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Request for Proposal (RFP)

providing Skill Training under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana 2.0,


Date: 06 March 2019


Invitation for Request for Proposal (RFP) for empanelment of Training Providers for
implementation of PMKVY 2.0- CSSM in the state of Madhya Pradesh for FY 2019-20.
RFP Ref no. 750/MPSSDEGB/2018 Date: 06 March, 2019

I. Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board (MPSSDEGB),
herein after referred to as 'Board' invites Expression of Interest for Empanelment of
Organizations with relevant experience and good track record to undertake skill training
programs based on National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) for PMKVY 2.0 Centrally
Sponsored State Managed (CSSM) component for FY 2019-20.
II. Program quality and implementation will be monitored and evaluated by MPSSDEGB, as per
the Quality Standards and Procedures defined in PMKVY Operations Manual for CSSM and
guidelines issued by MPSSDEGB from time-to-time. All implementing agencies shall adhere
to the PMKVY and MPSSDEGB norms.
III. MPSSDEGB reserves the right to shortlist any or all of the applicant (Organizations), or reject
any or all applicants, without assigning any reason whatsoever. MPSSDEGB reserves the
right to postpone or cancel the procurement process at its sole discretion and without
assigning any reason.
IV. This document invites proposals from the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC)
empanelled reputed Training Providers (TPs) who are interested in delivering skill
development programmes in the State. Based on evaluation of their proposal, Training
Providers will be empaneled with MPSSDEGB to train youth under PMKVY-CSSM for FY
V. The applications are invited 'TRAINING CENTER AND JOB-ROLE WISE' from the TPs. Only
One application per Job-role per TC can be submitted by a TP.
VI. The proposals can be submitted till 8th April 2019 on any working day between 11.00 AM to
05.00 PM through post or in person along with the receipt of tender document fee of INR
2000/- (Non-Refundable) and EMD of INR 5,000/- per Training Center per Job-Role payable
online through the link provided on (Government Institutions are
Exempted from document fee and EMD).
VII. Only One application per Training Center per Job Role shall be treated as valid.
VIII. However MPSSDEGB may halt the process of acceptance of proposals due to completion of
the target allocated to MPSSDEGB by NSDC OR 'Model Code of Conduct' coming in force
OR any other situation that warrants withholding or termination of the process. Any
proposals received during such period shall not be entertained and will be returned as such.
IX. The Proposal document is available at our website:
X. The proposals may be sent only in hard copy to the undersigned at the below mentioned address:
The Chief Executive Officer
Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development and Employment Generation Board
Reception Desk, MPSSDEGB
Gas Rahat ITI Campus
Raisen Road, Govindpura, Bhopal – 462023


Table of Contents
1.0 List of Abbreviations ........................................................................................................ 5
2.0 Schedule of Activities ...................................................................................................... 6
3.0 Other Key Information ..................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Important Notes: .......................................................................................................... 7
4.0 DISCLAIMER .................................................................................................................. 8
5.0 Definitions and Glossary ................................................................................................. 9
6.0 Section - A - Preface ..................................................................................................... 12
6.1 Introduction to MPSSDEGB ....................................................................................... 12
6.2 Objectives of MPSSDEGB ......................................................................................... 12
6.3 Functions of MPSSDEGB .......................................................................................... 12
6.4 Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna- Centrally Sponsored State Managed
Component (PMKVY-CSSM) ........................................................................................... 13
6.5 Architecture and Strategy for Schemes’ Implementation ............................................ 13
7.0 Section B - Instructions to Applicants ............................................................................ 14
7.1 Introduction to RFP .................................................................................................... 14
7.2 Compliant Process/Completeness of Response ........................................................ 14
7.3 Language of the Proposal .......................................................................................... 14
7.4 Right to Terminate the Process ................................................................................. 14
7.5 Conflict of Interest...................................................................................................... 14
7.6 Confidentiality ............................................................................................................ 15
7.7 Late Receipt of Proposals .......................................................................................... 15
7.8 Disqualification .......................................................................................................... 16
7.9 Right to Accept Any Proposal and to Reject Any or All Proposals .............................. 16
7.10 Issue of Work Order ................................................................................................ 16
8.0 Section C - Preparation of Proposal .............................................................................. 17
8.1 General Consideration ............................................................................................... 17
8.2 Proposal Validity ........................................................................................................ 17
8.3 Subcontracting or Franchising ................................................................................... 17
8.4 Empanelment to be non-exclusive ............................................................................. 17
8.5 Selection of Job-Roles ............................................................................................... 18
8.6 Tender Fee and Earnest Money Deposit ................................................................... 18
9.0 Section D: Proposal Submission and Evaluation ........................................................... 19
9.1 Submission of Proposals ........................................................................................... 19


9.2 Proposal Evaluation ................................................................................................... 20
9.3 Definition of Existing and New Training Partner..................................................... 21
9.4 Eligible Applicant Organizations ............................................................................ 22
9.4.1 Applicant ............................................................................................................. 22
9.4.2 Essential Conditions ............................................................................................ 22
9.4.3 Declaration .......................................................................................................... 23
9.4.4 Financial Status .................................................................................................. 23
9.4.5 Category of Applicants ........................................................................................ 23
9.5 Criteria for Technical Evaluation ................................................................................ 23
9.6 Marking criteria for Existing TP (Existing & Proposed TC) & New TP Opting for
evaluation under this criteria (Existing & Proposed TC) ................................................... 24
9.7 Marking criteria for NEW Training Partner (Existing & Proposed TC) ......................... 25
10.0 Section - E - Training Partner Selection ...................................................................... 27
10.1 Training Partner Selection ....................................................................................... 27
10.2 Allocation of Training Targets ................................................................................ 27
10.3 Training Cost ........................................................................................................... 29
10.4 Payment Terms ....................................................................................................... 29
10.5 Issue of Work Order ................................................................................................ 29
10.6 Performance Guarantee .......................................................................................... 29
10.7 Process Guidelines .................................................................................................. 30
10.8 Service level agreement .......................................................................................... 30
10.9 Imposition of Penalties............................................................................................. 31
11.0 Section F - Scope of Work .......................................................................................... 33
11.1 Mobilization, counseling and registration of eligible candidates ............................... 33
11.2 Course and curriculum design ................................................................................. 33
11.3 Training ................................................................................................................... 33
11.4 Apprenticeship ......................................................................................................... 34
11.5 Placement of candidates ......................................................................................... 34
11.6 Post placement tracking .......................................................................................... 34
12.0 Section G - Annexures ................................................................................................ 35
Annexure – 1: List of Aspirational / Underserved Districts and Blocks ............................. 35
Annexure – 1- A: List of Aspirational districts declared by Government of India ........... 35
Annexure – 1- B: List of Underserved district declared by Government of India ........... 36
Annexure - 2 – List of Job-Roles...................................................................................... 36


List 1 (Annexure - 2): Job Roles under PMKVY STT - Open to all Applicants ................................ 36
List 3 (Annexure - 2): PMKVY Job roles Re-allocation - Open Only for Reallocation to TPs from
FY-2017-18 after completing verified placement as per CNN ...................................................... 41
List 4 (Annexure - 2): Job Roles under PMKK - Open Only for PMKK in Madhya Pradesh............ 42
List 5 (Annexure - 2): Job Roles under PMKVY CSSM (Any NSQF aligned job roles of level 3-5) -
Open to All Applicants .................................................................................................................. 44
Annexure - 3: List of district-sector combination ............................................................. 53
Annexure - 4: Format for submission of Pre Bid Queries ................................................. 56
Annexure - 5: Proposal Submission Cover Letter ............................................................ 57
Annexure - 6: Format for Power of Attorney for Signing of Application ............................ 59
Annexure -7: Applicant’s Overview and Application Parameters ...................................... 60
Annexure – 8 : Qualifying Documents/Eligibility Related Documents ............................... 61
8-A - To Be Filled by the Existing TP as per Section 9.3 of the RFP ............................ 61
8-B - To Be Filled by the New TP as per Section 9.3 of the RFP .................................. 64
Annexure –9: Evaluation / Scoring of Proposal Related Documents ................................ 66
Annexure – 10: Declaration from Trainer(s) ..................................................................... 67
Annexure – 11: Financial Status ...................................................................................... 68
Annexure –12: Format for Declaration of Non-Blacklisted Organization........................... 69
Annexure –13: Format for Bank Guarantee for EMD ....................................................... 70
Annexure –14: Placement Experience ............................................................................. 71


1.0 List of Abbreviations
BG Bank Guarantee
CNN Common Norms Notification
CSCM Centrally Sponsored Centrally Managed
CSSM Centrally Sponsored State Managed
DoTESD Department of Technical Education, Skill Development and Employment
EMD Earnest Money Deposit
FY Financial Year
GoI Government of India
IST Indian Standard Time
MIS Management Information System
MPCVET Madhya Pradesh Council for Vocational Education & Training
MPSSDEGB Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development and Employment Generation Board
MSDE Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
NIC National Informatics Centre
NOS National Occupational Standard
NSDC National Skill Development Corporation
NSQF National Skill Qualification Framework
PG Performance Guarantee
PMKVY Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana 2.0
QP Qualification Pack
RFP Request for Proposal
SDC Skill Development Center
SOP Standard Operating Procedures
SSC Sector Skill Council
SSDM State Skill development Mission
STT Short Term Training
TC Training Center
ToR Terms of Reference
TP Training Provider

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 5
2.0 Schedule of Activities
Sl. No. Milestone Date

1. Circulation of the RFP document 06 March 2019

2. Submission of pre-bid queries 12 March 2019 (till 4.00 pm)

3. Pre-bid meeting 15 March 2019 at 03.00 pm at office of Additional

CEO, MPSSDEGB Govindpura, Bhopal – 462023
4. Issue of pre-bid meeting 18 March 2019
clarifications and its circulation
5. Deadline for submission of Proposal 8th April 2019 till 05.00 PM

6. Opening of Proposal 10th April 2019 at 01.00 PM at office of Additional

CEO, MPSSDEGB Govindpura, Bhopal – 462023
7. Commencement of work Within 60 days of issue of Work Order
(registration of TC on portal and
mobilization of candidates,)
8. Start of Training Within 90 days of issue of Work Order

*In case there is a holiday on the above dates, the time line shall be treated as the next working day.

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 6
3.0 Other Key Information
Item Reference
Title Request for Proposal for empaneling Training Providers (TPs) for implementation of
Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna- Centrally Sponsored State Managed Component
(PMKVY-CSSM) in Madhya Pradesh
Issuing Authority The Chief Executive Officer of the Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development and
Employment Generation Board (MPSSDEGB), Bhopal
Contact person Shri G. N. Agrawal, Additional Chief Executive Officer, MPSSDEGB, Bhopal
details Contact No.: 0755-2581138; email –
E-mail address for Please send your queries regarding this proposal prior to stipulated date on
Pre-bid queries Queries received on above email address before stipulated
time would only be considered in the pre bid meeting.
Website address
Brief Description MPSSDEGB invites sealed proposals from the Training Providers for empanelment for
implementation of PMKVY-CSSM in Madhya Pradesh. The successful Training
Service Providers will be empaneled to provide short-term employment-oriented
training to the youths of the state.
Bid Price/Tender INR 2000 (Non-Refundable) payable payable online through the link provided on
Fee (Government Institutions are Exempted from document fee and
EMD) for Each TC-Job-Role.
Deposit online through the link provided on (Government Institutions are
Exempted from document fee and EMD)
Performance 5% of total sanctioned project cost in form of bank guarantee or FDR of scheduled
Guarantee commercial bank in favour of CEO, MPSSDEGB before approval of TP/TC/Batch on
the portal with validity of 24 months from empanelment. THE SAME SHALL BE
Address for The Chief Executive Officer
submission of Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development and Employment Generation Board
Technical Reception Desk, MPSSDEGB
Proposal Gas Rahat ITI Campus
Raisen Road, Govindpura
Bhopal – 462023
Validity of the 90 days from the last date of submission of the Technical Proposal. However, this may
Proposal be extended by MPSSDEGB. In such a case, consent from the applicant TPs would be
sought in advance. If the applicant is not willing to provide its consent for extension,
then its proposal with EMD would be returned.
Relaxation to Institutions owned or controlled by the Central or the State government are Exempted
Government from making any payment related to Bid Price/Tender Fee, Earnest Money Deposit
Institutions OR Performance Guarantee on submission of the proof of being Government

3.1 Important Notes:

i. MPSSDEGB reserves the right to amend any or all conditions of this RFP document before the last
date of submission of proposals, or to change the above schedule at any time, without assigning any
reasons whatsoever.

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 7
ii. In case any applicant fails to submit the online fee and does not submit the receipt along with the bid,
the Proposal of the applicant will be returned unopened. The Proposal will not be considered for
further evaluation.
iii. Contact Person for communication:
The Additional Chief Executive Officer
Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development and Employment Generation Board
Phone: 0755-2985883; 4045448

1. All information contained in this document, subsequently provided/ clarified are in good interest and faith. This
is not an agreement and is not an offer or invitation to enter into an agreement of any kind with any party.
MPSSDEGB (the state skill mission of Madhya Pradesh) reserves the right to cancel this document, and/or
invite afresh proposals with or without amendments to this document without liability or any obligation for such
document, and without assigning any reason. MPSSDEGB reserves the right to take final decision regarding
award of contract.
2. Submission of proposal under RFP mode doesn’t guarantee allocation of target under PMKVY-CSSM (2016-
20). This RFP doesn’t encourage creation of any new training infrastructure specifically for imparting training
3. Under no circumstances will the MPSSDEGB be held responsible or liable in any way for any claims,
damages, losses, expenses, costs or liabilities whatsoever (including, without limitation, any direct or indirect
damages for loss of profits, business interruption or loss of information) resulting or arising directly or indirectly
by application or non – application to this RFP.
4. No correspondence shall be entertained in respect to any condition laid down in this RFP or decision taken by

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 8
5.0 Definitions and Glossary
Terms Description
Aadhar linked Biometric Aadhar linked Biometric attendance machine captures unique
Attendance biological/physical feature such as finger(s) print cross verified with
data fetched through the UIDAI portal for identity verification. All
centres must capture the biometric attendance of trainers and
trainees as per the specifications provided on the web-portal of
MPSSDEGB, NSDC and NIC Skill Attendance Portal.
Batch Size As per PMKVY Norms. Currently the total no. of candidates getting
trained in a particular job role at a particular time in a single
classroom or practical room. The approved batch size, under these
schemes, is minimum 20 candidates to maximum 30 candidates.
Centre affiliation All TPs are required to get their training centres affiliated from NSDC
Client/Authority The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Madhya Pradesh State Skill
Development and Employment Generation Board (MPSSDEGB),
who has invited proposals for empanelment with whom the selected
Training Service Provider signs the Contract for the Services and to
whom the selected Training Service Provider shall provide services
as per the terms and conditions and Terms of Reference (ToR) of the
Disqualification The exclusion of the Applicant from the empanelment process or de-
empanelment due to any of the following reasons:
 The Applicant has wrongly stated/manipulated the facts and
figures in the proposal at any stage before/after the award of
the Assignment.
 The Applicant tries to influence the evaluation process by
any means.
In case of disqualification, Earnest Money Deposit or Performance
Guarantee, as applicable, shall be forfeited.
Mobilization Conveying the correct message to the target audience, thereby
motivating them to participate/register for schemes.
National Occupational National Occupational Standards (NOS) specify the standard of
Standards (NOS) performance an individual must achieve when carrying out a function
in the workplace, together with the knowledge and understanding
they need to meet that standard consistently. Essentially NOS are
benchmark of good practices.
Each NOS defines one key function in a job role. NOS describe
functions, standards of performance and knowledge/understanding.
The NOS are laid down by employers (through their SSCs). A set of
NOS, aligned to a job role, called Qualification Pack (QP), would be
available for every job role in each industry sector. These drive both
the creation of curriculum and assessments.
National Skill Development National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) aims to promote
Corporation (NSDC) skill development by catalyzing creation of large, quality, for-profit
vocational institutions. It provides funding to build scalable, for-profit
vocational training initiatives. Its mandate is also to enable support
systems such as quality assurance, information systems and train
the trainer academies either directly or through partnerships.
Placement Placement under schemes is defined as per Common Cost Norms.
At present it is defined as if a candidate fulfills the following criteria:-
 He/ she continue in job for 3 months or run his/her own set-
up for 3 months, post completion of training programme.
Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 9
Terms Description
 Salary received as per the minimum wages of Semi- Skilled
labour in the state of Madhya Pradesh or earned income as
per the minimum wages of Semi- Skilled labour in the state
of Madhya Pradesh.
 He/she should receive the salary in his/her dedicated bank
account or should have earned the income in his/her
dedicated bank account
The mandatory documentary proof of every candidate placed should
be uploaded on the MPSSDEGB portal.
Placement Rate As per Common Cost Norms. At present the number of students
placed as a proportion to the number of students successfully
Certified after training in the batch.
Post Placement Tracking Each candidate would be tracked once every month for a period of
one year in case of fresh entrants/ 14 months in case of reskilling
and upskilling after she/he completes her/his training.
Candidate wise records are to be maintained regarding mode of
tracking, date of tracking, person by whom tracking was done, latest
status of the candidate (working/not working, satisfied/unsatisfied
with job, wants new job etc.) and remedial measures to be taken (if
required). A three-tier mechanism would be followed to track the
candidates after placement:-
1. Desk verification.
2. SMS and Telephonic Verification.
3. Physical Verification
Qualifications Pack (QP) QP comprises the set of Occupational Standards, together with the
educational, training and other criteria required to perform a job role.
Satisfactory Performance 'On achievement of satisfactory performance by the TP' as decided
by MPSSDEGB, the TP will be empanelled for the FY 2019-20 also
and further targets under PMKVY-CSSM may be allocated to them
as per requirement of MPSSDEGB. The TP may also be considered
eligible for target allocation under Mukhyamantri Kaushal
Samvardhan Yojna (MMKSY) & Mukhyamantri Kaushalya Yojna
Sector Skill Councils (SSCs) SSCs are national partnership organizations that bring together all
the stakeholders – industry, labor and the academia, for the common
purpose of workforce development in particular industry sectors.
They operate as autonomous bodies. These councils are registered
as a Section 25 Co., or Society. Funding is initially done by NSDC &
Objectives of SSCs:
 Conducting Research
 Building Quality Assurance
 Providing training curriculum
 Affiliation of training centres
 Assessment & certification
 Setting up sectoral Centre of Excellences (CoE)
Sponsoring Agency For the purpose of this RFP, the sponsoring agency is defined as any
State Government/Central Government / Ministry/Department/
Government Agency / any company conducting CSR activities or any
accreditation body as defined in the respective eligibility criteria which
has empanel the Training Service Provider to conduct training
programs and funded the training project of the Training Service

