Neonatal Sepsis 2019.
Neonatal Sepsis 2019.
Neonatal Sepsis 2019.
PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 29:6 263 Crown Copyright Ó 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
flag’ indicators should be assessed and screened for infection and Acute phase reactants: CRP is the most commonly available
treated with antibiotics promptly without delay. The presence of acute phase reactant. Its levels rise in response to IL-6 secretion
no red flags, but one ‘non-red flag’ qualifies for a period of close by macrophages and T-cells. Babies can have a negligible CRP
observation for 12e24 h. result at birth even with positive blood cultures, but 12e24 h
Clinical signs in the early stages of any infection may be subtle later the CRP may rise. Serial CRP measurements are used to
and non-specific and include: facilitate decision making regarding lumbar punctures (LP),
- Respiratory distress, tachypnoea or apnoea monitoring the progress of infection and determining duration of
-Lethargy or poor feeding antibiotic therapy.
-Temperature instability less than 36 or more than 37.8 CRP has limited sensitivity and a poor positive predictive
-Poor capillary refill time value, in the detection of EONS. An increase is seen non-
-Tachycardia, or bradycardia in more serious cases specifically with any inflammation, asphyxia, meconium aspi-
-Fulminant sepsis may present with respiratory failure, cyanosis ration and prolonged rupture of membranes.
and shock. Procalcitonin, a precursor for calcitonin and composed of 116
Given the clinical picture the differential diagnoses include amino acids, has been proposed as a more reliable biomarker for
pneumonia, generalized sepsis, meningitis, cardiac disease neonatal sepsis. Levels of procalcitonin are undetectable in healthy
and metabolic conditions. EONS may be clinically indistin- individuals thus demonstrating its high negative predictive value.
guishable from hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy at delivery. In the face of bacterial sepsis, levels have been seen to rise
Sepsis is increasingly recognized as a risk factor for neonatal dramatically and may be more sensitive and specific in the differ-
encephalopathy. entiation between neonatal infection and inflammation compared
The Kaiser Permanente (KP) group in the US has developed a with CRP. A cut-off value of 2.4 ng/ml has high specificity and
different EONS screening and management algorithm to reduce sensitivity. A natural rise is seen in the first 24e36 h following
the unnecessary use of antibiotic in large number of healthy birth, so a higher cut off point is needed for this age group. There
newborns. This is available as a web-based application known as are reports in the USA, that the use of procalcitonin as a guide can
Sepsis Risk Calculator. This algorithm adopts the Bayesian model. reduce the duration of antibiotics used in EONS by up to 50%.
It starts with the population risk of EONS and modifies this by
applying the maternal risk factors and then infant’s objective Blood culture: blood cultures are the gold standard in diagnosing
clinical measures to specify an infant-specific final risk. Based on bacteraemia. Previous reports suggested positive yields of 15
this it then recommends the need for enhanced observations and/ e20%; however with modern culture bottles and inoculating
or antibiotics. This is already used widely in the USA with re- adequate volume of blood (minimum 1 ml) in a single paediatric
ported reductions of antibiotic use by as much as 50%. culture bottle, the yields can be much higher. Utmost aseptic
With bacteria such as GBS and E. coli there can be rapid precautions should be taken while obtaining the blood sample
progression from mild symptoms to death in less than 24 h; for culture, to avoid contaminant organisms. Cultures can be
possibly as a consequence of brisk systemic inflammatory negative even in the face of signs and symptoms of infection.
response through cytokine release. A high index of suspicion for Time to positivity (TTP) for most blood cultures is 36e48 h.
