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May 5, 2015
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June 3, 2015
Visual Gray Scale for Color Change Evaluation
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Flammability Requirements
for Military Textiles
By Dr Nicola Davies
While the need for flame resistant (FR) fabrics for military textiles has always been prevalent, with the rise of the use of Improvised
Explosive Devices (IEDs), the need for innovative and protective FR fabrics has become more urgent for militaries around the world.
But protection from fire is not the only challenge facing designers of military textiles.
One of the other heat-related factors that may be impacted by FR design choices is
the effect of the fabric on the wearer’s thermal signature, which refers to how
targetable the wearer will be through near-infrared detection technologies. Some
ways of advancing flame-resistance may simultaneously—positively or negatively—
affect infrared detectability.
Heat and flame—as well as ballistics—protection are not the only considerations in designing and specifying military uniforms and fabrics.
In an interview, researcher Aravin Periyasamy, of the Technical University of Liberec, emphasized, “Damage resistance, comfort,
sweat management . . . and the integration of high-tech materials into uniforms” as some of the key parameters for all military textiles.
“Flame-resistance” in relation to textiles for military use doesn’t just mean that the fabric resists catching fire. Some popular synthetics
such as nylon and polyester actually resist ignition and aren’t that easy to light on fire—but they tend to melt under intense heat, whether
a flame is present or not. The severe localized burns that result from the hot, sticky melting substance produced can have
grave consequences for a soldier in action.
The current state-of-the-art in FR military textiles includes:
❍ Cross-linked melamine polymers
❍ Other polymers
❍ Modacrylics specialty rayon fibers
❍ Chemically treated cotton and cotton blends
❍ Polybenzobisoxazole fibers
❍ Aramids (aromatic polyamides)
❍ Meta-aramids and FR viscose
❍ FR treated cotton
❍ Polybenzimidazole fibers
FR Testing
For military textiles, many countries may specify ISO (International Organization for Standardization), ASTM (American Society for
Testing and Materials), or ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standards for FR testing of their fabrics. For example, ASTM
D6413/D6413-13b, a vertical flame test for flame resistance of textiles, is cited in many military specifications.
Future Trends
One laboratory has reported that in a recent set of experiments, a 50/50 blend of wool
and aramid outperformed many current FR textiles in terms of strength-to-weight
ratio, durability, and comfort. The blend would also easily meet camouflage and
anti-infrared-detection standards.
Some of the keys to these results were: (a) coaxing longer staple lengths out of the wool by using a long-staple worsted spinning
system, and (b) removing the scales of the wool through the acid “superwash” process. Periyasamy envisions that going forward,
“Better results will come from nano-technology-based flame resistance.”
With greater accessibility of sophisticated near-infrared detection and targeting—and the many openings for improvements in
comfort, durability, and cost—there is a clear need for continued development of heat and flame resistance for military textiles.
NED University
Tahreem Beg is a textile major and maintains a 3.802 GPA. NED University AATCC Student Chapter advisors Muhammad
Dawood Husain and Fareha Asim say that Beg has performed well consistently. “She secured the
first position in three of eight semesters and an overall second position in her BE Textile Program,”
says Husain. In her second semester, she was awarded a merit scholarship by the university. “I acted
as an advisor of her final year engineering design project,” says Husain. “She performed very well in
the final presentation, exhibiting excellent ability to understand difficult concepts quickly and be able
to explain them. [She] has proved her mettle time and again with her academic excellence alongside
the various exposures to the corporate world.” Beg participated actively in all of the events organized
by the Textile department of NEDUET. She was also Deputy Head of Marketing for the AATCC
NED Student Chapter, helping to organize the Career Seminar 2014 and organizing the AATCC
Student Chapter’s participation at the First NED International Textile Conference (ITC).
Philadelphia University
Rebecca Flax is a textile design major with a 3.699 GPA. She will be continuing her studies at Philadelphia
University while pursuing a Master’s degree in textile design. Philadelphia University AATCC Student Chapter advisor
Janet Brady says “She is a talented student very worthy of this award.” Flax worked Open House events on campus,
routinely supports other students in the Textile Design studio by assisting with questions they have regarding computer
systems, equipment issues, etc., and tutored for both Dyeing and Finishing and Textile Production I classes for two
years. She was selected to represent the TD UG program at The Barnes Foundation, First Sundays “Textiles.” Flax
exhibited and presented her textile design work to interested museum attendees. She was also selected to exhibit her
textile design work at the PHS Philadelphia Flower Show in Spring 2014. A floral designer created an arrangement in
response to Flax’s textile work. Flax was selected to participate in a WITHIT conference, which is a group of women in
the textile and home fashions industries. She also won a scholarship to serve as a student assistant at the HGA
international conference Convergence 2014 in Providence RI.