Books by Two Authors: I. Books 1. Books by One Author in Text Citation

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1. Books by one author

In text citation

(King, 2000) or
King (2000) compares Frame with "..." (p. 34).

In reference list

King, M. (2000). Wrestling with the angel: A life of Janet Frame. Auckland, New
Zealand: Viking.

2. Books by two authors

In text citation

(Treviño & Nelson, 2007) or

Treviño and Nelson (2007) illustrated ...

 When paraphrasing in text, use and, not & (Publication Manual, p. 175).

In reference list

Treviño, L. K., & Nelson, K. A. (2007). Managing business ethics: Straight talk about
how to do it right. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

3. Books by three to five authors

In text citation

First in text citation

(Krause, Bochner, & Duchesne, 2006) or
Krause, Bochner, and Duchesne (2006) recommend "..." (p. 32).

In subsequent citations:
According to Krause et al. (2006)

 Cite all authors the first time, and in subsequent citations include only the first
author followed by et al. (short for et alii. - Latin for 'and others'). Do not italicise
et al.
In reference list

Krause, K.-L., Bochner, S., & Duchesne, S. (2006). Educational psychology for learning
and teaching (2nd ed.). South Melbourne, Vic., Australia: Thomson.

4. Books by six to seven authors

In text citation

According to Mezey et al. (2002) ... or

It is ... (Mezey et al., 2002)

 If there are six or seven authors, cite only the first author followed by et al. (short
for et alii. - Latin for 'and others'). Do not italicise et al. (Publication manual p.

In reference list

Mezey, M. D., Cassel, C. K., Bottrell, M. M., Hyer, K., Howe, J. L., & Fulmer, T. T.
(Eds.). Ethical patient care: A casebook for geriatric health care teams. Baltimore, MD:
The Johns Hopkins University Press.

 If there are eight or more authors, list the first six, then three elipses (…) and
finish with the last author.

5. Book by no author

In text citation

In the book, Joint Investigations of Child Abuse (1993), it is...

 Note that the key words of the book title are capitalised when used in text, but not
in the reference list.
 Italicise the book title in text (Publication Manual, p. 104 & 176).
 Do not use 'Anonymous' unless the author's name is given as Anonymous.

In reference list

Joint investigations of child abuse. (1993). Washington, DC: US Department of Justice,

Office of Justice Programs.
 If no author is stated, the title takes the author position.
 If the author's name is given as Anonymous, use Anonymous in the author field
(Publication Manual, p. 177).

6. Book by a corporate/group author

In text citation

First in text citation

(American Psychological Association [APA], 2010) or
The American Psychological Association (APA, 2010) indicated...

In subsequent citations:
According to APA (2010)...

 Some group authors may be abbreviated in subsequent citations if they are readily
recognisable (Publication Manual, pp. 176-177).
 Note use of square brackets around abbreviation in first example above.

In reference list

American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American

Psychological Association. Washington, DC: Author.

 When the author and the publisher are the same, use Author in the publisher field.
List in the references list by the first significant word of the organisation. For
group authors, the parent body precedes a subdivision (Publication Manual,

7. Book cited in a secondary source

In text citation

Carter and Beadle's (1930, as cited in Crisman & Streever, 1996) research shows that...
In the research of Carter and Beadle (1930, as cited in Crisman & Streever, 1996)...

In reference list

Crisman, T. L., & Streever, W. J. (1996). The legacy and future of tropical limnology. In
F. Schiemer & K. T. Boland (Eds.), Perspectives in tropical limnology (pp. 27-42).
Amstemdam, Netherlands: SPB Academic.
 Reference only Crisman and Streever (1996), not Carter and Beadle (1930).
 See also "Citations in text" section in "Citations in text & references list".

8. Book republished

In text citation

(Baldwin, 1909/1980) or
Baldwin (1909/1980) criticised...

 Both the original publication year and the year of the republished book are

In reference list

Baldwin, J. M. (1980). Darwin and the humanities (Library of Genetic Science and
Philosophy Series: Vol. 2). New York, NY: AMS. (Original work published 1909).

 Information about the original publication is included in parentheses after the

publisher's name or retrieval statement (See Also Publication Manual, pp. 203-
204, example 21 and 26).

9. Book translated

In text citation

(Sartre, 1962) or
Sartre (1962) is an example of ...

In reference list

Sartre, J.-P. (1962). Imagination: A psychological critique (F. Williams, Trans.). Ann
Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.

