be indicated at
the top of each section of posts, in the case of temporary posts, the number and date of the
sanction letter shall also be indicated. In cases where sanction for continuance of posts has been
applied for, the drawing and disbursing officer shall indicate this fact in the bill and draw pay
Except as provided in sub-rule (4) of Rule 66 of C.G.A.(R&P) Rules, 1983, the name of every
incumbent shall be shown against each post and the rates of pay and allowances claimed for
each shall also be shown. When pay and allowances are drawn for a portion of a month only,
the actual period for which these payments are claimed shall be mentioned against the concerned
Government servant in the body of the bill. The other instructions printed on the Form of the
Note – In the CPWD Divisions as well as the divisions of other Departments where the
Divisional Officers have been authorized to draw pay and allowances of officers and staff by
cheques [vide paragraph 3.2.1(a)] the following procedure shall be followed for preparation,
(a) The Administrative Branch of the Division shall be responsible for preparation of bills.
That branch shall maintain the Bills Register in G.A.R. 9 as well as other subsidiary registers
connected with the drawal of bills. The bills shall be presented by the Administrative Branch to
the Accounts Branch headed by the Divisional Accountant for check and payment of the bills.
(b) The Accounts Branch on receipt of the bills from the Administrative Branch will conduct
(c) After check of the bills, the Accountant will record the pay order. After getting the pay
order signed by the Divisional Officer, cheques by designation of the D.D.O., will be drawn in
regard to the bills of officers desiring payment in cash and crossed Account Payee cheques will
be drawn in the name of the payees in case of officers desiring payment by Cheque. In either
case the cheques will be for the net amount payable and an entry in Form CAM 10 will be made.
Similarly, for claims to Travelling Allowance, LTC, separate bills should be prepared.
(d) The D.D.Os / C.D.D.Os will prepare separate Pay Bill Registers in respect of
Government servants joining Government service on or after 01-01-2004. The
DDOs/CDDOs will have to prepare separate Pay Bills in respect of these Government
servants and will send the same with all other schedules to the Pay and Accounts Officer so
as to reach him on or before 20th (15th in the case of DDOs/CDDOs situated in far flung
areas not easily accessible) of the month to which the Bills relate. Cheque Drawing DDOs
may note that henceforth in respect of Government servants joining service on or after 01-
01-2004 they will only prepare Pay Bills and not make payment. Such Bill will be sent by
them to the Pay and Accounts Offices for pre-check and payment.
(e) The DDO/CDDO will prepare a recovery schedule in duplicate in the prescribed Form
for the contributions under Tier-I and attach them with the Pay Bills. The amount of the
contributions under Tier-I should tally with the total amount of recoveries shown under the
(f) It may be noted that along-with the salary bill for the Government servants who join
service on or after 01-01-2004, the DDO/CDDO shall also prepare a separate bill for drawal
(g) The bill for drawal of matching contribution should also be supported by schedules of
(h) On receipt of the Salary Bills in respect of Government Servants joining service on or
after 01-01-2004, PAO will exercise usual checks and pass the bill and make the payments.
After the payments is made and posting is done in the detailed Posting Register, one set of
schedules relating to Pension Contributions will be detached from the Bills as is done in the
case of other schedules such as Long Term Advances etc.. The Schedules will then be
utilized for posting the credits of Contributions in the Detailed Ledger Account of the
(i) The employees contributions under Tier-I and Tier-II, and Governments Contributions
should be posted in different Columns of the individual ledger account (to be maintained in
the prescribed format) and Broadsheet tallied with the accounts figures as being done in the
(j) The accounts should not be mixed with GPF Accounts and these records/ledger accounts
(k) The PAO will consolidate the information available in the New Scheme Schedules
received from the various DDOs and forward the same in floppy in the prescribed form to
Principal Accounts Office by 12th of the month following the month to which the credit
pertains. Principal Accounts Office in turn will consolidate the information and send the
same in electronic form to the Pension Regulator appointed by the Govt. for the purpose by
the 15th. Till The Regulator is appointed by the Govt. the same will be sent to Central
II. Classification
18.2.3 Bills paid at the counter of Pay and Accounts Office incorporated in the accounts are
kept by the Pay and Accounts Officer. Drawing Officers are, however, responsible for giving
sufficient particulars on the bill necessary for determining the accounts classification (vide Rules
Bills paid by drawal of cheques by the Divisional Officer of C.P.W. Division of the
Note – The cost of any special establishment for acquisition of land entertained under orders of
Government by a Civil Officer acting as a Public Works Disburser, is chargeable as the cost of
the works concerned and not as general establishment charges, vide paragraph 17.1.3
18.2.4 If as permitted by Rule 65 of CGA(R&P) Rules, 1983 emoluments upto the date of
transfer are not drawn before a Government servant proceeds on transfer, emoluments for the
whole month may be drawn in the new appointment, the allocation of the charge to the old and
new appointments being clearly specified on the bill.
Note 1 – The last pay certificate should give all the necessary information so that the allocation
may be correctly noted by the drawing officer in the bill of the new office.
Note 2 – Arrears of pay and allowances of such members of the staff as have been transferred
and in respect of whom last pay certificates have already been issued, should in no case be
I. General
18.3.1 Special attention is invited to Rule 92 of C.G.A.(R&P) Rules, 1983 prescribing the
as far as possible, be taken on office copies of bills, but where this may not be convenient or
Form G.A.R. 24, may be obtained separately for each set of payments made at one place or at
one time.
Note Acquittance rolls and receipted office copies of bills are not required to be submitted to
the Accounts Officer, but as they are important records, they should be stamped “paid” and
18.3.2 Cash drawn on pay and travelling allowance bills of establishments should not be mixed
with regular cash balance of the Department, if any, vide paragraph 6.2.4. A cash book in Form
GAR 3 should be maintained for pay and travelling allowance bills in accordance with Rule 13
of CGA(R&P) Rules, 1983. An account of undisbursed pay and allowances should be kept in a
Register in Form G.A.R.25. Entries of the total and particular amounts of undisbursed pay and
allowances may be made against each bill serially and subsequent payments thereof entered in
the appropriate column of the Register and the Cash Book, each entry being attested by Drawing
and Disbursing Officer. From this Register, an abstract of amounts remaining undisbursed for
three months should be prepared to ensure their refund, either in cash or by short drawal from
18.3.3 A bill register in the form GAR 9 should be maintained by all Heads of Offices who are
authorized to draw money on account of pay and allowances etc by Cheque on bills signed by
them. The register should be reviewed monthly by a Gazetted Officer and the result of review
recorded thereon.
18.3.4 Normally the Security is to be obtained in the form of fidelity bonds as per the procedure
laid down in Rule 275 of General Financial Rules, 2005. However, recoveries on account of
security deposits of employees made in cash when their pay is disbursed, should be credited in
Accounts Officer may, however, prescribe that security deposits should be deducted from pay
Note 2 – The rule in this paragraph applies mutatis mutandis to all recoveries from employees
which are creditable under the rules of same head in the compiled accounts of the division.
18.4.1 To prevent abnormal delays in payments to establishments in exceptional cases, pay and
allowances of subordinates employed in out of the way places may be remitted to them by postal
money order at Government cost/Bank Draft at the nearest branch of Public Sector Bank under
18.4.2 If the encashment of a bill for an advance on transfer is likely to delay a transfer which is
urgently necessary in the public interest, the advance may be made from the permanent cash
imprest (if any), works imprest or other available cash in the hands of the disbursing officer
concerned, pending recoupment when the bill is subsequently passed and encashed. In the
accounts of such cash, the amount advanced should not be charged off as a final transaction, but
recorded as a temporary advance, so that the amount may continue to form part of the cash
18.5.1 All orders revising sanctioned scales or sanctioning the creation or abolition of
permanent or temporary appointments should at once be communicated to the Pay and Accounts
Officer. Changes in the personnel of the establishments and in their emoluments should be
indicated in pay bills and absentee statements by the authorities preparing those documents, who
are responsible that orders of competent authority are obtained in each case as required by the
18.5.2 In the case of all transfers of divisional, sub-divisional or other executive charges, a
report of transfer of charge should be prepared in the manner prescribed by Government and
sent to the Pay and Accounts Officer through the Superintending Engineer. Whenever the
transfer of charge is prolonged so that two Government servants may be entitled ‘to draw pay
and allowances simultaneously for the same appointment (see Audit Instruction under
Fundamental Rule 107), the Superintending Engineer should intimate to the Pay and Accounts
Officer if the time taken is reasonable and the relieving officer may be considered as on duty for
the period. If, however, the Superintending Engineer considers the time taken in making over
and receiving charge to be excessive, the relieving officer must be treated as if he were on leave
or on joining time, etc., as the case may be, for as much of the time as may be regarded as
19.1.1 Cash required to disburse contingent charges is obtained from accredited bank
by cheques, in the same way as cash required for works payments and the
charges are incorporated in the monthly account of the division.
19.2.1 The rules in Part III of CGA (R&P) Rules 1983 apply generally to the public
Works Department to the extent that they may not be inconsistent either with
19.2.2 The expression contingent charges a used in Public Works accounts does not
are classified under some other head of expenditure, e.g., Construction, Repairs
Note – Charging of expenditure of contingent nature which falls within the purview of
this Chapter to the contingencies of work is strictly prohibited and any breach of this
Rule 98 of CGA. (R &P) Rules, 1983), during a month, exceed monthly limit
concerned, the bill for the month should be submitted to the Superintending
Engineer, for sanction, which will be signed by that officer countersigning the
19.2.4 Contingent charges and Grants-in-aid may be included in the same bill, but the
abstract of the bill should show the total charges for each class separately.
(b) At the end of the month all contingent charges (including Stock and
(headed ‘Not Payable’) for submission to the Accounts Officer with the
Monthly Account. Particulars of the charges need not be entered in this bill
except in the case of miscellaneous items which do not fall under one of the
classified sub-heads for specific charges. Vouchers which are not required to
office and the initial of the Divisional Officer or of a Gazetted Officer to whom
this duty has been delegated by him, shall be entered against the date of
payment of each item, who will also ensure that the expenditure is kept within
19.3.2 Petty payments should be made out of the regular cash or imprest balances of
the division and not out of undisbursed balances of cash for payment of
Note- Crossed Government Account’ cheque in favour of the Post master or State Bank
of India branches which are authorised to sell stamps may be drawn or obtained by
drawing and disbursing officers from Pay and Accounts Office by preferring a bill
indicating the value of postage stamps of various denominations required, and giving a
certificate that the stamps will be used for postage on bonafide communication in public
20.1 Introductory
20.1.1 The rules in this Chapter apply only to the offices of the Chief and
not being Divisional Officers or their subordinate officers. These offices are
20.1.2 The head of a special office is not concerned with the actual execution of
works, with the disbursement of money or with the provision or custody of any
required at any time to assume an executive charge, the monetary and stores
transactions of such charge should be kept distinct from the transactions of his
special office, and accounted for under the rules applicable to divisional
20.2 Receipts
20.2.1 Heads of special officers do not ordinarily realise any departmental receipts,
any petty amounts received occasionally should be remitted at once into the
20.3 Payments
I. Introductory
20.3.1 The monetary transactions of heads of special offices are practically confined
to payments of office expenses and pay and allowances of themselves and the
members of their offices. These may be divided into two distinct groups:-
Contingent charges.
20.3.2 Cash required to meet these payments is obtained by bills drawn on Accounts
20.3.3 The rules in Chapter 18, which are applicable to Divisional Officer apply
20.3.4 Establishment bills as prescribed in rule 66(2) of CGA (R&P) Rules, 1983 will be
presented for encashment at the Zonal PAO at the places where the office of the
Accounts Officer is located and the authorized division at the places other than
20.3.5 Recoveries from the establishment of special offices are not subject to the rules in
their bills. When, however, the amounts recovered have to be paid into a court of
law, or into the Post Office Savings Bank as security deposits, recoveries should
be made in cash at the time of disbursement of pay and the amounts recovered,
III Contingencies
20.3.6 The general rules relating to contingencies are given in section III of Part III of
CGA (R&P) rules, 1983, and the method of obtaining cash will be same as in
case of executive officers are classified under the head ‘Machinery and
Equipment’ are treated as contingent charges, etc., in the case of special officer.
Examples – Scientific instruments and drawing materials, camp equipage, motor cars, etc.
20.3.8 The accounts procedure prescribed in Chapter 7 for Tools and plant of divisional
offices need not be observed in special offices in respect of the articles referred to
in paragraph 20.3.7 though these will otherwise be treated as Tools and Plant for
the purpose of the Public Works Department Code. Suitable registers showing
the receipt, disposal and balances of the articles should, however, be maintained.
Note – Transfer of any article of this class to a divisional office/other direction office will be
in progress. All these records are as a rule written up as the transactions take
transactions into a compiled account, this work being done in the divisional office
Sub-Divisional Office, Transfer Entry orders, Form 53, relating to the accounts of
the month, excluding those proposed from time to time, vide paragraph 8.1.4 will
21.1.4 Other Accounts returns which Sub-divisional Officers should submit to the
(a) Monthly:-
(i) “Statement of Receipts, Issues and Balances of Road Metal”, Form 16 vide
recoveries of Licence Fee of buildings and lands, as the Divisional Officer may
(b) Occasional:-
(ii) Tools and Plant Ledger-on such dates as may be prescribed by the Divisional
22.1 Introductory
22.1.1 The cash and stock accounts of the divisional office for a month are closed on
22.1.2 The Transfer Entry Book for a month should be closed as soon as possible
after the expiry of the month, but before this is done, all necessary transfers, e.g., those
relating to the levy of the prescribed percentages for establishment, tools and plant,
supervision charges, etc., should be made.
Note: The transfer entry relating to the levy of percentages for establishment, tools
and plant accounts, audit charges and pensionary charges is effected on a single order of
the Divisional Officer in Form C.P.W.A 62, the special form prescribed for the purpose,
22.1.3 The cash and stock accounts of the entire division, as also all transfer
Note 1: The Divisional Officer should ensure that, as far as possible, the examination
of all claims included in bills presented for payment direct at Pay and Accounts Office;
Note 2: In all matters connected with the personal claims of Government servants,
the Divisional Officer should obtain expert advice and help of the Divisional Accountant.
In all cases of doubt, however, the advice of the Chief Controller of Accounts through
22.2.1 The Divisional Accountant should examine the accounts returns of Subdivisional
(ii) that all sums receivable are duly realized, and on realization remitted to
(iii) That all bills which are required to be prepared/submitted by the S.D.O. are
prepared in accordance with the rules applicable to each case and are covered
officers, the claims presented for payment are valid and in order.
Note: It is not necessary that the Divisional Accountant should check personally the
arithmetical accuracy of all bills and accounts, but he is responsible that cent per cent
22.2.2 The Divisional Accountant should exercise a similar check from day to day,
in regard to the transactions recorded direct in the cash and stock accounts of the
divisional office.
The Divisional Accountant should affix his dated initials after the last entry of the day’s
22.2.3 Every payment should be recorded, and a receipt for the same so obtained,
e.g., see paragraphs 10.2.18 and 10.2.19, that a second claim against Government on the
Government it should also be seen that the amount paid is correctly refundable to the
suitable register (or other account record), preferably one wherein the expenditure
appropriations for works should be noted in the Register of Works in Form C.P.W.A 40,
and sanctions to fixed charges of a recurring character, e.g., those relating to the
Sanctions to Fixed Charges, Form C.P.W.A 58. For sanctions to special payments
chargeable to the accounts of works, and other miscellaneous sanctions, Form C.P.W.A
59, Register of Miscellaneous Sanctions will be found suitable.
contingent expenditure when this is not brought to account in the Monthly Account, but
separate pages of these registers should be set aside for this purpose.
Note 2: Sanctions to estimates for works should be entered in the Register of Works
and a collective register of all sanctioned estimates be maintained in such form as may
22.2.5 If against a single sanction, disbursing officer of two or more divisions have
should be taken. In such cases it may be advisable to have a separate working estimate,
or other sanction, to cover the transactions of each disbursing officer, and for the purpose
independent transactions pertaining to the same group of works or the same project. If
this is not possible, special arrangements must be made for the check of the total
22.2.6 It is one of the functions of the Divisional Accountant to see that expenditure
which is within the competence of the Divisional Officer to sanction or regularize, is not
incurred, as a matter of course, under the orders of subordinate officers, without his
knowledge. All such items of expenditure should at once be brought to the notice of the
Divisional Officer and his orders obtained and placed on record. See also Paragraph
22.2.7 The works expenditure should be checked with the estimates to ensure that the
charges incurred are in pursuance of the objects for which the estimate was intended.
