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The Impact of Bilingual Environments on Language Development in Children

with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Article  in  Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders · September 2011

DOI: 10.1007/s10803-011-1365-z · Source: PubMed


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2 authors:

Catherine Hambly Eric Fombonne

Independent Researcher Oregon Health and Science University


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J Autism Dev Disord (2012) 42:1342–1352
DOI 10.1007/s10803-011-1365-z


The Impact of Bilingual Environments on Language Development

in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Catherine Hambly • Eric Fombonne

Published online: 22 September 2011

Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011

Abstract The impact of bilingual exposure on language language development. There is little data to support or
learning has not been systematically studied in children refute this assumption since early bilingual exposure in
with Autism Spectrum Disorders. This study compared the young children with autism has only been explored in pre-
social abilities and language levels of children (mean sentations (Hambly and Fombonne 2009; Leadbitter et al.
age = 56 months) with ASDs from bilingual (n = 45) and 2009; Kremer-Sadlik 2005; Yu 2007), a manuscript cur-
monolingual (n = 30) environments. Bilingually-exposed rently under review (Petersen et al. personal communication)
children were subgrouped based on simultaneous bilingual and a case report (Seung et al. 2006).
exposure from infancy (SIM, n = 24) versus sequential There is no evidence that bilingual exposure causes
post-infancy bilingual exposure (SEQ, n = 21). Despite additional language delays for children with language
significantly different amounts of bilingual exposure across impairments. Research on bilingual exposure in children
all groups (p = \0.001) and significantly stronger social with specific language impairment (Gutierrez-Clellen et al.
interaction scores in the SIM group compared to the SEQ 2008; Paradis et al. 2003) and Down Syndrome (Feltmate
group on the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-II Inter- and Kay-Raining Bird 2008; Kay-Raining Bird et al. 2005)
personal subdomain (p = 0.025), there were no significant found no additional language delays in bilingually-exposed
group differences in language level. Bilingually-exposed participants. These studies had small numbers of partici-
children with ASDs did not experience additional delays in pants in the language-impaired bilingual exposure groups
language development. (e.g., 4–11), and participation was generally limited to
children with ‘intensive’ bilingual exposure and productive
Keywords Bilingualism  Children  Autism spectrum expressive bilingual abilities. To paraphrase Genesee
disorders  Language  Socialization (2006, p. 51), these kinds of studies indicate that some
children with language impairments and bilingual exposure
acquire language to the same level as monolinguals, but
Introduction they do not suggest that all bilingually-exposed children
with language impairments do.
There is an urgent need to understand the impact of bilingual Children with ASDs have severe social impairments that
exposure on the language development of young children are not present in children with specific language impair-
with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) since there is a ment or Down Syndrome. The social impairments associ-
prevalent belief in clinical settings that bilingually-exposed ated with ASDs include deficits in attention to voices and
children with ASDs may experience additional delays in joint attention: these core skills are so critical to language
learning that these deficits could potentially limit the
ability of children with ASDs to learn language in bilingual
C. Hambly (&)  E. Fombonne environments at the same rate or to the same level as
Department of Psychiatry, Montreal Children’s Hospital, McGill
children with ASDs in monolingual environments.
University, c/o Dr. E. Fombonne, 4018 Ste-Catherine West,
Montreal, QC H3Z 1P2, Canada First, a preference for non-speech over speech sounds
e-mail: reduces automatic orienting to speakers in the environment

