SCST Department - RFP - 11.10.2023

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Empanelment of Training Partners

To implement employment linked Domain Skill Development Program under Schedule Caste
and Schedule Tribe Welfare Department, Govt. of Bihar under the overall framework of Bihar
Skill Development Mission. Training partners those have placement opportunities available
through verifiable placement tie-ups can only apply under this RFP.

RFP No: BSDM/Domain (RFP)-167/2023 Date: 13.10.2023.


Email Id:

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Table of Contents
Notice Inviting Request for Proposal ........................................................................................ 4
1.1 Tender Schedule/Timelines and Instructions: ..................................................................... 5
1.2 e-Tendering Process Related Instructions: ............................................................................................. 7
1.3 Disclaimer .......................................................................................................................................... 8
List of Abbreviations ................................................................................................................. 9
Section A - Preface .................................................................................................................... 9
1. A Brief background of BSDM:..................................................................................................................... 9
2. A Brief on Domain Skilling:......................................................................................................................... 9
3. A Brief on objective of this RFP: ............................................................................................................... 10
Section B – General ................................................................................................................. 11
4. General Provisions ...................................................................................................................................... 11
5. Unfair Competitive Advantage ................................................................................................................... 11
6. Corrupt and Fraudulent Practices ............................................................................................................... 11
Section C – Preparation and Submission of Proposals ............................................................ 13
7. General Considerations ............................................................................................................................... 13
8. Prohibition of Subcontracting or Franchising............................................................................................. 14
9. Earnest Money Deposit............................................................................................................................... 14
10. Confidentiality .......................................................................................................................................... 14
11. Eligibility Criteria and Proposal Evaluation ............................................................................................. 15
Section D – Empanelment of the TPs ...................................................................................... 18
12. Submission of Performance Guarantee, MoU with department, Target allocation .................................. 18
Section E – Scope of Work ...................................................................................................... 18
13. Mobilization, Pre-Counseling and Registration of eligible candidates .................................................... 18
14. Course and Curriculum Design ................................................................................................................ 18
15. Training..................................................................................................................................................... 19
16. Placement of Candidates........................................................................................................................... 19
Section F – Key Terms of Empanelment ................................................................................. 19
17. Scheme Specific Guidelines: .................................................................................................................... 19
18. Infrastructure and faculty requirements .................................................................................................... 19
19. Process and Cost Norms ........................................................................................................................... 20
20. Period of the Agreement: .......................................................................................................................... 27
21. Performance Review ................................................................................................................................. 27
Section G – General Terms & Conditions ............................................................................... 28
22. Interpretation............................................................................................................................................. 28
23. Governing Law: ........................................................................................................................................ 28
24. Force Majeure: .......................................................................................................................................... 28
25. Change Orders and Agreement Amendments .......................................................................................... 29
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26. Roles and Responsibilities of the Department .......................................................................................... 29
27. Termination of the Agreement.................................................................................................................. 29
28. Disputes Resolution .................................................................................................................................. 31
AFFIDAVIT ............................................................................................................................................... 39

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Bihar Skill Development Mission (BSDM)
Department of Labour Resources, Government of Bihar
A-Wing, 5th Floor, Niyojan Bhawan, Bailey Road, Patna-800001
Phone: 0612-2528455 Fax: 0612-2535004
Email: Website:
Notice Inviting Request for Proposal
RFP No: BSDM/Domain (RFP)-167/2023 Date:
Principal Secretary, Dept. of Labour Resources, Govt. of Bihar- cum- CEO, Bihar Skill Development Mission (BSDM),
invites proposals (Single Bid System) from reputed and experienced organizations to implement employment linked
Domain Skill Development Program under Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribe Welfare Department, Govt. of
Bihar under the overall framework of Bihar Skill Development Mission. Training partners those have placement
opportunities available through verifiable placement tie-ups can only apply under this RFP.
Kindly note that the empanelment/selection of agencies under this RFP will not guarantee allocation of work and BSDM
will assume no liability or cost towards it. BSDM makes no commitments, express or implied, that this process will result
in a business transaction between anyone.
Document Fee and Tender Processing Fee: All Applicants must pay a non-refundable Document Fee of Rs. 5,000/-
(Rupees Five Thousand only) and Tender Processing Fee of Rs. 590.00 (Five Hundred Ninety only) through e-payment
mode (i.e. NEFT/RTGS/Credit Card/Debit Card) on E-Proc Portal.
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD): An EMD of Rs. 50,000/- (Fifty Thousand) only, through e-payment mode (i.e.

NEFT/RTGS/Credit Card/Debit Card) on E-Proc Portal, before the last date/time for submission/ uploading of proposal,
failing which the bid will be rejected. This EMD will be non-interest bearing and refundable. If the selected agencies fail
to submit the requisite performance guarantee or to execute the agreement, this EMD will be forfeited.
The Proposal has to be submitted through online mode on and can be searched
by clicking the Tab “Tender” on home page of above website and then going to Latest Tender by searching
Department Name as “Labour Resources Department”.

The application procedure, eligibility criteria, evaluation methodology, terms and conditions and the scope of work are
detailed in the RFP document which can be seen or downloaded from the “e-Procurement Portal and departmental website: The RFP will be available
to download from the above websites from Date 13.10.2023. The last date for uploading of proposal will be Date
07.11.2023 up to 15.00 Hrs. Proposal will be opened on or after Date 07.11.2023 post 16:00 Hrs. The Evaluation of
proposals will be made as per criteria laid down in RFP. Please refer RFP document for complete details.

Post selection and as and when required, the successful applicants will be intimated to register each training center as a
Skill Development Center (SDC) on the BSDM portal or other specified portal, if required (to be intimated later post
shortlisting) by following due online registration processes and terms and conditions as specified and modified time to
time by BSDM. The BSDM portal (as will be applicable) will cover the entire value chain of skill development value chain
right from registration of centers to candidates, batch formation, attendance management, monitoring, assessment &
certification etc. along with registration of selected training partners.

BSDM reserves the right to issue addendum/corrigendum/modification or to amend any or all conditions of this RFP
Document or to accept or reject any or all proposal(s) or to cancel the whole of this RFP at any stage without assigning
any reason thereof and no applicants/bidders shall have any cause of action or claim against the BSDM for the same.

Mission Director,
Bihar Skill Development Mission,
Department of Labour Resources, Govt. of Bihar
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1. LETTER INVITIG e-TENDER (Letter of Invitation)

1.1 Tender Schedule/Timelines and Instructions:

SN Activity Date/Time : Duration
1. Online Sale/Download date of RFP From Date 13.10.2023 (
2. Last Date/Time for submission/ Date 07.11.2023 up to 15:00 Hrs.
uploading of Proposal (

3. Date & time for opening of Proposal On Date 07.11.2023 post 16:00 Hrs.
4. Date and time for Technical Presentation Date and time for Technical Presentation and demonstration
and demonstration. shall be communicated later through email only.
5. Financial Bid Opening Date and Time Not Applicable, as no price discovery required. This is a
Single Bid System.
6. Method of Selection As per RFP

Proposal Submission in Consortium/ Not Permitted.
Joint Venture
8. Bid Proposal Validity 180 days from the last date of proposal submission.
9. Empanelment Period One year from the date of signing of contract. This may further
be extended for another one year subject to yearly center
renewal and agreement renewal. The extension will be based
on satisfactory performance and /project requirement and
based on the sole discretion of the respective line Department.
10. Contact person/Nodal Officer for queries Name: Suresh Kumar Singh & Designation: Mission Director
Email: & contact no: 7979706411

• Detailed descriptions and instructions for submitting the proposal can be downloaded from e-tender
website (
• Return of EMD: The EMD of unsuccessful applicants will be returned within 60 days after completion
of RFP process or completion of Bid validity period whichever is earlier.
• Proposals along with necessary online payments (Tender Processing Fee, Document Fee and EMD)
must be submitted through e-Procurement portal ( before the date
and time specified in the RFP. The department/Tendering Authority doesn't take any responsibility for
the delay / Non-Submission of Proposal / Non-Reconciliation of online Payment caused due to Non
availability of Internet Connection, Network Traffic/ Holidays or any other reason."
• The applicants shall submit their eligibility and qualification details, certificates, if any, as mentioned in
respective sections etc., in the online standard formats given in e-Procurement web site
( at the respective stage only.
• The applicant is expected to carefully examine all the instructions, guidelines, terms and condition and
formats of the RFP. Failure to furnish all the necessary information as required by the RFP or submission
of a proposal not substantially responsive to all the requirements of the RFP shall be at applicant’s own
risk and may be liable for rejection. Applicants are advised to study the RFP document carefully.

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Submission of bid shall be deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of the RFP
document with full understanding of its implications.
• The applicants should ensure that all the required documents as mentioned in the RFP document are
submitted/ uploaded in the prescribed format only. The applicant shall upload the scanned copies of all
the relevant certificates, documents etc., in support of their eligibility criteria / technical bids and other
certificate /documents in the e-Procurement web site ( This will be
applicant’s sole responsibility to ensure that all required documents have been uploaded and all
uploaded documents, when downloaded must be legible/readable failing which their bid will be
rejected. Hence it is advised that all the documents should be properly scanned and uploaded.

❖ BSDM shall carry out the evaluation solely based on the uploaded certificates/documents in the
e-Procurement system
❖ BSDM will notify the applicants for submission of original hardcopies of the uploaded
documents, if required.

• The applicant shall sign on the supporting statements, documents, certificates and on being
uploaded by him, owning responsibility for their correctness/authenticity.
• Conditional Bids/proposals shall be out-rightly rejected.

• Validity of Bids: 180 days from the last date of proposal submission.

• For support related to e-tendering process, applicants may contact at following address:

“e- Procurement HELP DESK Mjunction Services Ltd, RJ Complex, 2nd Floor, Canara Bank Campus,
Khajpura, Ashiana Road, PS: Shastri Nagar, Patna-800014. “Toll Free Number: 1800 572 6571” Email

• Corrigendum/ Addendum/ amendments if any, will be published on the departmental website

http:// and e-Procurement, Bihar itself.
All such corrigendum/ addendum/ amendments shall be binding on all the applicants. The
applicants are also advised to visit the aforementioned website on regular basis for checking of
corrigendum/ addendum/ amendments, if any.

