Ash 1989 Paper Liswanite

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The document discusses the listwanite-lode gold association in British Columbia, including the tectonic setting and examples of such deposits. It also outlines aspects of the association that are being investigated in the Listwanite Project.

Listwanite is a mineralogical assemblage that results from the carbonatization of serpentinized ultramafic rocks. It is commonly associated with quartz-carbonate lode gold deposits. In British Columbia, it is found within and near major fault zones in ophiolitic and island arc terranes.

Aspects being investigated include the setting within tectonically dismembered ophiolitic assemblages, the age of alteration and mineralization using dating, relationships with intrusions using geochemistry, and the potential for platinum group element mineralization.


KEYWORDS: Economicgeology,listwanite,lodegold, mariposite,oceanicterrane,ophiolite, ultramafic,deposit model. associated with quartz-carbonate lodegold deposits.I Britm ish Columbia, as in the California Mol.her Lode de]x)sits, listwanites are most commonly recognized within and near major fault zones cutting Paleozoic and Mesozoic ocl:anic and island arc accretionay terranes that have been alkcted by tectonism, metamorphism and plutor~ism. The Listwanite Project was started in 1989 to investigate, document and develop a deposit model for the listwanitelode gold association in the Canadian (Cordillera. As3ects relevant to the development of such a modelbeing addressed during this study include:

Listwanite is a term long used by Soviet geologists working in the Ural goldfields of Russia (Goncharenko, 1970; Kuleshevich, 1984) that is now used in Europe and North America. It describes amineralogical assemblage that results from the carbonatization of serpentinized ultramafic rocks and represents a distinctive alteration suite is commonly that

Figure 3-2-1. Location map showing simplified terrane boundaries, major transcurrent faults, the Cache C:reek (CC), Slide Mountain (SM) and Bridge River (BR) terranes and the 1989 and proposed 1990 study areas.

Geological Fieldwork 1989, Paper 1990-1


The setting of these deposits within the framework of tectonically dismembered ophioliticassemblages, by combining detailed mapping, petrographic analysis. microprobe and geochemical studies. 0 The age of alteration and associated mineralization using K-Ar dating of mariposite. Relationshipsbetweenlistwaniticlodegoldand spatially associated alkaline intrusions will be investigated geochemically using both trace element and lead isotopic signatures. The potential of listwanitic alteration zones assites of hydrothermal platinum group element (PGE) mineralization will also be investigated geochemically. As most, if not all,known hydrothermal PGE+goId occurrences are associated with sulphides, sampling focused onsulphide-bearingquartz veins or gossanous zones, generallyin gabbroic and, more commonly, basaltic rocks. This report provides a brief overview of the tectonic setting and development of the listwanite-lode gold deposit type. BritishColumbiaexamplesarecomparedtodeposits described in the literature. The Atlin, Cassiar (Erickson) and Fort St. James areas innorthernBritish Columbia were investigatedduringthe 1989 fieldseason (Figure 3-2-11, Investigation of listwanite-associated lode gold deposits in southern British Columbia i s planned for the 1990 season. Results of detailed mapping in the Atlin area are reported elsewhere (Ash and Arksey, 1990a, this volume, 1990b).

definedSnowbird (CC)gold prospect (X-Cal Resources Limited)locatednear Fort St.James in centralBritish Columbia is also a typical listwanite-lode gold occurrence. Other examples of listwanite-related gold deposits within accreted oceanic terranes of North America are, most notably, themany deposits throughouttheCaliforniaMother Lodedistrict(forfurtherdiscussionsee:Knopf,1929; Biihlke and Kistler, 1986; Bohlke, 1989; Weir and Kerrick, 1987). The Mount Vernon deposit in northern Washington State (Gresens e r a / . , 1982) and ophiolite belts in the Dunnagezone of theAppalachianorogen in Newfoundland (Tuach et al., 1988) also display characteristic listwanitelode gold associations. Listwanite-related gold deposits are also present within accreted oceanic terranes in Saudi Arabia, Mali (West Africa). the Maritime Alps in northwest Italy, and Morocco (Buisson and Leblanc, 1985a. b). Somewhat similar and possiblyrelated gold deposits in the Juneau belt of southeast Alaska are also structurally controlled lodes within accreted oceanic assemblages. Goldfarb et a / . (1988) found that the mineralizing fluids of the Juneau belt are chemically similar toore-forming fluids in the Mother Lode devosits.