10. Chapter in an edited book

In text citation

(Helber, 1995) or
Helber (1995) concludes by ...
In reference list

Helber, L. E. (1995). Redeveloping mature resorts for new markets. In M. V. Conlin & T.
Baum (Eds.), Island tourism: Management principles and practice (pp. 105-113).
Chichester, England: Wiley.

 The author and chapter title come first, followed by the editor(s) and book title.
 Note the editor's initials come before the family name.
 It is the book title that is italicised, not the chapter title. The page numbers of the
chapter are also required.

11. Edited book

In text citation

(Samovar & Porter, 1997) or

Samovar and Porter (1997) conclude by ...

In reference list

Samovar, L. A., & Porter, R. E. (Eds.). (1997). Intercultural communication: A reader

(8th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

 Include (Ed.) or (Eds.) after their name(s).

 If you are citing a chapter within an edited book, review the previous section,
"Chapter in an edited book".

12. Electronic book with DOI

In text citation

Lance (2011) argues that...

In reference list

Lance, L. (2011). Nonproduction benefits of education: Crime, health, and good

citizenship. In Handbook of the economics of education (Vol. 4, pp.183-282).

 DOI is a Digital Object Identifier (DOI).

 For researchers, when a DOI is available, no matter whether electronic or print,
include it in the reference (Publication Manual, p. 189).

13. Electronic book with no DOI

In text citation

(Martin, 2011)

In reference list

Martin, J. L. (2011). The explanation of social action [Ebrary Reader version]. Retrieved
from Ebrary database.

 DOI is a Digital Object Identifier (DOI).

 For researchers, when a DOI is available, no matter whether electronic or print,
include it in the reference (Publication Manual, p. 189).
 If you are submitting work to a publisher and there is no DOI, you are now
required to give the URL of the Ebook's homepage (in this example,

14. Reference book –dictionary or encyclopedia entry (with author)

In text citation

(Hwang, 2002) or
Hwang (2002) identifies the hurdles North Korea ...

In reference list

Hwang, E.-G. (2002). North Korea: Economic system. In D. Levinson & K. Christenson
(Eds.), Encyclopedia of modern Asia (Vol. 4, pp. 350-353). New York, NY: Charles
Scribner's Sons.

 If there is a volume number or edition (not 1st edition), include this in parentheses
after the title along with page number(s).

15. Reference book –dictionary or encyclopedia entry (with no author)

In text citation
It is defined as ... ("Social Constructionism," 2009).

 Note that the entry is capitalised when used in text, but not in the reference list
(Publication Manual, pp. 101 & 176).

In reference list

Social constructionism. (2009). In J. Scott & G. Marshall (Eds.), A dictionary of

sociology (3rd rev. ed.). Retrieved from Oxford Reference Online Premium database.

 For online dictionaries and encyclopedia, a retrieval statement takes the place of
publisher location and name. Note the editors' initials precede the family name.
 For undergraduate students, give the name of the database, as in the example
above (do not include the database URL).


1. Conference paper as part of a book of proceedings

In text citation

(Shobhadevi & Bidarakoppa, 1994) or

Shobhadevi and Bidarakoppa (1994) published their ...

In reference list

Shobhadevi, Y. J., & Bidarakoppa, G. S. (1994). Possession phenomena: As a coping

behaviour. In G. Davidson (Ed.), Applying psychology: Lessons from Asia-Oceania (pp.
83-95). Carlton, Vic., Australia: Australian Psychological Society.

 To cite published proceedings from a book, use the same format as for a book or
book chapter (Publication Manual, p. 206).
 To cite proceedings published regularly use the same format as a periodical.

2. Contribution to conference or symposium

In text citation

(Bochner, 1996) or
Bochner (1996) addressed this ...
In reference list

Bochner, S. (1996, November). Mentoring in higher education: Issues to be addressed in

developing a mentoring program. Paper presented at the Australian Association for
Research in Education Conference, Singapore. Retrieved from

 A capital letter is used for all key words in the conference name.
 Give the month of the conference if the paper has not been formally published
(Publication Manual, pp. 206-207).

3. Report- annual

In text citation

(Telecom New Zealand, 2007)

In reference list

Telecom New Zealand. (2007). Ready to compete, connect, communicate: Annual report
2007. Retrieved from

 If it is an annual report, reference it as a book.

4. Report – with report number

In text citation

(Holmes, 2000) or
Holmes (2000) highlights the importance ...