• Kindly note that the selection of agency under this RFP will not guarantee allocation of work and BSDM
will assume no liability or cost towards it. BSDM makes no commitments, express or implied, that this
process will result in a business transaction between anyone.

Mission Director,
Bihar Skill Development Mission
Department of Labour Resources,
Government of Bihar

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1.2 e-Tendering Process Related Instructions:

Submission of Proposals Through electronic mode only:

1. The applicant shall submit his bid/tender on e-Procurement platform at

2. The applicant must have the Class II/III Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) with signing + Encryption,
and User-id of the e-Procurement website before participating in the e-Tendering process. The applicant
may use their DSC if they already have. They can also take DSC from any of the authorized agencies.
For user-id they have to get registered themselves on e-Procurement Portal submit their bids online on the same. Offline bids shall not be
entertained by the Tender Inviting Authority for the tenders published in e-procurement platform.

3. The applicants shall submit their eligibility and qualification details, technical bid, etc., in the online
standard formats given in e-Procurement web site at the respective stage only. The applicants shall
upload the scanned copies of all the relevant certificates, documents etc., in support of their eligibility
criteria / technical bids and other certificate /documents in the e-Procurement web site. The applicant
shall sign on the supporting statements, documents, certificates, uploaded by him, owning responsibility
for their correctness / authenticity. The applicant shall attach all the required documents for the specific
tender after uploading the same during the bid submission as per the tender notice and bid document.

4. All the required documents should be attached at the proper place as mentioned in the e-forms otherwise
the proposal of the applicant will be rejected.

5. Tender Processing Fee (TPF), Document Fee and EMD to be paid through e-Payment mode (i.e NEFT
/ RTGS, Credit / Debit Card & Net Banking) only.

Note: "Bids along with necessary online payments must be submitted through e-Procurement portal before the date and time specified in the RFP. The department / Tendering
Authority doesn't take any responsibility for the delay / Non-Submission of proposal / Non-
reconciliation of online Payment caused due to Non-availability of Internet Connection, Network Traffic
/ Holidays or any other reason."

6. The tender opening will be done online only.

7. Any Corrigendum/Addendum or date extension notice will be given on the e-Procurement Portal only.

8. For support related to e-tendering process, applicants may contact at following address“e- Procurement
HELP DESK Mjunction Services Ltd, RJ Complex, 2nd Floor, Canara Bank Campus, Khajpura,
Ashiana Road, PS: Shastri Nagar, Patna-800014. “Toll Free Number: 1800 572 6571” Email ID:

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1.3 Disclaimer

i. The information contained in this Request for Proposal (RFP) document or subsequently provided
to applicants, whether verbally or in documentary or any other form by or on behalf of the Tenderer
or any of their employees or advisers, on the terms and conditions set out in this RFP and such other
terms and conditions subject to which such information is provided, the client would not be subject
to be put to any litigation.
ii. This RFP is not an agreement and is neither an offer nor invitation by the BSDM to the prospective
applicants or any other person. The purpose of this RFP is to provide interested parties with
information that may be useful to them in the formulation of their Proposals pursuant to this RFP.
This RFP includes statements, which reflect various assumptions and assessments arrived at by the
Tenderer in relation to the Project. Such assumptions, assessments and statements do not purport to
contain all the information that each applicant may require. This RFP may not be appropriate for all
persons, and it is not possible for the Tenderer, its employees or advisers to consider the objectives,
technical expertise and needs of each party who reads or uses this RFP. The assumptions,
assessments, statements and information contained in this RFP, may not be complete, accurate,
adequate or correct. Each applicant should, therefore, conduct its own investigations and analysis
and should check the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability and completeness of the
assumptions, assessments and information contained in this RFP and obtain independent advice from
appropriate sources.
iii. Information provided in this RFP to the applicants is on a wide range of matters, some of which
depends upon interpretation of law. The information given is not an exhaustive account of statutory
requirements and should not be regarded as a complete or authoritative statement of law. The
Tenderer accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise for any interpretation or opinion on
the law expressed herein.
iv. The Tenderer, its employees and advisers make no representation or warranty and shall have no
liability to any person including any applicant under any law, statute, rules or regulations or tort,
principles of restitution or unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss, damages, cost or expense
which may arise from or be incurred or suffered on account of anything contained in this RFP or
otherwise, including the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability or completeness of the RFP and
any assessment, assumption, statement or information contained therein or deemed to form part of
this RFP or arising in any way in this selection process.
v. The Tenderer also accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting from negligence or otherwise,
caused arising from reliance of any applicant upon the statements contained in this RFP. The
Authority may in its absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so, update,
amend or supplement the information, assessment or assumption contained in this RFP.
vi. The issue of this RFP does not imply that the Authority/Client is bound to empanel all the applicants
or to empanel the selected applicants, as the case may be, for the implementation of the programme
and the Authority/Client reserves the right to reject all or any of the Proposals.
vii. without assigning any reasons whatsoever. The applicant shall bear all its costs associated with or
relating to the preparation and submission of its Proposal including but not limited to preparation,
copying, postage, delivery fees, expenses associated with any demonstrations or presentations which
may be required by the tenderer, or any other costs incurred in connection with or relating to its
Proposal. All such costs and expenses will remain with the applicant and the Tenderer shall not be
liable in any manner whatsoever for the same or for any other costs or other expenses incurred by an
applicant in preparation of submission of the Proposal, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the
Selection Process.

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List of Abbreviations

Terms Description
EMD Earnest Money Deposit
FY Financial Year
GPS Global Positioning System
MIS Management Information System
NCVT National Council for Vocational Training
NOS National Occupational Standards
NSDC National Skill Development Corporation
P&L Profit and Loss
TP Training Partners
QP Qualifications Pack
RFP Request for Proposal
SSC Sector Skills Council
NSQF National Skill Qualification Framework
BSDM Bihar Skill Development Mission
LoI Letter of Intent
PMKVY Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna
DDU-GKY Deen Dayal Upadhya Kuashal Vikas Yojna
SSDM Sate Skill Development Mission
MD Mission Director
CEO Chief Executive Officer

Section A - Preface
1. A Brief background of BSDM:

Bihar Skill Development Mission (BSDM) has been the nodal agency for skilling in the state of Bihar. The
primary objective of BSDM is to create an eco-system and providing umbrella framework for skilling in Bihar.
Major tasks are:
• Standardization of processes and norms.
• Providing Web based training delivery and centralized monitoring through dedicated IT portal.
• Centralized Database Management System for training partner empanelment, candidate registration,
invoicing, and payment process etc.
• Providing common platform of industry interfacing to facilitate placement activities across sectors.

The Mission is the single point of contact and the state’s apex body within the Government of Bihar to
formulate and steer skill development schemes across all state departments. BSDM acts as an integrated
Mission that combines the efforts of different line departments as of now to achieve the state's skill
development target in various domain and employability skills.

2. A Brief on Domain Skilling:

BSDM in coordination with 16-line departments implement short term skill development training through
private and government training partners across all the 38 districts of Bihar.
• Currently there are 16 departments in Government of Bihar those are implementing various domain
specific short term skill development programs for different target groups.

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• BSDM plays the role of an apex body to formulate policy, planning, develop norms, standardized
processes and define quality parameters in close consultation with its key stakeholders for smooth
implementation of skill development programs.
• The finalization of sectors and courses are decided by the respective line departments basis on their
targeted beneficiaries, industrial demand aligned to the respective QP/NOS based courses those have
been approved by SSC and NCVET. The courses are keep upgraded as when required basis on the
necessary amendments done by NCVET, Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship.

Program Objectives
• The objective of Domain Skilling is to enable youth to take up training to secure a better livelihood.
• It’s also aims to create an effective and efficient skill development ecosystem in the state of Bihar

BSDM provides the umbrella framework for the Domain Skilling program including center empanelment,
value chain automation, skilling support through BSDM’s Single Point of Contacts attachment to departments

Salient Features
• Industry Relevant and market driven SSC courses along with courses deemed relevant and important
from the State’s perspective
• Training of Trainers (ToT) followed by certification
• Working age population – 15 – 59 Years
• Central monitoring of progress of each candidate through the web portal
• Incentives to stakeholders to increase their stake in the system
• Employment linked Skill training
• Standardized Processes / Frameworks / Mechanism / Cost norms and ICT enabled processes.

3. A Brief on objective of this RFP:

• BSDM through this RFP intend to empanel reputed Training Partner having prior experience of running
training centers under central or state sponsored schemes like PMKVY, DDU-GKY, State Skill
Development Missions etc. with proven placement record or institutions having proven track record in
the vocational skill training with placement like Government or Private Engineering Colleges,
Polytechnic Colleges, Diploma Colleges, Nursing Colleges, Management Institutions etc. Training
partners those have verifiable placement tie-ups can only apply under this RFP.
• The empaneled organizations will then be aligned with respective department of Govt. of Bihar for
which this specific RFP has been published. The Department will then allocate target in specific sectors
and courses and execute Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with such empaneled organizations.
The list of indicative sectors, job roles and total target are attached as Annexure-V.
• The Programme would target to train and provide gainful employment to the trained candidates.
• The Training Partners would be responsible for candidates’ mobilization, establishment of training
centres, ToT certified trainers, conduct training, scheduling assessment & certification, placement and
post placement tracking under the overall supervision of the respective department and BSDM. The
entire traying cycle shall be managed as per the approved guideline/cost & process
norms/SoP/Amendments/Circulars of BSDM or respective department.
• The departments and BSDM shall collaboratively monitor skill training performance as per the
monitoring & evaluation framework. All the training shall be managed through a portal.
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Section B – General
4. General Provisions
4.1 The Training Partners (TPs) shall not receive any income in connection with the engagement except
as provided for in the Agreement. The TPs shall not engage in training activities that are in conflict
with the interest of the BSDM / Government of Bihar under the Agreement.
4.2 The TPs shall not charge any amount or fees from the candidates for the training being conducted
under the BSDM/department domain skilling Programme under any pretext except as permitted.
4.3 Neither the TPs nor any of their affiliates shall be engaged in any assignment that, by its nature,
meaning or implication runs in conflict with the present assignment.
4.4 Relationship with Client's staff: TPs (including their personnel) that have a business or family
relationship with such member(s) of the Client’s staff or its advisors, who are directly or indirectly
involved in any part of; (i) the preparation of the RFP document, (ii) the empanelment process, or
(iii) monitoring and evaluation of such programme; may not be awarded the Agreement unless it is
established to the complete satisfaction of BSDM, for the reason to be recorded in writing, that such
relationship would not affect the aspects of fairness and transparency in the empanelment process
and monitoring of TP’s training.
4.5 The TPs shall not try to influence the third-party assessment in any way whatsoever and shall duly
inform the Client in advance in case an assigned assessor had a prior beneficial relationship with it.
4.6 By inviting proposals under this RFP, BSDM/Department does not give any guarantee/commitment
expressed or implied for the number of candidates or targets that will be trained under this Program.
However, BSDM/Department will make its best efforts to have the largest participation of targeted
youth as envisioned by it.