The dynamics of collisional orogenic belts like the Cordillera appear to play a fundamental role in the development of listwanite-associated lode gold deposits. Consumingplate margin tectonic processes instigate subduction, crustal thickening and partial melting which result in metamorphism and plutonism. The combinedeffects these processes provide a of number of mechanisms which may facilitate the generation of mineralizing fluids. Among these are deep seated magmatic activity, metamorphic dehydrationreactionsand deep circulation of meteoric waters (Bohlke and Kistler, 1986). Most importantly,brittle to ductile deformationgenerates fault zones which act as pathways for the altering and mineralizing fluids.Geochemicaldata suggest that the principal oreformingfluidsarederivedprimarilybymetamorphic dehydrationunderamphibolite-grademetamorphic conditions, with possible contributions frommeteoricormagmatic sources (see review in Kerrich, 1989). However, the source of both thefluidsandthegold is a topic of current debate. Nesbitt et a / . (1986) have suggested that mesothermal gold deposits throughout theCanadian Cordillera resultfrom deep circulationandevolution of meteoric water in structures associated with major transcurrent fault zones. Listwanite forms when fluids rich in carbon dioxide permeate and alter previously altered ultramafic rocks, usually serpentinite. Distinctive iron-magnesium carbonates and chromium mica (mariposite in North American terminology or fuchsite in Europe and Russia) are formed. The importance of the serpentinized ultramafic rock is that it acts as apreferential sinkforcarbondioxide from the migrating hydrothermal fluid. Carbonatization is represented by both the pervasive alterationandreplacement of the ultramafic rocks and by dolomite veining. Carbonate minerals which replace the ultramafic rocks form by hydrolysis of iron,magnesium, calcium and manganese silicates to carbonates in which wallrocksdonatethe bivalent metal cations (Kerrich. 1983). Sericitization as a result of


Listwanite-associatedlodegolddeposits with serpentinized and carbonatized ultramafic rocks are characteristic of tectonicallydisruptedophiolite sequences in accreted oceanic terranes. This tectonic settingproduces thrusting and stacking of units,favorablehostrocks(serpentinite),and regional-scalereverseandnormalfaults to channelfluid flow. Accreted oceanic terranes of Paleozoic to Mesozoic age, containing dismembered ophiolitepackages occur along the length of the Canadian Cordilleraandincludethe Cache Creek (CC), Slide Mountain (SM) and Bridge River (BR) terranes(Figure3-2-1).Theseterranescontainoceanic uppermost mantle, crustal sedimentary and rocks, most commonly withtectoniccontactrelationships (Monger et a / . , 1982). Ultramafic rocks, serpentinized varying to degrees,arerepresentedmainlybyresidualmantle harzburgite (defined in Ash and Arksey, 1990a. this volume). Oceanic crustal rocks are dominated by metabasalts and are commonly referred to as greenstones. Oceanic crustal plutonic rocks, including ultramafic cumulates, gabbro, diorite and trondhjemite, may be present but are generally minor constituents.Sedimentary unitsincludedeep-water cherts and argillites as well as shallow-water limestones. Some Cordilleran oceanic terranesare well known as gold producers, others are under-explored. Listwanitic alteration characterizes both the Bridge River (BR) camp the south, in the largest gold campin the province, and the active Cassiar (SM) andAtlin (CC)camps in the north.The recently

