2018 Wacclim Roadmap en Screen
2018 Wacclim Roadmap en Screen
2018 Wacclim Roadmap en Screen
to a Low-Carbon
Urban Water
The Roadmap
to a Low-Carbon
Urban Water
An international guide to
the WaCCliM approach
Simone Ballard; Jose Porro; Corinne Trommsdorff
Co-published by IWA Publishing
Alliance House, 12 Caxton Street,
London SW1H 0QS, UK
Tel. +44 (0) 20 7654 5500
Fax +44 (0) 20 7654 5555
The Water and Wastewater Companies for Climate Mitigation (WaCCliM) project
is a joint initiative between the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the International Water Association (IWA). This project
is part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI). The German Federal Ministry
for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) supports
this initiative on the basis of a decision adopted by the German Bundestag.
By Kalanithy Vairavamoorthy
IWA Executive Director
This year, the International Water Association (IWA) has been developing its new 5-year strategic plan and one of
its key strategic goals relates to the need for innovations to help the urban water sector respond to the challenges
associated with global change pressures. As such, I am very proud that IWA participated in the WaCCliM Project,
as it provides a major contribution in the transition to carbon-neutral urban water and wastewater services.
Having been associated with IWA for over 20 years, I have heard first-hand from our worldwide membership that
their cities are facing a range of dynamic regional and global pressures. Climate change is predicted to cause
significant changes affecting different cities in different ways, with some experiencing more frequent droughts
and water shortages, while others will have more intense storm events with subsequent flooding issues.
While the water sector has to cope with the impacts of climate change, it also contributes up to 17
percent of greenhouse gas emissions locally. Hence, there is a need for fundamental change in the
way we manage urban water based on a foundation of research, technology and innovation.
The IWA, through its worldwide membership, is at the forefront in promoting the development of
these innovations, by bringing together experts from across the globe to catalyse change towards
more sustainable urban water management. The Association achieves this by demonstrating
research and sharing knowledge across a range of different geographical, climatic and socio-
cultural settings, so that the global adoption of more sustainable solutions is accelerated.
Carbon-neutral and climate-resilient water systems are essential to this and IWA is proactively encouraging global
utilities from within its membership and beyond to become leaders in climate mitigation and adaptation. The
WaCCliM Project and the Roadmap to a Low-Carbon Urban Water Utility has provided solid evidence of how this
can be achieved. We believe that many of our utility members will be early adopters of the WaCCliM roadmap,
as it will help guide and inspire them on the path to carbon-neutral urban water and wastewater services.
IWA hopes that through the WaCCliM Project, we can help create a new generation of urban
leaders with radically different thinking to deliver a real paradigm shift in urban water
management. IWA, along with its global partners, will continue to produce knowledge,
technologies, models and techniques, to create and support these new urban leaders.
Around 2005 the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission issued two reports on the possible
impacts of climate change on European waters and seas. These quite alarming reports were presented
to and discussed by the European Water Directors. Consequently, we in the German Federal Ministry for
the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety held a conference on Climate Change and
the European Waters during the German European Union presidency in 2007, which was successful in
raising awareness. For me, this was the starting point for intensive engagement in the development of
the German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change, which has been my responsibility since then.
We have only just started to experience the drastic impacts of climate change on water and energy
availability. An increased awareness of the interrelation between water, energy and carbon is the first
stepping stone in developing a sectorial strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that will support
the transition to a climate-resilient future. The water sector’s contribution to this transition and to
the Nationally Determined Contributions under the Paris Agreement starts from a greater focus on
energy requirements, greenhouse gas implications and clear carbon emission reduction targets.
Since 2013, the International Climate Initiative of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature
Conservation and Nuclear Safety has been supporting the ‘Water and Wastewater Companies for Climate
Mitigation’ (WaCCliM), a programme jointly implemented between the International Water Association and the
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). WaCCliM assists utilities in significantly reducing
their greenhouse gas emissions, supporting the development of mitigation strategies in the water sector and
having the final goal of achieving transformational changes and leading the sector to a low-carbon
economy. WaCCliM has been implemented in Mexico, Peru, Thailand and Jordan. The tools developed
with a focus on supporting utilities in emerging economies are a major achievement of this project.
