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Enterprise Architecture and Projects:

Maximizing EA Value for the Business

Gartner Symposium/ITxpo

Philip Allega

XX, 4-8,
Palais Des Festivals
ST France

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Enterprise Architecture and Projects: Maximizing EA Value for the Business

EA and Projects Oxymoron?

EA Is not Project Work
EA is supposed to focus beyond any
given project, between them, across
EA staff should be protected from getting
dragged into project specific work;
otherwise, no EA will get done.
All True, but
EA is aligned to projects, since projects
implement change EA is planning;
projects execute those plans.
EA must impact projects.


Many EA teams push back from project support or all project-centric work. Why? History teaches that getting
mired in project work is the easiest way to stop the EA perspective a perspective that should be across many
or all projects, not focused on just one project at a time. Time management of EA resources necessitates using
EA staff for nonproject work, and chief architects often look for ways to control the level of work they allocate
to projects. From the project team's perspective, adding EA is seen as slowing projects or increasing their cost.
Even though trying to stop spending all the time on projects is an important goal, the converse is also true: You
can't spend no time on projects with EA. This, too, leads to difficulty. EA seems withdrawn from day-to-day
activity, EA standards and guidelines get less support, projects initially spearheaded by EA wither with little
EA involvement and so on.
Neither too much nor too little project-centric EA will work. Enterprises need a balanced approach. So, how is
balance defined? How should project-centric work be structured in ways that don't overallocate or
underallocate EA resources? How does the enterprise make EA support projects, rather than hinder them? How
can EA contribute to project-centric value, the most concrete way to see any IT value from the business

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written permission of Gartner, Inc. or its affiliates. 2007 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Philip Allega
ESC19_859, 11/07, AE

Page 1

Enterprise Architecture and Projects: Maximizing EA Value for the Business

Key Issues
1. Link EA to project methodology consulting
and assurance functions.
2. Define EA models that are easy to use in
projects technical architecture examples.
3. Capture EA-centric project success stories
techniques and case studies.

In EA and EA projects, it's important to maximize EA value for the business.

Too often, EA is not used in projects or is deemed to slow them down or increase cost. However, EA can be
leveraged by projects in repeatable consistent and valuable ways. This requires process change, culture change
and new, project-centric architecture models.
These are the key issues we'll discuss:
Linking EA to project methodology consulting and assurance functions
Defining EA models that are easy to use in projects technical architecture examples
Capturing EA-centric project success stories techniques and case studies
It is also important to differentiate between EA and ETA, and their respective projects. The specific examples
presented will be ETA-centric (from a technology viewpoint), but they illustrate the general issues and
techniques that would be true for EBA (business viewpoint) or EIA (information viewpoint) perspectives as

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written permission of Gartner, Inc. or its affiliates. 2007 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Philip Allega
ESC19_859, 11/07, AE

Page 2

Enterprise Architecture and Projects: Maximizing EA Value for the Business

Key Issue: Link EA to project methodology consulting and assurance functions.
Tactical Guideline: IT investment choices should be evaluated throughout their life cycles using
critical questions drawn from portfolio management and EA assessment approaches.

Core Process Interfaces

Does the
investment meet
business case
decision criteria?

IT Portfolio

Is the investment
project meeting
cost, schedule
and performance?



Touch Point

Touch Point

Business Process
and Technical
Does the
investment align
with EA business,
information, and
technology views,
maps and

Infrastructure and
Interoperability Fit
Are testing,
migration and
sequencing as

Did the
provide expected

Touch Point

How are systems
and application
disposition planning

The highest level of EA to project links should be defined at the portfolio or enterprise program management
(EPM) level. EA should be supplying information to help judge all projects simultaneously, at the portfolio
level, rather than only one project at a time. IT portfolio management is about selecting and managing an
investment project and evaluating the expected benefit realization to the actual results. At each phase, key EA
input and assessment are essential. In the selection criteria for IT investments, business, performance and
technical reference models can be used to assess alignment with business and technical strategies, goals and
objectives. As specific projects go through their life cycles and are evaluated regularly for cost, schedule and
performance progress, testing for architecture fit, sequencing impact and project interdependencies can be
included. Finally, in post-investment reviews used in comprehensive IT portfolio management approaches,
actual project outcomes can be used to determine potential technical work and changes affecting the desired
targeted business and technical architectures (redevelopment, re-engineering, earlier phase-out and so on). Any
area of the EA framework can provide context for assessments either of single projects or whole portfolios.
Most organizations start with the technology architecture links, as the examples here do, but the greater value
may be in leveraging the business and information architecture as well as the EA requirements and principles
that assure greater business alignment. As any individual project does a business case, this EA content can be
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Philip Allega
ESC19_859, 11/07, AE

