BMGT 152 Final Report

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Running head: Final Report 1

Final Report

Company: Fulani’s Food

Project Manager: Michael Lindsey

Group members
Rajiv Vij(N01337499)

Mandeep Singh ()

Erol Talani (N01326913)

Sukhjinder Singh ()

Date of Submission: April 10, 2019

Professor: Ian McIsaac

BMGT 152: Principles of Management

Final Report 2

Table of Contents
Final Report .......................................................................................................................................... 1
THE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................... 3
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 4
FINDINGS & ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................... 5
Planning............................................................................................................................................. 5
Interview Questions – Planning ........................................................................................................... 6
ORGANIZING ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Interview Questions - Organizing......................................................................................................... 7
Leading .................................................................................................................................................. 8
Interview Questions - Leading .............................................................................................................. 9
CONTROLLING ................................................................................................................................. 10
Interview Questions - Controlling ...................................................................................................... 10
Summary.............................................................................................................................................. 11
Planning .............................................................................................................................................. 11
Strengths: ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Weakness: ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Organizing ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Strengths: ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Weakness: ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Leading ................................................................................................................................................ 11
Strength: .......................................................................................................................................... 11
Weakness: ....................................................................................................................................... 12
Controlling .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Strength: .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Weakness: ....................................................................................................................................... 12
Recommendations ............................................................................................................................... 12
Planning: ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Organizing: ..................................................................................................................................... 12
Leading:........................................................................................................................................... 12
Final Report 3

Controlling: ..................................................................................................................................... 12

Table of Figures
Figure 1: Ghantt Chart Actual.................................................................................................................. 13
Figure 2: Ghantt Chart Revised ............................................................................................................... 14


This reports carefully assess how effectively Michael Lindsey, the manager of the Fulani
Foods, a bakery. Michael uses four functions of management that are planning, controlling,
organizing, and leading helps for the production in bakery.

The company introduced the new product, which is a flavored bagel and is totally based on
breakfast, which is surveyed by marketers of the company. This project continued for a period of one
year starting on March 1, 2017 and ended on March 1, 2018.

After analyzing the interview responses of Michael, the team recommends the ways such as
interaction with customers, I.T., communication and discipline among the employees which will help
the company in increasing its profit and taking the customer satisfaction and service to the next level.

Direct interaction with customers can help the company to understand the customers and
direct their resources to the proper target market. This can be done by conducting the surveys,
understanding the reviews given by the customers. Internet can be of great help for the company to
establish this goal. At the workplace, various steps can be taken by company to improve the
communication and discipline among the employees that will boost their confidence to give their best
during the work time. Workers doing great at the workplace can be rewarded with some titles such as
employee of the week or the month. This will encourage others to increase their performance which
will definitely improve quality of food for which the company is known for.
Final Report 4

The method of research focused on the interview with Michael, course textbook, and the
peer-reviewed articles.

This new product will be launched for one year, and after one year the company will see the demand
of the new product and decide whether to continue its production or stop its production.


The main purpose of the Report is to evaluate how effectively Michael Lindsey, the manager
of the Fulani Foods, a bakery. Michael uses four functions of management that are planning,
controlling, organizing, and leading that helps for the production work in bakery.

The research uses the different ways such as an in-person interview with Michael Lindsey, as
well as referencing the Humber College “Principles of Management” textbook, the Major Project
workbook appendices.

Fulani Foods is an established bakery setup in 2004 in Toronto. Today, the Fulani Foods has
three different units outside Ontario in addition to the one at 7 Wilson Avenue, Toronto. As a trusted
manufacturer of baked goods operating for over 15 years, Fulani Foods provide innovative, quality
bakery solutions that meet the customer needs, whether it’s convenience, increased efficiency,
creative product offerings, and of course, growing sales. Some of the bakery products include Bagels,
muffins, variety of breads, pies, puddings etc.

