A Meta-Analysis of Research On Sensory Integration Treatment
A Meta-Analysis of Research On Sensory Integration Treatment
A Meta-Analysis of Research On Sensory Integration Treatment
Table 1
Studies Used for the Meta-Analysis
Reference Diagnosis Comparison Dependent Variable Category N
Ayres (1972)1 Learning disability SI/NT P 4
Ayres (1972) 2 Learning disability SI/NT P 4
Ayres (1977) Learning disability SI/NT S 2
Ayres (I 978) Learning disability SI/NT P 1
Bailey (1978) Psychiatric (adult) SI/NT L 3
Brody, Thomas, and Brody (1977) Mental retardation (adult) SI/ALT/ALT L 4
Bullock and Watter (1978) Minor brain dysfunction SI/NT M 1
Carte, Morrison, Sublett, Uemura, and Setrakian (1984), Learning disability SI/NT P, S 12
Carte et al. (1984)2 Learning disability SI/NT P, S 12
Close, Carpenter, and Cibiri (1986) Mental retardation (adult) SI/NT B, L, M, S 10
Densem, Nuthall, Bushnell, and Horn (1989) Learning disability SI/NT/ALT L, M, P, S 20
DePauw (1978) Aphasia SI/NT/ALT M, S 12
Grimwood and Rutherford (1980) At risk SI/NT P 1
Huff and Harris (1987) Mental retardation (adult) SI/NT M 1
Humphries, Wright, McDougall, and Vertes (1990) Learning disability SI/NT/ALT L, M, P, S 18
Humphries, Wright, Snider, and McDougall (1992) and Learning disability SI/NT/ALT B, L, M, P, S 58
Humphries, Snider, and McDougall (1993)
Jenkins, FeweIl, and Harris (1983)1 Motor delay SI/ALT M 2
Jenkins et al. (1983)2 Motor delay SI/ALT M 2
Montgomery and Richer (1977) Mental retardation (child) SI/ALT/ALT M 6
Morrison and Pothier (1972) Mental retardation (child) SI/ALT/ALT B, L, M 8
Polatajko, Law, Miller, Schaffer, and Macnab (1991) Learning disability SI/ALT B, M, P 7
Schroeder (1982) Learning disability SI/ALT/ALT L, S 6
Werry, Scaletti, and Mills (1990) Learning disability SI/NT B, L, M, P, S 15
White (1979) Learning disability SI/NT P 2
Wilson, Kaplan, Fellowes, Gruchy, and Faris (1992) Learning disability SI/ALT B, M, P, S 19
Ziviani, Poulsen, and O'Brien (1982) Learning disability SI/NT M, P 4
Note. N= 234. Subscripts (1, 2) after the reference indicate that two studies were reported in one article. SI = sensory integration; NT = no treatment; ALT =
alternative treatment; B = behavior; L = language; M = motor; P = psychoeducational; S = sensory-perceptual.
Note. SI/NT = sensory integration with no treatment. Sublevel effects sizes and number of contributing studies are shown in parentheses.
aLevel and sublevel that attained homogeneity, bLevel and sublevel that showed significant between variations.
*Significantly different from zero at alpha = .05.
Results o f the Sensory Integration Versus categories of SI/ALT studies are presented in Table 5. The
Alternative Treatment Analysis magnitude of the effect sizes varied from -. 19 (95% confi-
dence interval = -.83-.46) in the language category to .28
Differences among SI/ALT studies using Qr were non- (95% confidence interval = -.05-.62) in the motor catego-
significant, X2(1, 16) = 20.7, p > .10, implying that the
ry. This result implies that sensory integration and alterna-
effect sizes in this comparison were homogeneous. The tive treatment approaches showed equal effects.
average effect size was .09 and not significantly different
from zero (95% confidence interval = -.11-.28). Thus, the
Chronological Trendof the SI/ALT Studies
estimated average effect size is representative of the total
group of the studies, and no further inferential analysis was Although not significant, a trend appeared in which recent
performed. The average effect sizes of the measurement cat- studies yielded smaller effect sizes than the earlier studies in
Table 5
Average Effect Sizes for Measurement Categories by Early and Recent Studies
Early (1972-1982) Recent (1983-1993)