WB Web
WB Web
WB Web
Website Development
We Provide Best Designs
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A front-end developer takes the visual design of a website (whether they created that design or it was handed to them by a visual designer) and builds it in code. A front-end developer will
use HTML for the structure of the site, CSS to dictate the visual styles and layout, and perhaps even some Javascript. For some small sites, front-end development may be the only kind of
development that is needed for that project. For more complex projects, "back-end" development will come into play.
Back-end development deals with the more advanced programming and interactions on web pages. A back-end web developer focuses on how a site works and how the customers get
things done on it using certainly functionality. This could include working with code that interfaces with database or creating features like Ecommerce shopping carts that connect to online
payment processors and more. Good web developers may know how to program CGI and scripts like PHP. They will also understand about how web forms work and how di erent software
packages and APIs (application programming interfaces) can be used to connect those di erent kinds of software together to create solutions that will meet a speci c customer's needs for
their online presence.
Back End Front End Graphics Others
php 90%
MySQL 95%
Node JS 75%
.NET 85%
₹3000(Per Project)
₹5000(Per Month)
₹8000 (Per Month)
₹15000 (Per Project)
We Develop with Bootstrap 4 We Develop with Bootstrap 4 We Develop with Angular 4 We Build Framework/Layout
and Materialize CSS . and Materialize CSS . and Materialize CSS . to develop Website
Mobile - Tab - Desktop Friendly Device Friendly Mobile - Tab - Desktop Friendly Mobile - Tab - Desktop Friendly
Easily Customisable Designs Easily Editable Designs Locked Customisable Designs
Easily Customisable Designs
Clean And Eye Catching UI Clean And Eye Catching UI Clean And Eye Catching UI
How to use Doccumentation
Free one time SEO Genuine Unique Designs Genuine Unique Designs
Genuine Unique Designs
Free one Year SEO User-Admin-Moderator Panel
Purchase 60 days free guide.
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