First Aid/CPR/AED Ready Reference (Pediatric)

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First Aid/CPR/AED


Checking a Responsive Child or Infant_____________________________ 2

Checking a Child or Infant Who Appears to Be Unresponsive_________ 3

CPR (Child)_____________________________________________________ 4

CPR (Infant)_____________________________________________________ 5

AED____________________________________________________________ 6

Choking (Child)_________________________________________________ 7

Choking (Infant)_________________________________________________ 8

External Bleeding_______________________________________________ 9

Burns ________________________________________________________10

Anaphylaxis   ___________________________________________________11
© 2011, 2016 The American National Red Cross. All rights reserved.

First Aid/CPR/AED | 1 | Ready Reference (Pediatric)

Checking a Responsive Child or Infant

Interview the child or parent (or bystanders) using

■■ S = Signs and symptoms
■■ A = Allergies
■■ M = Medications
■■ P = Pertinent medical history
■■ L = Last food or drink
■■ E = Events leading up to the

2 Do a head-to-toe check.
■■ Look and feel for signs of injury,
including pain, bleeding, cuts,
burns, bruising, swelling or

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3 Provide care for any conditions found.

First Aid/CPR/AED | 2 | Ready Reference (Pediatric)

Checking a Child or Infant Who Appears to
Be Unresponsive
Shout, tap and shout again while checking for

1 normal breathing.
■■ Gasping is not normal breathing.
■■ Check for no more than 5 to 10 seconds.

2 If the child or infant responds but is not fully awake:
■■ Send someone to call 9-1-1 and obtain an AED and first aid kit.
■■ Do a head-to-toe check.
■■ Place the child or infant into the recovery position if there are no
apparent injuries.

If the child or infant does

not respond and is not
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breathing or is only gasping:
■■ Send someone to call 9-1-1 and obtain an AED and first aid kit.
■■ Immediately begin CPR and use an AED as soon as possible.

First Aid/CPR/AED | 3 | Ready Reference (Pediatric)

CPR (Child)
 erify that the child is unresponsive and is not
1 breathing or is only gasping.

2 Ensure that the child is face-up on a firm, flat surface.

3 Give 30 chest compressions.
■■ Push hard and fast in the center of the
chest to a depth of about 2 inches and
at a rate of 100–120 compressions per

4 Give 2 rescue breaths.
■■ Open the airway, pinch the nose shut
and make a complete seal over the
child’s mouth with your mouth.
■■ Blow into the child’s mouth for about
1 second, ensuring that the chest rises.
If the chest does not rise, retilt the head
and ensure a proper seal before giving
the second rescue breath.
■■ Take a breath, make a seal and then give the second rescue breath.

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If the second breath does not make the chest rise, begin
compressions. After the next set of chest compressions, open the
mouth, look for an object and, if seen, remove it. Continue to check the mouth
for an object after each set of compressions until the rescue breaths go in.

5 Continue giving sets of 30 chest compressions and

2 rescue breaths.

First Aid/CPR/AED | 4 | Ready Reference (Pediatric)

CPR (Infant)
 erify that the infant is
V unresponsive and is not
breathing or is only gasping.

2 Ensure that the infant is face-up on a firm, flat surface.

3 Give 30 chest compressions.
■■ Push hard and fast in the center of
the chest to a depth of about 1½
inches and at a rate of 100–120
compressions per minute.

4 Give 2 rescue breaths.
■■ Open the airway and make a complete
seal over the infant’s nose and mouth
with your mouth.
■■ Blow into the infant’s nose and mouth
for about 1 second, ensuring that the
chest rises.
If the chest does not rise, retilt the head and ensure a proper seal
before giving the second rescue breath.
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■■ Take a breath, make a seal and then give the second rescue breath.
If the second breath does not make the chest rise, begin compressions.
After the next set of chest compressions, open the mouth, look for an
object and, if seen, remove it. Continue to check the mouth for an object after
each set of compressions until the rescue breaths go in.

5 Continue giving sets of 30 chest compressions and

2 rescue breaths.

First Aid/CPR/AED | 5 | Ready Reference (Pediatric)


1 Turn on the AED and follow the voice prompts.

2 Remove all clothing covering the chest.

3 Place the pads.
■■ Place one pad on the upper right side of the chest and the other on
the lower left side of the chest below the armpit.
■■ If the pads may touch, use front-and-back pad placement.

