Connecting Cities MasterCard

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Enterprise Partnerships
Connecting cities
Mobility: The key to unlocking the potential of cities
MasterCard is a technology company in the global Contents

payments industry. We operate the world’s fastest 02 Executive summary

03 Mobility futures: 2024
payments processing network, connecting consumers, – Guangzhou
financial institutions, merchants, governments and – Stockholm
– Chicago
businesses in more than 210 countries and territories. 06 The success of cities creates new
MasterCard’s products and solutions make everyday challenges
08 Increasing mobility through smarter
commerce activities – such as shopping, traveling, public transport
running a business and managing finances – easier, 10 The role of the car in integrated
more secure and more efficient for everyone. 12 Unlocking potential through
automated access
The MasterCard Enterprise Partnerships team has been 14 The emergence of the smart city
17 Data roaming: the missing link in
formed to bring MasterCard’s existing assets, technology, enabling smart cities
network, reach, products and solutions to bear in areas 18 Designing new cities
19 Conclusions
that are outside MasterCard’s traditional domain. 21 References

We are partnering with global market leaders who

have significant depth of experience in their industries,
combining their knowledge and infrastructure with
our assets in order to drive real enterprise value.

Foreword from MasterCard Enterprise Partnerships Methodology from the Future Foundation
Cities are becoming victims of their own success. Today more than In this report we describe how mobility between and within cities
50% of us live in urban areas and by 2050 this proportion will rise is changing. By ‘mobility’ we mean how people get from their origin
to 70%. Visitor numbers are rising too, with international arrivals to their destination by any means (public and private transport).
expected to increase by nearly a billion from 1995 to 2020.1
We have reviewed a wide range of sources and undertaken original
People love cities because they act as creative magnets, bringing research to inform and shape our analysis. We’ve also drawn on our
work, culture and entertainment opportunities together to create understanding of more than 100 consumer trends that are shaping
rich, vibrant menus for urban dwellers. But crowding and congestion global consumer behavior. Our understanding of consumer change
is already taking its toll on urban infrastructure and transport is drawn from our programme of rolling global research and our
systems, and moving around cities is becoming a cause of horizon-scanning ‘Beyond 2020’ series of reports.
significant stress for both residents and visitors. From an individual
To probe specific areas of interest against the initial trend framework,
citizen’s perspective, city travel is far too often both complicated
we commissioned quantitative research among 500 consumers aged
and frustrating.
18+, per market, in the UK, US, Sweden, South Korea and Brazil during
MasterCard Enterprise Partnerships is a new venture within quarter four of 2013. In parallel, we interviewed a number of mobility
MasterCard, a global technology company that is running the world’s experts and analysts – and we gratefully acknowledge their input:
fastest payments processing network. Our focus is on leveraging
– Elizabeth Deakin, Professor of City & Regional Planning
MasterCard’s solutions and reach to improve the user experience
and Urban Design, College of Environmental Design,
across big ecosystems. Transit is one of our core areas of focus.
University of California, Berkeley.
We believe that smarter city transit and travel can bring enormous
– Martin Wachs, Distinguished Professor Emeritus,
benefits to business and citizens. We are joining forces with experts
Urban Planning, University of California, Los Angeles.
at the forefront of change to create partnerships which have the
intelligence and the capabilities to make the connected city of the – Robert Bertini, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
future a reality. Portland State University.
We commissioned this Future Foundation ‘Connecting Cities’ report – Rachel Weinberger, Director of Research and Policy Strategy,
to kick-start a dialogue on the opportunities and challenges facing Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates.
the world’s major cities and to help take collaboration in urban transit
and development to the next level. We wanted to uncover the – Professor Ian Yeoman, Associate Professor,
difficulties faced by average citizens and to find out what global Victoria University of Wellington and author of 12 travel books.
thought leaders had to say about future trends in urban mobility. – Rochelle Turner, Head of Research,
Collaboration is at the heart of what we do at MasterCard Enterprise World Travel and Tourism Council.
Partnerships. Our work is based on combining our strength and – Matt Armstrong, Head of Marketing and Distribution,
expertise with others to deliver solutions that would just not be British Airways Holidays.
possible alone. So thank you to all the experts that took part, and to
the Future Foundation for pulling together such a fascinating report.
We truly hope that it creates new connections and collaborations that
help to unlock the true potential of smart cities.

Executive summary

With more than half the world’s – When people travel for leisure they want to ensure their trip
is a success and will invest considerable energy in researching
population now living in cities, and as locations and travel options.
the speed of urbanization continues to – People don’t want to make mistakes in choosing destinations.
increase, urban mobility is fundamental They are looking for better ways of making decisions, especially
around vacations. Automatic booking systems will offer
to the ability of cities to work effectively. risk-free adventure, greater certainty and guaranteed quality.
In this report we argue that friction There is a clear consumer desire for this type of technology,
especially in Asia and among business travelers.
in mobility will be reduced by mobile – Journeys by car will become connected and effortless.
technologies and that this will unlock Guided by a new generation of smart roads, car journeys will be
the potential of cities for both residents made more efficient through the integration of mobile devices with
the car’s own systems. Consumers show a surprising willingness
and visitors. to travel in driverless cars.
– Car ownership will decline in the West, as the costs (both
personal and environmental) come to be fully appreciated by a new
generation of travelers. In Asia the desire to own a car (and to enjoy
the status that comes with it) will be curbed by more thoughtful
planning of new cities with less space given over to parking.
– Multi-modal transport will become increasingly common
in cities with legacy infrastructure systems. Shared ownership
of both bikes and cars will move people away from owning cars.
– The potential offered by converged payment devices is
enormous. When combined with flexible pricing to spread
passenger loads through the day, it also provides a means for
urban transport systems to manage increasing domestic and
international demand.
– The smartphone offers travelers both a navigation device and
a means of universal payment. Its ability to unlock the potential
of cities is transformative. Innovation and government intervention
are combining to bring down the cost of international roaming,
heralding a new era of smart travel.
– One of the biggest improvements in travel – and a key element
to unlocking the potential of cities – is to make paying fares
between destinations consistent, interoperable, immediate
and easy. From a consumer point of view the latest generation
of payment cards and smartphones offer this potential; there
is already considerable trust in global payment brands. From
a corporate angle, there is a global opportunity in facilitating
effortless travel.
– Perhaps the most fundamental approach to improving mobility
is to change how cities are designed and created. Many cities,
particularly in China, are now building transport infrastructure
into land development patterns in a new era of ‘smart growth’.
The growing populations of major cities will force change and
innovation. Ultimately it will shape the cities of the future as ‘smart
growth’ principles are applied in cities across the globe, integrating
residential areas with business districts and developing areas of
‘mixed’, as opposed to ‘uniform’, land use.