5. Unfair Competitive Advantage

5.1 The Applicants or their Affiliates applying for empanelment should not derive any competitive
advantage from having provided similar or related services to the Client earlier.

6. Corrupt and Fraudulent Practices

6.1 The Applicants and their respective officers, employees, agents and advisers shall observe the
highest standard of ethics during the Empanelment Process. Notwithstanding anything to the
contrary contained in this RFP, the Client shall reject a Proposal without being liable in any manner
whatsoever to the Applicant, if it determines that the Applicant has, directly or indirectly or through
an agent, engaged in corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or
restrictive practice (collectively the “Prohibited Practices”) in the Empanelment Process. In such an
event, the Client shall, without prejudice to it’s any other rights or remedies, forfeit and appropriate
the Earnest Money Deposit as damages payable to the Client for, inter alia, time, cost and effort of
the Client, in regard to the RFP, including consideration and evaluation of such Applicant’s Proposal.
6.2 Without prejudice to the rights of the Client under Clause 6.1 hereinabove, and the rights and
remedies which the Client may have under the LOA or the Agreement, if an Applicant is found by
the Client to have directly or indirectly or through an agent, engaged or indulged in any corrupt

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practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice during the
Empanelment Process, or after the issue of the Letter of Empanelment or the execution of the
Agreement, such an Applicant shall not be eligible to participate in any tender or RFP issued by the
Client during the assignment period from the date such Applicant is found by the Client to have
directly or through an agent, engaged or indulged in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice,
coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice, as the case may be.
6.3 For the purposes of Clause 6.1 and 6.2, the following terms shall have the meaning hereinafter
respectively assigned to them:
a) “corrupt practice” means (i) the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting, directly or indirectly,
of anything of value to influence the action of any person connected with the Selection Process
(for avoidance of doubt, offering of employment to or employing or engaging in any manner
whatsoever, directly or indirectly, any official of the Client who is or has been associated in any
manner, directly or indirectly with the Empanelment Process or the LOA or has dealt with
matters concerning the Agreement or arising there from, before or after the execution thereof, at
any time prior to the expiry of one year from the date such official resigns or retires from or
otherwise ceases to be in the service of the Client, shall be deemed to constitute influencing the
actions of a person connected with the election Process; or (ii) engaging in any manner
whatsoever, whether during the Empanelment Process or after the issue of the LOA or after the
execution of the Agreement, as the case may be, any person in respect of any matter relating to
the Assignment or the LOA or the Agreement, who at any time has been or is a legal, financial
or Technical Consultant/ Adviser of the Client in relation to any matter concerning the Project;

b) “fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation or omission of facts or disclosure of incomplete

facts, in order to influence the Empanelment Process;
c) “coercive practice” means impairing or harming or threatening to impair or harm, directly or
indirectly, any persons or property to influence any person’s participation or action in the
Selection Process;
d) “undesirable practice” means (i) establishing contact with any person connected with or
employed or engaged by the Client with the objective of canvassing, lobbying or in any manner
influencing or attempting to influence the Empanelment Process; or (ii) having a Conflict of
Interest; and
e) “Restrictive practice” means forming a cartel or arriving at any understanding or arrangement
among Applicants with the objective of restricting or manipulating a full and fair competition in
the Empanelment Process

6.4 Clause for Blacklisting of TPs: While the primary objective is to facilitate TPs in achievement of
targets, but the TPs can default for Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices. First level of safeguard against
such default by TP is continuous monitoring and consultative system which is already in place right
till the district level. Notices shall be issued to the TPs regarding deficiencies detected at various
stages. However, even after notice and reminder(s), if a TP does not take remedial measure; a major
step may be taken which might lead to blacklisting of the TP.

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Section C – Preparation and Submission of Proposals
7. General Considerations
7.1 The Proposal must be submitted via online mode through E-Proc.
7.2 Applicant shall submit all the required documents as mentioned in the Annexures including Tech
Forms. It should be ensured that all formats mentioned in this RFP should be adhered to and no
changes in the format should be done.
7.3 The bids submitted by telex/telegram/fax/e-mail etc. shall not be considered. BSDM shall not be
responsible for any delay or non-receipt/ non uploading of the documents. No correspondence will
be entertained on this matter. Any proposal received by the BSDM after the stipulated deadline shall
not be entertained under any circumstances.
7.4 Instructions to the Bidders:

7.4.1 Completeness of Response

o Bidders are advised to study all instructions, forms, requirement and other information in the
RFP document carefully. Submission of the bid shall be deemed to have been done after careful
study and examination of the RFP document with full understanding of its implications.
o The response to this RFP should be full and complete in all respects. Failure to furnish all
information required by the RFP documents or submission of a proposal not substantially
responsive to this document will be at the Bidder's risk and may result in rejection of its Proposal
at any stage i.e. even at post agreement execution stage.

7.4.2 RFP Proposal Preparation cost & related issues

o The bidder is responsible for all the costs incurred in connection with participation in this
process, including, but not limited to, costs incurred in conduct of informative and other diligence
activities, preparation of proposal, participation in meetings/discussions/presentations, in
providing any additional information required by BSDM to facilitate the evaluation process and
Awarding of Contract.
o The tendering authority in no case will be responsible or liable for any of such above said costs,
regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.

7.4.3 Miscellaneous
o This RFP does not prevent or force BSDM/Department to engage in negotiations or to award a
contract. Further, no reimbursable cost may be incurred in anticipation of award or for preparing
the Proposal for this RFP.
o The selected bidder to whom Letter of Empanelment (LOE) has been issued will have to enter
into an Agreement with the department within 30 days of issue of LOE. In absence of a formal
agreement/MoU, the RFP and the LOE along with the acceptance of the LOE by the selected
bidder, will constitute a binding agreement between the selected bidder and the department.
7.4.4 Right to Terminate the Process and issue of Corrigendum and other Right
o BSDM may, for any reason, modify the RFP Document by a corrigendum and may, at its
discretion, extend the last date for the receipt of Proposals.

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o BSDM may terminate the RFP process at any time without assigning any reason. BSDM makes
no commitments, express or implied, that this process will result in a business transaction with
anyone or between anyone.
o BSDM reserves the right to modify and amend any of the condition/criterion as stipulated in
whole of this RFP Document depending upon project priorities vis-à-vis urgent commitments.
7.5 Any attempt by a Bidder to influence the bid evaluation process may result in the outright rejection
of its Proposal.

8. Prohibition of Subcontracting or Franchising

Training Partners cannot subcontract/sublet/franchise any part of the skill training in any manner. In
case of finding such cases at the time of implementation, the empanelment will immediately be
cancelled, and the training partner may be debarred from participating in any bid in future.

9. Earnest Money Deposit

9.1 Every applicant participating in the bidding process must furnish the required earnest money
deposit (EMD) as specified in the Notice Inviting Proposals (Rs.50,000/- only).
9.2 EMD of an applicant lying with BSDM in respect of other bids awaiting decision will not be
adjusted towards EMD for the fresh bids.
9.3 The EMD of Rs. 50,000/- (Fifty Thousand) only, will be deposited through e-payment mode (i.e.
NEFT/RTGS/Credit Card/Debit Card) on E-Proc Portal, before the last date/time for submission/
uploading of proposal, failing which the bid will be rejected.
9.4 This EMD will be non-interest bearing and refundable. If the selected agencies fails to submit the
requisite performance guarantee or to execute the agreement, this EMD will be forfeited.
9.5 Refund of EMD: The EMD of unsuccessful applicants will be returned within 60 days after
completion of RFP process or completion of Bid validity period whichever is earlier. However, in
case of successful applicants, the latter may request for the refund of EMD, only after submission
of Performance Guarantee for all the centers allotted to it by the respective department.
Performance Guarantee of Rs. 50,000/- per training center in the form of demand draft will
have to be deposited to the respective department by the successful applicants.
9.6 Forfeiture of EMD: The EMD taken from the applicant shall be forfeited in the following cases
a) When the applicant does not sign the agreement within a period of 15 working days of issue
of Letter of Empanelment (LoE) or within the extended timeline permitted by BSDM or the
b) When the applicant withdraws or modifies his proposal after opening of proposals.
c) When the applicant does not deposit the required Performance Guarantee before the
Agreement is signed.
d) Rejection of proposal on account of Corrupt and Fraudulent Practices as outlined in Clause
6.1 and 6.2

10. Confidentiality
From the time the Proposals are opened to the time the Empanelment is announced, the Applicant
should not contact BSDM on any matter related to its Proposal Evaluation. Information relating to
the evaluation of Proposals and award recommendations shall not be disclosed to the Applicants
who submitted the Proposals or to any other party not officially concerned with the process, until
the publication of the Empanelment announcement.

