MartinezGraña Et Al 2016

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International Journal of Digital Earth

ISSN: 1753-8947 (Print) 1753-8955 (Online) Journal homepage:

Sustainable geotourism using digital technologies

along a rural georoute in Monsagro (Salamanca,

A. M. Martínez-Graña, L. Serrano, J. A. González-Delgado, C. J. Dabrio & P.


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& P. Legoinha (2016): Sustainable geotourism using digital technologies along a rural
georoute in Monsagro (Salamanca, Spain), International Journal of Digital Earth, DOI:

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Sustainable geotourism using digital technologies along a rural

georoute in Monsagro (Salamanca, Spain)
A. M. Martínez-Grañaa , L. Serranoa, J. A. González-Delgadoa, C. J. Dabriob and P. Legoinhac
Department of Geology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain; bDepartment of
Stratigraphy, Faculty of Geology, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain; cGeoBioTec, Departamento de Ciências da
Terra, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Caparica, Portugal


Rural geotourism looks at the natural resources of the territory as a means Received 20 March 2016
of promoting a specialized, educational, sustainable tourism. This is an Accepted 29 June 2016
increasingly sought-after activity. This paper presents a rural georoute
across a high mountain village, highlighting the remarkable value of the Digital geotourism;
geological heritage of biological trace fossils and physical sedimentary geological heritage;
structures exposed on street pavements and façades of houses. A series georoute; sustentability
of tourist georesources were created and implemented: educational and geotourism; tourist
interpretive panels, videos, QR codes, geoapps and games, all of which georesources
promote and disseminate the exceptional geological content and the
history of the earth through the use of new technologies (smartphones,
ipod, etc.). All this is intended as a means to make geotourism a natural
tourism, favoring experiences, whilst explaining the natural environment
and its temporal and spatial dimensions, offering opportunities for
socio-economic development and job creation in rural areas with
problems of depopulation.

1. Introduction
In recent centuries, man has dedicated most of his life to work – homo faber – far surpassing the time
devoted to social activities (family, friends, etc.) and entertainment. Man today is aware – homo
sapiens – that he should voluntarily extend leisure activities to rest and feel relaxed in a way that
also develops his knowledge and self-education. The need to escape mentally from the professional
activity and going away on holiday, for short periods of time or mini-vacations, allows to quickly and
easily disconnect from daily work routine. In this way, tourism is promoted, in many cases quite
locally, as people seek to know more of their immediate environment and seek more contact with
nature. This has led to an increase in rural tourism, favoring natural areas with traditional ways
of life and away from urban centers.
However, tourists need a motivation (De Sausmarez 2007), which is found through an edu-
cational search based on the explanation and experimentation or through exploration of a topic
(e.g. castles, water-based, ecological, ornithological or cultural tours, or scenic routes). A thematic
search using interactive techniques may, hopefully, raise awareness about the natural heritage
and, more specifically, geological heritage, and can also set the focus on tourist attractions of
great geological interest. Geotourism can help the development and strengthening of local econom-
ies, reducing in the process the chronic depopulation of high mountain rural areas (Carey, Gountas,
and Gilbert 1997; Pralong 2006; Baležentis et al. 2012).

CONTACT A. M. Martínez-Graña Department of Geology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Salamanca,

Merced Square s/n, 37008 Salamanca, Spain
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed at 10.1080/17538947.2016.1209582
© 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

