Sun-Mcdonough 1989
Sun-Mcdonough 1989
Sun-Mcdonough 1989
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SUMMARY: Trace-element data for mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) and ocean
island basalts (OIB) are used to formulate chemical systematics for oceanic basalts. The
data suggest that the order of trace-element incompatibility in oceanic basalts is Cs ~ Rb
(-~ Tl) = Ba(= W) > Th > U ~ Nb = Ta ~ K > La > Ce = Pb > Pr ( ~ Mo) ~- Sr >
P --~ Nd (> F) > Zr = Hf = Sm > Eu ~ Sn ( ~ Sb) ~ Ti > Dy ~ (Li) > Ho = Y > Yb.
This rule works in general and suggests that the overall fractionation processes operating
during magma generation and evolution are relatively simple, involving no significant
change in the environment of formation for MORBs and OIBs.
In detail, minor differences in element ratios correlate with the isotopic characteristics
of different types of OIB components (HIMU, EM, MORB). These systematics are
interpreted in terms of partial-melting conditions, variations in residual mineralogy,
involvement of subducted sediment, recycling of oceanic lithosphere and processes
within the low velocity zone. Niobium data indicate that the mantle sources of MORB
and OIB are not exact complementary reservoirs to the continental crust. Subduction of
oceanic crust or separation of refractory eclogite material from the former oceanic crust
into the lower mantle appears to be required. The negative europium anomalies observed
in some EM-type OIBs and the systematics of their key element ratios suggest the
addition of a small amount (~<1% or less) of subducted sediment to their mantle sources.
However, a general lack of a crustal signature in OIBs indicates that sediment recycling
has not been an important process in the convecting mantle, at least not in more recent
times (~<2 Ga). Upward migration of silica-undersaturated melts from the low velocity
zone can generate an enriched reservoir in the continental and oceanic lithospheric
mantle. We propose that the HIMU type (eg St Helena) OIB component can be
generated in this way. This enriched mantle can be re-introduced into the convective
mantle by thermal erosion of the continental lithosphere and by the recycling of the
enriched oceanic lithosphere back into the mantle.
That much good ensues and that the science is greatly advanced by the
collision of various theories cannot be doubted. Each party is anxious to
support opinions by facts. Thus, new countries are explored and old districts re-
examined; facts come to light that do not suit either party; new theories spring
up; and in the end, a greater insight into the real structure of the earth's surface
is obtained.
Henry Thomas De l~t Beche (1830)
From SAUNDERS,A. D. & NORRY,M. J. (eds), 1989, Magmatism in the Ocean Basins, 313
Geological Society Special Publication No. 42, pp. 313-345.
314 S.-s. Sun & W. F. McDonough
and dynamic processes which have operated in contribute to the geochemical and isotopic evol-
the past and today within the Earth's mantle. ution of mantle reservoirs. The nature of mantle
To achieve this it is necessary to delineate the convection processes through time (whole
major issues, which requires the integration of mantle or layered mantle) is critical to our
data derived from different branches of Earth understanding of the chemical and thermal evol-
sciences. We need to do the following. ution of the Earth.
The term 'reservoir' is used here in a general
(1) Undertake complete chemical and isotopic sense to refer to a part of the mantle which has
characterization of the Earth's primitive a particular regional chemical and isotopic com-
mantle (the silicate sphere of the Earth) position, whereas the term 'component' specific-
and understand the timing and processes ally refers to a reservoir (or many reservoirs) in
involved in core growth, and related mantle the mantle with an isotopically distinctive com-
differentiation. position (eg H I M U , EM, MORB). This use of
(2) Characterize the behaviour of elements the term 'component' is similar to that in Zindler
and the melting and extraction processes
& Hart (1986).
involved during magma genesis within dif- In essence each mantle reservoir carries an
ferent tectonic environments. identifiable chemistry and isotopic fingerprint
(3) Delineate the processes responsible for of the specific processes and environments which
development of ocean island basalt (OIB) have acted upon it. These compositional finger-
source characteristics. prints reflect the responses to such factors as
(4) Document the secular variations of element partial melting under different P - T - X ( C 0 2 ,
abundances and their ratios in the mantle in water rich, melts or fluids) conditions, sediment
order to understand mantle differentiation subduction, and recycling of oceanic crust and
processes involved in crust formation. asthenosphere through the subduction zone en-
(5) Firmly establish the extent of crustal re-
cycling in the mantle and document its ef-
fects on the chemical and isotopic evolution
of the mantle. Mantle differentiation processes through time
(6) Establish whether the chemical and isotopic Our understanding of mantle differentiation as-
characteristics shared between mid-ocean sociated with the Earth's accretion, core for-
ridge basalts (MORBs) and OIBs reflect a mation and the early history of mantle-crust
complementary relationship with the con- fractionation relies upon chemical and isotopic
tinental crust.
studies of Archaean to modern volcanic rocks
(7) Clarify the geometric and dynamic re- and other planetary bodies, petrological and
lationship between the different mantle res- chemical experiments carried out under high-
ervoirs, and evaluate dynamic processes temperature and high-pressure conditions, and
involved in the genesis and evolution of numerical modelling of the thermal evolution of
these reservoirs.
the Earth.
(8) Determine the survival time of chemical
Even if some thermal models favour the pres-
and isotopic heterogeneities in the conti- ence of upper and lower mantle convection cells
nental lithosphere and in the underlying at present (eg Richter 1985), there is no obvious
convecting mantle. reason to argue against whole-mantle convec-
(9) Determine the fate of subducted oceanic tion during the early history of the Earth. It is
lithosphere: is it simply recycled and re- generally assumed that the early Earth's mantle
sorbed back into the upper mantle, or is temperature was higher (eg 2000 ~ surface
part of it transported into the lower mantle
potential temperature) (Richter 1985), which
during mantle differentiation processes? would favour vigorous, and probably chaotic,
whole-mantle convection with possible large-
scale mantle melting. Consequently, it is very
likely that the lower mantle would have been
Forward modelling of mantle involved in the formation of the earliest enriched
lithosphere, resulting in an incompatible-
differentiation and crustal element-depleted character, ie a non-primitive
formation fractionated lower mantle. At the same time,
dense early-formed severely hydrothermally al-
The combined processes of plate tectonics, tered mafic to ultramafic crust and lithospheric
mantle convection, magma generaton, crustal mantle may well have been rapidly recycled
recycling and upper and lower mantle exchange back into the convective mantle by meteorite
Chemical and isotopic systematics o f oceanic basalts 3I 5
bombardment and lithosphere subduction. Vig- arc basalts (eg Saunders et al. 1980). Recycling
orous convection in the early Earth's mantle of this mantle wedge or the overlying lithosphere
would quickly stretch and mix this oceanic litho- could introduce subduction-zone-related chemi-
sphere with the convective mantle. Some of this cal and isotopic characteristics into the convec-
lithosphere may have been subducted into the ting asthenosphere. For example, the recycled
lower mantle. The magnitude of these activities oceanic crust might show a positive niobium
decreased as the Earth's heat engine slowed anomaly relative to lanthanum (ie La/Nb > 0.95
down. Two-layer mantle convection may have (the chondritic ratio), but La/Sm < chondrite).
eventually been initiated as a result of a density The upward migration of highly incompat-
barrier imposed by temperature-dependent ible-element-enriched CO2-rich melts from the
phase transformation at 670 km (eg Sawamoto low velocity zone (LVZ) beneath the continen-
1987) or cumulation of refractory subducted tal and oceanic lithosphere (eg kimberlites, car-
lithosphere at the base of the upper mantle bonatites, nephelinites) can be a continuous or
(Ringwood & Irifune 1988). However, it is poss- episodic process responsible for local enrich-
ible that whole-mantle convection has continued ments of incompatible trace elements (eg Green
throughout Earth's history (Gurnis & Davies 1971). Although such enrichment processes
1986). should not be limited to the Archaean and early
If the mantle differentiation scheme discussed Proterozoic, the more vigorous melting possible
above is realistic then the high 3He/4He ratios in the Precambrian mantle would promote such
(1> 20 x atmospheric) observed in some enrichment processes. This type of enrichment
OIBs do not indicate an origin from a primordial can be superimposed upon earlier enrichment
unfractionated lower mantle. These ratios may events related to subduction zone processes.
instead result from the cooling of the outer Such enriched lithospheric mantle commonly
core. Similarly, the 129Xe anomaly observed in has a refractory major-element composition,
some MORB samples (All/~gre et al. 1987) is reflecting residual products of earlier melting
unlikely to result from the early (4.4 Ga) separ- event(s) (eg Frey & Green 1974).
ation of the upper mantle from the lower mantle. Recycling of the continental lithosphere by
The stabilization of the Archaean continental delamination (McKenzie & O'Nions 1983) or
crust was accompanied by the formation of thermal erosion, and the subduction of oceanic
thick refractory harzburgitic lithosphere. This lithosphere (Hofmann & White 1982; Ringwood
subjacent mantle formed as a residual product 1982), introduce compositionally dis-
of mantle melting. Occurrences of diamonds of tinctive sources into the convecting mantle. Such
Archaean age from kimberlite pipes from the material could be preserved as coherent entities
Kaapvaal craton, South Africa (Kramers 1977; through billions of years of convection. Thermal
Richardson et al. 1984), suggest the early exist- reactivation of enriched ancient continental
ence of Archaean continental lithosphere up to lithosphere by plume activity or rifting may also
about 200 km thick. Such lithosphere could play an important role in the generation of
have been developed through underplating of some continental basalts. Additionally, it may
residual mantle related to intraplate magmatic also cause thermal erosion of the continental
activity and/or depletion of the mantle wedge lithosphere and incorporate it into the convec-
above a subduction zone. ting mantle.
Studies of modern island arc basalts suggest There are different opinions regarding the
that subduction of the oceanic lithosphere, with fate of the subducted oceanic lithosphere. It
or without associated sediment, can continu- could have been continuously stretched and
ously modify the chemical, isotopic and miner- eventually well mixed back into the convective
alogical composition of the overlying mantle upper mantle (eg All~gre & Turcotte 1986).
wedge. The release of fluids and hydrous silicate Alternatively, because of the density barrier at
melts from the down-going altered oceanic crust 670 km caused by phase transformations, the
can result in the enrichment of incompatible subducted oceanic crust and refractory harzbur-
elements in the mantle wedge above the sub- gite lithosphere beneath it may buckle and ac-
duction zone. Stabilization of phlogopite in the cumulate at the base of the upper mantle and
mantle wedge provides a site for the introduced form a boundary layer (eg Ringwood 1982;
alkalis and barium (eg Wyllie & Sekine 1982) Ringwood & Irifune 1988). However, sub-
and it has been suggested that the formation of duction of the oceanic lithosphere into the lower
titanate minerals (such as sphene and rutile) in mantle appears to be indicated by geophysical
the subducted slab may have played an import- observations (Creager & Jordan 1984). In
ant role in the depletion of high field strength Ringwood's model, the megalith accumulates at
elements (eg titanium, niobium, tantalum) in the base of the upper mantle and warms up
316 S.-s. Sun & W . F . McDonough
after some hundreds of millions of years. Partial 1975a, b; Hanson 1977; Zindler et al. 1984). Fi-
melts of the former oceanic crust may fertilize nally, mixing of a diapiric plume with the asthen-
the surrounding refractory harzburgite, while osphere and/or lithosphere through which it
denser residues of former oceanic crust may passes can be reflected in the erupted basalts.
sink into the lower mantle. Once thermally Hot and dense tholeiitic and picritic magmas
equilibrated, the harzburgite becomes intrinsic- may interact extensively with the lithosphere
ally lighter than the surrounding and overlying and crust to induce further melting. In contrast,
mantle and ascends. These refractory peridotite owing to their volatile-rich character, alkali ba-
diapirs are considered to give birth to mantle salts rise rapidly to the Earth's surface, often
plumes or blobs that are enriched in incompat- carrying mantle xenoliths, and generally escape
ible elements due to equilibration with residual significant crustal contamination.
garnetite minerals, which are stable at depths of
400-600 km (Ringwood 1982).
the trace-element abundances of the primitive of mineral/melt Kd for these elements during
mantle composition. This type of plot, estab- oceanic basalt genesis is the presence of residual
lished by Sun et al. (1979), has been called a clinopyroxene and garnet (Fujimaki et al. 1984;
'spidergram' by Thompson et al. (1983) and an Jochum et al. 1986; Watson et al. 1987).