The Roadmap to a Low-Carbon Urban Water Utility, a legacy from the WaCCliM project, builds on the
experiences gained during the implementation of the project. It will support water utility managers
around the world in their efforts to improve performance and achieve carbon neutrality of their utilities
while raising the awareness of policy-makers to the substantial contributions the water sector can provide
in meeting greenhouse-gas reduction targets. Local action is needed to support global targets!
Glossary 11
Introduction 12
Part 1: Our Changing Climate and the Role of the Urban Water Sector in Avoiding a Looming Crisis 13
1.1 The relationship between drivers, objectives, and opportunities in supporting low-carbon actions 19
3.3 Understanding the emissions: what influencing factors exist at each stage of the UWC 25
3.7 Aligning opportunities with the utility’s objectives, drivers and enablers 32
Step 4. Implement measures: setting plans into motion 33
4.1 Financing 33
4.5.1 Mexico 38
4.5.2 Peru 39
4.5.3 Jordan 40
4.5.4 Thailand 41
Part 3: The Urban Water Utility of the Future: Low-Carbon, Holistic and Sustainable 43
1. Water utilities are the champions for securing the collective water future 43
2. Continuing to improve 43
3. Planning future assets that are low-carbon and adapted to climate change 43
References 44
Annexes 45
Annex I: Project Background 47
1 2 3
between the utility’s main objectives and the low-carbon opportunities.
Once this connection is made, the dialogue with the utility’s
Motivate Assesscan
stakeholders start towards initiating aIdentify
Your low-carbon mind-set. Implement
Action System Opportunities Measures
Assess Your
3 4
urban water systems. The assessment is a visualisation of the
existing level of carbon emissions and the most important water and
Identify using a holistic approachImplement
energy inefficiencies to water, wastewater
Action System Opportunities Measures
and drainage services, recognising that all urban ‘waters’ are inter-
connected. It is also a way of pointing out how reducing these
inefficiencies may contribute to lowering the GHG footprint.
Assess Your
4 5
improvements is a way to ease into applying the mind-set shift to more
stakeholders within the utility. All GHG reduction measures considered
Monitor reducing
have also toImplement
deliver on the utility’s objectives. Eventually
System Opportunities Measures Impact
carbon emission will be one of the objectives, as we already observe in
a handful of advanced utilities; however, until then, the approach is to
link necessary improvements to opportunities to reduce emissions.
existing plans. The approach is initially opportunistic, making
the link between planned measures and GHG reduction. It is a
method to initiate a GHG monitoring process. The implementation
rtunities Measures Impact
of additional technical measures often requires strengthening or
developing enablers through other types of measure that relate
to capacity, financing, policies and stakeholder engagement.
carbon footprint by monitoring adequate data and using adapted
tools to inform stakeholders is a key step. It will inform future
iterations of the five basic steps of ‘The Roadmap to a Low-Carbon
Measures Impact Urban Water Utility’ and support communications to increase the
number of stakeholders supporting the low-carbon transition.
As the utility goes through these iterative steps over the years and
its planning cycles, the utility will evolve towards becoming an urban
water utility of the future: low-carbon, holistic and sustainable.
ECAM – Energy Performance and Carbon Emissions Assessment and Monitoring tool.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHGs)/Carbon Emissions – The gases that lead to heat being
retained in Earth’s lower atmosphere such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane.
More information at www.wacclim.org
Knowledge Platform can be found at www.ClimateSmartWater.org
+2°C +2°C
Business A Carbon
as Usual Neutral Future
Business as usual aggravating the impacts of climate change Low-carbon utilities for a carbon-neutral future
Figure 1. The water–energy–carbon nexus: the GHG emissions from the urban water sector and opportunities to reduce them,
demonstrating the vicious and virtuous cycles above.
