Competency Mapping For Training and Deve PDF
Competency Mapping For Training and Deve PDF
Competency Mapping For Training and Deve PDF
After breaking down the organization into a series of homogenous groups of people having similar responsibility,
Job Description (J.D), Job Element Analysis (JEA) and Behaviourly Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) become very
important to find suitable human resources to man it. Identifying the suitable human resource is a herculean task because
every organization’s success always depends on the quality and competencies of the man power employed. This paper
deals with identifying competencies required for the position of Training and Development Manager for an academic
organization. JD, JEA and BARS were designed to create a competency map for the said position.
KEYWORDS: Job Description (JD), Job Element Analysis (JEA), BARS, Competency Map
As global business competition shifts from efficiency to innovation and from enlargement to scale to creation of
value, management needs to be oriented towards the strategic use of human resource.
Under the above said circumstances the ability of companies to effectively carry out competency based human
resources management is becoming more and more crucial for their survival. A competency based human resources
management system captures the differing worth of individual contributors, facilitates multiple paths and allows flexibility
in reward related decisions, which are important to address with the changing nature of organizations.
The field of competency development is growing to popularity with administrative management in businesses and
agencies worldwide. One important reason to collect data and build competency models is that they are powerful decision
making tools.
• The best way to understand performance is to observe what people actually do to be successful rather than relying
on assumptions pertaining to trait and intelligence.
• The best way to measure and predict performance is to access whether people have key competencies.
• They should be linked to meaningful life outcomes that describe how people should perform in the real world.
2 Sambasiva Raju Valivarthi
• Core competencies;
• Behavioral Competencies;
• Threshold Competencies
• Differentiating Competencies;
The primary objective of this paper is to identify and describe the factors which are critical to the functioning of
Training & Development Manager of a academic organization, so that a match and standard with respect to the skills
required to perform the job and the secondary objective is to hire the right kind of people for the right job by establishing
standards through JEA and also to identify the learning and development needs.
This project assignment for Competency Mapping includes identifying the competencies required for Training &
Development Manager of an academic organization. This paper has been written basing the needs of my organization
which is ‘Room to Read’, an international non-government organization working into education sector.
• Identify the role and design Job description for the Training & Development Manager;
• Job Element Analysis in the skills, knowledge and behavioral traits required and listing competencies required for
the role.
• Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) for Training & Development Manager.
Table 1
Job Purpose
Plan, Direct or coordinate the training and development activities with respect to faculty and students of an
academic organization.
• Identifying the educational and training needs, developing formal educational or training programs.
• Observing, receiving and otherwise obtaining information from all relevant resources and analyzing it.
• Analyzing training needs to develop new training programs or modify and improve existing programs.
• Conduct induction programs and arrange on-job training for new hires.
• Evaluate instructor performance and effectiveness of training programs, providing recommendations for
• Develop and organize training manuals, ICT tools and educational materials.
• Developing and designing new ideas, applications and systems for effective training and development.
K-Knowledge S: Skills
Table 2
4 Sambasiva Raju Valivarthi
Table 3
Job Elements K/S Threshold Competency Differential Competency
Deep understanding and ability to use English Ability to speak and
understand two more
Knowledge of Communication and
Language and dissemination techniques. languages in the nearby
Communication Ability to communicate effectively.
S1 countries, like Spanish,
Communication skills
Portuguese and Dutch.
S2 Good Listening skills.
K1 Sound knowledge of MS Office.
Better understanding of CSCL (Computer
Technological supported collaborative Learning) Knowledge of MIS.
Skills S1 Skill to search for content online.
Ability to send e-mails, Correspondence,
reports, develop forms and formats etc.
Knowledge of various kinds of cost and
K1 Ability to present the ROI
expenses incurs while organizing trainings
Return on
Ability to measure the monetary benefits data to the management
S1 obtained by organization over a specified time
Deep understanding of different leadership
K1 styles and knowing which style is best suited
Ability to motivate and
for the given environment.
Leadership Ability to lead the training and Development train shadow leaders
Qualities department efficiently.
within the department.
Ability to design and create a long term vision
S2 and strategy for the department in alignment
with universities vision and mission.`
Table 4
Table 5
Level -1 Level-2 Level-3 Level-4
(Beginner) (Learner) (Advanced) (Expert)
Uses body language
Poor body to convey simple
Communication Can convey simple Can convey simple and
language, Body message but makes
Skills (Body idea through body complex idea both with
language betrays mistakes in
Language) language body language easily.
him conveying complex
Does not listen Listens carefully Cognitive ability to
Listening Skills Poor Listener attentively when and comprehends elaborate on the arguments
others are speaking. the message. Do not and provides counter
6 Sambasiva Raju Valivarthi
Table 6
Competency Level-1(Beginner) Level-2(Learner) Level-3(Advanced) Level-4(Expert)
Encourages others
to take “smart”
Implements new
Takes “smart” risks; maintains an
risks including entrepreneurial
Shows innovation in programs that
Innovation trying new and spirit that breaks
day to day activity prove to be
different ways to down barriers to
get the job done promote new and
creative ways to
meet goals
Has a clear
understanding what
Ask questions,
Is inward focussed he or she needs to
understands the
Poor organisation and does not see do. Deep
environment better.
Strategizing and environmental himself/ herself as understanding of
Takes decisions
awareness part of larger organisations vision
suitable for the
organisation. and mission and
takes decisions in
alignment with them.
• Job Description: Job descriptions of a Training & Development Manager who will be responsible for Training
Needs Analysis and conduction of training for the students as well as the faculty members of the university.
• Job Element Analysis: JES focuses on functional competencies required for the role, knowledge and skills a
person should have to effectively perform each element of the job.
• Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) for core competencies identified essential for training manager to
perform and deliver are chalked out.
When so many companies are fighting for limited resources and talent, it becomes utmost important for
organizations to understand their competencies and update it and have the courage to change it if necessary. It is imperative
for an organization to define a set of core competencies which match with its key market differentiators. This is where
Competency mapping plays a crucial role.
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