In reference list

Holmes, P. (2000). The intercultural communication experiences of ethnic Chinese

students in a Western tertiary institution: Implications for education providers (Working
paper 2000-14). Hamilton, New Zealand: University of Waikato, Department of
Management Communication.

 If there is a report number, give this in parentheses after the title.

 If the name of the state, province, or country is included in the name of the
university, this does not need to be repeated in the publisher location.
 Give the name of the university first, followed by the department that produced
the document (Publication Manual, p. 206).

5. Report – without report number

In text citation

(Caygill, 2009) or
Caygill (2009) concludes ...

In reference list

Caygill, R. (2009). Science: Trends in year 5 science achievement 1994 to 2006.

Retrieved from Ministry of Education, Education Counts website:

 If a report is available online, add the publisher as part of the retrieval statement if
it has not been identified as the author (Publication Manual, p. 205).

6. Report from institutional archive

In text citation

(Whangapirita, Awatere, & Nikora. 2003)

In reference list

Whangapirita, L., Awatere, S., & Nikora, L. (2003). Maori perspectives of the
environment: A review of policy submissions made by iwi to Environment Waikato
(Technical Report No.3; Environment Waikato Internal Series 2004/01). Retrieved from
University of Waikato, Research Commons website:

7. Thesis (except from USA) –print version

In text citation

(Dewstow, 2006) or
Dewstow (2006) recommends ...
In reference list

Dewstow, R. A. (2006). Using the Internet to enhance teaching at the University of

Waikato (Unpublished master's thesis). University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.

 Include either (Unpublished doctoral dissertation) or (Unpublished master's

thesis) after the title as appropriate (Publication Manual, p. 207).

8. Thesis (except from USA) –electonic version

In text citation

(Dewstow, 2006) or
Dewstow (2006) recommends ...

In reference list

Dewstow, R. A. (2006). Using the Internet to enhance teaching at the University of

Waikato (Master's thesis, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand). Retrieved

 Include either (Doctoral dissertation) or (Master's thesis) after the title as

appropriate (Publication Manual, p. 207) and university's name and location (city
and country).
 If the city name is included in the University's name, leave it out (e.g. University
of Auckland, New Zealand).


In text citation

(Rose, 2006) or
According to Rose (2006) ...

In reference list

Rose, S. L. (2006). Essays on almost common value auctions (Doctoral dissertation, Ohio
State University). Retrieved from

1. Journal article-print version

In text citation

(Sainaghi, 2008) or
Sainaghi (2008) suggests ...

In reference list

Sainaghi, R. (2008). Strategic position and performance of winter destinations.Tourism

Review, 63(4), 40-57.

 A capital letter is used for key words in the journal title. The journal title and
volume number are italicised, followed by the issue number in parentheses (not
 If each issue begins with page 1, give the issue number in the parentheses
immediately after the volume number.
 For researchers, the issue number is not required for journals with continuous

2. Journal article-electronic version with a DOI

In text citation

Shepherd et al., (2007) or

Shepherd et al. (2007) highlight the ...

 If there are six or more authors, from the first citation in text, use et al. after the
first author.

In reference list

Shepherd, R., Barnett, J., Cooper, H., Coyle, A., Moran-Ellis, J., Senior, V., & Walton, C.
(2007). Towards an understanding of British public attitudes concerning human cloning.
Social Science & Medicine, 65(2), 377-392. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2007.03.018

 DOI is a Digital Object Identifier (DOI).

 For researchers, when a DOI is available, no matter whether electronic or print,
include it in the reference (Publication Manual, p. 189).

3. Journal article-electronic version with no DOI

In text citation

(Harrison & Papa, 2005) or

In their research, Harrison and Papa (2005) established ...

 If there are six or more authors, list all authors in the reference list. From the first
citation in text, use et al. after the first author.

In reference list

Harrison, B., & Papa, R. (2005). The development of an indigenous knowledge program
in a New Zealand Maori-language immersion school. Anthropology and Education
Quarterly, 36(1), 57-72. Retrieved from Academic Research Library database.

 DOI is a Digital Object Identifier (DOI).

 For researchers, when a DOI is available, no matter whether electronic or print,
include it in the reference (Publication Manual, p. 189).
 For undergraduate students, give the name of the database, as in the example
above (do not include the database URL). It is no longer necessary to include the
date of retrieval.
 If you are submitting work to a publisher and there is no DOI, you are now
required to give the URL of the journal homepage (Publication Manual, p. 199).