'extended Coryell-Masuda diagram' by On the basis of these chemical systematics,
Hofmann et al. (1986). We prefer that the diag- when accurate analytical data are available for
ram be called a mantle normalizing diagram. only a few critical trace elements (eg Y, Ti, Zr,
This method of normalization is similar to the Sr, P, Nb, K, Rb), the concentrations of other
practice of chondrite normalization for the rare elements on this plot can be estimated quite
earth elements. However, as Newsom et al. accurately. In this respect it is somewhat sur-
(1986) and Hofmann et al. (1986) have pointed prising to observe that phosphorus and neo-
out, there are potential problems in such nor- dymium behave very similarly during MORB
malization plots if the relative incompatibility and OIB genesis (P/Nd = 74+ 13) (McDonough
of elements changes with time. They found that et al. 1985), since these elements substitute into
the Ce/Pb and Nb/U ratios observed in OIB and different crystal sites (phosphorus substitutes
MORB are nearly constant, 25+5 and 47+10 for silicon whereas neodymiun substitutes for
respectively, but quite different from the primi- calcium). Additionally, it is suggested that large
tive silicate mantle ratios (9 and 30), indicating deviations from Nb/Ta = 17 and Zr/Hf = 36 in
that processes operating in the early history of MORB and OIB are most probably due to
the Earth (~> 2 Ga) caused fractionation analytical errors or contamination of niobium
of cerium from lead and niobium from and tantalum from the tungsten carbide mill
uranium. Rubidium and caesium show a similar during sample preparation. Fractionation of
behaviour. Oceanic basalts have nearly constant Nb/Ta in island arc basalts due to residual
Rb/Cs ratios of about 80, which is distinct from titanates during magma generation is possible,
the primitive mantle value of 20+10 but reliable data are needed to evaluate this
(McDonough et al. 1987). Taking these obser- possibility.
vations into account we have calculated the Neodymium and hafnium isotope studies of
normalizing mantle values for lead (used in Fig. mantle-derived volcanic rocks indicate that
1 and other figures of this paper) on the basis of there is a consistent behaviour between S m - N d
a Ce/Pb ratio of 25 and for caesium on the basis and L u - H f throughout geological time
of an Rb/Cs ratio of 80. The primitive mantle (Patchett 1983). Since Sr -~ Pr, Pb ~ Ce and Hf
values used here are given in Table 1, with the Sm on the mantle-normalized plot (Fig. 1)
element concentrations in C1 carbonaceous and samarium, praseodymium and cerium are
chondrites and the three different types of close to neodymium, the mixing of different
oceanic basalts shown for comparison. mantle components for MORB and OIB (with
Figure 1 presents the primitive-mantle- different mantle-normalized patterns) is ex-
normalized patterns (except for Cs and Pb) for pected to generate linear trends in plots of
typical N-type and E-type MORB and an oceanic isotope ratios, eg 143 Nd/ 144 Nd versus 87Sr/86Sr,
alkali basalt (OIB) with 87Sr/86Sr ~ 0.7035. The Nd/--144 Nd versus 176Hf/ 177 Hf and 875r/86Sr
data suggest that the order of trace-element versus 2~176 The isotope data in the
incompatibility in oceanic basalts is Cs = Rb literature are consistent with this (eg Zindler
(~ T1) ~ Ba (-~W) > Th > U ~ Nb = Ta ~ K et al. 1982; White 1985).
> La > Ce ~ Pb > Pr ( ~ Mo) = Sr > P = Nd The chemical regularities observed in basalts
(>F)>Zr=Hf~Sm>Eu~Sn(~Sb) can be used to obtain information on the com-
Ti> Dy ~ (Li) > Ho = Y > Yb. This order is position of the source and the processes and
mainly based upon the depletion pattern of N- mineralogy involved in magma generation. The
type MORB and the systematics of concentration relatively constant but low concentrations of
ratios observed in E-type MORB and OIB (Sun potassium, coupled with high concentrations of
& Hanson 1975a, 1976; Sun & Nesbitt 1977; niobium and lanthanum in some highly under-
Sun et al. 1979; Sun 1980; Hofmann et al. 1986; saturated alkali basalts, kimberlites and car-
Newsom et al. 1986; Ryan & Langmuir 1987). bonatites, suggests that potassium in the melts
The relative incompatibilities of these elements could be buffered by residual amphibole,
appear constant within oceanic basalts suggesting phlogopite and clinopyroxene (under very high
that the fractionation processes are simple and pressure) during source enrichment processes
involve no drastic change in elemental behaviour. and/or magma generation (eg Sun & Hanson
The systematic behaviour of some elements, eg 1975a; Clague & Frey 1982). Such residual
Nb-Ta, Sr-Pr, Z r - H f - Sm, T i - E u 3+, potassium-bearing minerals could also cause
C e - P b , N b - U , indicate that the main control depletions of rubidium, caesium, and barium in
318 S.-s. Sun & W. F. McDonough
TABLE 1. Element concentrations (ppm) in C1 chondrite, primitive mantle, N-type MORB, E-type
MORB and ocean island basalts (OIB)
a The compositions of C1 chondrite and primitive mantle are from McDonough & Sun (in prep.)
Values for N-type and E-type MORB and OIB are based on a literature survey and internal consistency of
elemental ratios.
b For mantle-normalized diagrams, the recommended normalizing values for lead and caesium are 0.071 and
0.0079, respectively.
these magmas relative to their neighbouring initial small degrees of mantle melting or during
elements on a mantle normalizing diagram. De- a metasomatic enrichment of the source region.
creasing ratios of Ba/Nb, K/Nb, Rb/Nb, Cs/Nb If phlogopite is indeed the mineral holding back
and Rb/Sr with increasing lanthanum and nio- potassium, rubidium, and caesium in the source
bium abundances are c o m m o n in alkali basalts, regions of silica-undersaturated nephelinites,
nephelinites and kimberlites, whereas tholeiites non-micaceous kimberlites and melilitites (Sun
commonly do not show such relative depletions. & Hanson 1975a, b; Clague & Frey 1982), then
This suggests that phlogopite does not play a the near constant Ba/Rb (~12) and Rb/Cs (~80)
role during tholeiitic magma generation. More- ratios observed in most OIBs requires that
over, since phlogopite is not an early liquidus barium and caesium have similar phlogopite/
mineral in most silica-undersaturated basaltic melt Kd values relative to rubidium (Philpotts
magmas, it acts as a residual phase during the & Schnetzler 1970; K u e h n e r et al. 1981) or that
Chemical and isotopic systematics of oceanic basalts 319
Alkali Basalt
N-typeMORB z 1 0 ~ ~
lit i i i l I I I I I I I I I I
LaCe PrNdSmEuGd Tb DtHo Y ErTmYoLu
' ' ' i i i i i i i i i i i i ! i i i i i i
Cs R b B a T h U Nb K L a Ce P b P r S r P Nd Zr Sm Eu Ti Dy Y Yb Lu
Tl W Ta Mo F Hf Sn Li Ho
Fro. 1. Primitive mantle (modified) normalized abundance patterns for moderately to highly incompatible
elements in average N-type and E-type MORB and oceanic alkali basalts with 87Sr/S6Sr~ 0.7035. See Table 1
for normalizing values.
Kd are large for barium, rubidium and caesium Modification of the 'mantle-normalized' rule
when phlogopite is stable. Studies of uranium and exceptions to the rule
disequilibrium series isotopes in OIBs indicate
Among OIB samples with La 1> 50 ppm, de-
that 20% uranium or more has been held back
coupling and lowering of titanium, zirconium,
in the source, assuming that thorium is per-
strontium, phosphorus, potassium and thorium
fectly incompatible (eg Oversby & Gast 1968;
abundances from their corresponding rare earth
Newman et al. 1984). Therefore the variable
elements (REEs) is common. A new set of
(by more than a factor of 2) K/U ratios observed
relationships is developed for such rocks (Table
in OIBs could be due to these combined effects
2). These features may be due to factors such as
in addition to original source variations.
the saturation of minor minerals, changes in the
Finally, constant elemental ratios suggest that
residual mineral proportions (eg an increase in
zone refining melting or the chromatographic
garnet abundance with depth), a change in
column model of Navon & Stolper (1987) and
mineral/melt Kd, mantle metasomatism and/or
magma chamber processes such as mixing and
melting processes (eg if zone refining becomes
extensive fractionation and replenishment (as
important). For example, nephelinites from
discussed by O'Hara & Mathews 1981), which
Oahu Island have Ti/Eu ratios less than half of
could fractionate incompatible elements effi-
that commonly observed in alkali basalts (3000
ciently, are not dominant processes operating
versus approximately 6000+700 respectively)
during the generation of primitive oceanic ba-
salts. and they are also depleted in niobium, tantalum,
a In general we are not sure whether at low degrees of partial melting these ratios are reflecting source
mineralogy or subsequent lower-pressure fractionation effects.
320 S.-s. Sun & W . F. M c D o n o u g h
zirconium and hafnium. It is very likely that 1982; White 1985; Hart et al. 1986; Zindler &
these depletions are due to saturation of a ti- Hart 1986; Allrgre et al. 1987). Different
tanate mineral in the source region (Clague & approaches have been used to estimate the
Frey 1982). minimum number of end-members required.
Furthermore, an examination of the chemical Zindler et al. (1982) suggested that on a three-
and isotopic compositions of group I and II dimensional plot of lead, strontium and
kimberlite samples (Kramers et al. 1981; Smith neodymium isotopes most oceanic basalts fall
1983; Muramatsu 1985; Muramatsu & on or near a mantle plane defined by average N-
Wedepohl 1985; Smith et al. 1985) reveals that type MORB (2~176 ~ 18.5 87Sr/86Sr
in many respects group I kimberlites are com- 0.7029, eNd = + 13), St Helena (~ 20.8, 0.7029,
parable with Bouvet type OIB, whereas group +5) and Kerguelen Island (~ 18.4, 0.7054,
II kimberlites are more akin to Dupal type OIB - 1 ) . White (1985) subdivided oceanic basalts
(Le Roex 1986). However, exceptions to these into five distinct groups on isotope plots: MORB
general comparisons are that both groups of group (including Iceland, Galapagos, Easter
kimberlites have higher La/Ce ratios, lower Islands), St Helena group (including Austral,
Sr/Nd ratios and commonly show zirconium and Comores, Ascension), Kerguelen group (in-
hafnium depletions relative to samarium. These cluding Gough, Tristan da Cunha), Society
differences are most probably due to melting group (including Marquesas, Samoa, Sao
under very different conditions (eg variable Miguel) and Hawaii island group. Most Society
clinopyroxene/garnet ratios, P - T conditions group samples clearly fall above the mantle
and/or Kd values). Detailed study of the fine plane of Zindler et al. (1982) with higher 87Sr/
features of the mantle-normalized diagram may 86Sr ratios at the same lead and neodymium
provide useful information regarding the rela- isotope ratios. Zindler & Hart (1986) used
tive importance of garnet and clinopyroxene, in different terminology to define the charac-
addition to the effects of other factors. It may teristics of mantle end-members: DMM (de-
also give insights into the possible process of pleted MORB mantle), PREMA (prevalent
melting of stretched veins of eclogite during mantle, including Iceland, Galapagos, the
OIB generation. Easter Islands of White's MORB group and the
There are several reports of tholeiites and Hawaiian islands), HIMU (long-term high U/Pb
alkali basalts that are enriched in REEs and in the source, including St Helena, Tubuai,
yttrium relative to other incompatible elements Mangaia), EM1 (enriched mantle type 1 for the
(eg western Victoria, Australia (Frey et al. 1978; Kerguelen type) and EM2 (enriched mantle
McDonough et al. 1985), Norfolk Island (Green type 2 for the Society Island type). Their EM1
1978) and the Hawaiian islands (Fodor et al. samples from the Walvis Ridge clearly fall below
1987)). Some samples have negative cerium the mantle plane of Zindler et al. (1982) with
anomalies and concave-downward REE patterns lower 87Sr/86Sr at the same lead and neodymium
with relative enrichment of the middle REEs. isotope ratios (Fig. 2).