Page 3

Enterprise Architecture and Projects: Maximizing EA Value for the Business

Tactical Guideline: Find EA and portfolio management process synergies that can be used to
strengthen analyses and decisions in both management domains.

Specific Process Touchpoints

Portfolio Management Process
EA compliance/waiver incorporated into project approval process
EA provides foundation for as-is asset inventory expected by
portfolio management
Project selection and timing are evaluated against EA
sequencing and project interdependencies affecting success
EA weighs heavily into succession or disposition management
EA impact factored into post-investment reviews
EA-specific investment proposals evaluated
EA Process
ITPM should assess progress against EA plans
ITPM should validate inventory of active projects/programs
Executive and IT investment committees approve EA (endorsed
as a change management and transformation tool)
Accepted projects in portfolio should comply with business,
information, technical components of architecture through
life cycle and should show progress toward target architecture
EA investment work should demonstrate business impact
Non-EA-aligned projects flagged
Note reuse and shared application opportunities

Assess Enterprise


Enterprise Architecture

Solution Technology
Architecture Viewpoint


Key Issue: Link EA to project methodology consulting and assurance functions.

More generally, EA and IT portfolio management should not be completely separate activities, yet few
organizations have taken steps to integrate these processes with any significant degree of maturity. Enterprise
architects and staff seem to struggle constantly with getting nanotechnology executives and business process
owners to "live the plan" envisioned in the future-state architecture. Yet, with key process steps integrated, EA
and portfolio management can become strong allies and can strengthen IT governance weaknesses. But the
interface must be real and must bring with it mutual benefits to architects and portfolio managers. For example,
portfolio selection and review meetings should include enterprise architects for the architecture compatibility
component and to ensure that the future EA state is being applied in projects. Although the EA team may have
engaged business/program executives in designing the business architecture and reference models, the portfolio
management process is where more-constant, regular management activity occurs on IT projects. Thus, the
touchpoints between EA and portfolio management must be real and add value.

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Philip Allega
ESC19_859, 11/07, AE

Page 4

Enterprise Architecture and Projects: Maximizing EA Value for the Business

Key Issue: Define EA models that are easy to use in projects technical architecture

Basic EA Services Model

Define Guidance (Legislative Branch) = Creation/Define

Define/refine standards (EA creates bills for passing into law)

Research (proof of concept) or in use section
Manage portfolio (assets and projects also see program management)
Best practices: joint definition of portfolio contents, multiple models,
marketing, road maps (including initial EA driven project ideas)

Use Guidance (Executive Branch) = Consulting/Deliver

- Per-project design (EA involved at least in early design work)
- Test/prototype/pilot, then deploy (not EA task)
- Best practice: iterate from standard designs with review points
across constituencies and with customer, develop price/cost models

Govern to Guidance (Judicial Branch) = Compliance/Measure

- Judge if projects match guidance (EA oversight brings exceptions to light for
decisions of ARB or other governance functions)
- Crucial in larger, more-distributed organizations
- Best practice: make review part of design in process and by template

It is important to define an EA services model. As the slide suggests, a U.S. democratic model may illustrate
the required capabilities or services. However, other models also work.
Define one that includes creation, compliance, consulting, communication and research functions.
Separate the job of governing entities (leadership of IT, of the business) from EA staff functions EA
doesn't govern, leaders do.
Control the level of consultative or compliance or other project-centric work by defining separate staff if
you have the resources. But, do circulate your staff between functions don't leave certain people always
only on projects. If you have a smaller enterprise, then limit the modeling work by time. For example, one
client allocated Monday and Friday for EA creation activities, and left Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
for project-centric activity.
Action Item: Once you have an EA service model, communicate it well, and cement it with communicated
results of each kind of activity.