Mobility futures: 2024

Jing is on his way to work on a perfect May morning. He works in Current State of Play:
the International Finance center in the Pearl River New City. China
As an ambitious 27-year-old, Jing dreams of owning a car. The – 56% of Chinese smartphone users expect to be
practical reality is that new environmental controls have made “making purchases more often on their smartphone
it difficult to own a car privately. He enjoys using a rented car for in the next 12 months” – a significantly higher
weekend trips to the countryside but for his urban commute it is proportion than in the USA (31%), Germany (16%)
more practical to use a rented bike. With apartments both small and or the Netherlands (12%).2
expensive, it makes sense to use a shared bike rather than to own one.
There simply isn’t space to store a bicycle. He navigates carefully – Chinese consumers – many of whom find car
through crowded streets, his phone recording the journey and his ownership highly aspirational – expect to pay much
state of physical fitness as he heads towards the city. Jing, like many more for a luxury car ($116,592) than citizens of
people, quantifies his exercise using his phone to analyze his fitness Brazil ($49,587), the USA ($50,000) or Hungary
and stamina. This morning he feels a little bit sluggish so he decides ($33,756). For many Chinese consumers, car
to pass the metro station on the new 13 line and to connect with the ownership remains an aspiration rather than reality.3
Bus Rapid Transit system instead. The city feels proud of its bus – The bicycle remains important – 39% of Chinese
network. As long ago as the early 2010s the bus fleet – using mainly citizens use bicycle transport at least once a week.
LPG fuel – was playing an important part in beating congestion and In Brazil it’s 24%.4
reducing pollution.
– The use of travel apps in China is growing rapidly.
He freewheels to a halt at the bus station, docking his bright orange Among the urban, online population, 22% used travel
bike and swiping his phone to pay for its use. Jing’s trip is added to his apps at least once a month in 2011. By 2013 the
real time budgeting app, keeping him in control of his spending. The proportion had reached 27%.5
bus system has expanded recently as Guangzhou continues to grow.
Unlike a less flexible underground system, the BRT can serve new
residential and mixed use communities and keep pace with the city’s
irresistible rise.
As he is early the bus is less busy and alters its stopping pattern based
on the destinations of the passengers – all of whom have a phone
which alerts the bus to their destination. This technology has cut
commuting times recently.
When he gets onto the bus, Jing has the choice of using a contactless
card or his phone to pay for the journey. The same payment system
exists throughout the city allowing him to pay for bikes, buses, metro
trains, taxis, hire cars and mileage in private cars. He reflects that it
seems incredible that people used to pay separately for each stage
of a multi-mode journey – so slow!
He’s also looking forward to a forthcoming business trip. His journey
to Baiyun airport and beyond is greatly assisted by having his boarding
pass on his phone – he’ll swipe through directly to his China Eastern
flight. Once in Hong Kong he’ll be able to go to his hotel and open the
door to his suite simply by using his phone.
Locks, barriers, queues, check-ins and delays are increasingly a thing
of the past.

Mobility Futures: 2024 continued

Axel is lost. Purposefully lost. He often is these days. As the Creative Current State of Play:
Director of a Swedish advertising agency he craves inspiration and Sweden
stimulus. He likes to explore unfamiliar cities such as Gothenburg.
The problem with wandering around a strange city is that there is no – In Sweden, 46% of consumers like talking to others
guarantee you’ll chance upon interesting things. There’s a risk that the about the creative activities that they do. In Russia,
exercise will waste time. For Axel this problem is overcome by using only 41% of the population derive satisfaction from
his RayBan sunglasses which offer a range of services including this activity.
Google Field Trip. He’s on a curated tour of Gothenburg, led by his own – Seven in ten Swedes aged between 16 and 24 feel
preferences (for quirky architecture, design shops and independent a strong or moderate need for new experiences.
bookshops). Axel’s wandering provides guaranteed serendipity; This need declines with age; only 41% of those aged
he knows that he will ‘chance’ upon things that he likes and this hour between 55 and 64 are seeking new experiences.
of spare time will be put to good use.
– Nine in ten Swedes agree that they really value
Axel is reflecting on a travel blog he read that morning which criticized moments when they can just relax. While a high
the increasingly common phenomenon of ‘curated travel’ – of people proportion, it is similar to many other countries.
using mobile technologies and being guided through cities by an
unseen hand. The argument is that individuals using these services – 45% of Swedes have shared content online in the
see only a highly selective and unrepresentative slice of any location; last six months. In Germany the figure is 34%.
that ‘travel’ is diminished through the elimination of the bad and the
unnecessary. In an age of guided tours, all travelers are now merely
tourists. People miss the true nature of a town by shuttling between
only those things which are of direct interest to them. The article was
a development of an old argument that people plan trips too much
and that most follow an increasingly well-worn, TripAdvisor-guided
itinerary through towns.
Axel surprises himself by having some sympathy for this point of view.
Given limitless time he would be interested in a completely unstructured
walk and following his nose – the nose his smart-glasses are now
resting on.
The problem of course is that time is limited. Like many people Axel
wants to be able to share pictures of his travel discoveries. As a
Creative Director people expect him to be uncovering the original
and the interesting and he is keen to share pictures via his personal
and professional networking sites. There simply isn’t time for
aimless wandering.