Recover energy
Reduce GHG by
The urban water cycle (UWC) has different up to 90%
Sustainable Development Goal 6; learn more at https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdg6
Service Performance
Performance Improvement
carbon-neutral future
3. Turning challenges The WaCCliM project pilot utilities
are demonstrating and championing
into opportunities the transition to a carbon-neutral future
the impacts of climate change is also an opportunity to 12% GHG reduction* from
water supply systems
10% GHG reduction* from
wastewater systems
20% GHG reduction* from
improve service performance and utilities’ capacities. wastewater systems
Jordan Thailand
• Energy-efficient pumps • Energy-efficient pumps
• Sludge digestion and • Repair sewer system
biogas valorisation
Beneficiaries: 100,000 people
• Water supply network
maintenance and pressure
management 10% GHG reduction* from
wastewater systems
• Photovoltaic panels
Beneficiaries: 200,000 people
*The percentages represent the potential GHG reduction through identified measures
The road to a low-carbon, holistic and sustainable future 1
begins with identifying drivers that connect the utility’s Action Monitoring results inform
main objectives and low-carbon opportunities. Once the drivers and objectives
1 1 1
2 2 2
Assess Your
Assess Assess
3 3 3
Your Your Identify IdentifyIdentify
4 4 4
5 5 5
Monitor MonitorMonit
Action Action Action System SystemSystem Opportunities
Opportunities MeasuresMeasures
Measures Impact ImpactImpac
Assess Your
opportunities to reduce GHG emissions.
Eventually reducing carbon emissions 4
will be one of the key objectives,Implement
Identify as we
utilities through identifying the enablers
they need to strengthen, such as utility
capacity, existing policies,
Monitor financing
n System Opportunities Measures
already observe in a handful of advanced Impactengagement.
strategies and stakeholder
utilities; however, the approach is to
initially link necessary improvements to
Step 2 Assess Your System
This step is about visualising emissions
3 4
opportunities to reduce emissions. Under
this step, the utility is guided through
each stage of the UWC to find out what
Assess and energy inefficienciesIdentify
and water Implement
System Opportunitiesfactors influence these emissions.
Measures This Impact
using a holistic approach to drinking
deep-dive into the urban water system
water, wastewater and drainage
is intended to educate utilities on all of
systems. It introduces a GHG emissions
the UWC GHG emissions sources, as well Step 5 Monitor Impact
assessment of different levels of
as to support utilities in continuously
precision, depending on the data, with This step is also about visualising
identifying opportunities to reduce
tools such as the ECAM. Facts and emissions, but this time it is also about
emissions and merge objectives after their
figures presented in an informative visualising the impact of the measures
initial iteration of the roadmap process.
way are key to driving further action. implemented. It requires using current
data with the same tools as for the
assessment. Monitoring is used to verify
and measure emissions reductions after
implementation. Demonstrating this
As utilities adopt a low-carbon mind-set and become ‘champions’ of
monitoring capacity is key to accessing
a carbon-neutral future, the idea is that they start to continuously go
climate financing. It will inform the
through these steps as part of a low-carbon programme and as they
new baseline assessment of step 2 for
integrate these steps into their decision processes. As they implement
future iterations through the roadmap.
the approach, they will also be improving their data management, their
assessment, and their own capacity and results each time (see Figure 7).
Utility objectives mainly refer to the primary objectives, As introduced in section 1.1, drivers are often agenda-driven
which must be met by virtue of being an urban water utility. motivations that spur utilities to action. Whether the utility is
Depending on whether it is a drinking water or wastewater initially successful in addressing these drivers does not directly
utility, these primary objectives include the following: impact their ability to meet basic objectives today. The potential
drivers vary from utility to utility, depending on a wide range of
• meet drinking water demands (production/distribution);
factors, such as adhering to public policies, institutional culture,
• provide adequate wastewater collection and treatment;
current climate change impacts, moving towards the circular
• meet water quality regulations;
economy and improving service performance. Some of the possible
• meet minimum performance criteria
drivers that can align with GHG reduction are outlined below,
(water pressure, fire flow, pipe velocities, etc.);
along with additional challenges that some of the drivers pose.
• ensure a balanced budget.
