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Multiple intelligences (MI) are based on the belief that human

being possess a complex set of abilities beyond what is measured

through traditional intelligence quotient (IQ). The theory was

developed by Howard Gardner in 1893 not as an educational model but

as a way to explain the way the mind works. Supporters of the theory

believe that intelligence, as it is traditionally defined, does not take

into consideration the wide range of abilities human beings use to

solve problems. Though the theory has been criticized for having it

basis in intuition rather than empirical evidence, Gardner and his

Supporters argue otherwise. According to Chen (2004) the theory is

grounded in comprehensive review of studies in biology,

neuropsychology, development psychology and cultural anthropology.

However, when it comes to a career choice, individual should

carefully choose his or her desired course. It is very important because

it determines success in the next stages of one’s life (PAMS, n.d). One

of the tasks of high school students is to explore and plan for their

postsecondary career option. High school students are at the


exploration stage of career development. Many factors affect career

choices of high schools students. Identifying these factors would give

parents, educators, and industry an idea as to where students place

most of their trust in career selection process (super, 1990). Senior

High School is two years of specialized upper secondary education;

students may choose a specialization based on aptitude, interest, and

school capacity. Each student in Senior High School can choose among

three tracks. Academic; Technical- Vocational -Livelihood; Sports and

Arts. The Academic track includes four strands, General Academic

Strand (GAS) Accountancy, Business Management (ABM); Humanities

and Social Sciences (HUMSS) and Sciences Technology Engineering,

Agriculture and Mathematics (STEM). The choices of Career track will

define the content of the subject a student will take in Grades 11 and

12 (Official Gazette, 2012).

With these, the researcher wanted to determine whether the

Level of Multiple Intelligences has an impact or influence towards

Strand Selection of Grade 11 students of Senior High School, at

Makilala Institute of Science and Technology, school year 2018-2019.

Statement of the Problem


This study will determine the Level of Multiple Intelligences and the

Strand Selection of Grade 11 Students who are enrolled in Makilala

Institute of Science and Technology, school year 2018-2019.

Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of Intelligence manifested by Grade 11

1.1Naturalistic Intelligence
1.2Interpersonal Intelligence
1.3Musical Intelligence
1.4Intrapersonal Intelligence
1.5Bodily kinesthetic Intelligence
1.6Logical Mathematical Intelligence
1.7Verbal Linguistic Intelligence

1.8Visual Spatial Intelligence

2. What is the Senior High Strand Selection of Grade 11 Students?

2.1 GAS

2.2 ABM

2.3 STEM


3. Is there a significant relationship between Level of Multiple

Intelligence and Senior High School Strand Selection of Grade 11



H0 – There is no significant relationship between the Level of

Multiple Intelligences and Strand selection of Grade 11 students.

H1 – There is a significant relationship between the Level of

Multiple Intelligences and Strand selection of Grade 11 students.

Conceptual Framework


Level of Multiple Strand Selection of Grade

Intelligences 11 Students

FIGURE 1 Schematic Diagram of the study

It is conceptualized in this study that this diagram illustrates the

relationship between the level of multiple intelligences and senior high

school strand selection of grade 11 students.

The first box which is the independent variable: Level of Multiple

Intelligences is connected to the second box which is the dependent
variable: Strand Selection of Grade 11 Students. The line drawn to
connect these two variables, it conveys that these variables are related
to each other and one could influence the other.

Significance of the Study

The result of the study will be beneficial to the following:

Teachers. They will be enlightened and guided about students’ level of

intelligences and their choice of senior high school strand.

Parents. The parents will have an idea and will be aware of their

student preference towards senior high school strand. Thus they

may provide assistance and guidance about this perspective.

Students. They will become aware and would be able to enhance

clearly their choice of strand.

School Administrators. They will be able to guide the incoming

students by providing thorough orientation about senior

high school.

Future Researches. This study will benefit and help the future
researchers to have a guide for further researches involving another

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study will focus on the Level of Multiple Intelligence and Senior

High School Strand Selection of Grade 11 Students at Makilala Institute


of Science and Technology, who enrolled during School Year 2018-


Definition of Terms

For better understanding of the study, the following terms are

defined operationally.

Grade 11 Students- These are the students who are enrolled in

Senior high School, school year 2018-2019 at Makilala Institute of

Science and Technology.

Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart)- This pertains to a

learning style of the students having good social interaction and

relationship among others.

Intrapersonal Intelligence (Self Smart)- This deals to a learning

style of the students concentrating, working out the topic and learning

on their own.