The Divisional Accountant is responsible for checking the expenditure with the estimated
quantity of work to be done, the sanctioned rate, and the sanctioned cost, so that he may
22.2.8 When a recovery has been ordered to be made from a contractor or other
prescribed for the purpose, the order should be noted at once in a register of recoveries in
Form C.P.W.A 95, opened specially for the purpose, so that the amounts recovered from
time to time (with particulars of the accounts concerned) may be recorded against it, and
certain recoveries of expenditure (vide paragraph 9.1.3), e.g., sale proceeds of surplus
materials and plant acquired specially for any work, or of materials received from
dismantled structures, irrespective of whether the estimates for works make allowance for
such recoveries or not. The amounts of such receipts are, however, not available for
expenditure in excess of that authorized in the estimate for the work and the Divisional
Accountant should see that, without the orders of competent authority, the gross
expenditure authorized is not exceeded, or surplus receipts realized are not utilized
towards additional expenditure. He should, at the same time, watch the receipts, with a
view to bring to the Divisional Officer’s notice and obtain that officer’s orders on all
marked deviations from the provision for such credits in the estimates of works.
Note – The Divisional Accountant should also see that savings due to abandonment of
parts of a work, as evidenced by the quantities of the work executed or otherwise, are not
22.2.10 After check, every voucher should be enfaced with the word “checked”
over the dated initials of the Divisional Accountant, as well as of any clerk who may have
endorsing stamp and kept carefully, to be made available for test audit whenever
Note 1: Vouchers relating to contingencies, which do not amount to more than rupees one
thousand should be dealt with-in the manner indicated in the certificate of the disbursing
officer printed on Form G.A.R. 32 read with Rule 109 of CGA(R&P), Rules,1983 as
Note 2: Stamps affixed to vouchers should be so cancelled that they cannot be used again,
and if with this object they are punched through, care should be taken that the
Note 3: Vouchers relating to new supplies of tools and plant should be completed by
noting on them the name of the month in the accounts of which the articles acquired were
22.2.11 The result of the examination of accounts and returns such as ‘Stock and
Sale Account ( Form C.P.W.A 19)’ ‘Material at site Account ( Form C.P.W.A 35)’ etc.,
received from Sub-divisional Officers, should be intimated to them in all cases in which
the relevant records of their offices or avoid the recurrence of any irregularity. The
connected with the results of the examination should be called for from the Sub-division
and made available to Inspecting Officers/Audit Officers at the time of audit for review.
22.3.1 The remittances made into the accredited Bank as well as cheques drawn on them,
by Public Works Division will be accounted for under the Sub-heads “Remittances into
Bank” and “Public Works Cheques” respectively below the Minor Head “102 – Public
Works Remittances” subordinate to Major Head “8782 – Cash Remittances” etc between
officers rendering accounts to the same Accounts Officer shall be entered in the
CPWA Code)” .
22.3.2 The Dealing Branch of the accredited Bank will prepare daily Payment and
Receipt Scrolls in quadruplicate separately for each Divisional Officer following the
Branch of the Bank will send payment scrolls and Receipt Scrolls in duplicate
alongwith Paid Cheques/Challans to the designated Focal Point Branch of the Bank.
Third copy of the above mentioned Bank Scrolls without Paid Cheques/Receipted
Challans will be sent to the Divisional Officer by the Dealing Branch and the fourth
copy of the Scrolls shall be retained by the Dealing Branch for its own records. No
document is to be sent to the Pay and Accounts Officer of the Division concerned by
In other words the role of the Dealing Branch shall confine to prepare
Focal Point Branch and the third copy without supporting Paid Cheques/Receipted
Challans to the Cheque Drawing and Disbursing Officer i.e., the Divisional Officer
The Focal Point Branch of the accredited Bank presently the State Bank of
India on receipt of Bank Scrolls together with the related instruments i.e., Paid
Scrolls duly supported with Paid Cheques/Receipted Challans received from the
Dealing Branch to the Pay and Accounts Officer of the Division concerned on a dayto-
day basis retaining third copy for its own record. On receipt of “Main Scroll” in
duplicate from the Focal Point Branch, the Pay and Accounts Officer of the Division
Challans will return the second copy of the “Main Scroll” duly certified without
documents to Focal Point Branch within 24 hours and carry out the following
“Public Works Cheques” under the Minor Head “102-Public Works Remittances”
below the Major Head “8782 – Cash Remittances and adjustments between officers
rendering accounts to the same Accounts Officer” per Contra Credit to Minor Head
“108-Public Sector Bank Suspense” below the Major Head “8658 – Suspense
Accounts.” The credit under Minor Head “108 – Public Sector Bank Suspense”
below the Major Head “8658 – Suspense Accounts” will be cleared by the Principal
above mentioned Suspense Minor Head per Contra Credit to the Major/Minor/Subhead
“8675 – Deposits with Reserve Bank” “101 – Central (Civil) – Reserve Bank
(PSB) on receipt of “Payment Put Through Statement” from the Reserve Bank of
Minor Head “108 – Public Sector Bank Suspense” below the Major Head “8658 –
Suspense Accounts” per Contra Minus Debit to Sub-head “Remittances into Bank”
under the Minor Head “102 – Public Works Remittances” below the Major Head
the same Accounts Officer”. The Debit under the Minor Head “108 – Public Sector
Bank Suspense” below the Major Head “8658 – Suspense Accounts” will be cleared
(Civil) – Reserve Bank (PSB) and by minus Debit to Minor Heads 108 – Public
Bank of India.
(c) Adjustment of the copy of the Bank Scrolls received by the Divisional
On receipt of the above mentioned copy of the Bank Scrolls without related
documents viz the Paid Cheques/Receipted Challans the Divisional Officer will
effect reconciliation of the transactions indicated in the Receipt Scroll and Payment
Scroll in Part I – Cash Remitted and Acknowledged” and Part II – Cheques issued
Monthly Account to the Pay & Accounts Officer of his Division for reconciliation
purposes. The Divisional Officer should also prepare and furnish list of cheques
issued but not encashed and remittances made but not accounted for during the
month as well as cheques issued and remittances made during the previous months
accounted for in the bank scroll during the month on hand. The monthly Divisional
22.3.6 P.A.O. of the Division on receipt of Form C.P.W.A 51 along with Monthly
Account from the Divisional Officer will reconcile the figures of Bank Scrolls
booked in his account with those reported by the Divisional Officer in CPWA Form
Note: For detailed procedure for the settlement of Accounts with Bank, see chapter
23 of this Code.
1. Monthly Accounts
(a) Introductory
22.4.1 Before the actual compilation of the various schedules and schedule dockets, etc
is undertaken, the Abstract Book, Form C.P.W.A 81 may be written up from the original
Cash Book, Summaries of Stock Receipts and Indents and the Transfer Entry Book in
accordance with the instructions printed on the standard Form. The book will consolidate
all the transactions of the division and will thereby facilitate the location of errors and
omissions made in the compilation of the Monthly Account from the Schedules and also
serve as an independent check over the accounts so compiled. The Monthly Account
shall be submitted to the Pay and Accounts Officer by 8th of the succeeding month
than percentages charged for establishment, tools and plant, etc, and (ii) other items of
expenditure or disbursement for which a contingent bill is not required, come to hand and
are scrutinized, they, should be posted in Schedule Dockets in Form C.P.W.A 61. A
(c) each separate class of charges (including refunds of revenue) Form C.P.W.A
46A for which a schedule in any other form has to be prepared under the rules
in this Chapter.
9.1.3) should be posted as refunds with brief particulars of the transactions. At the end of
the month, the schedule dockets should be completed in respect of Stock transactions by
posting therein all the Stock debits and credits of the month as recorded in Forms
respectively, omitting those brought to account through the Cash Book and the Transfer
Entry Books, vide Note below paragraph 7.2.29. The total of the month’s stock
transactions relating to each schedule docket should be entered therein as a single figure,
plus or minus according as it is debit or credit, and if there are both debits and credits to
be entered, the net result only should be posted. Thus in the case of schedule dockets for
works, this figure represents the total issue of materials from stock to the work and the
materials transferred from work to stock will appear as refunds under the heading
“Transfer Entries”. The schedule dockets should then be totalled and reconciled with the
works abstracts in the case of works and with the schedules concerned in the case of
dockets of class (c) above. All the vouchers (including acknowledgements for stock
supplied to contractors), transfer entry orders in Form C.A.M 34, survey reports in Form
C.P.W.A 18 and sale accounts in Form C.P.W.A 19 which are required to be submitted
to the Pay and Accounts Officer (vide paragraph 22.4.17) should then be attached to the
respective schedule dockets which should be numbered in a separate series for each
Note 1:- The audit of schedule dockets is conducted in the Pay and Accounts
Office on the assumption that petty vouchers and initial stock account in support of the
certified amounts of untouched and stock charges have been duly checked by the
Divisional Accountant in detail and are available for test-audit. The Divisional
Note 2:- Some of the schedules referred to in clause (c) above include charges for
work supported by a schedule of work expenditure in Form C.P.W.A 64. Such charges
and other transactions relating the works expenditure should be posted in the schedule
22.4.3 For percentage recoveries made on account of establishment, tools and plant, and
accounts and audit charges (vide Appendix 4) a single schedule docket should be
Note:- This Form C.P.W.A 62 serves as the transfer entry order relating to these
recoveries (vide Note below paragraph 22.1.2) and should, therefore, be signed by the
Divisional Officer.
22.4.4 (a) All cash and transfer entry transactions of the month, other than those noted
below, should be posted into-one of the schedules or registers named below, to which the
transactions relates:-
Capital Accounts
of Nos. (i) to (iii)
graphs 15.5.1)
And 22.4.4(f)
Note 1:- Licence fee and other revenue receipts pertaining to (a) Military Engineer
Services, (b) Indian Air force, (c) Department of Posts and (d) Department of
Note 2:- A separate schedule should be prepared for each class of receipts for which
Note 3:- When under a major head of revenue, there is more than one system of
works, for which separate capital accounts are kept, a summary of the receipts of all
systems working up to the totals of the major head, should also be prepared.
(c) Schedules Nos. (v) and (vi) are the schedules in which all remittance
account transactions, are collected, the entries being grouped under the headings given in
(d) Subject to such instructions as may be issued in this behalf by the Chief
Controller of Accounts, schedule Nos.(vii) and (viii) are intended to collect all
disbursements and receipts which do not pertain to any of other schedules mentioned in
paragraphs 22.4.6 to 22.4.8. These transactions are adjusted finally in the books of the
Pay and Accounts Officer, and ordinarily affect one of the non Public Works major heads
of revenue or expenditure (e.g. ‘0021 – Taxes on Income other than Corporations Tax’,
‘0056 – Jails’, ‘0071 – Contributions and Recoveries towards Pension and other
Miscellaneous General Services’, ‘2235 – Social Security and Welfare’ or Funds and
Deposit Heads (e.g. ‘8009 – State Provident Fund – Other Provident Funds – Workmen’s
Contributory Provident fund; ‘8449 – Other Deposits – Subventions from Central Road
charges comprised in the percentage charges levied for work done invariably appear in
Similarly, percentage recoveries for accounts and audit appear as credits or minus debits
on works met from Subventions from Central Road Fund will appear in the Schedule of
16.2.5 and 16.3.1 for expenditure on works relating to certain Local Funds. As regards
other transactions, which can not be classified under final head concerned or the heads in
the Public Account shall be shown in the Schedule of Credits or Debits to Miscellaneous
Heads of Account, in Form C.P.W.A-76, unless the Chief Controller of Accounts has
authorized this.
payments of pay and allowances of the officers and staff of Divisions will be shown in
triplicate. The primary units under Direction and Administration will be as under:-
(A) Executive
(i) Salaries
(ii) Wages
(iii) O.T.A.
(viii) Total
(B) Work –charged establishment borne on regular Establishments same as under (A)
shown in Form C.P.W.A. 74 under respective Sub-heads to be opened under minor head
“Direction & Administration” and credit figures in the relevant Form C.P.W.A 46 or 76.
Note:- (a) The amount of recoveries of Rent/licence fee etc. recoverable under “0059
Note:- (b) The amount of recoveries on account of income tax, G.P.F. conveyance
and other advances etc will be shown in Form C.P.W.A. 76 (credits), and payment of
advances etc. will similarly be shown in Form C.P.W.A 76 (debits) duly supported by
and attached to Form C.P.W.A. 76 (Dr/Cr) as the case may be. In other words Form
Note (c):- The amounts of pay and allowances or any other advances or recoveries
which are adjustable in the books of other Accounts Officer will be shown in Form
CPWA 77, debits or credits as the case may be, in the manner indicated under (b) above.
22.4.5 At the end of month, the stock transactions of the month, as recorded in the
summary of Stock Receipts and the Summary of Indents, Form C.P.W.A 9 and 10,
excluding transactions brought to account (vide Note below paragraph 7.2.29) through
the Cash Book and the Transfer Entry Book, should be incorporated in the schedules
referred to in paragraph 22.4.4. and the schedules should be completed in all other
respects, e.g. (1) in the Debit Schedules 77, 77A, 76 and 76-A and in the Deposit Register
should be posted from the detailed schedules concerned (vide paragraphs 22.4.6 and
22.4.7) the total amount of works expenditure debitable to each head of account,
Government, department, division or office (See also paragraph 15.5.1) and (2) the total
amount of the cheques drawn during the month should be entered in the Credit Schedule,
Form C.P.W.A 77, as a single entry under the sub-heads “II – Public Works Cheques”
under the minor head “102-Public Works Remittances” below the Major Head “8782-
Note:- Expenditure on famine relief works should be entered in Debit Schedule 76.
All expenditure incurred directly for the relief of distresses shall be debited to
indirectly due to any natural calamity shall be debited to appropriate functional major
Functional Head Major/Sub-major
functional Major
restoration of
Government office
053 – Maintenance
and Repairs
restoration of
Maintenance &
restoration of
03 – State Highways
04 – District and
Other Roads
Public Health
control of diseases
Restoration of
damaged water
sewerage works
2215 – Water
Supply & Sanitation
02 – Sewerage and
supply Programmes.
supply Programmes.
(Sub Head
maintenance &
105 – Sanitation
Services (Sub-Head
Maintenance &
wild life
Development and
Animal Health.
22.4.6 (a):- After a reconciliation has been effected between the totals of “Works
Abstract (Form C.P.W.A 33)” and relevant schedules dockets, a Schedule of Works
Expenditure should be prepared in Form C.P.W.A 64, separately for expenditure relating
(i) Each Major & Sub-Major Head under which expenditure is recorded
Note: - This form is not used for Manufacture transactions vide paragraph 22.4.8
(vii) All other Government works including occasional works of classes (ii) to (vi).
(viii All Non-Governmental Works other than Deposit Works and Takavi Works, for
which separate schedules are prepared in Form C.P.W.A 65 and 66 respectively vide
(b) Except as provided in sub-para (c) below, only those works on which expenditure
has been incurred during the month should be included in the schedule, the entries being
detailed in the order of the prescribed heads of the accounts classifications in the case of
works of classes (i) to (vi), and grouped separately for each Government, department
division, local body or other party concerned, in the case of works of classes (vii) and
(viii). All Works forming part of a single project or system should, in all cases, be
grouped together.
(c) This schedule pertaining to the accounts for September and March
(Supplementary) should include all works, including those relating to which no
transactions have appeared in the accounts of those months and a copy of it should be
sent by the Divisional Officer to the Superintending Engineer to apprise the latter of the
excess over the Estimates, Allotments etc. The schedules pertaining to the accounts for
June, September, December and March (Supplementary) should include all works
relating to National Highways and the Central Road Fund to enable the concerned Pay
and Accounts Officer to furnish quarterly statements of the expenditure on such works to
Note 1:- In the schedules for works of classes (i) to (vi) money column 5 for “Total
charges of the Month” should be totalled so as to bring out separately the totals for (1)
each minor head,(2) each primary unit of appropriation(if any) subordinate to a minor
head, and (3) each group of works for which a separate lump sum appropriation has been
placed at the disposal of the Divisional Officer or a controlling authority. The total
progressive expenditure should be entered in column 6 and against each total should be
given (a) in Column 7, the total charges of the year which will be arrived at by adding
the total of the month to the total of the year as given in column 7 of the previous
month’s schedule, and (b) in column 8, the amount of allotment placed at the Divisional
Officer’s disposal. The excess of expenditure incurred during the year over the allotment
should be shown below the allotment. Similarly the amount of technically sanctioned
Note 2: In the schedules pertaining to works of classes (vii) and (viii), the entries
relating to each work should be made separately for “works expenditure” and “percentage
charges” (for establishment, tools and plant, accounts and audit charges etc) one line
being used for each of these two charges and a third for the total charges on the work.
