Memory For Incomplete Tasks: A Re-Examination of The Zeigarnik Effect

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Wesleyan University

Division III Faculty Publications Natural Sciences and Mathematics

January 1991

Memory for incomplete tasks: A re-examination of

the Zeigarnik effect
Colleen M. Seifert
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor,

Andrea L. Patalano
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor

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Recommended Citation
Seifert, C. M., & Patalano, A. L. (1991). Memory for incomplete tasks: A re-examination of the Zeigarnik effect. In Proceedings of the
Thirteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society [refereed] (pp. 114-119). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

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Seifert, C. M., & Patalano, A. L. (1991). Memory for incomplete tasks: A re-examination of the Zeigarnik effect. In
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 114-119), Chicago, IL.

Memory for Incomplete Tasks:

A Re-examination of the Zeigarnik Effect*
Colleen M. Seifert
Department of Psychology
University of Michigan
330 Packard Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(313) 763-0210

Andrea L. Patalano
Department of Psychology
University of Michigan
330 Packard Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(313) 763-5710

Abstract* cognitive variables that explain when one can suspend effort
An important feature of human memory is the ability to on a failed problem, and recall it at a later time.
retrieve previously unsolved problems, particularly when
circumstances are more favorable to their solution. Zeigarnik Introduction
(1927) has been widely cited for the finding that interrupted
tasks are better remembered than completed ones; however,
In the world, we are constantly presented with problems to
frequent replications and non-replications have been explained
in terms of social psychological variables (Prentice, 1944).
solve. Learning to operate a new appliance, balancing a
The present study examines differences in memory for tasks checkbook, or doing a crossword puzzle, for example, are
based on completion status by appealing to cognitive variables just a few of the problems we typically encounter.
such as the nature of interruption, time spent during Sometimes, we are able to solve a problem at the moment
processing, and set size. In one experiment using word that it presents itself; one might have a new appliance
problems, subjects were interrupted on half of the problems operating soon after taking it home from the store. At
after a short interval of active problem solving, and completed other times, due to interruption, lack of needed resources,
tasks were in fact better remembered than interrupted ones. or failed attempts, we are forced to give up work on a
However, less processing time was necessarily spent on
problem before we have successfully arrived at a solution.
problems that were interrupted. A second experiment held
time constant, allowing subjects to abandon tasks they could
It is easy, for instance, to imagine getting stuck on a
not complete. In this experiment, the opposite result occurred, crossword puzzle problem and eventually giving up in
replicating Zeigarnik and showing better access to unsolved favor of pursuing other activities. Obviously, it would be
problems in free recall. However, enhanced memorability in to great advantage to be able to retrieve previously
this study may have resulted from a subject-generated impasse unsolved problems in order to retry tasks. There is some
in problem solving rather than "interruption" per se. This suggestion that human cognition is able to take advantage
successful replication also included set size differences in favor of improved circumstances in order to reattempt previously
of incomplete problems. Under these conditions, the status of failed task goals. In order to do so, however, incomplete
completion can serve as a useful index to past problem problems must be stored and retrieved from memory.
situations. These experiments are successful in identifying
What, if any, are the differences in the way in which we
encode and remember completed versus interrupted
*This research was supported by the Office of Naval Research problems? Is there a special status in memory for problems
under Contracts N00014-88-0295 and N0014-91-1128. Gretchen we meant to solve, versus those we have already solved?
Dettloff and Michelle Berris provided valuable assistance with
the first experiment.