Brirish Columbia Geological Survey Branch

Yellowjacket prospect, ! kilometres t o the northea!w, is i dominated by pyrite, arsmopyrite and gersdorffite (Bozek, 1989). In contrast the Surprise showing. 7 kilometres lo the east, hasgalena as theonlysulphideidentified i n hand sample. Silvergenerallydisplaysacorrelationwithanomalous gold values, andwas an important byproduct at the Erickson and Taurus goldmines near Cassiar (SchroeterandPanteleyev, 1985). At the Smwbird gold prospect, antimcay is present in significant amounts as massive 1 to 4-cenli~netre grey stibnite lenses in white quartz-carbonate veins. Although cobalt and nickel mineralization has not been identified inBritish Cohmbia listwanites,theBon Azrer ophiolite in Morocco contains listwanite formed alongFaults marginal to a large serpentinite unit w t h quartz-carbonate lenseshostingcobalt-nlckelarsenidemineralizatwn. It represents a type of listwanitic cobalt-nickel deposit with accessory gold (Leblanc, 1986). A number of factors combine to sug,gest that Iistwanitic alteration zones may he a potential host for hydrothzrmal platinumgroup element(PGE) mineralization. PGEs are found primarily in mafic and ultramafic rocks. Analysis for this group of elements has historically been difficult and frequently inaccurate, especiallyat the low concentralions in MINERALIZATION rock samples. Present day analytical techniques have overThe generally accepted current hypothesis gold deposifor come this problem (Theyer, 1988). tion in and near listwanites invokes low-salinity hydrotherPGE concentrations occurring in hydrothermal coppt!r and mal fluids rich in carbondioxide which carry gold as a nickel sulphide ores h a w been reporte'd from a nunher 01 bisulphide complex, Au(HS), (Bohlke, 1989; Kerrich, localitiesincluding:NorthwesternOntario (Rowell and 1989). Edgar, 1986). Wyoming 1:McCallum et al., 1976) and South Various mechanisms recently reviewed by Kerrich (1989) Africa(Mihalik et a l . , 1974). Theyer(1988)hasrlxently reported anomalous platinum and palladium values in quartz have been proposed for theprecipitation of gold.These veins containing 1 to 2 per cent pyrite from northern Maninclude: itoba. Further, Mountainand Wood (1988) mad,e ther. fluctuations in fluid pressure in the seismic-aseismic transition zone promote carbon dioxide and hydrogen modynamic calculations on the solubil.ity of platinurl and palladium at temperatuxs up to 300C.They found tha! sulphideimmiscibilitywithattendantgold bisulphide and/or hydroxide complexing potential mechare deposition, anismsfortransport of thesemetah.Thuslistruinitereduction of themineralizingfluid by graphitic generatingfluids may be capable of transportingthest rocks, or elements. sulphideprecipitationpromotedbyiron-rich lithologies. DESCRIPTION IDENTIFICATION AND The second mechanism was suggested by Dussel(1986) to A clearly identifiable mineralogical alterationassentblage account forgold precipitation at theEricksonmine near after serpentinite consists of green chromium-bearing mici Cassiar, British Columbia. Buison Leblanc and (1985h, with quartz and carbonat,: veins in a recessive orange-lxowr 1987) suggest that acid gold-hearing solutionsprecipitate limonitic groundmass folmed by the wt:athering of iron-rict silica, pyrite, arsenides and gold when entering the reducing magnesite. and alkaline environment of the carhonatized rocks. Listwanite zonesform along majorfalults cutting or rnargi. In addition to gold, other metallic mineralization associnal to serpentinizedophinliteperidotites(Figure3-2-2) ated with thegoldshowings investigated includesvarious Alteration is characteristically most intensewithin and above types of sulphides (Fe, As, Pb, Cu, Zn, Ni, Co, Sb) comthe mineralizing structure where iron rnagnesiteinuuipositc monly with associated arsenides and tellurides. Metal types rocks are generally sheared and cut by networks of quartz. and abundances vary on both the deposit and regional scale. carbonateveins. The intensity of ca:bonatization of the Some deposits display a diversity of metals while others are serpentinized ultramafic rocks is zoned outward from thr selectively enriched in a specific metal or group of metals. faults, producing a distinctive alteration halo (Table 3-2-1) The Atlin gold camp illustrates this local variability. The Pictou prospect located 2 kilometres east of Atlin contains Listwanite alteration ;memblages are highly variable ir awide range of base metal sulphides, including galena, appearancedepending onthe relativeabundance of t h ~ . chalcopyrite,sphalerite,arsenopyrite,pyrargyrite alteration minerals and !.he distribution of different fabric. (Ag,ShS,) andgersdorffite (Fe,Ni)AsS,(Ballantyne, perproduced by inhomogeneous strain. Hydrothermally ilteret sonalcommunication)butsulphidemineralogyatthe serpentinites with minor quartz stringers and disseminate11 Geological Fieldwork 19x9, Paper 1990-1

