Marine Radar: 1932 MARK-2/1942 MARK-2
Marine Radar: 1932 MARK-2/1942 MARK-2
Marine Radar: 1932 MARK-2/1942 MARK-2
The radar scanner emits microwave radiation which can be harmful to the
human body, particularly the eyes. Never look directly into the scanner
radiator from a distance of less than 1 m when the radar is in operation.
The radar scanner emits electromagnetic radio frequency (RF) energy which can be
harmful, particularly to your eyes. Never look directly into the scanner aperture from a
close distance while the radar is in operation or expose yourself to the transmitting
scanner at a close distance.
Distances at which RF radiation levels of 100 and 10 W/m2 exist are given in the table
Note: If the scanner unit is installed at a close distance in front of the wheel house,
your administration may require halt of transmission within a certain sector of scanner
revolution. This is possible—Ask your FURUNO representative or dealer to provide
this feature.
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ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Do not use the equipment for other than
Do not open the equipment. its intended purpose.
Turn off the radar power No one navigation device should ever be
switch before servicing the solely replied upon for the navigation of
scanner unit. Post a warn- a vessel.
ing sign near the switch
indicating it should not be Always confirm position against all available
turned on while the scanner aids to navigation, for safety of vessel and
unit is being serviced. crew.
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This radar complies with the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC. In accordance with Article 6-3 of
this directive, FURUNO intends to put this radar on the market of the following countries in
EU as well other markets.
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, The
Netherlands, United Kingdom, Iceland, Norway
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Your radar is designed and constructed to ¡ On-screen alphanumeric readout of all op-
meet the rigorous demands of the marine en- erational information.
vironment. However, no machine can per- ¡ Standard features include EBL (Electronic
form its intended function unless properly Bearing Line), VRM (V ariable Range
installed and maintained. Please carefully Marker), Guard Alarm, Display Of f Cen-
read and follow the recommended proce- ter, and Echo Trail.
dures for, operation and maintenance.
¡ Watchman feature periodically transmits
We would appreciate hearing from you, the the radar to check for radar targets which
end-user, about whether we are achieving may be entering the alarm zone.
our purposes. ¡ Ship’s position in latitude and longitude
Thank you for considering and purchasing and Loran C Time Differences, range and
FURUNO equipment. bearing to a waypoint, and ship’s speed/
heading/course can be shown in the bot-
tom text area. (Requires a navigation aid
which can output such data in IEC 61162
¡ Zoom feature provided.
¡ Optional Auto Plotter ARP-10 acquires
and automatically tracks 5 targets plus 5
targets manually, or 10 targets manually.
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EBL1 (P.2-6)
VRM1 (P.2-5) Range ring (P.2-3, 2-5)
VRM2 (P.2-5)
EBL1 bearing (P.2-6) 345.6¡ R 0.048NM
23.0¡ R 13.5 ¡ R 0.142NM 0.100NM
EBL2 bearing (P.2-6)
Interference rejector (P.3-3)
Scanner Unit
XN10A-RSB-0070-064 (24 rpm)
XN10A-RSB-0073-064 (48 rpm)
12 VDC: 10A
*Equivalent to NMEA 0183 24/32 VDC: 5A
: Option RU-3423
: Local Supply
Note: Even though the display unit meets waterproof standard IPX-5, the connection of ex-
ternal buzzerand/or remote display can affect waterproofness. Watertight integrity cannot be
guaranteed. When these modification has been done, the display unit should not be mounted
where exposed.
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Targets Heading marker
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2.2 Turning the Radar On/Off 2.4 Stand-by
Press the [POWER] key to turn the radar on When you won’t be using the radar for an
or off. extended period, but you want to keep it in a
state of readiness, place it in stand-by by
The control panel lights and a timer displays pressing the [STBY TX] key. The display
the time remaining for warm up of the mag- shows “STBY,” navigation data, or goes into
netron (the device which produces radar the economy mode depending on menu set-
pulses), counting down from 1:30 to 0:01. ting. (More on menu operation later.)