Widely-cited results of a classic experiment by Zeigarnik subjects were told that the tasks comprised an intelligence
(1927) claim that interrupted problems do indeed hold test, they remembered more completed than interrupted
some special status in memory. In Zeigarnik's experiment, tasks. Others have suggested stress-related factors
subjects were given approximately 20 tasks to perform. (Glixman, 1949), individual differences (Alper, 1946), and
These tasks included mental problems such as arithmetic subject fatigue (Zeigarnik, 1927) to account for
and puzzles, as well as manual skills including discrepancies between their results and the original
constructing cardboard boxes and creating clay figures. In findings of Zeigarnik. The use of theories based on social,
the course of half of these tasks, subjects were interrupted motivational, and personality-related variables to account
before finishing the task and were forced to put it aside. for memory differences, has met with limited success.
The interruption came "when the subject looked most Such theories have been unable to explain numerous
engrossed in his work." This was reported to have occurred seemingly contradictory findings (see Prentice, 1944).
when the subject discovered how the problem was to be A greater degree of success might be met in trying to
done but had not yet envisioned the ultimate result. account for Zeigarnik's original results and some
Subjects were allowed to complete the other half of the subsequent manipulations in terms of a cognitive model of
tasks. problem solving. By re-examining the Zeigarnik effect in
After performing all of the tasks, though not always to terms of modern theories of problem representations,
completion, the subjects were asked to report all of the goals, and context effects, perhaps we can explain the
problems using a free recall method. Zeigarnik found that circumstances under which the Zeigarnik effect will occur,
unfinished tasks were 90% more likely to be recalled than and how it may function within a broader memory and
finished ones. Additionally, in both first and second recall problem solving cognitive architecture. In this article, we
positions, unfinished tasks were mentioned three times as examine the Zeigarnik effect, and explore factors including
often as completed tasks. Zeigarnik concluded that a the nature of the interruption, the processing time spent on
significant memory advantage exists for interrupted tasks problems, and the context of set size of the incomplete
as compared with completed ones. problems. By examining these cognitive factors, we
While the theory that unsolved problems hold some attempt to account for both the original effect and the
special status in memory is an appealing one, the results of variety of studies that at times failed to replicate it.
Zeigarnik's experiment appear somewhat counterintuitive.
Any memorial advantage in the Zeigarnik experiment Experiment 1
should lie with completed tasks, since a subject logically
must spend more time on average on completed tasks. In this first experiment, we attempted to match Zeigarnik's
However, though less processing time is presumably spent methods (1927) as closely as possible, and to replicate the
on interrupted problems, they are recalled more frequently effect of better memory for incomplete problems.
in Zeigarnik's experiment. Zeigarnik accounted for this However, one necessary change was to employ only
effect in terms of motivational factors, suggesting that problem solving tasks, rather than including manual and
when a subject sets out to perform the operations required artistic tasks as in Zeigarnik. In order to look at the role of
by one of the tasks, there develops a "quasi-need" within cognitive factors in predicting and explaining problem
the subject for the completion of the task. This is like the memorability, the following experiment will attempt to
occurrence of a tension system, where completing the task replicate Zeigarnik's original results using exclusively
means resolving the tension system or discharging the cognitive problem solving tasks. Using word problems,
quasi-need. Thus, claims Zeigarnik, the memorial we manipulated task interruption versus completion on
advantage enjoyed by interrupted tasks must be due to the each problem. Our goal was to determine whether the
continuation of that quasi-need, which motivates retrieval counterintuitive effect Zeigarnik observed can hold as a
of unsatisfied tasks. memory phenomenon under controlled laboratory
Additional social, motivational, and personality factors conditions.
have since been suggested to account for results of
variations and modifications of the original Zeigarnik
experiment. Bogoslavsky and Guthrie (1941) suggested
that tension present during the solving of a problem
Subjects. The subjects were 39 undergraduate students
increases the problem's memorability. This hypothesis
(25 female and 14 male) from the University of Michigan.
accounts for their findings that subjects best remembered
The subjects received credit from an introductory
tasks that followed interrupted tasks, regardless of whether
psychology course.
the "follow-up" tasks were themselves interrupted or
completed. Other studies discovered contexts where the
Materials. Twenty word problems, including
Zeigarnik effect did not occur. Rosenzweig (1943)
mathematical, logical, and insight reasoning (from Mosler,
hypothesized a form of repression to account for the non-
1977), were used in this study. All of the problems were
replication of Zeigarnik's results. In this study, in which