Read more about the initiative here: https://www1.nyc.gov/site/sustainability/codes/80x50.page
The general methodology for beginning assessment, which The ECAM tool was developed under the WaCCliM project to
supports Step 3 – Identify Opportunities is outlined below. assess and monitor the GHG emissions of water utilities. As climate
change is a global problem, the ECAM tool is meant for use by
• Assess what data is currently available within the utility and
all water utilities. However, understanding that data availability
in what format i.e. time frequency and time coverage of current
may be limited in some emerging economies, defaults for various
data profile.
aspects were developed to facilitate assessments. Looking to the
• Introduction to ECAM (see glossary) tool through training. future, this tool also includes the option to input more data over
time as the level of data management for the utility increases,
• Start using the tool by:
using a tiered approach. The flexibility of this tool allows a refined
1. Collecting data from the identified sources
assessment of emissions sources and opportunities to reduce
and ensuring data quality.
them, as described in the following section. The tool is based
2. Inputting data into the selected tool.
on IPCC methodology, has open-source code and is free to use
3. Performing a baseline assessment for the individual
for all. The first step in developing and implementing a utility-
utility, reviewing results, and identifying largest
specific framework for GHG data management and assessment
emissions source.
is learning how to use 7 the ECAM tool and the methodology 8
• Map the utility’s most important objectives and drivers, but also behind it. This will help in developing the necessary technical
the opportunities for improvement measures and the enablers capacity, understanding what data are needed to run the tool
(e.g. financing or training opportunities) that are already known and identifying which processes are necessary to transfer data
to the utility. These elements will be key to informing and from the sources to the ECAM tool. The specific applications
orienting the identification of measures that both address the of the tool include baseline assessments, monitoring, and
objectives and contribute to a lower carbon footprint. These evaluating opportunities for mitigating GHG emissions.
elements are also likely to change as a utility goes through
several iterations of the roadmap process.
Manual found here: http://climatesmartwater.org/library/introduction-to-ecam/
Methodology found here: http://climatesmartwater.org/library/ecam-methodology/
Search for WaCCliM data quality/process matrix in www.climatesmartwater.org/assess
Search for Summary of GHG Reducation Analysis Data on www.climatesmartwater.org/assess
Search for Recommended GHG Data Management and Mitigation Framework in www.climatesmartwater.org/assess
dive in the urban water system is intended to support utilities regional energy water
utilities consume
Search for Annex of Solutions at www.climatesmartwater.org
The UWC describes the life cycle when water is taken from
the natural environment and cycled through man-made
cities, then sent back to natural water bodies. The
UWC begins at the water source of a city, which can
be from sources such as surface water (lakes,
reservoirs, rivers), groundwater, seawater,
rainwater, reclaimed water or any combination
thereof. From the source, water is abstracted
for potable water supply through the drinking
water abstraction stage. Then it is conveyed
to the drinking water treatment stage, which,
depending on the source and standards, will
involve a wide range of treatment techniques Wastewater
from chemical addition or disinfection, to
conventional filtration and even reverse
osmosis. After the drinking water treatment Water
mixers and the fuel/electricity to operate this equipment. The
Figure 10. The various stages of the UWC
use of all this equipment contributes to GHG emissions during and the energy use, water loss and GHG
each stage of the cycle. Furthermore, there are chemical and emissions that can occur during them. GHG emissions Water loss Energy use
The next section presents each stage of the UWC and investigates
the potential sources of emissions from each of them, and the
factors that can influence the volume of emissions at each
stage. This process will help in understanding where the highest
sources of emissions are, and how they can be addressed
effectively later. More details on solutions are available on
the Knowledge Platform at ClimateSmartWater.org.