J Autism Dev Disord (2012) 42:1342–1352 1343

(Kuhl et al. 2005) resulting in fewer opportunities for perceptual narrowing from 6 to 12 months of age as infants
children with ASDs to analyze and sort the bilingual tune into the specific sensory input that characterizes their
auditory input. Along with reduced auditory input, children linguistic environment (Pons et al. 2009). Many studies
with ASDs may also not attend to facial movements during have demonstrated that typically-developing infants are
speech that provide important visual cues for sorting lan- sensitive to acoustic contrasts across languages that older
guages (Weikum et al. 2007). There may also be a min- children do not perceive; there appears to be a critical
gling of environmental noises with the speech signal that window for heightened speech perception and discrimina-
could mask the contrastive phonemes and stress patterns tion during the first year of life (Werker and Byers-
needed to sort languages and parse input within each lan- Heinlein 2008; Werker et al. 2009; Werker and Tees 1984).
guage (Russo et al. 2009). These additional auditory pro- During this period of broad perceptual sensitivity, bilin-
cessing demands can have an impact on language gually-exposed infants differentiate and sort linguistic input
development in infancy: experimental studies have dem- based on features including vowel contrasts (Sebastián-
onstrated that typically-developing bilingually-exposed Gallés and Bosch 2009; Sundara and Scutellaro 2010),
infants are slower than monolingual infants to encode and consonant contrasts (Sundara et al. 2008), and visible
retrieve the phonetic details that help them make novel articulation cues (Pons et al. 2009) to develop a foundation
object-word associations (Fennell et al. 2007). Word and in two language systems. The perceptual ‘tuning’ that
eventually sentence comprehension and production could occurs before the end of the first year of life (Gervain and
be affected if bilingual input cannot be readily or accu- Werker 2008) reflects the infants’ attention to contrasts that
rately perceived or processed. Although bilingually- are relevant in their language system(s) and has an impact
exposed infants may display enhanced cognitive control on word learning in typically-developing children: very
abilities in bilingual processing tasks compared to mono- young monolinguals appear to use different learning
lingual infants (Kovács and Mehler 2009), it is not known mechanisms to acquire words than their bilingually-
if any cognitive advantages related to bilingual exposure exposed peers (Werker et al. 2009). It is possible that per-
during infancy would also be present in infants who are ceptual abilities and word-learning strategies may differ
later diagnosed with ASDs. depending on whether a child with an ASD received
Secondly, impaired joint attention abilities (Adamson bilingual or monolingual exposure during the first year of
et al. 2009) could also potentially worsen receptive and life.
expressive language delays for bilingually-exposed chil- We hypothesized that the social impairments charac-
dren. Children with ASDs have reduced use of joint teristic of ASDs could cause additional language delays in
attention cues such as referential pointing and eye gaze that bilingually-exposed children with ASDs compared to
help them ‘map’ word labels to the appropriate referent monolingually-exposed children with ASDs. These addi-
(Parish-Morris et al. 2007). In addition to the mapping tional delays would manifest in smaller expressive vocab-
tasks that all children must perform, bilingual children ularies, lower levels of language comprehension and
must also recognize that two or more different word labels production, and later onset of early language milestones for
(e.g., apple/pomme) can map to a single concept or even bilingually-exposed children with ASDs. Within this gen-
multiple concepts across languages. For example, the eral hypothesis, we posited that children with ASDs whose
English third person plural pronoun ‘‘they’’ maps to both bilingual exposure started after infancy might show greater
‘‘ils’’ and ‘‘elles’’ (masculine or feminine third person language delays than children who received simultaneous
plural) in French, but a child learning English and French bilingual exposure beginning during infancy.
would also need to recognize that the French singular
pronouns ‘‘il’’ and ‘‘elle’’ sound identical to their plural
counterparts. Receptive and expressive vocabulary skills Methods
could be delayed in both languages if word mapping is
perceived to be more inconsistent by bilingually-exposed Participants
children with ASDs, and additional grammatical delays
could be a product of further perceived inconsistencies in Families of 75 children with ASDs aged 36–78 months
grammatical systems (e.g., differing use of verb tense and were recruited from Quebec (N = 71) and Ontario
pronoun morphemes in English vs. French) or structural (N = 4). 65% of the children were patients at the Montreal
order across languages (e.g., ‘the blue car’/‘une voiture Children’s Hospital (MCH) ASD clinic, recruited via
bleue’). mailings or during clinical visits. 35% were recruited
The timing of bilingual exposure could also impact the from publicity in community organizations and service
outcomes of language learning for children with ASDs. providers. The participants from Quebec were diagnosed
The infant perception literature supports a general by child psychiatrists or developmental pediatricians; the