potassium metasomatism is commonly reflected by the formation of mariposite in which the chrome is inherited from theultramafichostrock as it cannot be taken up by the carbonate (Boyle, 1979) Although the genetic significance of the ultramafic rocks remains a subject of debate, the spatial relationship between carbonatired ultramafic rocks and gold deposition appears to be consistent. Bohlke and Kistler (1986). Bohlke (1989) and Wittkopp, (1983) noted that mineralized quartz veins in the California Mother Lode deposits show a spatial association with serpentinite bodies and the largest concentrations of that free gold occur at or near the intersection of veins with the carbonatired ultramafic rocks. Pike (1976) has pointed out theassociation of carbonatizedultramaficvolcanicrocks with the Archeanquartz-carbonatelodegolddeposits of Northern Ontario. Lode gold showings throughout the Atlin region (Bloodgood et al., 1989; Rees, 1989) and deposits in the Erickson gold camp (Boronowski. 1988) display similar spatial relationships. Some authors argue that the ultramafic rocks are the source of thegold(Buissonand Leblanc, 1985a, b, 1987; Wittkopp, 1983) but this is far from being unaminously accepted.


TABLE 3-2-1





linears outlined on topographic maps or aerial photographs within or adjacent to exposures ultramafic rocks are sites of worth prospecting. The fact that the majority of ultramafic rockscontained in oceanicterranesaremantlederived implies that their contacts must be faulted. Therefore, margins of serpentinized ultramafic bodies are also potential sites of alteration and mineralization. Figure 3-2-2. Generalized listwanitic alteration model Linears definedby aeromagnetic lows in serpentinite may which invokes carhonatization of serpentinired ultramafic delineate zonesof carbonatization. Magnetite formed during rocks and the development of gold-bearing veins in and above thrust, normal andlor reverse faults (modified from Buisson the serpentinization of ultramafic rocks produces a strong and LeBlanc, 1985). magnetic signature. Carbonatization results in the destruction of magnetite, creating zones of reduced magnetic susceptibility.Theapplication of aeromagneticlowsasan maripositecommonlyrangefrommassivetomoderately exploration tool in delineating zones of carbonatization in deformed. Those containing high proportions of mariposite ultramafics hasbeen discussed by Gresens etal. (1982). This commonlyforma quartz-carbonate-mariposite schist. approach has been appliedby Homestake Mineral DevelopHowever, rocks may vary massive schistose from to to ment Company in the Atlin campand has proven successful brecciatedwithinthecompleterange of alteration (D. Marud, personal communication, 1989). assemblages present. Once a fossil hydrothermal'system has been identified the Commonly zones marginal to or containing small slivers explorationist must assess whether not the system contains or of carbonatized ultramafic rocks are lithologically heterogold. Various reported geochemical pathfinders associated geneous and represent tectonic melanges containing all or with listwanitic alteration systems and related to gold minersome portions of the oceanic assemblages described prein alization can aid this assessement and are summarized viously. Within these zones both alteration and deformation Table 3-2-2. Allauthorsindicatethatarsenicdisplaysa are inhomogeneously developed. Carbonatization is generconsistent correlation with gold, is typical of gold deposits as ally most intense in the more mafic lithologies. More masin general. Bozek (1989) found that arsenic and antimony sive rocks, for example volcanics, cherts and limestones, are showed the strongest correlation and widest dispersion halo oftenbrecciatedtine-grainedclasticsedimentsappearto in carbonatized serpentinite at both the Pictou and Yellowtake up a large part of the strain and are generally intensely jacket