Depending on the type, distance and elevation of a city’s water The GHG emissions from the drinking water treatment stage
source(s), GHG emissions from the drinking water abstraction depend on the type of treatment and electromechanical
stage are typically generated by energy consumption for the equipment used to operate the treatment facilities, such as
pumping of water from the source to the treatment facility. pumps, motors, blowers, mixers, flocculators, etc. In most cases,
In most cases, the GHG emissions are indirect emissions from the GHG emissions in the drinking water treatment stage are
importing grid electricity to run pumps; however, there can also be indirect emissions from importing grid electricity to operate the
direct GHG emissions (methane, nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide) electromechanical equipment; however, just as in the case of
from fuel consumption/combustion for powering the pump drinking water abstraction, there can be direct GHG emissions
engines or equipment via emergency generators. If the source is from fuel consumption/combustion for engines driving the
surface water and above the elevation of the city, it is possible pumps or powering equipment with emergency generators.
that the water can be transported to treatment using gravity Typically during conventional filtration, which is the most
instead of pumps, in which case there would be no additional common treatment type for surface water supplies, most energy
GHG emissions. Other key factors that impact the GHG emissions consumption is due to pumping and filter backwash operations.
in the drinking water abstraction stage include the following. In seawater reverse osmosis, most energy consumption is
due to pumping through high-pressure membranes. However,
• Drinking water demanded by end users
some systems, usually groundwater supplies, may only need
The higher the drinking water demand, the more water
to be disinfected, so the energy consumption during actual
needing to be abstracted. This leads to a potentially higher
treatment is minimal. Key factors that impact GHG emissions
energy consumption from pumping and transporting water to
in the drinking water treatment stage include the following.
the drinking water treatment facility. The end user’s demand
and how they use drinking water directly impacts the GHG • Drinking water demanded by end users
emissions. Therefore, the less drinking water demanded, the The more drinking water that is demanded, the more water
less GHG emissions generated from the abstraction stage. that has to be treated. The end user’s demand and how they use
drinking water impacts the GHG emissions. Therefore, the less
• Water loss
drinking water demanded, the less GHG emissions generated
By virtue of how drinking water systems are operated, which
from the treatment stage.
is to maintain certain pressures or storage tank levels, any
water loss in the system will require more energy to replace it • Water loss
and maintain adequate pressures in the system. Therefore, the By virtue of how drinking water systems are operated, which is
less water loss throughout the entire drinking water system, to maintain certain pressures or storage tank levels, any water
the less water that needs to be abstracted and the less GHG loss in the system will require more energy later to replace and
emissions generated from the abstraction stage. treat the water for end users. Therefore, the less water loss in
the system, the less water that must be treated and the less
• Pump efficiency GHG emissions generated from the treatment stage.
Assuming the volume of water and pump head conditions are
• Pump efficiency
optimum, the pump efficiency dictates the energy consumption,
Assuming the volume of water and pump head conditions are
and the GHG emissions of the abstraction system. Therefore,
optimum, the pump efficiency of treatment system pumps can
the higher the pump efficiency, the less GHG emissions
dictate the energy consumption and GHG emissions. Therefore,
generated from the abstraction stage. Changing climate and
the higher the pump efficiency, the less GHG emissions
population conditions will put a greater strain on current
generated from the treatment stage. Changing climate and
pumps since water will have to be pumped over a greater time
population conditions will put a greater strain on current
and possibly distance. This will make the efficiency even more
pumps since water will have to be pumped over a greater time
critical over time.
and possibly distance. This will make the efficiency even more
critical over time.
• Pump efficiency
Assuming the volume of water and pump head conditions
are optimum, the pump efficiency can dictate the energy
consumption and GHG emissions of the distribution system.
Therefore, the higher the pump efficiency, the less GHG
emissions generated from the distribution stage. Changing
climate and population conditions will put a greater strain
on current pumps since water will have to be pumped over a
greater time and possibly distance. This will make the efficiency
even more critical over time.