In recent years, there has been an increased interest in geological heritage from scientific, socio-
economic and cultural perspectives, with the overall aim of understanding and protecting the
environment. The geological heritage is part of the natural heritage composed of elements and/or
geological structures notable for their scientific, cultural and educational value (Alexandrowicz,
Urban, and Miśkiewicz 2009; Hose 2012). The points of interest that make up the geological heritage
are related to disciplines such as paleontology, sedimentology and geomorphology (Kubalíková and
Kirchner 2015). The paleontological heritage is composed of the fossil biological remains and
organic-induced traces that have been preserved in the geological record. It has an important scien-
tific, social and educational value as it provides basic information about the history of our planet and
its changing environments, allowing us to understand and interpret the origin and evolution of life
(Regolini-Bissig, Alves, and Brandolini 2009; Hose, Vasiljević, and Djordjije 2012; Brilha 2015).
However, highlighting the heritage value of places of geological interest increases the risk of theft
(Henriques and Pena dos reis 2015); therefore it is very important that their recognition and
inclusion as tourist resources goes hand in hand with the promotion of their geoconservation
(Hose 2000).
Therefore, geotourism is a relatively new concept: a new way of traveling that gives us the oppor-
tunity to visit unexplored places, while learning about the history of earth through fossils and geo-
logical formations (Hose 2006; Ghazi, Ólafsdóttir, and Tongkul 2012; Crofts 2014). From a
promotional point of view, ‘geomarketing’ uses a variety of forms of interpretation and communi-
cation (explanatory diagrams, photographs, maps, 3D virtual globes, etc.) that explore the temporal
and spatial dimensions of rocks (minerals, fossils and strata) and landforms (glacial, fluvial, etc.) of
the earth’s surface (Theus 2005; González-Delgado et al. 2015).
Proof of this recent development is the increase in publications and educational and leisure activi-
ties based on scientific and educational interest in geology: hiking, walking, horse riding and cycling
routes, Geoparks, geodays (, accessed 29
April 2016), orienteering or geocaching activities (hunting for geological ‘treasures’ such as tectonic
structures, fossils, etc.) (Martínez-Graña et al. 2014). Geoparks promote awareness of the abundant
geological features of a natural area, their tourist use and preservation based on a model of socio-
economic development (Farsani et al. 2014; Ólafsdóttir and Dowling 2014). They try to use the geo-
logical heritage of economically depressed regions as a basis for enhancing the social and economic
development of the people living within them (Megerle 2008; Dowling 2011; Newsome and Johnson
2013). Geotourism has reached such an impact that even National Geographic has a section on poss-
ible sustainable destinations, including the International Appalachian Trail (
index.php, accessed 27 April 2016).
A georoute is a tourism product based on knowledge, preservation and interpretation of the geo-
logical heritage. After conducting a study of the most remarkable geological features of a village or
region, resources are designed and created for their disclosure and for the sustainable enjoyment of
tourists, with the aim of promoting the dissemination and development of earth sciences and the
protection of the heritage. In Monsagro, this active and creative georoute allows tourists to imagine
and understand the transformation of the Ordovician seabed (about 480 million years ago) into the
mountain range in which the village is currently located. It gives Monsagro the means to promote
interaction between tourists and the geological heritage with scientific and environmental activities
for the educational, scientific and tourism sector and implements the use of new technologies (QR
codes, geoapp, games, etc.) (Martínez-Graña, Goy, and Cimarra 2013, 2015). This activity promotes
the affluence of tourists and improves local socio-economic development through geotourism.

1.1. Objective and study area

This paper attempts to promote a geotourism which connects with the natural heritage of rural areas.
This is a specialized tourism that is under continuous expansion, as it is more and more sought-after
by the public in general (European Commission 2013). A tourism that will educate anyone who

Figure 1. Study area (topographic map and 3D virtual globe) (

wants to know about the geological foundations on which they live, its origin and the active natural
processes and also the potential risks likely to be present in their region. Obviously, it is not a mass
tourism, but rather a geotourism where tourists and visitors can appreciate and taste the environ-
ment and the purity of nature; an educational tourism, taking in culture and history on a small
scale, as a means of entertainment and fun (Martin et al. 2010). In this way, geotourism becomes
a tourism based on imagination and emotion, favoring experiences and feelings whilst explaining
the natural environment and its temporal and spatial dimensions (Pralong 2006). In the last decade,
after recognizing the opportunities for economic development, public and private institutions and
organizations have initiated many activities in response to this specific market of geotourism (Curtin
and Busby 1999; Corvea et al. 2014). In this regard, the need for interpretation of the places to visit
must meet the expectations of tourists, preferable in an original and innovative way.
The objective of this work was to design and implement a series of geotourism resources by estab-
lishing a georoute in the village of Monsagro (x: 731.250, y: 4487252, H29), located in a rural area of
high mountains in Salamanca, Spain. The georoute gives recognition to the geological–paleontolo-
gical heritage of the village, which consists of structures of both biological origin (ichnites, marks of
trilobites and worm activity) and inorganic origin (sedimentary structures or ripple marks generated
by wave and current action). Geotourism may help to boost rural development using local resources
and promoting sustainable activities that, in turn, create wealth and employment opportunities and
the establishment of services attracted by the georoute and its geoconservation (Burek 2012). In
Monsagro, fossils have been used for ornamental purposes, to embellish façades, streets and foun-
tains (Figure 1). These fossils have been extracted from the strata of the Early Paleozoic (Ordovician)
‘Armorican Quartzite’ forming much of the surrounding mountains.