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 10
Terms Description

Startup Startup in the field of skilling/training/related segments

Based on the definition of startup given by Department of
Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP)
Terms of Reference (ToR) ToR means the document included in the RFP, which explains the
objectives, scope of work, activities and tasks to be performed,
respective responsibilities of the Client and the Training Service
Provider, and expected results and deliverables of the
Training Partner (TP) Any entity which has submitted its proposal and may provide
Services to the Client under the Contract.
Validity of the proposal The proposal shall remain valid for a period of 90 days from the last
date of submission specified in the tender document. However, it
may be extended by MPSSDEGB. In such a case, consent from the
applicant TPs would be sought in advance. If the applicant is not
willing to provide its consent for extension, then its proposal with
EMD would be returned.
Work Order Order issued by MPSSDEGB to TPs selected for implementing

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 11
6.0 Section - A - Preface
6.1 Introduction to MPSSDEGB
Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development and Employment Generation Board (MPSSDEGB) is the nodal
agency for Skill Development and employment in the State. The Board is registered as a Society under the
Indian Societies’ Act and aims at developing the State level agenda for skilling, coordinating & guiding the 20
other departments engaged in implementing skill development programmes and creation of sustainable
employment opportunities for youth in the State. The mission is chaired by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of
Madhya Pradesh.

6.2 Objectives of MPSSDEGB

MPSSDEGB’s primary objective is to build the capacity of the youth of Madhya Pradesh and equip them with
employability and entrepreneurship skills through targeted skilling programmes.

The key objectives of MPSSDEGB are:

a. To establish and to carry out the administration and management of the "Madhya Pradesh State Skill
Development and Employment Generation Board" (Earlier known as “Madhya Pradesh State Skill
Development Mission" and “Madhya Pradesh Council for Vocational Education and Training”)
b. To provide access to sustainable quality vocational education to the target group of citizens of the state to
meet the challenges of skilled human resource required for various sectors of economy.

6.3 Functions of MPSSDEGB

The functions of the Board have been identified as under:
a. To plan, execute, co-ordinate and monitor Skill Development Programmes to prepare youth for self-
employment and for various jobs available in Industrial & Service Sectors.
b. To develop competency based curricula, and to train, assess and certify school dropouts, labor working in
unorganized sectors, service sector and unskilled workers engaged in various industries.
c. To prepare need based training programme of different levels as per the requirement of various groups,
industrial sectors, which have recognition at national & international level and also to recognize such
programmes for further education.
d. To develop a flexible delivery mechanism to impart training in part-time, weekends, full time, onsite/offsite
e. To plan and monitor National Skill Development Policy at State level.
f. To frame policy & programmes to link non-formal vocational training with the formal education system and to
develop system of recognizing prior acquired learning (RPL).
g. To converge and develop available training resources in the state through Public Private Partnership (PPP).
h. To provide access to vocational education & training with inclusive growth for all the groups of the society
eligible to receive skill training as defined by the society from time-to-time.
i. To provide training of trainers (ToT), to promote innovation in training & also to render consultancy services.
Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 12
j. To award certificates, diplomas and other distinctions to trained manpower and set norms for quality and
standards of vocational training system.
k. To affiliate institutes as vocational Training Service Providers on payment of prescribe fee.
l. To forecast the needs of skilled manpower to cater to the needs of various stakeholders in the State on regular
m. To institute and award scholarships, prizes and medals in accordance with the rules and bye-laws.
(For further details, please visit our web-page

6.4 Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna- Centrally Sponsored State Managed Component
MPSSDEGB is acting as the nodal agency for all the Skill Development initiatives in the State of Madhya
Pradesh. MPSSDEGB is also the nodal agency for implementation of PMKVY-CSSM in the state.
i. Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (hereafter referred as PMKVY) 2016-2020 is a flagship scheme of
Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurships (hereafter referred as MSDE) was launched in year 2016
ii. A target of 84058 is allocated to Madhya Pradesh under the CSSM component for FY 2016-20 wherein
MPSSDEGB is responsible for the formation of institutional capacities at state/ local level in entire scheme.
iii. Multiple steps shall be adopted for increasing the quality of the scheme including:
a. Portal based Center Accreditation, Affiliation and Continuous Monitoring
b. online Aadhar Enabled MIS for candidate life cycle management with all stakeholder activity tracked
c. Continuous monitoring and performance evaluation of the Training Centres
iv. Annual Target Allocation for CSCM component is to be done through routes like RFP and performance-based

6.5 Architecture and Strategy for Schemes’ Implementation

The scheme aims to train 84058 candidates in the period 2016-20. MPSSDEGB plans to engage TPs through
this RFP who would act as the Implementing Agencies for the Scheme by mobilizing, training, placing and
tracking the candidates.

The TPs will be responsible for candidate mobilization, training, placement and post placement tracking under
the overall supervision of MPSSDEGB. MPSSDEGB shall monitor the program performance as per the
envisaged monitoring & evaluation framework. The entire task of Programme Monitoring and Evaluation shall
be completed through an online portal based MIS (Management Information System) that would be designed,
developed and deployed by MPSSDEGB and also through field verification from time-to-time.

In case of any revision / addendum / modification / clarification in the Guidelines, it is the responsibility of the
TP to update themselves by visiting the NSDC/MPSSDEGB portal from time-to-time. The revised guidelines
and Circulars/Notifications/Advisory etc. issued by NSDC/ MPSSDEGB would be binding on the TP.

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 13
7.0 Section B - Instructions to Applicants
7.1 Introduction to RFP
MPSSDEGB invites proposals from the Training Providers for empanelment with the department for
implementing PMKVY-CSSM for FY 2019-20. Applicants are advised to study this RFP document and PMKVY
Guidelines available on portal carefully before submitting their proposals. Submission of
a proposal in response to this notice shall be deemed to have been done after careful study and examination
of this document with full understanding of its terms, conditions and implications. Failure to furnish all
information required as mentioned in the documents or submission of a proposal not substantially responsive
to RFP in every aspect will be at the Applicant’s risk and may result in rejection of the proposal.

7.2 Compliant Process/Completeness of Response

Applicants are advised to study all instructions, forms, terms, requirements and other information in the
documents carefully. Submission of the proposal should be deemed to have been done after careful study and
examination of the document with full understanding of its implications. Failure to comply with the
requirements of this paragraph may render the Proposal non -compliant and the Proposal may be rejected.
Applicants should:
1. Include all documentation specified in this document
2. Follow the format of this document and respond to each element in the order as set out in this
3. Comply with all the requirements as set out within this document.

7.3 Language of the Proposal

The proposal as well as all the supporting documents relating to the proposal exchanged by the Applicant
shall be written in English or Hindi language only. Proposal received in any other language shall not be
allowed / evaluated.

7.4 Right to Terminate the Process

MPSSDEGB may terminate the Proposal Evaluation process at any point of time and without assigning any
reason thereof. MPSSDEGB makes no commitments, expressed or implied that this process will result in a
business transaction with anyone. This document does not constitute an offer by MPSSDEGB. The Applicant’s
participation in this process may result in MPSSDEGB selecting the proposal to engage towards execution of
the contract.

7.5 Conflict of Interest

MPSSDEGB requires that the empaneled Training Service Providers provide professional, objective and
impartial services and at all times hold the Client’s interests paramount, strictly avoid conflicts with other
assignments/jobs or their own corporate interest and act without any conside ration for future work.

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 14
Without limitation on the generality of the foregoing, the Training Service Provider shall be considered to have
a conflict of interest and shall not be recruited, under any of the circumstances set forth below:

i. Conflicting Assignment/Job: A Training Service Provider selected to provide Skill Development

Training for this project shall be disqualified from providing subsequent downstream works or services
resulting from or directly related to this project if the Training Service P rovider is found to provide any other
activity to the Client under the same Scheme resulting in clash of interest.

ii. Conflicting Relationships: A Training Service Provider that has a business or family relationship with a
member of the Client’s staff who is directly or indirectly involved in any part of the project shall not be awarded
the Contract, unless the conflict stemming from this relationship has been resolved in a manner acceptable to
the Client throughout the selection process and the execution of the Contract. Training Service Providers have
an obligation to disclose any situation of actual or potential conflict that impacts their capacity to serve the best
interest of their Client, or that may reasonably be perceived as having this effect. Any such disclosure shall be
made as per the norms of technical proposal provided herewith. If the Training Service Provider fails to
disclose said situations and if the Client comes to know about any such situation at any time, it may lead to the
disqualification of the Training Service Provider during bidding process or the termination of its contract during
execution of the assignment. Training Service Provider shall submit only one proposal for this project. If a
Training Service Provider submits or participates in more than one proposal, such proposals shall be

7.6 Confidentiality
i. From the time, the submitted proposals are opened to the time the Empanelment is announced, the
Applicant should not contact MPSSDEGB on any matter related to its Proposal Evaluation. Information relating
to the evaluation of Proposals and award recommendations shall not be disclosed to the Applicants who have
submitted the Proposals or to any other party not officially concerned with the process, until the publication of
the Empanelment announcement.

ii. Any attempt by shortlisted Applicants or anyone on behalf of the Applicant to influence the Client
improperly in the evaluation of the Proposals or Agreement award decisions may result in the rejection of its

iii. Notwithstanding the above provisions, from the time of the Proposals’ opening to the time of
empanelment notification, if an Applicant wishes to contact MPSSDEGB on any matter related to the selection
process, it should do so only in writing.

7.7 Late Receipt of Proposals

i. Proposals received after the due date and specified time (including the extended period, if any) for any reason
whatsoever, shall not be entertained and shall be returned unopened.

ii. The Proposals shall be accepted in hard copy on or before the proposal submission deadline only in person/
registered post/ speed post or courier.
Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 15
iii. The Proposals submitted by telex/telegram/fax/e-mail etc. shall not be considered. No correspondence will be
entertained on this matter.

iv. MPSSDEGB shall not be responsible for any postal delay or non-receipt/ non-delivery of the documents.

v. MPSSDEGB reserves the right to modify and amend any of the above-stipulated condition/criteria depending
upon project priorities vis-à-vis urgent commitments.

7.8 Disqualification
The proposal would be disqualified at any time during the Technical Evaluation process at the sole discretion
of the MPSSDEGB, for the following reasons:
i. Submitted the Proposal after the due date and specified time;
ii. Made misleading or false representations or suppressed relevant information in the proposal
(including documents, forms, statements, attachments, etc.) submitted as proof of the eligibility
requirements or as part of their proposal;
iii. Incomplete proposals or proposals with incomplete information may be rejected. Applicants may be
asked to submit any supplementary information / document / clarification after submission of proposal
to MPSSDEGB. Any such request by MPSSDEGB for submission of additionally required information /
clarification by applicant TPs would be made in writing;
iv. Failure to meet any of the eligibility criteria as mentioned in t he document; and
v. Blacklisted or bankrupt by the Government of India (GoI), State Government or any other Government
owned agency including quasi-Government sector organization or company or any bank, for corrupt,
fraudulent practices or reasons related to non -performance in an engagement on the date of opening
of proposal

7.9 Right to Accept Any Proposal and to Reject Any or All Proposals
MPSSDEGB reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal, and to annul the evaluation process and
reject all proposals at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected
proposal or Applicants or any obligation to inform the affected proposal or Applicants of the grounds for
MPSSDEGB action.

7.10 Issue of Work Order

After the notification of empanelment of Training Providers, MPSSDEGB will issue Work Order to the
empanelled Training Provider.

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 16
8.0 Section C - Preparation of Proposal
8.1 General Consideration
i. In preparing the Proposal, the Applicant is expected to examine this RFP in detail. Material deficiencies in
providing the information requested in the RFP may result in rejection of the Proposal and will be the sole
responsibility of the Applicant.
ii. The Applicants shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its Proposal.
MPSSDEGB shall not be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the
empanelment process. MPSSDEGB is not bound to accept any proposal, and reserves the right to annul the
selection process at any time prior to the Empanelment, without thereby incurring any liability to the Applicant.
iii. All correspondence and documents relating to the Proposal exchanged between the Applicant and
MPSSDEGB shall be written in English or Hindi language only.
iv. Correspondence on designated e-mail of TP/TC would also be considered official

8.2 Proposal Validity

i. The Applicant’s Proposal must remain valid for at least 90 days after the Proposal submission deadline. A bid
valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by MPSSDEGB as non-responsive bid.
ii. During this period, the Applicant shall maintain its original Proposal without any change.
iii. In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiration of the proposal validity period, the Client may request
Applicants to extend the period of validity of their Proposals. The EMD shall also be extended for a
corresponding period. An Applicant may refuse the request without forfeiting its EMD. An Applicant granting
the request shall not be required or permitted to modify its Proposal. The request and the responses shall be
made in writing.
iv. Further, the client may ask any information / clarification / document from any or all bidders before the
notification of empanelment, if so required. Any such request for submission of any information / clarification /
document from any or all bidders would be made in writing through the web-portal.

8.3 Subcontracting or Franchising

i. Training Service Providers cannot sub contract the conduct of training
ii. Training Service Providers cannot operate the training centres via franchise agreement
iii. In case any Training Service Provider is found violating Clause 8.3 (i) & (ii), the Client may consider cancelling
the contract, withholding all payments and forfeiture of the PG. The Client may also blacklist the Training
Service Provider who violates this condition.

8.4 Empanelment to be non-exclusive

This common empanelment of the Training Service Providers is being done on non-exclusive basis.
MPSSDEGB reserves the right to empanel more Training Service Providers as and when required, for any
geography/location, sectors or for any other reason and in the manner in the sole discretion of MPSSDEGB.

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 17
'On achievement of satisfactory performance by the TP' as decided by MPSSDEGB, the TP will be
empanelled for the FY 2019-20 also and further targets under PMKVY-CSSM may be allocated to them
as per requirement of MPSSDEGB. The TP may also be considered eligible for target allocation under
Mukhyamantri Kaushal Samvardhan Yojna (MMKSY) & Mukhyamantri Kaushalya Yojna (MMKY)

8.5 Selection of Job-Roles

i. List of Job-Roles has been provided in Annexure-2 of this RFP as below:
a. List 1: Job Roles under PMKVY STT - Open to all Applicants
b. List 3: PMKVY Job roles Re-allocation - Open Only for Reallocation to TPs from FY-2017-18
after completing verified placement as per CNN
c. List 4: Job Roles under PMKK - Open Only for PMKK in Madhya Pradesh
d. List 5: Job Roles under PMKVY CSSM (Any NSQF aligned job roles of level 3-5) - Open to

ii. Application need to be submitted only for the listed job-roles as per the eligibility of the TP/TC.
iii. Details of the applicable Job Roles for PMKVY FY 2018-20 may also be accessed at NSDC website
at the link dated 7 July 2018.

8.6 Tender Fee and Earnest Money Deposit

i. Every applicant participating in the bidding process must furnish non-returnable Tender Fee as specified in the
“Other Key Information” (INR 2,000/- for each application of each Training Center- Job-Role applied for).
ii. Every applicant participating in the bidding process must furnish the required Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)
as specified in the “Other Key Information” (INR 5,000/- for each Training Center- Job-Role applied for).
iii. Refund of EMD: The EMD of unsuccessful applicants shall be refunded within 30 days of completion of RFP
iv. Forfeiture of EMD: The EMD taken from the applicant shall be forfeited in the following cases:
a. When the applicant does not submit PG within the stipulated period as mentioned in the "Schedule of
b. When the Applicant withdraws or modifies the proposal after opening of proposals.
c. Rejection of proposal on account of Corrupt and Fraudulent Practices.
d. In case of any misrepresentation of facts by the training service provider then their EMD would be
forfeited and the training service provider will be blacklisted for all such future RFPs.