1344 J Autism Dev Disord (2012) 42:1342–1352

participants from Ontario were diagnosed at hospitals or a expected language levels at a given age would be mean-
university-based ASD research unit. Diagnostic reports ingless in a population of children with significant com-
were available for 89% of all participants (96% of children munication delays and variable expressive language
diagnosed at the MCH, 82% of those diagnosed elsewhere), achievement, so this approach was not selected for this
with the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-Generic study.
(Lord et al. 2000) used in at least 66% of participants’ Another common methodological approach is to assess
assessments. Three participants had ‘Autism Spectrum current bilingual exposure and to select only children who
Disorder’ listed in their reports without further classifica- receive a certain percentage of bilingual input each week
tion. However, based on information (such as ADOS (as in Gutierrez-Clellen et al. 2008). However, a major
scores) within the reports, we grouped these children limitation of this approach is that it does not account for
within the autism category (n = 59; 56 diagnosed with changes in language use over time. Many families in this
autism, 3 listed as ‘‘ASD’’). One child diagnosed with sample made changes in language use proportions from
Asperger syndrome was grouped with the Pervasive year to year, so bilingual exposure was not constant across
Developmental Delay—Not Otherwise specified category time. Bilingual families often reduced their use of a
(n = 16; 15 diagnosed as PDD-NOS, 1 diagnosed with minority home language (e.g., from speaking it 50 to 20%
Asperger syndrome). of the time, for example) or spoke it among other family
Enrollment was limited to children whose spoken members but not directly to the child (Yu 2007) when their
vocabulary was in French, English, Chinese, Farsi, children’s language delays became apparent. In this sce-
Hebrew, Italian, Romanian, Spanish and/or Tamil, since nario, the bilingual exposure was present since birth, but
the expressive vocabulary questionnaire was available in the child’s exposure to the language changed from direct to
these languages. Eleven children with trilingual exposure indirect exposure at home. So, grouping by current direct
were included because their expressive vocabularies could language exposure levels would have masked the large
be measured using available language forms. Nonverbal exposure changes over time that may be unique to this
children were included since we had theorized that bilin- population.
gualism could be detrimental to language development in An additional methodological challenge to categorizing
the presence of an ASD: if true, we would have introduced participants based on language exposure emerges from the
a sampling bias in the bilingually-exposed group by presence of major language changes, which in this study
excluding nonverbal children. Seven participants spoke was defined as either the addition of a novel language to the
fewer than 10 words, but only two of these children were child’s environment, or conversely the complete loss of a
nonverbal. The informant caregivers all spoke and read language in direct communication with the child. For
English or French well. example, families from monolingual minority language
Participants were divided into groups based on their homes often reported adding a second language at home
language exposure history (monolingual vs. bilingual) with after becoming aware of their child’s language delay and
the bilingually-exposed children sub-grouped based on subsequent need for majority-language therapy services.
dual-language exposure before or after 12 months of age. Some bilingual families stopped speaking one of their
This age cut-off was selected based on changes in infant languages to their child with an ASD, or reduced a trilin-
speech perception that occur around this age, and after gual home environment to a bilingual one. These changes
consideration of the various methodological approaches to were tracked in this study: although the cut-off for sub-
studying bilingualism in young children. There is little grouping by bilingual exposure was placed at 12 months of
consensus in the literature on how to subgroup bilingual age, the simultaneous and sequential exposure groups
children: Bialystok (2001, p. 225) highlights the subjec- actually had far more than 12 months of exposure differ-
tivity and methodological disputes around this issue. entiating them from each other.
One common subgrouping methodology is based on Our decision to subgroup children based on infant lan-
McLaughlin (1978) who used a cutoff age of 3 years—an guage exposure was ultimately guided by the research on
age at which typically-developing children have phrase- infant speech perception, but the use of an early cut-off
level expressive language abilities—to differentiate also allowed us to differentiate between families that had
between children who learn two languages simultaneously an original intent to provide a bilingual environment for
and those with later exposure who learn their languages their children and those families who did not. Since the cut-
sequentially. However, many children with ASDs have a off for simultaneous bilingual exposure was placed before
protracted language acquisition period compared to typi- the age at which language delays are usually detected—an
cally-developing peers, and some children with ASDs may event that can be a trigger for major language environment
never develop spoken language, much less phrase-level changes—the chosen subgrouping methodology effectively
expressive language abilities. Any age cutoff based on separated families who intended to raise their children

J Autism Dev Disord (2012) 42:1342–1352 1345

bilingually from those families who had planned for a shifts from (a) trilingual to bilingual direct exposure and
monolingual childhood. It acknowledges the possibility (b) bilingual to monolingual direct exposure. The age of
that families who ‘begin bilingual’ may provide more earliest major language changes also documents that on
natural and fluent language and socialization models and average children in the SIM group were bilingually-
more indirect bilingual exposure than families who add exposed for the first 25 months of life, whereas children in
a second language to help their child access majority- the SEQ group were monolingually-exposed for the first
language therapy or schooling (Yu 2007). In other words, 31 months of life. So, while a cut-off of 12 months of age
the qualitative differences between the simultaneous and was used to distinguish between the groups, the average
sequential exposure groups may be as important as any difference in early monolingual versus bilingual exposure
perceptual advantage from infant exposure or any quanti- between the groups was significantly more than 12 months.
tative difference in levels of direct exposure between the Children in the SIM group whose bilingual or trilingual
bilingually-exposed groups. exposure was reduced or eliminated over time were
Table 1 displays the characteristics of the three exposure retained in the SIM group due to their significant early
groups. bilingual exposure. Children whose first language of
Monolingually-exposed children (MON, n = 30) had no exposure was completely replaced by a second language in
history of bilingual exposure. Bilingually-exposed children caregiver-child interactions remained in the SEQ group due
(n = 45) presented with a range of exposures, but were to the high likelihood of ongoing indirect bilingual expo-
sub-grouped based on whether they received simultaneous sure (e.g. between family members) at home.
bilingual exposure from before 12 months of age (SIM, MON children were exposed to English (53% of par-
n = 24) or had second language exposure added sequen- ticipants), French (43%), or Spanish (3%). SIM children
tially into the environment after 12 months of age (SEQ, were divided between bilingual French and English expo-
n = 21). The age of the earliest major language changes sure (54%), trilingual exposure with French, English and a
for each group (SIM = 25.6 months, n = 14, SEQ = minority language (33%), and bilingual exposure with
31.0 months, n = 21) highlights that major alterations in French or English and a minority language (13%). SEQ
language environment were typically made after the age of children were divided between bilingual French and Eng-
first concerns: in the SIM group, the changes included a lish exposure (48%), bilingual exposure with French or