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Philip Allega
ESC19_859, 11/07, AE

Page 5

Enterprise Architecture and Projects: Maximizing EA Value for the Business

Example: Define EA Services for Projects

Project PM/SDLC

EA Services


and Principles


EA Models

EA Approval


EA Review


EA Training


Key Issue: Define EA models that are easy to use in projects technical architecture
Defining the links can be rather generic and high-level to start, but as you begin drawing the relationships,
things become complex, as this example illustrates. Nonetheless, start by defining basic EA capabilities or
activities or services, then get a simple view of the SDLC or PM methodology. Draw lines between these, with
labels associated with more-specific activities. As it becomes more complex, start with separate views.
This is, of course, the business and information architecture of EA solutions, ones with very little technology
unless you consider DOC, PPT and XLS files as technology. But these links eventually will be better
supported with EA tools, at least at the repository level (and providing easy project lookup of EA content, with
increasingly project-centric formatted views, such as the models defined in the next section), if not also at the
process management level (workflow systems and so on).

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Philip Allega
ESC19_859, 11/07, AE

Page 6

Enterprise Architecture and Projects: Maximizing EA Value for the Business

Example: ETA Integration to SDLC or PM






Compliance Consult
on Design
on Design




Confirm EA

EA Effectiveness
Case Study

At least three touches early, late, in between

Distinguish EA consult versus EA compliance
Define actions for each touch distinctly

Key Issue: Define EA models that are easy to use in projects technical architecture
No matter what the solution delivery life cycle (SDLC) or project management (PM) methodology, EA can and
should be mapped into specific steps to provide a variety of services. These services should be defined, and
they can be applied to various SDLCs, if needed in more federated organizations with different BU PMs. There
are at least two basic services to define outgoing consulting and incoming assurance, as illustrated above.
Beyond the simple idea that these basic processes should be linked, most organizations develop a much more
explicit definition of exactly how particular EA activities should be delivered during stages or at stage gates.
This way, the project manager (and the PMO/EPM function, more generally) can be planning for these
activities to occur. EA should have some examples of how these things should be done. We consistently
recommend doing "forensics" on an older project's documentation to show how new projects should use the
EA guidance more directly, such as exactly how certain forms would be filled out.

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Philip Allega
ESC19_859, 11/07, AE

Page 7

Enterprise Architecture and Projects: Maximizing EA Value for the Business

What Kinds of Projects?

Application Deployment
- Define all technology from all areas (technical domains) required for full
- Define how all pieces fit together
- Define how this combination repeats for multiple projects how it is
reusable as a model
- ETA model: technical pattern
Shared Infrastructure
- Define all technology from all areas (technical domains) required for full
- Define how all pieces fit together into a reusable system
- Define how this combination repeats for multiple projects how it is
reusable as an implemented service
- ETA model: technical service
New or Upgrade?
- Either way, leverage EA process: future state, current state, gap
analysis, migration plan

Key Issue: Define EA models that are easy to use in projects technical architecture
There are different kinds of projects to which EA guidance should be applied. Some can be application or
solution rollouts or updates (which implement business process and information change); others are
infrastructure changes these are increasingly about creating or updating shared infrastructure. EA models
must define DIRECTLY how EA guidance should be used in each kind of project. Don't stop with defining a
large list of possibilities (many products and technologies that could be useful and are approved by EA) this
makes projects do more work and allows them to combine parts in combinations contrary to EA guidelines.
Moreover, this EA parts standards approach does nothing to improve the reuse of shared services, particularly
infrastructure. Where is the list of shared infrastructure to reuse, as major systems, rather than just approved
parts? Can you tell what's available as a shared service? And, since the project will no longer be defining the
shared service (it's already built), what does the project need to know about that service? Certainly it will be
less about how that service is built the service provider view and more about what the interface is to the
service, as well as the service levels that can be expected from re-using it. To better leverage EA in projects,
model EA differently than traditional domain approaches; model for leverage directly in projects of both kinds.
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written permission of Gartner, Inc. or its affiliates. 2007 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Philip Allega
ESC19_859, 11/07, AE