The GHG emissions related to the wastewater collection stage In many cases, indirect carbon dioxide emissions from grid
can include (but are not limited to) indirect carbon dioxide electricity consumption to power electromechanical equipment,
emissions from grid electricity consumption for wastewater such as pumps, blowers, mixers, and screens, needed for various
pumping with electric motors, and/or direct GHG emissions from wastewater treatment unit operations, make up most of a WWTP’s
fuel consumption for engine-driven or powered pumps. The GHG emissions. Typically, the aeration process is the most energy
energy consumption for pumping is dependent on the amount intensive. Therefore, opportunities to optimise the aeration
of wastewater pumped, as well as the distance and elevation system and control should be evaluated whenever possible,
of the end users in relation to the wastewater treatment plant assuming that the air supply is controllable and dissolved oxygen
(WWTP). Methane (is produced by methanogenesis when there can be measured in short time intervals throughout the day. In
are anaerobic conditions in sewers (Guisasola et al., 2008), some cases, nitrous oxide, which is produced from biological
and emitted downstream wherever there might be stripping of nitrogen removal processes, impacts the WWTP’s carbon footprint
methane from the liquid to the air. Generally, long detention significantly because of its higher global warming potential
times in the sewers leads to a greater risk of methane production (300 times that of carbon dioxide). Therefore, reducing nitrous
and emissions (Foley et al., 2010). Methane emissions have oxide emissions through process optimisation is a high priority
a significantly higher global warming potential than carbon whenever feasible. Read more on nitrous oxide and how it is
dioxide, so it should become a high priority when possible to produced in the ECAM methodology, available on the Knowledge
minimise detention times in the collection system, whether those Platform 13. There is the potential for additional methane
systems are gravity or pressure, to reduce methane emissions. emissions from the incomplete flaring of biogas during anaerobic
Although some studies have reported nitrous oxide emissions digestion, non-well managed activated sludge systems, leaking
to be significant from sewers (Short et al., 2014), the conditions biogas piping and sludge storage. Direct emissions of carbon
leading to nitrous oxide emissions in sewers are still not very dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide from the fuel consumption/
well understood. Other key factors that impact the GHG emissions combustion for engine-driven pumps and blowers can also
in the wastewater collection stage include the following. occur. Methane and nitrous oxide are emitted from sludge
disposal off-site, with emission volumes depending on the
• Drinking water demanded by end users sludge disposal method and the type of sludge (i.e. undigested
The more drinking water demanded and used by households, and digested). Other key factors that impact GHG emissions
the more water is then drained into sewers and in some in the wastewater treatment stage include the following.
cases later pumped. Furthermore, the more wastewater in the
sewer, the greater the possibility for methane production and • Drinking water demanded by end users
emission. The end users’ demand impacts the GHG emissions. The more water that is demanded and used, the more
Therefore, the less drinking water demanded, the less GHG wastewater needing to be treated in the system. The end users
emissions generated from the wastewater collection stage. impact the GHG emissions of the wastewater treatment stage
by how much and how they use their drinking water. Therefore,
• Pump efficiency
the less drinking water demanded, the less GHG emissions
Assuming the volume of water and pump head conditions
generated from the wastewater treatment stage.
are optimum, the pump efficiency can dictate the energy
consumption and GHG emissions of the collection system. • Pump efficiency
Therefore, the higher the pump efficiency, the less GHG Assuming the volume of water and pump head conditions are
emissions generated from the wastewater collection stage. optimum, the pump efficiency dictates the energy consumption
and GHG emissions of wastewater treatment. Therefore, the
• Infiltration and inflow
higher the pump efficiency, the less GHG emissions generated
In the case of sewers systems which require pumping, the
from the wastewater treatment stage.
more infiltration and inflow there is into the collection system,
the more energy consumption needed to pump the additional • Infiltration and inflow
water. Therefore, the less infiltration and inflow, the less GHG The more infiltration and inflow there is into the collection
emissions generated from the wastewater collection stage. system and conveyed to the WWTP, the more energy used to
process the additional water that has entered the system.
• Direct discharge of untreated wastewater
Therefore, the less infiltration and inflow, the less GHG
The direct discharge of untreated wastewater can create
emissions generated from the wastewater treatment stage.
methane and nitrous oxide emissions in receiving waters.