GBS infection is required in any term baby with respiratory
distress or in preterm infants who has more severe respiratory Lumbar puncture: early onset meningitis is extremely uncom-
distress than anticipated. Radiologically RDS and GBS lung mon (0.01e0.02/1000 live births). In EONS, LP should not be a
infection may be indistinct. In severe cases, persistent pulmonary routine investigation; however a high CRP, clinical symptoms
hypertension of the newborn, hypotension, metabolic acidosis, suggesting meningitis or a positive blood culture, can be in-
tachycardia and poor peripheral perfusion may develop and are dications to consider LP. There is debate over the usefulness of a
poor prognostic features. specific CRP cut off value in undertaking a lumbar puncture in
EONS. CSF values indicative of neonatal meningitis are also not
Evaluation and investigations in EONS well established, especially as obtaining a non-bloodstained tap
A neonate with signs and symptoms of sepsis requires prompt can be technically challenging in a neonate and results are
assessment, identification of risk factors and initiation of anti- affected by delays in analysis. In most studies, the normal CSF
biotic therapy. Negative tests should not preclude sepsis. How- white cell count in healthy, uninfected preterm or term neonates
ever, if positive, they can be useful in supporting diagnosis and is less than 10 cells/mm3, with more than 95% having counts of
as guidance in determining length of therapy. fewer than 20 cells/mm3. However, the levels are age and
gestation dependent, with the higher cell counts recorded during
Blood gas: this is clinically very relevant as it may reveal a mixed the first week. In a blood stained tap there has been no proven
respiratory or metabolic acidosis. diagnostic benefit in comparing the ratio of CSF WBC count and
red blood cells with that of peripheral blood sample. CSF protein
White cell counts: white blood cell (WBC) counts, differential, levels are usually, but not always, elevated in neonates with
absolute neutrophil counts, and the ratio of immature to total meningitis. CSF glucose level (normally 70e80% of serum level)
neutrophils (I/T ratio) in the blood are widely used as screening usually drops significantly with bacterial meningitis but, may
tests for neonatal sepsis. Unfortunately, none of these tests have remain normal as well.
good positive predictive value. The values of WBC are age-
dependent, and should be used in clinical context along with Urine: obtaining uncontaminated urine specimens in babies is
the natural rise and fall in the first few hours and days of life. challenging but important. A suprapubic aspiration of urine
PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 29:6 264 Crown Copyright Ó 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
(SPA) or fresh catheter specimen urine or a clean catch sample in ototoxicity and sensorineural hearing loss. There are two
following thorough skin cleansing is required. Urine cultures are different mechanisms associated with gentamicin toxicity e a
of greater importance in LONS. high trough gentamicin concentration damaging the sensory cells
and genetically determined ototoxicity. 1:500 individuals carry a
Other sites: surface cultures are of limited value. Colonization in mitochondrial DNA mutation linked with permanent profound
the absence of suspicious clinical signs does not warrant anti- hearing loss from aminoglycosides even when drug levels are
biotic treatment. However this can be useful if disseminated within the therapeutic range.
Herpes is suspected. Antibiotics, particularly those with broad-spectrum activity,
alter the natural microflora of the infant, in particular gut flora.
Radiology: chest radiograph (CXR) should be considered in a This can result in a rise of antibiotic resistance among the normal
baby undergoing EONS screening as pneumonia may be present commensals and the emergence of other resistant pathogens.
with limited clinical signs. Over the past three decades in the developed world, there have
been reports of substantial increases in the incidence of allergic
Treatment of EONS and autoimmune diseases in young children. These have shown
Supportive care: prompt treatment of suspected sepsis is association with altered microbiome secondary to peripartum
important as delay in recognizing and treating can result in antibiotic exposure.
serious morbidity or death. Supportive management may include
non-invasive respiratory support with nasal cannula oxygen, Prevention of EONS
nasal CPAP or heated humidified high-flow nasal cannula The maternal to fetal transmission can be decreased by identi-
(HFNC) oxygen therapy. Mechanical ventilation may be required fying GBS carriage in late pregnancy along with early recognition
in non-responding cases or with severe respiratory acidosis. and adequate treatment of chorioamnionitis. Vertical trans-
IV fluids and feeding via nasogastric tube may be required in mission can be prevented through the administration of intra-
babies with significant respiratory distress. Blood glucose should partum antibiotic prophylaxis using penicillin or cefazolin/
be monitored and abnormalities corrected promptly. Severe clindamycin. Treatment is more effective if commenced at least 4
cases with shock and hypotension should be promptly managed hours prior to delivery. At-risk women can be identified by e
through volume support with crystalloids and inotropic support. universal bacteriological screening (at 35e37 wks) or using a
risk-based approach. Despite concerns over emerging resistance,
Antibiotic treatment: if the decision to treat has been made, GBS in most countries remains susceptible to penicillin. In the
antibiotics should be administered within the first hour. Ben- UK routine screening is not currently recommended.