4 Plug the connector cable into the AED if necessary.

5 Let the AED analyze the heart’s rhythm.
Make sure no one is touching the child or infant.

© 2011, 2016 The American National Red Cross. All rights reserved.

6 Deliver a shock if the AED determines one is needed.
■■ Make sure no one is touching the child or infant.
■■ Push the “shock” button to deliver the shock.

 fter the AED delivers the shock, or if no shock

is advised:
■■ Immediately begin CPR, starting with compressions.
■■ Continue giving CPR and following the AED’s prompts until you see
an obvious sign of life or EMS personnel arrive.
First Aid/CPR/AED | 6 | Ready Reference (Pediatric)
Choking (Child)

1 Verify that the child is choking and obtain consent.

2 Give 5 back blows.

3 Give 5 abdominal thrusts.

Continue giving sets of 5 back blows and 5 abdominal

thrusts until:
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■■ The child can cough forcefully, speak, cry or breathe.

■■ The child becomes unresponsive.
If the child becomes unresponsive, lower him or her to the ground
and begin CPR, starting with compressions. After each set of
compressions and before attempting rescue breaths, open the child’s mouth,
look for the object and remove it if seen.

First Aid/CPR/AED | 7 | Ready Reference (Pediatric)

Choking (Infant)

1 Verify that the infant is choking and obtain consent.

2 Give 5 back blows.

Always support the infant’s head, neck and
back while giving back blows and chest

3 Give 5 chest thrusts.

Continue giving sets of 5 back blows and 5 chest thrusts
■■ The infant can cough forcefully, cry or breathe.
■■ The infant becomes unresponsive.

© 2011, 2016 The American National Red Cross. All rights reserved.
If the infant becomes unresponsive, lower him or her to the ground
and begin CPR, starting with compressions. After each set of
compressions and before attempting rescue breaths, open the infant’s mouth,
look for the object and remove it if seen.

First Aid/CPR/AED | 8 | Ready Reference (Pediatric)

External Bleeding
Cover the wound with a sterile gauze pad and apply

1 direct pressure until the bleeding stops.
■■ If blood soaks through
the first gauze pad, put
another one on top and
apply additional direct

2 Apply a roller bandage.
■■ Check for circulation
(feeling, warmth and color)
beyond the injury.
■■ Wrap the bandage around
the wound several times
to hold the gauze pad(s) in
■■ Tie or tape the bandage to
© 2011, 2016 The American National Red Cross. All rights reserved.

secure it.
■■ Check for circulation
(feeling, warmth and color)
beyond the injury and loosen the bandage if necessary.
If the bleeding does not stop, call 9-1-1 if you have not already and
give care for shock if necessary.

First Aid/CPR/AED | 9 | Ready Reference (Pediatric)


1 Stop.
■■ Thermal burn: Remove the source of the heat.
■■ Chemical burn: Remove contaminated clothing. Flush the area
with cool water for 20 minutes (wet chemical) or brush the
chemical off and then flush with cool water for 15 minutes (dry
■■ Electrical burn: Turn off the power at its source. Do not touch the
person until the power has been turned off.

2 Cool.
■■ Use cool or cold water that is suitable for drinking.
■■ Cool the burn for at least 10 minutes.

3 Cover.
■■ Cover the burn loosely with a sterile dressing.

© 2011, 2016 The American National Red Cross. All rights reserved.

First Aid/CPR/AED | 10 | Ready Reference (Pediatric)


1 Check the label and the medication.

2 Locate the injection site (outside middle of one thigh).
Grasp the auto injector firmly with one hand and pull off

3 the safety cap.
Have the person hold the tip of the auto-injector at a

4 90-degree angle to the thigh.
 ave the person quickly and

5 firmly push the tip straight
into the outer thigh.
■■ Hold the auto injector in place for
the recommended amount of time.

Remove the auto injector and massage the

6 injection site for several seconds.
© 2011, 2016 The American National Red Cross. All rights reserved.

 heck the person’s condition and response to the

Help to administer a second dose only if EMS personnel are delayed
and the person is still having signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis 5 to
10 minutes after the first dose.

First Aid/CPR/AED | 11 | Ready Reference (Pediatric)

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