Early Childhood Intervention - Wikipedia
Early Childhood Intervention - Wikipedia
Early Childhood Intervention - Wikipedia
Early intervention is a system of
coordinated services that promotes the
child's age-appropriate growth and
development and supports families during
the critical early years. In the United
States, some early intervention services to
eligible children and families are federally
mandated through the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act. Other early
intervention services are available through
various national, regional, and state
programs such as Crisis Nurseries and
Healthy Start/Healthy Families America.
Starting with a partnership between
parents and professionals at this early
stage helps the child, family and
community as a whole.
Early intervention services delivered within
the context of the family can aid with the
below through the services of physical,
occupational, and speech therapy. Some
examples include:
Early childhood intervention came about
as a natural progression from special
education for children with disabilities
(Guralnick, 1997). Many early childhood
intervention support services began as
research units in universities (for example,
Syracuse University in the United States
and Macquarie University in Australia)
while others were developed out of
organizations helping older children.
In the 1990s, many states in the US put
into place a program where the child's
pediatrician can recommend a child for
early childhood intervention screening.
These services are usually provided free of
charge through the local school district or
county, depending on the state.
Walk backwards
Walk down stairs holding an adult's
Use words and gestures (like taking you
by the hand) to get needs met
Perform simple pretend play like talking
on the phone, feeding a stuffed animal
Some criticism of early childhood
intervention asserts that growing up is
different for each individual, depending on
genetic endowments and environmental
circumstances. However one thing is
common to everyone: the process, in order
to take full advantage of the species'
potential, must be a natural ripening,
uninterfered with by clumsy intruders.
Some critics of early childhood
intervention say that no one should push
healthy children to learn any skill or
academic discipline before they choose to
do so of their own accord.[22]
1. Texas Health and Human Services; Early
Childhood Intervention Services: "What is
ECI?" [1] Retrieved June 10, 2017.
2. Early Intervention
3. Early Intervention at brighttots.com
4. The American Physical Therapy
Association. "The Role of Physical Therapy
with Infants, Toddlers, and their Families in
Early Intervention".
5. Saunders, Edward J.; Health and Social
Work, Vol. 20, 1995
6. Siegel, Daniel (1999). The Developing
Mind: Toward a Neurobiology of
Interpersonal Experience. New York:
Guilford Press.
7. Bright Beginnings Developmental
8. "Preemie Milestones" . Healthy Children.
9. Wagner, Holly. "Predicting the Future of
Premature Babies" . On Campus Research
(The Ohio State University).
10. https://www.speechclinic.com.au/early-
11. McWilliam, R. A. (2010). Routines-based
early intervention. Baltimore: Brookes
Publishing Co.
12. McWilliam, R. A. (2003). "The primary-
service-provider model for home- and
community-based services". Psicologia. 17:
13. "Children and Toys" . The Creativity
14. http://
15. Relief Nursery, Inc.
16. Public Law 99-401; 100 Stat. 903
17. Chaille, C, and Britain, L.; The Young
Child as Scientist; Pearson; New York, New
York: 2002
18. Oregon Association of Relief Nurseries
19. U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services; Emerging Practices in the
Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect;
Administration for Children and Families,
Administration on Children, Youth and
Families, Children's Bureau, Office on Child
Abuse and Neglect; Caliber Associates;
Washington, D.C.: 2002.
20. Holt International
21. Bertha Holt Awards Presented at
22. Greenberg, D. A. (1992). Stop Pushing
Children, Education in America: A View from
Sudbury Valley. 11-13. Sudbury Valley
School Press.
23. McWilliam, R. A. (2016). The routines-
based model for supporting speech and
language. Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología,
36, 178-184.
24. Frazer, Anesha. "Pros and Cons: The
Breakdown of Early Intervention Services
Through Babies Can't Wait" . Atlanta
Speech Therapy.
External links
"Inclusive Early Childhood Education" .
European Agency for Development in
Special Needs Education. Retrieved
Overview of Early Intervention Early
Intervention Information from NICHCY
Early Childhood Intervention Association
of Australia . Retrieved 2006-06-15.
Lifestart Early Childhood Intervention,
Australia . Retrieved 2006-06-15.
Early Intervention Program for NYC .
Retrieved 2008-06-16
Early intervention support and inclusion
for children with disability . Retrieved
Bright Tots
New Jersey Early Intervention System
Early Intervention Foundation UK
Retrieved from