It is known for their extraordinary quality of bakery products. It is dealing with large fast
food chains such as McCafé, Tim Hortons, etc. from the last 10 Years. The company also works with
leading retailers around the world to co – brand, supply and assist in the development of their “own”
or private label initiatives. The company also had contracts with an employment agency that helps to
fulfill the increased labor demand during the peak seasons.

The project took place at the head branch at 7 Wilson Avenue, Toronto. The purpose was to
produce the new flavor bagels. In addition to this, the company introduced new equipment for
making bagels at low costs and to reduced time. The project started on March 1, 2017 and ended on
Final Report 5

March 1, 2018. For operating this project, a special team of 15 person with one supervisor was

The aim of the project was to produce the new flavor bagels for the one continuous year to
meet increased demands of their products.

The limitations were in scope and breadth of the interview process being limited to only one
source, and the collection of the evidence was limited to the research methods and the interview.

The Interview took place with all the team members on March 15, 2019 at 2:00 pm. The
location was the headquarters of the company at 7 Wilson Avenue, Toronto.


The Interview was conducted on March 15, 2019 at 2:00 pm.

I = Interviewer, M = Michael Lindsey


The manager hired a team of marketers to prepare a report after the analysis of the market.
According to the report, the manager decided to introduce new flavored bagels in the market. This
project started with the setup of the new machinery that will produce specialized flavored bagels.
Michael Lindsey, who is the manager of the Fulani Foods and also the team leader for this new
project. The project started on March 1, 2017 and was completed on March 1, 2018. He took all the
responsibility on himself for the new project as this was something that the company was doing for
the first time, but he had great experience in production of bagels. Moreover, it was his experience
that got him position of manager at the first place. The company planned to introduce new bagels in
the market and for this they signed a contract with different fast food chains such as Tim Hortons.
These companies will sell its product in the market. The manager planned daily tasks for the team
that will be accomplished which includes daily outcome of product and standard quality of the
product. The company’s long-term plan is to achieve the highest rank among other bakeries all over
Ontario as well as in Canada.

Everything was well planned by the manager before the start of project which was a merit
point. As the manager explained, everything went well according to the plan.
Final Report 6

Interview Questions – Planning

I: How long you have been working at Fulani Foods?

M: Since the start of company, 2004.
I: Why did you choose a career in Food Company?
M: Because I am a foody and had great taste in bakery foods.
I: What is your job title?
M: Manager and project leader.
I: When was the project started?
M: March 1, 2017.
I: When did the project ended?
M: March 1, 2018.
I: What was the job site?
M: 7 Wilson Avenue, Toronto.
I: How did you plan, what was needed to do the project?
M: According to my experience in the similar kind of bagel project
I: How did you determine the budget for this project?
M: The budget involved the innovation and the production of new flavored bagels that is
$50,000 and also the new machinery that was required for the production that is $25,000
I: Did you meet your daily deadlines for the project?
M: Usually we met the deadlines, but in some cases such as shortage of resources and other
unknown reasons we were unable to meet our targets

Michael Lindsey, the team leader is at the middle of the hierarchy of the company’s chart
while the supervisor, Harvey Ross is at the lower level of the hierarchy. The other staff members
come under the supervisors. The top-level manager plans for the major objectives of the project
within the specified period of time as he was accountable to the owner of the company while the
supervisors accountable to the project manager. He was responsible for the competition of the daily
Final Report 7

tasks and also answerable for any failures of tasks. He also takes care for the quality of the product
and checks it after every 15 minutes. Among the team members, one is line incharge that controls the
machine. There are 7 team members that are assigned in the production area and 6 members in the
packaging area.

Michael lindsey

Harvey Ross

Line Incharge

Production Packaging
Workers Workers
7 Members 6 Members

Interview Questions - Organizing

I: How do you organize your staff?

M: I organize my staff according to the jobs performed by them. Below me comes

the supervisor, then come the line leaders and then the labor workers who work in
production and packaging area

I: Is organizing necessary for your line of work?