22.4.7 Similarly, the Schedule of Deposit Works and the schedule of Takavi Works
22.4.8 All debits to Stock should be collected in Form C.P.W.A 72, Schedule of Debits
to Stock. The entries in this schedule should be arranged in three groups (1)
“Manufacture” (2) “Land, Kilns etc” and (3) “Other Sub-Heads”. Under (1), should be
debited all manufacture operations in progress and under (2) all works in progress in
connection with the acquisition of land, construction and repairs of kilns, etc. Under (3),
should be shown (a) individually, all items of expenditure on the carriage, handling etc.
of stock materials when the cost of such processes is debitable to the sub-head of stock
under which the materials are classified (vide paragraphs 7.2.27 and 10.8.1) (b)
individually, all items of acquisition of stock materials for which an estimate is required
under rule and (c) collectively, all other items of acquisition of stock materials. In
respect of each manufacture operation, the outturn of the month (vide paragraph 12.1.2)
should also be shown in the schedule, the operation and outturn being entered in two
separate lines.
carriage, handling etc. charges up to a specified monetary limit, it will devolve upon the
the Divisional Officer’s sanctions, but all items of this class should be detailed in the
22.4.9 An account of the suspense head “Stock” should next be prepared in Form
C.P.W.A 73, Stock Account. Part 1 of this form is the main account showing the
receipts, issues and balances classified by sub-head, separate figures being given in
respect of the sub-heads ‘manufacture’, ‘Land Kiln’ ‘Handling and other incidental
charges’ etc, and all the other sub heads (vide para 13.3.4) being lumped up Part II of the
Detailed Account of issues, is written up first, and from this part and the Schedule of
below the Major Head “8658-Suspense Accounts” for the settlement of interdivisional
CPWA code has been introduced. Operation of this Minor Head would continue for
the clearance of old outstanding Debit balances under this head till all such
With a view to minimizing the operation of Suspense heads and also to arrest
Secretariat and the Ministry of Defence. All the transactions relating to services
Suspense and Miscellaneous – Sub-Sector(b) Suspense and Major and Minor Heads
These transactions as and when take place should be posted in Client-wise (viz.
Cabinet Secretariat or/and the Ministry of Defence) Register of transactions
adjusted under the head “107 – Cash Settlement Suspense Account” in Form 1 of
Appendix 7-C (b) of C.P.W.A. Code on closing the Monthly Account” of the
above. The Cheque/Bank Draft when received, should be entered on the Receipt
side of the Cash Book, the entry being classified as credit to the minor head “107 –
Cash Settlement Suspense Account” below the Major Head “8658 – Suspense
Accounts”’ thus clearing the original debit under this head and the cheque should
be sent to the Bank for encashment or for making necessary adjustment of the
cheque by Debiting Sub-head “Remittances into Bank” under the Minor head “102-
PublicWorks Remittances” below the Major Head “8782- Cash Remittances etc.”.
On realization of the proceeds of cheque through Receipt Scroll received from Focal
Point Bank, PAO of the Division will clear Debit head “Remittances into Bank”
under the Minor Head “102-Public Works Remittances” below the Major Head
“8782 - Cash Remittances etc.” by minus debit per contra debit to minor head “108-
Public Sector Bank Suspense” below the Major Head “8658-Suspense Accounts.
However, Divisional Officer on receipt of the Copy of Receipt Scroll from the
Dealing Branch, will enter the same in Part-I of Form C.P.W.A 51 to be sent alongwith
22.4.11 A consolidated account of all expenditure debited against the grants of the
The figures relating to the several major and sub-major heads should be entered in
separate sections, arranged in the order indicated in the List of Major and Minor Heads of
Note 1 – When Works for any of the Departments named below are undertaken as a
standing Military Engineer Service arrangement, vide paragraph 22.4.6(a), and funds for
the purpose are allotted to the division, the expenditure connected therewith should also
(ii) Posts
(iii) Telecommunications
Note 2 – Refunds of Revenue are excluded for this Abstract, as they are treated as minus
Revenue, vide paragraphs 9.4.1. “Receipts and Recoveries on Capital Account” are
included in the Abstract as minus expenditure, as they are taken in reduction of the
22.4.12 The Monthly Account should be prepared in the Form C.P.W.A 80 (with
all supporting registers, schedules, vouchers, etc.) for presentation to the Divisional
officer and submission to the Pay and Accounts Officer. This account is an abstract of
the entrie receipts and disbursements of the month as worked out in the Abstract Book
(Form C.P.W.A 81) and as detailed in the various schedules and registers, and shows
also in the opening and closing cash balances. On the back of the form are printed (1) a
memorandum of miscellaneous cash receipts paid into Banks, and (2) a certificate in
respect of the closing cash balances of subordinate disbursing officers. The entries in the
Accounts are divided into three groups – (1) Revenue Entries, which are totals of receipts
of Government under the several major heads, as taken from the Registers of Revenue
Realised, Form C.P.W.A 46. (2) Expenditure Entries which are the totals of expenditure
of Government for the several divisions of major heads and are posted from the
Classified Abstract of Expenditure, Form C.P.W.A 74 and (3) Other Heads, entries in
which representing both receipts and disbursements are posted from the Schedules of
under the head “107-Cash Settlement Suspense Account,” Forms C.P.W.A 79, 66 and
76-A respectively.
Note 1 – The entries posted under the several heads in the Monthly Account should be
checked with corresponding entries in the Abstract Book (Form C.P.W.A 81).
Note 2 – The totals of the columns for receipts and disbursements must agree, and if there
is any difference due to cash being in transit between two disbursing officers, its amount
etc., should be included in the closing balance and the certificate of cash balance should
be amplified so as to state the amount and the steps taken to adjust the difference.
22.4.13 (a) There are certain transactions recorded in the initial cash and stock
heads of the accounts classification, as every such entry is counterbalanced either at once
the Monthly Account, but the Divisional Accountant should see that all transactions are
(i) Cash from Bank – A cheque drawn to replenish the cash chest is debited to
this head in the Cash Book, and per contra the amount of the cheque is entered
at once, as cash received, under the same head, a cheque drawn by designation
being cash (vide paragraph 6.1.1), even though not cashed at once.
recorded in the initial accounts of cash and stock and in the transfer entry book, enter one
or other of the prescribed schedules, the details being in some cases recorded in
supporting schedule dockets. Transactions recorded in the cash book and the transfer
entry book are posted direct from those sources, no items being omitted, but those
recorded in the initial accounts of stock, Forms C.P.W.A 8, 9 and 10 are dealt with as
(a) those brought to account through the Cash Book or the Transfer Entry
Book (vide paragraph 7.2.29) e.g., stock purchase in cash, stock sold
for cash, and stock received from works, are left out, and
(b) the rest are posted direct from the Summary of Stock Receipts and the
should see that all items of this class are correctly separated off in the Summary of Stock,
Receipts and the Summary of Indents, Form C.P.W.A 9 and 10 as prescribed in Note
22.4.15 The Monthly Account in Form C.P.W.A 80 is due to reach the Accounts
Office by such date of the month following that to which it relates, as may be fixed by the
Revenue Realised (see also Para 22.4.4(f) and the note thereunder
22.4.6 (c)]
order, survey reports and sale accounts attached to each (See also Note 1
8. Stock Account, Form C.P.W.A 73 (With Sale Accounts, Form C.P.W.A 19, in
rom the
| relevant sections of
thereunder |
14. Schedule of Transactions adjusted under the head “Cash Settlement Suspense
C.P.W.A 69.
16. Schedules of Credits and Debits to Remittances, Form C.P.W.A 77 (See also
C.P.W.A 51.
Deposit Register)
20. Schedule of Takavi Works, Form C.P.W.A 66, with accepted certificates of
Collector referred to in paragraph 16.4.5.
21. Copies of Tools and Plant Received Sheets and Tools and Plant Indents,
Form C.P.W.A 13 and 14 (only in respect of Special Tools and Plant) Form
24. List of Accounts submitted to Pay & Accounts Officer, Form C.P.W.A 83.
Note 1 – If the Divisional Officer is required by any rule to make a formal report
depositor concerned, the report in Form C.P.W.A 65-A setting forth the amount of the
estimate, the total deposits received and the progressive expenditure, should
accompany the Schedule of Deposit Works, so that Pay and Accounts Officer may,
after auditing the schedule, verify the report and forward it to the local body or person
authority, fines which have been remitted by a court of law, the original orders of the
22.4.16 The Schedules relating to the suspense and deposit accounts, Form
C.P.W.A 70, 73 and 79 and the Workshop Suspense Schedule, must be submitted to
the Pay and Accounts Officer, month after month, so long as there are balances
outstanding under the accounts concerned, whether there have been transactions
during the month or not. The Schedule of Miscellaneous Public Works Advances
Form C.P.W.A 70 and the Schedule of Deposits, Form C.P.W.A 79 should however
be restricted to the items affected during the month. In respect of the Schedule of
Deposit Works, Form C.P.W.A 65 the Divisional Officer may, if so authorized by the
Accounts Officer, dispense with the submission every month, of Part II of the
Schedule, provided (1) that this Part is invariably submitted with the accounts for
March, and (2) that, if Part II for any month contains works, any expenditure thereon
has been charged to Miscellaneous P.W. Advances, and extract from Part II relating
to such works only is submitted to the Pay and Accounts Officer. Similarly, in the
Schedule of Miscellaneous Works Advances, Form C.P.W.A 70, for the month other
than March, items which do not exceed Rs.5 each may be shown in a lump sum, if so
remaining schedules are necessary only if there have been any transactions during the
Note 1 The Abstract Account of Credits, Debits and Balances of the Material
Miscellaneous Works Advances, Form C.P.W.A 70 for September and March should
be accompanied by a list of items outstanding under the Suspense Heads for more
Settlement Suspense Account”, Form C.P.W.A 76-A for September and March
22.4.17(a) With the exceptions noted below (as to which, however, see clause (b)
below), all vouchers and transfer entry orders in support of cash payment and other
of the amount
(iii) Other cash vouchers, relating to works (other than running/final account bills
exceeds Rs.1000/-.
(v) Vouchers in support of payments made for the conversion of cash deposits
Note – When a voucher of this class is not submitted to the Pay and Accounts Officer,
the reasons should be noted against the entry of its amount in the Schedule docket or
(b) All vouchers (other than Muster Rolls) in support of debits to contractors should
be submitted to the Accounts Officer even though falling under any of the exceptions
to clause (a).
(c) The Land Award Statements, the vouchers and the accounts etc., received from
the Land Acquisition Officers in respect of land acquired together with the Transfer
Entry order approved by the Divisional Officer should after relevant entries thereof in
(d) All Survey Reports of Stores (Form C.P.W.A 18) and Sale Accounts (Form
C.P.W.A 19) must also accompany the Monthly Account. Sale Accounts in support
of cash credits to Stock should be attached to the Stock Account, Form C.P.W.A 73,
Survey Reports and Sale Accounts in support of other credits to Stock should be
attached to the schedule dockets pertaining to the works or accounts debited, those in
support of the Tools and Plant indents Form C.P.W.A 14, vide paragraph 22.4.15(20),
should accompany that document, and the remaining Survey Reports and sale
accounts should be attached to the schedule dockets relating to the works or accounts
22.4.18 The Divisional Accountant is required to sign not only the Monthly Account
but also all the schedules etc., accompanying it. It is not necessary that the Divisional
Officer should sign all these documents; he must, however, sign the Monthly Account
and the List of Accounts Form C.P.W.A 83, unless he is absent from headquarters, in
which case he should send to the Pay and Accounts Officer, as soon as he can
examine his books and papers on return, a report in Form C.P.W.A 84 (with a
duplicate copy of the Monthly Account signed by himself), without which the Pay
and Accounts Officer will not pass the Monthly Account finally. The Contingent Bill
review by himself of all vouchers before they are submitted to the Pay and Accounts
Officer and that unless the circumstances are exceptional, he should sign the accounts
22.4.19 In connection with the accounts for March, the following points should
(a) The entry of the closing cash balance should be supported by (1) the original cash
Divisional Officer and (2) a certificate of the Divisional Officer to the effect that he
has obtained on or after 31st March and retained in his office an acknowledgement
temporary advance shown in the Cash Balance Reports of the Division for 31st
Note The Original Cash Balance Reports of sub-ordinate disbursing officers should
C.P.W.A 51, should be subjoined, a statement, in the form given below, in respect of
(c) The Schedule of Deposits, Form C.P.W.A 79 should be accompanied by the Account
of account and the accounts referred to below should be reviewed monthly so that the
actual recovery or by adjustment in the accounts, may be taken regularly throughout the
year. In February or early March, special steps should be taken with a view to bring
about all possible reductions in the number and amounts of outstanding items at the close
of the year; and within six weeks of the submission of the Monthly Account for March, a
consolidated certificate in respect of the balances, other than cash, should be forwarded to
(i)Contractors ledger (ii) Works Abstract (iii) Schedule dockets (iv) Register of Works,
(v)Licence fees Registers and other records of assessment and realization of revenue
Note – If the closing balance under any head is nil, it does not necessarily follow that a
certificate is not required in respect of it. In all cases in which there was a balance at the
commencement of the year, or there were any transactions during the year, a certificate
should be recorded, the wording of it being suitably amended (if necessary) in case the
responding, should receive the personal attention of the Divisional Accountant (vide
paragraph 5.5.3), who should take special steps early in March to bring to account all
liabilities and assets awaiting settlement, and to effect clearance, in the accounts of
debits and credits remaining unadjusted at the end of March should be watched
individually with a view to their clearance before the accounts of the year are closed
finally. It is not sufficient that the Divisional Office has brought to account all the
transactions the responsibility for which devolved on itself. It is equally important that
necessary action be taken to move the other parties concerned to bring to account or settle
the outstanding items, the intervention of the Accounts Officer being sought, where
22.4.22 The financial year terminates on 31st March, and actual transactions taking
place after that date can on no account be treated as pertaining to the year. It is,
necessary, however, that as many of the unadjusted outstandings of the year as possible,
should be cleared within the accounts of the year, and the errors in accounts coming to
notice after 31st March should be set right, if possible, without affecting the accounts and
estimates of the following year. Whilst, therefore, it is necessary that the cash accounts
should be positively closed on the 31st March and also the Stock Accounts in respect of
actual transactions, the Transfer Entry Book and the stock accounts should be kept open
These accounts should be closed on the 20th May or on such other date, as may be
Note – If any adjustments in accounts have been purposely deferred till the close of the
accounts of the year, it is permissible to effect them after 31st March in the same way as
consolidated into a special Monthly Account, which, with all the necessary
any other date that may be prescribed by him. This account is known as the
the Suspense or Deposit Schedules, the items not affected, so long as, in addition to the
necessary details of the items affected, the totals for the accounts concerned are also
22.4.24 Other account returns which the Divisional Officer should submit to the
(a) Monthly:-
Certificate regarding the completion of the Register of Licence Fee Register and revision
(i) Lists of items outstanding for more than six months under the suspense heads
alongwith the Monthly Accounts for September and March (to be attached to Form
(ii) Statement in Form C.P.W.A 76-B showing the outstanding which are unsettled
for more than 4 months under “Cash Settlement Suspense Accounts” alongwith the
monthly accounts for September and March (to be attached to Form C.P.W.A 76-A)
V. Corrections in Accounts
expenditure head is classified wrongly under another revenue or expenditure head, the
error may be corrected at any time before the accounts of the year are closed, but after the
accounts are closed, no correction is admissible except as permitted in Para 8.1.2 to 8.1.4
of this Code and in cases affecting the account, of works including those falling under
paragraph 10.6.12 of this Code.
Note 2 - If an error be detected after submission to the Pay and Accounts Officer of the
reported to the Chief Controller of Accounts for instructions unless the amount be not
(b) All errors affecting debt (including suspense) and remittance heads must be
(c) When a correction is permissible, it should be made by a formal transfer entry, but
22.4.26 All corrections in accounts which may be advised by the Pay and Accounts
Officer on auditing the documents, should, after verification, be carried out in all relevant
records, the entries being made in red ink (quoting the audit note or other advice) and
Note – The Divisional Accountant is responsible that all corrections advised by the Pay
and Accounts Officer are specially brought to the notice of the Divisional Officer.
