June 14, 2019 Strathmore Times
June 14, 2019 Strathmore Times
June 14, 2019 Strathmore Times
Harold Zegil
Automotive Baldwin
& Transmission
403-542-3341 403-902-0654 403 Michelle
Page 15
Rockyford celebrates
100 years of history
Times Reporter
REC'D Sign up
Go Girl is on June 15th
from 10:00 – 3:00pm
i r l
and will be hosted
Go G
at Strathmore Motor
Products Sports Centre.
Throughout the day,
girls aged 13-17 will
Next Regular have the opportunity
to try volleyball,
basketball, and rugby.
There will also be a
June 19th, 2019 ACTIVE LIVING FOR GIRLS AGED 13-17 lesson focused on
nutrition. Go Girl’s main
JUNE 15, 2019. 10:00AM - 3:00PM
goal is to encourage
healthy and active living
Next Committee Subsidy available to eligible applicants thanks to the Tim Hortons
Smile Cookie Campaign & United Way funding
within young girls in our
community. We will also
of the Whole To register go to https://strathmore.ca/residents/recreation
have a keynote speaker
Meeting: during our catered
lunchtime. Come join us
July 10th, 2019 for a fun-filled day!!
680 Westchester Road, Strathmore, AB T1P 1J1 • 403-934-3133 • Office Hours: M - F 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
June 14, 2019 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 3
Sunday 2 pm
Closed Sunday &
Parker Riou, voice student of Loralee Monday night
Laycock (right) placed first in Musical
Theatre Ballad 12 and under. Strathmore Children’s Choir - Finale placed second in Community Choral 19 and under. PG
Photo Courtesy of Agnieszka Riou Photo Courtesy of Loralee Laycock
403.934.3334 www.strathmoremotors.com
900 Westridge Road, Strathmore
FREE Brake
40 OFF
With this coupon, expires July 5, 2019 With this coupon, expires July 5, 2019
Page 4 • Strathmore TIMES • June 14, 2019 www.StrathmoreTimes.com
COFFEE Emergency Services Charity Golf Tournament
Stop in and enjoy a cup of coffee and learn about: Friday, June 14, 2019
Recreation for Seniors in Strathmore Strathmore Golf Course
9 am Shotgun Start – Texas Scramble
$125 Entry Includes:
• 18 holes of golf • Power cart • Steak dinner
When: Wednesday, June 19, 2019 • Silent auction
• Team Prizes
• Contests
• Hole-in-one prize
• 50/50
• Fun
10:00 am—11:00 am
Where: Strathmore Municipal Library
85 Lakeside Blvd
Guest Speaker: Mark Pretzlaff
Recreation Manager
Cadets will also be given an opportunity to be a camp leader in two Youth apply by: July 30, 2019
other 2019 summer camps and gain school credits at the same time. Applications can be found at: www.strathmore.ca or
Max. 25 per camp. The Strathmore Fire Department 721 Lakeside Boulevard
Accepting applications starting May 13th Contact: (403) 934-3022 or pallan@strathmore.ca
Where: Strathmore Fire Department Subsidies available on approval
When: Cadets ages 15-17 July 15-20, 2019;
Cadets apply by: June 14, 2019
Contact: (403) 934-3022 or pallan@strathmore.ca
Subsidies available on approval
680 Westchester Road, Strathmore, AB T1P 1J1 • 403-934-3133 • Office Hours: M - F 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
June 14, 2019 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 5
Following a lot of work To conclude the day, there
Make Take
rehabilitating the Rockyford
Union Cemetery, including
will be an outdoor concert
and Dancing in the Dirt at
Tile Decorating
Tile Decorating Décor & Hot
Hot Plate
rehabilitating some head- the grandstands starting at 9
stones, adding in GPS points p.m. with entertainers Drew
and ensuring there are no Gregory and Renegade Sta-
unmarked graves, a re-ded- tion providing four hours Wednesday, June 19
Wednesday, 19
ication of the cemetery will of music and entertainment, Contact Rose 403-934-5589
take place at 2 p.m. breaking only for a firework 1 - 3 pm rose@strathmoretimes.com
“All day folks will be show at 11 p.m. Gleichen &
Gleichen & District
District Community
Community Hall
able to enjoy the Rockyford Tickets for the supper and
self-guided walking tour of entertainment must be pur-
38 permanent markers de- chased before June 20 by FREE, No
FREE, No registration
required. YOUR WEEKLY
tailing the history of each contacting the village office See our Event for more details on the Growing
site,” said Burke, who added at 403-533-3950. See our Event for more details on the Growing
Families Society Facebook page.
there is permanent historic “When small communities Families Society Facebook page.
signage placed throughout like Rockyford host events, Everyone welcome, Strathmore Hand in Hand
Everyone welcome, Strathmore Hand in Hand
the village marking where people and citizens just Parent Link Centre will be on site providing
Parent Link Centre will be on site providing Gord Morck
original buildings were lo- step forward to help plan parented activities Pharmacist
parented activities
cated with information about or volunteer. It is certainly
each site. showcasing our community, Capsule Comments
Other permanent pro- our history and our achieve- For more information call A bit of pharmacy history…. In the early
jects include a commemora- ments, and we want to pro- For more information call 1930s, there was a product available as a nasal
Angie at 403.361.7216
tive wall and murals at the vide a memorable day for all Angie at 403.361.7216 decongestant. Called benzedrine, it actually
community centre, and the that join us,” said Burke. “I www.bridgingthegapalberta.ca contained metamphetamine, an addictive
Rockyford speeder – a dis- would like, on behalf of the
In partnership with the Gleichen & District Community Association
stimulant and was much used during WWII to
In partnership with the Gleichen & District Community Association combat fatigue and keep soldiers awake and as a
play case at the village office people of Rockyford and our Bridging
weight-loss method. But was taken off the market
Growing Families Society
that houses the restored rail- rural neighbours, to extend the Gap
Bridging for East Rural Counties in 1960 because it cause serious addiction in users.