This occurs when not all of the wastewater is collected and
conveyed to the WWTP. Therefore, increasing the coverage area
of wastewater treatment, by collecting and conveying more
wastewater to the WWTP, can reduce or eliminate these GHG
emissions. 13
ECAM Methodology found here: http://climatesmartwater.org/library/ecam-methodology/
See ECAM Methodology: http://climatesmartwater.org/library/ecam-methodology/
Search for Emissions Overview Table on ClimateSmartWater.org
Indirect emissions
from electric use
As water moves through each stage of the UWC, there are From a closer look at each stage of the UWC, it is clear that all
GHG emissions impacts that compound, magnify and interact stages are interconnected and dependent on influencing factors.
between stages. Water utilities can better navigate the UWC Therefore, the only way to effectively approach management of
by implementing various solutions to minimise not only GHG this cycle is to view it holistically, meaning considering all parts
emissions at each stage, but their compounded effects as well. By of the whole at one time. Taking this approach will facilitate
far the most influencing factor on UWC final emissions is how the accurate decision making when assessing opportunities for
end users consume and use drinking water and the total volume improvement and the best solution that also reduces GHG
used for different purposes. The effects from water demanded emissions. A holistic approach firstly considers how a proposed
by end users can trickle through the whole UWC, all the way solution can address a priority challenge the utility is facing, then
from drinking water abstraction to wastewater discharge/reuse. examines the impact that solution can have on other parts of the
In the case of water reuse, offsets exist for some of the GHG system, including the overall emissions. Furthermore, a holistic
emissions, depending on how the water is reused and whether approach considers the contextual trade-offs of each solution.
it replaces drinking water for non-potable purposes. If water For example, desalination, direct potable reuse and indirect
reuse replaces drinking water for non-potable purposes, such as potable reuse can each be viable solutions for supplementing
irrigation, then the emissions related to drinking water abstraction, existing supplies and mitigating water scarcity; however, they
treatment and distribution can be avoided. Furthermore, normally generate a higher carbon footprint due to their energy-
there would be less nitrous oxide emissions in receiving intensive processes. This impact could be mitigated with the
waters because less effluent from the WWTP is discharged. substitution of renewable energy instead. A successful holistic
planning process will consider the trade-offs and try to minimise
What happens in one stage impacts other stages of the UWC, and or offset drawbacks when selecting solutions to implement.
these impacts can compound GHG emissions either in previous
stages, and/or later stages. As noted, water loss in the drinking Another example is biogas production. A holistic approach
water distribution system can impact the GHG emissions of will consider each of the following factors if a WWTP
drinking water abstraction, drinking water treatment and drinking is currently not producing biogas, and is considering
water distribution. Infiltration and inflow in the wastewater adding anaerobic digestion to produce biogas.
collection system not only impacts the wastewater collection
system, but also the wastewater treatment and discharge/reuse • The addition of anaerobic digestion requires a significant
stages; this is because the more water that enters the collection amount of energy for pumping, mixing and sludge heating. If
system, the more water is conveyed to the WWTP and discharged. the biogas is valorised, the energy recovered should offset the
energy required for the biogas production itself; but if it is not
considered, the benefits may be less than expected.
Meeting drinking water Reducing operating costs Optimising operations Various utility, state,
demands national, international
Reduced GHG from reduced
pumping / treatment
Water scarcity Water loss reduction energy
Wastewater collection / Energy efficiency
Figure 11. Aligning GHG reduction opportunities with a utility’s unique objectives, drivers and enablers.
Costs Revenues
Figure 12. Pathways for water utilities to fill in their financing gaps.
Table 3. General financing entities to begin the search for appropriate funders for adaptation
projects. Relevant Acronyms: European Skills/Competences, Qualifications and Occupations
(ESCO), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Table 4. Summary of GHG reduction opportunities and financing in the water sector.