Economy mode
2.3 Transmitting
The CRT can be set to automatically turn it-
After the power is turned on and the magne- self of f when in stand-by , to reduce power
tron has warmed up, STBY (Stand-By) ap- consumption. This feature is called the
pears at the screen center . This means the “economy mode.” Power consumption in the
radar is now fully operational. economy mode is 28 W. When the economy
mode is on, the lamp next to the [POWER]
Press the [STBY TX] key to transmit.
key lights.
When transmitting, any echoes from targets
appear on the display . This radar displays Navigation data display during
echoes in eight tones of green according to
echo strength.
If a navigation aid inputs navigation data to
this radar in IEC 61 162 format, navigation
data can be displayed during stand-by . You
can turn the navigation data display on/of f
through the menu. Figure 2-2 shows a typi-
cal navigation data display during stand-by.
ST-BY Time-to-go to Stand-by
Speed 10.5 kt 000.3 nm Trip distance since power on
Depth 125 m +17.3 °C Temperature
TO Waypoint
Heading 092.5°
CRS 180.0°M Course
Time-to-go to WPT TTG 01:08
TO Waypoint BRG 45.0° M
N RNG 12.0NM S
Bearing to TO
Waypoint LAT 30°00.00N
LON 135°00.00E Ship's position in latitude
Range to TO Waypoint TD 36378.1
59096.4 and longitude and Loran
R 0.3NM
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Note1: Availability of a particular display item 2.7 Adjusting Receiver
depends on incoming data.
Note2: When Range to Waypoint reaches 0.1
The [GAIN] control adjusts the sensitivity of
nm, the WPT marker jumps to dead ahead
the receiver. It works in precisely the same
even though a difference may exist between
manner as the volume control of a broadcast
heading and BRG to WPT.
receiver, amplifying the signals received.
Note3: When cross track error exceeds 1 nm The proper setting is such that the back-
on either side, the XTE mark starts blinking. ground noise is just visible on the screen. If
you set up for too little sensitivity, weak ech-
oes may be missed. On the other hand ex-
cessive sensitivity yields too much
2.5 Selecting the Range background noise; strong targets may be
missed because of the poor contrast between
The range selected automatically determines
desired echoes and the background noise on
the range ring interval, the number of range
the display.
rings, pulselength and pulse repetition rate,
for optimal detection capability in short to long To adjust receiver sensitivity, transmit on long
ranges. range, and adjust the [GAIN] control so back-
ground noise is just visible on the screen.
You can select which ranges and pulselength
(for 1.5 and 3 mile ranges) to use through
the menu. The range, range ring interval and
pulselength appear at the top left-hand cor- 2.8 Adjusting the A/C SEA
ner of the display. Control
(reducing sea clutter)
To select a range;
Echoes from waves can be troublesome, cov-
Press the [- RANGE +] key . The range and ering the central part of the display with ran-
range ring interval appear at the top left cor- dom signals known as “sea clutter .” The
ner of the display. higher the waves, and the higher the scan-
ner above the water , the further the clutter
Tips for selecting the range will extend. Sea clutter appears on the dis-
play as many small echoes which might af-
¡ When navigating in or around crowded fect radar performance. (See the left-hand
harbors, select a short range to watch for figure in Figure 2-3.) When sea clutter masks
possible collision situations. the picture, adjust the [A/C SEA] control to
¡ If you select a lower range while on open reduce the clutter.
water, increase the range occasionally to
watch for vessels that may be heading
How the A/C SEA control works
your way.
The [A/C SEA] control reduces the amplifi-
cation of echoes at short ranges (where clut-
2.6 Adjusting Picture Brilliance ter is the greatest) and progressively
increases amplification as the range in-
The [BRILL] key adjusts the brilliance of the creases, so amplification will be normal at
radar picture in sixteen levels. The current those ranges where there is no sea clutter.
level momentarily appears on the screen
whenever the [BRILL] key is pressed.
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Adjusting the A/C SEA control 2.9 Adjusting the A/C RAIN
The proper setting of theA/C SEA should be Control
such that the clutter is broken up into small (reducing rain clutter)
dots, and small targets become distinguish-
able. The vertical beamwidth of the scanner is de-
signed to see surface targets even when the
If the control is set too low , targets will be ship is rolling. However , by this design the
hidden in the clutter, while if it is set too high, scanner will also detect rain clutter (rain,
both sea clutter and targets will disappear snow, hail, etc.) in the same manner as nor-
from the display . In most cases adjust the mal targets. Figure 2-4 shows the appear-
control until clutter has disappeared to lee- ance of rain clutter on the display.
ward, but a little is still visible windward.