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 18
9.0 Section D: Proposal Submission and Evaluation
9.1 Submission of Proposals
i. The applications are invited 'TRAINING CENTER AND JOB-ROLE WISE' from the Training Partner. For
Example If a TP wants to apply for 3 Job-Roles at a particular TC then 3 separate applications are
required for that TC in 3 separate envelopes and separate receipt for fee paid. For another TC of the
same TP, similar separate applications need to be submitted by the TP.
ii. Only One Application per TC per Job-Role can be submitted by a TP. In case of more than ONE Application
for one Job Role at One Training Center only the LAST application shall be treated as valid and the Entire Fee
of earlier application(s) of Rs. 7000/- shall be forfeited.
iii. Any TC can train MAXIMUM 60 candidates in any Job Role at a time.
iv. The Proposal shall comprise all the documents as listed in Annexure - 5 to Annexure- 14.
v. The Applicants shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its proposal, and
MPSSDEGB shall not be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct o r outcome of the
empanelment process. MPSSDEGB is not bound to accept any proposal, and reserves the right to annul the
selection process at any time prior to the Empanelment, without thereby incurring any liability to the Applicant.

vi. An authorized representative of the Applicant TP should sign the original submission letters in the required
formats (Annexure –5) for the Proposal. The authorization should be in the form of a written power of attorney
(Annexure – 6), executed on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100.00 duly notarized / registered and
attached with the Proposal. The Power of Attorney should be duly signed and sealed by the Principal and the
Attorney in presence of two witnesses. This document should be in accordance to the bye-laws / MoA / Trust
Deed / any such other document of the organization.
vii. All pages of the proposal and where corrections or amendments have been made should be signed by the authorized
signatory except where the attestation by Chartered Accountant is required. In case of detection of any forgery, the
proposal may summarily be rejected, and MPSSDEGB may also resort to a legal action against the Applicant(s).
viii. Any modifications, revisions, interlineations, erasures, or overwriting shall be valid only if they are signed or
initials done by the person signing the Proposal.
ix. The Proposal shall be placed inside a sealed envelope clearly marked “Request for Proposal for Empanelment
of Training Provider for Implementing PMKVY-CSSM.
x. Details of candidates trained and placed shall be submitted in the specified format as per Annexure – 14 in
hard copy as well as an editable MS Excel Format in a CD / DVD / Pen Drive which shall be enclosed in the
sealed envelope along with the ORIGINAL.
xi. If the envelopes and packages with the Proposal are not sealed and marked as required, MPSSDEGB will
assume no responsibility for the misplacement, loss, or premature opening of the Proposal.
xii. The Proposal must be sent to the address indicated in the Notice Inviting Technical Proposal section and
received by MPSSDEGB no later than the deadline indicated in the Notice Inviting Technical Proposal

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 19
section, or any extension to this deadline. Any Proposal or its modification received by MPSSDEGB after the
deadline shall be declared late and rejected, and returned unopened.
xiii. TPs opting for reallocation under Retired Job Roles may submit only offline hardcopy application with DD.

9.2 Proposal Evaluation

1. The Project Appraisal / Bid Evaluation Committee constituted by MPSSDEGB shall evaluate the responses to
the Proposals and all supporting documents/ documentary evidence.
2. The decision of the Committee in the evaluation of responses to the proposal shall be final.
3. The Committee reserves the right to reject any or all proposals on the basis of any deviations.
4. The Committee, under approval by the CEO – MPSSDEGB, may ask for clarifications and / or additional
information from any or all applicants, if required.
5. Each of the responses would be evaluated as per the criterions and requirements specified in this document.
6. The aim of providing target via the RFP route is to promote high quality placement oriented training. Proposals
aims to bring in ITI’s, NGO, startup or other agencies working in aspirational and underserved district
(Annexure 1) especially with marginalized community. RFP mode aims to also uniformly distribute targets
across regions and geography based on aspirational district combination for wider skilling outreach.
7. The major steps involved in the selection of Training Providers in the project mode as per this RFP are
summarized below:
i. Training organizations that wish to train candidates in aspirational/ underserved districts as
identified by NITI Aayog.
ii. MPSSDEGB does not guarantee target allocation to any organization applying through this RFP.
No organization should set up any new centers for the purpose of this RFP.
iii. Each applicant organization will have to register on an online portal.
iv. Each applicant organization can submit proposal for multiple proposed centers. Each training center
proposed by an applicant should contain the details of the sector for training along with the job role in
which the applicant organization wishes to conduct trainings.
v. After the date of receiving applications is over, all applications will be evaluated as per the evaluation
vi. Training Providers, who are government owned or government institutions have been viewed as a
potential Training Provider and they have been provided with special focus in scoring.
vii. The proposals of the TPs would be evaluated on both quantitative and qualitative parameters, as
viii. After the evaluation, each proposed center will be ranked and targets will be allocated to the applicant
TP according to the target allocation methodology.
ix. Due Diligence will be taken up for the shortlisted/eligible applicant organizations for the target
x. Post Approval by competent authority, the successful applicant organizations will be issued Work
Order and intimated through MPSSDEGB portal.

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 20
xi. Post the allocation of targets, the applicant organizations can start training in proposed centers only
after successful accreditation and affiliation of each training centre under NSDC SMART and obtaining
minimum 4-star rating in accordance with the centre accreditation or affiliation guidelines.
xii. The Target allocation shall be deemed to be provisional till the Training Center achieves the required
minimum Star Rating. If the Training Centre fails to achieve the required minimum Star Rating, the
target allocated shall stand automatically cancelled.
xiii. All applicants need to start training only after registration on the AEBAS based portal specified by
xiv. The performance of the Training Providers allocated with targets would be monitored for quality aspect
of Training, placement and other factors. However the entire responsibility of adhering to the PMKVY
and MPSSDEGB guidelines rests with the TP.
xv. The PMKVY scheme does not allow franchising/consortium/Sub contracting.
xvi. PMKVY guidelines to be referred for more clarification in case of any ambiguity.

9.3 Definition of Existing and New Training Partner

1. Existing Training Partner (TP) having Existing or proposed Training Center (TC) are those that
a. have completed 3 years of existence of the entity controlling the TP as on 31st January 2019, and
b. working in the field of skill training under NSQF/MES aligned courses and
c. registered the TP on NSDC SMART as on the date of application and
d. have SMART accreditated TC at the RFP location under application with Valid SMART
Accreditation score OR a 'Letter of Registration' with a tentative score from SMART OR the TP is
proposing a new TC at this location and will obtain the SMART accreditation with minimum 4 star
rating before start of training
2. New TP is a TP having Existing or proposed Training Center (TC) and
a. The entity controlling the TP is incorporated between 01 February 2016 to 31 January 2019 (Both
days inclusive), and
b. working or propose to work in the field of skill training under NSQF aligned courses and
c. registered the TP on SMART as on the date of application and
d. have SMART accreditated TC at the RFP location under application with Valid SMART
Accreditation score OR a 'Letter of Registration' with a tentative score from SMART OR the TP is
proposing a new TC at this location and will obtain the SMART accreditation with minimum 4 star
rating before start of training

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 21
9.4 Eligible Applicant Organizations
9.4.1 Applicant
1. Should be an entity registered in India (including a firm registered under Indian Partnership Act,
1932 or a Trust registered under the Indian Trust Act, 1882 or a trust act applicable in a State in
India or a Society registered under Societies Registration Act, 1860 or a company incorporated
under the Companies Act, 1956 or 2013 or a LLP firm registered under The Limited Liability
Partnership Act 2008) in existence as such for a period of at least five years.


Should be any organization (Company, Proprietor, Partnership, LLP, Private Limited etc.)
incorporated between 01 January 2016 to 31 December 2018 in the field of Skilling/ Training/ Related
segments etc.

9.4.2 Essential Conditions

1. The Entity organization shall be the applicant organization. For Example if a private Medical College is
working under a Society, the Society shall be the applicant and NOT the private Medical College.
2. All eligibility parameters and documents shall be linked to the entity.
3. The experience and credentials of Franchisee unit/ organization will not be taken into account.
4. The Experience of the TP/TC for conducting training programs shall be taken into consideration only to the
extent of NSQF aligned trainings conducted by them. Any experience certificate produced by the TP/TC
shall be taken into consideration only if the work done under ' NSQF aligned trainings' has been explicitly
mentioned by the issuing authority.
5. Training Centres having obtained (or will obtain) 4 or 5 STAR SMART accreditation rating and which fall
under the following Category - A, B, C will be eligible to apply under this RFP. The decision of
MPSSDEGB on categorization and acceptability of the Training Center in any of the following Category
shall be final and binding.
6. All entity (Company/Society/NGO/Others) controlling the TPs should be having a minimum Paid up Capital
OR Patronage Fund of INR 10 Lakhs as on 31 July 2018
7. New TCs will be getting their STAR rating from SMART after making their application to MPSSDEGB.
However these TCs that go for SMART accreditation after making application in this RFP will have to
necessarily attain a minimum of 4 Star Rating from SMART. If they fail to obtain the required Star rating
from NSDC- SMART, the training targets allotted to the TP/TC shall be automatically cancelled and will not
attract any claim on MPSSDEGB. However this process will not attract any other penalty on the TP/TC.
8. The criteria of star rating may be relaxed upto 3 Star rating by MPSSDEGB to the following types of
I. Government owned TPs (Central or State Government)
II. TPs of ScPWD

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 22
9.4.3 Declaration
Organizations that submit a Self-declaration regarding non-blacklisting (as per Annexure-12)

9.4.4 Financial Status

Any Organization (Company/Society/Trust/Firm etc.) defined in Clause 9.3 and 9.4 and having an overall
positive net-worth and from conducting Skill Development Programs as on 31.03.2017.

Organizations that submit a CA Certificate certifying, income and expenditure amount (in case of society)/
Profit and loss (in case of Partnership, proprietorship and Company), Annual Turnover and Turnover from
Skilling, Number of Candidates Trained and Placed, Number of States the organization is operating on the
basis of Audited P&L/Income statements for any two Financial Years out of FY 2015-16, FY 2016-17 and FY
2017-18 as per Annexure – 11

9.4.5 Category of Applicants

Category - A
Existing or New Training Partners (As Defined in clause 9.3)

Category - B - Preferred Category of Applicants

I. Existing Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendra (PMKK)

II. Existing or proposed Training Centres of ScPwD
III. Centres promoted for the first time by and located in the campus Institutions including academic and non-
academic institutions run and managed by Private Universities, Private Medical Colleges, Private
Engineering Colleges, Private Polytechnic, Private ITI, etc. and the promoting institution has at least 30%
enrolment of the sanctioned seats in the Academic Year 2018-19.

Category - C - Government Institutions

Direct Allocation to TPs that are Government Institutions including academic and non-academic institutions run
and managed by Central/State government. Example: Government Owned Universities, Government Owned
Engineering College, Government Owned Polytechnic, Government Owned ITIs, CIPET, Government Owned
IITs, Government Owned IIMs, Government Owned Nursing college, Government Owned Paramedical institutions
9.5 Criteria for Technical Evaluation
A Project Appraisal Committee constituted by MPSSDEGB will carry out evaluation of the Technical Proposals
received by it in order to determine whether they are substantially responsive to the requirements set forth in the
Proposal. In order to reach such a determination, the committee will examine the information furnished by the
Applicants, and shall evaluate the same as per the evaluation criteria specified in this proposal. Final score will be
assigned to the Applicants after assessing Technical Proposal document . The technical evaluation shall involve
Document based evaluation of the Technical Proposal

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 23
9.6 Marking criteria for Existing TP (Existing & Proposed TC) & New TP Opting for
evaluation under this criteria (Existing & Proposed TC)
The document based technical evaluation will include the following parameters:
Parameters Means of Verification / Marking Pattern Max
Documentary Proof Marks
PART -A (Organizational Strength) for any two Financial Years out of FY 2015-16, FY 2016-17 and FY
2 Marks for every 200 10
Skilling activity Certificate(s) from respective
candidates placed in Wage
undertaken in past Schemes Authorities/Bodies Employment after their training
by the TP
Total No. of year of Incorporation Certificate 1 Marks for each completed year 05
Existence of existence - Maximum 05
And/or Marks

Act of the Government

establishing the applicant entity
certified by CA
Total Number of NSQF Certificate by CA / Sponsoring 1 Marks for each centre - 10
aligned STT Centres in Agency for operation of at least Maximum 10 Marks
the country one batch in last 2 Financial
Years at the center claimed
PART - B (Proposal Strength)
Location of Training For existing TC: SMART i. Rural or Block location in
Center Registration and CA certified Aspirational/ Underserved
Address Proof Documents District - Alirajpur - 25
For Proposed TC: Rent ii. District Location of
Agreement or Declaration on Aspirational/ Underserved
letterhead District - Alirajpur / Rural
Location in other District-20
iii. Block Location in other
iv. District Location in other
v. Metro City Location
(Other District means District
which is NOT falling under
Aspirational/ Underserved District
of GoI)
Last SMART NSDC Report For Minimum Score of 35 - Nil and
Accreditation Score 1 mark for every point scored
Available above 35
For Score of 36 - 1 Mark
For Maximum Score of 50- 15
Marks 15
Below 35- Application to be
Centres NOT yet obtained
Accreditation Score from NSDC
shall be allotted Nil marks

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 24
Parameters Means of Verification / Marking Pattern Max
Documentary Proof Marks
TPs falling under the Letter of Incorporation / 10 Marks if falling in above
'Preferred-Category of Registration with competent category
Applicants' as defined authority and Proof of being 10
in this RFP operational in FY 2018-19
Proposed job roles in As per List at Annexure- 3 10 Marks for Applications as per
accordance with list, otherwise Nil
district-sector 10
combination list
Availability of ToT Certificate in the applied Job- In the Ratio of 1 Trainer for target 10
Qualified Role valid for at least next 3 of 60 candidates applied - 10
Faculty/Trainers months and registration on NSDC Marks
(Certified by SSC) as Takshashila Portal AND Below- Nil
on the date of Certificate of willingness from the
Application Trainer for the applied TC
Availability of SSC Proforma-Invoice from NSDC As per Availability 05
approved Hindi approved Vendor stating Availability of books for 100% of
Study Books as on availability for a period of the Target applied - 05 Marks
the date of minimum of 6 months for the Less than 100% - Nil
Application applied Target Number

9.7 Marking criteria for NEW Training Partner (Existing & Proposed TC)
New TP has the Option to Choose the Marking Criteria as per Existing OR New TP and accordingly will fill up
Annexure-8A or 8B for submitting the Qualifying Documents/Eligibility Related Documents. The document based
technical evaluation will include the following parameters:
Parameters Means of Verification / Marking Pattern Max
Documentary Proof Marks
PART -A (Organizational Strength)
for any two Financial Years out of FY 2015-16, FY 2016-17 and FY 2017-18
Group - ONE - PART -A (Organizational Strength)
Registration with Start- Self-Certified copy of 15 Marks for Registration 10
up India of GoI as per Registration - Based on
Definition and the definition of startup
Registered before the given by Department of
date of issue of this Industrial Policy &
Promotion (DIPP)
Own OR Rented Self-Certified copy of title 15 Marks for availability 15
premises of minimum deed OR Rent/Lease
1500 SQFT for the agreement
proposed TC
Upto 1 Lakh - Nil 15
Paid up Capital of the Certificate from CA based
More than 1 lakh & Below 3 Lakhs -
entity promoting the TP on Audited Documents 03 Marks
More than 3 lakh & Below 6 Lakhs -
as on the Date of
06 Marks
Application More than 6 lakh & Below 10 Lakhs -
09 Marks
Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 25
Parameters Means of Verification / Marking Pattern Max
Documentary Proof Marks
More than 10 lakh & Below 15 Lakhs
- 12 Marks
More than 15 lakh - 15 Marks
PART - B (Proposal Strength)
Location of Training For existing TC: SMART i. Rural or Block location in
Center Registration and CA Aspirational/ Underserved District -
certified Address Proof Alirajpur - 25
Documents ii. District Location of Aspirational/
For Proposed TC: Rent Underserved District - Alirajpur /
Agreement or Declaration Rural Location in other District-20
on letterhead iii. Block Location in other District-15 25
iv. District Location in other District-10
v. Metro City Location
(Other District means District which is
NOTfalling under Aspirational/
Underserved District of GoI)
TPs falling under the Letter of Incorporation / 10 Marks if falling in above category
'Preferred-Category of Registration with
Applicants' as defined competent authority and 10
in this RFP Proof of being operational
in FY 2018-19
Training Targets Certificate by CA / Target of 60 - 1 Mark
Received for NSQF Sponsoring Agency Target of 120 - 2 Marks
aligned courses by the Target of 180 -3 Marks
TP in last 3 Financial Target of 240 - 4 Marks
years as above Target of 300 and Above - 5 Marks

