Brochure Example 1

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My Young Child Shows Some

Puzzling Behaviors. What Do I Do

As a parent, you know your child best.
You, your friends, relatives, or doctor may
have noticed that your child:
Does not look at you when you talk to
Does not look where you look
Does not point to what he/she wants or
to show you things
Does not respond when you call
his/her name
Does not babble by 12 months of age
Does not use words by 16 months
Moves away from familiar people to
play alone
Avoids physical contact such as
hugging or cuddling
Does not understand much of what is
said to him/her
Does not use meaningful phrases by
24 months
Has lost language skills he/she once
Uses unusual or repetitive language
Shows unusual play habits (lines toys
in rows, spins parts of toys)
Reacts strongly to a change in routine
Has unusual sleep and eating patterns
If you think your child shows any of
these behaviors, contact your local
Early Intervention Program for a free
developmental screening. Staff will
help you decide whether additional
evaluations are necessary.
It is important to find help as soon as
you have a concern. Your child needs
the right start relating to other children
and adults, understanding and using
language, learning to play, and
adapting to everyday changes.
What Might These Behaviors
Puzzling behavior might indicate that a
child has a neurological problem
known as an autism spectrum disorder
if there is a pattern of unusual
development or delays in three general
Social interaction
Play and interest in activities
An autism spectrum disorder can be
evaluated by a physician, neurologist,
psychiatrist, or psychologist familiar
with the spectrum. Children on this
spectrum show a wide variety of skills,
delays, and behaviors.
There is no single known cause of
autism spectrum disorders.
Researchers believe several genes, as
well as environmental factors, may
contribute to autism. Autism affects
people of all races and ethnic groups.
It is the third most common
developmental disorder identified today
and occurs in at least 1 in 250 people.
Other terms used to describe the
autism spectrum include:
Pervasive Developmental
Disorders Not Otherwise
Specified (PDD-NOS)
Retts syndrome
Multisystem Developmental
Aspergers syndrome

If You Have Concerns About Your

Childs Development, There Is Help
There is evidence that children with these
types of challenges can be helped by early,
intensive intervention, no matter what the
diagnosis may be. It is never too soon to
get the right start.
What is Early Intervention?
Early Intervention is a program sponsored
by the Massachusetts Department of
Public Health which helps parents of
children birth to three to recognize and
understand their childs particular
developmental needs, and shows them
ways to help their child grow. The Early
Intervention team works with the family.
Together they determine what type of help
would be most beneficial and then write an
Individualized Family Service Plan
(IFSP). The IFSP specifies all the
education, training and support services a
family will receive to best help their child.
Specialized services for a child
with a diagnosis on the autism
spectrum can be part of the IFSP.
Who are Specialty Service Providers?
Specialty Service Provider agencies
have been approved by The Department
of Public Health to provide intensive
services for children with autism
spectrum disorders because they have
particular expertise in this area. Staff
from these programs use structured,
highly individualized treatment programs
to promote social skills and
communication and to manage behavior
that interferes with learning. They will
collaborate with the Early Intervention
Program to deliver a comprehensive
program to your child and family.
Who Can Help and How?
Talk with your Early Intervention
Program about accessing Specialty
Services. If you are not already enrolled
in an Early Intervention Program, call
the Central Directory for Early
Intervention at 800-905-8437 or 1-617-
624-5070 (voice) or 1-617-624-5992
(TTY) to find an Early Intervention
Program in your community.
What Are the Costs?
Specialty Service Programs are
provided at no direct cost to the family.
Early Intervention services are
supported by The Massachusetts
Department of Public Health,
MassHealth, and health insurance
Massachusetts Department of Public Health
Low Incidence Committee
Is Your Child
Developing in Ways
That Puzzle You?
Much of a childs
most important learning
takes place in the first three
years. If you have questions
about your childs development,
behavior, or learning style, Early
Intervention can help.

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