1. Confirm that the sensitivity is properly ad- Adjusting A/C RAIN
justed, and then transmit on short range.
When rain clutter masks echoes, adjust the
2. Adjust the [A/C SEA] control so small tar-
[A/C RAIN] control. This control splits up
gets are distinguishable but some clutter
these unwanted echoes into a speckled pat-
remains on the display.
tern, making recognition of solid targets
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2.10 Erasing the Heading Measuring range by VRM
Marker, North Marker 1. Press the [EBL/VRM SELECT] key to cir-
cumscribe a VRM readout (at the bottom
The heading marker or north marker (avail- right-hand corner). Each press of the key
able with gyrocompass connection) may oc- selects the readout of EBL1, EBL2, VRM1
casionally mask a target. To view the target, or VRM2 in that order.
you can temporarily erase the heading
marker and north marker by pressing and
holding down the [GAIN (HM OFF)] control. EBL VRM
Release the control to re-display the mark- 345.6°R 5.3°NM
23.0°R 12.5°NM
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2.12 Measuring the Bearing Note: The bearing readout for the EBLandthe
cursor can be displayed in relatiive or true
There are two ways to measure the bearing bearing (true bearing requires heading sen-
to a target: by the cursor , and by the EBL sor input). For north up and course up dis-
(Electronic Bearing Line). play modes the bearing reference is always
true. For details see the next chapter.
4. Press the [EBL/VRM CONTROL] key.
5. Oparate the omnipad so EBL1 passes
through the center of the target.
bearing If the target tracks along the EBL towards the
EBL1 bearing 40.0° R center of the display (your vessel’s position),
EBL1 bearing 135.0° R 40.0°R 4.0 NM the target may be on a collision course.
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6.0 NM
2.0 EBL1
EBL1 origin
(initial position B
of target) VRM1
Target moved
here. Offset EBL
EBL1 70.0° R 6.0 NM VRM1
bearing range VRM
EBL1 70.0° R 4.5 NM VRM1
Figure 2-9 Predicting collision course by bearing range
using the offset EBL Figure 2-10 Measuring the range and
bearing between two targets by using the
Measuring range and bearing offset EBL
between two targets
The procedure which follows shows how to
2.14 Offcentering the Picture
measure the range and bearing between tar-
get “A” and target “B” in Figure 2-10.
Your vessel’s position can be offcentered to
1. Operate the omnipad to place EBL1’s ori- 75% of the range in use to view the situation
gin (cursor) on the center of target “A.” around your vessel without changing the
range or size of targets.
2. Press the [EBL/VRM SELECT] key to
choose the EBL1 readout and then press 1. Press the omnipad to set the cursor where
the [EBL/VRM CONTROL] key. desired.
3. Press the [MENU] key, select EBL OFF- 2. Press the [F1 (A/C SEA)] control if its func-
SET from the menu, and then press the tion is set for SHIFT (default setting), or
[ACQ/ENTER] key. EBL1’s origin shifts to select SHIFT from the menu.
cursor location. OFFCENTER appears at the top right
corner of the display when the picture is
4. Press the [EBL/VRM CONTROL] key.
5. Operate the omnipad to bisect target “B”
with EBL1. Check the EBL1 readout to
find the bearing between target “A” and
target “B.”
6. Press the [EBL/VRM SELECT] key to
choose the VRM1 readout. Operate the
omnipad to place the outside edge of Cursor Cursor
VRM1 on the inside edge of target “B.”
Check the VRM1 readout to find the range 2 Press [F1] to offcenter
1 Pleace cursor
between target “A” and target “B.” where desired. display.
7. To cancel the offset EBL, select EBLOFF- Figure 2-11 Offcentering the picture
SET from the menu, and then press the
[ACQ/ENTER] key.