Recently, detailed microprobe studies by
Nagashima et al. (1986), Fodor et al. (1987) and , r !
Price (1987, pers. comm.) have detected very
small amounts of REE-rich carbonates and
phosphates of secondary origin. It is therefore
likely that post-magmatic alteration is respon-
sible for REE and yttrium enrichment in these 5 ~ EMOA
unusual samples. TIES
Different mantle processes have been pro- potassium-bearing residual minerals, as dis-
posed for the generation of the different isotope cussed earlier.
groups and end-members. Since isotope vari- In Fig. 3 a representative H I M U - t y p e sample
ation is a function of parent/daughter abundance (St Helena: 2882) and an EM-type sample
ratio and isolation time, the same mantle pro- (Gough island: G i l l ) (Table 4) are used to
cess operating at different times and with dif- illustrate the differences in mantle-normalized
ferent degrees of elemental fractionation will patterns for these two types of mantle source.
result in variable but coherent lead, strontium These patterns are considered representative of
and neodymium isotopic compositions. Con- their respective types on the basis of these plus
sequently, the 'end-members' (or components) other high quality data having good consistency
proposed by Zindler & Hart (1986) would not with other samples from the same islands. This
be expected to have fixed isotopic compositions. statement is also supported by data of critical
It is not surprising to find that the different element ratios presented in Table 3. The H I M U -
mantle processes responsible for generating a type mantle with low (0.7027-0.7030)87Sr/86Sr
variety of isotope groups also create distinct and very radiogenic 2~176 is charac-
chemical signatures. Therefore the variations in terized by a low Rb/Sr ratio (0.01-0.03) and a
the mantle-normalized patterns for different high 238U/2~ ratio (i>30); such mantle ma-
mantle components may reflect the effects of terials tend to have low K/U and K/Nb ratios
the different processes and environments, as (related to potassium, rubidium and barium de-
with isotopic data. A comparison of Nb/Pb, pletions). The mantle-normalized patterns of
Ce/Pb, Nb/U, K/U, K/Nb and Rb/Cs ratios, H I M U - t y p e mantle (St Helena) display a con-
ratios which encompass elements considered to tinuous decrease in the abundances of the ele-
behave similarly during generation of oceanic ments niobium to caesium, similar to typical
basalts, for different OIB end-members is pre- M O R B . In contrast, for EM-type OIB with
sented in Table 3. The contrast between samples 87Sr/86Sr i>0.7040 and lower 2~176 ratios
of the H I M U (or St Helena) and E M (or Gough) than St Helena type mantle (<18.6 for EM1,
type is quite clear and there are consistent 18.6-19.7 for EM2), the mantle-normalized
differences, especially for Nb/Pb and Ce/Pb pattern shows increased abundances of
ratios, in other OIB samples. Ratios involving elements more incompatible than niobium
potassium may be affected by the retention of (Cs, Rb, Ba, Th, U, K) and lead compared with
potassium (rubidium, barium and caesium) in the St Helena type. Because these two patterns
TABLE 3. Contrasts o f some element ratios observed in N-type M O R B and HIMU-type and EM-type
ocean island basalts
a Low K/La suggesting potassium has been held back? Data sources: Sun & Hanson (1975a); White et al.
(1979); Hofmann & White (1983); Hofmann et al. (1986); Newsom et al. (1986); Palacz & Saunders (1986);
Weaver et al. (1986); this paper.
322 S.-s. S u n & W . F. M c D o n o u g h
(Fig. 3) have similar REE abundances, the two have high Ix values (~20). This correlation must
distinctive patterns from caesium to niobium be related to the source character and partial-
cannot be due solely to different degrees of melting conditions. Several mechanisms have
partial melting. Moreover, such OIBs often have been proposed to generate the isotopic and
barium spikes and high La/Nb ratios (some- chemical characteristics of different types of
times higher than the chondritic ratio). This OIB mantle sources. The HIMU and low 87Sr/
latter point is illustrated in Fig. 4 which shows a 86Sr character St Helena-type OIBs have been
linear correlation between Ba/Nb and La/Nb attributed to the recycling of altered oceanic
among OIBs (Weaver et al. 1986). These two crust into the OIB source region (eg Zindler et
ratios also correlate with 87Sr/86Sr in general. al. 1982; Palacz & Saunders 1986), mantle en-
'Exceptions' are known for other EM-type richment through melt migration from the LVZ
samples (eg group I kimberlites and Tutuila), into oceanic and continental lithosphere (eg
which have Ba/Nb ~< 8 and La/Nb ~< 0.8, and Sun 1980; Hart et al. 1986) or derivation of
such differences most probably reflect the mul- OIBs from the lower mantle which has lost lead
tiple origins of EM-type source regions. How- by continuous core formation (eg Vidal & Dosso
ever, we note that a general trend of low 87Sr/ 1978). However, Newsom et al. (1986) showed
868r, La/Nb and Ba/Nb to high 87Sr/86Sr, La/Nb that St Helena basalts have the same molyb-
and Ba/Nb exists. denum (highly chalcophile) to praseodymium
Lamproites from western Australia (Jaques (highly lithophile) abundance ratios as MORBs
et al. 1988) may also represent extremely and other OIBs, effectively arguing against con-
enriched EM2 type. They have a highly fraction- tinuous core formation. The EM-type character
ated mantle-normalized pattern (Fig. 5), es- is generally considered to be related to processes
pecially from niobium to rubidium. These samples associated with convergent margins, such as the
have low strontium and phosphorus abun- recycling of sediments with oceanic crust (eg
dances, a negative europium anomaly of up to Hawkesworth et al. 1979; Cohen & O'Nions
20% and high lead and zirconium abundances 1982; White 1985; Weaver et al. 1986). The
(similar to some western US minettes; Alibert formation of these OIB sources from remobiliz-
et al. 1986), possibly reflecting a sedimentary ation or delamination of metasomatized en-
component added to their source (eg Thompson riched continental lithosphere has also been
et al. 1984). Often, but not always, they have proposed (eg Richardson et al. 1982; McKenzie
depletions of niobium relative to lanthanum. & O'Nions 1983; Hawkesworth et al. 1986).
Multiple origins for EM-type mantle is likely,
including superposition of different processes.
The generation of different mantle Menzies (1983) suggested that EM1 could be
types and the niobium issue related to enrichment by the introduction of
CO2-rich silicate melt (eg kimberlite, nephelin-
OIBs with high K20 (t>2%) do not always have ite) whereas the high Rb/Sr, 878r/86Sr character
low U/Pb (~t) values (~<16) but it is generally of EM2 is similar to some modern island arc
true that OIBs with low KzO (-~1%) always basalts (eg White 1985). Hart (1984) and Zindler
S t H e l e n a (2882) ~ \
1 i i i i ! i | i | i i i i ,,i i | i !
Rb Ba Th U K Nb La Ce Pb Sr Nd P Sm Eu Ti Dy Er Yb
FIG. 3. A comparison of the mantle-normalized patterns of basalts from St Helena (2882), with a low 87Sr/86Sr,
and Gough Island (G 111), with a high STSr/86Sr. See Table 1 for normalizing values. Data from Table 3.
Chemical and isotopic systematics of oceanic basalts 323
TABLE 4. Chemical and isotopic composition of selected basalts
Neodymium and strontium isotope data for Chain 43(104-16 and 104-18) and St Helena samples are from
White & Hofmann (1982) (see their CH43 106-16 and 106-18 sample numbers); however, for 104-16 we
report the strontium isotope ratio for an acid-leached sample (which was normalized relative to 0.70800 for the
E&A standard).
& Hart (1986) emphasized that EM2 is almost convection patterns. Hawkesworth et al. (1986),
exclusively restricted to the southern hemi- on the other hand, favour the idea that the EM-
sphere. It could have originated from the type mantle in the southern Atlantic (Gough,
delamination of subduction-zone-related Walvis Ridge, Tristan da Cunha) has a shallow
metasomatized continental lithosphere of origin due to the thermal remobilization and
G o n d a w a n a or the recycling of the mantle detachment of the continental lithosphere of
wedge above the subduction zones. However, southern Africa from South America during the
they do not preclude the earlier suggestion by breakup of Gondawana. More recently, Hart et
Hart (1984) that this regional EM-type anomaly al. (1986) pointed out that H I M U and EM1
in the sourthern hemisphere existed since the mantle types are often spatially related and
Archaean and might be controlled by global share the characteristic of lying below the mantle
324 S.-s. Sun & W . F. M c D o n o u g h
Kimberley Lamproites, W Australia ( E M 2?)
i ,.+
j ,o zo6/zo4 ,b-17~ t~, -~
87/86 Sr - 0.714 CelPb - 13
ENd ~ .13
FIG. 5. Mantle-normalized diagram of EM2-type Miocene iamproites from W Kimberley and 1.2 Ga
lamproites from E Kimberley, western Australia. Data source" Jaques et al. (in press). See Table 1 for
normalizing values.
Chemical and isotopic systematics o f oceanic basalts 325
19 10
MOST 9 525A
SAMPLES~ ~N 0 7050
45~ Mid Atlantic Ridge Basalts
1 i i i i i i i i h i k i i i i i i
Rb Ba Th U K Nb La Ce Sr Nd P Sra Zr gu Ti Y Yb
Ba/Nb ~WALVIS RIDGE 0.7040
FIG. 7. Comparison of mantle-normalized patterns
11 ~ 0.7051 for two MORB samples from 45~ from the Mid-
PRIMITIVE Atlantic Ridge. These basalts have similar lead,
MANTLE I KOOLAU strontium and neodymium isotope compositions but
--~- ITHOLEIITES different La/Nb ratios which can only be attributed to
(/ ------T~.ASCENSIO N ] 0.7040 melting. See Table 1 for normalizing values.
7 "~[~"" 0.7028
i30A ST HELENA high La/Nb ratios (1.6), similar to those found
0.7029 I N-MORB 0.7025
I I I I I in the Honolulu series, are also found in some
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Koolau tholeiites (Fig. 8), although these two
La/Nb Oahu basalt series are derived from isotopically
FIG. 6. Positive correlation between Ba/Nb and different sources (Roden et al. 1984). In contrast
La/Nb ratios of basalts from St Helena, Ascension, with the Oahu case, EM samples from Walvis
Tristan da Cunha and Walvis Ridge (modified from Ridge and Gough (Fig. 4) with high La/Nb
Weaver et al. 1986). Data for Koolau tholeiites, N- ratios have Ti/Eu ratios close to the chondritic
type MORB, group II kimberlites and sediments are ratio, suggesting that a titanate mineral does
added for comparison. not play a role in the generation of these basalts.