4. Journal article- internet only

In text citation

(Snell & Hodgetts, n.d.) or

Snell and Hodgetts (n.d.) identified "..." (para. 3)

 (n.d.)= no date.
 As there are no page numbers, cite the paragraph number in text.

In reference list

Snell, D., & Hodgetts, D. (n.d.). The psychology of heavy metal communities and white
supremacy. Te Kura Kete Aronui, 1. Retrieved from

 (n.d.)= no date.

5. Journal article cited in a secondary source

In text citation
(Lilieholm & Romney, 2000, as cited in Suntikul, Butler, & Airey, 2010) or
Lilieholm and Romney (2000, as cited in Suntikul, Butler, & Airey, 2010) argue that...

In reference list

Suntikul, W., Butler, R., & Airey, D. (2010). Implications of political change on national
park operations: Doi moi and tourism to Vietnam's national parks. Journal of Ecotourism,
9(3), 201-218. doi: 10.1080/14724040903144360

 See also "Citations in text" section in "Citations in text & references list".


1. Magazine – print only

In text citation

(von Drehle et al., 2009)... or

Von Drehle et al. (2009) assert...

 If an author's name begins with a lower case letter appears at the beginning of a
sentence, it must be capitalised.

In reference list

von Drehle, D., Ghosh, B., Scherer, M., Zaidi, S. H., Baker, A., James, R., ...Peters, G.
(2009, October 12). An enemy within. Time South Pacific [Australia/New Zealand
editon], 174(14), 12-17.

 Full date is used for weekly magazines; month and year for monthly magazines.
 If there are eight or more authors, list the first six, then three elipses (...) and
finish with the last author.

2. Magazine – electronic version

In text citation

Robison, 2008) or
Robison (2008) considers ...

In reference list
Robison, J. (2008, January). On the waka wave. North and South, 262, 80-87. Retrieved
from Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre database.

 If you are submitting work to a publisher, you are now required to give the URL
of the journal homepage (Publication Manual, p. 199).
 For undergraduate students, give the name of the database and do not include the
database URL.
 It is no longer necessary to include the date of retrieval.

3. Newspaper article –print version

In text citation

Cumming, 2003) or
Cumming (2003) reports ...

In reference list

Cumming, G. (2003, April 5). Cough that shook the world. The New Zealand Herald, p.

 Include p. or pp. before the page number. This is used for newspapers only, not
magazines or journals. p = 1 page, pp. more than one page.

4. Newspaper article –electronic version

In text citation

Cumming, 2003) or
Cumming (2003) reports ...

In reference list

Cumming, G. (2003, April 5). Cough that shook the world. The New Zealand Herald.
Retrieved from

 Use the URL of the homepage of the newspaper to avoid non-working URLs.
 It is no longer necessary to include the date of retrieval.

5. Newspaper article – with no author

In text citation

("Drivers Reject Fuel Prices", 2003)

 In the in text citation, abbreviate the title, use double quotation marks and capital
letters (Publication Manual, p. 176).

In reference list

Drivers reject fuel prices driven by war threat. (2003, March 7). The Timaru Herald, p.1.

 If there is no author, the article title comes first.


1. Audio podcast

In text citation

(Noonan, 2008)

In reference list

Noonan, D. (Producer). (2008, January 9). The whistle from the blunder: Part 5 [Audio
podcast]. Retrieved from

 Include as much information as possible, e.g. date, title and identifier.

2. Film – motion pictures

In text citation

(Vasile & Fellini, 2001) or

Vasile and Fellini (2001)

In reference list

Vasile, T. (Producer), & Fellini, F. (Director). (2001). Roma [Motion picture]. United
States: MGM Home Entertainment.
 In the Author field, identify the primary contributors (i.e. the director or producer
or both) but not the presenters.
 For publication information, give the motion picture's country of origin and the
name of the motion picture studio.
 A description of the form of the work goes in square brackets [ ] after the title. It
is not italicised.

3. Music recording – recorded by composer

In text citation

(The Beatles, 2003, track 10)

 Include side and band or track numbers.

In reference list

The Beatles. (2003). Across the universe. On Let it be... naked [CD]. Hollywood, CA:
Capital Records.

 Add medium of recording with [ ]. If it is downl

4. Music recording – recorded by someone other than composer

In text citation

"Amazing Grace" (Newton, 1779/2009, track 8) or

Newton's celebrated song (1779/2009, track 8) says...