Kinesthetic Intelligence (Body Smart)- This refers to a learning

style of the students engaging more with actions, performances and/or

doing something.

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (Number Smart)- This pertains

to a learning style of the students portraying reasoning, investigating,

and calculating.

Musical Intelligence (Music Smart)- This relates to a learning style

of the students using rhyme and songs to memorize information and

working while music is playing in the background.

Naturalistic Intelligence (Nature Smart-. This regards to a learning

style of the students learning best in engaging activities especially

outdoor in nature. Otherwise students find it lacks any meaning and is


Visual-Spatial Intelligence (Picture Smart)- This pertains to a

learning style of the students depicting visual support, such as charts,

pictures, and other images.

Senior High School Strand- This refers to the different fields

provided by the newly introduced K-to-12 program by the Department

of Education.



This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies.

It also includes the theoretical framework.

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on Gardner's theory. This theory suggests

that traditional psychometric views of intelligence are too limited.

Gardner first outlined his theory in his 1983 book “frames of mind: the

theory of Multiple Intelligences,” where suggested that all people has

seven primary forms of intelligence, instead of single intelligence.

These are Visual-spatial, Bodily-kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal,

Intrapersonal, Linguistic, Logical-mathematical, and Naturalistic. The

theory allows the educational community to adapt the teaching

processes to fit the individual student’s intelligence.

The theory is supported by the education community, partly

because it emphasis the student-centric model of teaching. It has

assisted educators in questioning their approaches, or evaluating the

activities and strategies they use, and selecting alternatives which are

outside the recognized approaches. Multiple Intelligences theory itself


is not an educational tool, that is to say it is on its own, not an

educational goal. Rather the theory promotes different assessment

strategies that are not limited to standard tests.

The theory pushed educators to recognize that each student has

myriad potential. Multiple intelligences served as a call to action to

"differentiate" learning experiences in order to accommodate the

multiple modalities in any given learning context.

Multiple Intelligences

The International Journal of Academic Research, Ghazi,S

Shahzada, G., Gilani, U (2011), studied the effect of students’ self-

perceived multiple intelligences and their academic achievement. The

study was conducted on first-year university students, totalling 714

students. The results of the study showed that there was a significant

correlation between overall perceived multiple intelligence and

academic achievement.

The specific types of intelligences that showed this positive

correlation include linguistic, mathematical, visual/spatial,

interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalistic intelligence. Based on

these results, the author concludes that teachers should plan lessons

that involve many types of intelligences, especially the ones

mentioned above as they contribute to student success. The author

also concludes that teachers should often use student-cantered

teaching strategies that allow students to use various types of

intelligences. These are strategies I will continue to explore in my

classroom in future lessons.

On Howard Gardener’s multiple intelligences (2009), there was a

resource guide provided by EASTCONN’s teaching and learning

division. EASTCONN is dedicated to providing support to teachers in

instruction, assessment, data and curriculum. EASTCONN also provides

curriculum consultants for school districts. This resource has many

printable lesson plans in the area of Gardener’s multiple intelligences.

One resource was a summary of influential people such as Michael

Jordon, Gandhi, and Charles Darwin. Students have to read the

biographies and decide what types of intelligences each individual had.

There is also a quiz that students can take which assesses their

intelligence strengths. Based on their results, students can pick up a

worksheet that explains many characteristics of their intelligence.

Moreover, Sanchez-Martin,Jesus and Alvarez-Gragera, Garcia

J. (2017) stressed that Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory (MIT)

can be a cognitive and emotional improvement if is taken into account

in the standard development of the Technology lessons. This work


presents a preliminary evaluation of the performance enhancement in

two concomitant aspects: contents acquisition and emotional yield.

The study was made on up to 150 students with ages of 12-13 years

old. The control group was submitted to traditional transmission-

reception lessons, whereas the experimental one was submitted to

novel educational techniques that included specific activities which

took into account the different intelligences styles (IS) inside the

classroom. The results clearly depicted that both studied variables

underwent a statistical significant enhancement through the

application of the MIT-based educational method.

Also, Christodoulou, Joanna A (2009) mentioned that the ideas of

multiple intelligences introduced by Howard Gardner of Harvard

University more than 25 years ago have taken form in many ways,

both in schools and in other sometimes-surprising settings. The silver

anniversary of Gardner's learning theory provides an opportunity to

reflect on the ways multiple intelligences theory has taken form and

consider what might be its future course. In this article, the author

discusses how multiple intelligences theory matters for schools today.