We therefore agree with Weaver et al. (1986)
that the high La/Nb ratios of these EM-type
from Haleakala, Maui, also show a consistent basalts reflect a mantle source characteristic,
variation in La/Nb ratios with degree of partial possibly resulting from the involvement of sub-
melting: the basanites representing the lower ducted sediments. This conclusion is further
degrees of partial melting have lower La/Nb supported by the high Ba/Nb, 87Sr/86Sr (Fig. 6)
ratios than the tholeiites which are derived by and 2~176 commonly observed in EM-type
larger degrees of partial melting. However, in OIBs and typical of sedimentary material. How-
contrast to the Loihi basalts, the tholeiitic and ever, we would emphasize that sediment sub-
alkalic basalts from Haleakala are derived from duction, along with the oceanic crust, is not a
isotopically different mantle sources ( C h e n & unique solution for the generation of EM-type
Frey 1985). mantle. The addition of a fluid or melt derived
In addition to reflecting the source character, from an altered subducted oceanic crust, with
high La/Nb ratios in OIBs can be produced if a or without sediment, into the overlying mantle
residual titanate mineral is present during open- wedge or adjacent continental lithospheric
system processes in the source (eg metasomatic mantle may also generate high Ba/Nb and La/Nb
enrichment or partial melting) or during magma ratios.
differentiation. Nephelinites and basanites of
the Honolulu series from Oahu are good
examples (Fig. 8). They show relative depletions
Mid-ocean ridge basalt source connection of the
in titanium, niobium, tantalum, zirconium and
HIMU-type mantle
hafnium and have Ti/Eu ratios (=3000) less
than half those normally observed in OIBs HIMU-type OIBs are characterized by very low
(about 60(~, close to the chondritic ratio ap- Sr/86 Sr ratios (as low as 0.7027) similar to
proximately 7800). Clague & Frey (1982) some N-type MORBs, high 206 Pb/ 204 Pb ratios
suggested that a residual titanate mineral is (~21.0) but low inferred Th/U ratio in the
responsible for the niobium depletion relative source (approximately 3.3, see below). It is now
to lanthanum. Additionally, it is interesting that generally accepted that the HIMU-type mantle
326 S.-s. Sun & W. F. McDonough
Loihi Basanite
Hana Basanite (0.7035, +7.2)
Koolau Tholeiite
(0.7043, +1.9)
"~ Rib I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i , , I I I I I
Ba Th K N b La Ce N d R b Ba Th K N b La Ce N d R b Ba Th K N b La Ce N d
FXG.8. Comparison of mantle-normalized patterns of Rb, Ba, Th, K, Nb, La, Ce and Nd for selected Hawaiian
basalts. The samples used include Koolau tholeiite (WW 9980), Honolulu nephelinite (68 Pb 2), Honomanu
tholeiite (C122), Hana basanite (65-11), Loihi tholeiite (24-7) and Loihi basanite (17-7). Data sources:
Clague & Frey (1982); Frey & Clague (1983); Roden et al. (1984); Staudigel et al. (1984); Chen& Frey (1985).
See Table I for normalizing values.
was originally derived from a MORB-type com- mantle, as suggested by Zartman & Doe (1981),
ponent more than a billion years ago; however, to calculate a two-stage lead isotopic evolution.
there is disagreement regarding the processes Their version II lead isotopic growth curves for
responsible. the depleted mantle are consistent with the
On lead isotope ratio plots (Fig. 9) each available lead isotope data for Archaean and
H I M U island exhibits a small range of isotopic Proterozoic komatiites and basalts derived from
variation. To estimate time of isolation for the depleted mantle, as well as Phanerozoic ophio-
HIMU-type mantle, we use the lead isotopic lites. Feasible solutions to our calculations are
composition evolution of the depleted upper evaluated by comparing the calculated IX2values
FI6.9. Simplified 2~176 versus 206pb/2O4pb plot for oceanic basalts from mid-ocean ridge (MORB),
Walvis Ridge (W), Hawaiian Islands (H), Kerguelen (K), Gough (G), Tristan da Cunha (T), Society Islands
(S), St Paul's Rocks (St P), Ua Pou (U), Ross Island (R), Canary Islands (C), Bouvet (B), St Helena (St H),
Tubuai (Tu) and Mangaia (M). Data sources: Sun (1980); Cohen & O'Nions (1982); Richardson et al. (1982);
Roden et al. (1984); Vidal et al. (1984); Palacz & Saunders (1986); Stille et al. (1986); Dupuy et al. (1987);
Wright & White (1987).
Chemical and isotopic systematics of oceanic basalts 327
(238U/e~ needed to generate the observed to the M O R B source through mantle fraction-
H I M U 2~176 and the resulting 2~176 ation processes, it is not surprising that similar
values with the measured Ix and 2~176 age information can be derived from the slope
values. These results (Fig. 10) indicate that the connecting H I M U data with the M O R B field
isolation time must be greater than 1 billion on Fig. 9, assuming that the slope represents an
years, for otherwise the Ix value in the source isochron. A mantle source isolation age calcu-
would have to be higher than that measured in lated in this way for the other two oceanic
the sample, which is contrary to the inference islands--Tubuai and Mangaia--gives 1.7 Ga
that uranium is more incompatible than lead (Palacz & Saunders 1986), similar to the St
(Fig. 1). However, the calculated 2~176 Helena case. An isolation time of about 1.0+0.2
value with less than 1 billion years of isolation Ga is required to derive the most radiogenic
is lower than the measured value; therefore a 2~176 ratio (19.99) in the Ua Pou
longer isolation time is required. Using a reason- (Marquesas Archipelago) tholeiites from a de-
able P2 value and considering 2~176 het- pleted MORB-type mantle, assuming a reason-
erogeneity (_+0.05) in the Precambrian depleted able IX2value of 20+2 in the mantle source. This
mantle, we obtain an isolation time of 2.0+0.2 is the youngest isolation time calculated for
Ga (Fig. 10). Since the H I M U source is related HIMU-type OIBs.
ST HELENA 2882 /
206pb/204pb = 20.90 /
2~176 - 15.79 /
2~ = 40.13 J
hi,3 = Measured238U/204pb-" 28 # ~
/ x
/ N o fractionation of
/ U/Pb during magma
~_ I . I
~,~ 3.0
2.6 - I I
~-- 15.8
~ red
3 2 l
FIG. 10. Model calculations for the lead isotope evolution of a St Helena sample (2882) assuming that it was
derived from a depleted upper mantle MORB-type source some time ago. When an isolation time is assigned,
specific values of ~ and K2 are required to match the measured 206 Pb/204 Pb and 208 Pb/204 Pb ratios. At 2.0 Ga,
model calculations give the best solution to match the measured 2~176 and p values.
328 S . - s . S u n & W . F. M c D o n o u g h
It is important to point out that if St Helena, tholeiites have high Nb/La, Ce/Pb, U/Pb and
Tubuai, Mangaia and Ua Pou samples are not Hf/Lu ratios. Dupuy et al. suggested that the
derived from pure H I M U end-members but mantle source of the Ua Pou tholeiites contains
either (i) contain an EM-type component with residual oceanic crust formed by dehydration
low 2~176 but high 2~176 (eg Duncan and partial melting during subduction.
et al. 1986), or (ii) are derived from a recently These unusual Ua Pou tholeiites with
enriched high-~t reservoir (eg St Paul's Rock; concave-downward R E E patterns (Fig. 11) of-
Roden et al. 1984) followed by mixing with fer a rare opportunity to evaluate the recycled
depleted asthenosphere (Fig. 9), then theage of oceanic crust model. They have high nickel
the H I M U isolation could be considerably (155-550 ppm), TiOa ( 3 . 7 % - 4 . 1 % ) and ce-
younger. Such an interpretation may apply to rium (61-78 ppm), comparable with those of
much of the non-HIMU OIB lead isotope data other H I M U OIBs considered in this study.
(see later). Consequently, based on the arguments pre-
Model calculations for the 2~176 evol- sented earlier, it would be reasonable to expect
ution of St Helena samples (Fig. 10) yield a more than 20?/0 fractionation of the La/Nb ratio
Th/U ratio of 3.30+0.05 in the mantle source during magma generation. The measured La/Nb
starting at 2.0 Ga ago. This value is lower than ratio (0.85) of these tholeiites is higher than
the measured Th/U ratios in St Helena samples those of other H I M U OIBs (St Helena, 0.69;
(3.5-3.8) (Weaver et al. 1986; this paper), Ascension, 0.65; Mangaia, 0.77) but similar to
consistent with the fractionation of thorium that of the EM-type OIB of Tristan da Cunha
from uranium during OIB magma generation. (0.86). After a 20% correction for the partial-
Similar conclusions are reached through 23~ melting effect (based on studies of Hawaiian
232Th studies on young OIB (eg Oversby & nephelinites discussed earlier), the mantle
Gast 1968; Newman et al. 1984). source for Ua Pou tholeiites has La/Nb = 1.06,
Recently, Dupuy et al. (1987) presented a which is greater than the chondritic ratio (0.96),
strong case for a connection between the re- ie it actually shows niobium depletion relative
cycled oceanic crust and HIMU-type OIB to lanthanum. The lack of a positive niobium
sources on the basis of their study of Ua Pou anomaly relative to lanthanum in their mantle
Island, Marquesas Archipelago. They empha- source weakens the argument of a recycled
sized that Ua Pou tholeiites are highly relatively oceanic crust model for the Ua Pou tholeiites,
depleted in most incompatible elements (barium, or at least makes it unnecessary.
rubidium, thorium, uranium, potassium, nio- The high Hf/Lu ratios (22-28) observed in
bium and light REEs) and have mantle- the Ua Pou tholeiites have been used by Dupuy
normalized patterns (Fig. 11) showing mirror et al. to support the recycled oceanic crust
images of those for island arc basalts, ie these model. However, since hafnium is much more
9e~ (0.70289, +4.6,19.86,15.54)
La Ce Nd S m Eu Tb Yb Lu
1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I | I I
Rb Ba Th U K Nb La Ce Pb Sr Nd P Sm Z r Eu Ti Y u
Fro. 11. Mantle-normalized diagram of two HIMU-type OIB samples from Ua Pou. They have concave-
downward patterns in the light REE region. Data from Liotard et al. (1986) and Dupuy et al. (1987). See Table
1 for normalizing values.
Chemical and isotopic systematics of oceanic basalts 329
incompatible than lutetium during OIB gener- At present, there are no experimental data to
ation, this argument may not be valid. A com- show how these trace elements (and the La/Nb
parison of Srn/Hf is more appropriate because ratio discussed earlier) will be fractionated
these elements are similarly incompatible (Fig. during partial melting in the garnetite stability
1). In fact, the Sm/Hf ratio of Ua Pou tholeiites field. However, upward migration of COs-rich
(1.43) is equal to that of the primitive mantle silicate melts such as kimberlite, carbonatite
(Table 1) suggesting that hafnium has not been and nephelinite from the LVZ at the top of the
fractionated from samarium by processes in- depleted asthenosphere could be an effective
volved in the generation of HIMU-type mantle. mechanism to achieve the HIMU characteristics
Although we agree with Dupuy et al. that the (including Th/U) and real geological obser-
very high Ce/Pb ratios of Ua Pou tholeiites vations are available to support this idea (eg
(38-78) are very unusual for OIBs (25_5), Green 1971; Kay 1979; Menzies & Murthy 1980;
these ratios are also much higher than those of Sun 1980; Hart et al. 1986). These CO2-rich
other HIMU-type OIBs shown in Table 2. We silica-undersaturated melts have low Rb/Sr
do not have a good explanation for this anomaly. ratios but high U/Pb ratios (see earlier) and
The neodymium isotope data presented by match the characteristics of the HIMU type.