 Acknowledge both composed year and performed year.

In reference list

Newton, J. (1779). Amazing grace [Recorded by S. Boyle]. On I dreamed a dream [CD].

London, England: Sony Music Entertainment. (2009)

 When a song is recorded by someone other than the composer, acknowledge the
performer with [Recorded by… ] after the title, and date of the recording at the
end of the reference.
 When the composer and lyricist are not the same, acknowledge both of them –
e.g. Goethe, J. W. (Lyricist), & Mozart, W. A. (Composer).
 Do not put a period after the date of recording (Publication manual, p. 209)
 Add medium of recording with [ ]. If it is downloaded online, use the file format
as medium – e.g. [MP3 file], [MIDI file].

5. Music recording – unknown composer

In text citation

According to the traditional Maori song, "Tarakihi" (1999), ... or

("Tarakihi," 1999).

 Use double quotation marks around the title of a song (Publication manual, p.

In reference list

Tarakihi [Recorded by K. Te Kanawa]. (n.d.). On Maori songs [MP3 file]. New York, NY
: EMI. (1999)

 When you cannot find a composer’s name (e.g. traditional songs), move the title
to the author’s position.
 Add medium of recording with [ ]. If it is downloaded online, use the file format
as medium – e.g. [MP3 file], [MIDI file].

6. Television program

In text citation

(Slater, 2002)

In reference list

Slater, K. (Producer). (2002). Gene in a bottle [Television series episode]. In 60 minutes.

Auckland, New Zealand: TV3 Network Services.

 Put television series episode or motion picture in square brackets [ ] after the title.

7. Video blogspot

In text citation

(Leelefever, 2007)
In reference list

Leelefever. (2007, May 29). Wiki in plain English [Video file]. Retrieved from

 Use the uploader's name as author. When the video's creator is known, reference
the video like 'Film - motion pictures'.


1. Blog post

In text citation

(Hobbit Team, 2011)

In reference list

Hobbit Team. (2011, November 5). 3D concept sketch [Web log message]. Retrieved

 Do not italicise blog post title, as it is unpublished material.

 Use the URL of the blog homepage rather than individual post's URL.
 Twitter posts can be referenced like blog posts. Reference it as [Twitter post].

2. Course handout- print version (unpublished work)

In text citation

(Brown, 2004)

In reference list

Brown, P. (2004). Marketing: MKTG200-11B [Lecture notes]. Hamilton, New Zealand:

University of Waikato, Department of Marketing.

 Course handouts and lecture notes belong to the group "unpublished papers,
lectures from an archive or personal collections" (Publication Manual, p. 213).
 In the publication information field, list the organisation's name (e.g. university,
department), city, and country.
 Put the format in square brackets after the title. e.g. [Lecture notes].
3. Course handout- electronic version

In text citation

(Archard, Merry, & Nicholson, 2011) or

Archard, Merry, and Nicholson (2011) state that

In reference list

Archard, S., Merry, R., & Nicholson, C. (2011). Karakia and waiata [Powerpoint slides].
Retrieved from TEPS757-11B (NET): Communities of Learners website:

 Put the format in square brackets after the title. e.g. [Powerpoint slides].

4. Data file –from a database

In text citation

(Thomson Reuters, n.d.)

 (n.d.)= no date.

In reference list

Thomson Reuters. (n.d.). Publically listed telecommunications companies in India with

500 or more employees [Data file]. Retrieved from Thomson One Banker Database.

 A data set is where you have selected raw data to produce a unique data set
(Publication Manual, p. 210). It usually involves specialised software with limited
access, rather than commonly available software (e.g. MS Excel) or is found on a
 The use of [Data file] indicates that you have chosen specific data to form this
data set. You can also include additional information to distinguish data sets, e.g.
[Data file, 2001 Population Census].
 If the database or website has a specific title, include this detail (e.g. from
Thomson One Banker).
 Use (n.d.) if the year of publication is not given.
 If a title is given for the data set, put it in italics. If you have created your own
title, do not italise.

5. Data file –from a website

In text citation

(Statistics New Zealand, n.d.).