Page 8

Enterprise Architecture and Projects: Maximizing EA Value for the Business

Example Technical Pattern: N-Tier

Transaction Pattern







- 3/N-Tier Transact pattern
- Bob Smith, architect
- Presentation, data access, and business logic
are all partitioned
Use Case
- Who anyone
- Where anywhere
- What transactional applications
Service-Level Matches
- Scalability (for example, more than 500 users)
- Changing presentation logic
- Integrating new sources/consumers into
- Speed of initial deployment
- Derive after first few projects


- SAP R/3, PeopleSoft v.8
- Stateless farm design (except DBMS)
- Multi-POI (Web and IVR)
Component and service manifest
- API: Package, designed, standard (EJB/J2EE)
- Presentation: Apache on Solaris
- Application server: BEA WebLogic
- Integration: Leverage EAI service
- Database: Oracle v8i
- Server HW/OS: Sun Solaris on SPARC
- Storage: EMC SAN
- Network: Leverage WAN service (need QOS
for service-level assurance)
- Security: Leverage ID service
- Management: Leverage operation services

Key Issue: Define EA models that are easy to use in projects technical architecture
What if you could walk into every application delivery project and budget planning meeting with a simple, yet
complete set of full standards that is well-documented, easy to use and specific to the project itself?
This is intended to represent only the basic content of a pattern standard. This is a conceptual-level design a
very short but reasonably evocative description of what standards apply to a common application set.
What's missing? What would you include in your standards?
Thumbnail Diagram Legend


Logical Processing


Resource Logic

App. Server

Business Logic

Presentation (Web) Server

Presentation Logic (Generation)

Client, Desktop

Presentation Logic (Rendering)

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Philip Allega
ESC19_859, 11/07, AE

Physical Device

Page 9

Enterprise Architecture and Projects: Maximizing EA Value for the Business

Starter Kit: Technical Patterns

Transact Patterns

Publish Patterns

Collaborate Patterns

1-Tier Transact

Client/Server Publish

Real-Time Collaborate

Screens and

Rows (SQL)



Web Publish



3/N-Tier Transact










Stream Publish



Documents, Files


Structured Collaborate

Audio Video



Store-and-Forward Collaborate



Rows (SQL)




2-Tier Transact

Text, Audio, Video


Documents, Files





Patterns capture experience and best practices for business/application

projects as designed for a particular end-to-end set of components or services.

Key Issue: Define EA models that are easy to use in projects technical architecture
"Starter" patterns are based on the knowledge and experience of users that have implemented similar patterns,
threads or blueprints to simplify application and infrastructure delivery. The categories are based on a key
characteristic how data is read, written and shared. A pattern links a set of applications to the assets that
depend on or support that set of applications. Certainly, an actual inventory linkage is necessary, but also
classifications by type (domain, pattern, service) will help create new understandings of the value of certain
infrastructure investments by showing the repetition and reuse of certain assets.
Thumbnail Diagram Legend


Logical Processing


Resource Logic

App. Server

Business Logic

Presentation (Web) Server

Presentation Logic (Generation)

Client, Desktop

Presentation Logic (Rendering)

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intended Gartner audience or other authorized recipients. This presentation may contain information that is confidential,
proprietary or otherwise legally protected, and it may not be further copied, distributed or publicly displayed without the express
written permission of Gartner, Inc. or its affiliates. 2007 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Philip Allega
ESC19_859, 11/07, AE

Physical Device

Page 10

Enterprise Architecture and Projects: Maximizing EA Value for the Business

Example Technical Service: Identity

Technical Service
- Identity infrastructure service
- Sally Jones, architect
- Providing user identity information (attributes),
including authentication credentials and
related SSO services; also offers Web URL
Use Case
- Direct use by application (LDAP)
- Indirect use via Web server (with attribute
passing in headers)
- Direct use by application (security APIs)
Service-Level Matches
- Scalability (for example, more than 500 users)
- Scale incrementally using replicas
- Direct application support
- Costs included must be TCO
- "Included" in e-business costs
- Installed since 2001 with all customer names
- Used by X, Y, Z applications now



- MSFT Active Directory (NOS file and print)
- MSFT Passport online service
- Simple authentication is usually enough
- Replication to scale (mostly read only)
Component and Service Manifest
- API: LDAP, Web server exits, proprietary
- Presentation: N/A
- Application server: N/A (see Web SSO)
- Integration: Metadirectory utilities
- Database: iPlanet Directory Server
- Server HW/OS: Sun Solaris on SPARC
- Storage: EMC SAN
- Network: NA
- Security: Netegrity SiteMinder Web SSO
- Management: Delegated admin.,