Cancelling offcentered picture
Press the [F1 (A/C SEA)] control (if function
is SHIFT).
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2.15 Zoom
The zoom feature allows you to double the
size of the area between your vessel and any
location within the current range to take a
closer look at an area of interest.
1. Select location with the cursor.
2. Press and hold down the [F1 (A/C SEA)]
control about two seconds if its function
is set for ZOOM (default setting), or se-
lect ZOOM from the menu. Zoom appears
at the top right corner when the ZOOM
function is on.
Cancelling zoom
Press the [F1 (A/C SEA)] control again.
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Continuous trail
The maximum continuous trail time is 99 min-
utes and 59 seconds. When the elapsed time
clock counts up to that time the elapsed time
display is reset to zero and trail begins again.
Figure 3-5 Radar interference
Cancelling echo trail
Four levels of interference are available, in-
Select “OFF (deactivate)” at “ECHO TRAIL” cluding off; IR1, IR2, IR3 and OFF. IR3 pro-
on the menu. vides the highest level of rejection.
1. Press the [MENU] key.
Changing trail attributes 2. Select “OTHERS MENU” and press the
[ACQ/ENTER] key.
Trail gradation and trail time can be selected
on the OTHERS menu. [ OTHERS ]
Select item by omnipad
and press ENTER key.
Table 3-1 Trail attributes 1 . Panel Dimmer 1 2 3 4
2 . Mark Brill 1 2 3 4
3 . HD Mark 1 2 3 4
Item in 4 . Characters 1 2 3 4
Description 5 . Trail Tone Single Multi
6 . Int Reject Off 1 2 3
Trails can be shown in single 7 . Pulselength Short Long
or multiple gradations. Multiple 8 . Noise Reject Off On
9 . Trail Time 15S 30S 1M
paints trails getting thinner 3M 6M 15M 30M Cont
with time just like the 10. Tune Auto Manu
afterglow on an analog PPI 11. Disp Data Off Nav ARP All
Trail 12. WPT Mark Off On
Tone 13. EBL Ref Rel True
14. VRM Unit nm km sm
Single Multiple 15. Watchman Off 5M 10M 20M
16. STBY Disp Norm Econo Nav
17. Guard Mode In Out
18. Own Position L/L TD
19. Cursor Posi R/B L/L
20. Alm Sense LV Low Mid Hig
Trail time can be set for 15 21. Dead Sector Off On
sec., 30 sec., 1 min., 3 min., 6 22. Range 1/8 1/4 1/2 3/4 1 1.5
Trail Time * *
min., 15 min., 30 min., or 2 3 4 6 8 12 16 14 16 48 64
23. Self Test
continuous. 24. Installation Setup
*Max range
1932M2: 48
1942M2: 64
Drag cursor
3.8 Watchman
into stand-by.
Waypoint Marker
Cancelling watchman
Go into the “OTHERS” menu, and set “15.
Watchman” for OFF.
34¡ 56. 12N
34¡ 29. 98N
0.9 NM
135¡ 34. 56E 136¡ 35. 77E 50.0¡M Data
SPD 35.0KT TTG 01:00 TTG 00:20
3.9 Displaying Navigation Data Figure 3-10 Typical navigation data display
Navigation data can be displayed at the
screen bottom if this radar receives naviga-
tion input in IEC 61 162 format. Navigation
data includes
¡ Position in latitude and longitude or Lo-
ran-C time differences
¡ Range, bearing and time-to-go to both
waypoint selected on the navigator and
the cursor
¡ Speed.
*Note: Level 1 and 2 are same brilliance while the menu is displayed.The brilliance changes
after the menu is erased.
Own ship
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4.3 Indirect Echoes 4.4 Blind and Shadow Sectors
Indirect echoes may be returned from either Funnels, stacks, masts, or derricks in the path
a passing ship or returned from a reflecting of antenna may reduce the intensity of the
surface on your own ship, for example, a radar beam. If the angle subtended at the
stack. In both cases, the echo will return from antenna is more than a few degrees a blind
a legitimate contact to the scanner by the sector may be produced. Within the blind
same indirect path. The echo will appear on sector small targets at close range may not
the same bearing of the reflected surface, but be detected while larger targets at much
at the same range as the direct echo. Figure greater ranges may be detected. See Figure
4-3 illustrates the effect of an indirect echo. 4-4.
