Group 6 (Cidam)

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Grade: 11/12 Semester: 1st/2nd

Course Subject Title: Understanding Culture, Society and Politics No. of Hours/Semester: 80
Course Subject Description: This course uses insights from Anthropology, Political Science, and Sociology to develop students’ awareness of cultural, social and political dynamics, and sensitivity to cultural diversity;
provide them with an understanding of how culture, human agency, society and politics work; and engage them in the examination of the country’s current human development goals. At the end of the course,
students should acquire ideas about human cultures, human agency, society and politics; recognize cultural relativism and social inclusiveness to overcome prejudices; and develop social and cultural competence to
guide their interactions with groups, communities, networks, and institutions.
Culminating Performance Standard: To advocate how human societies should adapt to such changes
Performance Task:
You observe that there are so many conflicts and problems brought by cultural differences in your respective barangay (Situation). As one of the social worker in your barangay (Role), you are tasked to do a
seminar- workshop (Goal) which tackles cultural interactions, differences and similarities among different groups and institutions as well as the barangay officials in your community (Audience). In line with this you
have to come up with a dissemination information material (Pamphlet, infomercial etc.) as an output of the seminar you are conducting to be read and disseminated to the attendees (Product). The dissemination
information material should reflect the diverse social concerns and issues among the community. Aligned to that, the dissemination information material should be well understood by all and thus have a remarkable
impact to the community. (Standard)
Re- Highest Enabling Strategy to Use in
Content Content Standard Performance Standard Learning Competencies grou Highest Thinking Level to Assess developing the Highest Thinking
ped Skill to Assess
K-U-D Com Assessment Technique
Enabling General Teaching
Classificati peten RBT Level
WW QA PC Strategy Strategy
on cies
E. How society is
Cultural, social, and
political institutions as 1. Analyze aspects of social
1. Groups within society: TDAR Activity
sets of norms and organization 1. Traces
Primary and Secondary Observation (Think, Discuss,
patterns of behavior that kinship ties and U Analyzing Essay Communication
2. In-groups and out- Checklist Act, Reflect)
relate to major social 2. Identify one’s role in social social networks
groups Think Pair Share
interests groups and institutions
3. Reference groups
4. Networks
F. Cultural, social and 1. Cultural, social, and 1. Analyze aspects of social 1. Traces U Understanding
political institutions political institutions as organization kinship ties and
1. Kinship, marriage, and sets of norms and social networks
the household patterns of behavior that 2. Identify one’s role in social Genealogy
a. Kinship by blood relate to major social groups and institutions 2. Describe the mapping
Descent and marriage interests organized U Understanding Genealogy Representation Group Sharing
(unilineal, matrilineal, 3. Recognize other forms of nature of social Role Playing
patrilineal, bilateral) 2. Social stratification as economic transaction such life and rules
b. Kinship by marriage the ranking of individuals as sharing, gift exchange, governing
Marriage rules cross- according to wealth, and redistribution in his/her behavior
culturally power, and prestige own society U Analyzing
(monogamy vs. 3. Social and political 3. Compare
polygamy, post-marital inequalities as features of different social
residency rules, referred societies and the global forms of social
marriage community organization
1partners) according to
c. Kinship by ritual their manifest
(Compadrazgo) and latent
d. Family and the functions U Analysis
Nuclear, extended, and 4. Analyze
reconstituted social and
families (separated, political
transnational) structures
e. Politics of kinship
(political dynasty,
2. Political and
leadership structures
a. Political organization
i. Bands
ii. Tribes 4. Analyze Graphic
iii. Chiefdoms social and Organizer
U Analysis Review Communication
iv. States and nations political Group Sharing
b. Authority and structures
i. Traditional
ii. Charismatic
iii. Rational
3. Economic 5. Analyze
Institutions economic