zylpenicillin with an aminoglycoside such as gentamicin is If, for clinical reasons, bacteriological swabs need to be taken
standard first line treatment in the UK. This provides narrow this should include a combined low vaginal and rectal swab.
spectrum coverage for typical EONS pathogens. Cephalospo- Detection of GBS on high vaginal swab and non-selective media is
rins do not provide better efficacy in terms of common patho- associated with increased risk of transmission to the neonate.
gens and may have an adverse effect on the infant’s Women with GBS bacteriuria or with history of a previous baby
microbiome. If S. aureus is suspected, flucloxacillin should with neonatal GBS disease should be considered for prophylactic
replace benzylpenicillin. If Listeria is suspected or identified, antibiotics. Antibiotics are not recommended for babies born to
amoxicillin should substitute benzylpenicillin. Once culture mothers with GBS carriage who undergo elective section without
results are available antibiotic regimen should be rationalized preceding labour or rupture of membranes. A Bayesian approach to
and targeted appropriately. directed therapy (like KP sepsis risk calculator) is helpful. Women
Antibiotic therapy should be commenced promptly in sus- with risk factors such as intrapartum pyrexia, prematurity, PROM,
pected infection and they should be stopped as soon as sepsis is should have lower threshold for consideration of antibiotics.
excluded. In general the following all apply:
With suspected infection but asymptomatic baby, CRP not Late onset neonatal sepsis
rising and cultures negative at 36e48 h e antibiotics should Epidemiology and causative organisms
discontinued. Incidence of LONS is approximately 8/1000 live births, and af-
Antibiotics started on high clinical suspicion of infection, yet fects about 7% of neonatal unit admissions. It is usually the
negative cultures and an elevated CRP e a longer course result of nosocomially acquired organisms. Mortality is higher
(usually 5 days) may be warranted. with fungal and gram negative infections and in more preterm,
If pneumonia is evident on CXR, but negative blood cultures lower birthweight infants. The majority of LONS occurs in pre-
e a 5-day course may be appropriate. mature and VLBW babies with incidence ranging between 16 and
If blood cultures positive and CSF cultures negative e treat 30% and approaching 50% in extremely low birth weight
for a minimum of 10 days in gram positive and 14 days in (ELBW) babies. Of all LONS, gram positive organisms comprise
gram negative organisms. 70%, gram negative 25% and fungi about 5%.
With positive CSF cultures, and/or a clinical diagnosis of Coagulase negative Staphylococci (CoNS) accounts for
meningitis e treatment may be required for at least 21 days, approximately half of all LONS. Presence of central lines is
depending on the organism isolated. an important risk factor for CoNS. Other major isolates are
S. aureus, E. coli, Enterococcus, Klebsiella and Enterobacteriaceae.
Potential hazards of antibiotics: gentamicin has a narrow Meningitis is more frequently a feature of LONS than EONS.
therapeutic window and persistent high serum levels may result S. aureus sepsis or meningitis has a high mortality (up to 25%).
PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 29:6 265 Crown Copyright Ó 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Candida spp (most commonly C albicans and C parapsilosis) Other sites: routine swabbing of sites such as the umbilicus,
account for almost all fungal infections e they are relatively groin, ear, nose, throat, pharynx and rectum are informative
infrequent in the UK even in ELBW infants. Invasive Candidiasis about colonization. Tracheal aspirates are of value if taken
is associated with high mortality and increased risk of adverse immediately after placement of ETT; in several day old ET tubes,
neurodevelopmental outcome in survivors. Use of prophylactic the evaluation of sepsis is difficult and represents more of
Fluconazole in first 6 weeks of life significantly reduces the risk colonization.
of invasive fungal infection in VLBW and ELBW infants.