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11. Eligibility Criteria and Proposal Evaluation
SN Particulars Proof Required
1 The Applicant Organization (AO) must be registered on Incorporation/ Registration Certificate
or before 31.03.2020. Consortiums / Joint Ventures are
not allowed.
2 Applicant Organization may be Proprietorship, Proprietorship: Udyog Aadhaar / GST
Partnership, Trust, Society, Public or Private Limited Registration / Registration under Shop &
Company, Government or Private Educational Institutions Establishment Act.
- Nursing, Paramedical, Polytechnic, Engineering Partnership: Registered Partnership Deed
colleges Trust: Trust Deed
Society: Registration Certificate
Public or Private Limited Company:
Certificate of Incorporation
Government or Private Educational
Institution: Nursing, Paramedical, Polytechnic,
Engineering colleges: Proof of registration.
3 The Applicant Organization must have a minimum Audited Balance Sheet & Profit & Loss / Income
Average Annual Turnover of at least INR 1.00 Crore in Expenditure Account
the three financial years i.e. FY 2019-20, 20-21 & 21-22.
And also Submit a CA Certificate stating the
above figures with UDIN (Annexure I)
4 The Applicant Organization must have a positive net Audited Balance Sheet
worth of at-least Rs. 25 Lac as on 31.03.2022. And also Submit a CA Certificate stating the
above figures with UDIN (Annexure I)
5 The AO/s must have provided Skill Training to at least Submit a CA Certificate stating the above
1000 candidates on a consolidated basis during the last figures with UDIN (Annexure I)
three financial years i.e., FY 2020-21, 21-22 & 22-23.
6 The Applicant Organization must have placed at least 500 Submit a CA Certificate stating the above
candidates on a consolidated basis during the last 3 figures with UDIN (Annexure I)
Financial Years i.e., FY 2020-21, 21-22 & 22-23.
7 The Applicant Organization must submit Letter of Intent Industry issued verifiable LoI on the industry
(LoI) with an industry partner/s or employers / or letter head. These LoI must contain valid contact
HR/Placement agencies for at least 300 candidates related details mobile number and email id of the
to the course / sector they are applying for. industry partner/s or employers / or
HR/Placement agencies for verification purpose.
Note: In case any bidding organization submits same
placement LoI for different RFPs published by BSDM Note: LoI without having valid website of the
for different departments, then the same LoI shall be employer/industry shall not be considered and
considered only once for the department having outrightly rejected.
highest target under the published RFP/s and for other
department/s the same will be outrightly rejected.
8 The Applicant Organization must have to mandatorily Notarized Affidavit as per Annexure II
submit Notarized Affidavit that it has not been blacklisted
/ debarred by any Central/ State Govt. or their
9 The AO/s should not currently have any of its Skill Declaration under Annexure II
Development Center permanently blocked, debarred by
BSDM through an order of BSDM or any other
Departments/ State skill Mission/ Central Government
institutions/ similar bodies.
10 The Applicant Organization must have to submit district Declaration under Annexure IV
preferences for all 38 districts of Bihar in the given format.
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Technical Evaluation Criteria and Score:

SN Criteria Proof

1 Period of Establishment: (completed years as on last date of bid submission) Incorporation/

(Maximum Marks: 10) Registration Certificate
More than 10 years old: 10 marks
More than or equal to 06 years and less than 10 years old: 07 marks
More than or equal to 03 years and less than 06 years old: 05 marks
2 Average Annual Turnover (AATO) of in the three financial years i.e. FY 2019- Audited Balance Sheet
20, 20-21 and 21-22. Financial figures of FY 22-23 even if audited will not be & Profit & Loss /
considered. (Maximum Marks: 10) Income Expenditure
AATO more than 06 Crores: 10 marks Account.
AATO more than or equals to 03 Crores and less than 06 Crores: 07 marks CA Certificate stating
AATO more than or equals to 01 Crore and less than 03 Crores: 05 marks the above figures with
3 The Applicant Organization must have a positive net worth of at-least Rs. 25 UDIN (Annexure I)
Lac as on 31.03.2022. (Maximum Marks: 10)
Net-worth more than 150 Lac: 10 marks
Net-worth more than or equals to 75 Lac and less than 150 Lac: 07 marks
Net-worth more than or equals to 25 Lac and less than 75 Lac: 05 marks
4 Consolidated Past Placement Figures during the last 3 Financial Years (FY Submit a CA
2020-21, 2021-22 & FY 2022-23). (Maximum Marks: 10) Certificate stating the
above figures with
Placements more than 2000: 10 marks
Placements more than or equals to 1000 and less than 2000: 07 marks UDIN (Annexure I)
Placements more than or equals to 500 and less than 1000: 05 marks
5 The Applicant Organization must submit Letter of Intent (LoI) with an industry
Industry issued
partner/s or employers / or HR/Placement agencies for at least 300 candidatesverifiable LoI on the
related to the course / sector they are applying for. (Maximum Marks: 10) industry letter head.
LoI for more than 1000 candidates: 10 marks These LoI must contain
LoI for more than or equals to 600 and less than 1000: 07 marks valid contact details
LoI more than or equals to 300 and less than 600: 05 marks mobile number and
email id of the industry
Note: LoI without having valid website of the employer/industry shall not be partner/s or employers /
considered and outrightly rejected. or HR/Placement
agencies for
Note: In case any bidding organization submits same placement LoI for verification purpose.
different RFPs published by BSDM for different departments, then the
same LoI shall be considered only once for the department having highest
target under the published RFP/s and for other department/s the same will
be outrightly rejected.

8 Technical Presentation will be of maximum 50 marks.

i. Organization Profile/ Background
ii. Understanding Bihar Context (Youth and Employment)
iii. Mobilization and Training Plan
iv. Training and Placement Experience
v. Placement Tie-ups
Total Score: 100

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Technical Evaluation and Target Allocation

• All the training partners who will meet the eligibility criteria and have submitted all the Tech Forms and
Annexures, will be called for a technical presentation. Intimation regarding the date, time and venue of
the technical presentation will be sent to the bidder on their given email ID.
• The technical presentation shall be held before the committee consisting of BSDM and representatives
of the respective Department.
• Only those bidders who will qualify the technical evaluation round will be selected for the empanelment
as Training Partner for the respective Department.
• Minimum 60 marks will be needed to qualify the technical evaluation round. However, securing 60
marks or above will not guarantee empanelment with the respective department or allocation of target.
• The total number of required training partners that will be selected for empanelment with a department,
will be based on the requirement of concerned department and their total target. The selection will be
based in the order of obtained technical score.
• The number of Training Partners shall be decided according to the accepted LoI/s per Job Role (Course).
The number of districts and centers to be allocated to any training partner shall be proportional to the
marks obtained by the applicant organization.
• The list of training partners will be shared with the respective department which in turn will decide about
the target allocation, districts, and number of centers for a particular training partner based on their
preference of districts, placement LOIs and financial capability to establish training centers. In case of
same preference of districts by more than one training partner or for other like decision, the department
will decide in the order of obtained score under technical evaluation. The department may initially
allocate lesser target and number of centers and based on performance may further allocate target and
centers. Maximum Two Centers will be allocated for a particular district for a particular training partner
under one department.

However, CEO, BSDM or the secretary/principal secretary of the concerned department may relax or
make stringent or may modify the above procedure of target allocation/district/number of centers either
generally or particularly.
• The rationalization of district/s allocation, number of training centers and target allocation for a training
partner, shall be decided by the concerned department based on placement LoIs and marks obtained in
technical evaluation.
• In future the department may choose to allocate target in additional centers, sectors, job roles depending
upon the performance of training partner and availability of placement LoIs in the concerned sector/ job

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Section D – Empanelment of the TPs
12. Submission of Performance Guarantee, MoU with department, Target allocation

12.1 The department within 7 days of receipt of list of selected training partners from BSDM, will make
communication with each of the training partners mentioning total annual target, job roles, districts and
number of centers. The training partner will submit a performance guarantee of Rs. 50,000/- per training
center in the form of demand draft to the respective department and execute MoU within 15 days of such
communication by the department.
12.2 The empaneled TPs are then expected to commence the work within ten days of signing of the
MoU. Commencement of work shall mean:
• Mobilization of manpower for setting up training centres in the districts in which the
Private Training Provider has been empaneled.
• Submission of mobilization plan for the districts for which the Training Provider has been
• Simultaneous on boarding of center(s) on BSDM portal and batch commencement at the
12.3 The said Performance Guarantee shall be released after 6 months of satisfactory
completion/execution of the training and placement and expiration of the MoU for which Training
Provider is empaneled. The performance guarantee may get forfeited in any of the following case:
o Any fraudulent practices by the empaneled training partner.
o Violation of conditions agreed as per the agreement signed between the department and
Training Provider or other applicable norms of BSDM.
o In case of not achieving the placement mandate of the successful trained candidates.
o Any financial irregularities that have affected the project.

Section E – Scope of Work

The scope of work to be undertaken by the empaneled training providers would be as below:

13. Mobilization, Pre-Counseling and Registration of eligible candidates

13.1 Awareness creation in the districts in which it has been empaneled.
13.2 Candidate Pre-Counseling: Counseling of training seekers both one on one and through
psychometric test are mandatory.
13.3 Counseling the candidates and their parents on the available job opportunities / training locations
and set their expectations on jobs, relocation requirements and compensation.
13.4 TPs shall collect copies of all the relevant documents at the time of enrolment and match them with
the originals.

14. Course and Curriculum Design

Training Providers will follow the modules defined by respective sector skill councils/NCVET.

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15. Training
15.1 The TPs will be allowed to operate the centers within the state of Bihar and as per assigned district
and block for a period of the Agreement duration.
15.2 The TPs would need to install latest GPS enabled biometric attendance devices (as prescribed by
BSDM) to capture the Aadhar Enabled Biometric Attendance of trainers and trainees.
15.3 Ensure adequate coverage of the topics specific to the requirements of the module as assessments
would be based on NOSs/Qualification Packs of course of respective SSCs.
15.4 The guidelines with respect to OJT shall be followed as prescribed for the respective course.
15.5 The guidelines with respect to residential training, if any, shall have to be follow by the TPs at all
times during the training period.
15.6 Some of the other facilities to be ensured at the training center (but not limited to) are as under:
• Separate washroom for boys and girls
• CCTV Monitoring
• Equipment & furniture as per specifications to be provided by BSDM
• Power Backup, Water Purifier
• LCD / Over Head Projector, if required.
• Domain Labs, IT Labs, requisite classrooms, Internet facility

16. Placement of Candidates

“Placed” means the candidate is placed in the sector of their training at the respective industries
(manufacturing/service) and his / her gross remuneration should not be below the minimum wages of
the state in which he/she has been placed. Further, a placement shall be considered valid if a candidate
is placed within the first 3 months of successfully trained and certified.