22.4.27 When the details of any cl.ass of transactions, as recorded in the prescribed
accounts, are not sufficiently indicative of the financial results of the operations of a
given period and it is necessary to ascertain the results, it is usual to prepare periodically
India, the Chief Controller of Accounts will determine the required forms in consultation
with Controller General of Accounts, but if the accounts are required for administrative
purposes, the accounts will be maintained in such form as may be agreed upon between
Note 2 – If the proforma account relates to transactions of two or more divisions the
compilation of it is undertaken by the Pay and Accounts Officer, and Divisional Officers
may be required to furnish the necessary data. A pro-forma account relating to a single
administrative authority, the Pay and Accounts Officer may not be required to check it
22.4.28 If for the purposes of any pro-forms account which the Pay and Accounts
should be booked separately in the general accounts, even though, under rule, it may not
consultation with Government, where necessary. See also paragraph 3.2.1 (d)
22.4.29 The proforma accounts showing the results of the working of irrigation,
etc, projects, productive as well as unproductive for which capital accounts are kept, are
prepared annually by the Pay and Accounts Officer in accordance with the rules
prescribed in the Government Accounting Rules,1990. These accounts are known as the
Note – For rules relating to pro forma accounts of irrigation water courses, see paragraph
5 of Appendix 3
it is usual to prepare pro forma accounts periodically, vide paragraphs 12.2.2(d) and
22.4.31 The Divisional Officer should review from time to time the several
registers, books and accounts, as are maintained in the divisional and sub-divisional
offices even though under the rules in this Code he may have scrutinized and intialled the
individual entries or sets of entries therein. To this end he may require these records to
be laid before him through the Divisional Accountant, monthly or at such other intervals
as may be fixed by him. The Fact of such review should be placed on recording all cases
23.1.1 Under the provisions of Section 21 of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 and
the agreement entered into by the Central Government with Reserve Bank of India,
In the earlier stages when the scheme of separation of Accounts from Audit was
Agriculture, Food, Supply, Rehabilitation and the then Works and Housing (now the
Ministry of Urban Development) under the charge of the then Chief Pay and Accounts
Officer, the Receipts and Payments of the above mentioned Ministries were handled by
the Reserve Bank of India. At places where the branches of Reserve Bank of India did
not exist, the Banking business of these Ministries was handled by the State Bank of
maintains General Ledger of the Union Government’s Cash balances. In addition it also
Balances at the end of the Financial year are merged under Union Government Civil
phases, Reserve Bank of India in consultation with the Ministry of Finance authorized all
the Nationlised Public Sector Banks to handle Government business of the Central Civil
Ministries as their agents on turn over commission basis to cope up with the heavy rush
(presently the Ministry of Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation) was allowed to
continue its Government banking business with the Reserve Bank of India and the State
Bank of India in places where the branches of Reserve Bank of India did not exist. This
23.2.1 Consequent upon the decision taken by the Reserve Bank of India to delink itself
from the retail banking business of some of the Central Ministires/Departments including
that of the Ministry of Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation and also authorizing
three Private Sector Banks viz., ICICI Bank Ltd, UTI Bank Ltd and HDFC Bank Ltd to
handle Central Government business on their behalf as their agents on the same terms and
conditions as applicable to the Public Sector Bank (except that these banks have been
into Government Account with RBI,CAS). The following banking arrangements have
been made for various Departments of the Ministry of Urban Affairs & Poverty
(i) State Bank of India throughout the country will be the accredited Bank of
(ii) UTI Bank Ltd will be the accredited Bank for handling Government
(iii) IDBI Bank Ltd will be the accredited Bank for various offices of the
23.2.2 The above mentioned Banking arrangements have been necessitated as a sequel to
the decision taken by the Reserve Bank of India to gradually move away from the retail
handling their Government transactions with the Reserve Bank of India as their
accredited Bank.
23.3.1 Pay and Accounts Officers of the Divisions of CPWD have drawing account in
their accredited Bank meaning thereby that the PAO of the Division can draw any
amount subject to the annual ceiling of Budgetary allocation in the Consolidated Fund of
India and the availability of Funds/Deposits etc. in the Public Account of India on the
23.3.2 Divisional officers of the CPWD have been vested with cheque drawing powers
to draw funds from the local branches of the State Bank of India accredited to their
Divisions against the Letter of Credit assigned to them for arranging payment of salary
and allowances of the officers and the staff including work charged staff and other
works and purchases connected with the activities of CPWD. They shall however not be
Advance/Motorcar Advances etc. to their employees. All long term advances, Pensions
and other Retirement benefits and Final Payments of Provident Funds like General
Provident Funds to Group “A”, “B” and “C” officers will be payable by the Pay and
23.3.3 Since the functioning of the Cheque Drawing and Disbursing Officers of the
Divisions of CPWD is quite different from that of other Cheque Drawing and Disbursing
Officers, special arrangements for the issue of Letter of Credit as stipulated in para
6.2.1(b) of CPWA Code deviating from the Quarterly assignment of Funds have been
23.3.4 The letters of credit indicating Major Headwise allocation of funds as printed on
the cheque leaf shall be issued by the Accounts Officer of L.O.C. Cell of the Principal
Accounts Office at Head Quarters, authorizing the paying branch of the Bank to make
payment on the cheques drawn from time to time by the concerned Cheque Drawing and
Disbursing Officers with clear instructions not to exceed the limit of headwise allocation
authorized by the AO, LOC(Cell) in any case. While communicating the assignment for
the second and subsequent Letters of Credit (LOC), AO of the LOC(Cell) will indicate
not only the assignment for the subsequent LOC but also the progressive total of the
assignment upto the end of subsequent LOC. Unspent balance for the last LOC shall not
be carried forward to next Financial Year but the cheques encashed in the subsequent
year in settlement of claims pertaining to the last LOC shall be adjusted and accounted
for against the assignment of the last LOC of previous Financial year.
23.3.5 Accounts Officer of the LOC Cell shall ensure that the letter of credit authorizing
Major Head wise allocation is correctly addressed to the Divisional Officers and the
accredited Bank branches are also intimated regarding the ceiling of amount assigned to
them. Copy of the LOC should also be endorsed to the Pay and Accounts Officer of the
Division concerned. Arrangements have been made for the communication of Letter of
Credit to the accredited bank branches of the Divisions through the Centralised Branch of
the State Bank of India, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi so that mandate reaches the
branches immediately. With a view to reducing the time taken in dispatch/postal process,
Centralised branch of the State Bank of India, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.
23.3.6 Divisional Officers must ensure that no funds are diverted from one head to
another head in any case. Any deviation of Funds will be the personal responsibility of
23.3.7 Similarly accredited branches of the Bank must ensure that the headwise
assignment of amount intimated through the Letter of Credit does not exceed in any case.
23.4.1 Consequent upon the switch over from the Reserve Bank of India to the State
Bank of India with effect from 1st April 2005, all the receipts and payment transactions
pertaining to the Divisions including that of the Pay and Accounts Officer of the Division
will now henceforth be handled by the accredited branches of the State Bank of India
throughout the country. The Dealing branches will report day-to-day Receipts and
Payments transactions of the Divisions including the transactions of their Pay and
Accounts Offices to their designated Focal Point Branches who in turn will transmit the
same duly verified by the respective Pay and Accounts Officers to the State Bank of
reimbursement from the Reserve Bank of India, Central Accounts Office, Nagpur.
23.4.2 The role of Dealing branches, Focal Point branches, Government Accounts
Accounts Office, Nagpur, Pay and Accounts officers of the Division, Divisional
Officers of the CPWD and the action in the Principal Accounts Officer, Ministry
of Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation has been explained step by step in
23.4.3 Under the revised banking arrangements, Focal point bankState Bank of India will
Officers/Divisional Officers.
23.5.1 As a sequel to the decision taken by the Reserve Bank of India to move away
from the retail banking business of the Ministry of Urban Development and Ministry of
Urban Employment & Poverty Alleviation with effect from 1.4.2005, State Bank of India
all over the country has been nominated as the accredited Bank of the Central Public
Works Department.
23.5.2 According to the revised procedure of reporting, accounting and reconciliation
introduced from 1st April 2005, all the receipts and payments transactions of CPWD will
hence forth be handled by the Dealing Branches of the State Bank of India throughout the
country. The dealing branch of each Central Public Works Division including its Pay and
Accounts Office will report day-to-day transactions of CPWD to Focal Point Branch of
the State Bank of India by preparing daily sub-head wise Payment and Receipt Scrolls in
Quadruplicate separately for each Account holder viz the Divisional Office and the PAO.
Each day’s scroll will be given a running serial number for the accounting year from 1st
April to 31st March, separate serial numbers being given to scrolls of each account.
These serial numbers on the scrolls will bear prefix “DMA(E) for Payment and DMA(R )
for Receipts”. DMA means Daily Memorandum of Advice. The Serial number of the
entry in the scroll will be recorded on the corresponding cheques/challans for purpose of
identification. After the books of the branch have been balanced with reference to the
total of day’s scrolls, two copies of the scrolls alongwith the relative challans/paid
cheques will be sent by them to the designated “Focal Point Branch” and not to the PAO
GAD 5 of State Bank of India) on a day-to-day basis. One copy of the scroll will be sent
directly by them to the concerned DDO. The fourth copy of the scroll will be retained by
23.6.1 The Focal Point Branch, in addition to acting as a dealing Branch, will be
responsible for prompt and accurate accounting of the transactions reported to it daily by
23.6.2 (a) Preparation and submission of Main Scroll together with related challans/paid
cheques to Pay and Accounts Officer.
On receipt of two copies of the scrolls together with relative documents viz the
Receipted Challans/Paid Cheques attached to original scroll from the Dealing Branch, the
Focal Point Branch will separate the original and duplicate copies of the scrolls and
subject them to careful scrutiny for accuracy. Focal Point Branch will consolidate the
transactions of the various dealing branches including its own and prepare a “Main
Scroll” in triplicate (Annexure 6) separately for each Account holder, giving the totals of
all accounts separately for which scrolls have been received from each branch. Two
copies of the Main Scroll along with the original copy of the scroll with the relative
instruments received from various dealing branches will be forwarded to the concerned
Pay and Accounts Officer on a day-to-day basis. The duplicate copy of the scrolls
without any instrument received from the dealing branches will be stitched and retained
by the Focal Point Branch for its record. Simultaneously the aggregate of the receipts
and payments arrived at in the Main Scroll will be incorporated in a Daily Memo
(Annexure 7) and the same will be reported to its Link Cell i.e., Government Account
Department (GAD) at Mumbai for settlement of funds with Reserve Bank of India,
Central Accounts Section, Nagpur on a day-to-day basis. The report will be sent through
the fastest mode of communication if the net amount is Rupees one Lakh and above. A
“Nil” advice should also be sent where there are no transactions to report. The Main
Scroll submitted to PAO as well as the Memo/Nil advice to Link Cell should bear a serial
number in consecutive order for the year from 1st April to 31st March.
The PAO, on receipt of copies of Main Scroll and supporting documents will certify and
return the duplicate copy of the scroll within 24 hours to the “Focal Point” branch after
verification. The “Focal Point” branch should keep a watch on the prompt receipt of the
certified copy of the scroll from the PAO. The “Focal Point” branch should ensure that:
(i) the mistakes/discrepancies pointed out by PAO are rectified after proper
(iii) The copies of the Main Scrolls duly verified by the PAO are kept on its
Focal Point Branches are also required to furnish a certificate to the effect that necessary
scrolls/paid cheques/challans etc have already been submitted to the concerned Pay and
Accounts Office.
23.6.3 Since the Challans/Paid Cheques are important documents evidencing payments
challan/Cheques, Focal Point Branch in consultation with the Dealing Branch should
availability of lost documents, the same should be forwarded to the Pay and Accounts
Officer quoting reference and date etc to enable the PAO to link the same at his end.
Efforts should be made by the designated Focal Point Branches to send “Error-free
Scrolls” to the Pay and Accounts Officer for prompt and accurate settlement of all the
Based on the information furnished by the designated Focal Point Bank Branches,
Nagpur. The report is then faxed to State Bank of India Government Accounts Link
Office at Nagpur which in turn submits the same to Reserve Bank of India, Central
Accounts Section, Nagpur. The settlement of funds takes place at Nagpur through State
The “Focal Point” branch after the close of the month will also prepare in quintuplicate,
the Date-wise Monthly Statements (DMS) (Annexure 8) of the PAO of the Division and
four copies thereof to the concerned PAOs for verification latest by the 3rd of the
following month retaining fifth copy as office copy. Two copies of the monthly
statement will be returned by the PAO duly verified to the “Focal Point” branch within 3
days of receipt thereof. Out of the two certified copies so received by the branch, one
copy will be retained by the “Focal Point” branch and the other will be forwarded to its
from various Focal Point Branches, the Government Accounts Department, Mumbai will
consolidate the position and report the consolidated figures (receipt/payment separately)
to RBI, Central Accounts Section, Nagpur for eventual settlement. SBI, GAD, Mumbai
while reporting the consolidated figure to RBI, CAS, Nagpur will also furnish a
certificate to the effect that relevant documents have been submitted by its focal point
23.7.2 (b) SBI, GAD, Mumbai will prepare four copies of monthly settlement
statement as per Annexure 11 and forward three copies thereof to the RBI, CAS, Nagpur
for verification before 2nd of the succeeding month. RBI after verification will forward
one copy (along with the monthly closing balance statement) to each Principal Accounts
Office of the Ministry/Department, one copy to SBI, GAD, Mumbai and retain one copy
23.7.3 (c) SBI, GAD, Mumbai will also prepare four copies of monthly settlement
respective PAO and Focal Point Branch(s) and retain the fourth copy for their record.
23.7.4 (d ) SBI, GAD, Mumbai will also prepare monthly settlement statement in
duplicate as per Annexure 12 and forward one copy thereof to respective Principal
23.7.5 (e) SBI, GAD Mumbai will furnish to CAS, Nagpur daily the Ministry’s
transaction statement. At the end of the month SBI will furnish to CAS, Nagpur (PAO
23.8.1 Central Accounts office of Reserve Bank of India, Nagpur on receipt of the
India, Mumbai and transmitted through State Bank of India, Link Cell at Nagpur will
carry out necessary adjustments in the accounts of the Ministry of Urban Development
and Poverty Alleviation and also in the Bank Account of State Bank of India.
After carrying out necessary adjustments, RBI, CAS, Nagpur will generate
Divisionwise/PAO-wise Receipts Put Through and Payments Put Through for onward
transmission to the Principal Accounts Officer of the Ministry and all other concerned for
further necessary action. Appendix “2” to chapter 1 of Civil Accounts Manual may also
connection with the receipts and Payments of Government account by Public Sector
23.9.1 (i) PAO receives two types of Bank Scrolls viz., Receipt Scroll together with
Receipted challans and Payment Scroll together with Paid cheques from the designated
Focal Point Bank Branch. On receipt of these scrolls from the Bank, PAO is required to
scrutinize the same with reference to the supporting challans/Paid cheques and
discrepancy, if any, coming to notice is reported by him to the Focal Point Bank to
rectify the same. Such discrepancies should be got rectified either by personal contact, if
the Focal Point Bank Branch is near to the office of the PAO or by fastest mode of
Scroll should be noted in Form CAM 17 – Register of Public Sector Bank Suspense. On
receipt of DMS (Date-wise Monthly Statement), PAO should ensure that the figures
noted in Form CAM 17 tally with those indicated in DMS. In case of discrepancy, the
same should be brought to the notice of the Focal Point Bank Branch for taking
(ii) Besides, PAO has to ensure timely submission of Main Scroll/DMS by Focal
Point Bank Branch and return of verified Statements within the stipulated time schedule.
Note: For adjustment of Bank Scrolls see para 23.16 regarding Adjustment of Bank
will note these transactions in CPWA Form 51 to be sent along with Monthly Account to
Note: For detailed procedure see para 23.16 regarding Adjustment of Bank Scrolls in
CPWD System.
and Payments transactions for the month from State Bank of India, Government Account
transactions for the month from Reserve Bank of India, Central Accounts Section,
Nagpur. Principal Accounts office should exercise checks prescribed in Para 13.7 of
Principal Accounts Office will proceed to clear the Minor Head “108 – Public Sector
Bank Suspense” below the Major Head “8658 – Suspense Accounts” by operating contra
entries under the Major/Minor/Sub-Head “8675 – Deposits with Reserve Bank”, “101-
Central (Civil)” “Reserve Bank (PSB)”. As soon as the Head “108 – Public Sector Bank
Suspense” is cleared, an intimation shall also be sent to the PAO of the Division to enable
him to incorporate the figures in his Broadsheet and other connected records.
23.12.1State Bank of India, GAD, Mumbai will also receive a copy of certified DMS
from its Focal Point Branch latest by the 10th of the following month. On receipt,
thereof, the GAD Cell should compare entries of receipts and payments in respect
shown in Annexure 8. In case it finds that the amount as shown in the DMS and
reconciliation basis. In doing so, it should keep a note of corrections in the DMS
so that, if later, the same discrepancy is pointed out by the Focal Point Branch at
year are adjusted to the extent possible in the same financial year, dealing branches of the
Banks are required to report the transactions handled by them on behalf of the
Ministry/Department with which these have been accredited, to their Focal Point Branch
with utmost promptitude to enable the Focal Point Branch to report the same to Reserve
Bank of India, Central Accounts Section, Nagpur through their Link Cell/GAD, Bombay
in case of State Bank of India. Transactions taking place from 15th March till the end of
the month should be reported by the Focal Point Branch to Link Cell/GAD, Mumbai in
the case of State Bank of India by Telex/Telegrams etc. In case of the residual March
Transactions which could not be reported to Reserve Bank of India, Central Accounts
Section, Nagpur during the concerned financial year for one reason or the other, the Focal
Point Branch should segregate from 1st April all transactions pertaining to the previous
Financial Year and for current Financial Year for preparing separate Main Scrolls for the
residual transactions effected at the dealing branch in March or earlier period of previous
Financial Year and for the correct transactions effected in respect of the current Financial
Year from 1st April onwards. As the accounts of the Reserve Bank of India CAS, Nagpur
remain open upto 15th April to accommodate residual transactions of previous financial
year, the Focal Point Branch should report March residual transactions to the Link
Cell/GAD, Mumbai as the case may be through separate Daily Memo for the adjustment
with RBI, CAS, Nagpur. Monthly statement of March Residual Transactions must be
sent to the PAO latest by 30th April for their accountal in the previous financial year.