Duncan et al. (1986) and Dupuy et al. (1987) Thus, the HIMU character can be fully satisfied
require that the mantle source of Ua Pou by this melting process, since thorium is more
tholeiites has an Sm/Nd ratio lower than chon- incompatible than uranium, which is more in-
drite, after isolation from the MORB-type compatible than lead, and residual phlogopite
source about 1 billion years ago. Combining can hold back more rubidium from the melt
this information with niobium and REE data, during small degrees of partial melting. The
we suggest that this mantle has a concave- choice between oceanic and continental litho-
downward REE pattern with niobium depletion sphere for the HIMU component will be evalu-
similar to the pattern of many Hawaiian ated later.
tholeiites (eg Fig. 8).
In order to make a correct choice between
Subduction zone processes and EM-type mantle
the two processes proposed for generation of
the HIMU-type mantle, ie through recycling of EM2-type mantle with high Rb/Sr and S7Sr/8%r
altered oceanic crust or migration of silicate ratios is commonly considered to be a product
melt from the depleted mantle into the litho- of the migration of water-rich fluids or melts
sphere, critical evaluation of the two processes enriched in potassium, rubidium and barium
is required. Some MORB and OIB tholeiites (ie associated with subduction zones (eg Menzies
Iceland) have light-REE-depleted or flat pat- 1983; White 1985; Zindler & Hart 1986),
terns with positive niobium kicks on the mantle- whereas the chemical and isotopic character of
normalized diagram (La/Nb less than the EMl-type mantle, with high Ba/Nb and La/Nb
chondritic value). These data support the idea ratios, has been interpreted by Weaver et al.
of recycling oceanic crust in the MORB and (1986) as the product of sediment subduetion.
OIB sources and decreasing La/Nb through the In this section we point out some weaknesses of
subduction zone dehydration/partial-melting the subduction-zone-related models, emphasize
process. However, if the oceanic crust recycling the need for alternative mechanisms and pro-
model is correct for the HIMU character, then pose more definite tests for sediment involve-
alteration and subduction of this crust (dehy- ment in OIB sources.
dration and partial melting) must decrease the As discussed earlier, high Ba/Nb and La/Nb
La/Nb ratio by 20% or more and the U/Pb ratio ratios observed in many EM-type OIBs are not
by a factor of 2 without significantly (>20%) necessarily diagnostic of sediment involvement
affecting the Rb/Cs, Rb/Sr, Th/U, Ce/Pb and in their source. Except for Gough, Walvis
Nb/U ratios. This does not seem likely. Taking Ridge and Aitutaki (Table 3), there is a general
Th/U as an example, a model calculation of the lack of strong trace-element indication of
lead isotope evolution of the HIMU-type St sediment recycling. Mixing as little as 1% of
Helena sample (2882, Fig. 10) requires that the pelagic sediment (with Pb=25 ppm, Pb/Ce=0.6)
Th/U actually increases slightly relative to the with subducted oceanic crust (or 0.2% for
MORB source at about 2.0 Ga ago. Further- MORB-type peridotite mantle) is expected to
more, dehydration and partial melting is an change the Nb/U, Ce/Pb and Rb/Cs ratios con-
effective 'depletion' mechanism. In order to siderably from the nearly constant values (47+_10,
generate a St Helena-type OIB source character 25+5, 80+20) for MORB and OIB (Hofmann
an enrichment process after subduction, such as & White 1983; Hofmann et al. 1986; Newsom
megalith melting (Ringwood 1982), is required. et al. 1986). For example, the Ce/Pb ratio could
330 S.-s. S u n & W. F. M c D o n o u g h
be reduced to about 14. Furthermore, a mixture mixture of sediment and oceanic crust. It is
of about 0.5% average shale (Taylor & more likely to be derived from an enriched
McLennan 1985, Table 2.9) and a model OIB mantle wedge or lithosphere above the sub-
source (based on the OIB data in Table 1) duction zone, with some input from the sub-
would produce a source capable of generating ducted sediments.
an EM-type OIB with consistent key element Secondly, a subduction zone environment is
ratios as found in Table 3 (eg Nb/U=42, not required for at least some EMl-type mantle.
Ce/Pb=20, Nb/Pb= 11, K/U=13 000, K/Nb=275, Enrichment can be achieved by silicate melt
Nb/Th= 11). Additionally, the introduction of migration from mantle plumes with less depleted
such a small sediment component 1.0-2.0 Ga character than a MORB source (eg Bouvet,
ago would also be consistent with the variation Hawaii or OIBs lying isotopically closer to the
in strontium and neodymium isotopic compo- primitive mantle). EMl-type mantle generated
sitions observed in EM-type OIB (eg Bouvet in this way will have higher Th/Nb and Th/Ta
versus Gough islands). ratios than the HIMU-type mantle, whereas
However, if sediment subduction is invoked Ba/Nb, Rb/Nb and La/Nb ratios could be similar
to explain the isotope evolution and the devel- to the H I M U type owing to a low alkali charac-
opment of negative europium anomalies in some ter controlled by residual potassium-bearing
EM-type mantle (see below), then some modifi- minerals and the fact that niobium is more
cation of this simple mixing model is required. incompatible than lanthanum. These characters
In this connection, it is interesting to note that are shared by some group I kimberlites with
the ratios Nb/U ~ 34, Ce/Pb ~ 13, Rb/Cs ~ 123 878r]86Sr = 0.704-0.705 and some E M 2 0 I B s
(Fig. 5) of Miocene lamproites from western such as Sao Miguel (White et al. 1979; Le Roex
Australia (Jaques et al. 1988) are not very differ- 1986). Le Roex (1986) emphasized that the
ent from values for MORB and OIB mentioned trace-element and isotope data for group I
above. Isotope and trace-element characteristics kimberlites cannot be explained by the sediment
(including a 20% negative europium anomaly) subduction model. Instead, they are probably
of these lamproites (extreme EM2 types) evolved from less depleted or close to primitive
strongly suggest the involvement of sediments mantle material.
in their mantle source (Nelson et al. 1986; Jaques Although the discussion presented above
et al. 1988). Since the EM-type OIBs in Table 3 sounds negative towards the connection be-
require much less sediment involvement than tween sediment subduction and the formation
these lamproites, the lack of a large amount of of EM-type mantle, we do believe that sediment
variation in Nb/U, Ce/Pb and Rb/Cs ratios may subduction has left an important fingerprint on
not be a strong argument against involvement the geochemistry of at least some EM-type OIBs
of a minor amount of sediment (2% or less) in (eg Walvis Ridge, Gough, Society Island,
some EM-type mantle. However, mixing of Samoan Islands). Further detailed geo-
small amounts of pelagic sediment with oceanic chemical studies of both EM1 and EM2 end-
crust is not capable of generating the 2~176 members are required to establish this case
characteristics of the EMl-type mantle in the S firmly. We suggest that accurate estimation of
Atlantic. Using lead isotope evolution curves the europium anomaly in OIBs can be of special
for the depleted mantle and upper crust (sedi- importance for the evaluation of the effect of
ment source) given in Zartman & Doe (1981), a the subduction of sediment and altered oceanic
model calculation for sediment-oceanic crust crust on the OIB source as well as onfO2 during
mixing at 1.5-2.0 Ga with 50% of the lead magma generation. Since plagioclase, which has
contributed by the 1% subducted sediment (as a high Kd for Eu 2+, is neither a residual mineral
suggested by Weaver et al. 1986) requires a during alkali basalt genesis nor an early liquidus
Th/U ratio of 5.0 to generate the observed mineral during magma differentiation, eu-
2~176 ratio. This value is much higher ropium anomalies measured in primitive alkali
than the value (approximately 3.7) estimated basalts reflect the combined effects of source
for the Tristan da Cunha source. In general, character and fO2 during magma generation.
most oceanic basalts (EM, MORB, H I M U ) Sun & Hanson (1975a) suggested that the
come from source regions with Th/U ratios of 2 % - 5 % positive europium anomaly commonly
3.8 or less, as has been demonstrated by 23~ observed in OIBs is due to the existence of
23aTh studies, or by a reduction of 15% +5% of Eu 2+ (->10%) in addition to Eu 3+ under low
the measured Th/U of fresh basalts to correct f O 2 mantle conditions and the fact that Eu 2+
for the Th/U fractionation during melting (eg (~Sr) is more incompatible than Eu 3+ and its
Oversby & Gast 1968). In our opinion, EM1- neighbouring Sm 3+ and Gd 3+. Sediments de-
type OIB in the S Atlantic does not represent a rived from various terranes have different
C h e m i c a l a n d isotopic s y s t e m a t i c s o f o c e a n i c basalts 331
amounts of negative europium anomaly (eg This is consistent with the absence of the Dupal
MacLennan & Taylor 1981), with up to 35% anomaly in the Pacific mid-ocean ridge of the
europium depletion for modern crustal rocks. southern hemisphere (Macdougall & Lugmair
The available accurate REE data indicate that 1986; White et al. 1987). Furthermore,
HIMU OIBs have a 4 % - 6 % positive europium Archaean and Proterozoic Dupal-like anomalies
anomaly whereas E M 2 0 I B s from Samoan and observed in komatiites and galena and feldspar
Society islands show up to a 4 % - 6 % negative in granites of the southern continents (Africa,
europium anomaly (eg Sun & Hanson 1975a; Australia, India), where there is abundant early
Newsom et al. 1986; Palacz & Saunders 1986; Archaean crust, are likely to be a result of
McDonough & Sun, unpublished data), con- crustal contamination. For example, some late
sistent with the sediment subduction model. In Archaean komatiites (and associated NiS miner-
contrast, EM-type OIBs from Gough and Tristan alization) of the Yilgarn Block, western
da Cunha have a 2 % - 5 % positive europium Australia, have been contaminated by early
anomaly despite our belief that sediment has Archaean felsic crust which resulted in Dupal-
been involved in their mantle source. Either the type lead anomalies (Sun et al., in press). In
sediment which was subducted and ultimately contrast, Hawkesworth et al. (1986) suggested
incorporated into their source has a small nega- that the Dupal anomaly in the southern Atlantic
tive europium anomaly (ie from Archaean (ie Walvis Ridge, Gough, Tristan da Cunha and
terranes) and/or more probably the sediment the Discovery Table Mounts) may be of shallow
effect has been compensated by an increase of origin and due to the thermal reactivation and
the Eu2+/Eu3+ ratio during source modification detachment of the metasomatized lithosphere
(eg dehydration and partial melting of the sub- of southern Africa and South America before
ducted sediments) and magma generation under the breakup of Gondwana. The continental
more reducing environments than for other lithospheric delamination model of McKenzie
OIBs. To test further the significance of the & O'Nions (1983) is attractive because there is
negative europium anomaly in some primitive the opportunity to generate a variety of mantle
OIBs, we propose that samples with a strong types in the continental lithosphere within close
sediment lead isotope signature are most suit- proximity through subductioti-zone-related and
able, because modern sediments have a distinct unrelated processes. The superposition of the
and strong negative europium anomaly. products of different processes is possible. It
also allows long-term isolation of the enriched
mantle within the lithosphere before delami-
Continental lithosphere connection of the Dupal nation and recycling back into the convecting
anomaly and the low neodymium array mantle.
