KWH Measurement

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The meter is designed for use in single-phase, 2-wire distribution

IC ADE 7757 and PIC 16F877A are involved in the function of displaying
The functional block diagram of IC ADE 7757 is given below.

The ADE7757 is a highly integrated system comprised of two ADCs, a

circuit, and a fixed DSP function for the calculation of real power. A highly
stable oscillator is integrated into the design to provide the necessary clock
for the IC.
A shunt is used to provide the current-to-voltage conversion needed by the
ADE7757 and a simple divider network attenuates the line voltage.
IC has two analog input channels designated as V1 and V2
respectively. Channel V1 (also called ‘current channel’) is used for current
sensing and channel V2(also called voltage channel) is used for voltage
The differential output from the current-sensing resister(shunt) is
connected between V1p and V1N inputs, while differential output signal
proportional to the AC line voltage obtained through a resister divider, is
connected between pins V2P and V2N.
The ADE7757 provides a high frequency output at the CF pin for a selected
meter constant. In our work it is selected as 3200 impulses/kwh.

Theory of operation
The two analogue to digital convertors (ADCs) used in the chip
digitize the output of current and voltage sensors. The ADCs are 16bit,
sigma-delta type.
The real power is derived from the instantaneous power signal. The
instantaneous power signal is achieved by a direct multiplication of the
current and voltage signals.
In order to extract the real power component (referred to as the DC
component),the instantaneous power signal is low pass filtered. This scheme
correctly calculates the real power for sinusoidal current and voltage
waveforms at all power factors. All the signal processing is carried out in the
digital domain for superior stability over temperature and time.

Mains current sampling (channel V1)

The voltage output from the current sensor (proportional to the load
current ) is connected to channel V1 of IC ADE 7757, which is fully
differential voltage input.
The V1P input is positive with respect to V1N. The maximum peak
differential signal on channel V1 should be less than 30mv with reference to
analogue ground (AGND) for the specified operation.

Mains voltage sampling (channel V2)

The output of the line voltage sensor is connected to IC ADE 7757 at
this analogue input. Channel V2, like channel V1, is a fully differential
voltage input channel with maximum peak differential signal of 165 mV
refered to analogue ground.
It is quite convenient to adjust the gain of the meter by changing voltage
level at this input pin of IC.

Power supply monitor

The on_chip power supply monitor of IC ADE 7757 continuously
monitors the power supply(Vdd). If the supply is less than 4v, IC ADE 7757 is
reset. This ensures proper device operation at power up and power down.
The power supply monitor has built in hysteresis and filtering that provides a
high degree of immunity to false triggering due to noisy supply.
Shunt selection
In order to arrive at the values of V1rms and V2rms we must select the
size /power dissipation rating of shunt for developing V1rms(proportional
to load current), which is the important part of the design. We have
choosen the maximum current as 30 amps and the shunt size as given in
the application note, ie, 350 microohm.Its power dissipation would be
30*30*350/1000000 watts (315mW) This is reasonably low.
For experimental purpose we used,24mm long 18SWG copper wire,
which gave a shunt resistance of arount 350 microohm.

The output frequency or pulse rate is related to the input voltage

signals as follows
Freq= 515.84*V1rms*V2rms*F1-4

Where, freq is the output frequency on F1 and F2(Hz)

V1rms is the differential rms voltage signal on channel V1(volts),
V2rms is the differential rms voltage signal on channel V2, Vref is the
reference voltage (2.5V)
And F1-4 is one of the four possible frequencies selected by using s0
and s1 logic inputs.
Design Example

For designing a meter with 100pulses/kwh count ,proceed

as follows:
Select the shunt as discussed above. The shunt selected is 350 micro
ohm. The constant voltage V1rms at constant basic current of 5amps
would be 1.75mv.
With nominal mains voltage of 230v AC rms and constant basic current
of 5 amps, the energy consumed in one hour is 230*5=1150 watt-hour
or 1.15 kwh.
Since we have selected 100 pulses per kwh, for consumption of
1.15kwh, the output should be 115 pulses. The equivalent frequency is
From transfer function equation,calculate V2rms by substituting
vref=2.5v and other values:
0.0319443hz = (515.84*1.75/1000 * V2rms*3.4)/2.5*2.5

or V2rms = 65mv

Thus an rms voltage sample of 65mv measured between V2P and

AGND, and
V2N and AGND, in conjuction with rms voltage sample of 1.75mv
measured V1P
And AGND, and V1N and AGND should produce 115 pulses per hour or
0.0319443Hz at F1 and F2 of IC. Now if we set the select calibration
frequency (SCF) to logic 1 (by connecting SCF pin to 5vdc), the output
pulses at CF will be 32 times the pulse rate at either F1 or F2 output.
Thus we get 3200 pulses for 1kwh at CF output pin.

CF output of IC ADE 7757 is connected to the CCP1 module

of the microcontroller. In the main routine of the software CCP1 is
configured for compare mode. By loading data 32(20hex) in compare
register we get an interrupt at 32pulses. In every interrupt, kwh
counter is incremented by .01 kwh.
The accumulated energy information is displayed in LCD and saved in

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