Indirect echoes may be recognized as fol-
• they usually occur in a shadow sector
• they appear on the bearing of the obstruc-
tion but at the range of the legitimate con-
• when plotted, their movements are usu-
ally abnormal, and
• their shapes may indicate they are not di-
rect echoes.
Direct Heading
path marker
Scanner (mast, funnel.
Target True
Indirect Indirect echo
path Direct echo
Indirect echo
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4.5 SART (Search and Rescue Showing SART marks on the radar
Transponder) display
To show the SART marks only on the radar
A Search and Rescue Transponder (SART) display, detune the radar receiver manualy .
may be triggered by any X-Band (3 cm) ra- This erases or weakens all normal radar ech-
dar within a range of approximately 8 n.miles. oes, but, the SART marks are not erased be-
Each radar pulse received causes it to trans- cause the SART response signal scans over
mit a response which is swept repetitively all frequencies in the 9 GHz band. When the
across the complete radar frequency band. radar approaches the SART in operation, the
When interrogated, it first sweeps rapidly (0.4 SART marks will enlarge to large arcs, blur-
∝s) through the band before beginning a rela- ring a large part of the screen. Reduce the
tively slow sweep (7.5 ∝s) through the band sensitivity and adjust the sea clutter control
back to the starting frequency. This process of the radar.
is repeated for a total of twelve complete
cycles. At some point in each sweep, the
SART frequency will match that of the inter- Summary to detect SART response
rogating radar and be within the pass band
of the radar receiver . If the SAR T is within 1. Use range scale of 6 or 12 nm as the
range, the frequency match during each of spacing between the SART responses is
about 0.6 nm (1125 m) to distinguish the
the 12 slow sweeps will produce a response
on the radar display , thus a line of 12 dots
equally spaced by about 0.64 nautical miles 2. Turn off the automatic clutter suppression.
will be shown.
3. Turn off the Interference Rejector.
When the range to the SAR T is reduced to
about 1 nm, the radar display may show also General remarks on receiving SART
the 12 responses generated during the fast
sweeps. These additional dot responses,
Radar range scale
which also are equally spaced by 0.64 nm,
will be interspersed with the original line of
12 dots. They will appear slightly weaker and When looking for a SAR T it is preferable to
smaler than the original dots. use either the 6 or 12 nautical mile range
scale. This is because the total displayed
Screen B: When SART
length of the SAR T response of 12 (or 24)
Screen A: When SART
is distant is close dots may extend approximately 9.5 nautical
Lines of 12 dots
are displayed in miles beyond the position of the SART and it
Echo of SART Radar antenna
concentric arcs.
is necessary to see a number of response
Echo of dots to distinguish the SAR T from other re-
24 NM 1.5 NM
SART sponses.
Position of
SART SART range errors
Own ship's
position Own ship's When responses from only the 12 low fre-
SART mark
Position of quency sweeps are visible (when the SART
9500 MHz
Radar receiver is at a range greater than about 1 nm), the
9200 MHz bandwidth
7.5 s
Sweep time
position at which the first dot is displayed may
95 s
be as mush as 0.64 nm beyond the true po-
sition of the SAR T. When the range closes
so that the fast sweep responses are seen
Sweep start
Low speed sweep signal
also, the first of these will be no more than
High speed sweep signal 150 meters beyond the true position.
Figure 4-5 SART display
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This chapter tells you how to keep your ra- 5.1 Preventive Maintenance
dar in good working order. Before reviewing
this chapter please read the safety informa- Regular maintenance is important for good
tion which follows. performance. Always keep the equipment as
free as possible from dirt, dust, and water
DANGER splashes. Make sure all screws securing the
components are properly tightened.
Turn off the power before
performing any maintenance or A maintenance program should be estab-
troubleshooting procedure. lished and should at least include the items
listed in Table 5-1.
Hazardous voltages can shock, burn or cause death.
Only qualified personnel totally famillier with electrical
circuits should work inside the units.