$$ £$€$¥$
Lauren terminates the call on her Apple iPhone – a little antiquated Current State of Play:
these days – and settles back into her seat. Her driverless Chrysler United States of America
400C changes lane smoothly to take a less congested route to the
Amtrak hub. Lauren feels a bit guilty about using a train rather then – In the United States, 60% of consumers would be
her driverless car (especially as her journey is faster now on a ‘smart’ likely to ride in a car controlled entirely by technology.
interstate) however the time saving offered by the train is too great The Americans have more faith in this technology
to ignore. She also wants to have a look at the Shared Transport hub than the British (45%), the Germans (37%) or the
at the Amtrak station. Fiat Chrysler has invested heavily here in Japanese (28%).
addressing the needs of younger motorists. In the last few years it – If it was safe and easy to do so, 38% of Americans
has become very evident that younger people feel more comfortable would consider using a smartphone to make
sharing a car than they do owning one. She has responsibility for the payments. In Germany the figure is 31%.
young driver programme – one of the most prestigious posts at Fiat
Chrysler. At the station she looks on at a row of parked and charging – In the United States, 44% of consumers would
Fiat Electros. These cars have been developed for the needs of consider renting a car for a short period rather than
Millennials and offer driverless capability, allowing their users (‘driver’ owning one.
is beginning to seem an antiquated word) to enjoy 4G connectivity.
Time spent in cars is now productive and useful – for many they are
a favorite place to work. Lauren’s own work shows that Millennials
are more interested in cars now than at any time in the past ten years.
This is a hugely positive development; in 2016 it looked as if, for the
first time, a generation of young people would grow up without any
great affection for the car. As unconnected and ‘dumb’ environments,
cars had little to offer this generation of hyper-connected individuals.
Fiat Chrysler was one of the innovators that reinvented cars for
younger people.
Next to the line of Electros are a collection of rental bikes. Tough and
sturdy, these electric bikes are cheap, easy to access by phone or
card and appeal to younger people through navigation devices and
an ability to capture data on each bike journey. The bike is a fierce
competitor to cars in cities now, following the construction of
dedicated bike lanes. Electric bikes have encouraged far more people
to start cycling and many cities are adopting them after the successful
introduction of these machines to Barcelona in 2014.
Lauren strides across the car park and enters the station. Today’s
journey will ultimately take her to Detroit where large parts of the city
are being redeveloped using ‘smart city’ principles. The city is being
revitalized through imaginative redevelopment with efficient transit
at the heart of the reforms. Aided by low property prices and a rising
reputation as a hub for creative industries, Detroit is a city reborn.
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The success of cities creates new challenges

2010 was a landmark year; for the first time the majority of the While cities must cope with increasing numbers of residents, they
world’s population lived in an urban area. By 2030 six in ten of the must also be able to meet the needs of growing numbers of
world’s population will live in cities and by 2050 the proportion will international travelers.
be seven in ten.6
Foreign visitors are an increasing presence in cities; globally,
Currently, moving around cities is a cause of significant stress for international arrivals will be close to 1.6 billion by 2020 – up by nearly
both residents and visitors. Our research indicates that the most a billion from 1995. The average annual growth rate between 1995
frequently cited causes of frustration are issues around mobility. and 2020 is forecast to be 4%.7
Personal foreign travel remains highly aspirational, but many people
What causes you most anxiety when you travel?
feel that travel is something they should be able to achieve. The extent
Global response of your travels has become a marker of your sophistication and success
Missing flights, connections 37% as an individual; travel is a key source of social status. So much so that
in the developed world luxury is increasingly defined in terms of time
Delays 31% and experience rather than the ownership of prestige consumer goods.
Being exploited by hotels, taxis, restaurants 29% In some cities the number of international travelers puts great strain
Crime 29% on urban mobility. Key attractions become bottlenecks and queues
form daily. The frustration caused by these delays is sufficient for a
Whether the accommodation will be suitable 28%
significant number of visitors to consider experiencing attractions
Transport links around the destination 21% virtually (rather than in person).

With growing demands on infrastructure, transport systems have South

the potential to become overwhelmed or at the least provide an Brazil Korea USA UK Sweden
uncomfortable experience. They also have the potential to limit the Interest in 75% 69% 48% 38% 33%
physical and economic growth of cities and countries, disadvantaging virtually
them against international rivals. The long-running and unresolved visiting a
debate about runway capacity in London is an example of how museum or
art gallery
transport infrastructure is a key element in the attractiveness of
cities as global destinations both for business and leisure. Enhancing Crowded attractions are not the only problem for the international
mobility encourages investment, tourism and the location of traveler. Unfamiliar cities – and their transport systems – can present
international businesses. a forbidding challenge even for more adventurous travelers. These
factors combine and create a tension between the desire to explore
and the frustrations of getting around. For business travelers these
problems can be mitigated by expense-funded taxi travel but for
leisure travelers the problems are unavoidable.

One consequence of this is a greater consumer desire to research trips
in advance and to reduce the risk involved in going somewhere new. ‘I think the plethora of information is starting
“When I plan a trip abroad, I find out as much as I can about
to be seen as a chore.’
the destination before I go.” Matt Armstrong, Head of Marketing and Distribution,
British Airways Holidays.
UK USA Sweden Brazil Korea
Future Foundation data shows that 60% of British consumers
Agree or agree 72% 66% 68% 78% 83% think there is “too much information to go through when making
an important purchase decision”. Nearly half of British consumers
are looking for a better way of evaluating the quality of services
they buy – a trend that is growing.
‘Everybody has always wanted to get great
Technology offers a clear route to making better decisions.
results from their travel but what I would say Consumers’ own data can be used by a new breed of smart travel
is that they leave less to chance than in the past. agents who will offer automated but personalized experiences with
There is a real pressure to get it right and not very little risk of disappointment.
waste your valuable two weeks away.’ For foreign visitors, technology will have an increasingly important
Matt Armstrong, Head of Marketing and Distribution, part to play in selecting a destination. Technology will also have
British Airways Holidays. a critical role in helping residents travel through their own cities.

As part of their planning process consumers are increasingly turning

to expert sources of advice. Globally, 31% of people turn to an expert
for advice on holidays and travel.8

‘More and more they [consumers] are looking for

credible sources so they feel they are making the
right choices. But then as they move down the
[decision-making] funnel they will check a number
of sources as they go into decision-making mode.’
Matt Armstrong, Head of Marketing and Distribution,
British Airways Holidays.

Sources of expert advice and information are not in short supply;

Google’s acquisition of content providers such as Frommer’s is an
indication of the sort of expertise that can now be found online.
However the sheer amount of advice and information available
can be a problem in itself.