23.14.1 State Bank of India, GAD, Mumbai through its Link Cell of local SBI at
Nagpur will arrange to submit claims for agency Commission/ Turn over Commission in
regard to the Government transactions settled with the Reserve Bank of India, Central
Accounts Section, Nagpur to that office on quarterly basis. While admitting the claims of
Turn over Commission preferred by the Link Cell of SBI, it has to be ensured that
adjustments of discrepancies have been carried out in Accounts and there is no double
claim of Turn over Commission on account of such adjustments. The revised rates of
the Public Sector Banks/ Other Nominated (Private Sector) banks would be Rs.45/-per
transaction for Receipts, 9 paisa per Rs.100/- turnover per transaction for Payments oher
than pension and Rs.60/- per transaction for Pension w.e.f 01-07-2005.
Note: Excess amount shown in the Receipt Scrolls and Payment Scrolls should be
adjusted by withdrawal ie., by Minus in the Receipt Scroll and Payment Scroll on the
date in which such corrections have been carried out to avoid double claim of Turn over
Commission. In no case the excess amounts wrongly entered in the Bank Scroll should
be corrected by Contra Debit or Credit, as the case may be. For wrong scrolling no
a) Local Transactions – Wherever the collecting branch and the focal point
branch are in the same city/agglomeration, the settlement of transaction with RBI
will have to be completed within T+3 working days (where T is the day when
money is available to the Branch). For calculating the working days, the RBI
RBI will have to be completed within T+5 working days (where T is the day
when money is available to the Branch). For calculating the working days, the
RBI calendar will be followed. This has been implemented from 01.5.2005.
areas/or due to matters beyond control of the banks will be forwarded on a caseto-
case basis to the Office of CGA through the Ministry for approval.
Period Interest”.
a) Total amount, which has not been remitted in time and the penalty due
alongwith the details of the individual cases will be intimated by the Ministry to
the Headquarters of the Bank concerned on a quarterly basis by the 15th of the
following month. The period of delay for this purpose will be counted from the
money in the bank) till they are reported to RBI, CAS, Nagpur for credit to
The present system of charging penalty at Bank rate + 2% (Bank rate will be
as notified by RBI on 1st May and 1st November every year) will continue. The
charged @ 8% i.e, Bank Rate 6% plus 2% with effect from 1st May 2005.
Note – The above procedure will not be applicable to Private Sector Banks(Authority:
reimbursement” under the Minor Head “800 – Other Receipts” below the Major Head
23.16.1 In CPWD System, all the receipts and payments arising in a Division are
accounted for under the final heads concerned ab-initio by the Divisional Officer by
passing necessary entries in the Books of accounts maintained in his office. As and when
the receipts are realized or received in cash or by cheque or Bank Draft, the same are
credited under the proper receipt head of account and in case of refund minus Debited to
the Expenditure head of Account flowing from the Consolidated Fund of India e.g.
shall be sent to Bank for realization by Debiting Sub-Head “Remittances into Bank”
under the Minor Head “102 – Public Works Remittances” below the Major Head”8782 –
23.16.3 Similarly the Payments made either from the Consolidated Fund of India
or from Public Account of India shall be debited under the concerned functional
Cheques” under the Minor Head “102 – Public Works Remittances” below the Major
classified under the Minor Head “900 – Deduct-Refunds” below the concerned
Major and Minor Heads of Account per contra Credit to Sub-head “Public Works
Cheques” under the Minor Head “102-Public Works Remittances” below the Major Head
Scroll without Receipted Challans/Paid Cheques from the dealing branch of the
accredited Bank, Divisional officer will enter the transactions of Receipts Scroll and
Payments Scroll in Part 1 “Cash Remitted and Acknowledged” and Part II Cheques
issued and Paid respectively in Form 51 to be sent along with the Monthly Account to the
Scroll with Paid Cheques from the Focal Point Branch of the accredited Bank, PAO of
For the adjustment of the Receipts Scroll, PAO of the Division after proper
verification thereof will Debit Minor Head “108 – Public Sector Bank Suspense” below
the Major Head “8658 – Suspense Accounts” per Contra Minus Debit to Sub-head
“Remittances into Bank” under the Minor Head “102 – Public Works Remittances”
23.18.2 Original Debit appearing under the Sub-head “Remittances” into Bank in
the Books of Division gets cleared by Minus Debit to the same Sub-head as per the above
23.18.3 For the adjustment of Payments Scroll, PAO of the Division after proper
verification shall afford Minus Credit to Sub-head “Public Works Cheques” under the
Minor Head “102-Public Works Remittances” below the Major Head “8782 – Cash
Remittances” etc per contra credit to Minor Head “108 – Public Sector Bank Suspense”
below the Major Head “8658 – Suspense Accounts” Minus credit to Sub-head “Public
works cheques” in the books of the PAO of the Division would clear the original credit
under the same sub-head appearing in the books of the Divisional Officer at the time of
Poverty Alleviation, on receipt of “Put Through Statements” from the Reserve Bank of
India will clear the Receipts Put Through by preparing a Transfer Entry affording Debit
“Reserve Bank (PSB)” and Minus Debit to Minor Head “108-Public Sector Bank
Transfer Entry by Minus Credit to Minor Head “108-Public Sector Bank suspense”
below the Major Head “8658 – Suspense Accounts” and Credit to Major/Minor/Sub-head
“8675 – Deposits with Reserve Bank” “101-Central (Civil)” “Reserve Bank (PSB)”. The
above mentioned adjustments made by the Principal Accounts Officer will be intimated
to the PAO of the Division to keep a suitable note against the original entries appearing
under the Minor Head “108 – Public Sector Bank Suspense” below the Major Head
between Pay and Accounts Office and the Focal Point Bank Branch.
Accounts and the Reserve Bank of India, Central Accounts Section, Nagpur.
by the Bank
In the Public Works System of Accounts, the original Receipts and Payments
transactions arising in a Public Works Division are initially accounted for under the
proper Receipts, Refunds and Payments Heads of Accounts in the books of Accounts
maintained by the Divisional Officer concerned. Bank Draft concerning the receipt of the
Division are remitted into Bank for collection by debiting Sub-Head “Remittances into
Bank” under the Minor Head “102 – Public Works Remittances” below the Major Head
8782 – Cash Remittances and adjustments between Officers rendering accounts to the
same Accounts Officer. The Payments made by the Divisional Officer are debited to the
concerned per contra credit to Sub-Head “Public Works Cheques” under the above
mentioned Major and Minor Heads. However, the Receipts Scrolls together with
Receipted Challans and Paid Cheques together with Paid Cheques are sent directly to the
Pay and Accounts Officer of the Division by the designated Focal Point Bank Branch of
the State Bank of India for adjustment of the Cash balance under the Minor Head “108 –
Public Sector Bank Suspense” below the Major Head “8658 – Suspense Accounts”.
On receipt of the above mentioned Receipts Scroll and Payment Scroll, PAO of
the Division scrutinizes the figures with reference to the enclosed Receipted Challans and
the amount of Paid Cheques reported by the Focal Point Bank Branch. In this connection
checks to be exercised by the PAO as prescribed in Para 13.6 of Civil Accunts Manual,
may be referred. Discrepancy, if any, coming to notice is reported to Focal Point Bank
Branch for taking remedial measures to set right the discrepancy through “Eror Scroll”.
Public Sector Bank Suspense in CAM Form 17. On receipt of DMS, the entries should
be checked with reference to the transactions booked in CAM Form 17. The total of
DMS must tally with the total of CAM Form 17. Any discrepancy coming to notice be
reported to the Focal Point Bank Branch for taking corrective measures.
Put Through Statement received from the Reserve Bank of India, Central
Accounts Section, Nagpur should be compared with DMS. The transactions settled in the
same month should be ticked off in the DMS and the remaining transactions not included
cash balance under the Major Head “8675 – Deposits with Reserve Bank”.
Chief Controllers of Accounts and the Reserve Bank of India, Central Accounts Section,
Nagpur is conducted through Reserve Bank Deposit (R.B.D.) Section of the Controller
General of Accounts in regard to the Cash balance position of the Government of India,
as a whole.
As has already been explained in the first stage of Reconciliation that the Focal
Point Bank Branch sends Receipts Scroll alongwith Receipted Challans and Payments
Scroll together with Paid Cheques to the PAO of the Division for clearing the cheque
head whether operated for Remittances into Bank or for issue of the cheque, the Dealing
Branch of the accredited Bank sends a copy of the Scrolls without supporting Receipted
Challans and Paid Cheques to Divisional Officer of the Division concerned. On receipt
of the copy of daily Receipt Scroll and Payment Scroll, the Divisional Officer effects a
reconciliation in CPWA Form 51 indicating the difference between the cheques issued
and remittances made but not accounted for during the month as well as cheques issued
and remittances made during the previous months accounted for in the Bank Scrolls
during the month on hand. This Schedule of Reconciliation of Cheques drawn and
Remittances in CPWA Form 51 is sent alongwith Monthly Account of the Division to the
23.21.1 In GAD System there are two types of reconciliation i.e. Internal and External.
(i) The dealing Branches are required to maintain a Register which is called GAD – 2
Register. The summary of the day’s transactions i.e. Receipts and Payments are to be
entered in this Register date-wise. At the end of the month the duplicate copy of the
day’s summary is required to be sent to Focal Point Branch. The Focal Point Branch on
receipt of GAD-2 from Dealing Branch will scrutinize the statement to ensure that all the
Government transactions handled by Dealing Branch have been accounted for by Focal
Point Branch.
(ii) Similarly, the Focal Point Branches are required to maintain a Register called GAD-3
All the transactions reported by Dealing Branches are entered in this Register date-wise.
At the end of the month a copy of GAD-3 Register will be sent by Focal Point Branch to
Dealing Branch which in turn is required to verify that the transactions reported by
(iii) The above exercise ensures that all the transactions handled by Dealing Branch have
(iv) In case of any discrepancy in GAD-2 and GAD-3 Register, both the branches i.e.
Dealing Branch and Focal Point Branch are required to act promptly to rectify the
(i) The Focal Point Branches are required to confirm the messages sent by fastest mode
purposes. This is done by the Daily Memo. If any discrepancy is found between earlier
settlements and figures reported in Daily Memo, amendments is proposed treating Daily
Memo as correct. The Branches are also required to send Daily Statement GAD-4 (i.e.,
Government General Account Daily Statement prepared only after balancing of clear
Cash Book for the purpose of reporting Central Government Transactions to be submitted
to GAD, Navi Mumbai through Zonal Office and Local Head Office to reach within
seven days.) which lists system-wise transactions. The processing of GAD-4 is done at
the computer centre and settlement entries are matched with Statement entries as
reflected in GAD-4. Once these entries are matched, the transactions are treated as
(ii) The entries which are not reconciled and where amendments are proposed by
branches on account of mistakes detected subsequently, they are referred to branches for
seeking clarification/supporting documents through Enquiry Memoranda on receipt of
replies from concerned branches, GAD, Central Office proposes necessary amendments
to Reserve Bank of India, Central Accounts Section, Nagpur and entries are reconciled.
The above procedure is a part of Internal reconciliation which ensures that all the
accounted for and settled with Reserve Bank of India, CAS Nagpur.
with those maintained by the office of the Chief Controller of Accounts is vital. To this
end, the Focal Point sbranches prepare Datewise Monthly Statement (DMS) of
transactions handled at Focal Point Branch and submit it to PAO concerned which in turn
verifies the same as per their records and return two copies thereof to the Focal Point
branch, one of which is sent to GAD, Central Office, Mumbai. Verified Date-wise
Monthly Statement (VDMS) is termed as mutually accepted document between Bank and
the accounting authority of the office of the Chief Controller of Accounts, Ministry of
Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation and as such is the final document for
reconciliation. The VDMS when received at GAD, Central Office, Mumbai is compared
with the settlement already made and for the differences, if any, amendments are
Reconciliation with the Government Accounting Authority i.e., the Chief Controller of
23.23.1 Even though the existing Banking arrangements are fool-proof yet still there
are some grey areas where the Divisional Officers and the Pay and Accounts Officers of
the Divisions are required to take extra precaution to ameliorate the problems.
Problematic areas with their direct impact on the Cash Balances of the
Government of India in general and the Ministry of Urban Development in particular are
23.23.2 Late transmission of Bank Scrolls by Dealing Branch to Focal Point Branch
Late transmission of Bank Scrolls to the Pay and Accounts Officer through proper
It adds the number and amounts of outstanding cheques. It presents a distorted picture of
Cash Balance position of the Ministry and increases the number of time barred cheques.
figures scrolled in Bank Scroll, say the receipt of Rs.540/- wrongly scrolled as Rs.5,040.
It would result in a difference of Rs.4,500 which would create problem in balancing the
(i) Excess or Double Put Through results in depletion of cash balance of the
The procedure for adjustment of March residual transaction has already been
explained in Para 23.13 of this Chapter. The Accounts of Reserve Bank of India remain
open upto 15th April or upto the date as may be extended on year to year basis by issue of
necessary orders by the competent authority in this behalf of next financial year for
carrying out adjustments of March Residual transactions for which separate scrolls after
due segregation of March transactions from the April transactions are required to be sent
for proper adjustment. But in practice it has been observed that Banks mix up the
transactions of March with April transactions which are accounted for in next financial
remain unadjusted.
23.23.6 All these problems could be avoided if the action is initiated by the concerned
quarters right from the receipt of Bank Scrolls till their adjustment under the proper heads
24.1.1 Annual Indent – All the Cheque Drawing and Disbursing Officers (hereinafter
called C.D.D.Os) of the Central Public Works Divisions will assess their annual
requirement of all the three categories viz., “A”, “B” and “C” cheques/cheque scrolls
required for making payments. Cheque Drawing and Disbursing officers will send their
requisition of all the categories of cheques indicating total number of each category of
cheque required to their respective Pay and Accounts Office. Similarly Pay & Accounts
Officer of the Division will assess his own requirement and include the same in the
Annual Indent of Cheque Books/Cheque Scrolls. The concerned Pay and Accounts
consolidate Divisionwise requisition of all the CDDOs alongwith his own demand for
24.1.2 Issue of Cheque Books to Divisional Officers and the Pay and Accounts Officer
of the Division.
The Divisional Officers as well as Pay and Accounts Officer of the concerned
Division will send their requisition direct to the State Bank of India well in advance to
enable the Bank to deliver the requisite Cheque Books in time.(See paragraph 6.7 of this
should be maintained to keep an account of the receipts, issues and balances of cheque
books/forms (Form CAM 1). Each morning the cheque cashier should take such cheque
books from the Officer-in-Charge, as are likely to be used during the course of the day
and should remain responsible for their use and return of the balance at the close of the
24.1.4 In cases, where the power of drawal of funds by cheque(s) is withdrawn from any
cheque-drawing Divisional Officer, all the unused form from the partly used cheque
books with that officer shall be defaced by writing the word “Cancelled” promptly across
such cheque form and its counterfoil/record slip (but without the signature of the
Drawing Officer) and returned to the Pay and Accounts Officer concerned who should
destroy them after keeping a note in the relevant records. All unused cheque books with
such an officer shall however be returned by him to the Pay and Accounts Officer
24.1.5 Whenever a new cheque book is brought into use, the DDO should intimate the
number of the cheque book and the Serial Number of the Cheque forms contained therein
24.1.6 Daily Account of Cheque Books used – An account of the cheque books/forms
used daily should be maintained by the Cashier (in Form CAM 2) and submitted to the
Divisional Officer at the time of closing of accounts daily. In this register, the cheque
24.1.7 Stock taking at the change of the Officer-in-Charge – Every six months, in April
and October, stock taking of the cheque book should be done by an Officer other than the
Register. This stock taking should also be done whenever there is a change of the
Officer-in-Charge and the relieving Officer should initial the entry in respect of each of
the cheque book noted in the Form CAM 2 and sign a certificate in the Stock Register in
“Received the current cheque books as indicated by my initials in the register of account
of cheque forms and the unused cheque books from ---------to----------as entered in the
Stock Register.”
24.1.8 The physical verification can also be entrusted either to the Inspecting Officer of
the internal inspection party conducting the normal inspection of his office or by any
gazetted officer of his department who visits that office on any other official work.
24.2.1 The Relieving Officer will take into account the expenditure in cash and on stores,
as the case may be, from and for the first day of the month during which the relief took
place, and submit the next monthly account in the same manner as if he has been
incharge during the whole month. But the relieved officer remains responsible for the
24.2.2 In the case of transfers of divisional or sub-divisional charges, the cash book in
the case of Divisional Office or imprest account in respect of Divisional Office and Sub-
Divisional office should be closed on the date of transfer, and a note recorded in it, over
the signatures of both the relieved and relieving officers showing the cash or imprest
balances, the number of unused cheques made over and received in transfer by them as
the case may be. A copy of this note, together with a receipt in the form appended below
for the stores under the immediate charge of the relieved officer, should be forwarded on
the same day to the Superintending Engineer in the case of divisional or to the Divisional
The receipts of cash and a stores balances should be prepared by the relieved
officer, but the relieving officer should note any inaccuracies therein so that the
Superintending Engineer or the Divisional Officer, as the case may be, may pass such
orders in respect of any deficient articles as may be necessary. A copy of the receipts
may be given to the relieved officer, if desired by him.
The priced Stores Ledger and the Tools and Plant Ledger are on record and have been
Station: CD
stock and tools and plant which have been in his personal custody as detailed in the Bin
cards and Tools and Plant Ledger, which have been posted uptodate.