5.2 Replacing the Fuse
The radar scanner emits high frequency The fuse in the power cable protects the
radio radiation which can be harmful,
particularly to your eyes.
equipment against reverse polarity of ship's
Never look directly into the scanner from a distance of mains, overcurrent, and equipment fault. If
less than two feet when the radar is in operation as the fuse blows, find the cause before replac-
you could injure the cornea of your eyes. Always ing it. Never use an incorrect fuse - serious
make sure the radar is set to stand-by or is turned off
before starting work on the scanner unit.
damage to the equipment may result and void
the warranty.
12V: 10A fuse
24/32V: 5A fuse
Use the proper fuse.
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5.3 Troubleshooting
Table 5-2 contains simple troubleshooting
procedures which you can follow to try to re-
store normal operation. If you cannot restore
normal operation, do not attempt to check
inside any unit of the radar system. Any re-
pair work is best left to a qualified technician.
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5.4 Self Test 6. Press the [ACQ] key to check the
display circuit. The following pattern
The self test facility checks the keyboard, should appear.
ROM and RAM for proper operation.
1. Press the [MENU] key.
2. Select “OTHER MENU”.
3. Select “23. Self Test” and press the
[ACQ/ ENTER] key. The following display
[Self Test]
Key tset: Press each key and
check on-screen indication
ROM OK 18990871xx
COURSE OK 167.6q
Figure 5-2 Test pattern
VIDEO NG 7. Press the [MENU] key to show the
brilliance adjustment menu.
MAN-ACQ 00 8. To escape from the selftest, press the
[MENU] key.
Program No. : 0359222-XX.XX
: OK
: OK
5.5 Life Expectancy of
Hours in use : 000006.9H
Tx hours: 000001.1H
<Press MENU for OTHERS menu> The following table shows the life
XX: Program Version No.
expectancy of the magnetrons.
Figure 5-1 Self test screen Table 5-3 Life expectancy of magnetrons
Model Type Code no.
4. The ROM and RAM are automatically expectancy
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No one navigational aid should be relied The plotting accuracy and response of
upon for the safety of vessel and crew. this auto plotter meets IMO standards.
The navigator has the responsibility to Tracking accuracy is affected by the
check all aids available to confirm following:
position. Electronic aids are not
a substitute for basic navigational Tracking accuracy is affected by course
principles and common sense. change. One to two minutes is required to
restore vectors to full accuracy after an
This auto plotter automatically tracks an abrupt course change. (The actual
automatically or manually acquired radar amount depends on gyrocompass
target and calculates its course and specifications.)
speed, indicating them by a vector. Since The amount of tracking delay is inversely
the data generated by the auto plotter proportional to the relative speed of the
are based on what radar targets are target. Delay is on the order of 15–30
selected, the radar must always be seconds for high relative speed; 30–60
optimally tuned for use with the auto seconds for low relative speed.
plotter, to ensure required targets will not
be lost or unwanted targets such as sea Display accuracy is affected by the
returns and noise will not be acquired following:
and tracked.
Echo intensity
A target does not always mean a land- Radar transmission pulsewidth
mass, reef, ships or other surface vessels Radar bearing error
but can imply returns from sea surface Gyrocompass error
and clutter. As the level of clutter changes Course change (own ship or target)
with environment, the operator should
properly adjust the A/C SEA, A/C RAIN This ARPA board is not available with
and GAIN controls to be sure target 42 rpm radar.
echoes are not eliminated from the
radar screen.
Heading data required for plotting function.
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6.1 General MENU: opens/closes the main menu.
The Auto Plotter ARP-10 is an optional cir-
cuit board which is accommodated in the dis- A long press terminates plotting of the target
play unit of this radar (24 rpm only) radars. It selected with the cursor , and a brief press
requires heading data to function. displays the data of the target selected with
the cursor.
The Auto Plotter permits manual or automatic
acquisition and automatic tracking of up to ACQ/ENTER: Acquires the target selected
10 radar targets. An internal microprocessor with the cursor.
calculates target data such as speed and
course and displays the results in alphanu-
meric data and by vector. To ensure the reli-
ability of the displayed target data, the radar 6.2 ARP-10 MENU Operation
must be properly adjusted for minimum sea
returns and noise. The ARP-10 MENU contains the following
Vector length: 30 s, 1, 3, 6, 15, 30 min. History: Selects past position plot interval.