Increasing mobility through smarter public transport

The problem with multi-modal is one of perception:

‘…[there is] some evidence that people are
stepping from two-wheelers to four-wheelers ‘…a modal change as part of a trip is among the
as income grows. This is probably the biggest more onerous parts of the trip... we psychologically
trend and the one that deserves most attention. weight the time we spend doing that two or three
It has serious energy, greenhouse gas and times as heavily as we weight moving time.’
congestion consequences for people trying Martin Wachs, Distinguished Professor Emeritus,
to do business in [developing] countries.’ Urban Planning, University of California, Los Angeles.
Professor Elizabeth Deakin,
University of California at Berkeley. The solution (other than forcing people from private transport
through fiscal or regulatory means) lies in the positive application
If mobility within cities is to be improved, people need to be of information technology. If people can see their journey mapped
encouraged to use public transport rather than private cars. out and are guided through public transport in real time, the hassle
factor is reduced and the car seems a less desirable option.
The introduction of multi-modal transport is a critical stage in
unlocking the potential of cities and avoiding gridlock. Multi-mode Mobility apps are already being used by significant numbers of
transport refers to journeys in which a number of different forms people: 28% of urban Indians and 27% of urban Chinese, 14% of
of transport are used. While cars can bring people to cities from Brazilians, 16% of Argentinians and 18% of South Koreans.9
the suburbs or nearby towns, the journey to the centre of the city
is achieved through transferring to public transport. ‘…clearly one of the most powerful ways of
affecting [multi-mode] is through information
‘…multi-modal transport is critical and that’s a technology... we complement our ability to move
place where we’re not seeing the kind of progress with our ability to know where the opportunities
in many countries (including by the way the to move are occurring. The use of information is
United States) that we would like to see.’ extremely important and it explains a lot about
Professor Elizabeth Deakin, how travel is changing. That, in turn, explains
University of California at Berkeley.
a lot about how cities are changing.’
Martin Wachs, Distinguished Professor Emeritus,
Urban Planning, University of California, Los Angeles.

Smarter – and ultimately faster and more convenient – public
transport will also encourage people away from cars.
Another factor will be the ease of car parking at the places where
drivers become passengers on public transport. The vast majority of
drivers want devices that allow them to use the most efficient route
and this would extend to connecting with public transport – 91% of
South Koreans and 88% of Brazilians are interested in a service that
automatically reprogrammes their route for example.10 These two
countries are significantly ahead of the UK and the USA in this regard.
Getting to the transfer point is part of the solution – efficient onward
progress is the other. The transfer between private and public
transport must be easy and effortless and contactless payments are
key in this. Despite this type of technology being relatively new to
many domestic travelers, significant numbers have confidence in this
type of payment. In Brazil, 20% of consumers feel confident using
contactless payments on the metro or underground – a proportion
that rises to 22% for buses. The widespread use of credit cards in
South Korea is reflected in the number of citizens who have confidence
in cashless payments for public transport – 23% would be comfortable
in using this form of payment on the metro, undergound and buses.
The ease that comes with using a single payment device for all our
mobility needs will significantly change our confidence in using public
transport and is likely to boost the number of people using it.

‘I think ten years from now it will feel like

you’re simply extending your range; the distance
with which you can travel on a street using
this extension of the street that happens
to be a transit vehicle.’
Professor Robert Bertini, Professor of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, Portland State University.

Professor Bertini predicts that the smartphone will allow the transit
authorities to know the destination of all passengers hence allowing
routes to become tailored; “So knowing the origins and destinations
of people who want to use the vehicle would allow you to stop less
and actually shorten your travel time. The definition of a route is
blurred a little bit.”

The role of the car in integrated transport

‘The other big trend is the integration of IT into ‘I think cities in the United States in the next
vehicles and roadways... it’s going to be possible ten years are going to continue something that
for motor vehicles to be operated far more many of them have started, in transforming
efficiently than they are today – to be operated the infrastructure to focus more on people
in transit-like ways when they’re in cities and as opposed to vehicles.’
possibly to be shared more than they are today.’ Professor Robert Bertini, Professor of Civil and Environmental
Professor Elizabeth Deakin, Engineering, Portland State University.
University of California at Berkeley.
There was a consensus among our experts that road pricing will
Consumers have many considerations when choosing a car; style, become the primary way of taxing car use (as opposed to taxes on
perceived quality, economy, performance, emissions and so on. fuels). This is an additional driver in the progress of connected cars.
Very shortly that list of considerations will lengthen as drivers wonder Connected driverless cars can use the road space more efficiently and
if their car will be compatible with their mobile device and what sort be taxed more effectively.
of software the car is equipped with. Our own data shows significant support for driverless cars especially
Google’s Open Automotive Alliance seeks to find new forms of in South Korea and Brazil.
integration. They are not alone; Apple and Microsoft have their own
projects with auto-makers. Generally there is a feeling that the phone ‘I think people will love [driverless cars]. A lot of
doesn’t connect as seamlessly with cars as it does with most other
areas of consumer life. people really want to be doing something else
other than just driving and if they can do that
Interest in in-car services: safely, I think that would change matters.’
South Professor Elizabeth Deakin,
UK USA Sweden Brazil Korea University of California at Berkeley.
A car that 34% 45% 36% 76% 72%
drives itself In 2012, Ford’s then new Focus came equipped with a self-parking
facility. What’s remarkable is not the technology itself but the fact
Is the technology racing ahead of consumer need? Our research that it was offered on a car that defines the mass market. It suggests
suggests not. Indeed the appetite for more automation in cars is growing consumer confidence in very advanced technology. It’s this
marked among our sample. Convenience and speed are the acceptance that provides the high levels of support for cars that drive
motivations for much of this support (e.g. paying for petrol remotely). themselves. Toyota promises an autonomous car by the “mid-2010s”,
However consumer interest extends beyond this and the full Audi anticipates a self-drive A8 by 2017 and Mercedes-Benz expects
capabilities of mobile internet are welcomed in the car – 55% of to launch a self-driver in 2020.11
our international sample are interested in an in-car device that could
alert them to roadside restaurants and pre-order food. These advances in the intelligent use and control of cars are
important, as increasing urban populations mean that car parks
In the developed world, the car will become a declining part of become a less viable use of space.
urban mobility.