Proposed job roles in As per List at Annexure - 3 10 Marks for Applications as per list,
accordance with otherwise Nil
district-sector 10
combination list
Availability of ToT Certificate in the In the Ratio of 1 Trainer for target of 60 05
Qualified applied Job-Role valid for candidates applied - 10 Marks
Faculty/Trainers at least next 3 months and Below- Nil
(Certified by SSC) as on registration on NSDC
the date of Takshashila Portal AND
Application Certificate of willingness
from the Trainer for the
applied TC
Availability of SSC Proforma-Invoice from As per Availability 05
approved Hindi Study NSDC approved Vendor Availability of books for 100% of the
Books as on the date stating availability for a Target applied - 05 Marks
of Application period of minimum of 6 Less than 100% - Nil
months for the applied
Target Number

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 26
10.0 Section - E - Training Partner Selection

10.1 Training Partner Selection

1. The applicants would be ranked in accordance with the technical score obtained by them as per technical
evaluation scoring criteria mentioned in Section D above. Post scoring of TPs, a consolidated / final score for all
TPs would be calculated.
2. A ranking sheet of all short-listed TPs would be prepared based on the final score obtained by the TP. It would be
displayed on the designated portal of MPSSDEGB. MPSSDEGB would allocate target based on the ranking sheet,
in order of their ranking, for the purpose of allocation of targets, if the rank of two or more TPs is equal, then the
date of Registration with NSDC shall be taken as seniority.
3. MPSSDEGB reserves the right to either approve or revise the training target proposed by the TP from time-to-time.
In case, a TP is not able to complete the allotted training target in stipulated time period (as mutually agreed
between MPSSDEGB & TP); MPSSDEGB may transfer the allocated target to any other TP.
4. A separate merit list shall be prepared for the applications from NEW Training Partner and a maximum allocation
of 8000 earmarked for the category. However if adequate number of applications are not received, the target shall
be shifted to the other category of applicants under this RFP.
5. A separate merit list shall also be prepared for the applications from 'Existing or proposed Training Centres of
ScPwD' and an allocation of 4000 earmarked for the category. MPSSDEGB has the right to allocate targets to
these centres as per their track record and/or the strength of the proposal over and above the general limit of 60
OR 180 candidates per TC per job-role.
6. MPSSDEGB may also provide relaxation in any or all the criteria based on case-to-case basis.
7. Direct Allocation to TPs that are Government Institutions shall be made by MPSSDEGB and relaxation in RFP
conditions of maximum target and in any or all the criteria may be provided by MPSSDEGB based on case-to-case

10.2 Allocation of Training Targets

1 MPSSDEGB is issuing PMKVY-CSSM targets in convergence with Yuva Swabhiman Scheme of State
Government and allocating targets from the FY 2018-19 and FY 2019-20 allocated to the State.
2 For the Financial year 2019-20, target allocation of 27,390 candidates under STT shall be undertaken under RFP.
However the allocation of Training Targets under this RFP is subject to residual targets after allocation to TP/TC
in convergence with Yuva Swabhiman Scheme.
3 In case such targets are available the following priority shall be exercised:
3.2 First Priority shall be given to the Aspirational Districts of Central Government (Annexure-1).
3.3 Second Priority shall be given to the Underserved District of Central Government (Annexure-1).
3.4 Third Priority shall be given to Blocks/Districts NOT Covered above.
4 The Major Parameters of prospective allocation to ensure geographical spread and distribution across partners
are as follows:
Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 27
4.2 Capping of 360 per Training Center with maximum of 180 per job role for FY 2019-20
4.3 Capping of 60 per Training Center per job role undergoing training at any point of time.
4.4 For Aspirational Districts and Underserved District there would be capping of 1200 per district
4.5 For all other district there would be capping of 720 per district
4.6 Targets will be allocated to maximum 10 Training centers per TP/Organization across the State.
4.7 Targets will be allocated to maximum 1 Training Center per TP in Bhopal, Indore, Jabalpur and Gwalior.
4.8 Training Partners (TP) that have received targets under PMKVY-CSSM from MPSSDEGB in a particular Job-
Role under any of their Training Centres (TC) can apply for the same Job-Role only if they have achieved
50% placement of certified candidates with minimum wage within three months of completion of training .
5 The Maximum Training Target for the following underserved Sectors in PMKVY in Madhya Pradesh shall be 3
times the approved capacity of the TC for the applied Job-Role or 180 whichever is lower.
SN Sector
1 Aerospace & Aviation
2 Automotive
3 Capital Goods
4 Food Processing
5 Gems & Jewellery
6 Green Jobs
7 Handicrafts & Carpets
8 Healthcare
9 Hydrocarbons
10 Infrastructure Equipment
11 Iron & Steel
12 Leather
13 Life Sciences
14 Management and Entrepreneurship & Professional
15 Media & Entertainment
16 Mining
17 Paints & Coatings
18 People with Disability
19 Plumbing
20 Power
21 Rubber
22 Textiles & Handlooms

6 However the above limit of 60 OR 180 candidates per TC per job-role may be relaxed to the following category of
TPs as per their track record and/or the strength of the proposal:
6.2 Government owned TPs (Owned by the Central or the State Government)
6.3 TPs of ScPWD
7 In order to provide training facilities to every area of the state, adequate number of centers will have to be opened
by the Training Service Providers in rural and urban areas. The number of centers and their distribution between
rural and urban areas and Job-Role wise targets will be decided based on the additional guidelines issued by the
MPSSDEGB after the first round of empanelment.

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 28
8 The above represents the broad approach and guidelines for allocation of districts and Job - Role wise targets;
MPSSDEGB reserves the right to make any amendment in the allocation process which it may deem fit.
9 MPSSDEGB reserves the right to modify any or all of the aforementioned conditions for target allotment.
10 The allotted targets would be reviewed on a quarterly basis or as decided by MPSSDEGB. The TPs should make
all possible efforts for inclusion of Women, STs, SCs, OBCs, and other marginalized sections of society as per
their proportion in the total population in the district based on their interests and preferences. This would be one
of the important parameters during the quarterly review and target extension.
11 The targets for subsequent years, upon the discretion of the MPSSDEGB, may be allotted keeping in view the
performance of the TPs and based on geographical / sectoral needs as per the prevalent policies and norms.

10.3 Training Cost

1. Training cost shall be paid on a per hour basis as per the Training Cost guidelines issued by MoSDE based on the
recommendations of the Common Cost Norms committee. The rate will be updated as and when the Common Norms
are revised by MoSDE, GoI through its notification. The training cost will be applicable on the Qualification Packs
based on the category in which the course falls. As per the GOI, Gazette Notification dated 31 Dec 2018 on Common
Norms for Skill Development Schemes Third Amendment 2019 the Category wise training cost effective from 01.04
2019 are as follows:
Category/Module Per hour Rate in Rs. (for FY 2019-20)
Category I 46.70

Category II 40.00

Category III 33.40

GST is exempted for skill development activities.

10.4 Payment Terms

Training cost payments would be paid in three installments as per the Common Norms Notification and
any circular/directions issued by MoSDE, GoI, NSDC and MPSSDEGB.

10.5 Issue of Work Order

A work order will be issued to all the successful applicants by MPSSDEGB.

10.6 Performance Guarantee

After the issue of work order to successful applicants, the Training Provider is required to submit the Performance
Guarantee (PG) equivalent to 5% of the contract value before approval of TP/TC/Batch on the portal within
stipulated time as mentioned in the Schedule of Activities. Failing to submit the PG, if the TP fails to submit the PG
within 15 days of issue of work order, it will be assumed that the TP is not willing to execute the work order. In
such case, the empanelment and Target Allocation of the TP will stand cancelled and the EMD submitted by the
TP shall be forfeited. The PG shall be submitted in the form of a BG and should be valid for a period of minimum
24months.The empaneled TPs are expected to commence the work within 60 days. This would include:
 Mobilization of manpower for candidate registration and setting up a training centre
Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 29
 Submission of work plan for the locations/TC for which the TP is empaneled.

Return of PG: The PG shall be returned after 6 months from the date of fulfilling the placement tracking
obligations under CNN and after adjustment for any deductions.

Forfeiture of PG: PG shall be forfeited in the following cases unless decided otherwise by MPSSDEGB:

a. When any terms and conditions of the Agreement are breached.

b. When the TP fails to provide the services as specified in the PMKVY guidelines, RFP & work order within the
timeframe provided
c. If the TP is found to be indulged in any fraudulent or corrupt practices, the PG will be forfeited.
d. In case of any misrepresentation of facts by the training provider their performance guaranty would be forfeited
and the training provider will be blacklisted for all future RFPs of MPSSDEGB under any scheme.

No interest will be paid by MPSSDEGB on the EMD or PG amount. Notice will be given to the TP before forfeiting
the PG. Forfeiture of PG shall be without prejudice to any other right of MPSSDEGB to claim any damages as
admissible under the law as well as to take such action against the TP such as severing future business relation or
black listing, etc.

10.7 Process Guidelines

The TP will need to follow the PMKVY guidelines and instructions issued by MPSSDEGB from time to time for
conducting any of the activities. The changes made to the PMKVY guidelines and instructions issued by PSSDEGB
will be binding on all the applicants for any/all future activities with respect to the program.

10.8 Service level agreement

The selected TP needs to follow the minimum acceptable level of service standards in implementation of the project
under the scheme.

Performance criteria

By the end of 12th week from the issue of work order, the TP is required to have the total allocated target candidates
under training or completed trained.

Performance Reviews

There will be a monthly/ quarterly review and MPSSDEGB shall review and evaluate the Training Service Provider’s
performance in line with the performance matrix described below.

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 30
Training Service Provider (TP) Performance Matrix

Performance Unit of
SN. Service Level
Indicator measure

1 Training Initiation No of total target allocated candidates undergoing training or

Candidate completed training at the end of 12th week from the date of
under Target Allocation Work Order
All Trainers TOT Certified and registered on Takshashila
portal before start of training

All batches registered for online AEBAS

NSDC approved kit and books available before start of


All candidates distributed kit and books within 3 days of start

of training

Batch Training schedule submitted to MPSSDEGB before

start of the training and also uploaded on the TP portal

Minimum 2 Direction Boards placed for proper identification

of the center for visit of inspection teams

2 Ongoing Training Average Average Attendance of 70% candidates enrolled in the batch
Attendance is more than 70%

Training is going on as per batch training schedule posted by

TP on the TP portal

10.9 Imposition of Penalties

In case of violation of the guidelines, instructions or norms of PMKVY or MPSSDEGB In case of delay in
meeting all conditions of the first criteria the respective TP will be levied a penalty of 01% of total training cost
per day for 07 days. After 07 days the batch will be cancelled and TP need to restart the batch. The penalty
levied shall be adjusted from the payment of the restarted batch.

Illustration Example 1: If any of the conditions of the FIRST Criteria is NOT met for 5 days, the FINAL payment of the
TP for this Particular Batch shall be reduced by 5% and by 07% for not meeting any of the conditions for 07 days. On
the 8th Day the batch will be cancelled and the PENALTY of the Concerned Batch shall be deducted from the PG
submitted by the TP. However the TP shall be allowed to restart the batch so cancelled. For every unsuccessful
attempt by the TP for any batch, the penalty shall be applicable.

Penalty Exception Cases

  If the respective SSC fails to organize Assessment for the respective Batch requested by the TPs
 If delay occurs due to pending affiliation at NSDC/ MPSSDEGB Level

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 31
After completion of the training

The penalty on the performance guarantee will be levied on Training Providers in delay of starting training/post
completion of training based on the following norms:-
a. If a Training Provider is not able to complete the targets in terms of candidates trained and placed, following
matrix would be used by MPSSDEGB for considering percentage of amount of forfeiture of PG submitted by
TP. The percentage mentioned below is in terms of the total training cost which would be recovered from the
Performance Guarantee submitted by the TP. The matrix below shows the different penalty rates for a Training
Placements of trained candidates(%Placed of trained
Less than 20% - 41% - 56%-
20% 40% 55% 70%
Less than 20% 7.5% 6% 4.5% 3.75% 3%
Training Target
20%-40% 5.25% 4.5% 3.75% 3% 2.25%
41% - 60% 4.5% 3.75% 3% 2.25% 1.5%
(% Trained of
61%-80% 3.75% 3% 2.25% 1.5% .75%
target allocated)
More than 80% 3% 3% 1.5% .75% Nil

Example 1: If the placement of the trained candidates is less than 20% of the total trained candidate and the training
target achieved is less than 20% of total candidates allocated, a 7.5% penalty of the Total Training cost will be levied on
the TP would be recovered from the performance guarantee and training cost of successfully trained candidates.

Example 2: If the placement of the trained candidates is greater than or equal to 20% but less than or equal to 40% of
the total trained candidate and the training target achieved is greater than or equal to 20% but less than or equal to 40%
of total candidates allocated, a 4.5% penalty on the Total Training cost will be levied on the TP and would be recovered
from the performance guarantee.

NOTE: The total penalty levied as per all clauses should not be greater than 7.5% of the total training cost of
the Training Service Provider. The deduction in performance guarantee will be calculated accordingly keeping
in view that the total penalty levied is not greater than 7.5% of total training cost.

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 32
11.0 Section F - Scope of Work
The scope of work to be undertaken by the empaneled Training Service Provider will be as follows:

11.1 Mobilization, counseling and registration of eligible candidates

a. Awareness creation in the district/Block in which the TP has been empaneled
b. Counseling for the job seekers
c. Registration of interested candidates for the courses being run by the TP
d. Selected TPs ensure that there is no duplication in terms of selection of trainees i.e. the enrolled trainees
should not be trained under MMKSY/MMKY/ITI/DDU-GKY / PMKVY-CSCM / any other schemes sponsored
by Central / State Government or District Administration in the particular QP/Trade/Module for the trainees
is enrolled in a batch. Similarly s/he should also not be trained in any other QP/Trade/Module under
aforementioned schemes/ programmes in the past six months. The MPSSDEGB may cross-verify the
databases of enrolled trainees under these schemes with the databases of other schemes. If the Second
Party is found violating this condition, strict action up to the extent of blacklisting the Second Party, would
be taken by the MPSDDEGB.

11.2 Course and curriculum design

a. The TP shall follow QP/NOS based courses.
b. TP needs to mention the sector in which it intends to provide training in the Technical Proposal.
c. TP would inform MPSSDEGB the QP/NOS selected by them, post empanelment.
d. Training Service Provider will have to prepare the course content as per the QP/NOS norms prescribed by
the concerned Sector Skill Council (SSC) and the same will have to be validated by MPSSDEGB before
initiation of the training programmes or at the time of Centre Affiliation.
e. In case QP/NOS for a trade are not available, then the Empowered Committee of State Government may
decide on commencement of such training programmes. The norms of the training would be decided by this
committee on case-to-case basis.