Learn more here: www.thegef.org
Learn more here: www.greenclimate.fund
What it means Number of years to Total value in “Interest” yield during Balances all the
re-coup initial investment today’s currency project lifetime benefits and costs
Criteria Payback < x < years If positive, it is IRR > hurdle rate CBA > 1
(usually less than 5) profitable (e.g. bank interest)
for energy efficiency
in W&WW utilities
Search for Peru Case Study on www.climatesmartwater.org
Learn more here: www.waternet.nl
4.5.1 Mexico
Increased wastewater
40 % 80 %
pumps in reservoir
Optimised Photovoltaics in
wastewater wastewater handling
Repair sewer
This involves not only engaging in the beginning with the mind-
set shift approach, but truly incorporating this new perspective at
every level of internal planning, to expand the relevance of local
actions to meeting global sustainable goals. Making the permanent
shift requires thinking that has a broad vision for the utility’s
sustained and improved services, the natural resources maintained
in the community, and global water supplies. Moving towards this
vision involves monitoring, which is programmatic, meaning it is
done repeatedly and compared constantly with previous results.
The GHG data management and assessment framework presented
in section 2.2 is developed mainly for this purpose, making it an
important tool in the process. The objective is always to conduct
a high-quality baseline assessment and to continue monitoring
frequently. The data process flow for monitoring is shown in
the recommended GHG data management and assessment
framework 20. For more information on how to use the ECAM tool
for monitoring success, refer to the Monitoring Fact Sheet 21.
Search for Data Management and Assessment Framework on www.climatesmartwater.org
See From Data Management to Greenhouse Gas Monitoring on
Guisasola, A., de Haas, D., Keller, J. & Yuan, Z. (2008). Methane formation in sewer systems.
Water Research 42(6–7): 1421–1430.
Kenway, S.J., et al. (2015). A systemic framework and analysis of urban water energy.
Environmental Modelling and Software 73: 272–285.
Liu, Y., et al. (2016). Global and regional evaluation of energy for water. Environmental
Science and Technology 50(17): 9736–9745.
Olsson, G. (2015). Water and Energy: Threats and Opportunities. London: IWA Publishing.
Sanders, K.T. & Webber, M.E. (2012). Evaluating the energy consumed for water use in
the United States. Environmental Research Letters 7(3): 1–11.
Short, M.D., Daikeler, A., Peters, G.M., Mann, K., Ashbolt, N.J., Stuetz, R.M. & Peirson, W.L. (2014).
Municipal gravity sewers: an unrecognised sources of nitrous oxide.
Science of the Total Environment 468–469: 211–218.
to a Low-Carbon
Urban Water
Annexes 45
Annex I:
Project Background
WaCCliM, which stands for Water and Wastewater Companies for In addition to the pilot utilities, the project reaches out to at
Climate Mitigation, is a joint initiative between the Deutsche least 10 follower utilities using the same approach as the pilots,
Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and with the goal of implementing measures resulting in 10%
the International Water Association (IWA), acting on behalf carbon reductions within the project timeframe. The project is
of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature being implemented from December 2013 to January 2019.
Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) as part of the International
Climate Initiative (IKI). The WaCCliM Project advocates for
carbon neutrality of water utilities through the introduction of WaCCliM - Water and Wastewater
measures that can simultaneously enhance utility performance Companies for Climate Mitigation
Mexico Jordan
12% GHG reduction 15% GHG reduction
from water systems in water and
wastewater systems Thailand
20% GHG reduction
from wastewater 10% GHG reduction
systems from wastewater
Peru systems
27% GHG reduction
from water systems
20% GHG reduction
from wastewater
Figure B. The four pilot utilities of the WaCCliM project and their
GHG emissions reduction potentials and impacts.
Annexes 46
Annex II:
Search for WaCCliM Data Quality/Process Matrix on www.climatesmartwater.org/assess
Search for Summary of GHG Reduction Analysis Data on www.climatesmartwater.org/assess
Search for Recommended GHG Data Management and Mitigation Framework on www.climatesmartwater.org/assess
Annexes 48
Annex III:
Annexes 50
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Published by:
c/o Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale c/o IWA - International Water Association Contact:
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Alliance House / 12 Caxton Street / info@wacclim.org
Postfach 5180 / 65726 Eschborn / Germany London SW1H 0QS / United Kingdom www.wacclim.org
T: +49 61 96 79-0 T: +44 207 654 5500
E: info@giz.de E: water@iwahq.org
I: www.giz.de I: www.iwa-network.org