She first reviews the basis for the theory of how the mind can be

parsed into components. Then, she describes some misconceptions on

the concepts and intentions of multiple intelligences, and how the

theory has inspired many schools all over the world to improve

teaching and learning.

Lastly, Wilson, Stefanie Denise (2012) conducted a research

study supporting Gardner's research collected from a sample of 205

faculties within the United States, the researcher examined students

that are actively engaged in community service experiences and their

approaches to reframing their intelligences and enhancing their unique

learning, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. Students who

reach beyond the class or virtual rooms of academia and become

actively involved in community service organizations gain

organizational experiences that sharpen their management and human

intelligence skills to equip them with operating in a competitive world

of constant organizational change.

Strand Selection

Japitan, J.O. et. al.(2015) conducted a study on factors affecting

senior high school track preferences of grade 9 students of Don Bosco

Technology Incorporated. Academic Year 2014-2015: A basis for Career

Guidance program. The study utilized descriptive method of research

to determine the factors. It found out that on the track preference,

majority of the respondents preferred Academic track. On the other


hand, the personality, interest, and job opportunities influenced a

student’s track preference. The result showed that the student’s

personality traits, likes and interests and awareness to job

opportunities influenced them to some extent and gave them direction

which would guide them towards a career decision. Family/relatives

somewhat affect their preference because the students can rest easy

and trust on the support that their families give them.

Similarly, Pascual, N.T (2014) also examined the factors affecting

high school student’s career preference: a basis for career planning

program. The relationship of the factors affecting student’s preference

of course to their career preference, Brainard’s Occupational

Preference Inventory (BOPI) results, academic achievement and their

elective grades were considered. Frequency, percentage and chi-

square were used as statistical treatments. The findings revealed that

the availability of work after college is the first consideration of the

students in choosing a course in college. Most of the students prefer to

take scientific related field courses, or the “popular courses” for

Filipinos. The least preferred course are in the Agricultural field. Pascual

also stressed that student’s career success can be best attained if

proper guidance is given in choosing the right course in college, suited

to students’ personality, ability and intellect.


Lastly, Lagajino, ELV., et.,al.(2017) investigated the student’s

career choices: a guide for senior high school preparation. This study

was conducted to determine what senior high school track and strands

Adventist University of the Philippines or AUP should offer starting

school year 2016-2017. Based on the career choices of 160 AUP

academy grades 7 to 9 students. DepEd mandates four (4) tracks in

SHS under the K-12 program, namely: Acedemic, Sports, Arts and

Design, and Technical Vocational Livelihood Tracks. For each track

specialization strand are offered. Descriptive statistics were used.

Variables on profile, awareness on track offering and interpersonal,

intrinsic and extrinsic motivation were assessed. The result showed

that 98% of the respondents would proceed to SHS. A total of 49%

would pursue courses under the academic track while 13% would take

sports, 8% will take the Arts and Design tracks, while 3% will take the

track on Technical-Vocational and Livelihood. A total of 95% were

planning to still enroll in AUP for Collegiate degrees. The researchers

recommended that AUP prepare and enhanced facilities for academic

track, particularly in the sciences, engineering, and business strand.

Based on the theories and studies mentioned, the researchers

were determined, and thus investigated the level of Multiple
Intelligences of Grade 11 students and its impact or effect towards
their chosen track in senior high school.



This chapter presented the methods and procedures for

conducting the study. It also describes the following: research design,


research procedure, the subject of the study, determination of sample,

research instrument and statistical treatment data.

Research Design

This study will utilize the descriptive-correlation design because

it will determine the relationship between two variables. Descriptive

method was used to identify the level of multiple intelligences and

strand selection of the Grade 11 students.

Research Respondents

The respondents of this study will be the Grade 11 Students of

Makilala Institute of Science and Technology who are enrolled during

the School Year 2018-2019.

Research Instrument

The main tool which will be used in this study was the researcher

made questionnaire to identify the Strand Selection of the

respondents. The questionnaire- checklist consisted of the Level of

Multiple Intelligences and Strand Selection of Grade 11 Students of

Makilala Institute of Science and Technology. The instruments were

administered during the vacant time of the respondents.


Part 1 of the questionnaire-checklist obtained the Strand

Selection of Grade 11 Students presented Eleven (11) different Strand.

These were given 11 checkboxes to determine their Strand.