a. Reciprocity organization and
b. Transfers its impacts on U Understanding Venn DIagram Representation
Game of
c. Redistribution the lives of
d. Market transactions people in the
e. Markets and state society
4. Nonstate institutions
AICDR Activity
a. Banks and
6. Differentiate (ASK,
functions of non- Self - Reasoning and INVESTIGATE,
b. Cooperatives and U Analysis Essay
state institutions Reflection Proof CREATE,
trade unions
in society DISCUSS,
c. Transnational
advocacy groups
d. Development agencies
e. International
5. Education a. Functions 7. evaluate how D Creating Essay Advocacy Problem Solving The 4 As Activity
of education in society functions of Campaign - Activity
(formal and nonformal) education affect (build on
the lives of students ideas)
people in - Analysis (Make
society thinking visible)
- Abstraction
listening to
- Application
lifelong learning)
6. Religion and belief 8. Promote
systems primary
a. Animism D
education as a
b. Polytheism human right
c. Monotheism
d. Institutionalized 9. Conduct
religions participant
e. Separation of church observation
and state (e.g., attend,
describe, and Triad Discussion
Positive and
reflect on a D Creating Problem Solving
religious ritual of Videoclip
a different
group; observe
7. Health
a. Culture-specific 10. Recognize
syndromes and illnesses the practice of
(e.g., “bughat”, medical
”usog”/”buyag”) pluralism in light Understanding Representation
b. Systems of diagnosis, of cultural
prevention and healing diversity and
(e.g., traditional, western, relativism
alternative healing
c. Health as a human
G. Social and political
a. Social desirables
(wealth, power, prestige) 1. Examine
b. Social mobility system stratisfaction
i. Open (Class) from the
1. Analyze aspects of
ii. Closed (Caste) functionalist
social organization
c. Social inequality and conflict
2. Identify one’s role in
i. Access to social, perspective
social groups and
political, and Social and political 2. Identify
institutions Scenario
symbolic capital inequalities as features of characteristi Analytical Reasoning and
3. Recognize other forms of U Evaluating Analysis/Video
ii. Gender inequality societies and the global cs of the Essay Proof
economic transactions Critiquing
iii. iii. Ethnic minorities community systems o
such as sharing, gift
iv. Other minorities stratisfaction
exchange and
(e.g., persons with 3. Suggest
redistribution in his or
disabilities) ways to
her own society
v. Global Inequality address
(relationships global
between states and inequalities
nonstate actors in
the global
H. Cultural, Social, and
Political Change
Sources of social,
cultural, and political
1. Identify new Watching
1. Evaluates factors challenges Documentary
1. Innovation
Social and political causing social, political, faced by Film
2. Diffusion
inequalities as features of and cultural change human Reflection Reasoning and Article
3. Acculturation and U Analyzing
societies and the global 2. Advocate how human populations Paper Proof Reading
community societies should adapt to in Newscasting
4. Social contradictions
such changes contemporar Newspaper
and tensions (e.g., Inter-
y societies Scavenger
ethnic conflicts, class
struggle, armed conflict,
terrorism, protests,
gender issues)
I. New challenges to The agents/ institutions, 1. Evaluates factors Describe how Research Ess Site Visits
D Analyzing Problem Solving
human adaptation and processes, and causing social, political, human societies Presentation ay
social change outcomes of cultural, and cultural change adapt to new Timeline
1. Global warming and political, and social challenges in
climate change 2. change the physical, Problem
Transnational migration social, and Solution Chart
and Overseas Filipino cultural
Workers (OFWs) environment
J. Responding to
social, political, and Article
cultural change The learners Reading
1. Inclusive Citizenship demonstrate and Develop a plan Identifying
and participatory understanding of the 1. Advocate how human of action for different Dissemination Video Analyis
governance agents/institutions, societies should adapt to community- D Creating factors Information Problem Solving Collaborating
2. New forms of media processes and outcomes such changes based response causing social Material ideas
and social networking of cultural, political, and to change political and
3. Social movements social change cultural
(e.g., environmentalism, change

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