Key Issue: Define EA models that are easy to use in projects technical architecture
What if you could walk into every project and budget planning meeting with a simple, yet complete vision of
your shared infrastructure that is well-documented and easy to use?
This is intended to represent only the basic content of a technical service standard. This is a conceptual-level
design a very short but reasonably evocative description of what comprises a particular service and what it
can do.
A number of actual implementations of the same conceptual technical service could be made in this case,
one leveraging Active Directory and another based on an LDAP directory.
What's missing? What would you include in your standards?

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proprietary or otherwise legally protected, and it may not be further copied, distributed or publicly displayed without the express
written permission of Gartner, Inc. or its affiliates. 2007 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Philip Allega
ESC19_859, 11/07, AE

Page 11

Enterprise Architecture and Projects: Maximizing EA Value for the Business

Starter Kit: Technical Services




More Service-Based





















Key Issue: Define EA models that are easy to use in projects technical architecture examples.

Many models exist or can be designed. This is a starter kit, but one that has resonated with many clients.
Communication: The Internet, a worldwide, IP-based internetwork, is the universal standard. Many organizations split
this into LAN, WAN, remote access and other service options planned or paid for differently. Includes functions such
as IP, DNS and DHCP. Voice is another service, not depicted.
Presentation: HTML combines a standard Web browser, Web server and caches treated as a service. The application
generates HTML, and the HTML service renders it plus additional Web edge devices and services to improve service
levels, including HTTP caching, CDN services, ISP link bandwidth, various network load balancers, on-the-fly
device-specific compression, encryption services. Portal adds profile, personalization and portlet services to HTML
service. Device is presentation services for nonstandard browsers, mobile devices. Desktop has many locations; the
standards for infrastructure technology and help desk and applications are bundled into a service IT offerings.
Security: Identity: Authentication, user data (includes SSO, directory service). Isolation: DMZ, including firewall,
NAT. Permission: Access control, authorization.
Integration: Transactional: EAI, IEI. Analytic: ODS, DW, enterprise reporting. Content: WebDAV, ICE.
Storage: SAN, File System: NAS, NOS (file and print).
Database: Shared database server software on a shared platform or service (there can still be separate database tables
used by different applications).

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Philip Allega
ESC19_859, 11/07, AE

Page 12

Enterprise Architecture and Projects: Maximizing EA Value for the Business

Evolve Designs Iteratively ETA

Example: Project vs. EA Team Effort
Iteration 1: Conceptual
- Portfolio, thumbnail and conceptual-level
- Salient features only
- Simple diagram
- Key dependencies across domains

Iteration 2: Logical
- Logical diagram with all components
- Detailed architecture and technology
standards requirements

Iteration 3: Implementation

Iterative Evolution: Defining or

Refining Progressively More




Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3


EA Tea


- Physical diagram with counts and sizes

- Full product definition
- Detailed configuration options, including
cost models


and Services


Design of internal standards (even projects) is not a one-time event

Designs must be progressively enhanced via iterations/projects

Key Issue: Define EA models that are easy to use in projects technical architecture
These iterations (the names, the details of what is in which) can be altered, but whatever the list, it should be
consistent across multiple standards. Moreover, these three levels of work should match the levels of design
work required in each project. Thus, if the standards already are modeled in project deliverable style, using
them in projects will be easier. Project and enterprise architects will be thinking the same way.
The architectural process must add detail over time. Business-strategy-driven, trend-aware, principle-based,
joint planning processes between the business and IT cultivate consistent decision making up, down and across
the enterprise in forms that are iterative, spiral, evolutionary, just-enough, just-in-time, time-based and eventdriven. Modeling differs by area. Scope for ETA is mostly infrastructure. The purpose is to communicate to a
constituency. For level of detail, iterate to get more detail. A given model may need more than one packaging
by audience (customer vs. provider). Modeling increases these same characteristics, and models should be
maintained in a repository at least by description, owner and electronic link.
Action Item: Be sure to add detail, but don't jump into a never-ending detailed modeling exercise (analysis
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Philip Allega
ESC19_859, 11/07, AE

Page 13

Enterprise Architecture and Projects: Maximizing EA Value for the Business

Key Issue: Capture EA-centric project success stories techniques and case studies.

