Action Plan in Gulayan Sa Paaralan 2018mam Diones
Action Plan in Gulayan Sa Paaralan 2018mam Diones
Action Plan in Gulayan Sa Paaralan 2018mam Diones
SY 2018-2019
Target Resource
Phases Time Frame Persons Involved Responsible Personnel Expected Output
Activities Needed
Identification of School GPP Coordinator/School School GPP Coordinator/School Established a School
School Area Head/ YES-O OFFICERS Head / Garden Site
GPP Land Teachers/Students/Stakeholders Teachers/Students/Stakeholders Prepared GPP Area
Preparation YES-O OFFICERS
Planting Activities Teachers/Students/Stakeholders Teachers/Students/Stakeholders Encouraged the
YES-O OFFICERS Stakeholders to enhance
Land Area the GPP area for planting
Garden Tools activities
Implementation Massive Planting Teachers/Students/Stakeholders Teachers/Students/Stakeholders Manpower More plants has been
Phase of Malunggay and July YES-O OFFICERS Malnourished planted
other plants Students
School Garden Teachers/Students/Stakeholders Teachers/Students/Stakeholders Cooking Utensils .Maintained and Improved8
Maintenance and July- March YES-O OFFICERS the School Garden
Harvesting September - Teachers/Students/Stakeholders School GPP Coordinator Harvested various plants
March YES-O OFFICERS from school garden
Feeding Students with Severely School Feeding Coordinator Improved nutritional status
Wasted/Malnourished Students of the students
School School GPP Coordinator/School Encouraged Stakeholders
Orientation in July Teachers/Students/Stakeholders Head Resource to participate in the
GPP YES-O OFFICERS Speaker improvement of GPP
Hanging of School GPP Coordinator Tarpaulin Informed everyone about
Streamer for Teachers/Students/Stakeholders Streamer the benefit, aim and target
Posting YES-O OFFICERS Leaflets of having Gulayan sa
Preparation of School GPP Coordinator Prepared Action Plan and
Action Plan June Teachers/Students/Stakeholders Narrative Report as basis
Recording and YES-O OFFICERS Action Plan for the
Reporting Preparation of School GPP Coordinator Narrative Report implementation,preparation
Narrative Report Per Quarter Teachers/Students/Stakeholders and documentation
for GPP YES-O OFFICERS purposes for GPP
Monitor the Teachers/Students/Stakeholders School GPP Coordinator/School Monitored and Evaluated
Monitoring July - March Recorded
progress of GPP YES-O OFFICERS Head the implementation of the
Evaluate the Teachers/Students/Stakeholders School GPP Coordinator/School GPP Program
Evaluation Per Quarter Pictures
progress of GPP YES-O OFFICERS Head