More recently, Hart et al. (1986) also seem to
Hart (1984) pointed out that EM-type OIBs are favour an ultimate origin for the Dupal anomaly
concentrated in the southern hemisphere, are from the continental lithosphere. They pointed
globe encircling in extent, and are centred at out that EM1- and HIMU-type OIBs often
latitude 30~ He named this isotopically anom- show close association in occurrence and share
alous region the Dupal anomaly re#on and the same character of long-term low Rb/Sr ratio
suggested that it may have been in existence compared with OIBs within the mantle array on
in the southern hemisphere since Archaean an S7Sr/S6Sr versus end plot (Fig. 2). HIMU-and
times. In terms of the model, the occurrences of EMl-type OIBs have lower eNd values than the
EM-type OIBs in the northern hemisphere, eg mantle array. There appears to be a lower limit
the Azores, Oahu Island (Koolau tholeiites) on this plot for OIB data defined by connecting
and the Japan Sea, and numerous occurrences the HIMU and EM1 end members. Hart et al.
of EM-type continental alkali basalts, tholeiites (1986) named this limiting line a 'LoNd' (low
and kimberlites have to be considered as excep- end) array. (Since HIMU and EM1 are charac-
tions to the general rule or due to crustal con- terized by having lower 87Sr/86Sr values due to
tamination. Later, Zindler & Hart (1986) lower time-integrated Rb/Sr ratios than samples
suggested that the enhanced rate of Pangean within the mantle array, it might be more ap-
subduction into the Dupal mantle (Anderson propriate to call the array a 'LoSt' (low 87Sr/
1982) may account for localization of EM2-type S6Sr) array.) They suggested that this LoNd
OIBs in the southern hemisphere. If this inter- array was developed within the subcontinental
pretation is correct, then EM2 anomalies in the lithosphere through the introduction of silicate
southern hemisphere are a relatively young sub- melts of different chemical and isotopic com-
duction-related phenomenon surrounding the positions (p. 1556): ' . . . EM1 end member being
Pangean continents, but are not circum-global. slightly modified primitive mantle, and the
332 S . - s . S u n & W . F. M c D o n o u g h
HIMU end member being metasomatically pro- very minor in modern times, (ii) metasomatized
duced, possibly during subduction episodes pre- continental lithosphere formed at 2 Ga or less is
ceding lithosphere accretion.' It is interesting to abundant on the worldwide scale and dominates
note that many of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic the scene, or (iii) delamination of continental
carbonatites of worldwide occurrence, not lim- lithosphere is sufficient but not necessary for
ited to the southern hemisphere, also fall on or OIB generation, and survival times of 2 Ga or
close to this LoNd array (eg Bell & Blenkinsop less in the convecting mantle are possible
1987; Dudas et al. 1987; Nelson et al. 1987). (Gurnis & Davies 1986). The last option will be
This is also true for some group 1 kimberlites further discussed in later sections.
(Kramers et al. 1981; Smith 1983). A major drawback to the continental litho-
The association of HIMU- and EM-type OIBs sphere delamination model is that there is a
in some ocean island or island groups of the general lack of OIB samples showing strong
southern Pacific (Vidal et al. 1984; Palacz & subduction-zone-related chemical and isotopic
Saunders 1986; Dupuy et al. 1987) and Walvis characteristics, which are commonly found in
Ridge (Fig. 6) does not offer a firm argument many continental mafic and ultramafic volcanic
for identifying their parentage (eg continental rocks. As shown in Figs 5 and 12, relative
lithosphere). Alternative mechanisms can be depletion of titanium, phosphorus, niobium,
suggested, eg mixing of different types of mantle tantalum and strontium, but extreme enrich-
components within the convective upper ment of lead and the presence of up to 20%
mantle. In addition, we would like to empha- negative europium anomalies, reflecting sedi-
size that the regional but isolated occurrences ment subduction effects (McLennan & Taylor
of HIMU (eg St Helena, Ascension, Cape 1981), have been observed in many post-orogenic
Verde, New England Seamounts, Canary and intraplate mafic to ultramafic peralkaline
Islands, Ahaggar, Cameroon Line, Guadalupe, volcanics (group II kimberlites of southern
SW Pacific islands, eastern Australia, South Africa and lamproites from western Australia)
Island, New Zealand, and Ross Island and Mary which are considered to be derived from the
Byrd Land, Antarctica) or EM (Gough, Tristan continental lithosphere modified by subduction
da Cunha, Kerguelen, Samoa) without an ac- zone processes (eg Duncan et al. 1984;
companying LoNd counterpart are quiet com- Thompson et al. 1984; Nelson et al. 1986; Jaques
mon. The regional distribution tendency of the et al. 1988). Among these samples there is often
Dupal anomaly (S Atlantic, Indian and SW a positive correlation between the size of the
Pacific Oceans) and the HIMU anomaly (some negative europium anomaly and the 87Sr/86Sr
of which are probably of shallow asthenospheric ratio (and Sr/Nd ratio) which is thought to
origin) also requires serious consideration in reflect the effect of subducted sediment, with
any genetic model. high 875r/86Sr, large negative europium anom-
The long isolation time (up to 2 Ga) required alies (about 30% but variable depending on the
by the isotope data of OIBs has been a major source rocks) and low Sr/Nd ratios (eg Alibert
consideration of many people in favouring the et al. 1986). In this connection, negative eu-
model of continental lithosphere delamination. ropium anomalies observed in Samoan and
In this respect, it is surprising to see that the Society alkalic basalts can be considered
OIB members of the LoNd array have well- as a good indication of sediment involvement in
defined isotopic correlations on strontium versus their mantle sources.
neodymium and lead versus strontium plots Detailed chemical and isotopic studies of
(Hart et al. 1986). Since the extent of low ENd Mesozoic Karoo basalts of southern Africa,
values below the main array is a function of Parana basalts of South America, African
Rb/Sr fractionation and isolation time, in ad- kimberlites and modern Dupal OIBs in the
dition to other variables such as Sm/Nd ratio, a S Atlantic (eg Smith 1983; Smith et al. 1986;
well-regulated mantle LoNd array is not ex- Duncan et al. 1984; Hawkesworth et al. 1984,
pected. Hart et al. (1986) pointed out that there 1986; Le Roex 1986) have offered an opportunity
are many EMl-type continental peralkaline to evaluate different models suggesting their
rocks (eg Leucite Hills, Smoky Butte) which fall source relationships and mechanisms of magma
well below the LoNd array. The lack of an generation. Based on hot-spot trace reconstruc-
obvious influence of the low neodymium array tions and geochemical data, Le Roex (1986)
by these extremely low ENd components from concluded that group I kimberlites are not
the continental lithosphere formed in the Dupal type (represented by Walvis Ridge and
Archaean (eg Dudas et al. 1987) may imply that Gough Island) but are related to Bouvet and
(i) delamination of continental lithosphere with Marion type hot-spots, whereas group II
Archaean isotopic signatures is not feasible or kimberlites are related to the Dupal islands.
C h e m i c a l a n d i s o t o p i c s y s t e m a t i c s o f o c e a n i c basalts 333
~9 - r-- ~ [ [ \ ~ S r i = 0.7095
9= .
S r i = 0.7050 ~ Nd i = 4 . 2
FIG. 12. Mantle-normalized diagram of two selected least-fractionated basalts from southern Karoo and
central Karoo. They show strong signatures of sediment and subduction-zone-related processes. Data from
Duncan et al. (1984). See Table 1 for normalizing values9
Some clinopyroxene megacrysts from the group signature of sediment subduction combined with
I kimberlites (eg the Kimberley pool) actually subduction zone processes (ie depletion in nio-
have HIMU-type isotopic compositions (eg bium, strontium, phosphorus and titanium, a
Kramers 1977). The group II kimberlites have negative europium anomaly and an enrichment
higher 87Sr/86Srratios (0.707-0.710), lower ~Nd in lead). Alternatively, this crustal signature
values (--5 to --12), and less radiogenic lead may be derived from sediment subduction be-
isotopic compositions (2~176 ~ 17.2- neath Gondwana.
17.9) compared with the high P - T i (HPT) A magnification of this subduction-zone-
basalts of Parana and northern Karoo as well as related character is shown in the least fraction-
the Dupal islands of the southern Atlantic ated Mesozoic southern Karoo basalts (Fig. 12)
(Hawkesworth et al. 1986). As shown in Fig. 13, with about a 15% negative europium anomaly.
northern Karoo basalts have mantle-normalized These basalts have more radiogenic lead and
diagrams (especially for Ce/Pb and La/Nb) simi- strontium isotopic compositions but lower end
lar to but still not quite the same as Dupal values than group II kimberlites and the high
OIBs. If we accept the asthenospheric origin of phosphorus, titanium northern Karoo and
Dupal OIBs and at least a partial asthenospheric Parana basalts (Smith 1983; Mantovani et al.
origin for the group II kimberlites, it seems 1985; Hawkesworth et al. 1986). Additionally,
reasonable to suggest that the geochemical dif- the isotopic and chemical characteristics of
ference between them and the northern Karoo southern Karoo basalts are shared by the rela-
basalts is due to the involvement of the con- tively contemporaneous Ferrar dolerites of the
tinental lithosphere (including crustal contami- Trans-Antarctic mountains and the Tasmanian
nation) of southern Africa, which has a strong dolerites (Hergt 1987). Hergt (1987) has shown
Northern Karoo Basalts
S r i = 0.7051 E Nd i = .6.8
FIG. 13. Mantle-normalized diagram of two selected least-fractionated basalts from northern Karoo. They
have similar 87Sr/86Srratios but lower end values than Dupal-type OIB from the S Atlantic Ocean. Data from
Duncan et al. (1984). See Table 1 for normalizing values.
334 S.-s. Sun & W. F. McDonough
that these dolerites have mantle-normalized East Ridge - Kerguelen and Walvis Ridge -
patterns which mimic terrigenous sediments and Tristan da Cunha also favours a deep stable
have strontium, neodymium and lead isotopic mantle origin. In this connection, it is worth-
compositions (0.710, 0.5123, 18.9, 15.64, 38.8 while to point out that the HPT volcanism at
respectively) which strongly suggest a sediment about 130 Ma in Parana and Etendaka and the
component influence. Cox (1978) suggested that Jacupiringa carbonatite, on the E coast of
the Mesozoic Gondwana flood basalts are a Parana (Roden et al. 1985), could be related to
product of back-arc volcanism related to sub- the Walvis Ridge - Tristan da Cunha hot-spot
duction along the Pacific margin (ie close to the trace.
southern Karoo occurrence, Trans-Antarctic On a worldwide scale, the lack of a strong
Mountain range, and Tasmania versus northern subduction zone signature in OIBs and MORBs
Karoo). If his model is favoured and correct, suggests that the effects of sediment subduction
involvement of subduction zone processes as have been short-circuited in the volcanic arc,
well as melting of the Gondwana lithosphere mantle wedge and continental lithosphere above
could be responsible for the crustal character- it. The sediment does not subduct to as great a
istics (ie low strontium, phosphorus, titanium, mantle depth (eg 500 km or more) as the oceanic
niobium and high lead) of these types of basalts. crust (eg Sun 1980; Nakamura et al. 1985).
Mantle plume activity induced by either ther- Although earlier subduction zone effects have
mal blanketing of the Gondwana super- been detected in some young oceanic basins (eg
continent (Anderson 1982) surrounded by Woodlark Basin, SW Pacific; Johnson et al., in
subduction of cold lithosphere or by lithosphere press) and back-arc basins (eg Saunders &
subduction in the back-arc environment could Tarney 1979; Cohen & O'Nions 1982), the re-
be the long-lasting hot-spot source for the Dupal cycled wedge material in most cases is probably
anomaly in the southern Atlantic and Indian very refractory and depleted in incompatible
Oceans. Chemical and isotopic characteristics elements. Thus it will have only a limited effect
of the plume material can be modified by con- or no effect on MORB and OIB chemistry.
tributions from the subduction-zone-related Delamination and/or thermal erosion of conti-
processes (eg sediment subduction for low nental lithosphere once situated above sub-
phosphorus, titanium Tasmanian and Ferrar duction zones should introduce a strong
dolerites and basalts of southern Karoo and subduction zone signature into the convecting
Parana) or interactions with the continental mantle. To make this model successful it is
lithosphere which could have been modified by required that the continental lithosphere is
this same subduction zone process (eg group II generally formed by non-subduction-zone-
kimberlites). In this connection, we agree with related processes such as plume underplating
Zindler & Hart (1986) that Pangean sediment (eg Ringwood 1982; McDonough & McCulloch
subduction may also have left its influence on 1987) or alternatively, after subduction ceased,
the EM2-type OIBs in the S Pacific region it has been strong modified on a worldwide
(eg Samoan and Society islands OIBs with nega- scale by upward migration of CO2-rich silicate
tive europium anomalies and low Ce/Pb). Some melts from the asthenosphere and/or intraplate
residual effects from the recycled mantle wedge magmatism (as observed in many mantle xeno-
on the source character of the mid-ocean ridges, liths).
back-arc basins and volcanic arcs is also likely.
