Philo of Ed. Req.
Philo of Ed. Req.
Philo of Ed. Req.
As I grow older and become more mature, I came to realize that sometimes
I have to be wrong to learn what is right; stumble to persevere; lose
to try harder; and fail to rise again. Failures really helped me to be
the best version of me. It had given me a new and fresh predisposition.
Right now, whenever I experience failures, I neither weep nor stop doing
the things that I want to do. But whenever I encounter failures along
my way, I choose to stand and continue moving forward- but this time,
I carry along with me the things that I have learned from my mistakes
and frustrations.
Being in the teaching profession for almost two years, my eyes were
already opened with the reality that it is really tough to teach
students specially those who are academically challenged. No matter how
beautiful and perfect the execution of the lesson is, if some of the
students did not understand what you have taught, everything is
considered as a fiasco. But this circumstance is not a reason for me to
stop- stop in helping them learn what they should learn. Rather, such
circumstance pushes me to exert more effort and make a better plan for
all of my students to learn. As a novice teacher, I always believe that
no matter how many times you have executed the lesson, as long as
learning is observed in all of the students, everything will be worth
it. Do not let those who are left behind be left. Instead, help them
move forward to be on the same pace with others. After all, everyone
has the capability to learn and all of the learners have the same road
to take- the road towards becoming somebody in the society.
By having a philosophy, people can clarify what they believe, and they
can be stimulated to think about ultimate questions. Philosophy has had
enormous influence on our everyday lives. Moreover, our personal
philosophies in life serve as our guiding star as we venture the so
called life. The way how we live our lives and how we predisposed
ourselves is anchored and rooted to our philosophies. With these, we
can confidently say that living without a philosophy is just like living
without a vision.
Axiology I can say that the latest programs that we have right
now in our educational system prepare every
student/learner globally competitive. With the
implementation of the K-12 and other programs, students
are geared with necessary skills and knowledge needed
by them when they are to face the world of work. These
educational programs will also pave the way for our
students to obtain more and greater opportunities
around the globe.
Ethics Aside from being an educator and a mentor, a teacher
should also be a role model to his students and to
people around him.
They say that a teacher will always be a student. If you have chosen to take
teaching as a profession, you should not cease to learn. Because of this, I,
as a teacher, always look for avenues in order for me to keep growing and to
qualify myself to teach the younger generations. One of the good ways for me
to grow professionally is pursuing post-graduate studies. In doing this, I
enrolled at St. Paul University Philippines, a renowned institution in
providing high quality of education. I, personally, decided to enrol in this
institution because of its strong commitment in making a difference globally.
B. Realism
- It stresses that the world is made up of real, substantial and
material entities
- Knowledge is derived from sense experience
- To provide students with essential knowledge to survive the
natural world
D. Naturalism
- Believes that people are restricted to the phenomenal world of a
scientific education
- Emphasizes the education should be according to the nature of
the child
- Considers the world as an artificial, autocratic, egotistic and
arrogant place and that education should be given according to
the natural interest of the child aiming at a holistic
development of the personality
- Believes that nature is the best teacher and means of education
and that education does not only mean to memorize or store
information and knowledge rather it is the process which results
in the development of the child’s nature and personality
- To develop the inner faculties, capacities and powers of the
- To develop the child emotionally and morally according to
child’s needs
The Learner The Teacher The School
- The child is a child - Provides situations and - Curriculum must be
and not an adult in opportunities and child centered
the making learners search according to the
- Learn more through -Teaches through things present and future
direct experience that and not by words needs of the child
is by doing rather
than by reading the
E. Existensialism
- Man shapes his being as he lives
- Knowledge is subjective to the person’s decision, and varies
from one person to another
- To train the individual for significant and meaningful existence
The Learner The Teacher
- Determines own rule - Assists students in their
personal journey
- Aids children in knowing