Station: CD
the accounts of the Division. The state of stock and other suspense accounts and of
liabilities as also recoveries to be made from the staff or from contractors and others
received from Chief Controller of Accounts should also be sent forth in detail.
The memorandum should be in a tabular form with columns for (1) remarks by
the relieving Accountant (2) remarks by the Divisional Officer and (3) Orders of the
examine it when taking over charge and promptly forward it with his remarks, to the
amalgamated or those of any office are either to be broken up into parts or closed,
the Divisional Officer concerned should apply in time to the Chief Controller of
unsettled accounts (for example, see below) of liabilities not yet brought to
account, of quantity account of tools and plant and road metal, and of relevant
receipt books and cash memo books) should receive the special attention of all
of Suspense and Deposit heads in the books of the Division to be abolished and/or
merged with another Division(s) may be transferred by the closing division to the
division(s) in effecting the transfer of these balances, to ensure that there has been
no omission in taking over the balances under these heads in the books of the
successor division(s).
the closing division should make out two copies of the various registers
alongwith the cheque and forward the same to division(s) concerned with
balances of the latter division(s) and endorse a copy to the Pay and
the division, which is nominated as its successor and to which the entire
records of the defunct division are transferred. If, however, the entire
division may simply transfer the registers duly completed alongwith a
cheque for the amount to the successor Division. The closing division
should quote Number and date of the letter, with the details of the cheque
show the closing balances under various heads as ‘nil’ on this authority.
(b) The division(s) to which the balances have been transferred after the
Note 2: In the event of closure of a Division only the wholly un-used receipt books
and Cash memo books should be brought into use by the successor division. The
un-used forms in partly used receipt books and cash memo books should be
24.4.1 The destruction of account records in Public Works offices is governed by such
rules as may be prescribed by Government with the concurrence of the Chief Controller
of Accounts provided that, in cases not covered by such rules, the specific concurrence of
the Chief Controller of Accounts is necessary before any records are ordered to be
destroyed and that in each Divisional Office full details are maintained permanently in
Appendix-1 – Not Printed
For revised coding pattern of Major and Minor heads of Accounts and revised
classification list of Public Works Receipts & Disbursements, List of Major and Minor
Heads of Account of Union and States and Government Accounting Rules 1990 may be
referred to.
Statement A
All work of Irrigation, Navigation, Embankment, Drainage and Water Storage are
and other agricultural and drainage works undertaken primarily not for
irrigation purposes but for general improvement of the country or for general
administrative purposes.
2. Works for either of the two classes mentioned above are classified further into:-
1. Productive and
2. Unproductive
(a) There must be good reason to believe that the revenue derived from it will, within
ten years after the probable date of its completion, repay the annual interest on capital
invested calculated at “such rates as may be determined by the Government from time
to time under para 4(1) below”, but in preparing a project for sanction no deduction is
to be made from the total capital outlay on account of anticipated excess of revenue
Note 1 – Capital invested includes (1) direct charges (2) indirect charges and (3) all
arrears of simple interest, if any, i.e., balance of total interest over total net revenue.
competent authority.
4. The rule for determining (1) whether a work which has been classified as
should, until ten years after the date of the closure of its construction estimate, be
classified as productive if the net revenue anticipated from it appears likely to repay
on the expiry of that period the annual interest charges on the capital invested
(including direct and indirect charges and arrears of simple interest), calculated at
such rates as may be determined by the Government from time to time. Conversely,
ten years of the closure of its construction estimate, it becomes apparent that a work
unproductive class; and similarly if it becomes obvious during the same period, that a
work sanctioned as unproductive will actually prove remunerative the transfer of the
II. Every work classified in accordance with Rule No.1 above will retain its
classification unchanged during the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth years after the
is classified as productive fail at any time after the expiry of ten years, from the date
of the closure of its construction estimate, in three successive years to yield the
successive years, the relevant return prescribed for a productive work, may, on the
work. As an exception to this rule, if any extension be, owing either to its nature or
susceptible of having clear capital and revenue accounts kept of it, as distinct from
those of the project as a whole, it should be treated as a separate project and in that
case the conditions relating to the original projects and not those relating to
extensions and improvements shall be applicable. In all such cases separate capital
and revenue accounts should be maintained for the extension in order to enable the
V. The Local Administration may postpone the transfer of a work from one class to
the other in cases in which it is satisfied that its success or failure is due to purely
transitory causes.
5. The transfer of a work from the productive to the unproductive category or vice
versa will affect the recording of all future transactions in connection with it. No
adjustment will be made in the general account in respect of past transactions but the
necessary transfer will be effected by the Pay and Accounts Officer in the Proforma
(a) Capital bears all charges for the first construction and equipment of a project, as
well as charges for intermediate maintenance of the work while not yet opened for
service and bears also charges for such subsequent additions and improvements as
may be sanctioned under rules by comptent authority. It may also bear charges on
fire, etc and such charges should be recorded under a separate head “Extraordinary
(b) Revenue bears all charges for maintenance and working expenses which embrace
all expenditure for the working and upkeep of the project, as also for such renewals
(c) In the case of renewals and replacements of existing works, if the cost really
represents an increase in the capital value of the system and exceeds the cost of the
original work by Rs.1,000/- the cost of the new work should be divided between the
Capital and Revenue, the portion debited to the latter account being the cost of the
original work, which should be estimated if the actual cost is not known, and the
balance charged to capital. In other cases, the whole cost of the new work should be
improvement of the original work, but which is in all material essentials the same as
the latter, although it may exceed the cost of that work by more than Rs.1,000/-
(i) Estimates exceeding Rs.1,000/-, for (1) works which are in themselves directly
remunerative, such as new distributaries, mills or works for increasing the canal
discharges, and (2) works which are necessary for the full development of a project
but which are not in themselves directly remunerative, shall be charged to the Capital
considered necessary for the development of the project shall be charged to the
Revenue account.
(e) Where outlay is of a nature which under these rules does not appertain to Capital,
7. Works expenditure which, under the foregoing rule is chargeable to the Capital
account will be classified under the project which is treated as a minor head under the
account will fall under the object head “Extensions and Improvements” or
“Maintenance and Repairs” of the division “Working Expenses” of the Major head
capital and revenue charges. For Unproductive works also, the arrangement is similar
When however, a work of this class, is too small to make it worthwhile to maintain a
preliminary survey of new projects and also for the cost of famine surveys required
1. Works expenditure of Irrigation, etc. major head falls under one or others of the
Main Canal and Branches (3) Distributaries (4) Drainage and Protective Works (5)
Water courses (for “Works only) (6) Special Tools and Plant (for “Works” only) and
(7) Losses on Stock. Under the minor head “Maintenance and Repairs” an eighth
head “Compensation”, may be opened. The detailed heads subordinate to these heads
2. All works expenditure relating to Main Canal and Branches may be divided into
(1) Main line of a canal, (2) each of its branches separately that relating to
distributaries may be grouped for the distributaries belonging to the main line of the
special attention (a) When land is taken up for two or more of these sub-divisions at
the same time, its cost must be divided in the best way practicable (b) In the case of
Storage Projects all works connected with supply channels to feed the head reservoir
come under Head Works (c) Water-power installations at the head works of a canal,
head locks and head regulators of main and branch canals, fall under “Main Canal
and Branches”, (d) When a Canal or a distribution channel therefrom and a drainage
in connection with it, are planned simultaneously and the two works intersect, the
cost of the crossing should be charged to “Drainage and Protective Works” and (e)
Building required for the general purposes of a Canal system such as workshops,
4. For rules relating to Water-course, Special Tools and Plant and Losses on Stock,
see Appendix 3 and paragraph 7.1.4 and 7.2.37 respectively. The head “Watercourses”
intended for all general losses on stock which cannot be attributed to any work, the
accounts of which are open. The head special Tools and Plant is further sub-divided
into three detailed heads namely (i) Gross Expenditure (ii) Deduct recoveries (iii) Net
expenditure, the first of which is intended for collection of the aggregate cost of the
special Tools and Plant at one place and the second for the record of the recoveries on
account of special Tools and Plant which are taken in reduction of expenditure.
Statement C
detailing the works and services, the charges whereon are classified thereunder.
General Remarks – The detailed heads in this list may be varied under the orders of
the Local Administration to suit the circumstances of each project. Combined works
falling under two or more heads e.g., combined bridges and falls or combined falls
A. Preliminary Expenses
Surveys and preliminary investigations – This head does not appear under “Extensions
B. Land
Compensation for taking permanent or temporary possession of land required for the
The term “Compensation” includes the following, besides the payment for the land itself
– (1) payments for buildings, trees, crops, etc and (2) cost of special land acquisition
should be taken in reduction of the charge, if realized before the accounts of the estimate
for the acquisition of the land have been closed, vide paragraph 3 of Statement E. If any
buildings acquired with the land are used as residences or otherwise let out they should
be brought on the Register of Licence Fees of Buildings and Lands, Form CPWA 49, and
C. Works
All construction works, whether of earthwork or a masonry, etc, excluding works falling
under the head I – Navigation and K – Buildings in all cases and under L – Earthwork
where this is maintained as a separate detailed head. Ordinarily, the group head C –
Works takes the place of such of the heads, D,E,F, F(1), G,H,J and L as are not separately
provided for.
D. Regulators
Works (other than escapes and escape heads) for the regulation of supply.
E. Falls
Falls and rapids other than those required to maintain the depth of water for navigation
Aqueducts, superpassages, culverts, siphons, inlets, outlets and cross drainage works
generally, when such works are in connection with river and hill torrents.
Cross drainage works of the classes referred to under the head “F – River and Hill
Torrent Works” when such works are in connection with drainage other than that from
G. Bridges
Bridges, both road and railway, for crossing the canal, including subsidiary works, e.g.,
H. Escapes
I. Navigation
Locks at head work and on the canal; separate navigation channels and weirs designed for
J. Mills
Water power plant (if a permanent fixture) and buildings in connection with such plant,
also sluices and channels conducting water to and from the same.
K. Buildings
Permanent and temporary buildings (including staff quarters, offices workshops, stations,
etc., but excluding buildings for water power) and station drainages, roads, gardens
collectively. In the case of maintenance and repairs, this head includes also taxes payable
L. Earthwork
Excavation and embankments for the channels, and its side roads and service roads,
protective work for the bed and sides, trimming turfing or revetting slopes, retaining
This head may be opened to record the expenditure on side roads and service roads
M. Plantations
All regular plantations, including the cost of clearing land, transplanting soil and planting
trees. Gardening charges in connection with buildings do not fall under this head.
Earthwork, masonry, etc on tanks and reservoirs (e.g. tail tanks) in connection with
canals other than tanks chargeable to “Head Works” in the case of storage projects.
O. Miscellaneous
Works and services not falling under any other detailed head. Includes (1) experiments;
(2) Works in connection with irrigation outlets not debitable to the head “Water-courses”;
(3) distant marks; (4) boundary pillars. Also Minor works constructed on the bank of
canals or distributaries for the direct delivery of water. Includes also in the case of
original works and of extensions and improvements, charges for compensation not
P. Maintenance
All repair works prior to the opening of the revenue account for the project or the section
I Chief Engineer
III Superintending
IV Executive
V Medical
VIII Deduct Recoveries For credits of all kinds on account of (i) proceedings or (ii)
IX Lumpsum charges
creditable to other
Departments etc
X Pensionary Charges This Sub-division relates only to the major heads “2701”
and “4701”
2. The sub-division I to VII have, below them, the following heads, with such object
An additional head, “Bonus”, may be opened, where necessary, for bonus paid to
the eligible employees.
The Heads (b) and (c) include also the charges on account of Divisional
Note:- The general principles regulating the classification and incidence of Pay,
Rules 1990. The following paragraphs indicate their application to Public Works
proceeds of surplus materials and plant acquired specially for any work or of
made allow for such recoveries or not. See also paragraph 22.2.9.
4. Subject to the provisions of Rule 5, recoveries on account of establishment and
in so far as they are effected from other departments of the Union Government,
(ii) Recoveries of tools and plant charges on percentage basis:- Recoveries from
of expenditure under the minor head “Tools & Plant”. All other recoveries
(iii) Pro-rata share of the charges for joint establishment and tools and plant:- The
pro-rata shares calculated at the end of the year should be treated as reduction
“Tools and Plant” respectively of the major head to which the total charges
were debited in the first instance (see also Rule 5 of Appendix 4).
(iv) Recoveries on account of charges for leave and pensions:- When the
separate factor, an element of the charges for leave and pensions, the portion
cases, however, in which the rates for leave and pension contributions are
combined, the recoveries in the case of Civil Works, should be taken to “0071
debited to a capital major head, should be taken in reduction of expenditure under the
revenue receipts in the first instance and booked as “Receipts and Recoveries on
Capital Account.” At the end of the month they should be deducted from the account
should be recorded under the minor head “Recovery of Percentage charges” of the
major head “0059” or “0071” as the case may be, while those which are adjustable in
reduction of expenditure under the capital major head, should be posted as “Deduct –
Establishment charges transferred pro rata to other capital Major Heads” under the
minor head “Direction and Administration” of the capital major head concerned.
Note - Receipts on account of sale proceeds of land, buildings, special tools and plant
or other assets purchased or constructed as the cost of special project may be at the
they are made in connection with work done for Railways, Defence Services, Postal or
“2016 – Audit”. In the case of work done for non-Government bodies or individuals,
such recoveries should be adjusted as receipts under the minor head “Fees for
Administrative Services.”
Note – If under the Note below Rule 7 of Appendix 4, the per percentage charges for
work done in workshops of a quasi commercial character for other Divisions and
departments both under the Union Government and other Governments, include
recoveries in respect of audit and accounts charges; such recoveries should not be
for Government Audit”, except in the case of works covered by this rule.
Government as integral parts of the projects, the liability of Government being confined
to the provision of the main canal and of such branches and major and minor
Accordingly persons desiring to use the water of a canal are required either to make their
own arrangements for the construction of the necessary water courses or to bear the
charges that may be incurred by the Department in constructing them on their behalf.
This liability of the cultivators or other persons benefiting by canal irrigation extends also
to works of improvements and repairs to water courses and to construction and repair of
bridges, culverts or other works that may be required for the passage of the water of such
water courses across any public road, drainage channel etc. In the general interest of the
cultivators, especially when a canal project, or an integral part of it, is launched in a new
locality and it is desired to afford special facilities to the cultivators with a view to the
lay out and construct, at the cost of Government in the first instance, the entire system of
the main water-courses required for a project or a substantial section of it, at the outset.
When this course is adopted, a scheme is simultaneously devised for effecting recovery,
no separate account can be kept satisfactorily of the liabilities of each individual person
benefitted, usually the recovery takes the form of a general enhancement of the water
rates or the imposition of a special acreage rate. The amount which is usually sought,
under such a scheme, to recover in the aggregate is the initial capital cost of the works
(including such cost of maintenance during construction as may be charged to the capital
account) plus the usual percentage charges finally in Appendix 4, plus the interest
tract, be decided by Government, that the whole or a portion of the cost of construction
be charged finally to the account of the project concerned, or the charge on account of
interest waived.
(a) When the actual recoveries are required to be set off against the outlay
(b) When the actual recoveries are not to be set off against the outlay
Works of the first class are styled “Takavi Works” and the account rules relating to them
are given in Chapter 16. This appendix deals only with works of the other two classes.
are treated like other works of the irrigation, etc., project concerned, the
expenditure being booked finally under the appropriate detailed head subordinate to the
head “Water-courses”. After a work has been constructed, the cost of maintenance and
(a) as receipts on the capital account of the project, if the levy takes the form of a
(b) as revenue receipts of the projects, if the levy takes the form of an enhancement of
revenue, the exact classification being determined by the form in which the
Note - Recovery of outlay on water-courses where such recoveries have to be set off
5. In cases falling under clause II (a) of paragraph 2, the Accounts Officer, with a
view to watch the progress of the recoveries, may be required to maintain a suitable
proforms account without disturbing the booked accounts of receipts and expenditure, the
form of account being determined in consultation with the Administrative
account merely in respect of the works outlay, the annual recoveries being distributed
rateably, as between works, interest, etc on a fixed basis determined once for all.
Rules for the distribution of Establishment and tools and Plant Charges
1. Charges on account of general services like Establishment and ordinary Tools and
Plant of a division or office should be classified in the accounts under the appropriate
sub-head under the minor heads “Direction and Administration” and “Machinery and
Equipment” as the case may be, of the major head “2059 Public Works” and, save as
herein after provided, no attempt should ordinarily be made to include in the cost of an
individual work (or head of account) any portion of expenditure on account of those
Note – For the classification of the charges for tools and plant of a special office, see
paragraph 20.3.7.
(ii) Purely revenue establishment (zilladars, Amins, etc) employed entirely on the
(iii) Establishment employed for temporary period on famine relief works, to the
minor head concerned under the major head “2245” Relief on account of
Natural Calamities.”