11.3 Training
a. Setting up of Training Centre by the Training Service Provider
b. Installation of biometric devices and CCTV cameras (as per the specifications specified by NSDC/
MPSSDEGB/NIC) at the training centre has to be ensured prior to the commencement of the training
c. Getting the training centre affiliated by NSDC SMART
d. Onboarding on the NIC Skill Attendance Portal
e. The TPs will have to assign trainers to the batches
f. The trainers for QP/NOS batches will have to be certified by respective SSCs
g. Conducting training of the registered candidates
h. Ensuring involvement of local and sectoral industries for
 
 Conducting training programmes as per industry needs
 
Quality assessment of training programmes
Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 33
 
 On-the-Job training
 
Placement of trained candidates

11.4 Apprenticeship
TPs are encouraged to link their candidates to Apprenticeship

11.5 Placement of candidates

A minimum placement of 70% (minimum 50% wage and maximum 20% self-employment) would be mandatory for
Training Service Providers. Failing to achieve minimum placement requirement may lead to monetary penalty or de-
registration of Training Service Provider. The TP will make sure of the following:
a. Placing the trained candidates in industries through placement tie-ups
b. Bank linkages for candidates who opt for self-employment

11.6 Post placement tracking

a. The TP will have to maintain a tracking system of all candidates placed and report the status on a
monthly basis. MPSSDEGB retains the right to validate the reports from the employer/trainees.
b. Post placement tracking of the candidates who are placed in the industries

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 34
12.0 Section G - Annexures
Annexure – 1: List of Aspirational / Underserved Districts and Blocks
Annexure – 1- A: List of Aspirational districts declared by Government of India
S.No. District Blocks
1 Barwani Barwani
2 Barwani Niwali
3 Barwani Pansemal
4 Barwani Pati
5 Barwani Rajpur
6 Barwani Sendhwa
7 Barwani Thikari
8 Chhatarpur Chhatarpur
9 Chhatarpur Rajanagar
10 Chhatarpur Nowgong
11 Chhatarpur Loundi
12 Chhatarpur Gourihar
13 Chhatarpur Bijawar
14 Chhatarpur Badamalhara
15 Chhatarpur Bakswaha
16 Damoh Damoh
17 Damoh Pathariya
18 Damoh Jabera
19 Damoh Tendukheda
20 Damoh Hatta
21 Damoh Patera
22 Damoh Batiyagarh
23 Guna Guna
24 Guna Bamori
25 Guna Chachora
26 Guna Raghogarh
27 Guna Aron
28 Khandwa Khandwa
29 Khandwa Punasa
30 Khandwa Chhegaon Makhan
31 Khandwa Pandhana
32 Khandwa Harsud
33 Khandwa Khalwa
34 Khandwa Baldi (Killod)
35 Rajgarh Rajgarh
36 Rajgarh Baiora
37 Rajgarh Jeerapur
38 Rajgarh Khilchipur
39 Rajgarh Narsinghgarh
40 Rajgarh Sarangpur
41 Singrauli Devsar
42 Singrauli Chitrangi
43 Singrauli Baidhan
44 Vidisha Vidisha
45 Vidisha Gyaraspur
46 Vidisha Basauda
Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 35
47 Vidisha Nateran
48 Vidisha Kurwai
49 Vidisha Sironj
50 Vidisha Lateri

Annexure – 1- B: List of Underserved district declared by Government of India

S.No. District Blocks
1 Alirajpur Katthiwada
2 Alirajpur Udaigarh
3 Alirajpur Alirajpur
4 Alirajpur Jobat
5 Alirajpur Bhavra
6 Alirajpur Sondawa

Annexure - 2 – List of Job-Roles

List 1 (Annexure - 2): Job Roles under PMKVY STT - Open to all Applicants
SN Sector Name of the QP QPRef.ID
Level hours duration
for QP

1 Aerospace & Aviation Airline Cargo Assistant AAS/Q0103 3 192

2 Aerospace & Aviation Airline Baggage Handler AAS/Q0104 3 192
3 Aerospace & Aviation Airline Customer Service Executive AAS/Q0301 4 240
4 Aerospace & Aviation Airline Security Executive AAS/Q0601 3 240
5 Aerospace & Aviation Airline Reservation Agent AAS/Q0302 4 240
6 Agriculture Animal Health Worker AGR/Q4804 3 300
7 Agriculture Aqua Culture Worker AGR/Q4904 3 200
8 Agriculture Beekeeper AGR/Q5301 4 200
9 Agriculture Broiler Poultry Farm Worker AGR/Q4302 3 210
10 Agriculture Dairy Farmer/Entrepreneur AGR/Q4101 4 200
11 Agriculture Layer Farm Worker AGR/Q4307 3 200
12 Agriculture Floriculturist - Open cultivation AGR/Q0701 4 200
13 Agriculture Floriculturist - Protected cultivation AGR/Q0702 4 200
14 Agriculture Greenhouse Operator AGR/Q1003 3 200
15 Agriculture Micro irrigation Technician AGR/Q1002 4 200
16 Agriculture Organic Grower AGR/Q1201 4 200
17 Agriculture Quality Seed Grower AGR/Q7101 4 200
18 Agriculture Small poultry farmer AGR/Q4306 4 240
19 Agriculture Tractor operator AGR/Q1101 4 200
20 Agriculture Artificial Insemination Technician AGR/Q4803 3 400
21 Agriculture Mushroom Grower (small entrepreneur) AGR/Q7803 4 200

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 36
SN Sector Name of the QP QPRef.ID
Level hours duration
for QP
22 Agriculture Ornamental fish technician AGR/Q4910 4 200
23 Agriculture Seed Processing Worker AGR/Q7102 3 200
Apparel, Made-Ups &
24 Export Assistant AMH/Q1601 4 270
25 Automotive Automotive Service Technician (Two and ASC/Q1411 4 450
Three Wheelers)
26 Automotive Automotive Service Technician Level 3 ASC/Q1401 3 446
27 Automotive Commercial Vehicle Driver Level 4 ASC/Q9703 4 400
28 Automotive Forklift Operator (Driver) ASC/Q9707 4 300
29 Automotive Sales Consultant (Automotive finance) ASC/Q2001 4 400
30 Automotive Taxi Driver ASC/Q9705 4 220
Banking, Financial Goods & Services Tax (GST) Accounts
31 BSC/Q0910 4 100
Services and Insurance Assistant
32 Beauty & Wellness Yoga Instructor BWS/Q2201 4 226
33 Capital Goods Fitter – Electrical and Electronic Assembly CSC/Q0305 3 500
34 Construction Mason Tiling CON/Q0104 4 400
35 Construction Mason General CON/Q0103 4 400
36 Construction Shuttering Carpenter System CON/Q0304 4 400
37 Construction Scaffolder System CON/Q0305 4 404
38 Construction Construction Painter and Decorator CON/Q0503 3 400
39 Domestic Worker Child Care taker DWC/Q0201 3 200
40 Domestic Worker General Housekeeper DWC/Q0102 3 200
41 Domestic Worker Housekeeper cum Cook DWC/Q0101 3 400
42 Domestic Worker Elderly Caretaker (Non-Clinical) DWC/Q0801 3 200
43 Electronics & Hardware CCTV Installation Technician ELE/Q4605 4 360
44 Electronics & Hardware DTH Set Top Box Installation & Service ELE/Q8101 4 200
Field Technician - Computing and
45 Electronics & Hardware ELE/Q4601 4 300
46 Electronics & Hardware Field Technician - Networking and Storage ELE/Q4606 4 360
47 Electronics & Hardware Field Technician - Other Home Appliances ELE/Q3104 4 360
48 Electronics & Hardware LED Light Repair Technician ELE/Q9302 4 360
49 Electronics & Hardware Mobile Phone Hardware Repair Technician ELE/Q8104 4 360
50 Electronics & Hardware Solar Panel Installation Technician ELE/Q5901 4 400
51 Food Processing Assistant Lab Technician - Food and FIC/Q7601 4 240
Agricultural Commodities
52 Food Processing Baking Technician FIC/Q5005 4 240
53 Food Processing Butter and Ghee Processing Operator FIC/Q2003 4 240
54 Food Processing Cold Storage Technician FIC/Q7004 4 250
55 Food Processing Dairy Processing Equipment Operator FIC/Q2002 4 240

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 37
SN Sector Name of the QP QPRef.ID
Level hours duration
for QP
56 Food Processing Fish and Sea Food Processing Technician FIC/Q4001 4 240
57 Food Processing Fruit Pulp Processing Technician FIC/Q0106 4 240
58 Food Processing Fruit Ripening Technician FIC/Q0104 4 240
59 Food Processing Fruits and Vegetables Canning Technician FIC/Q0107 4 240
60 Food Processing Fruits and Vegetables Drying/ Dehydration FIC/Q0105 4 240
61 Food Processing Fruits and Vegetables Selection In-Charge FIC/Q0108 3 240
62 Food Processing Ice Cream Processing Technician FIC/Q2004 4 240
Jam, Jelly and Ketchup Processing
63 Food Processing FIC/Q0103 4 240
64 Food Processing Mixing Technician FIC/Q5004 4 240
65 Food Processing Modified Atmosphere Storage Technician FIC/Q7003 4 240
66 Food Processing Pickle Making Technician FIC/Q0102 4 240
67 Food Processing Plant Biscuit Production Specialist FIC/Q5003 4 240
68 Food Processing Pulse Processing Technician FIC/Q1004 4 150
69 Food Processing Purchase Assistant - Food and Agricultural FIC/Q7005 4 240
70 Food Processing Squash and Juice Processing Technician FIC/Q0101 4 240
71 Food Processing Traditional Snack and Savoury Maker FIC/Q8501 4 240
72 Food Processing Offal Collector FIC/Q3005 4 240
73 Food Processing Spice Processing Technician FIC/Q8502 4 240
74 Green Jobs Solar PV Installer - Civil SGJ/Q0103 4 180
75 Green Jobs Solar PV Installer - Electrical SGJ/Q0102 4 200
76 Green Jobs Solar PV Installer (Suryamitra) SGJ/Q0101 4 300
77 Handicrafts & Carpets Bamboo Basket Maker HCS/Q8704 3 240
78 Handicrafts & Carpets Bamboo Mat Weaver HCS/Q8702 3 240
79 Handicrafts & Carpets Bamboo Utility Handicraft Assembler HCS/Q8705 3 230
80 Handicrafts & Carpets Engraving artisan (Metal Handicrafts) HCS/Q2902 4 280
81 Handicrafts & Carpets Handloom Weaver (Carpets) HCS/Q5412 3 270
82 Handicrafts & Carpets Stamping operator (Metal Handicrafts) HCS/Q2802 4 200
83 Healthcare Emergency Medical Technician - Basic HSS/Q2301 4 240
84 Healthcare Front Line Health Worker HSS/Q8601 3 225
85 Healthcare General Duty Assistant HSS/Q5101 4 240
86 Healthcare Home Health Aide HSS/Q5102 4 240
87 Healthcare Pharmacy Assistant HSS/Q5401 4 200
88 Infrastructure Equipment Backhoe Loader Operator IES/Q0101 4 210
89 Infrastructure Equipment Excavator Operator IES/Q0103 4 210
90 Infrastructure Equipment Junior Backhoe Operator IES/Q0102 3 150
91 Infrastructure Equipment Junior Excavator Operator IES/Q0104 3 170
92 Infrastructure Equipment Junior Mechanic – Elec/Electronics/ IES/Q1106 3 160

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 38
SN Sector Name of the QP QPRef.ID
Level hours duration
for QP
93 Infrastructure Equipment Junior Mechanic (Engine) IES/Q1102 3 160
94 Infrastructure Equipment Junior Mechanic (Hydraulic) IES/Q1104 3 160
95 Infrastructure Equipment Junior Operator Crane IES/Q0111 3 150
96 Iron & Steel Fitter - Instrumentation ISC/Q1102 3 300
97 Iron & Steel Fitter Electrical Assembly ISC/Q1001 3 310
98 Iron & Steel Fitter Electronic Assembly ISC/Q1101 3 300
99 Iron & Steel Rigger : Rigging of heavy material ISC/Q0908 3 250
100 Leather Stitcher (Goods & Garments) LSS/Q5501 4 200
101 Leather Moulding Operator LSS/Q7501 4 200
102 Leather Post Tanning Machine Operator LSS/Q0701 4 200
103 Leather Pre- Assembly Operator LSS/Q2601 4 200
Management and
104 Unarmed Security Guard MEP/Q7101 4 160
& Professional
Management and
105 Secretary MEP/Q0201 4 1080
& Professional
Management and
106 Office Assistant MEP/Q0202 3 180
& Professional
107 Media & Entertainment Make-up artist MES/Q1801 4 240
108 Media & Entertainment Hairdresser MES/Q1802 4 240
109 Media & Entertainment Editor MES/Q1401 4 240
110 Media & Entertainment Sound Editor MES/Q3404 4 240
111 Mining Jack Hammer Operator MIN/Q0212 4 250
112 Mining Mining - Wire saw Operator MIN/Q0203 4 510
113 Mining Mining - Loader Operator MIN/Q0208 4 510
114 Mining Mining - Mechanic / Fitter MIN/Q0304 3 330
115 Mining Mine Electrician MIN/Q0416 4 540
116 Mining Mine Welder MIN/Q0423 4 350
117 People with Disability* Retail Sales Associate PWR/Q0104 4* 280
Housekeeping Attendant (Manual
118 People with Disability* Cleaning) PWT/Q0203 3* 250
119 People with Disability* Food & Beverage Service-Steward PWT/Q0301 4* 300
120 People with Disability* CRM Domestic Non-Voice PWD/SSC/Q2211 4* 400
121 People with Disability* Domestic Data Entry Operator PWD/SSC/Q2212 4* 400
122 People with Disability* Customer Care Executive (Call Centre) PWD/TEL/Q0100 4* 200
123 People with Disability* Dairy Farmer/ Entrepreneur PWD/AGR/Q4101 4* 200
124 People with Disability* Hand Embroiderer PWD/AMH/Q1001 4* 200
125 People with Disability* Telecom -In-store promoter PWD/TEL/Q2101 4* 200
Jam, Jelly and Ketchup Processing
126 People with Disability* PWD/FIC/Q0103 4* 240
Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 39
SN Sector Name of the QP QPRef.ID
Level hours duration
for QP
127 People with Disability* Packer PWD/AMH/Q1407 3* 180
128 People with Disability* Pickle Making Technician PWD/FIC/Q0102 4* 240
129 People with Disability* Handmade Gold and Gems-set Jewellery - PWD/G&J/Q0701 3* 150
Polisher and Cleaner
130 People with Disability* Room Attendant PWD/THC/Q0202 4* 320
131 People with Disability* Sewing Machine Operator PWD/AMH/Q0301 4* 270
132 People with Disability* Retail Trainee Associate PWD/RAS/Q0103 3* 280
133 People with Disability* Assistant Spa Therapist PWD/BWS/Q1001 3* 300
134 Plumbing Plumber (After Sales Service) PSC/Q0303 3 200
135 Power Distribution Lineman PSS/Q0102 4 350
136 Power Consumer Energy Meter Technician PSS/Q0107 3 350
137 Power Assistant-Electricity-Meter-Reader-Billing- PSS/Q3001 3 200
Assistant Technician -Street Light
138 Power PSS/Q6003 3 200
& Maintenance
Technician- Distribution Transformer
139 Power Repair PSS/Q3003 4 350
140 Power Attendant Sub-Station (66/11, 33/11 KV)- PSS/Q3002 3 350
Power Distribution
141 Power Electrician Domestic Solutions PSS/Q6001 3 350
142 Retail Retail Sales Associate RAS/Q0104 4 280
143 Retail Retail Trainee Associate RAS/Q0103 3 280
144 Rubber Mill Operator RSC/Q0101 4 350
145 Rubber Rubber Nursery Worker - General RSC/Q6005 4 200
146 Rubber Latex Harvest Technician (Tapper) RSC/Q6103 4 200
147 Rubber General Worker - Rubber Plantation RSC/Q6107 4 200
148 Rubber Material Handling and Storage Operator RSC/Q0108 4 350
149 Sports Fitness Trainer SPF/Q1102 4 250
150 Sports Sports Masseur SPF/Q1103 4 200
151 Telecom Customer Care Executive (Call Centre) TEL/Q0100 4 200
152 Telecom Customer Care Executive TEL/Q0101 4 200
(Relationship Centre)
153 Telecom Customer Care Executive (Repair Centre) TEL/Q2200 4 200
154 Telecom Distributor Sales Representative TEL/Q2100 4 200
Field Sales Executive-Telecom Plan &
155 Telecom TEL/Q0200 4 200
156 Telecom Grass Root Telecom Provider (GRTP) TEL/Q6207 4 300
157 Telecom Handset Repair Engineer TEL/Q2201 4 300
158 Telecom Telecom -In-store promoter TEL/Q2101 4 200
159 Telecom Optical Fiber Technician TEL/Q6401 4 300
160 Telecom Sales Executive (Broadband) TEL/Q0201 4 200
Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 40
SN Sector Name of the QP QPRef.ID
Level hours duration
for QP
161 Telecom Telecom Terminal Equipment Application TEL/Q2300 4 250
Developer (Android Application)
162 Telecom Telecom- Tower Technician TEL/Q4100 4 300
163 Telecom Broadband Technician TEL/Q0102 4 300
164 Telecom Optical Fiber Splicer TEL/Q6400 3 300
165 Tourism & Hospitality Front Office Associate THC/Q0102 4 280

List 3 (Annexure - 2): PMKVY Job roles Re-allocation - Open Only for Reallocation to TPs from FY-2017-
18 after completing verified placement as per CNN
SN Sector Name of the QP QPRef.ID Minimum hours
duration for QP
1 Agriculture Gardener AGR/Q0801 4 300
Apparel, Made-Ups & Home
2 Hand Embroiderer AMH/Q1001 4 200
Apparel, Made-Ups & Home
3 Inline Checker AMH/Q0102 3 270
Apparel, Made-Ups & Home
4 Packer AMH/Q1407 3 180
Apparel, Made-Ups & Home
5 Self Employed Tailor AMH/Q1947 4 340
Apparel, Made-Ups & Home
6 Sewing Machine Operator AMH/Q0301 4 270
7 Beauty & Wellness Pedicurist and Manicurist BWS/Q0402 3 250
8 Beauty & Wellness Assistant Nail Technician BWS/Q0401 3 200
9 Beauty & Wellness Assistant Hair Stylist BWS/Q0201 3 300
10 Beauty & Wellness Hair Stylist BWS/Q0202 4 350
11 Beauty & Wellness Assistant Beauty Therapist BWS/Q0101 3 250
12 Beauty & Wellness Beauty Therapist BWS/Q0102 4 350
13 Capital Goods CNC Operator - Turning CSC/Q0115 3 400
14 Capital Goods Draughtsman - Mechanical CSC/Q0402 4 400
15 Capital Goods Fitter - Fabrication CSC/Q0303 3 500
16 Capital Goods Fitter – Mechanical Assembly CSC/Q0304 3 500
Manual Metal Arc Welding/Shielded
17 Capital Goods CSC/Q0204 3 500
Metal Arc Welding Welder
18 Construction Mason General CON/Q0103 4 400
19 Construction Assistant Electrician CON/Q0602 3 400
20 Electronics & Hardware TV Repair Technician ELE/Q3101 4 360
Cast and diamonds-set jewellery - Hand
21 Gems & Jewellery G&J/Q2301 3 150
Sketch Designer (Basic)
Handmade Gold and Gems-set Jewellery
22 Gems & Jewellery G&J/Q0604 4 240
- Goldsmith - Frame
23 Handicrafts & Carpets Hand Rolled Agarbatti Maker HCS/Q7901 3 300