2. Geological setting
Monsagro is situated in an area of high geodiversity (Figure 2), with a variety of geological for-
mations and unique geological features, especially paleontological and geomorphological. It is

Figure 2. Top: Geological map of Monsagro region (blue circle): Precambrian (15 – graywackes and slates, 14 – Schists and gray-
wackes, Monterubio Fm.; 13 – Schists and graywackes, Aldeatejada Fm.), Cambrian (4 – slates and graywackes with sandstones, 12
– sandstones of Tamames, 11 – limestone of Tamames), Ordovician (6 – quartzite with microconglomerates, 5 – quartzite, 3 –
Armorican quartzite), Silurian (10 – gray and black shales), Devonian (9 – slates and vulcanites), Carboniferous–Permian (7 – biotite
granites, 8 – leucogranites), Eocene (2 – gravels, sands and clays), Quaternary (1-river terraces, alluvial, 0-colluvium). Bottom:
images of houses, fountains and church with building stones showing fossil structures (

located on a Precambrian–Cambrian schist-graywacke complex made up of shales, sandstones and

conglomerates, together with black slates and some detrital carbonates. These rocks derive from
ancient fine-grained sediments (turbidity silts and clays) laid down in deep ocean areas, close to a
continental slope situated near to where the current coast of Morocco is located. They are uncon-
formably overlaid by Ordovician rocks consisting of sandstones, conglomerates, quartzites and
slates. These are interpreted as detrital continental shelf sediments, with fossil traces representing
the activity of a great variety of organisms. Also, one must highlight the presence of the so-called
Armorican quartzite, a hard, compact stratified rock, which, owing to its resistance to erosion,
plays a major role in carving the morphology of the mountain ridges around Monsagro.
The folding of these sediments took place during the Variscan Orogeny, the geological mountain
building event caused by the collision between Euramerica and Gondwana in Late Paleozoic, and
formed the supercontinent of Pangea. Then, vertical folding left synclines in the topographically
highest areas, which resulted in an inverted or Appalachian modeling (Martínez-Graña, Goy, and
Zazo 2011). This is responsible for the geomorphology of the mountain ranges, including the sum-
mits and ridges. On the mountain slopes, scree is found, which is produced by frost acting on the

quartzite ridges. Also on the slopes there are several sequences of superimposed colluvium. Finally,
there is the broad valley of the Agadon River incised in the Precambrian–Cambrian rocks.

3. Method
The geotourism activities proposed in this paper are based on the development of an rural georoute
across the village of Monsagro called: ‘Route of the fossil footprints’. This village exhibits abundant
rocks showing the traces of marine organisms and also the marks left by the waves and currents on
the ancient sandy seabed. This seabed has been subsequently transformed into stratified rock for-
mations (the so-called Ordovician quartzite) that currently make the surrounding ridges and hill-
sides. In past centuries, the inhabitants of Monsagro were certainly attracted and stricken by
these structures and carefully collected and used fragments, often with large well-preserved speci-
mens, to beautify the façades of the town church, their houses and communal fountains, creating
an ornamental amalgam that is a resource of great use nowadays. In fact, the streets of Monsagro
are a true open-air museum for visitors (Figure 1).
The methodology involved five successive steps that are briefly described. Firstly, we carried out a
study of the geological heritage exposed on the façades of the houses of Monsagro and selected the
best accessible fossil footprints of high quality and interest. From the identified geological features,
the itinerary of the georoute was designed. In a second step, we defined the number and type of inter-
pretive and educational panels to be used in these outdoor locations (weather- and age-resistant
materials, adapted to the locality and fully integrated into the natural environment). At this step,
the additional signage (marks, arrows, etc.) to be used in the georoute was analyzed, weighted
and selected. The third step involved selecting the design of the logo of the georoute, the theme
of every panel and its educational content. In the fourth step, taking advantage of Wi-Fi available
throughout the village, we developed supporting instructional videos, QR codes, geoapps and
video games, all easily downloadable by smartphone, tablet ipod, etc. Finally, in the fifth step, pro-
motional materials and information on the georoute were developed. A foldable pocket guide was
designed for dissemination in tourist offices, through the web pages of the Diputación de Salamanca,
for municipalities adjacent to Monsagro, and the tourism offices of the Junta of Castile and Leon, etc.
A promotional poster of the georoute was also designed. The steps taken in developing these tourist
georesources are described in more detail in the following sections.

