Mina El Soldado

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Boric, R., Holmgren, C. & Wilson, N.S.F. & Zentilli, M.

, 2002 - The Geology of the

El Soldado Manto Type Cu (Ag) Deposit, Central Chile; in Porter, T.M. (Ed.),
Hydrothermal Iron Oxide Copper-Gold & Related Deposits: A Global Perspective,
Volume 2; PGC Publishing, Adelaide, pp 163-184.


1Ricardo Boric, 2Carmen Holmgren, 3Nicholas S. F. Wilson and 1Marcos Zentilli

1Department of Earth Sciences, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada,

2Consultant, Santiago, Chile,
3Energy and Environment, Geological Survey of Canada, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Abstract - El Soldado is the largest (>200 Mt @ 1.4% Cu) of the known Cu manto-type deposits in
central Chile. It is strata-bound within a submarine, bimodal calc-alkaline basalt - rhyodacite unit of the
Lower Cretaceous Lo Prado Formation., which also contains marine carbonaceous shales and volcaniclastic
sandstones. Although stratigraphically restricted, the clustered orebodies are mostly vein-like and discordant,
controlled by a system of N-S to NNW faults formed within a transtensional zone (cymoid loop) of a sinistral,
strike-slip brittle shear system. Individual orebodies are zoned, with an external and deeper zone of barren
pyrite, followed inward by concentric zones with chalcopyrite-pyrite, chalcopyrite bornite, bornite-chalcocite,
and a central zone of chalcocite (± digenite ± covellite) and abundant hematite. The deposit was formed in
two main phases: 1) a low-temperature, diagenetic phase during which framboidal pyrite developed in
association with migrated petroleum, at ca. 130 to 120 Ma; 2) a high-temperature (>300 C from fluid
inclusions) hydrothermal phase at ca. 103 Ma, (coinciding with batholith emplacement), that deposited early
hematite (± magnetite), followed by chalcopyrite, bornite and chalcocite, mostly replacing pre-existing
pyrite, with the excess Fe forming hematite. Gangue minerals are calcite, albite, k-feldspar and chlorite.
The hydrothermal Cu mineralization is associated with an increase in Na and depletion in K in host rocks,
although there are localised zones of K increase in bornite-chalcocite assemblages near structures. Isotopic
studies indicate that: a) the sulphur in diagenetic pyrite provided the bulk of the sulphur for Cu sulphides;
b) petroleum was the source of carbon in bitumen and part of the carbonate; c) osmium in diagenetic pyrite
was derived from the black shales; d) strontium in calcites was inherited from the Cretaceous arc lavas;
e) oxygen isotopes in carbonates, and K-feldspar and atmospheric argon in K-feldspar plus the high salinity
of fluid inclusions (21-26% NaCl equivalent) suggest a basinal connate-metamorphic brine was responsible
for Cu transport, yet a (distal) magmatic component to the fluids cannot be ruled out.

Introduction 2000), thus making it equivalent, in terms of total metal

content, to a medium size porphyry copper deposit, yet
The El Soldado copper deposit (32° 38’ Lat S; 71° 04’ Long smaller than Mantos Blancos and Candelaria (eg. Maksaev
W; 500-1000 m above sea level.) is located in the Coastal and Zentilli, this volume).
Cordillera of Central Chile, 120 Km northwest of the capital
city Santiago, and 30 km from the Pacific coast (Figure 1). This paper offers an updated description of the geology,
The total identified resources at El Soldado, comprising petrography, structure, ore and gangue mineralogy,
production plus reserves, is well over 200 million tonnes hydrothermal alteration, and paragenesis of the El Soldado
(metric tons) @ 1.35% Cu, including 70 million tonnes @ deposit, incorporating previous information (eg. Holmgren,
1.8 % Cu mined out from rich zones (Contador and Glavic, 1987; Klohn et al., 1990), and adding new data accumulated
in the last decade during development and mining of new
orebody clusters at the mine. We also incorporate
Editors note: The El Soldado deposit has been included within the
Iron Oxide Copper-Gold (IOCG) family by a number authors in the summaries of detailed studies developed during the last
existing literature, although others would disagree. It does have significant decade in a collaborative effort between the CMDLC staff,
hematite and specularite associated with the copper mineralising phase. various consultants, and faculty and students at Dalhousie
However, it differs from many of the recognised members of the family University, Halifax, Canada.
(such as Olympic Dam and La Candelaria) in that there appears to be
much less evidence for a magmatic contribution to the mineralisation,
but instead a more definite link to basinal processes, perhaps driven by a Manto Type Copper Deposits
magmatic heat engine. In fact it exhibits the influence of many of the
processes normally associated with sediment hosted copper deposits such Chile contains one of the largest copper concentrations on
as White Pine (USA) and the Kupferschiefer (Europe). This excellent, Earth and annually produces around 37% of the world’s
well reasoned paper which presents a series of carefully researched
copper (Camus and Dilles, 2001). Most of that production
observations and cogent arguments for the formation of this deposit was
invited for the reader to assimilate and ponder whether El Soldado is a comes from the giant porphyry copper deposits of Cenozoic
member of, or is related to, the IOCG family of deposits. age, although a significant proportion is from Mesozoic

164 The Americas

Figure 1: Location of El Soldado in central Chile, and in relation to other Chilean Cu and Fe deposits.
El Soldado, Chile - R. Boric et al. 165

strata-bound copper (silver) and copper (gold-iron) deposits hydrothermal alteration are difficult to distinguish from
(Figure 1). These stratabound deposits are distributed in low-grade regional metamorphic assemblages (eg. Sato,
the western part of the Andean orogen between 21° to 34 ° 1984; Sillitoe, 1992).
latitude S and the most significant are hosted by volcanic
and volcano-sedimentary sequences of Jurassic to Lower The genesis of these manto type deposits has been the
Cretaceous age, which were accumulated in intra-arc basins. subject of much controversy (eg. Fontboté, 1990), with the
proposed genetic models ranging from volcanogenic
Among the strata-bound deposits, the copper (silver) family, syngenetic (eg. Ruiz, et al., 1965; Camus, 1980; Ruiz and
also known as “mantos” or “manto-type” copper deposits Peebles, 1988), through hypotheses that call for fluids
in the literature, are the better understood. This family of liberated during low-grade metamorphism of the volcanic
deposits usually has a high copper grade (1.5-2% Cu), piles (eg. Sato, 1984: Westra, 1988; Sillitoe, 1992); fluids
relatively low contents of silver (5-20 g/t) and are practically directly derived from granitoid plutons (eg. Carter, 1961;
devoid of gold. They are hosted by Jurassic volcanic rocks Palacios, 1986; Klohn et al., 1990), to a combination of
in northern Chile (21°- 26° latitude S; eg. Mantos Blancos, these last two mechanisms (eg. Fontboté, 1990). The
Michilla) and by Early Cretaceous volcano sedimentary scarcity of effectively datable minerals has made absolute
sequences (27° to 34° latitude S; eg. Punta del Cobre, El dating difficult, and the pronounced alkali metasomatism
Soldado). The most important mines of this subtype are of the host rocks (Boric, 2002) complicates their
Mantos Blancos in northernmost Chile, and El Soldado, in interpretation. Nevertheless, available geochronological
central Chile (Figure 1). The ore in these deposits is only data suggest that, in this family of deposits, ores were
strata-bound in a regional sense, meaning that they are emplaced at least 10 Ma after the deposition of the host
epigenetic, and although the ores are restricted to certain strata, mainly during two metallogenic pulses, in the Late
stratigraphic units, in detail they are discordant; their Jurassic and in the Early Cretaceous (Munizaga et al., 1988;
orebodies are structurally controlled or follow relatively Boric et al., 1990; Tassinari et al., 1993; Vivallo and
permeable horizons in the strata. Hypogene mineralogy is Henriquez, 1998; Wilson et al., submitted; Maksaev and
relatively simple, and consists of bornite, chalcocite (± Zentilli, this volume).
digenite), chalcopyrite, pyrite and hematite. The sulphide
ores tend to occur in reduced (probably sub-marine) strata
rather than in oxidised (sub-aerial) strata, suggesting to most
Geography and History
authors that oxi-reduction reactions were important in their The El Soldado mine (Figure 1) is located within 8 km of
genesis. Supergene metal enrichment related to surficial the Pan American Highway, railway links and major power
weathering, which has been significant in making some grids. The mine is currently owned and operated by Cia.
porphyry copper deposits economic, is not a main factor in Minera Disputada de las Condes Ltda. (CMD), an affiliate
the mantos, although oxidised ores are exploited in many. of ExxonMobil Coal and Minerals Co. (EMCMC). El
Gangue minerals are relatively scarce and the effects of Soldado’s primary operations (Figure 2) comprise an open

