The Management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Vincenza Bruni, Metella Dei, Valentina Pontello, and Paolo Vangelisti
The Management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Vincenza Bruni, Metella Dei, Valentina Pontello, and Paolo Vangelisti
The Management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Vincenza Bruni, Metella Dei, Valentina Pontello, and Paolo Vangelisti
Department of Gynecology-Perinatology and Human Reproduction,
University of Florence, Forence, Italy
The clinical definition of the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) has been the
subject of dispute since the 1990s. The criteria adopted by the American authors1 de-
fine the presence of anovulation and hyperandrogenism, both clinical and biochem-
ical, as mandatory for the diagnosis of PCOS, but not the ultrasound appearance of
the ovaries as classically described.2 In the European evaluation, on the other hand,
the polycystic appearance of the ovaries as revealed by ultrasound is a fundamental
element of diagnosis; other requirements are the presence of one or more clinical
symptoms, such as menstrual disturbances, hyperandrogenism, and obesity, and of
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 997: 307–321 (2003). © 2003 New York Academy of Sciences.
doi: 10.1196/annals.1290.034
At the level of the reproductive function, women with PCOS tend to represent a
subgroup with a greater risk of infertility connected with anovulation; they also have
a greater probability of overstimulation of the ovaries in response to treatments with
gonadotropin and a greater incidence of first-trimester abortion.14 Finally, unbal-
anced estrogen production, which is associated with obesity, elevated levels of insu-
lin, and low levels of SHBG, leads over time to a greater incidence of endometrial
At a metabolic level, the evolution of the syndrome involves a tendency to obesity
in over 50% of individuals, with a characteristic increase of abdominal fat, which is
present even in 70% of normal weight patients.16 This characteristic, which can be
measured using the waist–hip ratio, is closely linked to insulin resistance. Moreover,
a greater incidence of disturbances in nutritional behavior, especially bulimia ner-
vosa,17 has also been observed in patients suffering from this syndrome.
Retrospective studies on women with PCOS recorded an increased risk (from 2
to 5 times greater) of developing type 2 diabetes when compared with the control
samples. A recent longitudinal study18 highlighted the fact that 11.9% of patients
with PCOS who are >30 suffer from a type 2 diabetes, as compared with the 1.4%
of the control samples. Diabetes represents the major cause of death among these
women in a long-term follow-up.19 An impaired glucose tolerance, assessed accord-
ing to the WHO criteria (glucose levels 2 h after the administration of 75 mg of glu-
cose > / = 140 mg/dL), is present in 40% of women with PCOS.20 Consequently,
patients who show distinct symptoms of hyperinsulinemia (severe hyperandro-
genism or acanthosis nigricans), young women for whom a course of therapy is to
be formulated, and those who are planning an induction of ovulation, must be tested
through assessments of the levels of both glucose and insulin after OGTT.
Insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia play a fundamental role in the increased
risk of cardiovascular pathology, which develops more precociously than in other
women.21 Obesity, hyperinsulinemia, and insulin resistance are associated with high
levels of PAI (plasminogen activator inhibitor), which determine a condition of hy-
pofibrinolysis; numerous studies have observed an increase in the PAI of women af-
fected by PCOS, to the extent that several authors consider it as a marker of the
syndrome.22 Insulin increases the synthesis of the PAI by the hepatic cell in vitro,
and the degree of hyperinsulinemia correlates positively with the activity of the PAI
in vivo. Moreover, the increase in the PAI may also be genetically determined: con-
ditions of heterozygosis or homozygosis caused by the 4G polymorphism of the PAI
gene, more frequent in the female population affected by PCOS, are associated with
an increase in the activity of the PAI.23 The levels of plasma homocystein, an impor-
tant cardiovascular risk factor, also prove to be higher in women affected by
PCOS.24 Hyperlipoproteinemia are also more frequent in such patients, who, inde-
pendently of the overweight factor, reveal concentrations of LDL greater than those
attributable to hyperinsulinemia, lower levels of HDL and an increase in triglycer-
ides.25 Furthermore, an endothelial dysfunction has also been recorded in such pa-
tients, with reduced endothelium-dependent vasodilatory capacity26 and a reduction
of the antioxidant substances.27
In the literature the data regarding an increase in hypertension in women affected
by PCOS are fairly discordant, although greater plasma renin levels have been re-
corded in normotensive patients,28 along with a greater risk of blood pressure in-
crease in secondary pregnancies featuring induced ovulation,29 as well as a distinct
prevalence of cerebrovascular pathologies in a broad retrospective study.30
The first level of treatment for overweight women of all ages affected by PCOS,
whether they reveal insulin resistance or not, is a balanced diet, which enables a re-
duction of the weight levels. The diet has to be accompanied by changes in lifestyle
that include adequate physical activity, a reduced alcohol intake, and no or limited
smoking. Weight loss effectively improves sensitivity to insulin,31,32 reduces the in-
sulin response to OGTT and to IVGTT,33,34 improves the ovarian function in terms
of percentage of ovulations, and also improves the clinical hyperandrogenism, re-
ducing in a statistically significant manner the Ferriman and Gallwey score.35
Undoubtedly, estro–progestins have been and are, to date, the therapy most wide-
ly used in the long-term treatment of PCOS. Their use effectively results in:
• Suppression of pituitary secretion of LH, and consequent reduction of the
ovarian production of LH-dependent androgens;
• Decrease in the adrenal production of androgens;
• Increase of the SHBG;
• Reduction of the risk of developing endometrial carcinoma.
