Daily Lesson Log Math 9 Week 2 June 10 - 14, 2019
Daily Lesson Log Math 9 Week 2 June 10 - 14, 2019
Daily Lesson Log Math 9 Week 2 June 10 - 14, 2019
A. Content Demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations, inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.
B. Performance Is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in various situations, formulate real-life problems involving quadratic equations, inequalities and
Standards: functions, and rational algebraic equations and solve them using a variety of strategies.
C. Learning Competencies/ illustrates quadratic solves quadratic equations by: (a) solves quadratic equations by: (a) solves quadratic equations by: (a) solves quadratic
Objectives: Write equations. extracting square roots; (b) extracting square roots; (b) extracting square roots; (b) equations by: (a)
the LC code for each
At the end of the period, at M9AL-Ia-1 factoring; (c) completing the factoring; (c) completing the factoring; (c) completing the extracting square roots;
least 75% of the students will square; and (d) using the square; and (d) using the square; and (d) using the (b) factoring; (c)
be able to:
quadratic formula. M9AL-Ia-b-1 quadratic formula. M9AL-Ia-b-1 quadratic formula. M9AL-Ia-b-1 completing the square;
and (d) using the
quadratic formula.
Standard form of a quadratic Solving quadratic Equation by extracting Solving quadratic Equation by factoring Solving quadratic Equation by completing Solving Quadratic Equation
II. CONTENT Equation square root the square using quadratic formula
B. Establishing a For further clarifications, the teacher The teacher will give Activity No.1 Page (a.
will also compare quadratic equation 19
Purpose for the
to other types of equation such as
Lesson 1. linear equation
After answering, the teacher will ask
2. cubic equation
3. quartic equation answers from the students (these are the
reflections on how did they answered
activity no. 1)
C. Presenting Describing the attributes of a Activity No. 2 1.
Skills needed to solve quadratic equation by The teacher will facilitate students to
Examples/Instanc quadratic equation and the factoring. The students will try to solve as many items
characteristics it has to know it is answer these questions after answering
es of the Lesson as they want, and the teacher will guide the students
really a quadratic equation. through this. the given problems.
Do Activity No. 1 in LM Page 11
D. Discussing New After the students have performed By the guidance of the teacher, the students The teacher will ask students to answer 1 to 5 and 1.
facilitate to ask the guide questions.
Discuss to students how to make
the exercise on activity no. 1, The are going to solve the following equations and
Concepts and perfect squares.
teacher will give activity number 2, answer the guide questions to be given by the
Practicing New teacher.
LM P. 12
(Identification & Comparison of
Linear and Quadratic equations )
E. Discussing New Introducing the standard form of a Finding the solutions of quadratic After answering the above given Discuss finding the solutions using
Concepts and quadratic equation (LM P 12 – 14 ) equations. problems, the teacher will ask them the completing the square.
Practicing New following questions.
Use the problem from activity no.
Mrs. Jacinto asked a carpenter to construct a
rectangular bulletin board for her classroom.
She told the carpenter that the board’s area
must be 18 square feet.
(please follow guide questions)
F. Developing Recitation. Board work: Recitation/ Board Work Recitation / Boardwork
Identification of quadratic The teacher will ask students to answer 6 to 10 items The teacher will ask students to answer the remaining
Mastery on the board. items of activity 6 on the board.
(Leads To Formative equation.
Assessment 3)
LM Activity No. 4 P. 15
G. Finding Practical Problem solving: Problem Solving: The teacher will facilitate students to perform activity
Directions: Tell whether or not each of the no. 6 and ask the guide questions.
Application of following situations illustrates quadratic
Concepts and equations. Justify your answer by
Skills in Daily representing each situation by a
mathematical sentence
Please See LM Activity 5 Page 15
The teacher is going to give 5 examples of This lesson was about solving quadratic equations by This lesson was about solving quadratic equations by 1.
H. Making quadratic equation written in standard form. factoring. The lesson provided you with opportunities completing the square. The lesson provided you with
Generalization and The students are going to identify the values to describe quadratic equations and solve these by opportunities to describe quadratic equations and solve these
by completing the square. You were able to find out also how
of a, b and c in each equation. factoring. You were able to find out also how such
Abstractions about equations are illustrated in real life. Moreover, you
such equations are illustrated in real life. Moreover, you were
given the chance to demonstrate your understanding of the
the lesson were given the chance to demonstrate your lesson by doing a practical task. Your understanding of this
understanding of the lesson by doing a practical task. lesson and other previously learned mathematics concepts and
Your understanding of this lesson and other principles will facilitate your learning of the wide applications
of quadratic equations in real life.
previously learned mathematics concepts and
principles will facilitate your learning of the wide
applications of quadratic equations in real life.
I. Evaluating Learning
J. Additional
Activities for
Application or
A. No. of learners
who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who required
additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
D. No. of learners
who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
work well? Why did
this work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized materials
did I used/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?