Figure 2: View of the El Soldado camp on the steep western slope of a snow-capped 2300 m high range. The dotted line
marks the approximate boundary between the marine Lo Prado Formation and the sub-aerial andesitic lavas
and red beds of the Veta Negra Formation. Also shown are the Morro open pit (op), waste dumps (wd) the
transport level for the underground operation (tl), the flotation plant (fp) and the leaching plant (lp).
166 The Americas

pit mine (the Morro pit), an underground mine, the El Cobre August (Figure 2). Temperatures range from –2oC in winter
sulphide flotation concentrator plant, and a leaching plant to ~30 oC in summer, with a yearly median of ~15oC
with Solvent Extraction Electro Winning (SXEW). (Fuenzalida, 1965).
Concentrates are sent to the CMD Chagres smelter located
north of the Aconcagua River, southeast of El Soldado At El Soldado, mining of exposed high-grade pods began
(Figure 1), or to the Ventanas port on the Pacific coast. in the eighteenth century, although the first modern
exploitation did not commence until 1919, when ore grading
The mine lies on the steep west flank of a 2300 m high, between 7 and 15 % Cu was extracted from an underground
moderately vegetated range (brush and small deciduous mine. Since then, under a number of subsequent owners,
trees), in a zone of warm-temperate climate, with abundant production has been almost continuous, but was limited to
winter fog, irregular precipitation in the form of rain less than 600 t/day until the late 1960s, when it was
(~ 400 mm/year), and occasional snow during May to increased to 3300 t/day. Exxon Minerals, today EMCMC,

71o Quaternary Sediments

Granodiorite Intrusive
Las (Lower Cretaceous)

El Sauce
Las Chilcas Formation
Luisa (Aptian - Albian?)

Los Maquis
r Regalo Veta Negra Formation
a Ri (Barremiam - Albian)
ig u
La L El Carmen Ocoa Member

32o30’ Purehue Member

Las Chancleta El Peumo
La Patagua Rusa Lo Prado Formation
Farellon Upper Member

Lower Member

Pedro Horqueta Formation
(Upper Jurassic)

Fault (observed)
El Cerrado
La Comuna
Quenes Fault (inferred)

El Soldado
Manto-type Cu Deposits

Veta Negra
El Soldado (Large)
El Sauce (Medium)
Veta del Agua La Victoriana

Vein-type Cu Deposits
Santa Fe
La Isla

El Salado
2 0 2 4Km

Figure 3: El Soldado in its regional stratigraphic setting. Note the large number of Cu deposits, mines and occurrences
hosted by the Lower Cretaceous Lo Prado Formation and the distal location of El Soldado with respect to
outcrops of the Cretaceous batholith.
El Soldado, Chile - R. Boric et al. 167

also owner of the Los Bronces porphyry copper deposit in limestone lenses (Figure 4). These strata are underlain by
the high Cordillera (Figure 1), assumed control of El the lower member of Lo Prado Formation, a marine,
Soldado in 1978 and developed an intensive drilling organic-rich calcareous shale-siltstone-sandstone unit,
campaign, which led to the discovery of many unexposed which is at least 1500 m thick. The Lo Prado Formation
sulphide orebodies, significantly increasing ore reserves. conformably overlies the volcanic Upper Jurassic Horqueta
These discoveries and the change in underground mining Formation (Figure 3), and is conformably overlain by 5-7
method to sub-level open-stoping, allowed stepwise km of basaltic andesites, tuffs, volcanic epiclastic breccias,
expansions in sulphide ore treatment to 5500 and 11 500 t/ redbeds and lacustrine sediments of the continental Lower
day. In 1989 the Morro open pit (Figure 2) began operating, Cretaceous (Barremian-Albian) Veta Negra Formation,
to support an increase in the production rate up to the current which in turn is overlain by the Cretaceous (Lower - Upper
17 500 t/day, with the SXEW leaching plant (Figure 2) Cretaceous) Las Chilcas Formation (eg. Rivano et al., 1993;
being added in 1990 to treat the oxide ore from the Morro Rivano, 1996).
pit. In 2001 the open pit mine provided 70% of total
production, with a copper grade at 1.2% Cu. Total identified Deposition of the sedimentary-volcanic sequence took place
resources at El Soldado, comprising production plus in a transitional marine-terrestrial environment during the
reserves, is well over 200 million metric tons @ 1.35% Early Cretaceous. The Lo Prado Formation contains both
Cu, including 70 million metric tons @ 1.8% Cu mined marine (ammonites and pelecypods of Berriasian to
out from rich zones (Contador and Glavic, 2000). Hauterivian age; Vergara et al., 1995; Wall et al., 1999)
and plant remains, indicating proximity to a coast. Pillow
Regional Geologic Setting basalts are locally developed in the upper member of Lo
Prado Formation (Vergara et al 1995), but at the mine area,
The El Soldado deposit is hosted by the upper member of basalt flows and rhyodacite flows, domes and feeder dykes
the Lower Cretaceous Lo Prado Formation (Piraces and predominate. The overlying Veta Negra Formation marks
Maksaev, 1977), a volcaniclastic arc suite, which represents a transition to a terrestrial environment, and is characterised
an important regional metallotect, hosting more than 20 by oxidised lavas and intercalated volcaniclastic breccias
copper deposits mined at one time or another, between the and redbeds. The presence of Lower Cretaceous marine
Aconcagua and the La Ligua rivers (Figures 1 and 3). At fossils in the overlying Las Chilcas Formation (Rivano et
El Soldado, this unit is 500 m thick and composed of al., 1993; Wall et al., 1999) indicates that brief marine
bimodal rhyodacitic (felsic) and basaltic (mafic) flows and transgressions occurred after deposition of the Veta Negra
pyroclastics with sedimentary volcaniclastic and marine Formation in a subsiding basin.

Figure 4: Cross-section at the N-750 coordinate. Note the structurally controlled and yet stratabound nature of the
orebodies within the upper member of the Lo Prado Formation.
168 The Americas

Lower Cretaceous, calc-alkaline granitoids intrude the Veta faults; the latter dipping at 60° to the west (Figures 4 & 5).
Negra Formation in the mountains 13 km to the east of El The strata have been tilted into a ca. 30° east-dipping
Soldado (Figure 3) and the Lo Prado Formation both 20 homocline, but the dip of the strata decreases progressively
km along the range to the north (Figure 3), and 28 km to the east.
directly south of El Soldado at La Campana-Caleu, and In terms of tectonics, these Lower Cretaceous volcano-
may well subcrop much closer at the level of the mine. In sedimentary sequences and granitoids, are inferred to
these localities the batholith has generated skarnoid and represent a volcano-plutonic arc, developed at a continental
vein copper deposits (eg. Ruiz and Peebles, 1988). The margin (eg. Charrier and Muñoz, 1994; Vergara et al, 1995).
age of this batholith is bracketed by K/Ar dates on biotite The great thickness of shallow water formations and the
(118-94 Ma; Rivano et al., 1993; Wall et al 1999), and on recurrence of marine facies are suggestive of subsidence
more precise 40Ar/39Ar dates on hornblende (117-103 Ma), and deposition under extensional conditions, which had
and on biotite (101-94 Ma; Parada and Larrondo, 1999). prevailed at the arc and back arc domains (Åberg et al.,
Major structures recognised at the district scale are N-S to 1984; Vergara et al., 1995). This environment is consistent
NNW left lateral strike-slip faults and reactivated normal with conditions associated with a steep subduction regime

Figure 5: Simplified structural map of El Soldado orebodies in relation to a regional wrench fault. Note outline of
open pit.
a) Location of the deposit within a cymoid loop. 1: Lower sedimentary member of the Lo Prado Formation;
2: Upper member of Lo Prado Formation; 3: rhyodacite flows and domes; 4: Veta Negra Formation;
5: Rhyodacite feeder dykes; 6: Andesite feeder dykes for Veta Negra Formation; 7: Major regional wrench
faults (generalized); 8: Lesser faults and veins; 9: Mineralized (Cu) lacustrine shale at Veta Negra mine,
showing dip of strata; due to generalization, dyke displacements are not shown.
b) Generalized structural plan of orebodies, detail from 5A: A: Main shear faults; B: Secondary Faults;
C: Fractures. Inset shows hypothetical model of conjugate faults in response to a sinistral wrench system
with a regional NNW (horizontal) main stress axis (modified from Boric, 1997).
El Soldado, Chile - R. Boric et al. 169