Table 1 Sample characteristics by language-exposure groups

MON SIM SEQ p values Post hoc testing p values
n = 30 n = 24 n = 21

% Male 80 83 81 0.951
% With autism 77 83 76 0.795
Age (months) 53.9 (10.1) 57.5 (10.7) 58.3 (13.14) 0.319
Age of first concerns 16.2 (8.6) 19.3 (9.1) 20.9 (11.4) 0.221
Age of earliest major language change n/a 25.6 (14.4) 31.0 (13.4) 0.267
Age at diagnosis 38.3 (10.2) 39.2 (11.4) 35.9 (11.3) 0.583
Lifetime ratio (LR): % dominant language 100 73.7 (14.4) 88.0 (13.5) \0.001 \0.001 0.001 \0.001
LR: % last 6–12 monthsa 99.9 (0.4) 81.8 (23.1) 81.9 (24.3) \0.001 0.001 0.003 0.993
Language diary: % current exposurea 96.6 (8.0) 77.0 (21.0) 74.8 (26.1) \0.001 \0.001 0.001 0.751
% With English or French dominant exposure 97 87.5 71 0.033 0.312 0.015 0.267
Mother: % native fluency 100 71 52 \0.001 0.002 \0.001 0.233
Mother: % non-caucasian 23 36 52 0.103
Mother: % Canadian-born 67 58 57 0.738
Mother: % with some university education 57 75 62 0.368
Family income $65,800 $62,600 $59,800 0.654
($22,700) ($23,500) ($19,300)
% Received behavioral intervention 38 29 62 0.073 0.552 0.151 0.038
Reported for the LR dominant exposure language

1346 J Autism Dev Disord (2012) 42:1342–1352

English and a minority language (38%) and trilingual attention initiation and response (#42), attention to voice
exposure with French, English and a minority language (#46), comprehension of simple language (#29), overall
(14%). level of language (#30), age of first words (#9), and age of
first phrases (#10). Interviewers were trained using ADI-R
Instruments guidelines, and coding procedures were followed with one
exception: question 42 was modified to separate initiation
Most instruments were selected to categorize general and/ and response levels. Scores on some ADI-R questions were
or adaptive language levels with minimal to no referencing merged to facilitate statistical analyses; consult ‘‘Appendix
of specific language features. Instead of standardized test 2’’ for details on questions and scoring.
measures which have limited availability outside of Eng- Families completed a week-long Language Diary by
lish or Spanish and generally can only test a single lan- charting the child’s location (e.g., home, daycare), com-
guage at a time, we selected parent report measures which munication partners (e.g., parents, siblings) and language
are commonly used in bilingualism research with young exposure estimates throughout each day for a week. Data
children. French translations of the measures were used were summarized into a weekly average. The correlation
with French-speaking families. for bilinguals between the Language Diary and the last six-
All families participated in a Language Environment month period assessed on the LEI was highly significant
Interview (LEI) that collected data on home language (r = 0.773, p \ 0.001).
environment history and generated a language exposure The Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) measures the
estimate. The LEI questions were administered by a trained severity of autism symptoms within children’s natural
research assistant during a 30 min phone interview with an environments (Constantino 2002); it is appropriate for use
informant; most informants (83%) were the children’s in children with autism aged 4 years and older. Scoring
mothers. Questions and scoring are described in detail in procedures and standardization data followed the technical
‘‘Appendix 1’’. To summarize, the informant provided a guide (Constantino and Gruber 2005).
detailed history of all caregivers’ amount and duration of Caregivers completed a Family Background Informa-
care for each 6-month period of the child’s life. The tion Questionnaire (FBIQ) which elicited marital status,
informants also described the languages these caregivers household income (detailed in units of $10,000 up to the
used with other family members and with the child. ceiling level on the questionnaire of ‘‘[$80,000’’), high-
Additional information on countries of birth, a report on est level of education obtained, employment status, and
caregivers’ fluency in all languages spoken at home, and ethnic/cultural heritage for parent caregivers. Educational
reasons for language changes were collected for family level was later recoded into a binary variable (education
caregivers. Language exposure information was gathered above or below a university coursework level). Due to
for daycare or school environments where relevant. the diversity of ethnicities represented, we followed
Following the interview, major language exposure Leadbitter et al. (2009) in categorizing participants’ eth-
changes (e.g., languages added or dropped) were identified, nic/cultural heritage responses as ‘caucasian’ versus ‘non-
and data for each caregiver was summarized for each caucasian’.
6-month period of time. Each caregiver’s language input A ‘List of Services’ elicited treatment program histories
was weighted using a scale based on the relative amounts including intensive behavioral interventions, speech-lan-
of direct (e.g., one-to-one) caregiver-child communication. guage, occupational, and physical therapy, and descriptions
For example, input from a parent with a full-time job of other therapies. Intensive behavioral service descriptions
received a lower weight than input from a parent with were subsequently categorized as ‘no services’ versus
primary child-care responsibilities. The input scores ‘some services’.
resulted in a summary exposure estimate for each six- The MacArthur Communicative Development Inven-
month period since birth. The final Lifetime Ratio (LR) tory: Words and Sentences (MCDI) (Fenson et al. 1993) is
represents a composite average exposure (e.g., 75% a well-studied parent report measure of vocabulary; it is
French/25% English) in direct caregiver-child interactions; designed for children aged 16–30 months, but can be used
it does not reflect the amount of passive exposure via with older developmentally-delayed children. Total
indirect exposure in the home. The language heard by the expressive vocabulary on the MCDI is correlated with
child most often during their lifetime was labeled their observational data for children with and without language
dominant exposure language. impairment (Fenson et al. 1993), and for both monolingual
Current socio-communicative levels and ages of early and bilingual typically-developing children (Patterson
language milestones were elicited using questions excerp- 2000). MCDI language adaptations (Dale et al. 1993) used
ted from the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (Le in this study included English (Fenson et al. 1993), Quebec
Couteur et al. 2003) and included: pointing for joint French (Frank et al. 1997), Spanish (Jackson-Maldonado