3.1. Itinerary of the rural georoute

Through fieldwork, the geological features that could be included in the geological heritage of the
village of Monsagro as ‘unique’ were identified and classified according to their origin (physical
or biological), and (in the case of the biological features) organized according to the organism
responsible and the behavior reflected in the ichnite (locomotion, feeding, resting, housing, etc.).
The traces were assessed to establish those examples that, because of their appearance, size, unique-
ness or condition, were of special interest, those whose appearance would facilitate the recognition
and identification by tourists and those which would contribute significantly to the educational
aspects and geological interest. The time duration of the complete georoute is 60 minutes, therefore
it is compatible with other activities such as visits to the ethnographic and wildlife museums of the
After the assessment and selection of the best stops from a geological point of view, the itinerary
of the georoute was defined and georeferenced by Geographic Information System – GIS – and Goo-
gle Earth (Figure 3(a)), establishing a semicircular route to simplify and avoid the use of two-way
signals undoubtedly more difficult to follow by visitors. To select the starting point or initial stop
of the route, we took into consideration ease of access, proximity to parking facilities and coincidence
with nearby points of interest included in the georoute. In contrast, the ending point was selected in a

Figure 3. (a) Trace of the georoute, with location of the panels (numbered red balloons) and points of interest (yellow pins), (b)
Lectern design for panels and (c) printing of the introductory panel with ‘Dibond’.

central location that permits easy orientation after completing the route and favors easy access to
local public services (restaurants, parks, etc.).

3.2. Selecting the type of panels and signage

Once the 630-m-long itinerary of the georoute was decided, six points along the route were selected
for setting various educational-interpretive panels keeping inside our limited budget of ca. 18,000
euros. Three of the panels were assigned and dedicated to the most spectacular, best fossil tracks,
two others to the beginning and ending points of the route, and one at a gazebo with a panoramic
view of the surrounding relief and the remarkable tourist landmark that is the ‘Peña de Francia’. We
also identified another additional five points of geological interest, outside the georoute, for optional

visits. After specifying the location of the six panels, the most appropriate model of panel was chosen.
This had to take into consideration: the specific location of each panel, adequate respect to the rural
esthetic, the climatic conditions and the need to avoid interfering with large vehicle traffic on some
streets (Figure 3(a)).
The most appropriate types of panel and support for use in the environment of the village were
selected. Two types were used; a lectern model was used in five of the six points of the georoute, while
the other was a wall bracket for the initial or introductory panel. The lectern model consists of a main
shaft of steel, on which are folded on top, two protective sheets on which the relevant information is
positioned. It has an overall height of 1.20 m and is fixed to the ground via concrete to which the
stem is attached using an anchor plate secured by resin nuts (Figure 3(b)). The introductory
panel was fixed to the wall of a building, as using an auxiliary support would have been excessive,
impeding the view of a larger portion of wall and, consequently, hiding the tracks fixed to the wall.
The size of the panels was determined by the supports used and by the amount of information
they needed to convey. For this reason the size of the introductory panel has a surface of 1680 ×
1470 mm, while the rest of the panels are limited to 500 × 340 mm. Because the municipality of
Monsagro is within the ‘Las Batuecas-Sierra de Francia’ protected natural area, all panels must con-
form to the signage rules for the natural spaces of Castile and León. Three types of material could be
used for the panels: acrylic, printed-retro-glass or Dibond (painted bilayer surface layers composed
of two aluminum layers 0.3 mm thick, with protective film on both sides and polyethylene core). The
first was esthetically more attractive and striking, with more vivid colors, but it was more brittle and
less durable over time and to sun exposure. Therefore Dibond was chosen as it is more resistant to
discoloration and loss of brightness and intensity (Figure 3(c)).
Three types of sign were also used: ones that indicated landmarks that were outside the georoute,
and two types of directional signs (at ground level and eye level) indicating the correct direction of
the route. For indicating landmarks, engraved and lacquered stainless steel plates, size 150 × 150 mm
(Figure 4(a)), were used. The purpose of these signs was to highlight other easily distinguishable
traces for anyone interested in a more extensive visit. These signs are abrasion-resistant and of a