(Marianas Type) inferred to have been active in this segment the Veta Negra Formation lavas; and 3) microdiorite dykes
of the Andes during most of the Early Cretaceous (eg. that cut all the above units and have a NW and NE trends.
Mpodozis and Ramos, 1990; Sillitoe, 1992; Maksaev and The only faneritic intrusive recognised in the camp is a
Zentilli, this volume). gabbro-diorite stock, which has been intercepted by deep
drill holes in the northern part of the mine; it does not
Lithological Control outcrop, and it is interpreted to be coeval with the Veta
Negra volcanic sequence.
Figure 4 is a cross-section showing the main stratigraphic
units recognised at the mine through the Filo and Valdivia Basaltic flows can be correlated within the camp, although
Sur orebody clusters, namely: 1) the lower member of the they have notable textural and thickness variations. Most
Lo Prado Formation, composed of marine sediments, significant as a host rock, the rhyodacite flows are thicker
mostly volcaniclastic sandstones, organic-rich siltstones, above the feeder dykes, forming domes, with spectacular
and calcareous shales; 2) the upper member of the Lo Prado columnar jointing (Figure 6), and locally a brecciated top,
Formation, a 500-m-thick sequence of interlayered basaltic interpreted to be a syn-volcanic structure. Away from their
and rhyodacite flows and domes, with intercalations of tuffs, feeder dykes, the rhyodacites grade into coarse to fine
epiclastic sandstones and breccias, some with calcareous volcaniclastic rocks. Large angular boulders of rhyodacite
cement, also of marine origin, and 3) the lower (Purehue) in overlying epiclastic strata that cap the ore deposit indicate
member of the Veta Negra Formation, composed of red, that the rhyodacite domes were elsewhere undergoing
oxidised, subaerial basaltic andesite flows (many of them erosion soon after emplacement (Wilson, 1998).
breccia flows), intercalated tuffs, red sandstones, and a few
lenses of lacustrine siltstones with abundant carbonised In most previous publications, such as the company reviews
plant remains and minor copper sulphides (eg. at the Veta by Klohn et al. (1986, 1990) the host rocks to ore at El
Negra deposit, Figures 3 and 5; Villalobos 1995). Soldado have been referred to as “anomalous”, “alkaline”
In addition there are 3 different types of subvertical dykes “trachytes” and “andesites”, and the title of the papers (if
(Figure 5): 1) rhyodacite dykes with a 290-300o trend, some not their conclusions) imply that the ores are related to
of which are the feeders of the host rhyodacite flows and alkaline magmatism. Other workers suggested that the
domes of the Lo Prado Formation; 2) basaltic and andesite felsic rocks are either albitised (Na metasomatised)
dykes with a 280-290o trend; some of these are feeders to andesites (Olcay and Alarcon, 1975), or represent rhyolitic

Figure 6: Strongly developed columnar jointing in mineralized rhyodacite unit exposed in Morro open pit. Primary
porosity and the competent nature of the rhyodacite makes it the most favourable host rock. Note the different
style of fracturing in andesite dyke, and steep fault plane.
170 The Americas

ignimbrites (Terrazas, 1977). However, geochemical analyses (Table


1) of carefully chosen representative samples of the least altered rocks



ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm
U in the El Soldado camp by Boric (2002) clearly indicate that the rocks


are not alkaline, nor trachytes and andesites, but an alkali

metasomatised bimodal sequence of basalts and rhyodacites. Figure



7 shows that in terms of the immobile trace elements, unaltered rocks



from El Soldado plot in the fields of basalt (to basaltic andesite), and

rhyodacite. Discriminant plots for the least altered basalts show that

they are calc-alkaline and not alkaline (Boric, 2002). The same rock

types have been recognised at Mantos Blancos (Chavez, 1985) and

Punta del Cobre (Marschik and Fontboté, 1996).





The basalts (previously termed andesites) are dark grey to green, and
are typically massive and porphyritic, commonly amygdaloidal, blocky,


and brecciated; no pillow basalts have been recognised at the mine.



Where the rocks are least altered, phenocrysts consist of zoned






plagioclase (An84-63), clinopyroxene, and olivine. The groundmass


is halophytic to sub-ophitic and composed of microlites of plagioclase




with interstitial pyroxene, opaques (titanomagnetite), devitrified glass,




and secondary minerals. The most common alteration consists of


chlorite and calcite. Amygdules, irregular cavities and fine veinlets



are common and are usually filled by the secondary minerals calcite,
chlorite, epidote, microcline (adularia), albite, bitumen, and sulphides.





Microprobe analyses of plagioclase, however, yield albite to oligoclase




compositions (An2-12) even in crystals without visible secondary

minerals. This implies that the basalts were affected by a pervasive,


widespread Na alteration which changed the composition of their



plagioclase phenocrysts to albite-(oligoclase). Clinopyroxene is less


altered than plagioclase, the microprobe indicating it is augite, and



rarely diopside. Common alteration minerals are calcite, chlorite,



muscovite, and epidote. Augite is rimmed by semi-opaque iron-


titanium oxides. Olivine phenocrysts are totally altered to calcite,



chlorite, and oxides of titanium and iron. Magnetite is partially replaced



by hematite-titanium oxides, and by pyrite. Pyrite replacement is very


extensive, with few of the unmineralised background basalts still



containing appreciable magnetite. Sulphide replacement of magnetite

is even heavier close to the ore bodies. Rare secondary apatite is


present. These rocks have the characteristics of altered and Na-



metasomatised basalts, previously referred to as spilites (Boric, 2002).



Rhyodacite units (previously termed trachytes) are light coloured (pink,


grey and green) and typically porphyritic and flow banded; flow
Table 1 . Geochemistry, Average Values by Ore Zone



banding is visible in both flows and dykes. Columnar jointing is well-


developed perpendicular to cooling surfaces in dykes and flows (Figure



6). Locally, rhyodacites are vesiculated and brecciated (mostly auto-



breccias, Wilson, 1988), or show evidence of devitrification such as


spherulitic texture. There is clear evidence that the concordant bodies



of rhyodacite were extrusive flows and domes, including irregular,


** MS = magnetic susceptibility as measured with K2 meter

brecciated tops filled with sediment, local erosional unconformities,



and angular clasts of rhyodacite in epiclastic strata overlying the felsic


bodies. Xenoliths of dark, fine-grained rocks are abundant.

*** Cu value from whole rock chemical analysis


Amygdules, and veinlets are commonly filled with calcite, quartz,

1. Averages Values by Ore Zone

* Cu assay value for 3 m drillcore interval

bitumen, and sulphide. Background (least altered) unmineralised

bn>cc (potassic) (4)
bn>cc (sodic) (13)

rhyodacites, distal from orebodies, have a glomeroporphyric texture,

bn>cc (sodic) (6)
background (4)

background (4)
Ore Zone (n)
(see text)

cp>bn (6)

cp>bn (6)
py>cp (9)

py>cp (7)

formed by albite phenocrysts (An0-2) in a pilotaxitic to trachytic

groundmass (there-from trachytes). The groundmass is composed of
albite microlites, fine-grained potassic feldspar, minor quartz and
opaque minerals (pyrite, titanite-leucoxene) and devitrified glass.
Albite crystals are not zoned (optically or by microprobe analysis;
Host rock