pretested on a separate group of subjects and were selected another. This cycle repeated until all of the problems had
for successful completion rate, each requiring between 15 been presented.
seconds and four minutes for solution. Each problem was Immediately after exhausting the problem set, the subject
presented on a separate half-sheet of paper with space was given a free recall test. Subjects were asked to recall
below the problem to write a solution. Each problem was all of the problems that they could remember. They were
presented with a short title such as "The Bridge". asked to write only enough to uniquely identify the
Following each problem was a rating scale. For each problem they had in mind. Following Zeigarnik's
problem, subjects were asked to rate how confident they procedure, the point in free recall was recorded where
were that their answer was correct. A rating of 1 meant subjects seemed to exhaust an initial recall spurt.
"certain it is incorrect" and a score of 7 meant "certain it is
correct," and subjects were told to use intermediate values Results
when appropriate.
All of the problem solving answers were scored as
Design and Procedure. Each subject was tested "completed" or "not completed" by an independent rater
individually in a one hour session. The subjects were based on the information written by the subjects. All trials
given the following instructions: in which the planned interruption or completion was not
You will be presented with a series of problems. You successful were eliminated from the analysis. This
will work on the problems one at a time. Please work constituted 11 out of 680 attempts or 1.6% of the data. Ten
as quickly and accurately as you can. Show your out of these eleven discarded trials were trials that should
work. Don't guess at a problem; try to solve each one have been interrupted, but were actually completed by the
and indicate your best answer. Once you have subject.
completed a problem I will give you another one to The free recall was scored by counting a problem as
work on. Each of these problems is randomly paired remembered if the written protocol uniquely identified one
with a time interval of varying length. I will be of the 20 test problems. The range of recall proportions for
stopping you according to these times. Don't worry if interrupted tasks was 0 to 0.9 with a mean of .39. The
you do not get to finish a problem. I will administer recall proportions for the completed tasks ranged from 0.1
another one and you can proceed as instructed. Do to 0.9 with a mean of .54. This difference was significant,
you have any questions? t(38) = 4.368, p=0.00, with completed tasks recalled more
Following these instructions, the subjects were given two frequently than incomplete problems. The same result
practice problems. The first was simple, and every subject obtains when comparing the free recall only up to the point
completed it between 30 and 210 seconds. The second was of first pause, as in Zeigarnik's (1927) analysis. For the
very difficult, and every subject was successfully completed problems, there were no differences in recall
interrupted by the experimenter saying, "Please stop now" whether or not the solutions given were in fact correct
between 15 and 60 seconds into the problem. The (mean proportion of correct problems recalled was .60, of
experimenter followed this practice set procedure with incorrect, .52, t < 1).
each of the 20 test problems. The test problems were Another indicator of completion status may be the
presented in a single random order for all subjects. Each subject's level of confidence in her answer. Therefore, an
subject was interrupted on half of the problems and analysis was performed using the subject's confidence
allowed to complete the other half. The order of rating as an independent variable. Due to the concentration
interruption within the problems was counterbalanced by of ratings at the ends of the scale (perhaps because, with
subject. If a problem was to be completed, the subject was subjects deciding when to stop working on a problem, they
allowed enough time to finish and to indicate so may have had a clear idea of when their answers were
(maximum time to completion was 4 minutes). If a correct or incorrect), the seven-point confidence scale was
problem was scheduled to be interrupted, the experimenter broken down into three parts. There was a main effect of
attempted to interrupt the subject when she was "most confidence rating, where subjects remembered the
engrossed in the problem" (Zeigarnik, 1927) (after she had problems they answered confidently (above four on the
read the problem all the way through, but before she had seven point scale) with a mean of .56 recalled, better than
written a complete answer). Minimum time to interruption those for which they lacked confidence (rated less than
was 15 seconds on each problem, and between 15 and 30 four on the seven point scale), with a mean recall of .27,
seconds for most trials in order to ensure subjects would be t(38)=4.349, p=0.000. The completed-confident problems
stopped before solution. When a subject finished a were also recalled better than those rated at the midpoint
problem, the subject gave a confidence rating (no ratings (for problems rated 4 on the seven point scale, mean
were given for unfinished problems). After a subject was number recalled = .32), t(38)=3.434, p=.001. These
interrupted, or a problem was finished and rated, the completed-confident problems were also recalled
experimenter removed the problem and administered significantly more often than the interrupted problems