J Autism Dev Disord (2012) 42:1342–1352 1347

et al. 2003), Italian (Caselli and Casadio 1995), Hebrew Statistical Analyses
(Maital et al. 2000), Chinese (Wu 1997), Farsi (Kazemi
et al. 2008), Romanian (Geangu and Benga 2006), and Group differences on continuous variables were analyzed
Tamil (Sethuraman 2008). Children with bilingual expo- using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Significant
sure histories during the initial screening call were sent all ANOVA results were subsequently assessed with post hoc
relevant versions of the MCDI (e.g., English, French, and t tests on any variable with a p value of \0.1 to identify
Spanish forms if all these languages were heard in the which group pairings were significant. All categorical data
home). were examined using chi-square tests of independence.
Scoring for bilinguals followed the procedures outlined Post-hoc testing employed chi-square or Fisher exact tests
in Pearson et al. (1993) for computing Total Conceptual to identify significant contrasts between paired groups.
Vocabulary (TCV): concepts named in both languages are Statistical significance was set at the p \ 0.05 level, but
mapped to each other so that translation-equivalent word post hoc testing was performed on any variable with a
forms are only counted once even when used in two lan- p value of \0.1 in order to explore trends. Statistical
guages. Cross-language mappings were developed for this analyses were performed using SPSS 14.
study for English and French with Chinese, Hebrew, Ital- Six-week test–retest reliability data for the MCDI was
ian, Spanish, and Romanian. A ceiling score of 680 con- collected and analyzed: the Pearson coefficient of [0.9
cepts (selected to match the ceiling on the English form; corresponded to the test–retest reliability for the same
other forms vary between 611 and 680 words) was applied period reported in the MCDI User’s Guide (Fenson et al.
to the bilingual exposure groups since their TCV scores 1993) and supports the use of this measure in a bilingual
could exceed the maximum ceiling available to the MON population.
The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-Second Edition
(Sparrow et al. 2005) measures skills exhibited in everyday Results
life. The Receptive and Expressive Communication sub-
domains were appropriate to administer to bilingually- Sample characteristics by exposure grouping are presented
exposed participants since lower-level items do not directly in Table 1. Children with simultaneous (SIM) versus
reference language-specific content and since all partici- sequential (SEQ) bilingual exposure had significantly dif-
pants with phrase speech had English or French as their ferent amounts of lifetime bilingual exposure (p \ 0.001)
dominant language; the measure was administered only but similar current bilingual exposure levels on both the
once. The Interpersonal subdomain of the VABS-II was language diary and the last 6–12 month subtotal of the
selected as a variable of interest due to its focus on inter- Lifetime Ratio (LR). SEQ children were significantly more
personal relationships and social skills. Test–retest reli- likely (p = 0.015) than MON to have a minority dominant-
ability for the VABS-II has been established: subdomain exposure language. Maternal characteristics were similar
reliability coefficients are excellent with most values across groups except for a difference in mothers’ fluency:
exceeding 0.85 (Sparrow et al. 2005). there were significant contrasts in maternal native fluency
in child-directed language(s) between MON and both SIM
Procedures (p = 0.002) and SEQ (p = \0.001) mothers, indicating
that bilingual mothers were not always native speakers of
All interested families were screened by phone for eligi- the languages they use with their children. There was a
bility then mailed a questionnaire package including one or difference approaching significance in receipt of intensive
more language versions of the MCDI as well as the SRS, behavioral services, with significantly more SEQ compared
Language Diary, FBIQ, List of Services, consent forms, to SIM (p = 0.038) children receiving services.
and return postage. In order to evaluate the reliability of the Social and language measures are presented for the
vocabulary measure, 17 families completed the MCDI exposure grouping in Table 2.
6 weeks after the baseline measurement. The first 16 We had hypothesized that social impairments could
families also received the VABS-II Parent/Caregiver Rat- negatively affect language-learning in bilingual environ-
ing Form (Communication and Socialization domains) in ments for children with ASDs. Prior to examining language
their package. Since mailed VABS-II were often returned results, both general and specific aspects of social abilities
with incomplete information, the remaining 59 families were compared across groups to verify that these abilities
were administered the VABS-II Survey form by phone by a were evenly distributed in this sample. The only significant
trained research assistant. The LEI and ADI-R questions difference between groups was found in the VABS-II
were administered by a trained research assistant within a Interpersonal subdomain (VINTP) scale score (F (2,63) =
single phone interview. 3.4, p = 0.038), where the SIM group had the highest