Holmgren, 1987; Boric, 2002). Albite is altered to calcite, chlorite,


microcline, and minor muscovite, epidote and titanite. Apatite (both

El Soldado, Chile - R. Boric et al. 171

primary and secondary) and zircon are scarce, and U/Pb Structural Control
dating indicates that part of the (visibly resorbed) zircon
is xenocrystic (Zentilli et al., 2001). Even though there is El Soldado comprises numerous vein-like orebodies with
no textural evidence for Na alteration, the albite intervening barren zones, distributed in about a dozen
phenocrysts are interpreted to be the result of an event of orebody clusters (Figures 5 and 8). The known clusters are
regional metasomatism/metamorphism rather than a spatially distributed within a volume that is about 2 km long
primary factor or a product of hydrothermal alteration per by 0.8 km wide and 600 m in vertical extent (Figures 4 and
se. It is the trachytic texture and the abundant feldspar 8). Within the blocks, individual sub vertical orebodies are
laths that led to this rock being named a trachyte. extremely variable in size, from very small to 450 m long,
Rhyodacites also have minor ferromagnesian phenocrysts 150 m wide, and 450 m in vertical extent (Boric, 1997).
altered to calcite, chlorite, epidote, titanium oxides Clusters of orebodies occur mainly where structural
(leucoxene, titanite, rutile), and minor hematite and pyrite. permeability has been generated by brittle fracturing, such
Although less abundant than in the basalts, pyrite is a very as in fault intersections, where subvertical (pipelike) bodies
common secondary mineral in the least-altered, are developed. The best example is the Valdivia Sur chimney
“background” rhyodacites. Pyrite occurs as small crystals (Figure 4), which contains 14 Mt @ >2% Cu, including core
(1 to 100 µm), disseminated in the groundmass, included zones grading 5% Cu and 20-30 g/t Ag. At an individual
in albite phenocrysts, and very commonly replacing or orebody scale, the copper sulphides occupy mainly
rimming ferromagnesian minerals or titanomagnetite (see structural porosity, in the form of veins, faults and joints,
Figure 9A). These rhyodacites have the characteristics of including columnar joints. Fracturing is most intense in the
altered and Na-metasomatised felsic rocks referred to in rhyodacite (Figure 4), which was not only the hardest and
the past as keratophyres (Boric 2002). most brittle, but was pre-fractured by columnar jointing
It is interesting to note that 60-65% of copper production (Figure 6) and syn-volcanic breccias. Primary porosity was
has come from rhyodacitic host rocks, 30-25% from also important locally, in the form of vesicles and irregular
basaltic hosts and 5-10% from the volcaniclastic gas structures in basalts, and inter-clast pores in breccias
sediments, reflecting their respective behaviour during and tuffs. However, the tuffs in the uppermost Lo Prado
deformation. As shown in Figure 4, economic copper Formation were relatively incompetent (ductile) during
mineralization is restricted to the upper member of the Lo faulting, and in general formed an impermeable seal to all
Prado Formation, although narrow veins continue upwards fluids, both petroleum and hydrothermal solutions.
into the lowermost strata of the Veta Negra Formation.
This clearly indicates that copper mineralization postdates The master faults are shears that form a cymoid loop (eg.
the deposition of the base of that unit. The roots of Anhaeusser, 1965) - a dilational jog or trans-tensional zone
orebodies are usually located well above (100-150 m) the (eg. Cox et al., 2001) - within the confines of which the best
lower sedimentary member of the Lo Prado Formation. orebodies were developed. This loop is closed both to the
The lowermost unit of the upper member of the Lo Prado south and north of the mine (Figure 5). Intersections of N-
Formation, which is composed of basalt breccia flows with S and NNW faults with 290o-300o conjugate faults form
minor volcaniclastics is mostly barren, containing only particularly rich orebodies within this transtensional domain.
minor pyrite (Boric, 2002). North and south of the loop orebodies are narrow and can

80 5
Com/Pant Phonolite
70 Rhyodacite-
Z r /T iO 2* 0.0001

Dacite Rhyolite
Trachyte Trachyte
0.1 Rhyodacite/Dacite
60 TrAn
Phonolite Andesite
50 Sub- 0.01 And/Bas
Ab Alk-Bas
SubAlkaline Basalt
40 0.001
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 0.01 0.1 1 10
Zr/TiO2*0.0001 Nb/Y

Figure 7: Discriminant plots of El Soldado rocks (black symbols: unaltered rocks; basalt
open symbols: altered rocks) indicating that the volcanic and sub- mafic dyke
volcanic rocks in the El Soldado deposit are rhyodacites and basalts, rhyodacitic dyke
not alkaline trachytes and andesites, as interpreted by previous workers. microdioritic dyke
Plots after Winchester and Floyd (1977) from Boric (2002). Veta negra Fm basaltic andesite
172 The Americas

be best described as veins (eg. Veta del Agua, Figures 3 Mineral Zoning and Paragenesis
and 5). Intermediate and mafic dykes which were emplaced
in a general WNW trend, are cut and displaced by most Hypogene ore minerals (Figures 9 & 10) are chalcopyrite,
faults and predate the hydrothermal event, although they bornite, chalcocite (and digenite) and minor covellite that
are generally unmineralised (Boric, 1997). This structural occur as disseminations and veinlets. Common waste or
pattern can be explained by a fracturing-reactivation event gangue minerals are pyrite, hematite, calcite, chlorite, albite,
under brittle strain conditions. Judging by the orientation K-feldspar (adularia, microcline), solid bitumen, quartz,
of conjugate shears and of dilatant fractures, the main stress opaline silica, rutile, titanite, and minor amounts of
(σ1) is inferred to have been sub-horizontal and oriented magnetite, sphalerite, galena, and arsenopyrite.
NNW - SSE; the minimum stress (σ3) perpendicular to it, Hydrothermal alteration mimics the gangue associations
and the intermediate stress (σ2) subvertical (eg. Boric, (Table 1; Figure 11), and consists of abundant calcite,
1997; 2002; S. Caddey, CMD internal report, 2001). This chlorite, albite, microcline, epidote, titanite-leucoxene and
inferred local tectonic stress is consistent with the regional rutile, and some quartz, sericite and clay minerals, but
stress field active during the Early Cretaceous and primary rock textures are largely preserved (Holmgren,
responsible of the left lateral motion along the Atacama 1987, Boric, 1997).
fault system in the Early Cretaceous of northern Chile (eg.
I ndividual orebodies in a cluster (Figure 8) show a
Maksaev and Zentilli, this volume). Chavez (1988), in a
detailed rock-mechanics analysis of meso- and micro- remarkable mineralogical zoning (eg. Martin, 1981, Ruge,
structures in the underground workings, computed probable 1985; R. Sillitoe, CMD internal report, 1995; Boric 1997,
maximum (σ1) and minimum (σ3) confining stresses of Ponce 2001), from a core of chalcocite - (covellite) -
1050 and 850 bar respectively, and pore fluid pressures for hematite or chalcocite- (covellite) -bornite-hematite;
the main fracturing-mineralising event of between 1250 followed outward by approximately concentric zones of
bornite-chalcopyrite, chalcopyrite, chalcopyrite-pyrite and
and 850 bar.
pyrite in the most peripheral zone. Furthermore, the deeper
roots of the orebodies contain relatively more pyrite than
their upward terminations, which are richer in bornite,
chalcocite and fine hematite (Figure 8B; Boric, 1997; 2002;
Ponce, 2001). As shown in Figure 8A, a more global zoning

Figure 8:
Left Plan view of El Soldado orebodies (Level Zero), showing mineral zoning of orebody clusters. Note a general increase
of specular hematite (Spec Hem) towards the north, and an increase of chalcocite and bornite toward the south.
Right Generalized model (adapted from Sillitoe, CMD internal report, 1996 and Boric, 1997), for the vertical mineralogical
zoning of individual orebodies: outward pyrite-chalcopyrite zone, followed inwards by a chalcopyrite-bornite zone,
and an internal and uppermost bornite-chalcocite-hematite zone
El Soldado, Chile - R. Boric et al. 173