3. The cost of special tools and plant i.e., tools, plant, machinery, etc., obtained to
meet the special requirements of a particular work or project and of a nature not usually
to be found in the general stores of the Administration should be treated as a direct charge
Note 1 – In case of doubt, the Chief Engineer, or other competent executive authority,
will decide whether any item of tools and plant should be classified as ordinary or
Note 2 – The cost of tools and plant required for use on Famine Relief should be treated
(a) Establishment
(i) The “gross expenditure” on the common establishments, of PWD Buildings and
Road Branch, will be recorded under the Minor Head “Direction and Administration”
below “2059 – Public Works”. The Minor Head will have suitable sub-heads such as
explained below:-
(ii) The first stage of distribution will be in respect of establishment charges relatable
to Capital Major Heads. The distribution of establishment charges from the omnibus
Public Works major head to these heads will be calculated on percentage basis, as per the
existing principles in CPWA Code; the percentages being carefully determined by the
In respect of establishment charges relatable to works done for other Governments, Local
funds, private parties etc, recoveries will be made on percentage basis to be determined
by Government and credited to the Major Head “0059 – Public Works – Other Receipts”,
as revenue.
The debit for the proportionate charges on Establishment apportioned to the Capital
Major Heads will be adjusted under the sub-head “Buildings” under the appropriate
Programme Minor Heads, against a distinct detailed head (or object classifications)
“Establishment” to be opened for the purpose. The contra credit (Minus debit) under
“Direction and Administration”. Such adjustments may be done monthly in the Public
(iii) The next stage of distribution of the establishment charges under “Direction and
Administration” below “2059 – Public Works”, will be in respect of the works charged to
the major heads “2216 – Housing” and “3054 – Roads and Bridges” only. Distribution of
the charges in respect of works charged to other major heads in the Revenue Section is
not necessary. For this purpose, from the residuary expenditure under “Direction and
Administration” at the end of the year arrived at after the adjustment at (a) above is
carried out, the amounts recovered during the year from other Governments, Local bodies
etc. on percentage basis for works done on their behalf and credited to Public Works as
revenue will be notionally deducted to arrive at the net charges on Establishment relating
to Public Works (Construction) in the “Revenue Section”. From this net amount, a prorata
distribution of the charges to “2216 – Housing” and “3054 – Roads and Bridges”
will be made according to works outlay recorded under these major heads vis-à-vis the
total revenue expenditure on Public Works (Construction) in all Major Heads in the
Revenue Section. The distributable amounts so calculated will be adjusted from “2059-
to “Housing”/”Roads and Bridges”, by per contra debit to “2216 Housing Direction and
respectively. The adjustment will be carried out by the Accounts Officer at the end of the
The Procedure outlined above will be followed mutatis mutandis for distribution of
The percentage should be levied separately for establishment and tools and plant.
Note 1 – The basis for determining the slab for levying the establishment charges shall be
the estimated cost of a work, though the actual adjustment of percentage charges should
Note 2 – Departmental Charges, including pensionary and audit charges should be levied
on all works, the cost of which is met from the detailed head “Grrants-in-aid” under the
relevant programme minor head under the Major Head “2059 – Public Works”.
(c) For works executed by the Central PWD the percentage rates for establishment are
intended to correspond as far as possible to the average percentage borne by the Public
Works Department normal works programme which fully occupy such establishment.
The rates fixed with effect from 1984-85 are as per the Annexure.
fix the percentage rates in consultation with the Accounts Officer, on condition that the
percentages so fixed are not less than the actual average cost per Rs.100 of outlay on
Note 1 – When only some of the operations necessary to the completion of a non-
Government project are undertaken at one time different percentages may, if desired, be
adopted for each operation, provided that if subsequently the remaining operations are
undertaken, the aggregate recovery is equal to the full charge leviable under this rule.
Note 2 – Similarly, different rates of charges may, if desired, be prescribed for large and
small works or for scattered and approximately the same aggregate return to Government
(e) The percentage fixed as above should be examined and readjusted, if necessary, once
Central & Commercial concerns (including the Ministry of Defence), other Government
pensionary contributions.
(g) An additional charge of one percent, should be recovered in respect of works done
for Railways, Defence Services, Postal or Telecom Department, All India Radio (except
monitoring service), from 1.4.54, Department of Overseas Communication Service from
13.11.1947 and non-Government bodies or individuals to cover the cost of audit and
accounts establishment.
Note 1 – No share of general charges on account of establishment and tools and plant
should be included in the actual cost of works chargeable against the Central Road Fund.
Note 2 – Conseuqent on the decision to treat the Defence Accounts Department as Civil
Department w.e.f. 1971-72, that Department should not charge an additional charge of
one percent to cover the cost of Audit and Accounts of works (executed by MES) on
behalf of the Civil. Similarly, in respect of Defence Works carried out by Civil, the
Accounts Officer (concerned) should not charge the Defence Accounts Department for
any services rendered in keeping the Accounts of Works, (executed by civil) on behalf of
Rs.1,000 Remission of charges is not permissible in other cases, as such aid as it may be
Note – In the case of works costing Rs.1000 and over, the Administrative
of a local body upto the actual amount of establishment and tools and plant etc., charges
leviable under Rule 4 (see paragraph 16.1.3). This power cannot be exercised in respect
percentage charges should be levied in all cases, i.e., even when work is done for
P.W.Divisions of the same Administration. The rates may be fixed by the Administrative
Ministry/Administrator concerned in consultation with the Accounts Officer. See
Note – The percentage charges referred to in this rule may be so regulated as to include
prescribed percentage charges for audit and accounts even in the case of jobs executed for
other divisions and departments both under Union Government and other Governments.
7. The percentage referred to in rule 4 are leviable on the actual outlay booked in the
accounts i.e., on the net outlay where there are any refunds or writes back. No item of
expenditure should be excluded from the levy on the plea that it involves little or no
departmental supervision, etc, but the prescribed percentage charges for tools and plant
should not be levied in the case of non-Government works on which tools and plant of
Note – Under this rule, even the cost of land acquired through the district and revenue
authorities is not exempt when it is adjusted in the divisional accounts as part of the cost
of a non-Government work; but if it is not included in the estimate for the work and is not
passed through the Public Works accounts, no percentage charge is leviable on account of
March, except in the cases of Deposit Works (see paragraph 16.2.4). Local Loan Works,
Takavi Works and works done occasionally for other departments, Governments, etc.
Where the percentage leviable are required to be adjusted whenever the cost of work
done is adjusted by charge to the deposit, remittance or other account concerned. In the
case of Capital Works the adjustment may be done monthly vide rule 4(a) (ii).
10. For allotment of funds, it is not necessary, to include in the estimates for
individual works, any provision on account of establishment and tools and plant charges,
unless percentage charges levied by other Governments or departments are, under the
rules, included in the cost of work. See also paragraph 10.1.5 of this Code. For
11. The cost of special tools and plant (such as cranes, etc) debited to a single head in
the accounts may be distributed over the several sub-heads of works in accordance with
consultation with the Accounts Officer. Similarly, if the cost of depreciated value of any
special tools and plant obtained for, or used on a project is required to be distributed over
different units of the project, the forms of subsidiary accounts to be kept to facilitate that
works and
minor works
costing upto
Rs.one lakh
works costing
works costing
Rs.two and
five crores
works costing
more than
Rs.five crores
(A) Establishment
1. Preparation of
preliminary sketches
2. Preparation of detailed
working drawings
3. Preparation of
preliminary estimates
4. Preparation of detailed
5. Preparation of
structural designs
6. Execution
(D) Pensionery
19 ¼%
22 ½ %
7 ¾%
10 ¾%
4 ¾%
4 ¼%
23 ¾% 12% 8% 7%
1. In the case of works for CGHS where architectural services are provided
given in Estt.Charges
2. The indicated rates of tools and plants are exclusive of the cost of special
tools and plant, the cost of which will be charged to the estimate for the
departmental charges.
Rules for the adjustment of transactions connected with stores obtained through High
Commission/Embassies abroad.
in the manner prescribed in paragraph 13.2.1 and the accounts of the works concerned or
Stock should be debited, with the cost of the quantities actually received, the amount
being determined by converting the invoiced sterling value into rupees at the composite
rate of exchange (as fixed by the Ministry of Finance from time to time) for the month in
Note - If the month of payment is not known, the composite rate of exchange for the
month in which the stores were dispatched from High Commission/Embassies abroad
2. When the debit for the payment for stores made in High Commission/Embassies
abroad which will be calculated in rupees at the composite rate of exchange for the month
of payments, is received from the Accounts Officer the Head “MPSSA” should be
debited and the head “Public Works Remittances” credited (see note below paragraph
3. In case the debit for the payments made in High Commission/Embassies abroad is
received before the arrival of the stores the Suspense heads within the accounts of work
be operated upon, suitable arrangements being made to watch the receipt of stores
4. Indian charges (e.g., balance of sea freight and carriage and incidental charges)
should be debited direct to Stock or works concerned, unless incurred prior to the arrival
of the stores in the division, in which case they should be kept under suspense within the
accounts of the work or stock (Rule 3), and on receipt of the stores, the debit should be
transferred to the relevant sub-head of work or stock, when making the adjustment of
departmental expenses and marine insurance, is added by the High Commissioner for
India to the invoiced price (including freight) on all stores obtained from abroad through
Note 1 - When under special arrangements, the contractor undertakes to deliver stores at
an Indian Port and not at the Stores Offices abroad the surcharge leviable will be only for
departmental charges.
Note 2 - The extra charge for marine insurance covers the risk and losses during the
voyage to India and not losses between the ship’s side and the shore.
Note 3 - The adjustment of the surcharge is made by the Indian Embassy. A similar
extra charge should be made in India for Stores imported from abroad for the Union
Government, but eventually transferred to State Governments etc. In such cases, the
amount of the surcharge should be credited under the minor head “Other Receipts” below
Note 4 - In making recoveries from the agents of vessels on account of short delivery
of stores, the surcharge should not be added to the involved value of the stores (including
6. The balances representing the value of stores received, for which no debits for
payments made abroad have come to hand, should be watched with a view to early
clearance, special reference being made at once to the Accounts Officer in such cases.
7. Balances due to short deliveries, etc which cannot be cleared by recovery of cost,
are not adjustable, until their write off has been sanctioned by competent authority.
9. Indents on the Supply Wing of the Indian Embassies abroad should indicate the
Detailed procedure to be followed by Public Works Divisional Officers for the settlement
Settlement Suspense Account” below the Major Head “8658 – Suspense Accounts” for
a new procedure for “Advance Payment” as enumerated below has been introduced.
Indenting Division after obtaining proforma invoice for supply of stores etc. will make
Head “799 – Suspense” below the functional Revenue or Capital Major/Sub-Major Heads
concerned per contra credit to Sub-Head “Public Works Cheques” under the minor head
“102 – Public Works Remittances” below the Major Head “8782 – Cash Remittances and
adjustments between officers rendering accounts to the same Accounts Officer.” Such
payments made to other Divisions should not be mixed with the advance payments to
3. Supplying Division on receipt of the above cheque will make necessary entries in
the Cash Book and remit the cheque to Bank for clearance. Entries in the Books of
rendered” under the minor head “799 – Suspense” below the functional Major/Sub-Major
debit Sub-Head “Stores supplied or Services rendered” under the minor head “799 –
Suspense” below the functional Major/Sub-Major head concerned by credit (i.e., minus
Debit) to Sub-head “Stock” under the minor head “799 Suspense” below the functional
Major/Sub-Major head concerned. Excess Debit, if any, will be refunded to the Indenting
the same month by the Indenting Division debiting the value of the Bill to “Stock” with a
6. The above procedure will be followed mutatis mutandis in the case of “Works
A. Adjustment of Payment Scroll in the Books of the PAO of the Indenting Division.
7. On receipt of Payment Scroll together with paid cheque from Focal Point Branch
of the accredited Bank, PAO of the Indenting Division will verify the correctness of the
scroll and enter the amount, if found correct, in Payments Column (2) of Form CAM -17
– Register of P.S.B. Suspense. Thereafter PAO will pass an entry in his Accounts by
affording (-) Credit to Sub-head “Public Works Cheques” under the minor head “102 –
Public Works Remittances” below the Major Head “8782 – Cash Remittances etc.” per
contra credit to minor head “108 – Public Sector Bank Suspense” below the Major Head
“8658 – Suspense Accounts.” Minus Credit to Sub-head “Public Works Cheques” in the
books of the PAO of the Division would clear the original credit entry under this Subhead
appearing in the books of Divisional Officer which was made at the time of the
On receipt of the copy of Payment Scroll without paid cheque from the dealing
branch of the accredited Bank, the Divisional officer of the Indenting Division will note
the amount in Part II – Cheques issued and paid of the “Schedule of monthly
Monthly Account to the PAO of his Division who will verify and reconcile with the
C. Clearance of minor head “108 – Public Sector Bank Suspense” by the Principal
Accounts Office on receipt of “Payment Put Through Statement” from Reserve Bank of
On receipt of PAO wise “Payment Put Through Statement” from Reserve Bank of
India, Principal Accounts Officer of the Ministry of Urban Development and Poverty
Alleviation will prepare the following Transfer Entry in Form CAM 34 to clear the minor
After preparing the above T.E., Principal Accounts Officer will intimate the PAO
of the concerned (in the instant case – Indenting) Division for keeping a suitable Note
D. Adjustment of Receipt Scroll in the Books of the PAO of the Supplying Division.
8. On receipt of Receipt Scroll together with challan from Focal Point Branch of the
accredited Bank, PAO of the Supplying Division will verify the correctness of the Scroll
and enter the amount, if found correct, in Receipts Column (3) of Form CAM 17 –
Thereafter, PAO will pass an entry in his Accounts by Debiting minor head 108 –
Public Sector Bank Suspense” below the Major Head “8658 – Suspense Accounts” per
Contra (-) Debit to Sub-head “Remittances into Bank” under the minor head ‘102 –
Public Works Remittances” below the Major Head “8782 – Cash Remittances etc.”
Minus Debit to Sub-head “Remittances into Bank” in the books of the PAO of the
Supplying Division would clear the original Debit entry under this Sub-head appearing in
the books of the Divisional Officer of the Supplying Division which was made at the time
On receipt of the copy of Receipt Scroll without supporting challan from the
dealing branch of the accredited Bank, the Divisional Officer of the Supplying Division
will note the amount in Part I – Cash remitted and acknowledged” of the Schedule of
monthly reconciliation of Cheques and Remittances” in Form 51 to be sent along with the
Monthly Account to the PAO of his Division who will verify and reconcile with the
F. Clearance of minor head “108 – Public Sector Bank Suspense” by the Principal
Accounts Office on receipt of PAO wise “Receipt Put Through Statement” from Reserve
Bank of India.
On receipt of PAO wise “Receipt Put Through Statement” from Reserve Bank of
India, Principal Accounts Officer of the Ministry of Urban Development and Poverty
Alleviation will prepare the following Transfer Entry in Form CAM – 34 to clear the
After preparing the above T.E., Principal Accounts Officer will intimate the PAO
of the concerned (in the instant case – Supplying) Division for keeping a suitable Note
separate Budget Provision, it should be ensured by the Divisions concerned that such
Note 1: However, for the clearance of old outstanding Debit balances, minor head
“107 – Cash Settlement Suspense Account” below the Major Head “8658 – Suspense
Accounts” will remain in operation in Public Works Divisions till all the balances
Note 2: Minor Head “107 – Cash Settlement Suspense Account” below the Major
Head “8658 – Suspense Accounts” below the Major Head “8658 – Suspense Accounts”
will now be operated by Public Works Divisions including PAO of the Division for the
with Cabinet Secretariat and Ministry of Defence is laid down in Appendix 7-C of
CPWA Code.
Stores Division, New Delhi towards the cost of 100 bags of cement @ Rs.150/- per bag
in the month of June 2005 for Stock purposes in the Revenue Major/Sub-Major Heads
“2059 – Public Works – 80 General.” Central Stores Division (CSD-I) issued the
requisite quantity of cement to Division “A” in the month of June 2005 itself as per the
indent placed by Division “A”. Enumerate the entries step by step in the books of
Division towards the procurement of 100 bags of cement @ Rs.150/- per bag. The
Stores Division)
Central Stores Division will make necessary entries in the Cash Book and remit the
3. After actual delivery of Stores to Division “A”, the Central Stores Division (CSDI)
4. On receipt of Stock and verification thereof Division “A” will account for the
Sub-Head: Stock(xxx)
From the above entries it could be seen that Debit to Sub-Head “Stores Advance”
appearing at (x) at Sl.No.1 gets cleared by minus Debit to Sub-Head “Stores Advance”
Similarly minus Debit to Sub-Head “Stores Supplied” appearing at (xx) of
Division – I appearing at (xxx) at Sl.No.3 matches with Debit to Stock appearing at (xxx)
at Sl.No.4 above.
books of Division”A” and “Remittances into Bank” appearing in the books of Central
Stores Division I is concerned, the same will be cleared by their respective PAOs on
6. Adjustment of Payment Scroll together with Paid Cheque received from Focal
(**) Rs15,000/-
the Payment Scroll (without supporting Paid Cheque) from the dealing branch of the
accredited Bank. Divisional Officer of Division “A” will note the encashment of
cheque in Part II - Cheques issued and paid of the Schedule of monthly reconciliation
of Cheques and Remittances” in Form 51 to be sent alongwith Monthly Account to
8. Clearance of minor head “108 – Public Sector Bank Suspense” below the Major
On receipt of PAO wise “Payment Put Through Statement” from Reserve Bank of
India, Principal Accounts Office will prepare the following Transfer Entry in Form
CAM-34 to clear the credit lying under the minor head “108 – PSB Suspense.
