Objectives/Targets Strategies/Activities Time Frame Person/S Involved Expected Output Remarks
Objectives/Targets Strategies/Activities Time Frame Person/S Involved Expected Output Remarks
Objectives/Targets Strategies/Activities Time Frame Person/S Involved Expected Output Remarks
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Tarlac City Schools Division
(Formerly Maliwalo High School-Annex)
Engage SHS students in school’s Participation of students in different Year Round Teachers, School Contest wins are
extra co-curricular activities activities: Intramural, Nutrition Head, Students remarkable.
Month, Buwan ng Wika, Academic
Contests, etc.
Reduce number of non- Implementation of 4f’s and CIP Year Round Teachers, Number of non-
numerates and non-readers by Program, Students numerates and
1% Reading Remediation non-readers is
Develop strong partnership with Engagement of the students in Year Round Teachers, Engaged and
the different Community Activities: Students, Parents participated in
stakeholders(parents, NGOs, a. Tree Planting the different
LGUs) b. Parent-Teacher Conference programs
c. Gift-giving/Outreach initiated by the
Programs community and
d. Barangay/Town Festivals the school
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