Radiology: chest radiograph (CXR) should be considered in a
Risk factors for LONS baby with clinical signs of respiratory distress. An abdominal
Factors predisposing to nosocomial infection and LONS include radiograph (AXR) may be helpful in the differentiation between
being premature, VLBW/ELBW, intensive care, lack of enteral septic ileus and NEC.
feeding, not receiving maternal breast milk, breakage of natural
barriers, invasive procedures, having an indwelling catheter, Haematological investigations:
receiving parenteral nutrition (PN) via central lines, prolonged Neutrophil count e contrary to older children and adults,
mechanical ventilation, H2 receptor antagonists (e.g. ranitidine), white cell count does not accurately predict neonatal sepsis.
and exposure to antenatal antibiotics. Babies who had gut sur- Serial values may be more useful. Infection may result in neu-
gery or gut related problems are at significant risk. Prolonged use tropenia or neutrophilia (<5 109/l or >20 109/l respec-
of antibiotics is associated with increased antibiotic resistance tively). Mortality rates are high in neonates who fail to mount a
and increased rates of necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) and death neutrophil response to infection or whose neutrophil supply
in ELBW infants. Broad spectrum antibiotics (especially third becomes exhausted by severe infection. I/T ratio may be useful
generation cephalosporins) are an important risk factor for in diagnosing and monitoring infection. The maximum normal
fungal infections. value is 0.16 during the first 24 h of age, 0.14 by 48 h, 0.13 by 60
h till 5 days of age and 0.12 until the end of the first month. I/T
Clinical presentation ratio of more than 0.2 is a useful marker of infection. Another
Clinical signs in the early stages of any infection may be subtle feature suggesting infection is the presence of toxic granulation
and non-specific. These include: in the neutrophils.
-Worsening respiratory distress, increasing desaturations and Platelet count e thrombocytopenia is a common feature of
oxygen requirements, and apnoea generalized infection and NEC.
-Lethargy, quiet state CRP e serial measurements of CRP are recommended to
-Feed intolerance facilitate decisions regarding LP, duration of antibiotic therapy
-Temperature instability and in monitoring the progress of infection. Persistently elevated
-Prolonged capillary refill time CRP during antibiotic therapy suggests ongoing infection or
-Hyperglycaemia inflammation.
-Lactic acidosis Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) e PCR has very high
-Cyanosis and shock sensitivity and specificity and can provide more rapid diagnosis
Progression from mild symptoms to death can occur in less of bacteraemia and viraemia. Currently it is used for targeted
than 24 h with gram negative bacteria such as E. coli and Kleb- diagnosis for e.g. in suspected Herpes infection.
siella. Bowel sounds may be relatively silent as functional ileus
due to generalized sepsis. A high pitched cry, abnormal move- Physiological monitoring: recent studies show that monitoring
ments, back-arching, and tense fontanelle, are late features of of physiological data is a promising non-invasive method to
neonatal meningitis. In evaluation for LONS, the limbs and joints predict sepsis before clinical/biochemical signs appear. The
should be examined for signs of osteomyelitis and septic arthritis. greatest advancement is in the monitoring of Heart Rate Char-
acteristics index (HRCi or HeRO). It has been introduced into
Evaluation and investigations in LONS neonatal practice following a large randomized controlled trial in
A neonate with suspected LONS requires prompt evaluation and the US in VLBW infants.
if required, initiation of antibiotic therapy. Progression can be In the healthy state there is beat-to-beat variability and
rapid. If tests are positive, they can be useful in guiding treatment numerous small accelerations (sympathetic) and decelerations
and determining the length of therapy. Careful evaluation as well (parasympathetic). Reduced variability and transient de-
as a complete examination, including skin and catheter insertion celerations in heart rate, mediated by the autonomic nervous
sites, should be performed. system, can occur hours to days before clinical suspicion of
Investigations are similar to those in EONS with some further sepsis is evident. HRCi or HeRO monitoring records heart rate
considerations: intervals in data sets of 20e25 min duration. Results are pre-
sented as the “fold increased risk” a baby will deteriorate from
Lumbar puncture: a lumbar puncture (LP) should be performed sepsis in the next 6e24 h (Figure 1). For example, a score of 1 is
as part of the sepsis screen in LONS. Infants with overt localized low risk, more than 2 is a 2-fold higher chance and more than 3 is
infection can be exempted, e.g. pneumonia, NEC, and babies who 3-fold and so on. The values are updated hourly and presented as
are critically ill and would not be able to tolerate the procedure. a graphical trend over 5 days.