In Asia and Latin America the car stands as more of a status symbol
‘…in California we’re talking about parking spaces and despite the cost consumers aspire to ownership:
that are costing $50,000 to $80,000 per space
and that has to be charged at $300 to $500 ‘[In China the car] is a symbol of who you are
a month per parking space just to cover the cost. and what you’ve achieved in life. Not having a car
That is not a sensible way to use urban land... is looked at as a kind of incompetence.’
new parking technologies that let you have
Professor Deakin’s perspective is corroborated by our own research.
something other than self-parked vehicles also In Sweden, 80% of the population disagrees that “owning a luxury car
begin to make sense.’ is an important goal in life”. The proportion in China is 44%, in Russia it
Professor Elizabeth Deakin, is 65%, in Argentina 67%, in Mexico 59% and in South Korea it is 54%.
University of California at Berkeley. Tellingly, the trend over the last few years has been for fewer people
to be motivated by the prospect of owning a luxury car – this is true
Other considerations will curb car use as a means of urban mobility: in Mexico, Argentina, Brazil and China. Russia is something of an
exception to this rule.13

‘…most people don’t understand how much However, if the potential of cities is to be realized cars, will have to
be used more intelligently and alternatives provided. This will be
car ownership and driving costs them and costs reflected in how we pay for mobility:
society, so I think this generation [people currently
aged between 16 and 30] is the first to grasp that ‘We’re coming into an era, it’s already here really
full cost and understand the impact of emissions in some ways, in which both public transport and
and the impact of our energy profile – and the highway use will be charged for electronically…’
impact on their own wallets.’ Martin Wachs, Distinguished Professor Emeritus,
Robert Bertini, Professor of Civil and Environmental Urban Planning, University of California, Los Angeles.
Engineering, Portland State University.
Consolidating travel payments offers significant benefits to the
consumer – increasing transparency, helping budgeting and putting
“I am concerned about what I can personally them in control.
do to help protect the environment”
Generation Y respondents (people aged 18-34)12 Indeed, one of the most significant ways in which the public and
private mobility can be enhanced is through simplified, effortless
USA Argentina Brazil Japan Korea

Agree/agree 52% 78% 84% 49% 54%


Our data shows the vast majority of young Brazilian and Argentinians
are concerned with living a more sustainable life, a sentiment stronger
in BRIC nations than it is in Europe or the USA.
Professor Elizabeth Deakin also believes that – in the developed
world – urban dwellers are likely to be more hard-headed about cars,
weighing up the cost of ownership versus car-sharing schemes for
urban use and ad hoc rentals for weekends away.

Unlocking potential through automated access

Interest in a device or app that allows access

to public transport (instead of tickets): ‘…we lose a huge amount of efficiency by having
South everybody stop at the door of the bus [to pay].
UK USA Sweden Brazil Korea Agencies continue to do that because they’re
Business travel 41% 50% 48% 56% 59% concerned that there won’t be sufficient
Leisure travel 43% 36% 49% 58% 64% enforcement and there’ll be too much stealing.
It’s just an old way of thinking – many operators
Across our international sample half of leisure and business travelers
would be interested in using a device or app to access public transport are somehow not able to get over that hump.’
(rather than tickets). Despite limited current applications of phones Rachel Weinberger, Director of Research and Policy Strategy,
as payment devices, 55% of our sample are interested in using a Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates, New York.
smartphone as a means of accessing public transport.
Pre-payment speeds journeys and reduces congestion in stations
Significantly, a majority of smartphone users would consider using
through reducing bottlenecks. It also offers more strategic benefits
their phone to pay for goods and services in the future. As we might
through making fares flexible and being able to vary prices through
expect, South Korea leads the way with 76% of citizens agreeing.
the day to incentivize off-peak journeys. While the flat fare system is
Agreement levels are even higher among urban Chinese (81%) and
easy to understand, it does nothing to spread the number of journeys
urban Indians (79%), with Brazil (67%), Argentina (66%) and Australia
more evenly through the day.
(51%) following behind.14
Our research shows that the greatest anxiety that travelers have
is missing flights, trains and connections. Additionally, one in five of ‘…something like a credit card enables the traveler
our sample finds transport links around their destination to be their not to worry about the complexity of the overall
greatest source of stress. The anxiety involved at connection points fare structure... The opportunity exists to have a
would be eased if consumers didn’t have to worry about how they
paid for travel and which ticket they needed to get. This explains the
far more differentiated fare structure and I would
high levels of interest in using a card, device or app for ticketing. hope that in New York over time they’ll introduce
Pre-payment systems such as Navigo in Paris offer benefits beyond
some variations on their simple theme of flat
the reduction of traveler stress: fares and it will make the system’s use more
efficient, filling seats in the off-peak when they’re
‘…pre-payment is well understood to be faster – largely empty and perhaps empty them a bit
especially for buses. It is miraculously faster. during the peaks... You can manage the system
We’ve done a lot of studies on what causes delay more efficiently if you use fares to affect people’s
in transit and that is a huge part of it.’ travel choices. In so many cities we’ve adopted
Professor Elizabeth Deakin, sophisticated technological devices for charging
University of California at Berkeley. fares and collecting revenue, but haven’t taken
advantage of the opportunities to manage the
system more effectively by employing a more
highly-differentiated fare structure.’
Martin Wachs, Distinguished Professor Emeritus,
Urban Planning, University of California, Los Angeles.

A third of our international sample is interested in a mobility service

that offers different prices based on the time of day.

The consequences of easier ticketing The payment functionality contained within a car could extend
from tolls and road use to other areas of expense such as fuel –
mPayments and the rise of ‘Be-in Be-out’ (BiBo) ticketing systems
our data shows a very high level of interest in such a service.
mean that future travelers needn’t even tap in and out of transit
Through a smartphone or other connected device, that payments
systems, instead their presence is detected via wifi, picocells or
capability can go with the driver as they leave the vehicle.
another short-range technology.15
The consequence of these types of ticketing systems is that: Interest in in-car services:
UK USA Sweden Brazil Korea
‘…more people will travel at short notice and
on the spur of the moment.’ Pay for petrol
66% 50% 45% 85% 67%

Martin Wachs, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, after filling up

Urban Planning, University of California, Los Angeles.
Effortless payments encourage easy mobility and engender greater
For international visitors the potential of cities can be realised. confidence in using public transport among visitors in particular.
As payments and navigation become much easier so mobility can However, there is much more to the city experience than how we
become less stressful and more impulsive. Less precious time is pay to travel. What if the city itself could help visitors and locals?
wasted in fumbling for foreign currency. What if the city could offer personalized guidance and help people
get the full potential?
The benefits of this type of new generation ticketing is perhaps most
vivid among business users – who can travel with greater confidence.
They can also be encouraged out of expensive taxis. Smarter ticketing
would also allow users to keep tabs on spending while collecting
receipts for expenses claims automatically.
Converged payments for public and private transport

‘…in the future I would see a convergence of how

we pay for things so that we’re not carrying around
20 different smartcards or toll tags or whatever...
I think these convergences are going to happen.’
Robert Bertini, Professor of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, Portland State University.