prospects near Atlin. sheared and may contain variably sized knockers more of the Alkalis also show a strong association with mineralization, massive lithologies. Many of these knockers are themselves potassium in particular often corresponds with abundance of brecciatedandrecemented by hydrothermalcarbonate, mariposite. Gresens et al. (1982) found that lithium showed providing evidence for multiple episodesof brecciation and the widest and most regular dispersion halo within listwanitic carbonatization. The Yellowjacket (Lefebure and Gunning, rocks at the Mount Vernon deposit in Washington and suggest 1988), Beavis (Bloodgood et a l . , 1989) and Mckee Creek a tentative correlation of highest lithium with highest gold showings in the Atlin area are representative examples of values. Both potassium and sodium also show enrichment listwaniticalterationassociatedwithtectonicmelange haloes but are erratic in their lateral distribution, which is assemblages. Fault zones at both the Erickson gold-silver attributed to localization in unevenly distributed vein minmine in Cassiar and the Snowbird gold prospect near Fort St. erals. AttheEricksongoldminenearCassiar,Sketchley James are defined by structural contact relationships between (1986)foundthat both bariumandpotassiumdisplaya metabasalts and argillaceous sediments. Slivers ultramafk of positive correlation with gold in carhonatized metabasaltic rock several metres to tens of metres in width are disconrocks. tinuously distributed along low-angle fault contacts and are Base metals, most commonly copper, lead and zinc, are highly sheared and schistose. also associated with listwanitic lode gold deposits, but tend to have a somewhat more erratic distribution. Such associaan EXPLORATION GUIDELINES tion may reflect the nature the environment in which these of The fundamental depositional control for this deposit type deposits form. Primary concentration of base metals (masis thelocalization of hydrothermalalterationsitesalong sive sulphides) is inherent in the process of oceanic crustal major fault zones within, marginal to, or containing ultraformation. Later, epigenetic mineralizing fluids channeled mafic rocks. As a first approach to exploration, prominent along major shear zones within oceanic the rocks may


British Columbia Geological Survey Branch

encounter primary base metal concentrations and become selectively enriched.

TABLE 1-1-1


Listwanite (carbouatized ultramafic rock) is a distinctive alteration assemblagecommonlyassociatedwithquartzcarbonate lodes that have the potential for high-grade gold mineralization. Known listwanitic lode gold deposits are: Structurally controlled epigenitic deposits. Characteristically found within accreted oceanic terranes and associated with ophiolitic ultramafic rocks that have been tectonically dismembered. 0 Generallyhigh-grade,low-tonnagedepositswith erratic distribution of gold. A model relating listwanite alteration and gold mineralization to the deformation history of their ophiolitic hostrocks throughout the Canadian Cordillera, will provide a useful guide to future exploration for mesothermal gold deposits, historicallythemostsignificantgoldproducers in the province (Barr, 1980).

The authors would like to extend their gratitude to Darcy Marud and Joanne Bozek of Homestake Mineral Development Company and Linda Dandy of Mark Management in the Atlin area, to Matt Ball and the staff of Total Energold Corporation at theEricksonMineandtoBrianGame of X-Cal Resources Ltd. at the Snowbird prospect, for their insightfuldiscussions,providingfieldvisitsandmaking maps data and readily available to us. Thisreporthas benefited from reviews Bill McMillan, Andre Panteleyev, by RonSmyth,MitchMihalynuk,JoAnneNelsonand MaryAnne Bloodgood.

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British Columbia Geological Survey Branch

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