In reference list

Statistics New Zealand. (n.d.). Birthplace and sex, for the Maori ethnic group census
usually resident population count, 2001 [Data file, 2001 Population Census]. Retrieved
from Table Builder

 A data set is where you have selected raw data to produce a unique data set
(Publication Manual, p. 210). It usually involves specialised software with limited
access, rather than commonly available software (e.g. MS Excel) or is found on a
 The use of [Data file] indicates that you have chosen specific data to form this
data set. You can also include additional information to distinguish data sets, e.g.
[Data file, 2001 Population Census].
 If the database or website has a specific title, include this detail (e.g. from
Thomson One Banker).
 Use (n.d.) if the year of publication is not given.
 If a title is given for the data set, put it in italics. If you have created your own
title, do not italise.

6. Legal material

In text citation

Children's Commissioner Act 2003) or The wellbeing of children is covered by the

Children's Commissioner Act 2003.

In reference list

Children's Commissioner Act 2003, 2003 S.N.Z. No. 121.

 APA recommends the use of The Bluebook: A uniform system of citation (18th
ed. 2005) for referencing legal material - see NZ section (p. 297).

7. Online discussion

In text citation

(Chalmers, 2000)
In reference list

Chalmers, D. (2000, November 17). Seeing with sound [Online forum comment].
Retrieved from

 Do not italicise titles of unpublished works.

8. Personal communications (emails, facebook)

In text citation

(H. Clarke, personal communication, March 19, 2004) or Clarke (personal

communication, March 19, 2004) remarked that...

In reference list

 No information is required in the reference list as the data has not been published
and can not be retrieved.
 Contents from private or friend-only Facebook page should be treated as Personal
Communications, but infomration in publicly available facebook pages (e.g. fan
page, group page) may be referenced with [Facebook update].

9. Webpages

In text citation

(Statistics New Zealand, 2007)

 Do not write URLs in the text.

In reference list

Statistics New Zealand. (2007). New Zealand in profile 2007. Retrieved from

 A personal or institutional webpage is considered an informally published work

(Publication Manual, p. 212).
 It is no longer necessary to include the date of retrieval, unless webpage content is
likely to be updated (e.g. a wiki).



Illustrations, maps, photographs, graphs, charts and drawings (excluding tables) are
referred to as figures. Unless it is your own work, the source must be acknowledged in
full below the figure as a figure caption. The caption goes below the image with a
parenthetical reference, and includes the figure number, a description of the figure, and a
parenthetical reference: (Source: Author, Date). Italicise the heading "Figure" and the
number. Be consistent with capitalisation.

The full citation also goes in the reference list.

In text citation:

Figure 1 shows that ... (University of Waikato, 2010).

In reference list:

The University of Waikato. (2010). Student life. Retrieved from


The caption goes above the table, and include the Table number and a description of the
table. Italicise Table and the number. Unless it is your own work, the source must be
acknowledged below the table with a parenthetical reference: (Source: Author, Date). The
full citation also goes in the references list.



Permission to reproduce copyright material must be obtained from the publisher or

copyright holder. If you are reproducing a figure or table, you must provide copyright
information and a permission statement at the end of the caption (Publication Manual,
pp. 158-167).

For detailed information on copyright and permissions, see Publication Manual, pp. 38
and 173. You should also become familiar with:

 Copyright Guidelines for Research Students

 The University of Waikato's Copyright Information page
If you photograph a person, a signed release from that person is required giving
permission for the photo to be used (Publication Manual, p. 166).

Figures (including Images)

As in examples above, italicise the heading "Figure" and the number.

From a journal:

Figure 1. Name of Picture. From [Adapted from] "Title of article," by A. A. Author and
B. B. Author, year, Title of Journal, Volume, p. xx. Copyright Year by Publisher.
Reprinted with permission.

From a book:

Figure 2. Name of Picture. From [Adapted from] Title of Book (p. xx), by A. A. Author
and B. B. Author, year, Place of Publication: Publisher. Reprinted with permission.

From a webpage:

Figure 3. Name of Picture. From [Adapted from] Title of webpage, by A. A. Author and
B. B. Author, year, Retrieved from... website: http://.... Reprinted with permission.


The caption goes above the table, with the source included as a note below the table
beginning with the word "Note" (Publication Manual, pp. 138-141).

From a journal:

From [Adapted from] "Title of Article," by A. A. Author and B. B. Author, year, Title of
Journal, Volume, p. XX. Copyright Year by Publisher. Reprinted with permission.

From a book:

From [Adapted from] Title of Book (p. xx), by A. A. Author and B. B. Author, year, Place
of Publication: Publisher. Reprinted with permission.

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