‘I can’t think of any good reason why a service

provider like a credit card company couldn’t integrate
my capacity as a traveler to pay for my road use and
my transit use through one financial mechanism.’
Martin Wachs, Distinguished Professor Emeritus,
Urban Planning, University of California, Los Angeles.

There are two important convergences in how we pay for travel.

The first is the combination of travel information and payments,
allowing the traveler to make smart journeys that are both time and
cost efficient, and being able to pay for them immediately without
any time-consuming ticket purchase.
The second convergence is around a single means of paying for
both public and private transportation – tolls on roads and rides in
trains, metros or buses. This would put consumers in control of their
spending by bringing all transportation costs together where they
are more readily analyzed and budgeted for.

The emergence of the smart city (1)

City residents and commuters The future is one in which travelers make their own data, preferences
work for them and they are increasingly happy to (at the very least)
Smarter cities will offer the capability to help residents and visitors
try automated mobility services. The benefit provided is that of speed
efficiently navigate the complexity of transport systems, suggesting
and convenience, but perhaps more importantly, people will derive
personalized alternatives.
satisfaction from knowing that they are making the most efficient
The ability to do this is highly-prized by commuters and visitors and journey possible. Automated services take the stress out of mobility
it’s something that they’d be prepared to share data for. and ensure that time is not wasted. These services will ensure that the
potential of cities is fully realized.
Korea Brazil USA Sweden UK For business travelers the benefits of automating mobility are even
more obvious.
Willingness 67% 50% 47% 46% 40%
to share data
for a service Interest in an automatic booking service based
choosing the on previous travel purchases for business travel
quickest routes (domestic or international).
Willingness to 58% 52% 49% 46% 51% South
share data for UK USA Sweden Brazil Korea
a service that
recommends Very and Quite 49% 60% 29% 74% 73%
the best time interested
of day to travel
An additional benefit of automated business travel is the opportunity
These figures are remarkably high given the wariness many people to reduce the leading source of frustration on business trips – namely
now exhibit in sharing personal data. The benefit these services offer not being able to experience enough of the destination. Freeing up
has real value and makes the sharing of data an acceptable trade. time from organizing and booking travel will allow the ‘accidental
In the case of the UK, it’s worth noting that the amount of time tourist’ more time to explore business destinations, making business
taken to get from A to B (average trip time) has increased by 11% travel a more relaxing and less stressful experience. It also makes trips
from 20 minutes to 23 minutes between 1995/97 and 2012.16 faster and smoother. The prime benefit for employers is time saving.
This may explain why a majority of British people would share their
data in return for being guided through transport systems at times
that will avoid queues and busy periods.

The emergence of the smart city (2)

International travelers
The desire to eliminate risk provides an opportunity for smart travel ‘TripAdvisor is a hugely trusted source and most
agents who can use a traveler’s own history to automatically create people use it to ensure they haven’t made a bad
personalized itineraries. decision. The problem is that it is often hard to
“How interested would you be in a service that books
know whether the reviewer is ‘like me’. I think the
your trip automatically based on a set of preferences future is about finding reviews by ‘someone like
you have provided?” me’ so that customers feel they are making
South a more informed choice.’
UK USA Sweden Brazil Korea
Matt Armstrong, Head of Marketing and Distribution,
Leisure travel 39% 45% 26% 74% 75% British Airways Holidays.
Business travel 52% 72% 34% 79% 79%
The opportunity that this application of Big Data brings is in brands
Consumers are increasingly aware of the value of their data and are being able to supply high-quality personalized advice to consumers.
only willing to provide it to a brand if they feel that they will get There are mutual advantages – the benefit to the brand is in having
something worthwhile in return. As our data shows, minimizing the a higher-quality conversation with consumers and building both
risk in holidays and mobility is something that people would want engagement and trust.
to trade their data and travel history for. Our own data shows that –
across the sample – 52% of consumers would be willing to provide
their data in return for a tailored travel advisory service.
‘Customers definitely appreciate things being
made easier and a sense of it being personalized
The desire for these types of services creates a significant opportunity
for the travel industry – which can now reinvent package holidays
for them. It’s a fine line between understanding
based on consumer personalization rather than tour operator choices. what the customer wants and using the
knowledge to achieve your business objectives;
‘I think travel companies are starting to look ultimately you need to add value for the customer
into how they can provide a more end-to-end and enable them to make the right choice.’
journey... [the internet] has given the tour Matt Armstrong, Head of Marketing and Distribution,
British Airways Holidays.
operating industry the chance to actually source
more content and source offers from different Personalization applies not only at the planning stage but also when
places to find the best offer. Those who have people reach their destination. Innovations like Google’s Field Trip
invested in it are now using it to their advantage.’ allow the smartphone to become a guide to the city, alerting users to
shops or services that are likely to interest them. It can also be used
Matt Armstrong, Head of Marketing and Distribution, to alert people to promotional offers in shops that are close to them
British Airways Holidays. at any given time. This allows people to get much more from their
travels and helps realize the potential of the city.
The impact of this technology will be sizeable – already, among the
‘So technology to replace that [conventional travel online population, 44% of urban Chinese use mapping apps (up from
agents] is just a natural progression I think.’ 33% four years ago). Among Chinese aged between 16 and 24 the
Rochelle Turner, Head of Research, WTTC. proportion soars to two thirds. Elsewhere significant minorities of
people are using these apps – 46% in Mexico, 41% in Russia, 38% in
India, 36% in Brazil and 34% in Argentina.17 The trend towards using
One of the ways that these automated services will work is through
locational services provided by smartphones is driven by the need to
Big Data – the intelligent use of the consumer’s data (and that of
make optimized choices and to minimize wasted effort. It will enable
other, similar, consumers). A traveler will be recommended services
travelers to be more spontaneous and to enjoy their trips more. It’s
based on people like them and they can take comfort from the fact
also highly likely that location-based services will increase visitor
that an itinerary that has worked for others is likely to work for them.
spending in cities.