M: Yes, it is very important that everything is well organized. In the bakery production if
something is wrong it may take hours to correct that thing which is a waste of time and

I: Who were your project team members? What were their jobs or duties?
Final Report 8

M: There were total 15 members excluding me. After me there was supervisor, Harvey Ross. He
was there after me. He manages all the stuff. After Harvey we have line incharge, Mitchell.
He is one who is responsible to keep the bagel machine running. Under Mitchell, there are
production and packaging team members. Team supervisor is also responsible for the quality
of the product. He checks them every 15 minutes as it can become really messy if there is
some problem with the quality and he doesn’t find it on right time. This can lead to loss of a
lot of money and time for the company.

I: How do you find your staff?

M: Staff members are hired through the online recruiting websites such as indeed etc. After the
candidates are selected, they are interviewed. Moreover, we have contracts with employment
agencies. If we are short of people we ask them to send more people. But for this project all
the members for project and packaging were made to sign a contract for one year. In short, all
the team members for this project are on contract.

I: What if someone is not doing their jobs properly?

M: They are given two warnings and after they don’t improve, they are fired

I: Are there any skills required in your field job?

M: Particularly, for labor workers there are no skills required. But for line incharge and
supervisor there are skills required such as management and controlling people

I: How your pay your employees meaning how you fix their wages?

M: There is a criteria for the determination of wages. First of all, our company looks at what
other bakeries are offering their employees and then there are minimum wage workers can’t
be offered lower than this.

The project manager leads his staff members with the help of supervisor. Manager provides
assignments to the supervisor where supervisor plans the daily tasks and assign them to the line in
charge. The line in charge gives directions to the team members of the production line and the
packaging line. The line incharge contacts the supervisor for any queries and the supervisor reaches
the manager if the matter is serious and is required to be handled immediately. For the accurate
outcome, the line incharge trusts other team members and provides them daily motivation.
Final Report 9

Interview Questions - Leading

I: What is your leadership style?

M: I try to work harder so that the other team members can see me as a motivation and do their
I: How good are you as a manager at Fulani foods?
M: I think I am a good manager, as the company is growing really fast. Our profits are greatly
increasing under my management. So, it would not be wrong to say that I am a good manager
at the Fulani Foods
I: How do you communicate with your Team members?
M: Usually, we have a team meeting before the start of work to let them know about any updates
on the work. But if you have to reach to someone during the working hours, I go to them
directly and deliver the message.
I: What you do to encourage your staff members?
M: Sometimes, I work with them side by side to encourage them. We have lunch once a month
with all the team members as an appreciation for their service.
I: Does your company offers any kind of job bonuses? If yes, how do you determine who
deserves what?
M: Yes, we offer bonuses sometimes. But to do so we have to keep the budget in mind. So, the
bonuses are only offered to those who do really well and company gains some profit because
of their hard work
I: Do you think your leadership skills were put to their maximum use in this project?
M: Yes, my leadership skills were put to the maximum during this project.
I: Is there any negative point in you management style?
M: I don’t think I have any negative point as a manager. But I have heard many workers
complaining that I have lack of empathy or compassion as a manager. In short, I have low
emotional intelligence.
I: According to you, what are qualities of a good manager?
M: A good manager should be honest, have good communication skills, something different than
the employees that all should accept him as a manager. He/she should know their
responsibility, and focus only on their work. Creativity is another skill that a good manager
can possess.
Final Report 10

The project manager tries to get all the information on daily report from the supervisor at the
end of the day to analyze the reports and conclude whether the outcome meets the planned objectives
of the project. If not, the manager ask for the accurate and less time consuming to overcome the
variation in production between outcome and the planned objectives.

Interview Questions - Controlling

I: How do you control your staff?

M: I control my staff

I: Do you use feedback, feed forward, or concurrent controls?

M: I use feedback. Some of the workers come to me to know any issues or the things they are out
or they might require in future. I listen to them and do the work on my side to keep the things

I: How do you handle customer complaints?

M: Before the start of work, we have a team meeting and let all the team members know about
the mistake. They accept their mistake and ensure me that it would not happen again.