Section F – Key Terms of Empanelment

17. Scheme Specific Guidelines:

17.1 The TPs would need to follow scheme specific guidelines while implementing the skill
development programme. In case there are no specific guidelines for a scheme, then BSDM guidelines
shall be adhered to.
17.2 The TP shall open all the targeted centers basis on the timeline given by the department from the
date of empanelment such that training is started in 100% of the targeted centres.

18. Infrastructure and faculty requirements

18.1 The TP would be expected to adhere to the Training Centre Specifications as laid out by BSDM
under the domain Tab of BSDM website.
18.2 A trainer-trainee ratio of 1:30 shall be maintained at the training center.
18.3 Trainers shall adhere to respective SSC qualifications & guidelines.
18.4 Trainers should be ToT (Training of Trainers) certified by the concerned SSCs

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19. Process and Cost Norms

19.1 Target Beneficiary Age Group: Working age population: 15 – 59 Years or as per the scheme
guidelines and entry age defined by the QP norms and department norms.
19.2 Target Beneficiary: Minimum Qualification: It will be as per the scheme guidelines or as per
course QP requirement.
Note: Relaxation in minimum educational qualifications for some severely disadvantaged groups or
some specific target groups / specific programs, may be done as and when deemed required by BSDM
or as directed by the State Government.
19.3 Courses Available: QP-NOS/ Any other course approved by BSDM. Course list shall be decided
by BSDM in consultation with the Departments, and shall be revised from time to time by SSC/NCVET.
19.4 Training Duration: Fresh Skilling: Minimum 200 hours: As per the durations specified in the
current course offering list or as required by any of the Departments or Industry and as amended time to
time. Courses that are less than 200 hours but are deemed as important in the context of the State for
fresh skilling will be offered on a case-to-case basis. Also, for some of these courses relevant clubbing
(of courses / topics / NOSs/ training duration etc.) may be done, in order to increase the employment
potential of the courses.
19.5 Social Inclusion Mandates: The Departments / Directorates would be required to set the category
wise percentages as per their Departments / Directorates / schemes mandates.
For the Departments / Directorates that cater to multiple strata of beneficiaries, the following categories
need to be focused in the annual physical targets:

19.6 Placement: Definition & Mandate:

Placement Definition: Placement to be mandatorily done in 3 months from result declaration date (of
assessment / reassessment). Placements by definition would mean that the placed candidate has joined
the offered job and is in employment for the next 3 months at least. Placements can be in the form of
wage employment or self-employment.

• In case of wage employment, candidates should be placed in jobs that provide wages at least
equal to minimum wages prescribed by the State where the deployment is done post recruitment
and such candidates should continue to be in jobs for a minimum period of three months, from
the date of placement in the same or a higher level with the same or any other employer.

• In case of self-employment, candidates should have been employed gainfully in livelihood

enhancement occupations which are evidenced in terms of trade license or setting up of an
enterprise or becoming a member of a producer group or proof of additional earnings (bank
statement) or any other suitable and verifiable document as prescribed by BSDM / respective

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Placement Mandate: All the schemes following BSDM guidelines will have to ensure a minimum of
50 % (or as specified in the scheme guideline) placement (Of the total certified candidates of a batch)
including self-employment. The breakup of placement percentage for wage and self-employment can be
decided by the implementing department as per the nature of the course and their target group
19.7 Post Training / Placement tracking mandate:
All Certified candidates need to be marked as placed or unplaced on the BSDM portal in 3 months from
the date of result declaration (either for fresh assessments or reassessment). Reassessment (if any) needs
to be completed within 90 days from result declaration of the fresh assessment or as allowed by
For Placed candidates
1 year of employment related tracking with the provision of uploading 6 months’ pay slip (in the
aforementioned 1 year) or bank statements / self-declaration (To highlight increase in earnings in the
case of self-employment) or self-declaration of monthly wage in case of wage employment in informal
sector. Other relevant details, which will also have to be furnished on the BSDM portal, are as follows:
For Wage Employment:
• Date of Placement
• Name, Address, Sector and contact details of Employer Organization/Company
• Employment Location (City, District, State)
• Salary/wages
• Role/Designation
• Candidates current contact number
• Declaration of data correctness from Skill Development Centre (SDC) centre operator
• Soft copy of offer letter/contract copy / salary slip / self-declaration of the candidate in case
of wage employment in informal sector – uploading mandatory
For Self-Employment:
• Date of Successful Completion of Training
• Name, Address, Sector and contact details of Venture – not mandatory
• Monthly earnings
• Candidates current contact number
• Declaration of data correctness from SDC operator
• Soft copy of venture registration / bank loan documents / bank statement / Self declaration
by the candidate of earnings from self-employment for increased earnings – uploading
19.8 Assessment & Certification:
Assessment – Assessment of candidates who have met the assessment eligibility criteria of 80%
attendance of the batch duration, unless otherwise specified in the scheme guideline.
• QP/NOS based courses – SSC’s appointed assessment agencies
• Other than QP Based course – BBOSE, BSDM or any other BSDM approved organization
of state / national repute.

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• Government Training Providers of National or State repute might be able to do assessments
of their training post course approval from BSDM.
• QP/NOS based courses – SSC’s
• Other than QP Based course – BBOSE, BSDM or any other BSDM approved organization
of state / national repute.
• Government Training Providers of National or State repute can certify their successfully
trained candidates post course approval from BSDM.

19.9 SDC operator / SDC (due diligence) empanelment processing fee:

• A non-refundable processing fee of INR 1000 (To be revised by BSDM from time to time)
per SDC will be charged from all the SDC applicants against the desk appraisal and due
diligence conducted by BSDM. This will be taken at the time of center empanelment on
BSDM portal, post selection of TP and MoU execution with respective department.

19.10 Centre Registration Fee and annual renewal fee from empanelled SDCs:
• The centre registration fee for all empanelled SDCs will be INR 4000. The centre registration
will be renewed at the end of the financial year in case of satisfactory performance of the
SDC. The renewal fee will be Rs. 2000 per year.
• However, the initial registration or any renewals thereafter for centres from the date of
opening of empanelment / renewal shall be valid only up to the end of Financial year, in
which the centre is registered / renewed or as otherwise intimated by BSDM on its website
post which the validity of the center registration / renewal will cease to exist for all purposes
legal or otherwise.
• However, BSDM may decide to exempt certain entities / type of centres / schemes on this
account or increase or decrease the concerned fee under any or all of the programs as and
when deemed necessary either generally or particularly.
19.11 Course Registration Fee from empanelled SDCs:

• All empanelled SDCs will pay a course registration fee of INR 1000 / course. The course
registration fee will be renewed at the end of the year in case of satisfactory performance of
the SDC. A renewal fee of Rs. 1000 per year per course shall be charged. However, the initial
course registration or any renewals thereafter for centres from the date of approval / renewal
shall be valid only up to the end of financial year, in which the course is registered / renewed
or as otherwise intimated by BSDM on its website post which the validity of the course
registration / renewal will cease to exist for all purposes legal or otherwise.
• However, BSDM may decide to exempt certain entities / type of centres / schemes on this
account or increase or decrease the concerned fee under any or all of the programs as and
when deemed necessary either generally or particularly.
19.12 Portal usage fees:
• Per candidate portal usage fee (against using the portal for monitoring and evaluation of the
training) of INR 0.50 per candidate per course per hour will be deducted from the amount
payable to the SDC operators or will be charged in case of candidate paid models.

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• In case of domain skilling implemented through the budget of departments other than BSDM,
the department shall pay the reduced amount to the SDC operator and shall pay the portal
usage fee to BSDM.

19.13 Refundable security deposit from candidates:

• 10% of the total training fee (as paid to the SDC) per learner (to be paid to BSDM through
the SDC operator) up to a max of INR 1000 will be taken as refundable security deposit from
• Exemption on this account may be provided for severely disadvantaged groups such as:
o Beggars and their dependents
o Leprosy cured and their dependents
o Construction workers
o HIV patients and their dependents
o Jail Inmates
o Note: The list of applicable categories for the exemption may be revised as and when
deemed required by BSDM or as directed by the State Government.
19.14 Release of Funds:
• 30% of the training fee – On completion of 1/3rd of the duration of the course or 1 month
whichever is later for all the candidates with attendance equal to at least 80% against the
covered duration of the course (in hours).
• 30% of the training fee – On passing the final assessment by the BSDM authorized
assessment & certification agency – for the certified candidates only, post adjustment of the
30% (paid earlier) for candidates who did not pass the assessment.
• 20% of the training fee – For all the certified candidates after a minimum of 50% of the
certified candidates of the batch have been placed.
• 20% of the training fee – This amount will be paid post the 12-month tracking completion
and compliance and will be payable only for certified candidates for whom the tracking has
been completed.
• All the invoices of instalments shall be raised through the system and the payment has to be
made within 30 days of the raising of invoice. In case, the payment is not made within 30
days of raising the invoice and no further information is required from the SDC, the
disbursing department / organization shall be liable to pay simple interest on the due payment
at a rate of 0.5 % per month till the time actual payment is made.
• In case in any of the skilling programs it is observed that there is a recovery to be made by
the funding entity / department from the concerned SDC/Training Partner on account of the
eventual training fee for finally certified candidates of a batch being less than the already
paid amount (where any of the tranches before the final tranche are course completion /
attendance based payouts) for that batch, the concerned SDC / Training Partner will be liable
to pay the recovery amount to the concerned funding entity. If the SDC does not refund the
established recovery amount to the department / funding entity, the department / funding
entity can take legal action against the SDC / Training Partner.