at the camp scale has also been noted. The southern important to emphasise that globally, Cu grades increase
orebodies have relatively more chalcocite and bornite, southwards (Boric, 2002).
whereas chalcopyrite and pyrite predominate towards the In previous studies (eg Klohn et al, 1990), the external pyrite
north (Martin, 1981; Holmgren and Gonzalez, 1988; Boric, zone (Figures 4 & 8) had been considered a distal unit within
1997; Boric, 2002). In addition, new exploration drill holes the hydrothermal assemblage. However, it is now
have shown that specular hematite becomes gradually more recognised that at least part of this pyrite (background
abundant towards the north (Boric, 2002). values where pyrite is less than 2% by volume) grew at
low temperatures in association with liquid petroleum in
Matching their mineralogical zoning, the orebodies display the realm of sulphur-reducing bacterial activity. Geopetal
a strong variability in copper grades, especially laterally structures of gas bubbles at the top of oil-filled cavities
(Figures 4, 5 & 8). Their lateral margins are similarly indicate that petroleum migrated and solidified before the
characterised by abrupt changes in the copper content tilting of the strata (Wilson and Zentilli, 1999). Therefore
(Ruge, 1985). The transition from internal high-grade (~1.2 it is necessary to contrast the pyrite of diagenetic origin
- 2.0% Cu), to lateral medium-grade (0.5 - 1.2% Cu), to (Stage I of Wilson and Zentilli, 1999) and that of possible
external low-grade (0.2 - 0.5% Cu) zones, takes place within hydrothermal origin (Figure 12); zones with more than
few metres or less. Country (or “background”) rocks 2% pyrite could be a combination of both processes (Boric,
between the orebodies are “barren” (usually below 0.1% 2002).
Cu; Table 1; Figure 11). Variations in copper grade are
less marked along strike and down plunge of the orebodies. Part of the pyrite grew by sulphidation of titanomagnetite
The cut-off grade is generally 0.8% Cu for the underground (Figure 9A) and ferromagnesian minerals, and is present
mine, and 0.5% Cu for the open pit. The silver content as fine disseminations in all rocks as a background, usually
averages about 6 g/t Ag, although in the bornite-chalcocite comprising about 1% by volume. However, most of the
core it is 20-30 g/t Ag. Microprobe analyses indicate that pyrite in El Soldado occurs as framboidal spherules
silver is mainly in the bornite and chalcocite, as inclusions associated with bitumen (Figures 9B, 9C). Framboids are
and in solid solution (M.C.Graves, Cuesta Research Ltd. spheroidal aggregates with a diameter ranging from a few
report for CMD, 1995; Boric, 1997; Ponce, 2001). It is micrometers to 70 µm (mean 16 µm; Wilson, 1998) made

Figure 9: Photomicrographs of Diagenetic (A,B,C) and early hydrothermal assemblages (D).

A: Altered titanomagnetite rimmed by diagenetic pyrite (white), in calcite (dark) (field of view 4 mm);
B: Diagenetic, framboidal pyrite (py) within and around solid bitumen (b) and calcite (ca) (scale bar 95 micrometers);
C: Framboidal and euhedral pyrite in calcite (ca) (scale bar 38 micrometers);
D: Specular hematite (spec hem) and chalcopyrite-pyrite from the earliest hydrothermal stage, in altered rock (field of
view 2 mm).
174 The Americas

of euhedral pyrite crystals of 1 µm and larger. These report, 1985), its genetic significance was not recognised
framboids developed mostly, but not exclusively, within until recently (Zentilli et al., 1994; 1997). Bitumen started
globules of liquid petroleum, now bitumen. Around a as liquid petroleum, and is found forming globules,
nucleus of framboidal pyrite, later growth of pyrite, commonly showing degassing bubbles that have risen to
probably as a result of increasing temperatures, developed the top of cavities (Wilson and Zentilli, 1999).
large euhedral pyrite crystals (Figure 9C). Minor amounts Solidification led to shrinkage and fragmentation into
of sphalerite, sphalerite with inclusions of chalcopyrite angular granules (Figures 9B, 10D). Bitumen occupies
(Wilson, 1998), and very rare arsenopyrite (Zentilli et al., primary and fracture porosity in rhyodacites and basalts,
1997) exist within this early sulphide assemblage. It and it is commonly associated with calcite, which fills brittle
remains open to question how much, if any of the pyrite at (post-solidification) fractures, indicating that calcite is
El Soldado developed during the hydrothermal phase. Low paragenetically later. It occurs with framboidal pyrite, and
values of arsenic are associated with (and perhaps restricted in all sulphide zones, but is more abundant in the Filo
to) the diagenetic pyrite (Wilson, 1998; Collins et al., 2002). orebody cluster in the southern part of the camp (Wilson,
1998). Graphite (graphitised bitumen) occurs in the north
Organic matter occurs as bitumen and graphite. In hand of the camp in chalcopyrite and bornite veins (Wilson,
specimen bitumen looks glassy black and is brittle like 1998). Bitumen in the richest bornite ores is highly enriched
anthracite. It is particularly significant in the south of the in chlorine, as detected in microprobe analyses. This
camp (eg. Filo). Under transmitted light it is opaque, and chlorine is interpreted to have been inherited from chloride
under reflected light it is light brown (Figures 9B, 10B, copper complexes during mineralization, suggesting an
10D) with low reflectance (less than 5%), and thus easily active-carbon role for the bitumen (Wilson and Zentilli,
overlooked; it is relatively soft and brittle and is easily 1999).
plucked out during manufacture of polished sections.
Although identified and analysed by microprobe During the hydrothermal stage (Stage II) chalcopyrite was
(C.Holmgren & F.Barbagelata, CMD internal company the first copper mineral to crystallise; chalcopyrite clearly

Figure 10: Mineral assemblages of the hydrothermal stage (II).

A: Pyrite-chalcopyrite zone; pyrite (py) replaced by chalcopyrite (cp) [field of view 1 mm];
B: Bornite-chalcocite zone; bornite (light grey) and chalcocite (darker grey) replace pyrite (white), part of which was
framboidal; solid bitumen (b) has up to 1.7% S, and is veined by calcite (ca) [scale bar 90 microns];
C: Bornite-chalcopyrite zone; assemblage of bornite (grey), chalcopyrite (light grey) and hematite (white); [field of
view 1 mm];
D: Chalcocite (white)-covellite (grey) assemblage with solid bitumen (b) and calcite; [field of view 1.5 mm].
El Soldado, Chile - R. Boric et al. 175