The alternative interpretation is that the
Dupal anomaly in the S Atlantic is a result of Mixing of oceanic island basalt
thermal reactivation, remobilization and de-
tachment of the southern African and South mantle components and
American lithosphere (eg Hawkesworth et al. interpretations of lead isotope data
1986). This is inferred from the occurrences of
HPT basalts in the northern Karoo and Parana On a combined lead, strontium and neodymium
which are chemically and isotopically similar to isotope ratio plot, the fields for five OIB groups
the Dupal OIBs. However, on this model there defined by White (1985) all extend towards, and
is difficulty in explaining the lack of a strong overlap with, the MORB group, suggesting mix-
signature of subduction zone processes (ob- ing with a MORB-type component. Little mix-
served in southern Karoo and some Parana ing appears to have occurred between the four
basalts) in the Dupal OIBs. Furthermore, the other groups. Detailed geochemical studies of
long-lasting (more than 100 Ma) distinctive seamount basalts from the N Pacific by Zindler
chemical and isotopic character of hot-spot et al. (1984) document small-scale heterogen-
traces of the Cameroon line - St Helena, Ninety eities in the mantle sources for the basalts.
Chemical and isotopic systematics of oceanic basalts 335
However, systematic studies of the circum- by Zindler et al. (1984), who suggested that the
global MORB system have shown large-scale isotopic differences between the alkali basalts
regional heterogeneities and large-scale mixing and tholeiites are due to different degrees of
of different mantle types (eg Schilling et al. melting of a veined mantle. The isotope data
1985). suggest that interaction of the mantle plume
Since the isotopic characteristics of distinct (source for tholeiites) with the oceanic litho-
mantle types is an integrated product of frac- sphere and/or its immediately underlying
tionation of parent-daughter elements and iso- asthenosphere is important, especially for the
lation time, no fixed end-member should be post-erosional alkali basalts (eg Tatsumoto
expected. Consequently, mantle mixing with 1978; Sun 1980; Chen & Frey 1985; McDonough
four to five component fields in strontium, neo- et al. 1985). The inverse correlations between
dymium and lead isotope space will generate a La/Ce, Nb/La and Ba/La with 875r/86Sr observed
volume of mixing products. The mantle plane in many Hawaiian basalts have been interpreted
suggested by Zindler et al. (1982) contains most as the result of a combination of mixing of
of the OIB data, but it is only an approximation. different mantle sources and the effects of vari-
Often, more than one mantle type can be able degrees of partial melting. In Figs 14a and
sampled in a single island or island group. For b, 87Sr/86Sr versus La/Nb and Ba/La respectively
example, Li & Hart (in press) suggest that four are shown for the Hawaiian basalts. Post-
mantle components (PREMA, recycled meta- erosional alkali basalts with low 87Sr/86Sr are
somatized continental lithosphere, ancient re- mainly derived from a MORB-type source at
cycled oceanic crust and MORB source) are the base of the Hawaiian oceanic lithosphere
required to explain the lead, strontium and and/or in the asthenosphere immediately below
neodymium isotopic variations observed in it. Strong fractionation of Ba/La and La/Nb
Hawaiian basalts. Combined isotope and trace- ratios from those of the MORB source is con-
element studies can offer important constraints sistent with the idea that they have quite differ-
on the geometrical relationships of different ent degrees of incompatibility on the mantle-
types of magma sources and magma generation normalized diagram.
processes. It is now well established that In view of the high frequency of inferred
Hawaiian post-erosional alkali basalts have mantle mixing phenomena, it is desirable to
lower 87Sr/86Sr ratios but higher ENd than the reconsider the age significance of the lead iso-
underlying shield-building tholeiites and associ- topic data for OIBs. Earlier we suggested that
ated pre-erosional alkali basalts (eg Chen & lead isotope data for HIMU-type OIB indicated
Frey 1985; Li & Hart, in press). In terms of the source isolation ages ranging from 1.0 Ga (Ua
relative isotopic characteristics of alkali basalts Pou) to 2.0 Ga (St Helena). Except for those
versus tholeiites, the Hawaiian situation is the OIB samples from individual islands having
opposite of that observed for seamount basalts negative slopes on 2~176 versus 2~176
J HaleatalaI []
: Koolau I [] []
Tholeiitic Basalls 0.7040
Basalts o non $ Haleakala
[] Kauai
Transitional Bnsalts u m Loihi
~n b IP Transitional
0.7035 0.7035 []
[] Basalts
M ~
~tan~~ l J Alkalic Basalts
q~ AIkallc Basalts Hawaiian Basalts []
Basalts o n
[] n []
0.7030 MORB 0.7030 []
[] Trendfor a small degree of melting of a MORB souse
["-'1 Trendfor partial melting effect >
| I I I I I I I
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 0.7025 ' . . . .
La/Nb 3 6 9 12 15 18
(a) (b)
Fro. 14. Plots of (a) S7Sr]S6Sr versus La/Nb and (b) 879r/S6Sr versus Ba/La for selected Hawaiian basalts
illustrating the combined effects of mixing of two types of mantle sources and different degrees of partial
melting. The trend of changing La/Nb and Ba/La ratios caused by different degrees of partial melting is
indicated by the arrow direction.
336 S.-s. Sun & W. F. McDonough
diagrams, indicating mixing of different types of Mass exchange between the crust
mantle, the interpretation of other OIB data is and mantle
not so straightforward. Some EM2-type OIBs
from the Society Islands and Sao Miguel have The idea of continuous recycling of crustal ma-
high 2~176 values and each island group terial into the mantle has received attention
exhibits a steep slope on a plot of 2~
ever since plate tectonic theory became well
versus 2~176 At the high 2~176 end
accepted. Armstrong (1968, 1981) suggested
this trend is constrained by continental sedi- that the continental crust is mainly formed dur-
ments. It is likely that this high a~176 ing the Archaean and has reached a steady state
character is related to sediment subduction (see growth since then. He suggested that recycling
earlier), as suggested by White (1985). Even of continental crustal material is required to
though White (pers. comm., 1987) no longer keep lead and strontium isotope growth in the
favours this interpretation, we consider that it depleted mantle. In contrast, Hofmann et al.
may also apply to Kerguelen samples. (1986) emphasized that the observation of cons-
Good regression lines are also found for ba- tant Ce/Pb ratios (25+5) and Nb/U ratios
salts from the Hawaiian Islands (0.94 Ga), (47+10) in MORBs and OIBs argues against
Canary Island (1.7 Ga), Iceland (1.5 Ga), Ross significant amounts of sediment recycling into
Island (1.3 Ga) and the northeastern Pacific the convecting mantle since about 2 Ga ago, as
seamounts (1.8 Ga). Gough Island and the Dis- sediment involvement will greatly affect these
covery Tablemount basalts have a small range ratios (Fig. 6). We have also shown in this
of 2~176 and a shallow slope on the 2~
paper that, except for some EM-type OIBs,
204pb versus 2~ diagram and yield an
there is a general lack of sediment signature in
age close to zero, whereas Walvis Ridge data the mantle-normalized diagram of OIBs and
give an age of about 0.8 Ga. Whether these MORBs. We suggest that subduction of sedi-
regression lines have any age significance is not ment at the convergent margins has been short-
clear. For example, Stille et al. (1986) empha- circuited within the mantle wedge above the
sized the mixing character of the Hawaiian subduction zone. This idea is consistent with a
basalts and suggested that approximately 0.9 detailed geochemical study of alkali basalts in
Ga regression slope has no real age significance, the Japan Sea region by Nakamura et al. (1985).
although they felt that the general O I B - M O R B Consequently, in order to keep the depleted
trend reflects a 1.5-2.0 Ga isolation age from MORB source isotopic growth as observed,
the MORB source for Iceland, Galapagos and input from OIB source and subcrustal litho-
Easter Island. sphere in the upper mantle and/or from the
A good example to illustrate the non-unique lower mantle is required.
solution of the 1.8 Ga P b - P b isochron of OIB
data is given by the study of the St Paul's Rocks
in the equatorial Atlantic (Roden et al. 1984).
Mass exchange between upper and lower mantle
These peridotites have young S m - N d and P b -
Pb isochron ages (~< 200 Ma) corresponding to Gast (1968) first suggested that the geochemical
the time of metasomatism in the mantle. The characteristics of MORB sources are mainly a
high 2~176 ratios (up to 19.8, see Fig. 9) product of extraction of small amounts of alkali
and 238U/2~ ratios in the rocks allow 2~ basalts. In contrast, some lithosphere recycling
2~ to evolve to high values quickly with time. models require resorption of the subducted
Mixing of this type of mantle with a depleted oceanic crust into neighbouring fertile upper-
MORB source can generate P b - P b slopes simi- mantle peridotite in order to regenerate the
lar to those of the Canary and Ross Islands. MORB source (All~gre & Turcotte 1986). It is
However, it is important to point out that the St obvious that a combination of these two pro-
Paul's sample SE-6 with the least radiogenic cesses is likely to be operative in the mantle. In
lead (2~176 = 18.63) and with 875r/86Sr = terms of the model of lithosphere recycling
0.70347 has an unusually high 2~176 ratio within the upper mantle, the MORB source in
(15.61) for OIBs of this type with low 2 0 6 Pb/ 2 0 4 Pb the upper mantle is most likely to be the com-
and 87Sr/86Sr. plement to the continental crust. This hypothesis
On the basis of this analysis, we conclude that can be tested by a mass balance calculation.
the available lead isotopic data for OIBs allow There are various model estimates of elemen-
for mantle isolation ages ranging from a few tal abundances in the bulk crust, although these
hundred million years up to 2.0 Ga. Further estimates vary by a factor of 2 (eg see the
research is required to assess the significance of summary by Taylor & McLennan 1985). On a
the apparent ages better. mantle-normalized diagram the continental
Chemical and isotopic systematics of oceanic basalts 337
crust has an enriched pattern which is in part a Despite all uncertainties involved in this calcu-
mirror image of the depleted M O R B pattern. lation, it is clear that a major discrepancy be-
This complementary relationship between the tween the calculated and observed La/Nb ratios
crust and upper-mantle M O R B source is com- requires special attention. We have argued that
monly accepted as evidence for a mass balanced the lack of an obvious positive niobium anomaly
system. In Table 5 we use the primitive mantle in the average M O R B and OIB sources and
composition presented in Table 1 and estimates continental lithosphere requires a mechanism
of crustal abundances by Taylor & McLennan to fractionate niobium from lanthanum or pre-
(1985) to perform some simple calculations. To ferentially withdraw former oceanic crust with
satisfy crustal abundances of highly incompat- low La/Nb ratios from the upper mantle. This
ible elements (eg, barium, rubidium, caesium, can be achieved by subduction of oceanic litho-
thorium and uranium), 25%--30% of the sphere (Creager & Jordan 1984) or subtraction
volume of the upper mantle must be primitive of refractory eclogitic material from the mega-
mantle. Using higher estimates of element lith into the lower mantle and/or at the base of
abundances in the crust, up to 50 % primitive the upper mantle (Ringwood & Irifune 1988).
mantle is required. Furthermore, if the Preferential withdrawal of niobium from the
continental lithosphere (150-200 km thick) is upper mantle can also reduce the discrepancy
globally or locally enriched in incompatible ele- between the calculated and measured Nb/U
ments, then depletion of an even higher portion ratio of the depleted mantle shown in Table 4.
of the convecting mantle is required. Evidence A plot of La/Ta versus La/Sm ratios for MORBs
for enriched continental lithosphere comes from from the literature, along with our estimates o f
studies of continental basalts and ultrapotassic the primitive mantle, is shown in Fig. 15. It is
rocks (eg Carlson 1984; Fraser et al. 1986; quite clear that transitional-type MORBs and
Nelson et al. 1986). These rocks always show some N-type M O R B s with light-REE-depleted
strong crustal geochemical characteristics (rela- to slightly enriched patterns ( L a / S m ~ 0 . 8 - 1 . 8 )
tive depletions of titanium, niobium, phos- have tantalum (and niobium) anomalies (La/Ta
phorus and strontium on a m a n t l e - n o r m a l i z e d < 17). These results are consistent with the idea
diagram, high La/Nb (>> 1) and large negative of recycling and resorption of the subducted
europium anomalies) and isotopic systematics former oceanic crust into the asthenospheric
suggestive of crustal recycling in the early mantle source for these MORBs.