Figure 4. (a) Point of interest sign, (b) ground level directional sign, (c) raised directional sign, (d) refractory mold, (e) introducing
molten metal into the mold (filling the mold with molten metal) and (f) final piece.

size small enough to avoid inconvenience to property owners. For directional signs at ground level
(Figure 4(b)), it was necessary to consider the material to be used (stainless steel or antique brass)
and how they should be made (engraved or cast). Monsagro has a stone floor, which can make it
difficult to distinguish the signs. Brass plaques produced by a casting process (lost cast) were pre-
ferred (Figure 4(d)). This manufacturing process involves introducing the molten metal, in this
case brass, into a refractory mold of a mixture of sand with clay (Figure 4(e)); with cohesive prop-
erties and workability but with the permeability that allows the evacuation of gas. After the metal has
solidified, the mold is broken to remove the final piece (Figure 4(f)). Eye level directional signs
(Figure 4(c)) were made in Dibond, size 160×180 mm. They are not as esthetically pleasing but
are readily visible and complement the ground level signs.

3.3. Logo for the georoute and content of the panels

A simple logo (Figure 4), easily remembered, and easily connected with the georoute of Monsagro
was produced. A fossil trace was used to stress the paleontological nature of the heritage: the track of
a trilobite (known paleontologically as the ichnogenus Cruziana) was chosen. These tracks are abun-
dant throughout the Paleozoic, particularly during the Ordovician in the area (approximately 480
million years ago). The bilobate striated track was drawn together with the animal producing it.
The content of the panels begins with a striking title related to the theme being presented. The text
is written in Spanish and English, given the large number of foreign tourists visiting the place. In
order to develop the interaction between tourists and the geological heritage, each panel has a
large number of photographs of the fossil footprints located nearby, with the aim of encouraging
the search for and recognition of the traces in the walls.

3.4. New technologies: QR codes, videos, geoapps and video games

The use of new technologies enhances the various tourist-educational virtual resources created, given
the immersion of society in digital multimedia entertainment, its high availability (smartphone,
tablets, ipod, etc.) and easy implementation in social networks (twitter, facebook, etc.).
Every panel includes one or more QR codes that provide complementary information, concepts
and processes, far beyond the limited space available on some panels. Through these codes, tourists,
using the free Wi-Fi of the village, can download videos (avi, mpeg and youtube platform) and pdf
documents to access additional interpretive content with diagrams and photographs. To facilitate
downloads, duration of videos was kept below one minute and the maximum size of pdf documents
was fixed at 10 mB. The QR code is matt black, easily distinguishable and recognizable. Background
music is added to all videos predisposing tourists to greater attention.
A Geoapp, ‘The Route of the Fossil Footprints’, an interactive application on the route has also
been produced. This is available as a free download from internet on mobile devices with ‘Google
Play’. This Geoapp has six different entry points, one introducing the characteristics of the tourist
georoute and the rest related to each panel. The app allows the user to know their location anywhere
in the village and provides information on the characteristics and the value of each point of interest.
The Geoapp encourages interaction between the visitor and the georoute, transforming the journey
into a detective game, where the only requirement is to observe the environment and to try to ident-
ify what is observed.
As most tourism in the locality is family based, two video games were created for the entertain-
ment of the youngest using the free software: ‘Game Maker’ which is intended to support learning. In
the videogame, images of trilobites, Orthoceras (a class of marine cephalopod living during the Ordo-
vician, which was the largest predator in that period), a meteorite and images of the seabed and real
Cruziana were used. Each of these elements plays different roles within the game, but always reflects
their real characteristics.