This T.E. will be incorporated in the Monthly Account and PAO of Division “A” will
be intimated about the clearance of minor head “108 – Public Sector Bank Suspense”
9. Adjustment of Receipt Scroll together with Receipt challan received from Focal
Point Branch of the accredited Bank by the PAO of Central Stores Division I
(****) To
Major Head: 8782 – Cash Remittances and adjustments
(-) Debit
Rs.15,000/- (***)
10. Action by the Divisional Officer of Central Stores Division (I) on receipt of the
copy of Receipt Scroll (without challan) form the dealing branch of the accredited
Divisional Officer of the Central Stores Division(I) will note the remittance in
11. Clearance of minor head “108 – Public Sector Bank Suspense” below the Major
Principal Accounts Office will prepare the following Transfer Entry in Form
CAM-34 to clear the Debit lying under the minor head “108 – Public Sector Bank
(-) Debit
This Transfer Entry will be incorporated in the Monthly Account and the
PAO of Central Stores Division I will be intimated about the clearance of minor
head – “108 – Public Sector Bank Suspense” to enable him to keep suitable Note
credit to sub-head “Public Works Cheques” under the minor head “102 – Public
works Remittances” below the Major Head “8782 – Cash Remittances Etc.” at (*)
Similarly credit under the minor head “108 – Public Sector Bank
Suspense” below the Major Head “8658 – Suspense Accounts” appearing at (**)
Debit to Sub-head “Remittances into Bank” under the minor head “102 –
Public Works Remittances” below the Major Head “8782 – Cash Remittances
Etc.” appearing at (***) at Sl.No.2 gets cleared by minus Debit to this head at
Sl.No.9 (***).
Debit under the minor head “108 – Public Sector Bank Suspense” below
the Major Head “8658 – Suspense Accounts” appearing at (****) at Sl.No.9 gets
Railways debits including commission for amounts due on warrants and credit notes are
(a) A new series of the printed credit notes having an office copy foil, a booking
acknowledgement foil and a booking foil (which will bear machine serial number) will be
introduced in place of the existing form containing one counterfoil and one main foil.
The head of the office of the Ministry/Department etc. availing of the credit note facility
should obtain the new credit Note Form Books from their existing source of supply and
present, shall continue to avail of the facility subject to (a) and (d) et. seq. After retaining
the office copy foil, which will serve as office copy, the user will tender the booking foil
in connection with the booking of freight, clearance of consignment etc. as the case may
be, to the Station Master concerned. The Station Master will retain the booking foil and
return the booking acknowledgment foil to the tendered after recording the booking
particulars including weight, destination, date etc. and amount of charges due thereon.
consolidated claim relating to credit notes used between 1st to 15th of the month and
between 16th to end of the month against his P.A.O. or under cheque drawing powers
conferred on his office; and against Treasury in the case of a State Government or Union
Territory having Treasury System, duly supported by the counterfoil of the credit note
received back from the Station Master of the Railway Station concerned. The ‘Head of
Office functioning under Central Government shall request for issue of (or will draw
under the cheque drawing powers) a cheque of category III only, namely, “not negotiable
and not payable in cash, but creditable to Government Account’. In the case of Head of
Office functioning under a State Government where the bill is to be paid by a Treasury
Officer, the cheque or demand draft should, without exception bear the endorsement
“Account Payee only”. The cheque/demand draft shall be drawn in favour of the F.A. &
C.A.O. of the Railways rendering service, as per indication given by the Station Master in
the Booking acknowledgement foil. While every effort shall be made to deliver the
cheque to the Station Master at the earliest, the cheque relating to the credit notes used
during the first fortnight should be submitted to the Station Master latest by the 25th of
the month and that relating to the second fortnight by the 10th of the following month. A
statement in duplicate indicating the number and ate of the credit notes used during the
relevant fortnight, the amount thereof and the total amount involved for the fortnight
should be prepared by the Head of Office at the time of preparing the bill so as to be
submitted to the Station Master along with the cheque. The Station Master concerned
shall return one copy of the statement duly enfaced with the words “cheque received”
payment towards the credit notes. This enfaced statement shall be retained by the Head
of the Office as a record of acquittance of the cheque delivered to the Station Master. As
separate Balance Sheets are prepared by the Railways for Coaching (i.e. passengers,
parcels, luggage, traffic etc.) and for goods traffic, separate cheques/demand drafts
should be obtained for tendering to the Station Master and to the Goods Supervisor for
respective transactions and also for separate statements prepared relating thereto for
Ministries/State Governments/U.T. Governments shall also pay within one month either
in cash or through Supplementary Credit Note, the amount of under charge. If any,
detected during the course of internal check of the Credit Notes/Transaction in the
It shall be the responsibility of the Officer authorised to sign the credit notes in each
the Railway Station concerned, failing which the Railways will be at liberty to refuse to
book/clear goods or to book against warrants for personnel movement thereafter under
Appendix – 7C
Ministry of Defence).
Secretariat or/and Ministry of Defence will be booked under the Suspense head
2. The Divisional Officer will send the vouchers in support of the charge on the
to his Pay & Accounts Officer, and the vouchers will be subject to post-check in
the prescribed manner in the Pay & Accounts Office concerned.
Secretariat or the Ministry of Defence, as the case may be, duly supported by an
vouchers) in Form CPWA 64. The Accounts Officer concerned will settle the
claim within one week of receipt of claims on the basis of this in accordance
with the instructions contained in Para 8.3.3 (d)(i) of Civil Accounts Manual.
4. As the claim for March will be received by the Accounts Officer of Cabinet
Secretariat or Ministry of Defence only after the expiry of the financial year, the
CAM, shall be followed for the accountal of the expenditure in the concerned
year itself.
5. In the month of March, the Divisional Officer will send an extra copy of the
schedule of Works Expenditure to his Pay and Accounts Officer who will
certify that the total expenditure for the year shown in Column 7 against the
work concerned is correct and forward this certified schedule to the concerned
the Divisional Accounts will be communicated by the Pay and Accounts officer
to the Division originating the debit for rectification of the resultant charge in
7. It will be the responsibility of the Division originating the debits to watch the
realization of the payments from the concerned Pay and Accounts office and
for which budget provision is included in the Demands for Grants of CPWD, the
question of operating the minor head “107 – Cash Settlement Suspense Account”
below the major head “8658 – Suspense Accounts” would not arise. The expenditure
will be debited in the Divisional Accounts to the final heads against the concerned
sub-head of the Demand. Similarly this minor head will not be operated in case of
Note (2) So far as works expenditure incurred by the CPWD in Nepal on behalf of the
be claimed and received by the Pay & Accounts Office, CPWD (FOOD Zone), New
Government (which though function on the lines of CPWD, but the Divisional
Officers have no cheque drawing powers and all their claims are subject to pre-check
modification that instead of operating the minor head – 107 – Cash Settlement
Suspense Account”. The minor head “PAO Suspense” will be operated in their books.
the CPWD Division and accountal thereof in the books of Divisional officers.)
Ministries/ Departments have been delegated full powers to make their own arrangements
for procurement of goods. In case however, a Ministry or Department does not have the
required expertise, it may project its indent to the Central Purchase Organisation i.e
officers with the approval of Competent Authority of the C.P.W.D may project their
1. On receipt of indent, DGS&D will arrange the supply of stores as per the
terms and conditions agreed to in the “Acceptance of Tender”. After supplying the stores
to the concerned Division, Supplier/Contractor through whom such supplies have been
arranged will submit his claim together with supporting vouchers to P.A.O, Department
Transactions adjustable by the P.A.O of the Division …..” per contra credit to the
Major/Minor Head “8670 – Cheques and Bills – 102 – P.A.O Cheques” to be drawn in
favour of the Supplier. Thereafter P.A.O, Department of Supply will raise a claim
P.A.O, Department of Supply, the PAO of the Division after preliminary scrutiny of
vouchers will make payment to P.A.O, Department of Supply by affording minus credit
to a distinct Sub-head “Payment for purchases through DGS&D” under the existing
Minor Head “129-Material Purchase Settlement Suspense Account” below the Major
Head “8658 – Suspense Accounts” per contra credit to Minor Head “102-P.A.O
Cheques” below the Major Head “8670 – Cheques and Bills” to be drawn in favour of
DGS&D, will as usual credit the value of stores to a distinct Sub-head “Purchases
Settlement Suspense Account” below the Major Head “8658 – Suspense Accounts”. This
Sub-Head will also accommodate the cost of direct purchases of stores by the Division in
case payment to Supplier is not made in the same month in which Stores have been
received. The Sub-head operated for direct purchases will be cleared by minus credit per
contra credit to Sub-head “Public Works Cheques” under the minor head “102-Public
Works Remittances” below the Major Head “8782 – Cash Remittances etc.” to be drawn
in favour of the Supplier at the time of issue of the cheque to him. The credits appearing
under this sub-head will be entered in the “Register of Purchase”- C.P.W.A 67. The
P.A.O Memos when received from the office of the PAO will, after verification of the
correctness of the amount with reference to the materials received, be adjusted in the
Divisional Accounts by credit to the sub-head “Payment for purchases through DGS&D”
under the minor head “129-Material Purchase Settlement Account Suspense” below the
5. The credit under the Sub-head “Payment for purchases through DGS&D”
paired off/netted with the minus credit under this Sub-head given by the P.A.O. After
reconciliation, the P.A.O will inform the Division concerned about the P.A.O Memos not
“Public Account”, the Departmental authorities will closely watch the clearance of
balances under the Minor Head “129 – Material Purchase Settlement Suspense Account
(a) When the P.A.O, Department of Supply makes payment on behalf of the PAO
To Credit
Note: P.A.O, Deptt of Supply will send outward claim in C.A.M Form 54 together with
(b) On receipt of outward claim from P.A.O, Deptt of Supply, P.A.O of the Division
after preliminary scrutiny of vouchers will make the payment to the P.A.O of the Deptt.
To Credit
The Pay and Accounts Office will send PAO Memo alongwith vouchers to the Division
(c) On receipt of materials procured by placing indent on D.G.S&D, the Division will
Debit Major Head”2059 – Public Works” or any other functional Major Head under
Sub-Head: Stock
To credit
Note: Sub-major head under the functional Budgeted Major Head wherever required
may be opened.
After verification of the correctness of the amount with reference to the materials
received, Division will pass the following entry in its Accounts.
To Credit
The credits under the Sub-head “Payment for purchases through DGS&D” appearing in
with the minus credit under this Sub-head given by P.A.O of the Division.
Note (i) The credit under the minor head “102 – P.A.O Cheques” below the Major Head
“8670 – Cheques and Bills” appearing in the Books of P.A.O, Deptt of Supply and P.A.O
of the Division will be cleared in the usual manner on their inclusion in the Payment
To credit
P.S.B.Suspense per contra credit to the Major/minor/Sub- Head “8675 – Deposits with
(ii) Debit under the Head “8658 – Suspense Accounts” “101-PAO Suspense”
appearing in the Books of P.A.O, Deptt of Supply would be cleared on encashment of the
Cheque received from the P.A.O of the Division by Debit to Major/Minor/Sub -Head
“8675 – Deposits with Reserve Bank – 101 – Central (Civil)(Reserve Bank) and (-) Debit
Major/Minor Head “8658 – Suspense Accounts – 101 – PAO Suspense; as the accredited
1. With a view to minimizing the operation of Suspense Heads viz. the Minor Heads
Head “8658-Suspense Accounts” and also to arrest future accumulations thereunder, the
Scheme of Authorisation was introduced from the Financial Year 1986-87 in the
Government of India.
2. Under the said scheme of authorisartion, the monetary settlement for inter-
Departmental transactions was dispensed with and the procedure related thereto for
D of the CPWA Code. The said scheme of authorization for the execution of Works etc.
was further extended to schemes of all the Ministries/Departments with the exception of
the Schemes of Non-Civil Departments vide CGA’s OM No. 1(8)(3)/92/TA/90 dated 27-
(indicating Grant Number, Complete Computer code numbers relating to the Head of
Accounts,) amount approved in the Budget for the year for the programme /activity
assigned to the Agent/Executing Department at the disposal of the Department for the
executing Ministry/Department to incur expenditure upto the limits specified in the letter
of Authorisation.
The sanction is addressed to the Pay and Accounts Officer of the Division concerned and
copy thereof is endorsed to the Principal Accounts Office as well as to the Divisional
Officer who in turn sends the proposal for obtaining L.O.C. to the L.O.C. Cell of the
Principal Accounts Office to accommodate the requisite expenditure. The P.A.O. of the
executing/agent Department incurring the expenditure is not only to book the expenditure
to the Budget Head of the functional/service Department but must also directly
communicate the monthly and progressive figures of expenditure to the Accounts Officer
of the concerned service Department under the advise to his own Principal Accounts
latest by the 20th of the month following the month of Account. The amount so
Department would record a certificate to the effect that the progressive figures of
Supplementary under the respective unit of appropriation, have been duly reconciled with
Accounts figures with the Statement of Central Transactions (Finance Accounts) figures
for the financial year in Annexure-III to be appeared with its Annual appropriation
7. At no stage, the Agent Department shall exceed the Budget allocations indicated
shall immediately bring the matter to the notice of the Functional Ministry/Department
and request them for more allocation or further instructions. Copies of such letters shall
Note : Procedures laid down in Appendix 7-D of C.P.W.A. code and the Controller
General of Accounts O.M. Nos. 1(8)(7)/89/TA/677 dated 19th July, 1989, 18(3)/92/TA/90
dated 27-01-1993 and 18(9)/92/TA/210 dated 27-03-1996 as amended from time to time
Appendix 7 C
FORM No. 1
Clint-wise Register of Transactions adjusted under the Minor Head “107 Cash Settlement
PART I-Details
Reference of,
voucher or Transfer
Entry Order
Value of
stores issued
or service
Date of
Receipt of
Remarks (including
indication of the
vouchers sent in
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Copy alongwith …….. vouchers forwarded to the P.A.O., Cabinet Secretariat/ Controller
detailed above) is due from his on account of works executed or services rendered to his
Department during and to end of ………20….. . He is requested to send within ten days
of the receipt of this claim, cheque/Bank draft for the total amount, drawn in favour of the
Executive Engineer
………………….. Division
Appendix 7 C(c)
Part-II Abstract Account of Debits, Credits and Balances under the head 107 “Cash
Clint Deptt.
And so
on for
month of
the year
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Appendix 7 –C(c)-Contd.
FORM No. 2
Ministry of Defence
………………………. Division
Appendix 7-C-Contd.
FORM No. 3
Name of Devision__________________________________________
claim received.
Draft issued
Initials of
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
following types of cases, by monetary settlement has been replaced by the procedure
detailed in para 2.
agent for executing the whole or a part of that activity, this would also cover execution of
works by the CPWD on behalf of other Central Ministry/Department for which provision
(ii) In the case of Centrally sponsored Plan Schemes and Central Plan Schemes,
provision for which is made in the relevant functional major head in the demands for
grants of the Central Ministry/Department but meant for actual utilization in the U.T.
For examples, provision for Special Central Assistance to Special Component Plan for
Schedule Castes made for Delhi Administration under Major Head “2235-Social Security
and Welfare” in the Demand for Grants of Ministry of Welfare for 1986-87.
department clearly indicating the budget provisions for such earmarked funds available
for the financial year and the Head of Account to which the expenditure is debitable. A
copy of such sanction would be endorsed to the Accounts Officer of the functional
department to enable him to keep a note of this in the Expenditure Control Register
maintained by him. He will then authorize the Accounts Officer of the Agent
Department to incur the expenditure within the limits specified in the sanction and to
book the same finally in his books by operating the Head of Account specified in the
Authority. Accounts Officers of the Agent department would furnish monthly and
enable the latter to monitor the flow of expenditure on the programme/activity. The
Accounts Officer of Agent Deptt. will in no case honour any claim which would result in
excess over the amount authorized by the functional department. Annual reconciliation
of expenditure will be conducted by the two Accounts Officers through the Statement of
3. The procedure detailed in paragraph 2 above would also apply as in the case of
para 1(ii).
4. The programme/activities identified wherein the above procedure will apply are
given in the enclosed annexure. Specific approval of Controller General of Accounts
Name of Ministry/
Department having
Provisions of funds
Name of Ministry/
performing agency
1. 2. 3. 4.
1. Ministry of
(Deptt. of Power)
Ministry of Water
Nallandown Steam
power protentialities in
(6) Sawalkot
(7) Investigation to
Pancheswar Project.
Fencing Work
Bridges, Buildings,
Residential Quarters,
administrative control
of Ministry of Home
3. Deptt. of Food Ministry of Urban
Research Institute
with out
Territories (where
accounts are
departmentalized) for
schemes an Central
Plan Schemes.