Fact Sheet - Data Quality Assurance - Fs-06-08
Fact Sheet - Data Quality Assurance - Fs-06-08
Fact Sheet - Data Quality Assurance - Fs-06-08
MEASURE Evaluation is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development through Cooperative Agreement
GHA-A-00-08-00003-00 and is implemented by the Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill, in partnership with Futures Group International, ICF Macro, John Snow, Inc., Management Sciences for Health, and
Tulane University. FS-06-08 (9/10/09).
Figure 1. Framework
Framework for Improving
for Improving DataData Quality
Impoving data quality requires attention to the systems that produce the data and dimensions of the indicators that may be subject to data
quality challenges (such as double counting of individuals served and incorrectly counting those served directly and indirectly through
program interventions). Furthermore, data quality audits can help periodically assess the accuracy, reliability, comprehensiveness, timeliness,
and integrity of information reported through programs.
French and Spanish. The DQA was developed collab- national stakeholders’ workshop. MESST helps iden-
oratively with the global fund, World Health Organiza- tify strengths and weaknesses in an M&E system and
tion (WHO), the Joint United Nations Programme on facilitates the development of a system-strengthening
HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), and PEPFAR. work plan. Since 2007, MESST has been part of the
global fund’s performance-based funding mechanism
The RDQA is designed as a capacity-building and and is a prerequisite for mid-term funding evaluations.
self-assessment version of the DQA tool. The RDQA The global fund and PEPFAR collaborated with MEA-
enables national programs or donor-funded projects SURE Evaluation to develop this tool. MEASURE Evalu-
to evaluate their own data quality, improve the per- ation has also helped develop an enhanced version
formance of reporting, and prepare for data quality of MESST for UNAIDS, designed specifically for HIV/
audits. The RDQA facilitates the identification of prob- AIDS programs: 12 component M&E System Strength-
lem areas and the creation of M&E system strengthen- ening Assessment Tool.
ing action plans. The RDQA includes the Routine Data
Quality Assessment: Guidelines for Implementation These tools are available from the MEASURE Evalua-
and its Microsoft Excel template, a checklist and auto- tion Web site at:
mated dashboard to assist in interpreting assessment www.cpc.unc.edu/measure/tools/monitoring-evalua-
results. The RDQA is also available in French and Por- tion-systems/data-quality-assurance-tools
tuguese. Collaborating with MEASURE Evaluation in
developing the RDQA were the Office of the Global For more Information
AIDS Coordinator, PEPFAR, the global fund, and the David Boone
WHO. david_boone@jsi.com
MEASURE Evaluation
Monitoring and Evaluation Systems Strengthen- Carolina Population Center
ing Tool — The Monitoring and Evaluation Systems University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Strengthening Tool (MESST) is designed to evaluate 206 W. Franklin St., CB 8120
the components of an M&E system (e.g., an over- Chapel Hill, NC 27516
all M&E plan, data management capacity, and data 919-966-7482
reporting streams) through a facilitator-moderated www.cpc.edu/measure