According to the calculations in Table 5, the
Formation of heterogeneous mid-ocean ridge
residual M O R B source in the upper mantle
basalt sources
should have a fertile major- and trace-element
composition, similar to those of the fertile ultra- It appears that recycled former oceanic crust is
mafic xenoliths studied by Jagoutz et al. (1979). not simply resorbed and mixed into neighbour-
TABLE 5. Mass balance calculation assuming complementary relationship between the bulk
continental crust and M O R B source (upper mantle)
Rb U Nb La Ce Pb Nd Sr Sm AI% Ca%
~ -MORB ~ Ta
in the variation of chemical and isotopic charac-
teristics in different ocean basins (eg the exist-
ence of the Dupal anomaly in the Indian Ocean).
A veined and plum-pudding type of upper
mantle with various scales of old and young
heterogeneity can be generated this way.
T- M O R B - ~ . ~ . ~
R = ReducedEnvironment
S S S S A P = Phlogopite held back
S S = Sediment Addition
100 .tt A = Arc Signature
:~ ~o
1 ' ' ' , , i , , , l l i l , i , l l l i l ,
7s Rb Ba Th U Nb K La Ce Pb Pr Sr P N d Z r S m E u TiDy Y YbLu
T1 W Ta Mo Hf Sn Li 1to
1~. 16. Schematic description of the effects of various factors which can modify the mantle-normalized pattern
of OIBs. For some elements enrichments or depletions may be due to a combination of factors; however, by
using several different elements it may be possible to distinguish the relative roles of multiple effects. For
example sediment addition (S) and arc signature (A) will both cause increases in caesium, rubidium, barium,
potassium and lead; however, strontium is generally enriched in the arc signature, whereas it is generally
depleted in the sediment addition.
studies of element ratio systematics (eg the core - mantle boundary, as a number of
Ba- Rb-Cs, Nd-Sr, Nb-La, P-Nd, Ti-Eu, geophysicists seem to prefer, then there are
S m - Z r ) and the effect of changing mineralogy three possible ways in which to explain these
on Kd under different pressure and temperature constant ratios: (i) the recycled oceanic litho-
conditions. Such differences in mineral assem- sphere which sank to the c o r e - m a n t l e bound-
blage and melting conditions may also be re- ary about 2 Ga ago becomes the plume source,
sponsible for two types of light R E E patterns (ii) the upper and lower mantle are well mixed
observed in OIBs: (i) the predominant pattern and (iii) mantle material that arises from the
showing a continuous increase from heavy R E E s core - mantle boundary only initiates the plume
to light R E E s with La/Ce = 0.46 ( + 1 0 % ) and activity, whereas the main chemical and isotopic
(ii) a less common type showing concave- characteristics of OIBs are derived from shal-
downward light R E E patterns as in Ua Pou lower mantle (1000 km or less).
tholeiites (Fig. 11) and most Hawaiian It has been shown by some geophysicists (eg
tholeiites. see a review by Hager & Gurnis 1987) that the
If whole-mantle convection was important in global gravity pattern is consistent with whole-
the early Earth's history, then we suggest that mantle convection, with viscosity increasing
the lower mantle composition would also have with depth across the phase transformation
been involved in crust formation and mantle ( 1 0 - 1 0 0 times), and that oceanic lithosphere
differentiation ( M O R B - O I B ) . The total ab- subduction can continue into the lower mantle
sence of OIBs with certain primitive mantle (Creager & Jordan 1984). It has also been shown
ratios (eg Rb/Cs ~ 20, Nb/U -~ 30, Ce/Pb ~ 9) that the geoid pattern reflects plate tectonic
suggests that the different OIB-type sources patterns of the last 100-200 Ma (eg Hager &
have been previously well mixed with the de- Gurnis 1987). This whole-mantle convection
pleted M O R B reservoir (Hofmann et al. 1986). model has the property of faster convective
If some OIB sources are indeed derived from mixing in the upper mantle than the lower
340 S.-s. Sun & W. F. M c D o n o u g h
mantle with a corresponding isolation time for troduce an enriched reservoir into the lower
chemical heterogeneities ranging from a few mantle.
hundred million years (the upper mantle) to The possibility that the continental litho-
billions of years (the lower mantle). Although sphere is a major reservoir for incompatible
this situation could be crudely similar to the elements has been proposed previously (eg
two-layer stratified mantle convection model, Brooks et al. 1976; Davies 1981; Carlson 1984).
the exchange mechanism involving subduction Although we also favour the idea that some
of recycled oceanic crust is different from simple parts of the lithosphere can be metasomatized,
mass exchange between the upper and lower enriched by subduction zone processes and by
mantle. the upward migration of silica-undersaturated
The chemical and isotopic consequences of melts from the asthenosphere, we have difficulty
processing altered oceanic crust (with high in quantitatively evaluating the volumetric im-
U/Pb) through the subduction zone, of subject- portance of this mantle reservoir, especially
ing it to dehydration and partial melting (La/Nb when the effects of thermal erosion of the litho-
decreased) and of its later resorption into the sphere are taken into account. However, if the
convecting mantle requires further evaluation. continental lithosphere is indeed a major mantle
Could this mechanism fully explain the lead reservoir for incompatible elements, then larger
isotopic composition (with a~176 on the volumes of depleted mantle reservoirs (the
right-hand side of the geochron) and low Th/U whole mantle?) similar to the MORB source
(about 2.0) of the MORB source? Additionally, are required.
could it also generate the HIMU-type OIB Relatively constant Ce/Pb (25+5) and Nb/U
source? It is true that niobium and tantalum (47+10) ratios in OIBs and MORBs indicate
kicks do exist in some MORB and OIB sources either that they are produced through sub-
(see earlier discussion). This observation is at duction zone processes (but how?) or that the
least partly consistent with the model of oceanic subduction zone processes only introduce minor
crust recycling. However, most light-REE- noise to the ratios (preferred). The effect of
depleted MORBs also have niobium- (and sediment subduction seems to have been short-
tantalum-)depleted patterns (Fig. 14). If HIMU- circuited at the island arc and back-arc volcanic
type mantle sources have distinctly lower La/Nb environments. Even in OIBs with a clear sedi-
(eg 0.7) than average N-type MORB (approxi- ment signature, the trace-element and isotope
mately 0.95) as a result of oceanic crust re- data would limit the added sediment component
cycling, then one would also expect to find very to less than 1%.
different Ce/Pb, Nb/U and Rb/Cs ratios, which Opinion in favour of a subduction zone con-
is not consistent with the available data (Table nection of the Dupal anomaly, whether gene-
3). Furthermore, an increase in the Th/U ratio rated in the metasomatized mantle wedge above
in the H I M U source region, relative to MORB, the subduction zone or the continental litho-
has not been and could not be explained by this sphere, is gaining support. The Dupal anomaly
model. in the S Atlantic and Indian Oceans seems to be
Since the bulk continental crust has an La/Nb related to the breakup of Gondwana. This type
ratio higher by a factor of 2 than the OIB and of isotopic and chemical anomaly can be ex-
MORB sources, and these sources have La/Nb pected in other regions with similar tectonic
ratios approximately equal to the primitive histories but not limited to the southern hemi-
mantle value, then a niobium-rich component is sphere as originally suggested by Hart (1984).
missing from the upper mantle-crust system Lead and neodymium isotope data for HIMU-
unless the data in Table 5 are biased or the type OIBs require a source isolation age of
continental lithosphere is a major reservoir for 1.0-2.0 Ga with a long-term slightly light-
niobium and has a low La/Nb. We suggest that REE-enriched character. The 2.0 Ga age may
this niobium-rich component does not reside in correspond to a major thermal event in the
the continental lithosphere but has been intro- Earth's crust. Large amounts of HIMU- and
duced into the lower mantle through lithosphere possibly EMl-type OIB reservoirs might have
subduction and/or has been accumulated at the been formed from the depleted asthenosphere
base of the upper mantle (Ringwood & Irifune through migration of silica-undersaturated melts
1988). The sequestering of this niobium-rich from the LVZ into the oceanic and continental
component is an irreversible process which con- lithosphere. Pure H I M U character with low
tinuously modifies the geochemical and possibly 875r/86Sr ratios (0.7026-0.7028) is observed in
the geophysical character of the lower mantle. several ocean islands, suggesting that these
The subduction of oceanic lithosphere, possibly H I M U sources originated from depleted
with a metasomatized enriched base, may in- MORB-type mantle. In view of the limited
Chemical and isotopic systematics of oceanic basalts 34I
amount of continental lithosphere available for In conclusion, in order to improve our inter-
recycling and a general lack of crustal and pretation of the chemical and isotope data, it is
subduction zone signatures in OIBs, we favour important to integrate a geochemical approach
the idea that the H I M U source character (es- with other approaches based on information
pecially those with 87Sr/S6Sr=0.7026-0.7028) is derived from high-pressure experimental petro-
generated by recycling of oceanic lithosphere. logy, the tectonic history of the Earth's crust,
Due to the problem of mantle mixing, no geophysical observations and numerical model-
unique isotope isolation age can be established ling. With a better understanding of the petro-
for E M l - t y p e mantle with confidence, whereas logical and geophysical processes involved in
trace-element and isotope data of the EM2-type the dynamic, chemical and isotopic properties
mantle with 2~176 _> 19.0 seems to suggest of the continental lithosphere we shall have a
the involvement of recently subducted sedi- more realistic flux input for the 'multi-box'
ments. A range of source isolation ages from a models currently used in numerical calculations
few hundred million years to 2 billion years for the chemical and isotopic evolution of the
therefore seems likely for the EM-type re- Earth.
The three-dimensional geometrical relation- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Constructive suggestions and
ship between the different OIB-type sources comments from F. A. Frey, C. J. Hawkesworth, J.
and the depleted upper mantle asthenosphere Hergt, B. M. Jahn, A. L. Jaques, M. T. McCulloch,
( M O R B source) cannot be clearly established Z. A. Palacz, R. Price, R. L. Rudnick, A. D.
as yet. However, it is evident that post-erosional Saunders and W. M. White are gratefully acknowl-
edged. S.-S. Sun publishes with the permission of the
alkali basalts of the Hawaiian islands and
Director, Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and
Samoan islands were derived from shallower Geophysics, Australia.
depths, whereas many OIB sources are derived
from greater depths in the form of mantle
plumes or isolated blobs.
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