We have at our disposal very few comparative clinical studies on the use of the
various estro–progestin combinations available in the treatment of PCOS, and of the
hyperandrogenism associated with the syndrome. At least at a strictly theoretical
level, the choice of the progestin contained in the estro–progestin combinations
ought to feature a favorable profile in terms of progestative potency (inhibition of
ovulation and secretive transformation of the endometrium), of the ratio between
progestative and androgenic activities, and of the eventual antiandrogenic and anti-
mineralocorticoid activities. Beyond this, the progestin utilized should not antago-
nize the SHBG synthesis induced by the estrogens.
In effect, on a strictly clinical level, the suppression of the ovarian and adrenal
steroid production and the increase of the SHBG are in any case present,36,37 albeit
differently represented in the various specific combinations, and have a positive in-
fluence on the control of the clinical manifestations of hyperandrogenism. Regard-
ing the symptoms of hyperandrogenism, comparison between the various
preparations does not appear to highlight particular differences in the long-term
Using these combinations in patients with insulin resistance and occasionally hy-
perinsulinemia, we have to tackle the problem of possible modifications of the car-
bohydrate metabolism induced by estro–progestins: the data at our disposal are
partially discordant. Several studies have recorded a modest increase in insulin and
glucose in response to OGT38 during the course of treatment with OCs containing
gestodene (75 mcg) and EE (30 mcg) observed in women over the age of 26 and not
in younger patients.39 A modest increase in the response to the glucose tolerance test
and of glycemia in fasting, but not of insulinemia in fasting or under stimulus, was
also encountered with preparations featuring a low estrogen dosage with gestodene
and desogestrel.40 Other reports have not recorded modifications in insulinemia and
glycemia after 6 months assumption of the triphasic combination containing
gestodene and of other combinations containing levonorgestrel, desogestrel, and
Metformin has also been proposed for the treatment of ovulatory infertility, in the
absence of a response to clomifene or as an adjuvant to therapy with gonadotropins.
It also has been observed that the use of metformin increases the number of mature
ovocytes retrieved from women with PCOS subjected to in vitro fertilization and em-
bryo transfer after gonadotropin stimulation.90
The association with antiandrogen drugs appears to have beneficial results not
only in the improvement of the clinical symptoms of hyperandrogenism, but also in
the effects on other metabolic parameters. The use of flutamide in a dosage of 250
mg/die in association with metformin in a dosage of 1250 mg/die can significantly
improve the peripheral sensitivity to insulin, as compared with metformin used on
its own, further reducing the levels of ∆4 androstenedione and the LDL/HDL ratio,
and increasing the percentage of ovulatory cycles.91 Even minor dosages of fluta-
mide, such as 125 and 62.5 mg/die appear to be capable of producing a synergistic
effect with metformin on corporeal composition, hyperandrogenism, and the lipid
The proposal of the metformin–oral contraceptive association is based on two
fundamental requirements:
(1) To obtain a further decrease of hyperandrogenism, given the known direct
effect of insulin in association with LH on ovarian androgen production;
(2) To improve the peripheral sensitivity to insulin in the course of treatment
with estro–progestins.
Finally, the combination of flutamide 125 mg, metformin 1275 mg, and an oral
contraceptive with 20 µg of ethinylestradiol has recently been presented as a treat-
ment for nonobese young women with PCOS.92
Starting with the consideration that PCOS represents a complex clinical profile,
it is impossible to define an univocal line of treatment. The selection of the therapeu-
tic approach has to be guided by:
• The predominant symptomatology;
• The desire for pregnancy, or otherwise;
• The metabolic profile;
• The age of the patient.
The various therapeutic tools at our disposal can be used in sequence or even in
combination, depending on the requirements, clinical priorities, and the evolution of
the symptomatology. Randomized comparative studies on the long-term efficacy of
the various therapeutic approaches have yet to be planned and carried out.
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