The emergence of the smart city (2) continued

Our global research shows a very high level of interest in location-

based services.

Interest in a “service/device that detected your location

and suggested interesting things to spontaneously see
and do in the nearby area”18
USA Argentina Brazil India China Japan Germany

41% 58% 60% 76% 69% 51% 29%

If mobility without friction is to be fully realized, it will require the

integration of many disparate players.

‘Well [automated travel] is very much a utopia...

there is still a long way to go because the tourism
industry is mainly comprised of SMEs (small and
medium sized enterprises). So there are still many
disruptions across the world for a complete
seamless integration.’
Ian Yeoman, Associate Professor,
Victoria University of Wellington.

Given the size of the prize, there’s no doubt that the commercial
will exists to create seamless mobility and in the first instance
standardization of processes will bring it about. International brands
have a key role to play.

‘I think the growth of world travel brands will become

more important because of the consistency in quality.
So the Hiltons, the Holiday Inns, the Sofitels –
they all become very, very important.’
Ian Yeoman, Associate Professor,
Victoria University of Wellington.

The smartphone is the enabler in the process of creating smart cities.

Freedom to use these devices abroad is critical if the smart city is to
develop, but currently the process is inhibited by fear of high charges
for mobile internet.

Data roaming: the missing link in enabling smart cities

While technology of all types can tackle some of the problems of Having said that, there are some very strong signs that roaming
mobility, it’s mobile technology which offers the greatest opportunity charges will come down. MasterCard and Syniverse have recently
to help travelers make smarter and more efficient journeys. joined forces to enable mobile users to choose between different
prepaid roaming packages when they arrive in a new geography, while
Clearly the impact of the mobile, connected device is virtually
in the United States, T-Mobile US has introduced a ‘Simple Choice’
limitless in mobility. It can help guide travelers through less congested
plan which drastically cuts the price of using a mobile abroad.
routes, it can optimize journeys in terms of cost and time and it can
enhance the experience through recommending nearby attractions Competitors may be forced to follow suit – not least because of new
and shops. So why isn’t it making a greater impact on international innovations such as Uros’s Goodspeed, which is effectively a device
travel today? that provides a mobile wifi hotspot. Appealing most to frequent
travelers, its initial cost can quickly be recouped. The service is
“Does the cost of data roaming deter your from using available across 56 countries, including the US, Canada, Latin
your mobile phone when abroad?” America, Russia, China and Europe.
South In April 2014, the European Parliament voted to abolish roaming
UK USA Sweden Brazil Korea charges from December 2015. Operators will no longer be able
Yes 81% 56% 78% 74% 75% to charge travelers to the European Union’s 28 member states for
internet use. This outcome is significant for consumers, meaning that
Currently, international travelers feel inhibited in using their mobile it will be no more expensive to use internet abroad than it is at home.
device due to the cost of data roaming. This is likely to significantly boost the use of mobile devices in Europe
with smartphones becoming a key navigation device in journeys.
This single act will accelerate the development of smart cities,
bringing the future closer.

Designing new cities

The most fundamental approach to improving mobility is to change Professor Martin Wachs agrees that transport is being integrated
how cities are created. In China, more advanced thinking about how into the planning of new cities in a new era of ‘smart growth’:
people live is shaping how people will travel. Many cities are now
building transport infrastructure into land development patterns:
‘…it’s not just density that’s the issue, although
that’s part of it, it’s more about the distribution
‘A lot of the work that’s going on in China, of activities and space, the concentration of
for example, is now trying to focus on second destination opportunities near residential
tier cities which are gigantic by everybody locations as well as along transit lines. So it [smart
else’s standards (four to six million population). growth] refers to what planners call ‘mixed use’ as
I think that in particular in Shanghai there has opposed to ‘uniform’ land use... Mixed growth is a
been a concerted effort by city government more blended approach and smart growth usually
to go back into places like Pudong and rethink means walking, cycling and transit orientation,
how they are developing the city… and they and that usually means both increased density
essentially re-plan it.’ and a mixture of activities at different locations.’
Professor Elizabeth Deakin,
University of California at Berkeley. Professor Wachs argues that smart growth now dominates the
thinking of planners around the world:

‘I would say it’s global in appeal and that it’s almost

a fad – or a current idea – gaining currency
among planners all over the world; so the same
concepts are being applied in China as Los Angeles.’
The impact of this thinking is becoming profound:

‘…at the margins, smart growth is having a

dramatic effect... [Smart growth] will have
a steady effect over time and will gradually
reduce auto dependence.’


What will mobility look like ten years from now? Robert Bertini, Martin Wachs, Rachel Weinberger and Elizabeth
Deakin all believe that the future of mobility in the West is increasingly
about public transport rather than private.
‘I think people will be surprised that everyone –
every age group, every demographic – will be
‘In the fifties we built a huge highway system
using public transportation whereas, certainly
for fifty years and now it’s fifty years later...
in the US, that’s not currently the case...
and the amount of traffic that we built for has
The second surprise will be how seamless travel
been realized in most places and so there isn’t
is – the transit vehicle is really an extension of the
more capacity. Also there isn’t any real money to
street. The third thing that is starting to happen
rebuild the infrastructure and I think that people
is that systems might become more flexible...
just aren’t really that willing, or they’ve been
more customized towards serving people who
showing they’re not that willing, to do that kind
are either on the vehicle already or demanding
of traveling anymore. Commuting used to be
to get on the vehicle [resulting in] faster speeds,
a kind of free time or a joy and now it tends to
shorter travel times, more direct services that
be much more of a hassle.’
might be a little more flexible.’
Rachel Weinberger, Director of Research and Policy Strategy,
Robert Bertini, Professor of Civil and Environmental
Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates, New York.
Engineering, Portland State University.

‘I think it used to be a greater status symbol

‘…we need to start thinking about taxis as
certainly to have the car but I think there’s an
extensions of the public transit system...
emerging set for whom the status symbol is not
I think that we’re going to see more bike sharing
to have a car. A lot of this is driven already by
systems. As I said before, I think cities are going
consumer preferences but to some extent it’s
to have to get over this idea of thinking that a bike
driven by government policies and I think the
share system has to be profitable as a fee for
politicians are far behind the populous on some
service transportation system. They’re going to
of these issues.’
have to figure out ways to finance it... No other
Rachel Weinberger, Director of Research and Policy Strategy,
transportation sub-system meets that standard... Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates, New York.
I think we’re going to see more bus rapid transit.
I have a former student who was looking at
the question of regions that are resilient to
congestion and his research showed that cities
that are investing in bus transit are beating the
odds in terms of economic growth once you
control for congestion and other factors.’
Rachel Weinberger, Director of Research and Policy Strategy,
Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates, New York.