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 41
SN Sector Name of the QP QPRef.ID Minimum hours
duration for QP
24 Healthcare Diabetes Educator HSS/Q8701 4 240
25 Healthcare Diet Assistant HSS/Q5201 4 300
26 Iron & Steel Fitter : Levelling , alignment , balancing ISC/Q0905 3 330
27 IT-ITES CRM Domestic Non -Voice SSC/Q2211 4 400
28 IT-ITES Domestic Biometric data operator SSC/Q2213 4 400
29 IT-ITES Domestic Data entry Operator SSC/Q2212 4 400
30 IT-ITES Domestic IT helpdesk Attendant SSC/Q0110 4 400
31 Leather Stitching Operator LSS/Q2501 4 300
32 Life Sciences Medical Sales Representative LFS/Q0401 4 480
33 Logistics Warehouse Picker LSC/Q2102 3 270
34 Logistics Warehouse Packer LSC/Q2303 3 270
35 Logistics Inventory Clerk LSC/Q2108 3 250
36 Logistics Consignment Booking Assistant LSC/Q1120 3 270
37 Logistics Consignment Tracking Executive LSC/Q1121 3 270
38 Logistics Documentation Assistant LSC/Q1122 4 270
39 Logistics Courier Delivery Executive LSC/Q3023 3 270
Management and
40 Entrepreneurship & Unarmed Security Guard MEP/Q7101 4 160
41 Media & Entertainment Animator MES/Q0701 4 240
42 Media & Entertainment Character Designer MES/Q0502 4 240
43 Mining Mining - Safety Operator MIN/Q0437 4 210
44 Plumbing Plumber (General) PSC/Q0104 3 410
45 Retail Distributor Salesman RAS/Q0604 4 280
46 Textiles & Handlooms Warper TSC/Q7302 3 300
47 Tourism & Hospitality Counter Sale Executive THC/Q2903 4 240
48 Tourism & Hospitality Food & Beverage Service-Steward THC/Q0301 4 300
Housekeeping Attendant (Manual
49 Tourism & Hospitality THC/Q0203 3 250
50 Tourism & Hospitality Multi-cuisine Cook THC/Q3006 4 500
51 Tourism & Hospitality Room Attendant THC/Q0202 4 300

List 4 (Annexure - 2): Job Roles under PMKK - Open Only for PMKK in Madhya Pradesh
NSQF Minimum
SN Sector Name of the QP QPRef.ID
Level hours duration
for QP
1 Agriculture Gardener AGR/Q0801 4 300
Apparel, Made-Ups & Home
2 Hand Embroiderer AMH/Q1001 4 200
Apparel, Made-Ups & Home
3 Inline Checker AMH/Q0102 3 270
4 Apparel, Made-Ups & Home Packer AMH/Q1407 3 180
Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 42
NSQF Minimum
SN Sector Name of the QP QPRef.ID
Level hours duration
for QP
Apparel, Made-Ups & Home
5 Pressman AMH/Q0401 4 270
Apparel, Made-Ups & Home
6 Self Employed Tailor AMH/Q1947 4 340
Apparel, Made-Ups & Home
7 Sewing Machine Operator AMH/Q0301 4 270
Apparel, Made-Ups & Home
8 Sewing Machine Operator- Knits AMH/Q0305 4 300
9 Beauty & Wellness Pedicurist and Manicurist BWS/Q0402 3 250
10 Beauty & Wellness Assistant Hair Stylist BWS/Q0201 3 300
11 Beauty & Wellness Hair Stylist BWS/Q0202 4 350
12 Beauty & Wellness Assistant Beauty Therapist BWS/Q0101 3 250
13 Beauty & Wellness Beauty Therapist BWS/Q0102 4 350
14 Capital Goods CNC Operator - Turning CSC/Q0115 3 400
15 Capital Goods Draughtsman - Mechanical CSC/Q0402 4 400
16 Capital Goods Fitter - Fabrication CSC/Q0303 3 500
17 Capital Goods Fitter – Mechanical Assembly CSC/Q0304 3 500
Manual Metal Arc Welding/Shielded
18 Capital Goods CSC/Q0204 3 500
Metal Arc Welding Welder
19 Construction Mason General CON/Q0103 4 400
20 Construction Bar Bender and Steel Fixer CON/Q0203 4 400
21 Construction Assistant Electrician CON/Q0602 3 400
22 Construction Construction Painter and Decorator CON/Q0503 3 400
23 Electronics & Hardware TV Repair Technician ELE/Q3101 4 360
Cast and diamonds-set jewellery - CAD
24 Gems & Jewellery G&J/Q2303 4 360
Handmade Gold and Gems-set
25 Gems & Jewellery G&J/Q0603 3 150
- Goldsmith - Components
26 Healthcare Diabetes Educator HSS/Q8701 4 360
27 Healthcare Vision Technician HSS/Q3001 3 425
28 Iron & Steel Bearing maintenance ISC/Q0906 3 300
29 Iron & Steel Fitter : Levelling , alignment , balancing ISC/Q0905 3 330
30 IT-ITES CRM Domestic Non -Voice SSC/Q2211 4 400
31 IT-ITES CRM Domestic Voice SSC/Q2210 4 400
32 IT-ITES Domestic Data entry Operator SSC/Q2212 4 400
33 IT-ITES Domestic IT helpdesk Attendant SSC/Q0110 4 400
34 IT-ITES Junior Software Developer SSC/Q0508 4 400
35 Leather Cutter- Footwear LSS/Q2301 4 300
36 Leather Stitching Operator LSS/Q2501 4 300
37 Life Sciences Medical Sales Representative LFS/Q0401 4 480
38 Life Sciences Lab Technician/ Assistant - Life Sciences LFS/Q0509 3 230
39 Logistics Warehouse Picker LSC/Q2102 3 270
Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 43
NSQF Minimum
SN Sector Name of the QP QPRef.ID
Level hours duration
for QP
40 Logistics Warehouse Packer LSC/Q2303 3 270
41 Logistics Inventory Clerk LSC/Q2108 3 250
42 Logistics Consignment Booking Assistant LSC/Q1120 3 270
43 Logistics Consignment Tracking Executive LSC/Q1121 3 270
44 Logistics Documentation Assistant LSC/Q1122 4 270
45 Logistics Courier Delivery Executive LSC/Q3023 3 270
Management and
46 Entrepreneurship & Unarmed Security Guard MEP/Q7101 4 160
47 Media & Entertainment Animator MES/Q0701 4 240
48 Mining Mining - Safety Operator MIN/Q0437 4 210
49 Plumbing Plumber (General) PSC/Q0104 3 410
50 Retail Distributor Salesman RAS/Q0604 4 280
51 Tourism & Hospitality Counter Sale Executive THC/Q2903 4 240
52 Tourism & Hospitality Food & Beverage Service-Steward THC/Q0301 4 300
53 Tourism & Hospitality Home Delivery Boy THC/Q2902 3 200
Housekeeping Attendant (Manual
54 Tourism & Hospitality THC/Q0203 3 250
55 Tourism & Hospitality Room Attendant THC/Q0202 4 300
56 Tourism & Hospitality Street Food Vendor-Standalone THC/Q3007 4 290
57 Tourism & Hospitality Travel Consultant THC/Q4404 4 230

List 5 (Annexure - 2): Job Roles under PMKVY CSSM (Any NSQF aligned job roles of level 3-5) - Open to
All Applicants
S.No Sector Name of the QP QPRef.ID TOTAL
duration for QP
1 Aerospace & Aviation Airline Cargo Assistant AAS/Q0103 3 240
2 Aerospace & Aviation Airline Baggage Handler AAS/Q0104 3 240
3 Aerospace & Aviation Airline Customer Service Executive AAS/Q0301 4 240
4 Aerospace & Aviation Airline Security Executive AAS/Q0601 3 240
5 Aerospace & Aviation Airline Reservation Agent AAS/Q0302 4 240
6 Agriculture Animal Health Worker AGR/Q4804 3 300
7 Agriculture Aqua Culture Worker AGR/Q4904 3 200
8 Agriculture Artificial Insemination Technician AGR/Q4803 3 400
9 Agriculture Bamboo Grower AGR/Q6101 4 200
10 Agriculture Beekeeper AGR/Q5301 4 200
11 Agriculture Broiler Poultry Farm Worker AGR/Q4302 3 210
12 Agriculture Dairy Farmer/Entrepreneur AGR/Q4101 4 200
13 Agriculture Layer Farm Worker AGR/Q4307 3 200
14 Agriculture Floriculturist - Open cultivation AGR/Q0701 4 200

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 44
S.No Sector Name of the QP QPRef.ID TOTAL
duration for QP
15 Agriculture Floriculturist - Protected cultivation AGR/Q0702 4 200
16 Agriculture Gardener AGR/Q0801 4 300
17 Agriculture Greenhouse Operator AGR/Q1003 3 200
18 Agriculture Hatchery Incharge AGR/Q4401 5 200
19 Agriculture Micro irrigation Technician AGR/Q1002 4 200
20 Agriculture Organic Grower AGR/Q1201 4 200
21 Agriculture Paddy Farmer AGR/Q0101 4 200
22 Agriculture Quality Seed Grower AGR/Q7101 4 200
23 Agriculture Seed Processing Worker AGR/Q7102 3 200
24 Agriculture Hatchery Operator AGR/Q4402 3 200
25 Agriculture Small poultry farmer AGR/Q4306 4 240
26 Agriculture Sugarcane Cultivator AGR/Q0203 4 200
27 Agriculture Tractor operator AGR/Q1101 4 200
Apparel, Made-Ups &
28 Export Assistant AMH/Q1601 4 270
Home Furnishing
Apparel, Made-Ups &
29 Hand Embroiderer AMH/Q1001 4 200
Home Furnishing
Apparel, Made-Ups &
30 Inline Checker AMH/Q0102 3 270
Home Furnishing
Apparel, Made-Ups &
31 Packer AMH/Q1407 3 180
Home Furnishing
Apparel, Made-Ups &
32 Pressman AMH/Q0401 4 270
Home Furnishing
Apparel, Made-Ups &
33 Production Supervisor (Sewing) AMH/Q2101 5 720
Home Furnishing
Apparel, Made-Ups &
34 Self Employed Tailor AMH/Q1947 4 340
Home Furnishing
Apparel, Made-Ups &
35 Sewing Machine Operator AMH/Q0301 4 270
Home Furnishing
Apparel, Made-Ups &
36 Sewing Machine Operator- Knits AMH/Q0305 4 300
Home Furnishing
Apparel, Made-Ups &
37 Washing Machine Operator AMH/Q1810 4 300
Home Furnishing
Automotive Service Technician (Two and
38 Automotive ASC/Q1411 4 450
Three Wheelers)
39 Automotive Automotive Service Technician Level 3 ASC/Q1401 3 446
40 Automotive Commercial Vehicle Driver Level 4 ASC/Q9703 4 400
41 Automotive Forklift Operator (Driver) ASC/Q9707 4 300
42 Automotive Sales Consultant (Automotive finance) ASC/Q2001 4 400
43 Automotive Sales Consultant Level 4 ASC/Q1001 4 250
44 Automotive Showroom Hostess/Host ASC/Q1103 3 200
45 Automotive Taxi Driver ASC/Q9705 4 220
46 Automotive Telecaller ASC/Q1105 4 220
47 Beauty & Wellness Assistant Spa Therapist BWS/Q1001 3 300
48 Beauty & Wellness Pedicurist and Manicurist BWS/Q0402 3 250

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 45
S.No Sector Name of the QP QPRef.ID TOTAL
duration for QP
49 Beauty & Wellness Assistant Nail Technician BWS/Q0401 3 200
50 Beauty & Wellness Assistant Hair Stylist BWS/Q0201 3 300
51 Beauty & Wellness Hair Stylist BWS/Q0202 4 350
52 Beauty & Wellness Assistant Beauty Therapist BWS/Q0101 3 250
53 Beauty & Wellness Beauty Therapist BWS/Q0102 4 350
54 Beauty & Wellness Yoga Instructor BWS/Q2201 4 226
Banking, Financial
Services Goods & Services Tax (GST)
55 BSC/Q0910 4 100
and Insurance Accounts Assistant
56 Capital Goods CNC Operator - Turning CSC/Q0115 3 400
57 Capital Goods Draughtsman - Mechanical CSC/Q0402 4 400
Fitter – Electrical and Electronic
58 Capital Goods CSC/Q0305 3 500
59 Capital Goods Fitter - Fabrication CSC/Q0303 3 500
60 Capital Goods Fitter – Mechanical Assembly CSC/Q0304 3 500
Manual Metal Arc Welding/Shielded
61 Capital Goods CSC/Q0204 3 500
Metal Arc Welding Welder
Metal Inert Gas / Metal Active Gas /Gas
62 Capital Goods CSC/Q0209 4 600
Metal Arc Welder (MIG/MAG/GMAW)
63 Construction Mason General CON/Q0103 4 400
64 Construction Mason Tiling CON/Q0104 4 400
65 Construction Mason Concrete CON/Q0105 3 400
66 Construction Bar Bender and Steel Fixer CON/Q0203 4 400
67 Construction Shuttering Carpenter System CON/Q0304 4 400
68 Construction Scaffolder System CON/Q0305 4 404
69 Construction Assistant Electrician CON/Q0602 3 400
70 Construction Construction Painter and Decorator CON/Q0503 3 400
71 Construction Tack Welder CON/Q1251 3 408
72 Electronics & Hardware Assembly Operator - RAC ELE/Q3501 4 360
73 Electronics & Hardware CCTV Installation Technician ELE/Q4605 4 360
DTH Set Top Box Installation & Service
74 Electronics & Hardware ELE/Q8101 4 200
75 Electronics & Hardware Field Engineer - RACW ELE/Q3105 5 360
Field Technician - Computing and
76 Electronics & Hardware ELE/Q4601 4 300
Field Technician - Networking and
77 Electronics & Hardware ELE/Q4606 4 360
Field Technician - Other Home
78 Electronics & Hardware ELE/Q3104 4 360
79 Electronics & Hardware Field Technician - UPS and Inverter ELE/Q7201 4 360
Installation Technician - Computing and
80 Electronics & Hardware ELE/Q4609 3 300
81 Electronics & Hardware IT Coordinator in School ELE/Q4701 4 360
82 Electronics & Hardware LED Light Repair Technician ELE/Q9302 4 360
Mobile Phone Hardware Repair
83 Electronics & Hardware ELE/Q8104 4 360
Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 46
S.No Sector Name of the QP QPRef.ID TOTAL
duration for QP
84 Electronics & Hardware Solar Panel Installation Technician ELE/Q5901 4 400
85 Electronics & Hardware TV Repair Technician ELE/Q3101 4 360
86 Electronics & Hardware Wireman – Control Panel ELE/Q7302 3 200
Assistant Lab Technician - Food and
87 Food Processing FIC/Q7601 4 240
Agricultural Commodities
88 Food Processing Baking Technician FIC/Q5005 4 240
89 Food Processing Butter and Ghee Processing Operator FIC/Q2003 4 240
90 Food Processing Cold Storage Technician FIC/Q7004 4 250
91 Food Processing Dairy Processing Equipment Operator FIC/Q2002 4 240
92 Food Processing Dairy Products Processor FIC/Q2001 5 240
Fish and Sea Food Processing
93 Food Processing FIC/Q4001 4 240
94 Food Processing Food Products Packaging Technician FIC/Q7001 5 240
95 Food Processing Fruit Pulp Processing Technician FIC/Q0106 4 240
96 Food Processing Fruit Ripening Technician FIC/Q0104 4 240
Fruits and Vegetables Canning
97 Food Processing FIC/Q0107 4 240
Fruits and Vegetables Drying/
98 Food Processing FIC/Q0105 4 240
Dehydration Technician
Fruits and Vegetables Selection In-
99 Food Processing FIC/Q0108 3 240
100 Food Processing Grain Mill Operator FIC/Q1003 4 170
101 Food Processing Ice Cream Processing Technician FIC/Q2004 4 240
Jam, Jelly and Ketchup Processing
102 Food Processing FIC/Q0103 4 240
103 Food Processing Milling Technician FIC/Q1002 5 240
104 Food Processing Mixing Technician FIC/Q5004 4 240
Modified Atmosphere Storage
105 Food Processing FIC/Q7003 4 240
106 Food Processing Pickle Making Technician FIC/Q0102 4 240
107 Food Processing Plant Biscuit Production Specialist FIC/Q5003 4 240
108 Food Processing Pulse Processing Technician FIC/Q1004 4 150
Purchase Assistant - Food and
109 Food Processing FIC/Q7005 4 240
Agricultural Commodities
Squash and Juice Processing
110 Food Processing Technician FIC/Q0101 4 240
111 Food Processing Traditional Snack and Savoury Maker FIC/Q8501 4 240
112 Food Processing Offal Collector FIC/Q3005 4 240
113 Food Processing Spice Processing Technician FIC/Q8502 4 240
Cast and diamonds-set jewellery - CAD
114 Gems & Jewellery G&J/Q2303 4 360
Cast and diamonds-set jewellery - Hand
115 Gems & Jewellery G&J/Q2301 3 150
Sketch Designer (Basic)
Handmade Gold and Gems-set
116 Gems & Jewellery G&J/Q0603 3 150
- Goldsmith - Components
Handmade Gold and Gems-set
117 Gems & Jewellery Jewellery G&J/Q0604 4 240
Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 47
S.No Sector Name of the QP QPRef.ID TOTAL
duration for QP
- Goldsmith - Frame
118 Green Jobs Solar PV Installer - Civil SGJ/Q0103 4 180
119 Green Jobs Solar PV Installer - Electrical SGJ/Q0102 4 200
120 Green Jobs Solar PV Installer (Suryamitra) SGJ/Q0101 4 300
121 Handicrafts & Carpets Bamboo Basket Maker HCS/Q8704 3 240
122 Handicrafts & Carpets Bamboo Mat Weaver HCS/Q8702 3 240
123 Handicrafts & Carpets Bamboo Utility Handicraft Assembler HCS/Q8705 3 230
124 Handicrafts & Carpets Engraving artisan (Metal Handicrafts) HCS/Q2902 4 280
125 Handicrafts & Carpets Handloom Weaver (Carpets) HCS/Q5412 3 270
126 Handicrafts & Carpets Stamping operator (Metal Handicrafts) HCS/Q2802 4 200
127 Healthcare Diabetes Educator HSS/Q8701 4 240
128 Healthcare Diet Assistant HSS/Q5201 4 300
129 Healthcare Emergency Medical Technician - Basic HSS/Q2301 4 240
130 Healthcare Front Line Health Worker HSS/Q8601 3 225
131 Healthcare General Duty Assistant HSS/Q5101 4 240
132 Healthcare Home Health Aide HSS/Q5102 4 240
133 Healthcare Pharmacy Assistant HSS/Q5401 4 200
134 Healthcare Vision Technician HSS/Q3001 3 225
135 Hydrocarbons Retail Outlet Attendant (Oil & Gas) HYC/Q3101 4 200
136 Hydrocarbons LPG Delivery Personnel HYC/Q3201 4 200
137 Hydrocarbons Tank Lorry Driver-Petroleum Products HYC/Q3301 4 200
138 Hydrocarbons Industrial Electrician (Oil & Gas) HYC/Q6101 4 1000
139 Hydrocarbons Pipe Fitter – City Gas Distribution HYC/Q6102 4 300
140 Hydrocarbons Industrial Welder (Oil & Gas) HYC/Q9101 4 1000
141 Hydrocarbons LPG Mechanic HYC/Q3401 4 200
142 Infrastructure Equipment Backhoe Loader Operator IES/Q0101 4 210
143 Infrastructure Equipment Excavator Operator IES/Q0103 4 210
144 Infrastructure Equipment Junior Backhoe Operator IES/Q0102 3 150
145 Infrastructure Equipment Junior Excavator Operator IES/Q0104 3 170
Junior Mechanic – Elec/Electronics/
146 Infrastructure Equipment IES/Q1106 3 160
147 Infrastructure Equipment Junior Mechanic (Engine) IES/Q1102 3 160
148 Infrastructure Equipment Junior Mechanic (Hydraulic) IES/Q1104 3 160
149 Infrastructure Equipment Junior Operator Crane IES/Q0111 3 150
150 Infrastructure Equipment Junior Batching Plant Operator IES/Q0117 3 150
151 Infrastructure Equipment Junior Transit Mixer Operator IES/Q0119 3 150
152 Iron & Steel Bearing maintenance ISC/Q0906 3 300
153 Iron & Steel Fitter - Instrumentation ISC/Q1102 3 300
154 Iron & Steel Fitter : Levelling , alignment , balancing ISC/Q0905 3 330
155 Iron & Steel Fitter Electrical Assembly ISC/Q1001 3 310
156 Iron & Steel Fitter Electronic Assembly ISC/Q1101 3 300