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19.15 Training Calendar:
• Any training batch will be able to start on 1st of the Month or 15th of the month or as per the
scheme specific / BSDM guidelines. In case any of these dates is a holiday the common batch
starting date applicable will be the next working day.
19.16 Batch Size:

• Min 20 candidates per batch – Max 40 candidates per batch except for CSS that specify
minimum batch size.
• The minimum and maximum batch (group) size may be revised by BSDM in future if
required either generally or particularly.
• For any specific category of beneficiaries, exemption may be given by BSDM.

19.17 Grading of Training centers:

• The concerned funding entity / funding Department will provide additional work allocation
or will renew the agreement with a training center based on the following grading system
o If more than 75% of the total certified candidates in the target allocation period are
placed – Grade A
o If greater than or equal to 50% and less than or equal to 75% of the total certified
candidates in the target allocation period are placed– Grade B
o If less than 50% of the total certified candidates in the target allocation period are
placed– Grade C
• Grade A centers will be given preference by the concerned funding entity / funding
Department in work allocation post which work allocation will be done for the Grade B
centers. Further Work allocation or Renewal of agreement will not be done for Grade C
• Note: Any center that has less than 50% enrolment against the allocated target in the in the
target allocation period will not be eligible for Further Work allocation or Renewal of
agreement unless otherwise decided by the concerned Department / BSDM.
• Partners getting Grade C may also be debarred for 3 years to participate in any tendering
process of BSDM.

19.18 Training Cost:

• Category 1: INR 49.0 per candidate per course per hour
• Category 2: INR 42.0 per candidate per course per hour
• Category 3: INR 35.1 per candidate per course per hour
• Per candidate portal usage fee (against using the portal for monitoring and evaluation of the
training and the actual training delivery) of INR 0.50 per candidate per hour will be deducted
from the amount payable to the SDC. Thus, the eventual payout to the SDCs in case of
Domain specific skilling will be:

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o Category 1: INR 48.5 per candidate per course per hour
o Category 2: INR 41.5 per candidate per course per hour
o Category 3: INR 34.6 per candidate per course per hour
• For cases where the premises / building is provided by Government, a monthly rent as per
the prevalent circle rates will be charged from the SDC operator using the allotted
19.19 Uniform:

• No provision for uniform cost for schemes following BSDM guidelines except for schemes
/ Department’s where it is mandatory as in the case of Health, Security etc. related training –
All such exceptions need to be clearly stated. The required dress specification needs to be
stated. However, for the purpose of branding, BSDM may decide to provide certain set of
wearables displaying its logo to all or certain categories of the candidates undergoing training
19.20 Boarding and Lodging:
• Applicable where residential training is being conducted and only for certified candidates
unless other wise stated.
• Note: A minimum training duration of 6 hours per day will be assumed for calculation of
total number of days for which boarding and lodging amount will be provided.
• Boarding and lodging cost at actuals for residential training subject to maximum per trainee
per day as per table below:
o Rs. 375/- per day per trainee in X Category Cities/Towns.
o Rs. 315/- per day per trainee in Patna municipal corporation limits or Y Category
o Rs. 250/- per day per trainee in other municipal corporations / municipal board limits
or Z Category Cities/Towns.
o Rs. 220/- per day per trainee in all other areas including nagar panchayats
• Note: The above rates shall also be applicable for training programmes, anywhere in the
country where women trainees and Persons with Disabilities have to travel more than 80 kms
from their homes to reach the nearest training center (or 40 kms in case of Special Areas)
and who are availing of boarding and lodging arrangement made for them.
19.21 Stipend:
• No provision for stipend for schemes following BSDM guidelines except for severely
disadvantaged groups.
o Beggars – INR 100 / day
o Leprosy cured and their dependents – INR 30 / day subject to maximum of INR 800
/ month
o Construction workers registered with BoCW board – As per unskilled construction
labourers minimum daily wage rate prescribed by the State Government or the
scheme specific guidelines
o HIV / AIDS patients – INR 30 / day subject to maximum of INR 800 / month

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• A minimum training duration of 6 hours per day will be assumed for calculation of total
number of days for which stipend amount will be provided.
• Any candidate who is availing the self-help allowance will not be eligible for the stipend
even if he falls under any of the above severely disadvantaged groups.
• The list of applicable categories and the respective rates for the provision of stipend may be
revised as and when deemed required by BSDM or as and when directed by the State

19.22 Food and To & Fro charges:

• No provision of food and To & Fro charges in case of non-residential training.

19.23 One-time Transportation cost:

• Applicable where residential training is being conducted
• In case of residential training one-time transportation charges will be provided at actuals (To
be paid directly to the candidates through their bank account) subject to a maximum amount
of INR 1000.
• For such cases where BSDM allows residential training outside the State, BSDM will
reimburse one-time transportation cost as per actual, subject to a maximum of INR 5000/-
per trainee
19.24 Career Progression
• For every candidate who gets Rs 15,000 per month and holds the job for at least 3 consecutive
months within the 1-year tracking period @INR 5000.
• Note: Applicable for candidates with wage employment. This component will be paid for all
the candidates who receive a salary of INR 15000 for at least 3 consecutive months within
the 1-year tracking period.
19.25 Counselling support including medical check-up for candidates placed in foreign countries
• @INR 10000
• Note: Applicable for candidates with wage employment. The invoice for this amount will be
raised for the candidates who have got overseas deployment and have completed at least 3
months in the job post deployment.
19.26 Placement Incentive
• If the batch wage employment placement rate (calculated basis certified candidates in a
batch) is 70 to 85 % placement incentive will be – INR 3000 for each of the certified
candidate who is placed in wage employment.
• If the batch wage employment placement rate (calculated basis certified candidates in a
batch) is more than 85 % placement incentive will be – INR 5000 for each of the certified
candidate who is placed in wage employment.
19.27 Post-Placement support (PPS) for Special Areas/Groups for wage employment
• Special Areas in context of Bihar: Left Wing Extremists (LWE) as per the Home Ministry
Page 26 of 42
• Special Groups: Would comprise of Women, PwD candidates
• In order to enable the newly skilled persons from Special Areas/Groups (Women) to settle
into their new jobs/vocations under wage employment, post placement support would be
provided directly to the candidate at the rate of Rs 1500/- per month for the following
o Placement within District of domicile – 1 month for Men, 2 months for Women
o Placement outside District of domicile – 2 months for Men, 3 months for Women
• Post Placement Support for Persons with Disabilities will be provided at the rate of Rs 3000/-
per month as under: Post Placement support @ Rs. 3000/- per month for Men/Women
o Placement within District of Domicile – 2 months
o Placement outside District of domicile but within State of domicile – 3 months
o Placement outside State of domicile – 6 months
Note: The amount will be payable to the eligible candidate after the placement definition is met.
19.28 Assessment & Certification cost
• For QP/NOS courses – INR 600- 1500 as per the prevalent course / SSC assessment rate
• To be paid by the respective Departments directly to the assessment agency/SSC.

** The entire process and cost norms as mentioned above under Point 19 above will be subject to
revision/modifications as amended time to time by BSDM. The CEO BSDM will have the discretion to
make stringent or to relax any of the above provisions either generally or particularly.
** Also, items which are not mentioned here but for which there is a guideline or mechanism available
on BSDM website or portal, adherence by the Training Partner for such guidelines/norms will be
mandatory under domain skilling program.

20. Period of the Agreement:

• One year from the date of signing of contract. This may further be extended for another one
year subject to yearly center renewal and agreement renewal. The extension will be based
on satisfactory performance and /project requirement and based on the sole discretion of the
respective line Department.

21. Performance Review

• The first Performance Review may be scheduled four months from the date of signing of the
agreement (or as deemed fit by the department). This review shall be done so as to ascertain
the performance of the TP and also to allocate targets for the next Financial Year (In case,
the TP does not face de-empanelment due to non- performance)

• Performance of TPs shall be reviewed on the basis of achievement of training and placement
targets against the Prospective Work Schedule (PWS) furnished by the TP at the time of
signing of agreement with the department.

Page 27 of 42
Section G – General Terms & Conditions
22. Interpretation
22.1 Entire Agreement: The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the department/BSDM
and the empanelled Applicant and supersedes all communications, negotiations and agreements
(whether written or oral) of parties with respect thereto made prior to the date of the Agreement.
22.2 Amendment: No amendment or other variation of the Agreement shall be valid unless it is in
writing, is dated, expressly refers to the Agreement, and is signed by a duly authorized representative of
each party thereto.

22.3 Severability: If any provision or condition of the Agreement is prohibited or rendered invalid or
unenforceable, such prohibition, invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the validity or
enforceability of any other provisions and conditions of the Agreement.

23. Governing Law:

23.1 The Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Bihar State/
the Country (India) and under the jurisdiction of Patna Courts.

24. Force Majeure:

24.1 Definition
a) For the purposes of this Agreement, “Force Majeure” means an event which is beyond the reasonable
control of a Party, and which makes a Party’s performance of its obligations hereunder impossible
or so impractical as reasonably to be considered impossible in the circumstances, and includes, but
is not limited to, war, riots, civil disorder, earthquake, fire, explosion, storm, flood or other adverse
weather conditions, strikes, lockouts or other industrial action (except where such strikes, lockouts
or other industrial action are within the power of the Party invoking Force Majeure to prevent),
confiscation or any other action by government agencies.
b) Force Majeure shall not include (i) any event which is caused by the negligence or intentional action
of a Party or agents employees thereof, nor (ii) any event which a diligent Party could reasonably
have been expected to both (A) take into account at the time of the conclusion of this Agreement and
(B) avoid or overcome in the carrying out of its obligations hereunder.
c) Force Majeure shall not include insufficiency of funds or failure to make any payment required
d) BSDM/Department will decide the eventuality of Force Majeure which will be binding on both the

24.2 No Breach of Agreement: The failure of a Party to fulfill any of its obligations hereunder shall not
be considered to be a breach of, or default under, this Agreement insofar as such inability arises from an
event of Force Majeure, provided that the Party affected by such an event has taken all reasonable
precautions, due care and reasonable alternative measures, all with the objective of carrying out the
terms and conditions of this Agreement.