Orientation: True velocity or relative ve- CPA Set: Selects CP A alarm limit. When a
locity target is predicted to come within this limit,
an audible alarm sounds and at the same time
Past positions: 5 past positions at intervals
the corresponding target symbol changes to
of 15, 30 s, 1, 2, 3, 6 min.
a blinking triangle.
Alarm: Visual and audible alarms
against targets violating CPA/ Note: If the preset CPA limit is set at OFF, a
TCPA limits, Visual alarm target which is on collision course will not
against lost targets produce an alarm.
Target discrimination: A target measuring TCPA Set: Selects TCPA alarm limit.
about 800 m or more in the radial or circum-
ferential direction is regarded as a landmass Auto ACQ: Turns on/off Auto Acquisition Area.
and not acquired or tracked. Echoes smaller
than about 800 m are regarded as true tar- Activating the auto plotter
To activate the Auto Plotter, follow the steps
shown below.
Keys used for auto plotter
1. Adjust the GAIN, A/C SEA and A/C RAIN
The ARP-10 uses the following touchpad controls for proper radar picture.
keys. Given below is a brief description of
these keys. 2. Press the [MENU] key to open the main
Target selected
for data reading
Lost Target
345.6° R 13.5 ° R 0.142NM 0.048NM
23.0° R 0.100NM
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6.3 Acquiring Targets Note 3: When the auto acquisition mode
(Auto ACQ) is on, up to five targets can be
Manual acquisition acquired. For details, see next section titled
Automatic Acquisition.
Follow the steps below to manually acquire
a target. Up to 10 targets can be manually
acquired. CAUTION
1. Place the cursor (+) on a target of inter- When a tracked target nears another
est by operating the omnipad. tracked target, the targets may be
2. Press the [ACQ/ENTER] key. "swapped." When two targets come close
to each other, one of the two can become
The plot symbol changes its shape accord- a "lost target." Should this happen,
ing to the status as below. A vector appears reacquisition of the "lost target" is required
in about one minute after acquisition indicat- after the two targets have separated.
ing the target's motion trend. If the target is
consistently detected for three minutes, the
plot symbol changes to a solid mark. If ac- Automatic acquisition
quisition fails, the target symbol blinks and
disappears shortly thereafter. The Auto Plotter ARP-10 can acquire up to
five targets automatically by setting theAuto
Acquisition area predefined in the system. If
Auto ACQ is selected after more than five tar-
SQUARE (dotted)
gets have been manually acquired, only the
Immediately after acquisition - Plot symbol remaining capacity of targets can be auto-
shown in broken lines. matically acquired. (For example; when
seven targets are acquired manually , and
SQUARE (dotted with a vector) then the Auto ACQ is switched on only three
targets can be acquired automatically.) When
One minute after acquisition - Vector still un-
five targets have been automatically ac-
quired, "AUT O TARGET FULL" message
CIRCLE (Solid with a vector) appears at top left corner on the display.