Part II of the questionnaire- checklist obtained the Level of

Multiple Intelligences presented forty (40) phrases. These were given

40 checkboxes each. The four (4) checkboxes were ranked as:

4 – High Interest

3 - Moderate Interest

2 - Slight Interest

1- No Interest

Data Gathering Procedure

The original title proposed by the researcher was checked,

revised and rechecked by the research adviser to maintain conformity

on the subject of research. The questionnaire-checklist that aimed to

draw out the proper response to the objectives of this study was

constructed also. This questionnaire-checklist made by the researcher

and was validated by the panel of experts to ensure the validity of

responses so that it would elicit and give information to the


respondents and also to the researcher. Data gathered from answered

questionnaires were checked, classified, tabulated, and analyzed

according to the research design.

Statistical Analysis of the study

The research tools being used for problem numbers 1 and 2 was

the Weighted Mean, for problem number 3, Chi-square test will be

employed, measuring the relationship between the variables under




This chapter presents, analyzes, and interprets the data gathered

through the use of the survey questionnaire. The tabular presentations

and discussions were organized and arranged based on the order of

the problems stated in this study.

Level of Multiple Intelligences Manifested by Grade 11

Students for school Year 2018-2019.

Multiple Intelligence n=25 Mean Descriptio

Naturalistic Intelligence
1 Interested with surroundings. 3.78 MI
2 Studies and learns about animals and 3.75 MI
3 Is interested in geography and natural 3.74 MI
4 Classifies and cares for plants and 3.71 MI
5 Enjoys studying the force of nature such 3.77 MI
as the weather and earthquakes.
Total Mean 3.75 MI
Interpersonal Intelligence
1 Talks and has friends 3.93 MI
2 Works well in group and peer teaching. 3.92 MI
3 Shares, compares and interviews. 3.76 MI
4 Organizes, leads and mediates. 3.82 MI
5 Thinks about the solution to the world’s 3.71 MI
Total Mean 3.83 MI
Musical Intelligence
1 Sings and listens to songs. 3.90 MI
2 Remembers melodies and keeps times. 3.90 MI
3 Develops best by singing and dancing. 3.87 MI
4 Enjoys singing and sings well. 3.80 MI
5 Often listens music in my free time. 4.04 HI
Total Mean 3.90 MI
Intrapersonal Intelligence

1 Works independently and pursues 3.97 MI

2 Understands self and feelings. 3.85 MI
3 Develops best and quiet places. 3.90 MI
4 Prepares portfolios. 3.70 MI
5 Prepares checklist to examine works 3.85 MI
Total Mean 3.85 MI
Bodily kinesthetic Intelligence
1 Works well with hand crafts. 3.78 MI
2 Has good coordination. 3.65 MI
3 Is good at physical activity. 3.89 MI
4 Develops through role playing, charades, 3.81 MI
and exercises.
5 Stops playing basketball and get to 3.68 MI
Total Mean 3.76 MI
Logical Mathematical Intelligence
1 Finds pattern and relationship. 3.90 MI
2 Is good at strategic games and puzzles. 3.77 MI
3 Develops best by categorizing, 3.76 MI
deciphering and outlining.
4 Has the ability to use reasons, logics and 3.87 MI
5 Likes to ask lots of questions and does 3.89 MI
Total Mean 3.84 MI
Verbal Linguistic Intelligence
1 Reads and tell stories. 3.94 MI
2 Can memorize data. 3.93 MI
3 Develops best and print rich environment. 3.65 MI
4 Brain storms, listens review terms, writes 3.95 MI
definitions and list ideas.
5 Does publishing in multimedia 3.92 MI
Total Mean 3.88 MI
Visual Spatial Intelligence
1 Draws, builds, designs and creates things. 4.05 HI
2 Watches movies and plays with 3.97 MI

3 Reads maps, charts and diagrams. 3.61 MI

4 Solves puzzles and mazes. 3.68 MI
5 Loves painting, drawing or designing on 3.82 MI
Total Mean 3.83 MI

4 – High Interest: (HI) 3 – Moderate Interest: (MI)

2 – Slight Interest: (SI) 1 – No Interest: (NI)

Table 1 presents the level of multiple intelligences manifested by

grade 11 students of Senior High School of Makilala Institute of Science
and Technology (MIST) school year 2018-2019. Weighted mean was
used to analyze and interpret the data.

As shown in the table, there were eight (8) multiple intelligences

in which each obtained a total weighted mean corresponding to a
qualitative of moderate interest. These were the Naturalistic
Intelligence, 3.75, Interpersonal Intelligence, 3.83, Musical Intelligence,
3.90, Intrapersonal Intelligence, 3.85, Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence,
3.76, Logical Mathematical Intelligence, 3.84, Verbal Linguistic
Intelligence, 3.88, and Visual Spatial Intelligence, 3.83. This denotes
that the respondents aspects have fair interest towards the cited
situations. In other words, they have a responsible concern on the
mentioned multiple intelligences. The indicated situations embarked
the true inclinations of the respondents in as far as these perspective
are concerned.