Page 28 of 42
24.3 Measures to be Taken
a) A Party affected by an event of Force Majeure shall take all reasonable measures to remove such
Party’s inability to fulfill its obligations hereunder with a minimum of delay.
b) A Party affected by an event of Force Majeure shall notify the other Party of such event as soon as
possible, and in any event not later than fourteen (14) days following the occurrence of such event,
providing evidence of the nature and cause of such event, and shall similarly give notice of the
restoration of normal conditions as soon as possible.
c) The Parties shall take all reasonable measures to minimize the consequences of any event of Force
24.4 Extension of Time: Any period within which a Party shall, pursuant to this Agreement, complete
any action or task, shall be extended for a period equal to the time during which such Party was unable
to perform such action as a result of Force Majeure.
24.5 Payments: No payment shall be made during the period of TP’s inability to perform the Services
as a result of an event of Force Majeure until and unless such payment pertains to the period before the
Force Majeure.
24.6 Consultation: Not later than thirty (30) days after the TP has, as the result of an event of Force
Majeure, become unable to perform a material portion of the Services, the Parties shall consult with each
other with a view to agreeing on appropriate measures to be taken in the circumstances.

25. Change Orders and Agreement Amendments

25.1 BSDM/Department may at any time, order the TPs through Notice, to make changes within the
general scope of the Agreement in case of services to be provided by the TP.
25.2 If any such change causes an increase or decrease in the cost of, or the time required for, the TPs’
performance of any provisions under the Agreement, an equitable adjustment shall be made in the
Agreement Price or in the Delivery and Completion Schedule, or both, and the Agreement shall
accordingly be amended. Any claims by the TPs for adjustment under this clause must be asserted within
thirty (30) days from the date of the TPs’ receipt of the BSDM’s / Department’s order.
25.3 Department may on its sole discretion may allocate additional target, different job roles or districts
to a selected bidder during the project execution stage depending upon performance of the selected
bidder or the requirement of department or the availability of budget etc.

26. Roles and Responsibilities of the Department

26.1 Monitoring and Evaluation of the TP Performance.
26.2 Disbursal of payment within a period of 15 days on submission of invoice.
26.3 The Roles and Responsibilities of the department shall be discharged on a best effort basis, and
they do not absolve the TP from discharging the necessary activities to complete the training cycle

27. Termination of the Agreement

27.1 Termination for Default: Department may, without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of
Agreement, by a written notice of default of at least 30 days sent to the TP, terminate the Agreement in
whole or in part (provided a cure period of not less than 30 days is given to the TP to rectify the breach):

Page 29 of 42
a) The agreement may be terminated if it is discovered at any stage that the TP has been furnishing
false claims or providing misleading information with respect to enrolment of trainees, conduct
of training or any other aspect related to programme.
b) If the TP, in the judgment of the Client, is found to be engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive,
or coercive practices in competing for or in executing the Agreement.
c) If the TP commits breach of any condition of the Agreement.

d) If department terminates the Agreement in whole or in part, Performance Guarantee shall be

27.2 Termination for Insolvency: Department may at any time terminate the Agreement by giving a
written notice of at least 30 days to the TP, if the TP becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent. In such
event, termination will be without compensation to the TP, provided that such termination will not
prejudice or affect any right of action or remedy that has accrued or will accrue thereafter to department.
27.3 Termination for Convenience – Department, by a written notice of at least 30 days sent to the TP,
may terminate the Agreement, in whole or in part, at any time for its convenience. The Notice of
termination shall specify that termination is for department’s convenience, the extent to which
performance of the selected Applicant under the Agreement is terminated, and the date upon which such
termination becomes effective. Depending on merits of the case the selected Applicant may be
appropriately compensated on mutually agreed terms for the loss incurred by the Agreement if any due
to such termination.
27.4 Limitation of Liability – In no event shall either party be liable for consequential, incidental,
indirect, or punitive loss, damage or expenses (including lost profits). The selected Applicant shall not
be liable to the other hereunder or in relation hereto (whether in Agreement, tort, strict liability or
otherwise) for more than the annual value of the training cost and any incentive paid (including any
amounts invoiced but not yet paid) under this Agreement.
27.5 Termination by the Client – The Client may, by not less than thirty (30) days’ written notice of
termination to the TP, such notice to be given after the occurrence of any of the events, terminate this
Agreement, if:

a) the TP fails to remedy any breach hereof or any failure in the performance of its obligations
hereunder, as specified in a notice of suspension, within thirty (30) days of receipt of such notice
of suspension or within such further period as the Client may have subsequently granted in
b) the TP becomes insolvent or bankrupt or enters into any agreement with its creditors for relief of
debt or take advantage of any law for the benefit of debtors or goes into liquidation or
receivership whether compulsory or voluntary.
c) the TP fails to comply with any final decision reached as a result of arbitration proceedings.
d) if the TP fails to comply to the decisions of department/BSDM.
e) the TP submits to the Client a statement which has a material effect on the rights, obligations or
interests of the Client and which the TP knows to be false.
f) any document, information, data or statement submitted by the TP in its Proposals, based on
which the TP was considered eligible or successful, is found to be false, incorrect or misleading;

Page 30 of 42
g) as the result of Force Majeure, the TP is unable to perform a material portion of the Services for
a period of not less than sixty (60) days.
27.8 Termination by the TP – The TP may, by not less than thirty (30) days’ written notice to the
Client, such notice to be given after the occurrence of any of the events, terminate this Agreement if:
a) the Client is in material breach of its obligations pursuant to this Agreement and has not remedied
the same within forty-five (45) days (or such longer period as the TP may have subsequently
agreed to in writing) following the receipt by the Client of the TP’s notice specifying such breach;
the TP becomes insolvent or bankrupt or enters into any agreement with its creditors for relief of
debt or take advantage of any law for the benefit of debtors or goes into liquidation or
receivership whether compulsory or voluntary;
b) as the result of Force Majeure, the TP is unable to perform a material portion of the Services for
a period of not less than sixty (60) days; or
c) The Client fails to comply with any final decision reached as a result of arbitration.

27.9 Payment upon Termination – Upon termination of the Agreement, no payment shall be made by
the Client to the TP.
27.10 Suspension: The Client may, by written notice of suspension to the TP, without any obligation
(financial or otherwise) suspend all the payments to the TP hereunder if the TP shall be in breach of the
Agreement or shall fail to perform any of its obligations under the Agreement, including the carrying
out of the Services; provided that such notice of suspension.
a) shall specify the nature of the breach or failure, and
b) shall provide an opportunity to the TP to remedy such breach or failure within a period not
exceeding thirty (30) days after receipt by the TP of such notice of suspension. The above action
will be taken by Client after appropriate approvals.
27.11 Cessation of Rights, Obligations and Services
a) Upon termination of this Agreement or upon expiration of this Agreement, all rights and
obligations of the Parties hereunder shall cease, except
b) such rights and obligations as may have accrued on the date of termination or expiration,
c) the obligation of confidentiality set forth in RFP,
d) the TP’s obligation to permit inspection, copying and auditing of its accounts and records by
27.12 Upon termination of this Agreement by notice of either Party to the other the TP shall, immediately
upon dispatch or receipt of such notice, take all necessary steps to bring the Services to a close in a
prompt and orderly manner and shall make every reasonable effort to keep expenditures for this purpose
to a minimum.

28. Disputes Resolution

28.1 Amicable Settlement: The parties shall use their best efforts to settle amicably all disputes arising
out of or in connection with this Agreement or the interpretation thereof. In the event a dispute,
differences or claim arises in connection with the interpretation or implementation of this agreement,
the aggrieved party shall issue a written notice and the issue will be referred to the head of the department
for resolution thereof.

Page 31 of 42
28.2 Arbitration:
a) In case the dispute is not resolved, any party may issue a notice of reference, invoking resolution of
disputes through arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration Conciliation Act,
1996. The arbitral proceedings shall be conducted by a sole arbitrator that may be appointed with
the consent of Parties to such dispute. If there is no agreement among the parties to the identity or
appointment of such sole arbitrator within 30 days of issue of notice of reference, then the arbitral
proceedings will be conducted by a panel of three arbitrators, one arbitrator to be appointed by Client
and other appointed by the TP and the third arbitrator to be mutually appointed by the other two
arbitrators in accordance with provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. Arbitration
proceedings shall be conducted in and the award shall be made in English language. Arbitration
proceedings shall be conducted at Patna and following are agreed.
b) The arbitration award shall be final and binding on the Parties, and the Parties agree to be bound
thereby and to act accordingly. The arbitrator may award to the Party that substantially prevails on
merit, its costs and reasonable expenses (including reasonable fees for counsel). When any dispute
is under arbitration, except for matters under dispute, the Parties shall continue to exercise their
remaining respective rights and fulfill their remaining respective obligations under this Agreement.

a. Detailed NOS-wise course model curriculum with hourly break-up of topics and sub-topics
to be covered (practical and theory) in bridge training for each of the proposed Job role
b. Details of Session plan
c. Complete course content based on bridge training model curriculum where the topics like
Safety norms, new technology along with use of modern technological tools, Industries best
practices, entrepreneurship, topics on teamwork, workplace skills etc. should also be

Page 32 of 42
Bid Submission Forms and Annexures

The bidders are expected to respond to the RFP using the forms given in this section with all supporting documents.

Proposal shall comprise of following forms:

Tech 1: Covering Letter with Correspondence Details

Tech 2: Details of the bidder organization and eligibility related information
Tech 3: Details of Past and Relevant Experience
Tech 4: Valid Placement Letter of Intent (LOIs) from Employers having Email ID, Phone Number and Website

Annexure I: CA Certificate for Financial Turnover, Net worth, Number of Trained Candidates and Number of Placed
Annexure II: Affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- by Authorized Representative of the applicant with his /
her dated signature and enterprise seal.
Annexure III: Power of Attorney in favour of Authorized Representative
Annexure IV: Preference of districts.
Annexure V: List of Indicative Sectors, Job Roles and Target for the Dept. of Information and Technology, GoB

Note: One Copy of this RFP document with each page signed and stamped by the authorised representative has to be
submitted along with proposal document as an acknowledgement and acceptance of the terms and conditions and scope
of work under this RFP.