Thrombocytopenia is a relative contraindication to LP; if essential HRC or HeRO monitoring cannot determine the exact time of
a platelet transfusion should be given to cover the procedure. sepsis onset and other conditions including severe IVH, chronic
PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 29:6 266 Crown Copyright Ó 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Figure 1 HeRO/HRC monitoring showing risk score (top) and heart rate trace at any given point (bottom) over time. The current risk score is clearly
displayed (orange).
lung disease, surgery, acute respiratory decompensation and Amphotericin (a polyene), fluconazole (a triazole) and mica-
medications (steroids, muscle relaxants and anticholinergics) can fungin (an echinocandin only active against Aspergillus and
elevate HeRO. However in these cases a relative change in an Candida spp) are used to treat neonatal invasive fungal infection.
infant’s usual baseline can be used to detect sepsis.
Monitoring response to therapy: if the baby remains unwell,
Treatment of LONS there are persisting abnormal laboratory markers or ongoing pos-
There is no consensus on the best antibiotic regimens for neo- itive blood cultures, further investigations should be undertaken.
nates. Each antibiotic has its own benefits and side effects. In Consideration should also be given to optimizing antibiotic doses,
general, narrow spectrum antibiotics should be used wherever changing antibiotic regimens or removing indwelling catheters.
possible, and only used when significant infection is likely.
Supportive treatment should include central line removal if Length of treatment: while antibiotic therapy should be
high suspicion of line sepsis, escalation in respiratory support as commenced promptly for suspected infection, they should be
required and monitoring and stabilisation of blood glucose. stopped as soon as sepsis has been excluded. In general the
Enteral feeds may be withheld, if there are concerns about following apply:
abdominal sepsis. Intravenous fluids with fluid boluses or iono- If suspected infection, the baby is asymptomatic, and nega-
tropic support are used in shock and hypotension. tive cultures at 36e48 h e antibiotics should be stopped.
Antibiotics started on high clinical suspicion of infection, yet
Antibiotic treatment: the majority of the leading causes of negative cultures and an elevated CRP e a longer course
LONS, other than CoNS, can be treated by antibiotic regimen (usually 5 days) may be warranted.
such as flucloxacillin and gentamicin. Vancomycin and teico- If blood cultures positive and CSF cultures negative e treat
planin are the antibiotics of choice for CoNS infections in pres- for a minimum of 10 days in gram positive and longer for
ence of central lines, but their excessive use has been associated gram negative organisms.
with the development of vancomycin resistant enterococcal in- If S. aureus is isolated, treatment should be for at least 14
fections and resistant gram-negative infections. Flucloxacillin is days, as it can seed other tissues.
the best antibiotic to treat Methicillin Sensitive S. aureus (MSSA). With positive CSF cultures, and/or a clinical diagnosis of
Gentamicin will treat most gram-negative bacteria, some of meningitis e treatment may be required for at least 21 days,
which e.g. Pseudomonas sp., give rise to significant mortality. depending on the organism isolated.
A cephalosporin given either alone or in combination with Osteomyelitis, endocarditis and deep abscesses which are
amoxicillin may not adequately cover a number of Enterobac- not surgically drained, may require several weeks of anti-
teriaceae. If there is inadequate clinical improvement or dete- biotic therapy.
rioration, repeat cultures should be taken and antibiotic The length of treatment course may require extension in those
therapy changed according to the local guidelines and in dis- with slow clinical and microbiological resolution, and requires
cussion with microbiologists. Vancomycin with gentamicin specialist input.
provides good gram-negative and gram-positive cover but
potentially has additive renal toxicity. For b-lactamase Potential hazards of antibiotics: all antibiotics, particularly
eproducing organisms (Serratia, Citrobacter, and Entero- broad-spectrum antibiotics, alter the natural microflora of the
bacter), or other difficult to treat organisms, the use of a car- patient, particularly in the gut. This may result in an increase in
bapenem (e.g. meropenem), which is inherently resistant to antibiotic resistance among normal commensals or the emer-
beta-lactamases may be considered. gence of other pathogens.
PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 29:6 267 Crown Copyright Ó 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 29:6 268 Crown Copyright Ó 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.