(t(38) = 3.6, p = .001) However, there were no differences completed and incomplete problems. If the greater amount
in recall proportions for interrupted, completed- of time spent on completed problems had been preventing
unconfident and completed-midpoint problems. an emergence of the Zeigarnik effect in Experiment 1, we
While correctness had no effect on the finding that expect that the effect will now emerge under equal
completed tasks are recalled better than interrupted tasks, processing time conditions.
the level of confidence the subject has regarding the
completion of the tasks does correlate with recall. There is Method
difference in recall for completed-confident and
completed-unconfident categories, with the "confident" Subjects. Sixty-nine undergraduates at the University of
rated problems more frequently recalled. Confidence may Michigan (34 female and 35 male) participated in the
be considered a reflection of how "complete" a subject felt experiment. The subjects received credit towards an
their answer was, so that problems with lower confidence introductory psychology course.
ratings are recalled as frequently as interrupted problems.
Because subjects themselves terminated their problem Materials. Thirty word problems, requiring mathematical,
solving efforts, low confidence ratings may indicate having logical, and spatial reasoning skills, were used in this
abandoned solution attempts even though incomplete. study. Problems were drawn from numerous published
Higher confidence ratings may indicate subjects' feelings collections (e.g. Friedland, 1970; Müller, 1989; Morris,
of satisfactory completion for the problems they were 1988). All of the problems were pretested on a separate
allowed to finish. group of subjects, and were found to require approximately
The above analyses show that free recall memory for thirty seconds to two minutes for solution. Each problem
completed tasks is better than memory for interrupted was presented to subjects on a separate sheet of paper with
tasks. However, this is not surprising given that subjects space below the problem for work and solution to be
spent substantially more time, both when solving correctly recorded. The problems were contained in workbooks.
and solving incorrectly, on the completed problems than on Each workbook consisted of a problem solving instruction
the incomplete problems. This difference is logically sheet, thirty word problems, and a subsequent recall
required if one wants to manipulate which problems are task.The problems were presented in a different random
completed, and keep the set size of the two conditions order to each subject.
equal. In Zeigarnik's description of her methodology, there
is no information on how long subjects were allowed to Design and Procedure. Subjects were tested in groups of
work on interrupted compared to completed problems. 10 to 20 in one-hour sessions. At the outset of a session,
It is, of course, possible to correct for the confound of subjects were told that they would be presented with a
differing times spent on the problem if one is willing to series of word problems, one on each of the subsequent
forego control over which problems are interrupted. This pages of the workbook. They were to work consistently
can be accomplished by allowing subjects a specified and diligently throughout the experiment, making every
amount of time to work on each problem. One can then attempt to solve each problem. All work was to be
compare the memorability of problems completed in the recorded in the space provided underneath each problem.
short time interval with those problems left incomplete. In Subjects were told that they would be given exactly one
this procedure, subjects are determining which condition a minute in which to work on each problem. To assist in
given problem falls into, by either completing or getting determining when an answer was completed, subjects were
stuck on the problem within the time interval. Therefore, asked to circle their answer when finished, and to spend
the nature of the interruption in this procedure may be the remainder of the minute checking their work. They
more likely to be based on a failure in problem solving were instructed not to circle any part of their work unless
attempt, rather than on interruption of ongoing problem they truly believed they had arrived at an adequate solution
processes. In the following experiment, the time interval to the problem posed.
was kept fairly short (1 minute) in order to ensure that no In accordance with the instructions, subjects were given
subject would successfully solve all problems. In addition, one minute in which to work on each problem. At the end
because some problems might be quickly solved, subjects of each minute, they were reminded to circle their solution
were told to continue to check their answers when if they had arrived at one and to go on to the next problem.
completed for the full amount of time available for each This procedure continued until all thirty problems had been
problem. exhausted.
Immediately following the last problem, subjects were
Experiment 2 administered a free recall test. Test instructions were as
The following experiment uses this timed procedure to Your next task will be to recall as many problems as
look at the effect of holding time constant across you can from the first part of the experiment. When