3.5. Poster and promotional brochure-pocket guide

A poster announcing the georoute is installed at the entry to the village, at the beginning of the route.
It is located on a wall that looks like a jigsaw puzzle with plenty of fossil footprints. For durability the
material used is aged iron and the name of the georoute is engraved in the metal, therefore being
environmentally well integrated. To facilitate advertising the georoute in tourist offices, community
centers, etc., a pocket-sized folding brochure with dimensions of 420 × 300 mm was prepared in six
parts. On one there is a map of the georoute providing information about the location of the panels
and points of interest and on the other side, there is a brief description of tourist attractions, as well as
services and typical gastronomic specialities offered by local hotels and restaurants. Possible comp-
lementary tourist activities are also listed: hiking in the area, free visits to the ethnographic museum,
the wildlife museum, etc. The purpose of this booklet is to offer a guide to tourist attractions and to
publicize the village of Monsagro.

4. Results and discussion

The results are the design, development and implementation of the georoute and a variety of tourist
georesources in the village of Monsagro. The work has focused on the existing geological heritage
that the inhabitants themselves have highlighted and strengthened in terms of tourism, recognizing
the importance and renown of the façades of their own homes (Figure 5). The first result is rep-
resented by the panels (Figure 6) that indicate the itinerary of the georoute. Each panel has a distinct
theme with a title, specific content and associated digital resources. The first panel is titled ‘The route
of fossil footprints: A walk through the ancient seas.’ Its main function is to indicate the location and
itinerary of the route, as well as to orientate anyone starting the route and to comment on the
relationship between the georoute and the origin of the fossil tracks. Given the size of this panel
it was possible to write text and insert images and maps to provide tourists with the geological con-
text of the location. A paleogeographic map of the Ordovician is included that shows the global geo-
graphic distribution of continents and the location (in the Ordovician) of the vestiges that can be
seen on the georoute. It shows that at that time, the Iberian Peninsula was a frigid marine environ-
ment in a different hemisphere at latitude close to the current South Pole. To help understanding, a
simple chronostratigraphic geological time table was added with symbols (skulls) indicating the great
mass extinctions of organisms throughout the history of life (3.8 billion years).
The second and third panels are entitled ‘The footprints of the Trilobites’ and ‘Traces of Worms’
respectively, corresponding to these ichnofossil groups. The panels contain three-dimensional dia-
grams illustrating the complete morphology of the footprint: the bilobed Cruziana produced by tri-
lobites, the cylindrical Skolithos produced by worms living inside, and the conical-tapered produced
by worms that fed on the sediment. They also show how diverse structures may occur, depending on
the orientation of the exposed section of the ichnofossil (Seilacher 2007).
The fourth panel is titled: ‘A sculpture carved by nature.’ Although expressed through metaphors,
it is a clear reference to the various fossil tracks found at that stop. In addition to text and images,
there are two diagrams, one showing the horizontal strata, the other with the rock layers separated to
show the formation of the track and its mold, as well as the difference between the two terms. The
title of the fifth panel ‘A balcony overlooking the Agadon River’ refers to the geomorphological mod-
eling of the Agadon River, the surrounding relief and current landscape (cutting valleys, scree, etc.).
Finally, the sixth panel called ‘Route of the fossils of Monsagro’ serves as a guide for information
about the tour and its main components. It is a summary of the georoute, located in the main square
of the village, which acts as meeting place and arrival point for visitors. The information is carefully
prepared to be accessible and understandable for a maximum number of people, taking into con-
sideration the wide range of ages and cultural differences expected amidst the potential visitors.
Most of the information is provided through images, drawings and diagrams, with condensed,
easy-to-read texts, to minimize loss of interest (Supplemental materials: panels). For the same

Figure 5. (a) Vertical burrow bioturbation, (b, h) daedalus striations, (c, g) cruziana and skolithos, (d) linguoid current and (f) inter-
ference wave-generated ripples, (e) cnidaries, (i) panoramic view looking to the East of the Agadon valley and Peña de Francia
mountain (far end) from panel 5.