Best Practice 1: Easy EA Leverage

Make EA Content Easy to Leverage
- Use ETA technical pattern and technical
service models in addition to domains and
components (bricks)
- Provide automated, pattern-matching
function online to ask a few questions to
determine the right starter pattern (or
pattern set)
- Link to other project documentation that
has done similar things (for deeper

Clients report that reducing the amount of paperwork is a critical goal without this, projects complain that
EA slows things down. So, create models that align with the way projects view the world, not differently from
them make these project-centric or applied EA models be part of the EA.
The examples in the previous section defined an ETA-specific set of models for reuse, but this point applies
generally to all EA areas, no matter what framework you use. Still, use the concepts of conceptual, logical and
implementation-level detail (or abstraction) to separate the level of EA input into designs, particularly for
project delivery. EA should participate only at an early stage and most directly at a conceptual level but should
be leveraged later for some review and/or assurance activities.
Action Items: Providing examples of how these new, project documentation approaches work, even
forensically, for a first cut, can help get project teams oriented toward new structures for the project
documentation. Highlight how much simpler and faster documentation and approvals can be when the new
approaches are used.

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written permission of Gartner, Inc. or its affiliates. 2007 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Philip Allega
ESC19_859, 11/07, AE

Page 14

Enterprise Architecture and Projects: Maximizing EA Value for the Business

Best Practice 2: Link EA and Project

Express project design and EA
design guidance in similar
comparable models
- Formatting all project
documentation similarly makes
for easier EA assurance review
- Matching the project
documentation and EA
standards models makes
project leverage easier
- Example: technical pattern

EA Standards

Example Attributes
- Pattern chosen
- Standard (by component)
- Actual (chosen by project)
- Difference (yes/no)
- Justification for difference
- When/how returning to

Define easy forms for noting


Project Actuals

Key Issue: Capture EA-centric project success stories techniques and case studies.
One technique that specifically works to support the load of EA assurance review is to leverage the similar
structure of each project to the standards in a way that makes review simpler. The example attributes define,
for example, first the standard, then the actual answer. Furthermore, there is room to note visually if these are
the same it's easier to skim through and see what specific standard choices have been changed. Of course,
not all documentation can be this concise, but some levels of simplicity and easy review are certainly
appropriate. Continue to refine this, and conduct meetings where project staff can give feedback and make
improvement suggestions to EA for documentation issues and to the actual standards.
Another question that comes up often is about EA project questionnaires. For this, we advise separating the
questions that need answers at first-conceptual-level documentation, then asking more questions later. This
way, you can define and debate key issues early, without details cluttering up the discussion.
Action Items: EA and project documentation should match on first-level documentation. Separate the question
list up into chunks by PM stage they all can't be answered at the beginning anyway.

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Philip Allega
ESC19_859, 11/07, AE

Page 15

Enterprise Architecture and Projects: Maximizing EA Value for the Business

Best Practice 3: People, Not Just Paper

Ensure that someone will support
the project customers
Dedicate some proportion of EA
staff to project support from
simple, "how to leverage EA
content" to detailed "design
services" or "research" options
Ensure that others are not as
dedicated, and change roles
regularly to keep everyone happy
and up to date

Key Issue: Capture EA-centric project success stories techniques and case studies.
One mistake clients make is in keeping EA people too separated from projects. Smaller firms typically don't
have this problem, but larger ones do. The project people are very distinct from the EA team, and the two don't
seem to interact or talk much. The level of EA assurance review is provided as a process where, in some cases,
the people don't talk to each other but provide only written input and feedback. Although written feedback is
important, some level of human interaction generally is advised, even if it is more as a courtesy, or to explain
the written content.
One way to ensure personal contact is to dedicate staff (or staff hours) to the effort. Clients with separate
solution architects often take this approach. The selected individuals may be design consultants, and this is a
separate EA service to support with the human touch.
Action Item: The EA assurance function could use some human touch, so allocate roles accordingly.