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 48
S.No Sector Name of the QP QPRef.ID TOTAL
duration for QP
157 Iron & Steel Iron & Steel: Machinist ISC/Q0909 3 390
158 Iron & Steel Iron & Steel: Plasma Cutter ISC/Q0910 4 280
159 Iron & Steel Rigger : Rigging of heavy material ISC/Q0908 3 250
160 Iron & Steel Gas Tungsten Arc Welding ISC/Q0911 4 380
161 IT-ITES CRM Domestic Non -Voice SSC/Q2211 4 400
162 IT-ITES CRM Domestic Voice SSC/Q2210 4 400
163 IT-ITES Domestic Biometric data operator SSC/Q2213 4 400
164 IT-ITES Domestic Data entry Operator SSC/Q2212 4 400
165 IT-ITES Domestic IT helpdesk Attendant SSC/Q0110 4 400
166 IT-ITES Junior Software Developer SSC/Q0508 4 400
167 Leather Buffing Operator LSS/Q0801 4 200
168 Leather Cutter- Footwear LSS/Q2301 4 300
169 Leather Cutter-Goods & Garments LSS/Q5301 4 200
170 Leather Drum Operator LSS/Q0301 4 200
171 Leather Lasting Operator LSS/Q2701 4 200
172 Leather Molding Operator LSS/Q7501 4 200
173 Leather Post Tanning Machine Operator LSS/Q0701 4 200
174 Leather Pre- Assembly Operator LSS/Q2601 4 200
175 Leather Shaving Operator LSS/Q0501 4 200
176 Leather Skiving Operator ( Machine) LSS/Q2401 4 500
177 Leather Stitcher (Goods & Garments) LSS/Q5501 4 200
178 Leather Stitching Operator LSS/Q2501 4 300
Production/ Machine Operator - Life
179 Life Sciences LFS/Q0207 4 376
180 Life Sciences QC Chemist LFS/Q1301 5 463
181 Life Sciences Medical Sales Representative LFS/Q0401 4 480
182 Life Sciences Fitter Mechanical - Life Sciences LFS/Q0213 3 260
183 Life Sciences Lab Technician/ Assistant - Life Sciences LFS/Q0509 3 230
184 Life Sciences Store Assistant-Life Sciences LFS/Q0604 3 280
185 Logistics Warehouse Picker LSC/Q2102 3 270
186 Logistics Warehouse Packer LSC/Q2303 3 270
187 Logistics Inventory Clerk LSC/Q2108 3 250
188 Logistics Warehouse Supervisor LSC/Q2307 5 240
189 Logistics Consignment Booking Assistant LSC/Q1120 3 270
190 Logistics Consignment Tracking Executive LSC/Q1121 3 270
191 Logistics Documentation Assistant LSC/Q1122 4 270
192 Logistics Courier Delivery Executive LSC/Q3023 3 270
193 Logistics Lead Courier LSC/Q3028 5 292
194 Logistics Key Consignor Executive LSC/Q3035 5 292
Management and
195 Entrepreneurship & CCTV Supervisor MEP/Q7104 5 250
Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 49
S.No Sector Name of the QP QPRef.ID TOTAL
duration for QP
Management and
196 Entrepreneurship & Security Supervisor MEP/Q7201 5 180
Management and
197 Entrepreneurship & Unarmed Security Guard MEP/Q7101 4 160
198 Media & Entertainment Animator MES/Q0701 4 240
199 Media & Entertainment Make-up artist MES/Q1801 4 240
200 Media & Entertainment Hairdresser MES/Q1802 4 240
201 Media & Entertainment Character Designer MES/Q0502 4 240
202 Media & Entertainment Editor MES/Q1401 4 240
203 Media & Entertainment Roto Artist MES/Q3504 4 240
204 Media & Entertainment Modeler MES/Q0401 3 240
205 Media & Entertainment Sound Editor MES/Q3404 4 240
206 Mining Mining - Wire saw Operator MIN/Q0203 4 510
207 Mining Mining - Loader Operator MIN/Q0208 4 510
208 Mining Mining - Mechanic / Fitter MIN/Q0304 3 330
209 Mining Mining-Bulldozer Operator MIN/Q0205 4 240
210 Mining Mining - Safety Operator MIN/Q0437 4 210
211 Mining Mining Shot Firer/Blaster MIN/Q0428 4 210
212 Mining Mine Electrician MIN/Q0416 4 540
213 Mining Mine Welder MIN/Q0423 4 350
214 Paints & Coatings Powder Coater PCS/Q5102 4 240
215 Plumbing Plumber (General) PSC/Q0104 3 410
216 Plumbing Plumber (After Sales Service) PSC/Q0303 3 200
217 Plumbing Plumbing Product Sales officer PSC/Q0302 3 320
218 Power Distribution Lineman PSS/Q0102 4 350
219 Power Senior Lineman Distribution PSS/Q0103 5 350
220 Power Consumer Energy Meter Technician PSS/Q0107 3 350
221 Power PSS/Q3001 3 200
Assistant Technician -Street Light
222 Power PSS/Q6003 3 200
Installation & Maintenance
Technician- Distribution Transformer
223 Power PSS/Q3003 4 350
Attendant Sub-Station (66/11, 33/11 KV)-
224 Power PSS/Q3002 3 350
Power Distribution
225 Power Electrician Domestic Solutions PSS/Q6001 3 350
226 Power Lineman Distribution (Multi-Skilled) PSS/Q2011 4 300
227 Retail Retail Sales Associate RAS/Q0104 4 280
228 Retail Seller Activation Executive RAS/Q0301 4 280
229 Retail Retail Trainee Associate RAS/Q0103 3 280
Individual Sales Professional/ Self-
230 Retail RAS/Q0201 4 280
employed Retailer
Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 50
S.No Sector Name of the QP QPRef.ID TOTAL
duration for QP
231 Retail Distributor Salesman RAS/Q0604 4 280
232 Retail Retail Team Leader RAS/Q0105 5 350
233 Rubber Mill Operator RSC/Q0101 4 350
234 Rubber Pneumatic Tyre Molding Operator RSC/Q0211 4 350
235 Rubber Compression Molding Operator RSC/Q0205 4 350
236 Rubber Injection Molding Operator RSC/Q0207 4 350
Junior Rubber Technician / Technical
237 Rubber RSC/Q0831 3 350
238 Rubber Rubber Nursery Worker - General RSC/Q6005 4 200
239 Rubber Latex Harvest Technician (Tapper) RSC/Q6103 4 200
240 Rubber General Worker - Rubber Plantation RSC/Q6107 4 200
241 Telecom Broadband Technician TEL/Q0102 4 300
242 Telecom Customer Care Executive (Call Centre) TEL/Q0100 4 200
Customer Care Executive (Relationship
243 Telecom TEL/Q0101 4 200
Customer Care Executive (Repair
244 Telecom TEL/Q2200 4 200
245 Telecom Distributor Sales Representative TEL/Q2100 4 200
Field Sales Executive-Telecom Plan &
246 Telecom TEL/Q0200 4 200
247 Telecom Grass Root Telecom Provider (GRTP) TEL/Q6207 4 300
248 Telecom Handset Repair Engineer TEL/Q2201 4 300
249 Telecom Telecom -In-store promoter TEL/Q2101 4 200
250 Telecom Optical Fiber Splicer TEL/Q6400 3 300
251 Telecom Optical Fiber Technician TEL/Q6401 4 300
252 Telecom Sales Executive (Broadband) TEL/Q0201 4 200
Telecom Terminal Equipment Application
253 Telecom TEL/Q2300 4 250
Developer (Android Application)
254 Telecom Telecom- Tower Technician TEL/Q4100 4 300
255 Textiles & Handlooms Autoconer Tenter TSC/Q0301 4 300
256 Textiles & Handlooms Cone Winding Operator TSC/Q0302 4 300
257 Textiles & Handlooms Drawframe Operator TSC/Q0105 4 300
258 Textiles & Handlooms Hank dyer TSC/Q7201 4 300
259 Textiles & Handlooms Open End Spinning Tenter TSC/Q0203 4 300
260 Textiles & Handlooms Packing Checker TSC/Q0501 4 300
261 Textiles & Handlooms Ring Frame Doffer TSC/Q0202 3 300
262 Textiles & Handlooms Ring Frame Tenter TSC/Q0201 4 300
263 Textiles & Handlooms Speed Frame Operator – Tenter & Doffer TSC/Q0106 4 300
264 Textiles & Handlooms Stenter Machine Operator TSC/Q5401 4 300
265 Textiles & Handlooms Textile Designer- Handloom Jacquard TSC/Q7403 4 300
266 Textiles & Handlooms Warper TSC/Q7302 3 300
267 Tourism & Hospitality Counter Sale Executive THC/Q2903 4 240
268 Tourism & Hospitality Food & Beverage Service-Steward THC/Q0301 4 300
Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 51
S.No Sector Name of the QP QPRef.ID TOTAL
duration for QP
269 Tourism & Hospitality Front Office Associate THC/Q0102 4 280
270 Tourism & Hospitality Home Delivery Boy THC/Q2902 3 200
Housekeeping Attendant (Manual
271 Tourism & Hospitality THC/Q0203 3 250
272 Tourism & Hospitality Multi-cuisine Cook THC/Q3006 4 500
273 Tourism & Hospitality Room Attendant THC/Q0202 4 300
274 Tourism & Hospitality Street Food Vendor-Standalone THC/Q3007 4 290
275 Tourism & Hospitality Travel Consultant THC/Q4404 4 230

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 52
Annexure - 3: List of district-sector combination

S.No. District Sector


Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 53

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 54

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 55
Annexure - 4: Format for submission of Pre Bid Queries

SN RFP Page Section Sub section Reference/Subject Clarifications sought


Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 56
Annexure - 5: Proposal Submission Cover Letter
(On the TP letterhead)

No.: 01/MPSSDEGB/PMKVY-CSSM/2018-19 {Location, Date}

Chief Executive Officer,
Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development and Employment Generation Board
Department of Technical Education and Skill Development
ITI Govindpura Campus
Bhopal – 462023

Subject: - Submission of Proposal for empanelment as a Training Provider under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna-
Centrally Sponsored State Managed Component (PMKVY-CSSM) for TC ID …………………….. and Job Role

Dear Sir / Madam,

W e, the undersigned, wish to be empaneled as Training Partner with Madhya Pradesh State Skill
Development and Employment Generation Board in accordance with your request for proposal no.
02/MPSSDEGB/PMKVY-CSSM/2018-19 dated _____ ; we are hereby submitting our proposal, as per the specified
format for following:

(One Application is for One TC ID and One Job Role)

1. TP ID…………………………
2. TC ID……………………...
3. JOB ROLE NAME……………………………………..
4. JOB ROLE ID…………………………….
We hereby declare that:

a. All the information and statements made in this Proposal are true and we accept that any
misrepresentation contained in this Proposal may lead to our disqualification by MPSSDEGB .
b. W e have no conflict of interest as s tated in this document.
c. W e meet the eligibility requirements as stated in this document.
d. Our proposal shall remain valid for 90 days from the last date of bid submission deadline.
e. In competing for (and, if we are empaneled) the Empanelment, we undertake t o observe the
laws against fraud and corruption, including bribery as per document.
f. Our Proposal is binding upon us and subject to any modifications resulting from the
Agreement negotiations.
g. W e undertake, if our Proposal is accepted, we will be issued a work order to initiate the
Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 57
Training no later than the date specified by MPSSDEGB.
h. W e are submitting the receipt of tender fee and EMD as per following details –
Item Amount (Rs.) Receipt No. Date
Processing Fee
and EMD

i. TP Bank Account Details are given below. W e are enclosing Cancelled cheque for reference.
Name of the Name of Bank Account Bank Account
Name of TP IFSC Code
Bank Branch Name Number

j. W e understand that MPSSDEGB is not bound to accept any Proposal that MPSSDEGB receives.

k. W e are enclosing copy of blank RFP with signature and seal of TP on each page as token of having read the
entire RFP proposal.
l. We are enclosing signed copies of Annexure - 5 to Annexure- 14 and all the documents mentioned therein.

m. In terms of Para 9.3 of this RFP, we are Existing Training Partner & therefore submitting Annexure 8 -A OR

n. In terms of Para 9.3 of this RFP, we are New Training Partner & Choose to submit Annexure 8-A


o. In terms of Para 9.3 of this RFP, we are New Training Partner & Choose to submit Annexure 8-B

Yours sincerely,

Authorized Signature
{In full and initials}
Name and Designation of Signatory:
Name of Applicant Organization:
Contact information (phone and e-mail)

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 58
Annexure - 6: Format for Power of Attorney for Signing of Application

(To be submitted along with Covering Letter)

Know all men by these present that We……………… … (Name of the firm and address of the registered office) do hereby
irrevocably constitute, nominate, appoint and authorize Mr./Ms. (name) ……………………. son/daughter/wife of
………….. and presently residing at……………… who is presently employed with us and holding the position of
………………as our true and lawful attorney (hereinafter referred to as the “Attorney”) to do in our name and on our
behalf, all such acts, deeds and things as are necessary or required in connection with or incidental to submission of our
proposal for the “Empanelment as a Training Provider under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna- Centrally Sponsored
State Managed Component (PMKVY-CSSM)”. The attorney is fully authorized for providing information/ responses to the
MPSSDEGB, representing us in all matters before the MPSSDEGB including negotiations with the MPSSDEGB, signing and
execution of all agreements and undertakings consequent to acceptance of our proposal, and generally dealing with the
MPSSDEGB in all matters in connection with or relating to or arising out of our proposal for the said Empanelment.