you are told to do so, please jot down problems in the
space provided below in the order in which they come Discussion
to your mind. Write only enough information so that
someone else could recognize which of the earlier There were important differences in the two experiments
problems you are referring to. You will have 3 presented that appear to be critical factors in the occurrence
minutes in which to recall the problems. of the Zeigarnik effect. When comparing the replication of
After three minutes of free recall, subjects were told to stop Zeigarnik in Experiment 2 to the non-replication of
work on the task. Experiment 1, the large time difference in favor of
completed problems in Experiment 1 may account for the
Results finding of better memory for completed problems. In
Experiment 2, where time on the problem was equivalent,
All of the problem solving answers were scored as a memory advantage occurred for incomplete problems
"completed" or "incomplete" by the experimenter based on that cannot be based on time. Therefore, a possible
the solution information written and circled by the explanation for Zeigarnik's result, that of unintentionally
subjects. Additionally, completed problems were scored as allowing subjects to spend more time on incomplete
either “correct” or “incorrect” in their solutions. On problems thereby producing better recall, can be ruled out.
average, 20 out of the 30 problems were completed by Substantial differences in time spent on processing,
each subject. The remaining 10 problems, a proportion of however, as in Experiment 1, may wash out any existing
.33 problems, were left incomplete. Of the completed memorial advantage for incomplete problems.
problems, a mean of 11 were answered correctly, while An additional factor is the nature of interruption in the
8.9 were answered incorrectly. tasks. In Experiment 1, subjects were stopped in their
In free recall responses, subjects recalled a mean of .45 processing before it could reach completion. From pilot
incomplete problems, with proportions ranging from 0 to 1. sessions, we learned that subjects must be stopped early in
The recall proportions for completed problems, also their work on a problem in order to ensure that a particular
ranging from 0 to 1, had a mean of .33. This difference problem be successfully interrupted. In contrast, in
was significant, t(68)=3.66, p=0.000, indicating that Experiment 2, subjects themselves determined which
incomplete problems were recalled more frequently than problems were interrupted through failure to complete the
completed ones, and replicating the Zeigarnik effect. A problem. While they may sometimes have simply run out
significant difference was found between recall proportions of processing time, there was more frequent opportunity to
for completed, correctly-answered problems (.37) and become "stuck" on a problem, to reach an impasse from
those for completed, incorrectly-answered problems (.28), which no further processing direction was apparent.
t(68)=2.59, p=.012, indicating that subjects best recalled This "stuck" state may be of more interest than simple
the correctly-answered problems. This difference in interruption in terms of comparison to real world problem
memorability for correctly answered problems can be solving. It is impossible to tell, however, from Zeigarnik's
contrasted with the results of Experiment 1 in which no reports, whether her subjects were actually of the
difference was found. Finally, memorability of completed, interrupted (knowing how to proceed if more time is given)
correctly-answered problems and of completed-incorrectly or of the "stuck" (at a problem solving impasse) state in her
answered problems (the two subcategories of completed incomplete conditions. Given the reported results, we
problems) can be individually compared to incomplete might expect that if her subjects were allowed to continue
problems. A significant difference is found between to the point of their own "stuck" state, better memorability
incomplete (.45) versus correctly-answered (.37) problems (and more time on the problem) may have resulted. If
(t(68)=2.48, p=0.016), as well as between incomplete (.45) instead, interruption was utilized in other studies, the
versus incorrectly answered (.28) problems (t(68)=4.61, timing differences alone might account for better memory
p=.000). Thus, incomplete problems are better remembered (and more time) on the completed problems, resulting in
than either category of completed problems. the non-replication of the effect.
From this second experiment, we conclude that the A final factor that must be considered is the set size of
Zeigarnik effect (better memory for incomplete problems) the completed vs. incomplete problems. In Experiment 1,
does not depend on a time difference in favor of we carefully controlled the two sets to be equivalent by
incomplete problems. At most, subjects who completed manipulating which problems fell into the two conditions.
the problems and checked their answers for the remaining Even so, a memory advantage for completed problems
time spent only marginally less time on the problems than resulted (again, with longer times on completed problems).
on the ones where they were not able to provide an answer In Experiment 2, however, we allowed subjects to
within the one minute interval. With time as nearly determine how many problems fell into completed vs.
equivalent as possible, we still observed enhanced incomplete categories. The resulting ratio of 2/3
memorability for incomplete problems. completed to 1/3 incomplete characterized the situation

