Materi 13

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Future Trends in Enterprise

Course Overview
This chapter provides the author’s thoughts on future trends and
issues in the practice of enterprise architecture, based on readings
and observations during work on EA projects.
This is done to give the reader a sense of the issues that are
currently of interest to enterprise architects and organizations
considering EA programs.
These comments are also intended to help promote discussion in
each topic area as well as to encourage the adoption of a common
language for EA greater collaboration among those in this emerging
Course Objective
• Familiarize the reader with current issues in the practice of
• Stimulate discussion of EA issues.
• Provide a high-level view of where the practice of EA may be
Course Contents
• Introduction
• Private Industry Models of EA – Competitive Advantage
• EA is Essential to Mergers and Acquisitions
• IT Services/Resources Become Commodities - New EA
• Government Integration and EA
• Emerging EA Standards
Introduction … (1)
• EA is increasingly being used by corporations,
governments, non-profit groups, and academic
institutions in many nations.
• In the private sector, profit drives most planning and
decision-making, and EA is an optional activity.
• In the public sector, service delivery is the primary driver,
money is a use-or-lose resource, and EA may be an
activity mandated by law
• The following are some of the future trends :
• Corporations use EA for competitive advantage
• EA becomes an essential element in mergers and acquisitions
Introduction …(2)

• IT resources/services become commodities, forcing new EA

• Federal, State, and Local Government integration of EA
• National, regional, and global EA standards mature
• Military EA benefits grow, but so do vulnerabilities
• Academia grounds EA practices in social and management
• Universities increase EA teaching
• Professional EA certification grows
• The profession of EA matures - is recognized as a distinct
career path
Private Industry Models of EA –
Competitive Advantage
• Many large size businesses have technology architectures that
describe their IT systems, data flows, and network infrastructures
• They may not have enterprise architectures that incorporate strategy
and business
• Initial concepts of EA are fairly well known in the private sector , as is
the TOGAF, but full implementation of these ideas in businesses
remains uneven
• Mid-size and smaller businesses often forgo any ongoing IT systems
documentation and regard EA as too expensive to undertake and
• The problem with all of this is that these businesses, regardless of
size, cannot “see themselves” and therefore are less agile.
Private Industry Models of EA –
Competitive Advantage …(2)
• They cannot make consistently informed decisions on business and
technology that reflect an understanding of current capabilities and
future goals
• Businesses should realize that an updated EA repository is
invaluable in terms of increasing enterprise effectiveness
• EA also helps to mature the enterprise in terms of being able to
field technology solutions that are more aligned with strategic
goals, doing so in less time and with higher quality.
• Finally, EA helps to free a business from the proprietary solutions
of vendors
• By knowing its own current and future business and technology
requirements, and being able to map those to open standards, the
business has more leverage with commercial vendors to be able to
obtain solutions that meet the enterprise’s needs, not the vendor’s
EA is Essential to Mergers and
• One of the primary ways that large private sector companies continue
to grow is through mergers and acquisitions (M&A).
• Two critical success factors for M&A activities are the preliminary
analysis and post-agreement decisions
• EA can play a significant role in both of these activities – and the
greatest value is seen when a mature EA programs are present in both
• This is because a mature EA program provides extensive, consistent
visibility into all areas of the company through standardized
documentation and resource optimization
• A mature EA program should provide the documentation and scalable
views needed to do that assessment.
• Companies can survive without EA as long as they are not challenged
with mega-events such as mergers, acquisitions, major changes in
market conditions, etc
IT Services/Resources Become
Commodities - New EA Models
• IT is becoming ubiquitous and enables many more business
functions than it did a decade ago.
• The reliability and cost effectiveness of IT resources is
therefore essential to the viability of those business
• EA methods are one of the critical success factors for
ensuring that IT functions properly and in harmony with
the business operating environment.
• IT resources are strategic in nature and common
• Leading-edge IT resources such as web services and
manufacturing controls can provide an enterprise with
strategic competitive advantage
IT Services/Resources Become
Commodities - New EA Models ..(2)
• Front and back office automation systems can help an
enterprise to maintain cost-efficiency in LOB activities,
and increase communication effectiveness.
• How EA deals with these trends will be seen in
adjustments to documentation frameworks and
implementation methodologies
• Primarily was capability gaps in other previous EA
approaches that were created as IT advancements
occurred, or as issues such as security became more
Government Integration and EA