replaces pyrite (Figure 10A). The pyrite-chalcopyrite zone distinguish between the effects of the diagenetic phase, of
contains mainly pre-existing pyrite of Stage I, although regional metamorphism, and hydrothermal alteration
some proportion of the pyrite may have grown in Stage II. proper. To this effect, the geochemistry of representative
samples of rocks from the different mineralogical zones
Chalcopyrite, bornite and chalcocite pseudomorphically have been analysed for major and trace elements and
replace the framboidal pyrite and thus the texture of the compared with the “freshest”, “least altered”, or
framboidal precursor can be observed even in massive parts “background” rocks distal from ore (Table 1, Figure 11).
of sulphide veins (Figure 10B). Specific gravity (S.G.) was measured with a beam balance,
and magnetic susceptibility (M.S.) systematically with a
Bornite is associated with chalcocite, although many hand-held EDA K-2 Magnetic Susceptibility Meter.
microprobe analyses indicate that locally the sulphide has
the composition of digenite (M.C.Graves, Cuesta Research The alteration effects on rhyodacites (Figure 11A) are
Ltd., internal report CMD, 1995). Where replacement of divided into 4 zones: 1) pyrite; 2) chalcopyrite; 3) bornite-
pyrite by bornite and chalcocite-digenite is complete, chalcocite-sodic; and 4) bornite-chalcocite-potassic, the
expelled excess iron formed hematite (Holmgren, 1987; latter to emphasise alkali metasomatic effects. For the
Figure 10C), with textural relationships suggesting co- basalts (Figure 11B) the bornite-chalcocite association is
precipitation of the 3 phases. Bornite and chalcocite contain not sub-divided. The plots represent the ratios between
Ag measurable by microprobe (M.C.Graves, Cuesta the different groups and the background or “least altered”
Research Ltd., internal report CMD, 1995; Ponce, 2001; rock, taken away from ore but still in mappable continuity
Boric, 2002). to ensure internal consistency.
Covellite is common in the southern part of the camp, In the rhyodacites, all zones are enriched in Cu when
together with chalcocite and bitumen (Figure 10D; Ponce, compared with background rocks (Table 1). There is no
2001). significant change in specific gravity, while magnetic
The first mineral to crystallise (Figure 11) during the susceptibility, SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, CaO, C, REE, Y, Zr, Th,
hydrothermal phase (Stage II) was probably specular U and V all show no change. Most significant in the
hematite (Figure 9D) locally accompanied by minor rhyodacites is the moderate increase in Na2O (due to
magnetite (Martin, 1981; Wilson, 1998). However, this albitisation), FeO(total), S, MgO (chloritisation), P2O5
aspect has not been addressed systematically and needs (secondary apatite), Ag, As, and Zn, with the anomaly that
more work. Na2O is depleted in the K-feldspar rich bornite-chalcocite
zone. K2O is depleted in the sulphide zones, except where
Although relatively insoluble oxidised copper minerals (eg. it occurs as adularia. This K-rich zone is also depleted in
malachite, chrysocolla, copper pitch) exist near the surface Zn and Sr, but contains some of the highest Cu grades.
(10-30 m, to 60 m in faults), and mixed sulphide-oxide ores Other important depletions are Co, Ni (not reliable because
are exploited, supergene enrichment is not significant. The both values are close to the detection limits; Table 1). Rb
lower margin of the oxidised zone is gradual, and displays and Ba are depleted, except in the bornite-chalcocite-
secondary minerals (eg. chalcocite) passing gradually into potassic zone, where they increase sympathetically. Sr
hypogene sulphides, but does not represent a supergene behaves like CaO, as expected. In retrospect it appears
enriched zone; in fact mixed ores have lower copper grades that the rocks selected as background rhyodacite were
than the primary sulphide mineralisation. The absence of somewhat enriched in carbonate, and this fact distorts the
supergene copper enrichment has been ascribed to high apparent behaviour of LOI, MnO and C (Boric, 2002).
erosion rates, the relative scarcity of pyrite in the upper
levels of orebodies, and the abundance of calcite, which For the basalts (Figures 11B), again there is no change in
would neutralise the oxidising solutions necessary to S.G, SiO2 (no hint of silicification, even in the bn-cc zone),
produce enrichment (Gonzalez and Holmgren, 1993; Ponce, TiO2, Al2O3, FeO(total) and the immobile trace elements.
2001). In contrast to the rhyodacites, the basalts exhibit a drastic
loss of magnetic susceptibility, reflecting the wholesale
sulphidation of magnetite, associated with a large gain in
Alteration S; this extreme effect should be useful in exploration. Other
uneven losses are MgO, K2O, Ba, Rb and Sr. Arsenic is
Previous studies (Klohn et al., 1990) recognised 4 main lost from the chalcopyrite zone, but increases in the other
alteration effects: 1) carbonatisation, expressed as two zones. Zentilli et al. (1997) showed how early-formed
abundant calcite halos and veinlets in proximity to ore; arsenopyrite has been almost totally replaced by bornite-
2) chloritisation, which is particularly pronounced in the chalcocite; it appears some of the As is redistributed in Cu
host basalts and tuffs, where it is associated with epidote sulphides. Significant increases are Na2O, Na2O/K2O, LOI,
and calcite; 3) silicification, mainly associated with the and C (as total C including bitumen and CO2).
bornite zones of the orebodies; and, 4) albitisation, which
they considered to be late and patchy, and only locally
developed. The present study points out the importance of
Fluid Inclusion Data
previously unrecognised alkali metasomatism and Fluid inclusion data from previous studies are summarised
particularly sodic, and locally potassic alteration in the in Table 2. This work was carried out by Holmgren (1985;
deposit (Boric 2002). Furthermore, it is necessary to 1987) and M. Skewes (CMD internal report, 1988), and
176 The Americas

Figure 11: Plots of gains and losses, normalized to least altered (background) rocks (see Table 1);
in each case the columns represent different mineral zones in the orebodies (see Figure 8).
A: Major and trace elements in rhyodacites;
B: Major and trace elements in basalts. Note that there is no change in specific gravity, but a complete
removal of magnetic susceptibility (M.S) in the basalts.
El Soldado, Chile - R. Boric et al. 177

Table 2. Range of Homogenization Temperatures (1) and Salinities of Fluid Inclusions in El Soldado
o o
Ore Zone Hom. Temp. Min. C Hom. Temp. Max. C n Salinity % n
Stage II Low High Average Low High Average Samples Min Max Average Samples
py-cp 118 240 172 155 296 249 5 10 31 26 3
cp-bn 102 239 153 119 303 178 12 3 31 22 8
bn-cc 93 244 138 137 204 181 9 3 31 21 5
late barren veins 82 122 102 104 170 137 6 22 29 25 2
Compiled from data in Holmgren (1985;1987); M.Skewes (CMD internal report, 1988) in Boric (2002);
(1) Uncorrected homogenization temperatures

Table 2: Range of Homogenization Temperatures (uncorrected for pressure) from reports by

Holmgren (1985;1987) and M. Skewes (CMD internal report, 1988) in Boric (2002).

partially reported in Klohn et al. (1990). For this summary California (23-30 wt % NaCl equivalent), with maximum
paper, Table 2 groups results of over 400 TH measurements, temperatures of ca. 350oC (eg. Elders et al. 1979).
ice melting and NaCl dissolution measurements made in
veinlets of calcite and quartz, grouped by mineralogical Isotopic data
zones. The homogenisation temperatures for the 4 groups
overlap somewhat as follows: 1) pyrite-chalcopyrite (172- Sulphur isotope data on the pyrite have a wide range in
o o
249 C); 2) chalcopyrite-bornite (153-178 C); 3) bornite- δ34S ratios (-11.1 ‰ and 28.0 ‰), consistent with strong
o o
chalcocite (138-181 C); 4) late barren veins (102-137 C), fractionation in compartmentalised pore domains where
suggesting a cooling trend from a maximum of ca. 200 C; variable proportions of sulphate are incompletely reduced;
all these temperatures are uncorrected for pressure. No the fractionation is probably biogenic, such as with the
evidence of boiling of the fluids was observed in the fluid intervention of sulphur-reducing bacteria (eg. Love, 1967),
inclusions. most likely at temperatures below 100oC (Wilson et al., in
press a). Sulphur isotope data on copper sulphides, which
Klohn et al. (1990) assumed the depth of formation to be pseudomorphically replace framboidal pyrite (Figure 9B),
7 km and applied pressure corrections to the data, also has a wide range in δ34S ratios (-12.7 ‰ and 19 ‰),
suggesting temperatures of Cu-rich hydrothermal fluids to indicating that sulphur was inherited from the pyrite during
o o
have been ca. 300 C (hydrostatic, 680 bar) or ca. 400 C replacement of pyrite by Cu sulphides (Wilson et al, in press
(lithostatic, 1800 bar), and for the late barren veins 175 C a). A few sulphide samples have δ34S ratios near zero, and
(hydrostatic) and 250 C (lithostatic). The maximum burial were originally interpreted by Klohn et al. (1990) to be
of the deposit by Lower Cretaceous strata is poorly evidence for a magmatic source, although the wide range
constrained, but the absence of high-temperature alteration observed in many new analyses suggests that a “magmatic”
minerals such as biotite or actinolite, which in the Salton signature is volumetrically insignificant.
Sea basin appear at temperatures higher than 300 C (eg.
Elders et al. 1979) it is unlikely that temperature was much The δ C ratios of gangue calcite at El Soldado vary
higher than 300-350 C. between -4 ‰ and -20 ‰ and represent a mixing line with
consistent δ O values (12.0 - 14.7 ‰) between
Salinities are consistently high (21-26% NaCl equivalent) pyrobitumen-derived organic and inorganic C reservoirs
with some analyses as high as 34%, suggesting CaCl2 in (Wilson 1998; Wilson et al., in press a). The observed range
addition to NaCl in the fluids. A few samples indicated is compatible with incorporation of bitumen-derived
salinities as low as 3% NaCl equivalent. Although no organic carbon into the gangue calcite, and is greatest
evaporites are known in the Lo Prado and Veta Negra (lowest δ C) where solid bitumen was replaced during
Formations, the consistently high salinities suggest their mineralization. Bitumen associated with gangue calcite
presence in what may represent basinal fluids. Klohn et has δ C values of -30 ‰ to -26 ‰, indicative of
al. (1990) interpreted these high salinities as evidence for representing solidified petroleum (Wilson, 1998).
magmatic fluids. We prefer to interpret this salinity as
representing deeply circulating basinal brines analogous The δ O ratios of K-feldspar (adularia) range between 12.0
to those in the Salton Sea geothermal system of southern and 12.7 ‰, and are compatible with the fluids being of