1348 J Autism Dev Disord (2012) 42:1342–1352

Table 2 Social and language measures by language exposure groups

MON SIM SEQ p values
n = 30 n = 24 n = 21

Current social levels

Social responsiveness scale: T-score 76.2 (13.4) 74.7 (16.1) 80.2 (14.5) 0.455
VABS-II: interpersonal v-scale 10.5 (1.9) 11.1 (2.6) 9.2 (2.5) 0.038
ADI-R 42 (modified): initiation of pointing: % at the highest level 50 54 33 0.337
ADI-R 42 (modified): response to pointing: % at the highest level 20 42 33 0.219
ADI-R 46: attention to voice: % at the highest level 27 38 38 0.909
Expressive vocabulary and language
MCDI: total conceptual vocabulary 352 (220) 407 (253) 299 (256) 0.331
MCDI: words in dominant language 352 (220) 392 (244) 287 (246) 0.326
MCDI: words in second languagea n/a 136 (170) 103 (171) 0.693
VABS-II expressive v-scale 10.7 (3.3) 10.7 (3.3) 9.5 (3.6) 0.427
ADI-R 30: % with scores of 0 73 67 62 0.680
Receptive language
VABS-II receptive v-scale 11.6 (2.8) 11.6 (4.0) 10.0 (3.4) 0.206
ADI-R 29: % with scores of 0 or 1 63 68 65 0.936
Early language milestones
Age of first wordsb 25.3 (9.4) 25.3 (10.4) 27.3 (14.0) 0.809
Age of first phrases 34.0 (12.9) 38.4 (11.8) 39.0 (17.0) 0.469
SIM n = 16, SEQ n = 12
SIM n = 20, SEQ n = 17: non-verbal (n = 2) and unknown age of first words (n = 6) excluded
Non-phrase users excluded: MON n = 22, SIM n = 19, SEQ n = 15

scores of the three exposure groups and the SEQ group had development compared to monolingually-exposed children
the lowest scores. Post hoc testing revealed significantly with ASDs. In addition, the timing of bilingual exposure
better performance for the SIM group compared to the SEQ from infancy versus the post-infancy period did not impact
(p = 0.025) group; there was an additional group differ- outcomes in the children’s dominant language abilities.
ence at the threshold of significance between the MON and While there may be a perceptual advantage to bilingual
the SEQ (p = 0.052) groups. exposure during infancy, and while children with infant
Despite the significant group difference on the VINTP, bilingual exposure heard more of their second language
there were no significant differences on any language vari- over their lifespan than their sequentially-exposed peers,
able, although a pattern of performance emerged whereby there was no difference between the exposure groupings in
SIM and MON consistently scored higher than SEQ chil- dominant language outcomes. Second language outcomes
dren. Neither Total Conceptual Vocabulary (TCV) nor will be examined in a separate paper.
dominant language counts differed significantly between We had suggested theoretical reasons why children with
groups. TCV and dominant language counts were similar ASDs might react to language learning in bilingual envi-
because only 66% of the SIM and 57% of the SEQ children ronments differently than children with SLI and Down
reported words in a second language: these bilingual children Syndrome, but it appears that children with ASDs are
used many translation-equivalent pairs so their TCV scores capable of similar language achievements regardless of
were not raised much beyond their dominant language word whether their environment is monolingual or bilingual.
counts. There were no significant differences on the other Impairments or differences in speech perception, joint
expressive and receptive measures. No differences were attention, and other foundational skills for language
noted in the early language milestones data. learning may not produce additional vulnerabilities for
bilingually-exposed children compared to their monolin-
gually-exposed peers with ASDs.
Discussion This study documented that some bilingually-exposed
children with ASDs are acquiring bilingual vocabulary in
The results suggest that bilingually-exposed children with early childhood: 62% of the bilingually-exposed children
ASDs do not experience additional delays in language spoke words in a second language, but their second