• EA on a global basis is emerging among governments and

multi-national corporations as agreements are reached an
IT resource connectivity and interoperability
• While the diversity of communications paths will not
diminish any time soon, the protocol for information
exchange is increasingly becoming the Internet
• The growth of Internet providers and participants will
continue to be significant
• This will accelerate the need for regional and global EA
programs among Internet service providers,
telecommunications carriers, and commercial product
Emerging EA Standards

• A standard nomenclature for EA frameworks that

incorporate business and technology functions continues to
emerge among and between the major standards enterprises
• Many of the rapidly developing object-oriented & component
technologies are being combined w/ new delivery concepts
based on web-services and related data standards
• There are a growing number of EA frameworks and
methodologies, and each one brings with it new terms or re-
definitions of old terms
Emerging EA Standards

• While this helps to mature the practice of EA, the lack of a standard
base of terminology allows for the continuing proliferation of
approaches and prevents meta-concepts from emerging, which
serves mainly to confuse enterprises that are implementing and/or
maintaining EA programs.
• Within the European Union, the UEML (Unified Enterprise Modeling
Language) has been developed by the CIMOSA Association along
with the CIMOSA Reference Architecture. In the past few years, the
terms and modeling concepts of the UEML have been accepted by
the European Commission
• However, this standard language for modeling has not been adopted
in the U.S., nor has it transcended to the level of EA
The Military’s Use of EA
• One of the most pressing considerations that the military has in using
EA is the vulnerabilities that a consolidation of capability and detailed
documentation present
• If the duplication in IT resource capabilities is completely eliminated,
then there will most likely be a reliance on fewer sources of IT
products and solutions.
• The potential to create “single points of failure” in systems and
applications is increased when duplication is totally eliminated. For
ex : if DOD were to totally rely on a single commercial operating
system, then security vulnerabilities become critical in terms of
potentially enabling hackers to take down large parts of the DOD
warfighting capability.
• For this reason, EA needs to promote a risk adjusted level of
interoperability and functional duplication, and the subsequent cost
inefficiency be viewed as acceptable in order to reduce IT
Academia’s Contribution to EA
• The trend with regard to EA in the academic sector continues to be
slow growth
• Universities are participating in standards bodies (e.g., IEEE, ISO, and
CEN), and development groups (e.g. the Object Modeling Group - OMG)
• However, the real contribution that academia should make to EA is
theory, and that is largely being ignored.
• The EA frameworks and modeling approaches that are in use in the
public and private sector were largely developed by government
groups and commercial practitioners
• In that EA is about the documentation of complex social enterprises
and how they use technology to improve performance, there are many
areas that academia can and should comment on
• This includes the ability of particular EA frameworks to capture
enterprise resources, requirements, performance gaps, and cultures
EA as a Profession / Certification
• EA is a profession that has levels of capability that will increasingly
be supported by training/education programs.
• It takes 15-20 years of experience to qualify a senior enterprise
architect, and up to 10 years to become proficient as a domain
architect for business process improvement, systems designs,
service-oriented architecture, data architecture, network
engineering, and security architecture
• The trend in EA certification is one of continuing growth as the
number of EA programs in business and government grows
• While academia needs to focus on developing EA-related theories,
courses, and case studies, professional training groups need to
provide EA Certification programs
EA as a Profession / Certification

• The training and certification of Chief Architects to lead EA

programs is essential for the advancement of the profession.
• Equally important is the training of other participants in the EA
process including data architects, network architects, solutions
architects, and IT program managers.
• A steady number of EA conferences and seminars are being
offered each year, and EA certification groups continue to grow
• Enterprise architecture is a growing professional discipline within the
larger practice areas of business management, public administration,
information management, and computer science
• EA is one of the three most powerful governance processes that a CXO
has to use in implementing change (the others are strategic planning
and capital planning)
• There is a need for EA frameworks that include and integrate strategic,
business, and technology planning, such as the one that is presented in
this book.
• Seeing goals, measures, processes, information flows, applications, and
networks as interchangeable components is a unique contribution that
the EA³ Cube Framework makes
• EA is the only management and technology discipline that has the
potential to create agility and resource optimization across an entire
Question & Answers

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