AND we hereby agree to ratify and confirm and do hereby ratify and confirm all acts, deeds and things done or caused
to be done by our said Attorney pursuant to and in exercise of the powers conferred by this Power of Attorney and that
all acts, deeds and things done by our said Attorney in exercise of the powers hereby conferred shall and shall always
be deemed to have been done by us.

(Signature, name, designation and address)


………………………………… (Signature)

(Name, Title and Address of the Attorney)


1. 2.
1. To be executed on Rs 100/= non-judicial stamp paper
Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 59
2. Bye-laws / Memorandum of Association need to be attached.
3. Signatures of Attorney, Principal and two witnesses are must.
4. It must be notarized

Annexure -7: Applicant’s Overview and Application Parameters

Name and details of the Applicant and Authorized representative

Name of Organization / Institution

Type Whether Industry/Industry associate or training , Education,
Learning and Skill Development service partner/Others (please

Registered address

Corporate Head Office address




Whether blacklisted or bankrupt by
any Govt./semi Govt.
organization/any bank (If yes, by

Name of authorized representative



Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 60
Annexure – 8 : Qualifying Documents/Eligibility Related Documents
8-A - To Be Filled by the Existing TP as per Section 9.3 of the RFP
(Existing TP shall fill 8-A, however New TP may choose either 8-A or 8-B )

SN Criteria Mandatory Documents Page No.

1. Category of TP for Evaluation Existing/New (Choose any One)

1. Existing OR
2. New Training Partner and
Training Center but opting to be
considered under Option 8-A
2. Past Experience  Certificate of Incorporation under relevant
 Organization Type: Act.
Company/Partnership/Society/Trust  PAN card
 Number of years in operations of  TAN number
firm as on the date of application  Affiliation from NCVT/SSC/ SCVT/ AICTE
 MoU signed with NSDC (wherever
 MoU / Sanction Order from NSDC under
PMKVY (wherever applicable)
 Self-Certificate for non-blacklisting
3. Financial Status as per clause 9.4.3 of  CA Certificate in required format certifying
the RFP that it is on the basis of Audited P&L /
 Net Worth as on 31.03.2016 Income Statements and Audited balance
 Net Worth as on 31.03.2017 sheet for two FYs out of FY 2015-16 ,
 Net Worth as on 31.03.2018 2016-17 and 2017-18

4. Technical Capability  CA Certificate on the basis of Audited

 the number of candidates placed in Balance Sheet
Wage Employment out of the
candidates trained by the TP (for
minimum 3 months as per CNN), for
any two FY out of (2015-16 , 2016-
17 and 2017-18 )
 no. of states where the organization
is operating in last three FY(any two
FYs out of FY 2015-16 , 2016-17
and 2017-18) in skill development
and addresses of Training Centres
in Madhya Pradesh and in Rest of
5. Skilling activity undertaken in past  Certificate(s) from respective Schemes
Number of candidates placed after their Authorities/Bodies
training by TP

6. Total No. of completed year of Incorporation Certificate


Act of the Government establishing the

applicant entity

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 61
SN Criteria Mandatory Documents Page No.

showing the Date of


7. Total Number of TP owned Centres in  Certificate by CA / Sponsoring Agency for

Madhya Pradesh operation of at least one batch in last 2
Financial Years at the center claimed

8. Total Number of TP Owned Centres in  Certificate by CA / Sponsoring Agency for

Rest of India (other than in Madhya operation of at least one batch in last 2
Pradesh) Financial Years at the center claimed

9. Location of Training Center with PIN  SMART Registration and Address Proof
Code: Documents certified by TP with PIN Code
I. Rural or Block location in  For existing TC: SMART Registration and
Aspirational/ Underserved CA certified Address Proof Documents
District - Alirajpur  For Proposed TC: Rent Agreement or
II. District Location of Aspirational/ Declaration on letterhead
Underserved District - Alirajpur /  Classification to be mentioned by TP
Rural Location in other District- (i/ii/iii/iv/v)
III. Block Location in other District-
IV. District Location in other District
For Example
V. Metro City Location
) 1. For a TC in Rural Location in other
(Other District means District which is District - TP will write as -
NOT falling under Aspirational/ "Category- (ii) Rural Location of
Underserved District of GoI) Other District)
2. For a TC in Rural Location of
Underserved District - Alirajpur - TP
will write as - "Category- (i) Rural
Location of Underserved District)
3. For a TC Location in Bhopal - TP
will write as - "Metro Location in
Other District"
10. SMART Accreditation Score  SMART Accreditation Score
 NSDC SMART Accreditation Certificate
11. Category of TP TP has to indicate any One Category and
Type of institution
Category - A 1. Category - A OR
2. Category - B OR
Existing or New Training Partners
3. Category - C
(As Defined in Section 9.3)
(For Example- a PMKK will indicate-
Category - B - Preferred Category of Category-B (i)- PMKK)

I. Existing Pradhan Mantri

Kaushal Kendra (PMKK)

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 62
SN Criteria Mandatory Documents Page No.

II. Existing OR Proposed Training

Centres of ScPwD
III. Centres promoted for the first
time by and located in the
campus Institutions including
academic and non-academic
institutions run and managed by
Private Universities, Private
Medical Colleges, Private
Engineering Colleges, Private
Polytechnic, Private ITI, etc. and
the promoting institution has at
least 30% enrolment of the
sanctioned seats in the
Academic Year 2018-19.

Category - C - Government Institutions

Direct Allocation to TPs that are

Government Institutions including
academic and non-academic
institutions run and managed by
Central/State government.
Examples: Public Universities
Government Engineering College,
Polytechnic, ITIs, CIPET, IITs, IIMs,
Nursing college, Paramedical
institutions etc.
12.Whether the Proposed job role is in Yes/ No
accordance with district-sector
combination list at Annexure-3
13.Qualified Faculty / Trainers for the  Name and Aadhar Number of the
Details of Trainers for the Applied Job- Trainer(s) for the Applied Job-Role
Role  Certification document from SSC
 End Date of Certification
 Registration details on Takshashila Portal
 Declaration by Trainer as per Annexure
14.Availability of SSC approved Hindi Proforma-Invoice from NSDC approved
Study Books as on the date of Vendor stating availability for a period of
Application minimum of 6 months for the applied Target

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 63
8-B - To Be Filled by the New TP as per Section 9.3 of the RFP
(Form 8-B, is only for New TP where the entity controlling the TP is registered between

01 January 2016 to 31 December 2018 (Both days inclusive)

(New TP may choose either 8-A or 8-B )

SN Criteria Mandatory Documents Page No.

1. Category of TP for Evaluation TP to mention 'New Training

1. New Training Partner and Partner and Training Center'
Training Center
2. Past Experience  Certificate of Incorporation under
 Organization Type: relevant Act.
Company/Partnership/Society/Trust  PAN card
 Number of years in operations of firm  TAN number
as on the date of application  Affiliation from NCVT/SSC/ SCVT/
 MoU signed with NSDC (wherever
 MoU / Sanction Order from NSDC
under PMKVY (wherever
 Self-Certificate for non-blacklisting
3. Financial Status as per clause 9.4.3 of the  CA Certificate in required format
RFP certifying that it is on the basis of
 Net Worth as on 31.03.2016 Audited P&L / Income Statements
 Net Worth as on 31.03.2017 and Audited balance sheet for two
 Net Worth as on 31.03.2018 FYs out of FY 2015-16 , 2016-17
and 2017-18

4. Registration with Start-up India Self-Certified copy of Registration

5. Own OR Rented premises of minimum Self-Certified copy of title deed OR

1500 SQFT for the proposed TC Rent/Lease agreement

Paid-up Capital of the entity promoting Certificate from CA based on Audited
the TP as on the Date of Application Documents
7. Location of Training Center with PIN  SMART Registration and Address
Code: Proof Documents certified by TP
I. Rural or Block location in with PIN Code
Aspirational/ Underserved District  For existing TC: SMART
- Alirajpur Registration and CA certified
II. District Location of Aspirational/ Address Proof Documents
Underserved District - Alirajpur /  For Proposed TC: Rent Agreement
Rural Location in other District- or Declaration on letterhead
III. Block Location in other District-  Classification to be mentioned by
IV. District Location in other District TP
V. Metro City Location (i/ii/iii/iv/v)
(Other District means District which is
Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 64
SN Criteria Mandatory Documents Page No.

NOT falling under Aspirational/ For Example

Underserved District of GoI)
4. For a TC in Rural Location
in other District - TP will
write as - "Category- (ii)
Rural Location of Other
5. For a TC in Rural Location
of Underserved District -
Alirajpur - TP will write as -
"Category- (i) Rural
Location of Underserved
 For a TC Location in Bhopal -
TP will write as - "Metro
Location in Other District"
8. SMART Accreditation Score  SMART Accreditation Score
 NSDC SMART Accreditation

9. Category of TP TP has to indicate any One Category

and Type of institution
Category - A 1. Category - A OR
2. Category - B OR
Existing or New Training Partners (As
3. Category - C
Defined in Section 9.3) (For Example- a PMKK will
indicate- Category-B (i)-
Category - B - Preferred Category of PMKK)

IV. Existing Pradhan Mantri Kaushal

Kendra (PMKK)
V. Existing OR Proposed Training
Centres of ScPwD
VI. Centres promoted for the first
time by and located in the
campus Institutions including
academic and non-academic
institutions run and managed by
Private Universities, Private
Medical Colleges, Private
Engineering Colleges, Private
Polytechnic, Private ITI, etc. and
the promoting institution has at
least 30% enrolment of the
sanctioned seats in the Academic
Year 2018-19.

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 65
SN Criteria Mandatory Documents Page No.

Category - C - Government Institutions

Direct Allocation to TPs that are

Government Institutions including
academic and non-academic institutions
run and managed by Central/State
government. Examples: Public
Universities Government Engineering
College, Polytechnic, ITIs, CIPET, IITs,
IIMs, Nursing college, Paramedical
institutions etc.
10. Whether the Proposed job role is in  Yes/ No
accordance with district-sector
combination list at Annexure-3
11. Qualified Faculty / Trainers for the Details  Name and Aadhar Number of the
of Trainers for the Applied Job-Role Trainer(s) for the Applied Job-Role
 Certification document from SSC
 End Date of Certification
 Registration details on Takshashila
Declaration by Trainer as per
Annexure 10

12. Availability of SSC approved Hindi Proforma-Invoice from NSDC

Study Books as on the date of approved Vendor stating availability for
Application a period of minimum of 6 months for
the applied Target Number

Annexure –9: Evaluation / Scoring of Proposal Related Documents

Sr. Criteria Mandatory Documents
1 Training Capability (Sector  Project completion certificates from sponsoring
wise) agency clearly highlighting the number of trainees
trained, in case of completed projects & partial
 Training conducted in the project completion certificate in case of ongoing
sector for two years out of project
last 3 Financial Years
3 Operational Capability Certificate from CA/ sponsoring agency / agencies
 Presence in Madhya mentioning the addresses of the Training Centres
Pradesh operated by the Training Service Provider clearly
mentioning the name of state, district and training
Operational Capability center
 Presence outside Madhya

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 66
Annexure – 10: Declaration from Trainer(s)
(For Old TPs as per Section 9.3 of the RFP)

1. Name of the Training Partner:

2. Name of the Training Center:
3. Name of the trainer:
4. UID (AADHAR) No. -
5. Sector& Module:
6. Date of Birth:
7. Date of issue of ToT Certification:
8. Validity End date of ToT Certification:
9. Details of Takshashila Portal Registration:

I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the above information. I provide my consent
for my association as a trainer for PMKVY-CSSM trainings organized by
………………………………………………………………………………. (Name of the Training Partner and Training
Center along with address). I declare that I have not provided my consent to any other Training Partner for
applying to MPSSDEGB for PMKVY-CSSM Request for Proposal for FY 2019-20. I declare that I understand that
any willful misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.

Date: [Signature of trainer]

(Authorized signatory)

Stamped and signed

Please enclose appointment letter and certification document received from SSC

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 67
Annexure – 11: Financial Status
“On the Letter Head of the CA”

CA Certificate

 CA Certificate in required format certifying that it is

This is to certify the below details for M/s ……………………………………………………………………….(Name of the

company) on the basis of Audited P&L / Income Statements and Audited balance sheet for two FYs out of FY 2015-16
and 2016-17

SN Parameter Financial Year* Financial Year* Financial Year*

2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

1 TOTAL- Turnover/Receipts (in Rs.


2 Turnover/Receipts (in Rs. Lakhs) -

From Skill Development Training

3 Net worth(in Rs. Lakhs)

4 Number of trainees trained

5 Number of trainees placed in Wage

Employment (for minimum 3
months) out of the candidates
trained by the TP aas above

6 Number of states where the

organization is operating in skill
development and addresses of
Training Centres

*Please Provide Details for Any 2 Financial Years out of 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18

(Signature and Seal)

Certified by CA

Membership No.:

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 68
Annexure –12: Format for Declaration of Non-Blacklisted Organization

(On Stamp Paper of INR 100/-)


This is to certify that we ________________________ (Name of the TP) registered under _________________ (Name
of the Act) vide registration no. __________ do hereby declare and confirm that we have neither been black-listed nor
bankrupt by any Ministry/ Department/ Board/Corporation / Any other entity of the Central or State Government or by
any quasi-government or any Public Sector Undertaking or any bank or any Other Entity till date.

(Authorized signatory)

Stamped and signed

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 69
Annexure –13: Format for Bank Guarantee for EMD
(on letterhead of Scheduled Commercial Bank)

Bank Guarantee No. _______ (to be issued by the Guarantor) dated ________


The Chief Executive Officer,

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development and Employment Generation Board (MPSSEGB)
Gas Rahat ITI Campus, Govindpura, Bhopal 462023

WHEREAS _______________________________ [Name and address of TP] (hereinafter called “the TP”) has
undertaken, in pursuance of your EOI No. ________________dated _________ to provide the training services to the
Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development and Employment Generation Board (MPSSDEGB), Department of Technical
Education & Skill Development, and Government of Madhya Pradesh on terms and conditions set forth in the said

AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said letter that the TP shall furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by
a Scheduled Commercial Bank for the sum specified therein as security for compliance with his obligations in
accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the said letter;

AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the TP such a Bank Guarantee;

NOW THEREOF we hereby affirm that we are the Guarantor and responsible to you, on behalf of the TP up to a total
of ___________ [amount of Guarantee] ___________________________[in words], such sum being payable in the
types and proportions of currencies in which the Contract Price is payable, and we undertake to pay you, upon your
first written demand and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limits of __________________[amount
of Guarantee] as aforesaid without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand for the sum
specified therein.

We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the Contract or of the services to be
performed there under the MoU which may be made between you and the TP shall in any way release us from any
liability under this guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition or modification.
The liability of the Bank under this Guarantee shall not be affected by any change in the constitution of the TP or of the
Bank notwithstanding anything contained herein before, our liability under this guarantee is restricted to
Rs.__________ (Rupees_________________________) and the guarantee shall remain valid till ____________

Unless a claim or a demand or a request for extension in writing is made upon us on or before ____________ all our
liability under this guarantee shall cease.

This guarantee shall be valid till ______ and may be extendable, if required.
Name and Designation:
(Name, Signature & Occupation)
Name of the Bank:

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 70
Annexure –14: Placement Experience
(“On the Letter Head of the Organization” Ref. No.: Date)
This is to certify that we have placed……candidates which is ….% of the trained candidates over a period of three
years as specified in the document.

Placement details (mandatory):

Sl. Project Name of the Project Status Financial Name of Number of
No. sponsoring Project (Completed / Year (2015-16/ Sector Trainees
agency/ Self Ongoing) 2016-17/2017- placed
Sponsored 18)

(Authorized signatory)

Stamped and signed

Notes – This self-attested document should be enclosed with –

 Project completion certificates from sponsoring agency clearly highlighting the number of trainees placed, in
 case of completed projects
 Certificate from sponsoring agency specifying number of trainees placed till 31.03.2017, in case of
 ongoing projects
 Self-certificate / any other document mentioning the sector-wise no. of trainees placed for completed projects.

Placement (wage employment) Details*:

SN Project Name Project Financial Name Name Mobile Employer Monthly

sponsori of the Status Year (2015- of of No. Name & Wage (in
ng Project (Completed 16/ 2016- Sector trainee Contact INR)
agency / Ongoing) 17/2017-18) placed

*Supporting documents to be submitted in softcopy

Madhya Pradesh State Skill Development & Employment Generation Board – RFP for empanelment of TP 71

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