where better memory for incomplete tasks was replicated. in a way that might facilitate its later retrieval.
Possibily, under these conditions, completion status acts as Consequently, failed problems may be more likely to be
a recall cue, increasing the likelihood that particular recalled, and to be pursued for a second time. Such a
problems from a smaller set will be recalled relative to memory enhancement would assist in bringing to mind
problems from a larger set. Further experiments are under past failures so that solution can be reattempted at a later
way attempting to manipulate set size. Results obtained time, perhaps when circumstances will favor success. This
thusfar suggest that when time is held constant and set cognitive ability is critical for the optimal satisfaction of
sizes are equal, no recall advantage is found for either goals given that many tasks are being pursued. Rather than
completed or incomplete problems. Thus, set size appears persist at a difficult problem, effort can be suspended, and
to be a critical factor in determining when the Zeigarnik work on the goal can be resumed at a later time. The
effect will occur. memory effect we have been discussing is an important
That set size equivalence results in elimination of the factor in such an ability.
Zeigarnik effect should not, however, imply that the
Zeigarnik effect is irrelevant or unimportant to real-world References
problem solving. For example, in a set of tasks to be
accomplished in a list of errands, most may be completed Alper, T. (1946). Memory for completed and incompleted
successfully, leaving as pending problems only a subset of tasks as a function of personality: An analysis of group
tasks. So, if the completion status alone is working as a data. Journal of Abnormal Social Psychology, 41, 403-
cue to facilitate retrieval of past problems, even if only 421.
when that set is smaller than the completed, the status of Boguslavsky, G. & Guthrie, E. (1941). The recall of
intended tasks has been successfully shown to be an completed and interrupted activities: An investigation of
important factor in memory. If information about intention Zeigarnik’s experiment. Psychological Bulletin, 33,
to complete, or failure in completion, can be used as a 575-576.
general memory cue, then task status can be successfully Friedland, A. (1970). Puzzles in math and logic. New
used in retrieval of target items from memory. York: Dover Publications.
Glixman, A. (1949). Recall of completed and incompleted
Conclusion activities under varying degrees of stress. Journal of
Experimental Psychology, 39, 281-295.
We have argued from the evidence of two experiments that Morris, S. (1988). Omni games. New York: Omni
the effect first identified by Zeigarnik does in fact have Publications.
demonstrated replicability as a memory phenomenon. Free Mosler, G. (1977). The puzzle school. New York:
recall access to incomplete problems may in fact be better Abelard-Schuman.
than for completed problems under certain circumstances. Müller, R. (1989). The great book of math teasers. New
In particular, we point to the need to control the amount of York: Sterling Publications.
time spent in processing, the nature of the interruption, and Prentice, W. (1944). The interruption of tasks.
the relative set size of the two problem conditions. We Psychological Review, 51, 329-340.
believe these factors explain the difficulties some studies Rosenzweig, S. (1943). An experimental study “of
may have had in replicating the effect, and will serve as a repression” with special reference to need-persistence
methodological guideline for the study of task interruption. and ego-defense reactions to frustration. Journal of
This cognitive explanation is sufficient and more Experimental Psychology, 32, 64-74.
straightforward than appealing to more complex Zeigarnik, B. (1927). Das Behalten erledigter und
explanations involving individual differences, threat of unerledigter Handlungen. Psychologische Forschungen,
evaluation, or states of "tension" resulting from blocked 9, 1-85.
tasks (Prentice, 1944).
However, the results we describe have an even greater
importance in work on memory for tasks. This is apparent
by examining the implications of the finding. Why might
memory be designed to note and take advantage of task
status in retrieving past problems? What purpose would
this memory advantage serve? Obviously, keeping track of
the status of problem attempts and being able to use that
information in retrieving those past failures would be very
useful in the later solution of the interrupted problems. If a
goal to solve a problem is not satisfied, information about
that failure can be used to preserve and encode the problem


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