Table 3. Summary Table of Geochronological Data

Unit Material Age Ma Method Source
Rhyodacitic dyke zircon 138-126 U/Pb Heaman in Boric (2002)
Rhyodacitic dyke k-spar 132 + 3 Ar/39Ar Boric & Munizaga (1994)
Basalt dyke k-spar 119 + 2 Ar/39Ar Boric & Munizaga (1994)
Alkali metasomatism in rhyodacite k-spar 109-112 Ar/39Ar Wilson (1998)
Veins and vugs in ore k-spar 101-106 Ar/39Ar Wilson (1998)
Amygdules (distal) k-spar 101-105 Ar/39Ar Boric & Munizaga (1994)
Rhyodacite flow apatite 88 + 18 AFT Wilson et al. (submitted b)
178 The Americas

metamorphic/basinal origin (Wilson et al., in press a). results are consistent with a basinal or metamorphic fluid
Oxygen isotope ratios of calcite vary between 12.0 and 14.7 having inherited the low 87Sr/86Sr ratios during water-rock
‰, a range of less than 3 ‰. The relatively small range in reaction for several million years. Furthermore, during the
δ18O ratios in calcite and K-feldspar suggest that the geochronological study (Wilson, 1998; Wilson et al.,
external fluid was relatively homogeneous and there was submitted b), it was noted that all 40Ar/39Ar dated samples
no great variation in temperature during crystallisation. The of K-feldspar (adularia) contain high proportions of
δ18O ratios of water in equilibrium with calcite at the atmospheric argon; this is interpreted to indicate a high
estimated temperatures of 300 oC to 400 oC can be proportion of meteoric water in the basinal mineralising
calculated using the equations of O’Neil and Clayton fluids, lessening the probable importance of any magmatic
(1969), and gives a range of 6.4 - 9.12 and 8.8 - 11.5 component.
respectively, hence overlapping with the range of primary Re-Os-isotope data for El Soldado (Ruiz et al., 1997) are
magmatic waters, if slightly on the heavy (metamorphic) significantly more radiogenic than those of the porphyry
side, hence a magmatic contribution to the mineralising copper type deposits of Chile. Whereas the initial 187Os/
brines cannot be ruled out. If the temperature of 188
Os ratios in pyrite from El Soldado is 3.95, in the Los
equilibration of calcite had been lower, say between 100 Bronces (Disputada) porphyry copper southeast of El
and 200 oC, then the participation of meteoric waters could Soldado (Figure 1) the pyrite has (187Os/188Os)i of 0.18
be invoked. (mantle ~0.12). Ruiz et al. (1997) suggest that black shales
are the one crustal reservoir (continental crust ~ 1.0) that
The 87Sr/86Sr ratios in calcite (which contain less than 60 could possibly account for the anomalously high (187Os/
ppm Rb) of 0.7041 to 0.7051 are similar to those of the Os), of El Soldado sulphides. These results are consistent
host basaltic rocks at the time of mineralization (eg. with the present interpretation that the diagenetic pyrite in
Munizaga et al., 1995), and different from values obtained El Soldado is related to petroleum (Wilson and Zentilli,
from marine carbonates in the Lo Prado Formation (0.7051- 1998); they say little about the source of the Cu deposited
0.7071; F. Munizaga, CMD internal report, 1992). These during the hydrothermal stage.

Figure 12: Generalized paragenesis for the El Soldado ore deposits. Temperature and time scales
approximate only. Dashed lines indicate high uncertainty. The most signifiucant minerals
are indicated in black. See text for discussion.
El Soldado, Chile - R. Boric et al. 179

Geochronology the basin, and probably represent growth faults, which were
later reactivated during Stage II. Permeability was provided
Table 3 summarises the state of knowledge of the age of by primary porosity such as columnar jointing, syn-volcanic
rocks and alteration/gangue minerals. The age of the host breccias, inter-particle spaces in coarse volcaniclastic rocks,
basalts and rhyodacites is based on marine fossils in the vesicular zones in basalts, and secondary fracture porosity
Lo Prado Formation, Berriasian to Hauterivian (Lower related to faults. The uppermost tuffaceous unit of the Lo
Cretaceous). According to the time scale of Okulitch Prado Formation acted as a relatively impervious cap for
(1999), the marine rocks were emplaced between 145 and the petroleum reservoir.
127 Ma. This is consistent with 126-138 Ma U/Pb dates
on zircon from a host rhyodacite dyke (L.Heaman in Boric, After petroleum solidified and fractured as it shrank, calcite
2002) and a 132±3 Ma 40Ar/39Ar in K-feldspar (Boric and crystallised in the open spaces. This calcite (as the carbon
Munizaga, 1994). A basalt dyke that may be a feeder to isotope data show) was in part generated by the oxidation
the Veta Negra Formation yielded a 40Ar/39Ar in K-feldspar of organic matter. The diagenetic stage must have
of 119±2Ma (Boric and Munizaga, 1994). Wilson (1998) developed between deposition of the volcanic host rocks
dated K-feldspar developed by alkali metasomatism in at ca. 130 Ma, and peak metamorphism, although calcite
rhyodacite with ages of 109-112 Ma, and K-feldspar precipitated after solidification of the bitumen, probably at
(adularia) veinlets in ore with ages between 101 and temperatures above 100oC, consistent with the minima for
106 Ma, with an average of 103±2 Ma, which we consider homogenisation temperatures of fluid inclusions (Table 2).
to be the age of Cu (Ag) mineralization. A similar age was
obtained by Boric and Munizaga (1994) on K-feldspar in During the diagenetic and metamorphic stages,
amygdules in basalt distal from ore at El Soldado. One redistribution of alkalis in the rhyodacites formed interstitial
fission track age in apatite of 88±18 Ma was reported from K-feldspar with argon dates of variable age, but averaging
a rhyodacite flow within the mine, interpreted to represent ca. 110 Ma (Table 3).
final cooling of the hydrothermal system to ca. 100oC During Stage II, temperatures peaked to 300-350oC,
(Wilson et al., submitted b). probably soon after intrusion of the Cretaceous Batholith,
In summary, the copper-silver mineralization was emplaced and the age of mineralization is probably close to
at least 20 Ma after the deposition of the host rocks, broadly 103±2 Ma, on the basis of the ages obtained in previous
coinciding with the emplacement of the Cretaceous and current work for adularia associated with copper
batholith and the peak of regional low-grade metamorphism sulphides (Wilson and Zentilli, 1999). This age is similar
as determined elsewhere in the basin (eg. Fuentes et al., to 40Ar/39Ar dates obtained by Fuentes et al. (2000) for
2001; Morata et al., 2001; Maksaev and Zentilli, this adularia and sericite in Veta Negra Formation lavas in the
volume). Chacana area, only 10 km south of El Soldado. Also, this
is the age obtained for alteration K-feldspar and sericite
associated with a dacitic porphyry at the La Isla Cu mine,
Evolution of the Deposit also in the Chacana area (Boric and Munizaga, 1994).
Apatite fission track dating suggests rapid cooling and
Figure 12 is a generalised summary of the evolution of El exhumation, such that by 90 Ma the rocks had cooled to
Soldado, taking into account the mineral paragenesis, fluid ca. 100oC (Wilson et al., submitted b) and were never
inclusion constraints, and the geochronology. The substantially reheated.
evolutionary model is significantly different from the
interpretation of Klohn et al. (1990). The deposit can be In addition to the age and duration of the ore-forming
best understood by distinguishing 2 phases: a first (Stage process no genetic model is complete without consideration
I) diagenetic stage of rock preparation and deposition of of the possible source(s) of fluids, metals, sulphur, gangue
low-temperature pyrite, probably related to petroleum constituents, of energy, the fluid transport mechanism and
migration, and a second (Stage II) hydrothermal phase (eg. the fluid focusing through the deposit, the conditions and
Wilson, 1998; Wilson and Zentilli, 1999). An intervening controls of precipitation in the ore deposit, and post-ore
metamorphic stage can be assumed, involving the burial modifications (eg. Zentilli et al., 1997; Boric, 2002).
of the sequence until the time of batholith emplacement.
The diagenetic pyrite precursor turns out to be a
During Stage I, burial must have been relatively rapid, fundamental prerequisite for mineralization at El Soldado.
since liquid petroleum was generated and migrated into Cu was preferentially precipitated where it could replace
the upper Lo Prado Formation, before tilting, implying oil- pyrite, and chalcopyrite and the subsequently replacing
window temperatures of >60oC in the underlying source sulphides (Figure 12) recycling the sulphur and
rocks (Wilson and Zentilli, 1999; Wilson, 2000). The incorporating it into their structure (Wilson et al., in
presence of petroleum as a liquid, and the formation of press a). Little sulphur appears to have been added during
framboidal pyrite with the assistance of bacteria (Wilson Cu mineralization. From isotopic studies we know the
et al., submitted a), suggest that the temperature was less sulphur was derived from low-temperature (probably
than 100oC. The source of oil was the dark shales of the bacterial) reduction of sulphate in the pore waters. Since
lower member of the Lo Prado Formation; it migrated Fe is not easily transported in oxidised waters (eg. Love,
upwards through extensional normal faults that must have 1967), Fe for the pyrite was most likely derived from the
been active during sedimentation and volcanism that filled reduced pore waters accompanying the petroleum in their
180 The Americas