The latter result is supported by Gardner’s learning theory. It

provides an opportunity to reflect on the ways multiple Intelligences

theory has taken from and consider what might be its future course.
Multiple intelligences theory matters for schools today. It reviews the
basis for the theory of how the mind can be parsed into components.
Then, describes some misconceptions on the concepts and intensions
of multiple Intelligences, and how the theory has inspired many
schools all over the world to improve teaching and learning.

Senior High School Strand Selection of Grade 11 Students

Senior High Frequency Percentage Rank

School Strand
HUMSS 50 50 1
20 20 2.5
20 20 2.5
10 10 4
Total 100 100

Table 2 reveals the Senior High School Strand Selection of Grade

11 students. Frequency count, percentage and ranking we used to
analyze and interpret data.

As shown in the table, the prevalent SHS Strand selected by the

students was the HUMSS strand. It ranked number 1. In fact, there
were 50 students or 50% of the respondents preferred this strand

under academic track. The next rank was positioned by the GAS, and
ABM strands. They both obtained 20% of the respondents, meaning, 20
students preferred these strands.

This result is attuned to the study of Japitan, J.O. et al.(2015) who

conducted a study on factors affecting senior high school track
preferences of grade 9 students of Don Bosco Technology Incorporated.
Academic Year 2014-2015: A basis for Career Guidance program. In
their study, it found out that on the track preference, majority of the
respondents preferred Academic track. On the other hand, the
personality, interest, and job opportunities influenced a student’s track
preference. The result showed that the student’s personality traits,
likes and interests and awareness to job opportunities influenced them
to some extent and gave them direction which would guide them
towards a career decision.

Relationship between Level of Multiple Intelligence and Senior

High School Strand Selection of Grade 11 Students.



This chapter presents the summary, findings conclusions and

recommendations of the study


This study determined the significant relationship between the

Level of Multiple Intelligence and Senior High School Strand Selection
of Grade 11 Students of Makilala, Institute, of Science, and Technology
(MIST) for School Year 2018-2019.

Thus, descriptive-correlation design was used in this study since

it investigated the significant relationship between two variables in this
case, the Multiple Intelligence and the Strand Selection of Grade 11
SHS students.


Based on the results of the study, the following findings were


1. The result illuminated that all of the multiple intelligences

included in this study were regarded by the respondents with
moderate interest. They were the Naturalistic Intelligence,
Interpersonal Intelligence, Musical Intelligence, Intrapersonal
Intelligence, Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence, Logical Mathematical
Intelligence, Verbal Linguistic Intelligence, and Visual Spatial

2. The prevailing SHS Strand selected by the students was the

HUMSS strand. It ranked number 1. In fact, there were 50 students or
50% of the respondents preferred this strand under academic track.
Followed by the GAS, and ABM strands, both obtained 20% of the
respondents, or 20 students preferred these strands.


The following conclusions were drawn based on the findings:

1. The result illuminated that all of the level of multiple

intelligences included in this study were regarded by the respondents
with moderate interest.

2. Majority of students selected the HUMMS strand under the

academic track.

3. There is no significant relationship between the level of

multiple intelligences and Senior High School Strand Selection of Grade
11 students.


In view of the findings and conclusions drawn, the following

recommendations are transpired:

1. There should

2. The proponent shall recommend that teachers should use

appropriate measures to determine pupils learning styles,
psychological qualities and motivational differences. Being aware
would help monitor and regulate lessons appropriately and accordingly.

3. For future researchers, the proponent wished to recommend to

conduct further similar study, preferably a wider scope to affirm and
verify if the result of the present study on the relationship between the
learning style and academic output of pupils or students would really
result to have a significant relationship.


The researcher acknowledge with sincere appreciation and profound

gratitude the following persons that gave him/her the inspiration,
encouragement, support, guidance and assistance to make this
research work a reality.

The researcher parents who had given their understanding, moral and
financial support and unconditional love in making this study a reality,
without which the researcher would not have successfully written and
defended their research.

Mr. Maven Doong, who the researcher consider mot only as the
research adviser but our father as well, for his support, advice and
guidance that contributed to the realization of this humble study.

The respondents of Senior High School especially, the teachers for

their cooperation and willingness to participate in this study.

Above all, to GOD ALMIGHTY, who bestowed His blessings, strength

and wisdom to the researchers for making this study possible.

The resarcher

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