Page 33 of 42
Tech 1
Covering Letter on Letterhead of the Bidder with Correspondence Details
<Location, Date>
The Mission Director
Bihar Skill Development Mission
A-Wing, 5th Floor, Niyojan Bhawan, Bailey Road, Patna-01
Dear Sir,
We, the undersigned, wish to be empaneled as Training Partners to implement Domain Skill Development
Programme run under various line departments of Govt. of Bihar through the overall framework of Bihar Skill
Development Mission in accordance with your Request for Proposal vide RFP
No.______________________dated__________________. We are hereby submitting our Proposal, as per the
specified format.
We hereby declare that:
a. All the information and statements made in this Proposal are true and we accept that any
misrepresentation contained in this Proposal may lead to our disqualification by BSDM.
b. We have no conflict of interest as stated in the RFP.
c. We meet the eligibility requirements as stated in RFP.
d. We have industry/employer connect for the placement of the proposed training for which LoI is
enclosed in this proposal.
e. We further declare that, upon selection we will be ready to establish training center in implement
skill development training program in any district of Bihar.
f. In competing for (and, if we are empaneled) the Empanelment, we undertake to observe the laws
against fraud and corruption, including bribery as per RFP.
g. Our Proposal is binding upon us and subject to any modifications resulting from the Agreement

We undertake, if our Proposal is accepted and the Agreement is signed, to initiate the Training no later than the
date as specified by BSDM/Department.
We understand that BSDM is not bound to accept any Proposal that BSDM receives.
We remain,
Yours sincerely,

Authorized Signature
{In full and initials}
Name and Title of Signatory: ________________________________________________
Name of Applicant: _________________________________________________________
In the capacity of: __________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________
Contact information (phone): _______________________________________________
Contact information (e-mail): _______________________________________________

Page 34 of 42
Tech 2
Important Information and Details
Sl. Particulars Details
1 Name of the Organization:
2 Name and Designation of the Contact Person
3 Address and Contact Details (E-Mail and Mobile No.) of the
Contact Person
4 Corporate website URL.
5 Legal Status (Whether Company, Proprietorship,
Partnership, Society/Trust, Industry Association/Body etc.)
6 Address of Head Office:
7 Incorporation/ Registration status of the Agency Submit Incorporation Certificate

Page No. at which enclosed:__

8 Date of Incorporation/ Registration
9 Power of Attorney in the name of the Authorized signatory Page No. at which enclosed:__
10 Turnover in the last 3 Years: FY 2019-20: ___________ /-
FY 2020-21: ___________ /-
Net worth as on 31.03.2022: FY 2021-22: ___________/-
Net worth as on 31.03.2022:

Submit a CA Certificate stating the above

figures with UDIN (Annexure I)
Page No. in which CA Certificate has been
Also submit Audited Financial
statements for all the Fys.
11 The AO/s must have provided Skilling / Training to at least Submit a CA Certificate stating the above
1000 candidates on a consolidated basis during the last three figures with UDIN (Annexure I)
financial years (FY 2020-21 to FY 2022-23).
12 The Applicant Organization must have placed at least 500 Submit a CA Certificate stating the above
candidates on a consolidated basis during the last 3 figures with UDIN (Annexure I)
Financial Years (FY 2020-21 to FY 2022-23).
13 PAN Number Page No. at which enclosed: __
14 GSTIN Number Page No. at which enclosed: __
15 A Notarized Affidavit stating that the firm has not been Page No. at which Affidavit has been
blacklisted by any Central / State Government / Public enclosed: _
Sector (Annexure II)
16 Prior Experience Proof Page No. at which details are enclosed: __
17 The Applicant Organization must submit Firm agreement/s Page No. at which details are enclosed: __
or tie-ups with an industry partner/s or employers / or (Tech 4)
HR/Placement agencies for at least 300 candidates related to
the course / sector they are applying for.
18 One Copy of the whole of the RFP document with each Page No. at which enclosed: __
page signed and stamped.
19 Preference of district against all 38 districts Page No. at which enclosed:__
(Annexure IV)

Page 35 of 42
Tech 3
(Past relevant experience)

SN Details of Past Funding Department Year of work Sanctioned Total Value

Experience (work (Name the state/central order Target in the (amount) of the
order) govt or their institution work order work order

Page 36 of 42
Tech 4

Valid Placement Letter of Intent (LOIs) from Employers having Email ID, Phone Number and Website address

Page 37 of 42
Annexure I

CA Certificate
This is to certify the below details for the __________________ (Company Name):

Turnover Details

Turnover (Rs. In Lakhs)

Sl. Financial Year
No. Total

1 2019-20

2 2020-21

3 2021-22

Average Annual Turnover of above 03 Fys

Net worth as on 31.03.2022 (in Rs. Lakhs):

We also certify that we have gone through the records of training and placement made available by the
organization including various govt. portals on which these records are available and certify as below:

SN Financial Year Training Figure Placement Figure

1 2020-21

2 2021-22

3 2022-23


(Signature & Seal)

Certified by CA
Name of CA:
Membership Number:
Firm Name:

Page 38 of 42

(Affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- by Authorized Representative of the applicant with his / her
dated signature and enterprise seal)


1. I/We do hereby certify that all the statements made in our bids in response to the RFP Reference
No….................................................................................... Dated…................................. and in the required
attachments are true, correct and complete. I / we, am / are well aware of the fact that furnishing of any false
information / fabricated document would lead to rejection of my bid at any stage besides liabilities towards prosecution
under appropriate law.
2. I/We, on behalf of …..................................................... (Name of the Organization), with its registered office at
….......................................................... do hereby declare that the above-mentioned bidder is not under a declaration
of ineligibility for corrupt and fraudulent practises or for any other reason, whatsoever and has not been blacklisted /
debarred by the Government of India or any of its agencies, including public enterprises and or by any State
Government or any of its agencies.
3. I/We on behalf of …..................................................... (Name of the Organization) do hereby affirm and undertake
that we have carefully read and understood the whole tender documents and will unconditionally abide by all the
terms and conditions as given in the above mentioned RFP.
4. I/We on behalf of …..................................................... (Name of the Organization) do hereby affirm and undertake
that we do not have any of our Skill Development Center permanently blocked, debarred by BSDM through an order
of BSDM or any other Departments/ State skill Mission/ Central Government institutions/ similar bodies.

For and on behalf of:

(Organization Seal)

Page 39 of 42

(Power of Attorney in favour of Authorized Representative)

(Note: To be executed on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- or more)

Know all men by these presents that We………………………………………………………… ………

………………………….. (name of the enterprise and address of the registered office do hereby irrevocably constitute,
nominate, appoint and authorize Mr/ Ms (name)
…………………………………………………………………………….son / daughter / wife of
…………………………………………………………………………….and presently residing at
………………………………………………………………..who is presently employed with us and holding the position
of…………………………….. as our true and lawful attorney (hereinafter referred to as the “Attorney”) to do in our name
and on our behalf, all such acts, deeds and things including to enter into negotiation, as are necessary or required in
connection with or incidental to submission of our Bid for the RFP Reference
No….............................................................................. Dated…...............................................
The attorney is fully authorized for providing information/ responses to the tendering authority, representing us in all
matters before the tendering authority including negotiations with the tendering authority, signing and execution of all
affidavits, undertakings and agreements consequent to acceptance of our bid, and generally dealing with the tendering
authority in all matters in connection with or relating to or arising out of our bid for the said tender.

AND we hereby agree to ratify and confirm and do hereby ratify and confirm all acts, deeds and things done or caused to
be done by our said Attorney pursuant to and in exercise of the powers conferred by this Power of Attorney and that all
acts, deeds and things done by our said Attorney in exercise of the powers hereby conferred shall and shall always be
deemed to have been done by us.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE, ………………………………………………………………,

OF …………………….

For ………………………………..;

{Signature, name, designation and address }


(Name, Title and Address of the Attorney)

Witnesses: 1.

Note: In case of a company, a specific Board Resolution in this respect may be submitted.

Page 40 of 42
Preference of districts
Preference (Place any number between 01 to 38 against each
Sl No District
1 Araria
2 Arwal
3 Aurangabad
4 Banka
5 Begusarai
6 Bhagalpur
7 Bhojpur
8 Buxar
9 Darbhanga
10 East Champaran
11 Gaya
12 Gopalganj
13 Jamui
14 Jehanabad
15 Kaimur
16 Katihar
17 Khagaria
18 Kishanganj
19 Lakhisarai
20 Madhepura
21 Madhubani
22 Munger
23 Muzaffarpur
24 Nalanda
25 Nawada
26 Patna
27 Purnia
28 Rohtas
29 Samatipur
30 Saran
31 Seohar
32 Saharsa
33 Sheikhpura
34 Sitamarhi
35 Siwan
36 Supaul
37 Vaishali
38 West Champaran

Page 41 of 42

List of Indicative Sectors, Job Roles and Target for the Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribe Welfare
Department, GoB

SC & ST Welfare Department

S. No. Sector Indicative Job Role/ Course Target
1 Agriculture Beekeeper
2 Agriculture Gardener
3 Agriculture Mushroom Grower
4 Apparel Traditional Hand Embroiderer
5 Apparel Sewing Machine Operator
6 Beauty & Wellness Beauty Therapist
7 Beauty & Wellness Hair Dresser & Stylist
8 Construction Assistant Electrician 800
9 Electronics Field Technician Computing and Peripherals
10 Electronics Multi Skill Technician (Electrical)
11 IT-Ites Domestic Data Entry Operator
12 IT-Ites Customer Care Executive-Domestic- Voice
13 Management Retail Sales Associate
14 Plumbing Plumber (General)
15 Telecom Mobile Phone Hardware Repair Technician

Note: The above target may vary by + 25%.

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