I: How do you control those employees who are not serious about their work?
M: Non-serious workers are given 2 warnings. After they don’t improve they are fired with
immediate action.

I: What is company’s weaknesses?

M: I think competition is a weakness for every company in such kind of business. It is on the rise
and we have to make sure that our products are able to compete with them in the market.

I: How to handle those who are never on time?

M: Late comers are pair according to the time they work. If it continuous for a longer period they
are fired after with no warnings because we think that they are not at all serious about their

I: What if someone commits very serious mistake at the workplace?

M: Serious mistakes such as theft, fight are handled by the company by firing those who are
involved in this. Those who steal something from the company property, a police complaint
is filed against those.

I: How are project results calculated? Are you successful in doing so?
M: At the end of work, I get a report of everything like the bagels produced, packaged and those
wasted because of the poor quality. I compare them to the older results and see how we did

I: Was this project completed in estimated budget?

Final Report 11

M: This project was completed under the estimated budget that is $75,000.

I: Who is the incharge if you are on leave or not at workplace for unknown reasons?
M: The site supervisor is the in charge after me if I am absent or out on some company agenda


Our team has evaluated Michael Lindsey’s strengths and weaknesses based on the following 4 areas:
Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling.


- Staying on track: Michael is good at meeting deadlines and starting his projects in a good and
successful way.
- Time management: He is good with time management since he always meets his deadlines.
- Inspiration: Michael got his experience from previous projects that he had worked on.


- Responsibility: Each employer is responsible for a different job title.
- Tasks: He schedules the right employees for the right tasks based on how he thinks they will
- Keeping track: It may be difficult to keep track of each employee to ensure they are on track
and doing their job properly.


- Bonuses: He offers his employees rewards if they do their job well.
Final Report 12

- Motivation: He motivates his team members.

- Trust: He trusts his team members.
- Emotional intelligence: Michael has no emotional intelligence and is always very serious.


- Knows his staff: He knows how to deal with dishonesty within his team.
- Customer service: Michael knows how to deliver good customer service and how to handle a
situation with a dissatisfied customer.
- Independence: He tries to fix everything on his own.


In order to correct his weaknesses, he could open his options and get ideas from other people who
were really successful.

He could get a planner and get his employees to sign on all the tasks they completed. This way he
knows what’s being done in his company.

He can start being more sensitive and understanding towards his employees. Everyone has lives
outside of work and sometimes things don’t go well. He can excuse it and get to know his employees

He can get other employees to help him fix the problems in the company.
Final Report 13

Ghantt Chart actual

Presentation 10-Apr 7

Team Member Evaluation 17-Mar 1

Third Group Meeting 11-Apr 1

Final Report 30-Mar 11

Second Group meeting 30-Mar 1 Start Date

Interview Date 15-Mar 1

Plan of Action 20-Feb 8

First Group Meeting 20-Feb 1

Assignment Topic Submission25-Jan


25-Jan 4-Feb 14-Feb 24-Feb 6-Mar 16-Mar 26-Mar 5-Apr 15-Apr 25-Apr

Figure 1: Ghantt Chart Actual

Final Report 14

Ghantt Chart Revised

Presentation 10-Apr 8

Team Member Evaluation 17-Mar 2

Third Group Meeting 11-Apr 3

Final Report 30-Mar 12

Second Group meeting 30-Mar 3 Start Date

Interview Date 15-Mar 5

Plan of Action 20-Feb 15

First Group Meeting 20-Feb 3

Assignment Topic Submission25-Jan10

25-Jan 4-Feb 14-Feb 24-Feb 6-Mar 16-Mar 26-Mar 5-Apr 15-Apr 25-Apr

Figure 2: Ghantt Chart Revised

Final Report 15

Cheusheva, S. (2003 - 2016). How to make a Gantt chart in Excel 2010 and 2013. Retrieved from


Harrison, M. (2016, June 9). Project Manager. (R. Oakman, B. Boreland, V. Pedulla, & R. Lam,

John R. Schermerhorn, J. &. (2015). Principles of Management, Third Canadian Edition. Toronto:

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