Conclusions continued

Whilst innovations in connected cars and smart roads will make The car’s primacy in mobility is being challenged and is unlikely to
the use of cars more efficient, the concept of owning one may endure in Western cities; something that will be reflected in how cities
be less attractive. will be developed. Pressures on private car ownership come from
many directions: greater costs, a growing guilt over carbon emissions,
Shared car ownership – especially in cities –
curbs on the use of cars within cities, pressure on parking spaces and
will become more common.
– perhaps – a waning interest in car ownership among younger people.
In China there is an opportunity to create transport infrastructure
‘…I would speculate about whether people would from a clean sheet – an opportunity that has not always been grasped.
actually want to own their own vehicles or there
will be more people wanting to have car sharing, ‘If you look at Beijing or Shanghai you can see
bike sharing, and other membership and that there have already been a lot of missed
ownership rights.’ opportunities which make it [modern multi-
Elizabeth Deakin, Professor of City & Regional Planning modal transport] more costly.’
and Urban Design, College of Environmental Design,
University of California, Berkeley. Elizabeth Deakin, Professor of City & Regional Planning
and Urban Design, College of Environmental Design,
University of California, Berkeley.
The percentage of people who would consider
renting a car for a short period of time rather than In the long term, ‘smart growth’ will deliver a step change in urban
paying to own one outright.19 living globally. However, in the medium term, cities have to use
technology more intelligently to ease the problem of congestion
China Brazil USA India Argentina Japan Germany
created by ever-growing populations. Whilst m-ticketing and pricing
48% 52% 28% 41% 32% 21% 38% based on the time of day can help manage demand, perhaps the most
significant benefit for both travelers and operators is in making
The Brazilians and the Chinese are much more open to renting cars mobility effortless through a single payment system.
than in countries like Germany and Japan – perhaps because these
are countries with a long heritage of producing cars.
‘[Contactless payments and m-ticketing] seems
‘We see the big rental car companies are getting like it’s actually a very short leap. Curiously that
into car sharing. We know that car sharing has had seems like an easier step than something like fare
the effect of increasing car use for some people integration which is potentially much more
but generally speaking the net effect is fewer cars important in terms of efficiency of use.’
Rachel Weinberger, Director of Research and Policy Strategy,
and less vehicle travel per capita. So more Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates, New York.
intensive use, fewer cars.’
Rachel Weinberger, Director of Research and Policy Strategy,
Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates, New York.

Cities that are connected globally are the ultimate outcome and are
– as yet – an unrealized opportunity.

‘…surely an interchangeable or universal system 1. World Tourism Organization, Tourism 2020 Vision.
would make [international travel] much more 2. Source: Google/nVision
convenient and convenience is among the factors Base: Smartphone users in 10 countries aged 18+, 2012.
that would increase the volume of such travel. 3. Source: nVision Research
Base: 1,000-5,000 online respondents per country
I have a sense that it’s a business opportunity for aged 16-64 (Mexico 16-54), 2013.
organizations like MasterCard and American 4. Source: National Geographic Greendex/nVision
Express and others, and that planners are not Base: 1,000 online respondents per country
aged 18+, 2012.
particularly concerned about it because they
5. Source: nVision Research
focus more on local geographies, but they would Base: 1,000-5,000 online respondents per country
certainly take advantage of it if it were available.’ aged 16‑64, 2013.
Martin Wachs, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Urban 6. Global Health Observatory, World Health Organization, 2014.
Planning, University of California, Los Angeles. 7. World Tourism Organization, Tourism 2020 Vision.
8. Source: nVision Research
Base: 1,000-5,000 online respondents per country
aged 16‑64 (Mexico 16-54, Indonesia 16-44), 2013.
‘I don’t think that transit operators [are thinking 9. Source: nVision Research
of connected cities], I think transit visionaries Base: 1,000-5,000 online respondents per country
are thinking about that kind of stuff [globally aged 16‑64 (Mexico 16-54, Indonesia 16-44), 2013.

interoperable payment systems for transit] and 10. Source: MasterCard/Fishburn Hedges/Future Foundation
Base: 330-517 online respondents, who are car owners,
I think some of these technology companies and per country aged 18+ (South Korea and Brazil 18-64), 2013.
some of the finance companies are thinking about 11. “How to Not Drive”, Georg Kacher, Car magazine,
it, like IBM... You’re thinking about it, I’m thinking March 2014.
12. Source: nVision Research
about it, but I don’t think there’s any real sense Base: 1,000-5,000 online respondents per country
of an organized discussion about that.’ aged 16‑64 (Mexico 16-54), 2012.
Rachel Weinberger, Director of Research and Policy Strategy, 13. Source: National Geographic Greendex/nVision
Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates, New York. Base: 1,000 online respondents per country aged 18+, 2012.
14. Source: nVision Research
For the potential of cities to be unlocked, two factors are critical. Base: 600-3,500 online respondents per country who own
Firstly, the ease of movement that will be brought about by location- a mobile phone aged 16-64 (Mexico 16-54), 2012.
based services providing both information and guidance to the 15. “The World at your Fingertips”, National Geographic Traveler,
traveler. Secondly, simplifying mobility through the use of a universal Donald Strachan, January/February 2014.
means of payment. These twin developments will revolutionize 16. National Travel Survey: 2012,
mobility and enrich the travel experience. Department for Transport, 30 July 2013.
17. Source: nVision Research
Base: 1,000-5,000 online respondents per country
aged 16‑64 (Mexico 16-54, Indonesia 16-44), 2013.
18. Source: nVision Research
Base: 1,000-5,000 online respondents per country
aged 16‑64 (Mexico 16-54), 2012.
Research and expert interviews 19. Source: nVision Research
conducted by the Future Foundation Base: 1,000-5,000 online respondents per country aged 16‑64 (Mexico 16-54), September 2011.

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Louise Peace
Marketing & Communications Lead
MasterCard Enterprise Partnerships
T +44 20 7557 6859

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