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6.5 Mode and Length of 6.7 Operational Warnings
There are two main situations which cause
True or relative vector the ARP-10 to trigger visual and audible
(vector mode) alarms:
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(1) Indication System PPI Daylight display, raster scan, 8 tones in monochrome
(2) Range, Pulselength (PL) & Pulse Repetition Rate (PRR)
Range (nautical miles)
PL PRR 0.125 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 4 6 8 12 16 24 36 48 64
SP 2100 Hz 0.08 Ps
MP 1200 Hz 0.3 Ps
LP 600 Hz *
0.8 Ps
*550 Hz on 48 nm range or more
Maximum Range; MODEL 1932 M2: 48 nm, MODEL 1942 M2: 64 nm
(3) Range Resolution 20 m
(4) Bearing Discrimination 1.9º
(5) Minimum Range 25 m (0.25 NM range)
(6) Bearing Accuracy Within 1º
(7) Bearing Resolution 4º
(8) Range Ring Accuracy 0.9 % of range or 8 m, whichever is the greater
(1) Radiator Slotted waveguide array
(2) Polarization Horizontal
(3) Antenna Rotation Speed 24 rpm or 48 rpm nominal
(4) Radiator Length M1932M2: 100 cm (XN10A), M1942M2: 120 cm (XN12A)
(5) Horizontal Beamwidth M1932M2: 2.4°, M1942M2: 1.9°
(6) Vertical Beamwidth M1932M2: 27°, M1942M2: 22°
(7) Sidelobe Attenuation Within ±20° of main-lobe: less than -24 dB
Outside ±20° of main-lobe: less than -30 dB
(1) Frequency 9410 MHz ±30MHz (X band)
(2) Modulation P0N
(3) Peak Output Power M1932M2: 4 kW nominal, M1942M2: 6 kW nominal
(4) Modulator FET Switching Method
(5) Intermediate Frequency 60 MHz
(6) Tuning Automatic or manual
(7) Receiver Front End MIC (Microwave IC)
SP - 1
(1) Indication System PPI Daylight display, raster scan, 8 tones in monochrome
(2) Picture Tube 10 inch rectangular monochrome CRT
effective display area more than 150 mm
(3) Range, Range Interval, Number of Rings
Range (NM) 0.125 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 4 6 8 12 16 24 36 48 64
Ring Interval (NM) 0.0625 0.125 0.125 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.5 1 1 2 2 3 4 6 12 12 16
Number of Rings 2 2 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 4
Maximum Range; MODEL 1932 M2: 48 nm, MODEL 1942 M2: 64 nm
(4) Markers Heading Line, Bearing Scale, Range Rings,
Variable Range Marker (VRM1, VRM2),
Electronic Bearing Line (EBL1, EBL2),
Tuning Bar, Cursor, Parallel Cursor,
Alarm Zone, Waypoint Mark (navigation input required),
North Mark (heading sensor input required)
(5) Alphanumeric Indications Range, Range Ring Interval, Pulselength (SP, MP, LP),
Display Mode (HU,CU,NU,TM),
Interference Rejection (IR1,IR2,IR3),
VRM (1, 2), EBL (1, 2), Automatic A/C SEA (A/C AUTO),
Stand-by (ST-BY), Radar Alarm (G(IN), G(OUT), G(ACKN)),
Echo Stretch (ES1, ES2), Cursor Range, Bearing or L/L Position,
Echo Tailing (TRAIL), Trailing Time, Trailing Elapsed Time,
Navigation Data (navigation input required),
Heading (HDC, heading sensor input required)
(6) Input Data NMEA0183 (Ver.1.5/2.0), current loop
Own ship’s position: GGA>RMC>RMA>GLL (accept GLL in NMEA Version 1.5 only)
Heading (True): HDT>HDG*1>HDM*1>VHW>VHW*1
Heading (Magnetic): HDM>HDG*1>HDT*1>VHW>VHW*1
Course (True): RMC>RMA>VTG
Course (Magnetic): VTG>RMC>RMA
Waypoint (Range, Bearing): RMB>BWC>BWR
Loran time difference: RMA>GLC>GTD
Water depth: DPT>DBT>DBK>DBS
SP - 2
(1) Ambient Temperature Scanner Unit: -25°C to +70°C
Display Unit: -15°C to +55°C
(2) Relative Humidity 95 % or less at +40°C
(3) Waterproofing Scanner Unit: IPX6
Display Unit: IPX4
(1) Display Unit Panel: N3.0
Chassis: 2.5GY5/1.5
(2) Scanner Unit N9.5
SP - 3
Indirect echoes ........................................ 4-1 Vector length ........................................... 6-6
Interference ........................................... 3-3 Vector mode ............................................ 6-6
VRM ........................................................ 2-5
Lost target alarm ..................................... 6-7
Watchman ............................................... 3-5
Magnetron ............................................. 5-3 Z
Maintenance ............................................ 5-1
Multiple Echoes ....................................... 4-1 Zoom ....................................................... 2-8
Menu tree .................................................. v
9-52 Ashihara-cho,
Nishinomiya 662-8580, JAPAN
Telephone : 0798-65-2111
Fax : 0798-65-4200