J Autism Dev Disord (2012) 42:1342–1352 1349

language vocabularies were much smaller than their dom- quantification attempts. Fourth, we did not analyze cogni-
inant language vocabularies, and few children had pro- tive test data although intellectual functioning plays an
gressed to phrase-level speech in a second language. So, important role in the acquisition of language. Finally,
while there does not appear to be any risk related to caution should be exerted when evaluating the direction
bilingual exposure in infancy or early childhood, the ben- and causal nature of the results.
efits of this exposure may not be fully apparent in early This study suggests several directions for research.
childhood. Parents who wish to maintain a bilingual Research on bilingualism in children with ASDs must take
environment should be counseled that bilingual acquisition into account that there is a longer language acquisition period
is an unstudied area for children with ASDs. For example, and more variable language outcomes for children with
we do not know if children with ASDs acquire second ASDs than for typically-developing children, and that
language vocabulary more easily than second language methodologies based on typical language development may
phonology, morphology, or syntax, but learning across all not be appropriate in this population. Future research on
these language domains is necessary to become bilingual. bilingual experiences in children with special needs could
Longitudinal research designs will be critical to under- explore the methodological challenges in grouping bilin-
standing bilingual acquisition in this population. gually-exposed participants who have language delays.
Finally, the variety of bilingual experiences and the Next, this study’s findings should be replicated using inde-
types of changes noted in this sample were more diverse pendent assessment measures of language outcomes. Fur-
than expected. For example, while some families did dis- thermore, it is critical to study how factors such as parental
play the commonly-cited pattern of switching from bilin- language fluency and family language choices could affect
gual to monolingual exposure when their children’s children in bilingual environments and potentially influence
language delays became apparent, many other families child language outcomes, particularly when a child has
introduced a second language after the age of first con- language delays. Finally, it would be beneficial to follow
cerns. Patterns of language changes and reasons driving bilingually-exposed children longitudinally in order to
parental decisions will be explored in a separate paper. understand the pace and patterns of language growth.
However, families of children with language delays may In conclusion, the data suggest that there is no language
make a variety of language choices that have not been delay associated with bilingual exposure for children with
described in the literature to date. These choices may be ASDs regardless of whether the children were exposed to
influenced by parents’ own language abilities, their rights two languages from infancy or from early childhood.
as immigrants (e.g., French language education is manda- Caregivers should not be discouraged from maintaining
tory in Quebec for immigrants, but not for families with a bilingual environments or introducing a second language
Canadian-born parent whose children can attend English- where necessary for the child or family, although little is
language schools), their choices for special education (e.g., currently known about the pace of learning or bilingual
inclusionary policies in English schools in Quebec vs. achievements for children with ASDs.
‘exclusionary’ autism class options in French schools), or
childcare options (e.g., family caregivers vs. public child- Acknowledgments This research was supported by a grant to both
authors from Autism Speaks.
care). Clinicians and researchers need to be aware that
bilingual experiences are diverse.
It is important to acknowledge several limitations to this
study. First, the recruitment approach allowed families to Appendix 1: Language Environment Interview: Script
self-select for participation but our large sample of children and Scoring for Language Exposure Questions
encompassed a broad and representative range of experi-
ences and language levels, and the results may be more The following information was collected for every adult
generalizable than results from studies which selected caregiver who regularly provided more than 5 h per week
participants based on restricted levels of exposure or verbal of childcare in the home: (a) place of birth, (b) lan-
skills. Secondly, the study was designed in order to detect a guage(s) spoken at home, (c) fluency in each language
mean vocabulary difference of 50 words between groups: it spoken at home, (d) languages spoken to the child with an
is possible that a larger sample size would have been able ASD, and (e) reasons for any changes in language(s) spo-
to detect smaller group differences in vocabulary size or ken to the child. For the fluency assessment (question c),
differences in subgroups, such as within children with caregivers were categorized as ‘native-level’ speakers only
autism versus PDD-NOS. Third, the relationship between if they reported mastery of the language such that they
the amount of bilingual exposure and language outcomes make no pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary errors and
was not examined in this study because most bilingual would be recognized as a native speaker of the language by
families made multiple exposure changes that complicated other native speakers. An estimate of language exposure