Figure 6. Panels with the position number in the georoute (see Figure 3(a)).

reason, only essential information is presented, letting aside a good number of technical details, most
likely out of reach for the average visitors.
In order to follow the route, five signs are placed at points of interest, on the ground and on raised
wooden posts. Points of interest outside the itinerary are marked by stainless steel plates engraved
with the georoute logo lacquered in red. These signs are placed on wooden wedges, adjacent to
the façade or wall that they are intended to highlight (Figure 7(a)). Despite their small size, they
are easily distinguishable and fulfill their function without affecting the rural esthetic. Thirteen
ground level signs, made of antique brass (Figure 7(b)) show a trilobite generating its Cruziana
path. This image is embossed making it very appealing to tourists. Finally, raised signs of Dibond
(Figure 7(c)) positioned on wooden posts a meter high are distributed every few meters along the
entire village to help guide visitors. These signs have a small arrow that indicates the direction to
follow and the logo of the route on a yellow background that makes them easy to see.
The QR codes are a further tourist attraction that provide additional information through videos
and pictures. Virtual support is through the Monsagro website. In all, five videos have been created.
Two are related to the introductory panel. One is a 30-second introductory video about Monsagro
and fossils, showing how Monsagro would have appeared 480 million years ago in comparison to
today’s marine environment. The second, one-minute long, is a video about life before the Ordovi-
cian (Figure 8(a)) showing the most striking Cambrian organisms, all extinct before the Ordovician
except for the trilobites. This provides insight not only into the diversity of organisms that have come
into existence on earth, but also into what has led to evolution throughout the history of our planet.
The other three QR codes link to videos that describe the fossilization process, the modeling of the
Ordovician ocean floor contemplating Orthoceras and trilobites, the geological evolution and the
movement of the continents from the Precambrian to the present.
The new technologies applied to geotourism constitute one of the results with the widest impact,
especially amongst the youngsters. The geoapp called ‘The Route of the Fossil Footprints’ has six
screens, one introducing the route and the others describing each panel. The first screen (Figure 9
(a)) presents a general plan of the route with a brief explanation of the types of signs in order to facili-
tate recognition and interpretation. The second screen (Figure 9(b)) refers to the first panel on the
georoute and identifies the main organisms that populated the Ordovician seas. The third screen
(Figure 9(c)) analyzes in detail the tracks of the trilobites, their feeding habits, their defense mech-
anisms and how you can reconstruct the direction of movement, if any. The fourth screen (Figure 9
(d)) uses diagrams to explain the traces made by worms and includes pictures of traces found on the
walls and façades near (around) the panel. This encourages the visitor to actively participate in
observing and finding the traces nearby. In the fifth screen (Figure 9(e)) the local geomorphology
of three points of interest that the tourists can observe on their way to the main square (where
the georoute ends) and their origins are presented.

Figure 7. Signage: (a) point of interest, (b) sign at ground level and (c) raised sign fixed to a wooden pole.

Figure 8. (a) Videos accessed through QR codes and (b) some examples of interpretive diagrams and geological sketches used in
the georoute.

To entertain and engage younger visitors, two interactive video games were created
(Supplemental materials: games); the first called ‘Cruziana dodges Orthoceras’ (Figure 9(f)). Has a
single level where trilobites shoot at Orthoceras swimming in the sea. The second game called ‘Col-
lect trilobites and dodge meteorites’ presents seven levels similar to those of Pacman games. The
game takes place on a dark background (Figure 9(g) and 9(h)), inside a maze whose walls are com-
posed of Cruzianas. The player’s avatar is an Orthoceras (a marine Ordovician cephalopod, the lar-
gest predator during that period of geological time) whose mission is to collect trilobites scattered
through the maze without being hit by falling meteorites.
Finally, the dissemination of these tourist georesources is enhanced by the promotional poster
(Figure 10(a)) and pocket booklet/guide (Figure 10(b)). The pocket guide consists of two parts:
on the back, a map of Monsagro with the georoute tour of the sights and stops with utilities and
their addresses and phone numbers, accompanying the gastronomic specialties. On the front,
three different themes: the first indicating that we are in a protected area for fauna and flora, the

Figure 9. Geoapp: captures the five screens (a–e) of the application. The first game ‘Cruziana dodges Orthoceras’ (f) and the second
game ‘Collect trilobites and dodge meteorites’ in level 1 (g), with trilobites (red circle), the Orthoceras (yellow rectangle) and
meteorite (arrow), and level 2 (h).