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Philip Allega
ESC19_859, 11/07, AE

Page 16

Enterprise Architecture and Projects: Maximizing EA Value for the Business

Best Practice 4: Measure Business-Level

Project Outcomes
Allocate staff and time to EA-centric
project post-mortems
- PMs will not collect everything for you
- Prove EA was helpful to project
- Gather project-centric metrics associated with
all provided EA services

Do early (immediately post-project) but

also later (when some key EA-level
benefits are measurable)

Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA) is a very specialized case, given its size and scope. Other case studies
are increasingly available on the Web. However, you must create your own case studies of situations in which
your own EA has paid off in project success. You must create and collect your own metrics, then communicate
your successes. No one will do it for you. Also, some responses given to you as official approvals aren't as
helpful as you'd hoped. The Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) is a good example. With OMB oversight
and EA approvals via Exhibit 300 submissions, individual U.S. federal civilian organizations cleared a budget
approval hurdle, but there wasn't much that clients reported as helpful for their missions beyond this "mere"
budget approval. Thus, you can't just say, "We got a green light from OMB, so our EA is good." FEA's new
focus on "segment architectures" should help. Many internal stakeholders won't see or haven't seen value in
this. Just because OMB/GAO finally "passed" BEA v.3 (with caveats; see
www.gao.gov/new.items/d06658.pdf), EA wasn't really successful (better, yes, but not successful in many
stakeholders' eyes) until projects had been completed. Similarly, most stakeholders won't see value from
internal EA statistics or maturity assessments. They want results (projects), not just to hear that planning was

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Philip Allega
ESC19_859, 11/07, AE

Page 17

Enterprise Architecture and Projects: Maximizing EA Value for the Business

9 EA must work with projects, but not become a project office
- Define EA services that support projects
- Link EA services to SDLC/PM explicitly in more than one PM stage
- Control use of EA staff and resources to allocate to projects

9 EA must make projects more efficient

- Use more project-centric EA models to match project needs
- Structure project and EA guidance documentation similarly for easy
comparison and mutual understanding
- Provide people along with documentation to help projects

9 Projects must leverage EA

- Define specific stage gates in PM where EA approval or consultation is
required, and keep metrics for this
- Educate PM and other project staff on leveraging EA
- Connect EA content to EPM-level control over projects

9 EA must define value in project outcomes

- Define specific PM stages where EA consulting defines project value report
- Allocate staff and time to collect and market successes

Key Issue: Capture EA-centric project success stories techniques and case studies.
By following these best practices and approaches, EA teams can make projects leverage EA more effectively
and efficiently for their own project's success as well as for the success of the EA. Ensuring that projects
don't trip over EA's involvement in them is key.
However, for the business, none of this matters unless the projects are successful on their own individual
merits and for the overall value to the enterprise. EA linkages to business drivers can help ensure greater
business strategic alignment.
Action Items: Leverage common requirements vision content for this at a project portfolio level, but also
introduce this leverage in each individual project's business case work. Capture short-term and long-term
project results to ensure that change is EA-driven and valuable to the enterprise overall.

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Philip Allega
ESC19_859, 11/07, AE

Page 18

Enterprise Architecture and Projects: Maximizing EA Value for the Business

Business Imperative Action Plan

Today or "Monday Morning"
- Discover and document current SDLC/PM model
- Develop EA services model
Near Future or "The Next 12 Months"
- Develop new, project-centric EA models
- Define clear, multiple-stage links between EA and SDLC/PM
- Define EA-aligned documentation structures for projects
- Document and communicate case examples of new processes
- Make sure EA-value-centric project reports are generated
Long Term or "On the Radar Screen"
- Continue to monitor and report on EA-supported project success
- Continue to rotate EA staff into and out of project-centric activities

These EA best practices enable projects to be more EA-centric and EA to be more project-centric. For the
business, this should lead to more business-strategy-aligned project outcomes, with specific business case
results per project, as well as overall for the project portfolio. If EA can show its contribution, then it can be
EA must capture these benefits on a per-project level, with specific efforts to measure, report and communicate
results. With this effort, EA's value can be shown. Without project success, EA is just planning with no
successful execution thus, not very helpful. With project success, EA is valuable as long as the projects
are good from an EA-centric and (thru the EA) a business-strategy-centric change view. This is the ultimate
reward for EA and project integration for the business successful business project outcomes.

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Philip Allega
ESC19_859, 11/07, AE

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