1350 J Autism Dev Disord (2012) 42:1342–1352

(e.g., % French vs. English input) was recorded for each Appendix 2: Questions from the ADI-R: Scoring
6 month period. Finally, the amount of time in childcare and Modifications
was recorded for each 6 month period: researchers coded
parent childcare hours using the following 3 levels based The ADI-R is a semi-structured interview (Le Couteur
on parental employment outside the home: parent not et al. 2003). Trained interviewers ask a series of questions
employed or ‘homemaker’, parent employed 5–15 h per to elicit caregiver descriptions of target behaviors; the
week, or parent employed [15 h per week. For non-parent interviewer categorizes each behavior using the coding
caregivers, hours spent providing childcare were catego- schema for each specific question. For complete question
rized as 5–15 h per week versus [15 h per week. and coding information, please consult the ADI-R manual.
The following information was collected for childcare in The following overview summarizes the lead questions and
a group setting or intensive therapy program where mul- the coding synopses including codes that were merged due
tiple individuals provided care for the child: (a) languages to low cell numbers to facilitate statistical analyses.
spoken to the general group of children, (b) languages Overall level of language (ADI-R #30):
spoken directly to the child with an ASD, (c) caregivers’
Lead interview question: ‘‘How much speech does
level of fluency in each language(s) used in the environ-
the subject have now?’’
ment (e.g., ‘‘Were all the daycare workers fluent in
French?’’), and (d) reasons for any changes in lan- Codes of ‘0’ (functional use of phrases) were con-
guage(s) spoken to the child. For each 6 month period of trasted against merged codes of ‘1’ (no phrase use but
care, language exposure estimates were elicited (e.g., % speech used on a daily basis) and ‘2’ (fewer than 5
French vs. English input) as well as the amount of time the words total).
child spent in that setting (e.g., 5–15 h per week vs. [15 h
Comprehension of simple language (ADI-R #29):
per week).
Following the interview, data from each caregiver were Lead interview question: ‘‘How much language do
transferred onto a summary score chart for each 6-month you think s/he understands if you don’t gesture?’’
period. An algorithm weighted the exposure estimate data
Codes of ‘0’ (phrase-level comprehension; able to
based on how much time each caregiver likely spent with
perform novel requests) and ‘1’ (phrase-level com-
the child in direct one-to-one interaction during each
prehension; able to perform familiar requests) were
6 month period. For example, exposure from parents with
merged, as were scores of ‘2’ (word-level compre-
primary childcare responsibilities (e.g., ‘homemakers’)
hension; [50 words understood) and ‘3’ (word-level
received the highest weight (9 points) whereas exposure
comprehension; \50 words); three scores of ‘4’
through part-time care in a group daycare setting received
(‘little or no word comprehension’) were excluded
the lowest weight (1 point). Points assigned to caregivers
from the analyses.
who provided bilingual input were divided across the lan-
guages based on the estimate of usage provided. For Questions pertaining to pointing (ADI-R #42) were divided
example, from age 36 to 41 months, child A was cared for for the interview into separate items for pointing initiation
by: and response:
Initiation of pointing to express interest (variable ‘42a’):
1. his mother, who worked 10 h per week: 100% French
input: 6 French points Lead interview question: Does your child ever
2. his father, who worked 40 h per week: 100% English spontaneously point at things around him/her?
input: 4 English points Codes of ‘0’ (spontaneous pointing to express interest
3. part-time (15 h per week) daycare: 75% French, 25% in distant objects) were contrasted against merged
English input, 1.5 French points, 0.5 English points codes of ‘1’ (limited use of pointing) and ‘2’ (little to
Points were added for each language (French: no pointing).
6 ? 1.5 = 7.5 points; English: 4 ? 0.5 = 4.5 points) and
Response to pointing to express interest (variable ‘42b’)
then divided by the total childcare points (12) for that
6 month period to generate a ratio of 62.5% French (7.5/
Lead interview question: When you point at an item
12) and 37.5% English (4.5/12) exposure. All 6 month
that interests you, does your child turn to look at what
exposure estimates were subsequently averaged into yearly
you are pointing at?
subtotaled ratios and a summary Lifetime Ratio (LR). The
language that received the highest percentage of lifetime Codes of ‘0’ (spontaneous response to pointing) were
exposure was designated the child’s dominant exposure contrasted against merged codes of ‘1’ (responds to
language. points when cued) and ‘2’ (little or no response).

J Autism Dev Disord (2012) 42:1342–1352 1351

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