second with the main points of interest marked and the third for the promotion of the great tourist
sites and natural attractions near the georoute.
Wide diffusion through social networks and tourism websites (http://www.turismocastillayleon.
com/es/rural-naturaleza/rutas-naturaleza/ruta-huellas-fosiles-monsagro, accessed 27 April 2016)

Figure 10. (a) Promotional panel and (b) pocket booklet for georoute dissemination.

has made the activity a success. The opening was in March 2015 and in the two summer months
between 15 July and 15 September 2015, 427 tourists took the georoute. Fifty-five percent came
from other Spanish provinces, 25% were foreigners (Germany, France, England, China, etc.) and

the remaining 20% came from the province itself. The georoute was widely reported in the media, in
newspapers (
internacional-ruta-fosiles/150095.html) and on television (
viva-mi-pueblo/monsagro/2015/07/16/tve-ruta-fosiles/149303.html). This publicity and the number
of tourists using the georoute led to an agreement between the University of Salamanca and the
town-hall of Monsagro for some of the final-year students on Geology and Geological Engineering
degrees to conduct their work practice as monitors (
pueblo/monsagro/2015/07/04/geo-monitores-ruta-fosiles/148139.html, accessed 27 April 2016).
This demonstrates the value of these tourist georesources and, in turn, creates awareness in society
on this valuable geological heritage and the social importance of its diffusion.
Since May 2015, some 300 university students on biology, environmental science and geology
degrees in the University of Salamanca have taken the route as part of their practical fieldwork.
From satisfaction surveys, they have indicated as major strengths of the route: (1) it is a well-orga-
nized trail; (2) it is very educational; and (3) it is a very remarkable route, with citizen involvement in
the conservation of the footprints. The weaknesses they suggested refer to: (1) little/rather modest
publicity; (2) bad road indications (signing) before reaching Monsagro; (3) absence of a museum
that complements the route.

5. Conclusions
The tourist georesources developed and implemented in a high mountain village have created a sus-
tainable rural geotourism which values the geological heritage of the area bringing at the time spread
wealth and socio-economic activity. Some jobs (monitors) have been created, and there is an increase
in tourists using local services (restaurants, etc.). The methodology and its execution are applicable to
other geologically similar areas and to other potential themes.
Making use of the new technologies that are more prevalent every day, this geotourism project has
generated educational content and innovative multimedia applications that provide insight, enhance,
protect and disseminate the geological heritage. The geological heritage is sometimes in the shade of
the biological heritage, although it forms the physical base for all natural heritage.
The interactive rural georoute: ‘The Route of the Fossil Footprints’, promotes the protection of
both geological and paleontological heritages (currently severely affected by worldwide theft), whilst
tourists are made aware of the exciting and amazing story of planet earth and of the different places
where we live and travel. The route also provides an example of citizen involvement in the preser-
vation of the paleontological heritage. In Monsagro, in an entertaining way, we can take a journey
into the past discovering traces of different marine organisms and processes on a frigid sea-floor
480 million years ago, when Iberia was located at a high latitude in a different hemisphere, and
we can imagine how it has journeyed to its current position due to continental drift.
All geotourist resources (panels, directional and informational signs, QR codes, geoapps, videos,
video games, promotional poster and pocket guide/booklet) have been adapted to fit in with the rural
character of the high mountain village. The project design, integrated with the natural environment,
creates an environmentally friendly tourism and makes tourists more respectful to it. After 10
months in operation, the promotion of the georoute through social networks and by national,
regional and district newspapers, together with the large number of national and international visi-
tors, allow us to envisage the long-term success of this tourist activity. Also we can foresee a remark-
able impact on local development which will help to prevent (mitigate) the ongoing depopulation of
this particularly beautiful rural area.

The authors wish to thank the ‘Diputación de Salamanca’ (Tourism and Culture Section), the Mayor (Angel Mateos)
and people of Monsagro for their help and support. The Office of Environment of the Junta de Castilla y León greatly

facilitated the preparation and placement of the information panels in protected natural areas. The authors would like
to thank the indications of three anonymous reviewers that have improved the presentation of this article.

The work received support from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [CGL2015-67169-P] and [CGL2015-

A. M. Martínez-Graña

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