rise through the basinal normal faults. This concept is acted as active carbon to destabilise the chloride complexes
totally consistent with the Re-Os data on (diagenetic) pyrite (Wilson and Zentilli, 1999), led to the progressive
(Ruiz et al., 1997). replacement of the pyrite by Cu sulphides. The replacement
The growth of specularite in the northern part of El Soldado, of pyrite by chalcopyrite only requires the addition of Cu,
locally associated with pyrite, seems to have preceded the but any further replacement by Cu leads to an excess of Fe,
introduction of Cu. Either this specularite represents which results in the co-precipitation of hematite (Figure
abundance of Fe in solution after bacterial reduction of 10C).
sulphate became ineffective by rising temperature, and As indicated above, after ore formation and batholith
precipitation near an oxidising front, or otherwise the first intrusion, the region underwent rapid cooling and
pulses of hydrothermal brines did not carry significant Cu, exhumation during inversion of the Cretaceous Basin. This
nor sulphur, to create sulphides. This part of the paragenesis interpretation is compatible with apatite fission track dates
remains doubtful. It is reminiscent, however, of an early of ca. 90 Ma at El Soldado, and 82-95 Ma at the Caleu
phase of specular hematite present in Punta del Cobre- Pluton revealing rapid denudation during the Late
Candelaria (eg. Ortiz et al., 1966; Marschik and Fontbote, Cretaceous (eg. Parada and Larrondo, 1999; Gana and
1996) and Mantos Blancos districts (Chavez 1985). Zentilli, 2000).
Sulphur was inherited wholesale from diagenetic pyrite Supergene oxidation is not insignificant, in particular in
during the hydrothermal stage, as indicated by the matching the upper levels of the mine near the surface, and in the
extremely wide range in sulphur isotopic ratios in pyrite proximity of open faults, such that mixed sulphide-oxide
and Cu sulphides. The source of the Cu is speculative, but ores are exploited by leaching. However, oxidation has
as forcefully put forward by Westra (1988) for El Soldado, led to a decrease in Cu grades rather than to supergene
by analogy with other low-grade metamorphic sequences enrichment. The lack of sufficient pyrite to generate
such as the Karmutsen volcanics in British Columbia sulphuric acid during oxidative weathering, the presence
(Lincoln, 1981), and the Keweenawan tholeiitic lavas of of reducing bitumen, and of abundant calcite to neutralise
northern Michigan (Jolly and Smith, 1972), it is most likely any acid formed, have worked against supergene
that the Cu was extracted during prograde low-grade enrichment (eg. Gonzalez and Holmgren, 1993).
metamorphism from the oxidised Veta Negra Formation
mafic and intermediate volcanics, volcaniclastics and
redbeds. Conclusions and Implications for
The salinity of fluid inclusions (21-26% NaCl equivalent) Exploration
indicates that the solutions that transported the Cu were The main controls of orebody development at El Soldado
high-salinity brines. The presence of chlorine has been are:
detected within the bitumen associated with high grade Cu
ores (Wilson, 1998; Wilson and Zentilli, 1999). Eh-pH 1. Pyrite and bitumen. Copper minerals replaced pre-
relationships allowing for the precipitation of chalcocite- existing pyrite, which developed within a degraded
covellite-hematite assemblages must have been highly petroleum reservoir, probably through the interaction
oxidising, and mildly acidic at ca. 300oC (eg. Lincoln, of sulphur reducing bacteria, at temperatures below
1981). The oxygen and carbon isotope data, the strontium 100oC (Wilson and Zentilli, 1999; Wilson et al., in
isotopes and the presence of atmospheric argon in the press a). Petroleum migration and pyrite growth
alteration and gangue K-feldspar (adularia) are compatible preceded tilting of the strata (Wilson and Zentilli, 1999;
with the fluids having been connate, in part meteoric waters Wilson et al., in press a). Therefore the locus for pyrite
within the subaerial volcanic Veta Negra Formation, in within the potential petroleum reservoir could extend
partial equilibrium with the rocks during prograde long distances down dip and to the east. Solid bitumen
metamorphism, which culminated with peak temperatures acted as a reductant for hydrothermal solutions and
during intrusion of the batholith. probably destabilised chloride complexes carrying Cu
(Wilson, 1998). Other palaeo-petroleum reservoirs
The energy source for fluid migration may have been the within the Cretaceous basin could be the locus of
tectonic tilting of the strata and the intrusion of the huge mineralization even if no pyrite was developed. As
Cretaceous batholith. Focusing was provided by the pointed out by Zentilli et al. (1997) interaction of
development of a brittle shear system parallel to the Andean hydrothermal solutions with petroleum source rocks
margin in response to oblique subduction (eg. Maksaev and (organic-rich Lo Prado Formation or any other),
Zentilli, this volume) generating transtensional regimes migrating hydrocarbons, or hydrocarbon reservoirs
such as the cymoid loop at El Soldado. The reactivation of could be good loci for sulphide precipitation. Petroleum
pre-existing normal faults and the resulting fracturing has had both physical roles, such as preserving pore
generated structural permeability in vertical zones thus spaces by preventing cementation, providing new
attracting and channelling large volumes of hot, Cu-rich porosity during shrinking to a solid, and because of its
brines into the more brittle lithologies of the Lo Prado negligible tensile and shear strength, enhancing
Formation, such as the rhyodacites, from the overlying Veta reactivation of bitumen-sealed faults (Zentilli et al.,
Negra Formation. 1997), as well as chemical roles, such as promoting
The access of Cu-rich, oxidised chloride brines to zones pyrite growth, and acting as a reductant to oxidising
with pyrite accompanied by still-reactive bitumen, which solutions.
El Soldado, Chile - R. Boric et al. 181

2. Structural Permeability. Early formed extensional • They are associated with transtensional domains in
faults controlled the migration of petroleum and brittle strike-slip shear systems.
localised the formation of the essential pyrite before • They have a similar paragenesis that starts with
and during petroleum migration. Later remobilisation specular hematite, followed by increasingly copper-
of these faults and development of a sinistral strike- rich sulphides.
slip regime with a transtensional zone (cymoid loop) • They are associated with strong Na and locally K
responding to a horizontal maximum principal stress alteration, clearly distinguishable from regional
σ1 oriented NNW-SSE. The best extensional structures metamorphic assemblages.
should have an orientation somewhat parallel to the • Their mineralization event is roughly coeval with
above, and the permeability zones formed should have emplacement of granitoid intrusives that are
a sub-vertical extension, parallel to the intermediate proximal (Punta del Cobre) or distal (El Soldado,
stress direction (eg. Sibson, 2001). Within this brittle Mantos Blancos).
regime, the most favourable rock types for ore are the • The importance of petroleum involvement, or the
brittle rhyodacites, and basaltic lavas of the upper generation of diagenetic pyrite as rock preparation
member of the Lo Prado Formation, whereas the more is important in El Soldado, but has not been
ductile tuffaceous units and fine-grained clastic associated with Mantos Blancos and Punta del
sediments are relatively less favourable (eg. Klohn et Cobre; possibly El Soldado is an anomaly.
al., 1990).

Other important conclusions are:

3. The trachyte of previous reports (eg. Klohn et al., 1990)
is in fact a metasomatised rhyodacite; the andesite is We thank the El Soldado CMD Management for
in fact basalt. There is no evidence of alkaline encouraging this publication and allowing the
magmatism in the El Soldado camp, and the rocks are comprehensive study, for which they provided logistic
calc-alkaline (Boric, 2002). The alteration of these support and many analyses. Funding came from Cuesta
rocks has given them characteristics of keratophyres Research Ltd., NSERC grants to MZ, and a Killam
and spilites. The same effects are recognised in the Fellowship to NSFW.
Punta del Cobre - Candelaria district (Marschik and
Fontboté, 1996).
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