Growing Families Society
way speeder. There is also an invite to anyone to partic- the Gap for East Rural Counties There are fewer breast cancers found among
a new boardwalk and new ipate in our day.” women in Asia than in North American
women. Reasons for this could be due to a high
consumption of green tea and soy products like
tofu. Asian women also eat more mushrooms.
There may be other variables at play here but these
three seem to set Asian women apart from those
in western countries and may be responsible for
lower breast cancer rates.
History moment: Joseph Priestley in 1775, was
first to synthesize nitrous oxide but it was made
popular by Humphry Davy who called in laughing
gas and found it helped relieve pain. But it
wasn’t until 1844 that the gas was used as a dental
Active Solutions for Health anaesthetic but it is used by very few dentists
is pleased to announce today.
Each year, over 78,000 Canadians are diagnosed
Erin Cunningham RMT with non-melanoma skin cancers while about
is joining our clinic location. 7000 develop melanoma. People can die from
skin cancers. Just think of one of Canada’s most
beloved broadcasters, Stuart McLean, who died
As a certified AIRPWT™- Active
of melanoma in February of 2017. The use of
Integrated Radial Pressure Wave sunscreens has been proven to protect the skin
Kakato’si - Kristian Ayoungman
Kakato’si - Kristian Ayoungman Therapist she is excited to use
Shockwave Therapy to provide
and reduce the risk of melanoma. Again, use it
regularly and enough of it for each application.
March 10, 1995 – March 17, 2019
March 10, 1995 – March 17, 2019 the best possible results in Hours:
Kakato’si - Kristian William Starr Tahpaha Ayoungman, of Siksika and Rehabilitative Therapy. A certified
Kinesio Tape Level II Therapist,
M-F: 9 - 7 pm • Sat: 9 - 6 pm
Navajo Nation, from the Ayoungman Family with long time ancestry tied
i - Kristian William Starr Tahpaha Ayoungman, of Siksika and Navajo Nation, from the
to the Blackfoot Confederacy. Kristian respectfully friended a diverse she brings a wealth of sports Sun & Holidays: 11 - 5 pm
man Family with long time ancestry tied to the Blackfoot Confederacy. Kristian
group of people. He is remembered for his keen sense of humor, knowledge from her competitive Strathmore 132 - 2nd Ave.
ully friended a diverse group of people. He is remembered for his keen sense of humor,
a kind, and humble, compassionate true gentlemen that never swimming background and team
nd humble, compassionate true gentlemen that never hesitated to help those in need.
hesitated to help those in need. coaching experience.
Ph: 403-934-3122
On behalf of Kristian’s family we send our heartfelt THANK YOU Call today to Book with Fx: 403-934-6474
for your continued support, words of encouragement, respect and
f of Kristian’s family we send our heartfelt THANK YOU for your continued support, words of
understanding. Gratitude to all for your countless acts of compassion Erin 403-983-3675 Get the latest new products, special
ement, respect and understanding. Gratitude to all for your countless acts of compassion
without hesitation. Kristian’s journey to the ancestral star nation is savings, contests and more sent directly
hesitation. Kristian’s journey to the ancestral star nation is blessed by many whom supported us
blessed by many whom supported us in love and prayer. 2nd Ave, Strathmore to your email. Sign up today for the
Value Drug Mart E-letter.
nd prayer. We appreciate you all. We appreciate you all. www.activesolutionsforhealth.com
Page 6 • Strathmore TIMES • June 14, 2019 www.StrathmoreTimes.com
West Wheatland 4-H project champions crowned Club raised the 2019 Supreme Champion Market Lamb that was purchased by Strathmore Motor Products represented by Clar-
ence Kooistra and Pat Mohan. Ryan Beekman from the Cheadle 4-H Club raised the 2019 Reserve Supreme Champion Market
Anna Newell from the Rockyford 4-H Beef Club raised the 2019 Supreme
Lamb that was purchased by Green Light Homes and Design represented by Pete Sianchuk.
Champion Steer that was purchased by Great West Kentworth represented Adelle Ellis Photos
by Darcy Reinhardt. Micayla Kooistra from the Cheadle 4-H Club raised the
Busy season
2019 Reserve Supreme Champion Steer that was purchased by Gray’s Lim- bill will change the minimum wage for
ited represented by Jeff Warrack. Brodie Ellis from the Standard 4-H Sheep
those under the age of 17 for the first 28
hours per week, and will help the 30,000
Strathmore Legion Branch #10 NEWS LEELA SHARON AHEER
Chestermere-Strathmore MLA
young Albertans who are out of work
to get their first job. Anything over 28
By Irene Knappe. For further information, please call the Legion at 403.934.5119 hours per week goes to the regular mini-
• Friday, the 14th, 6 – 8 pm – draw at 8:15 pm (sorry for the wrong time of 8:45 pm mum wage. Bill 2 also restores a man-
last week). The pot is now at $1,780.50!! Every Friday, unless otherwise posted, join us Hello Strathmore! I hope that your garden is growing with
for dinner, fun and comraderie. the wonderful rain this past week. As everything becomes a datory secret ballot for all union certifi-
• Bingo is on until the end of June. Then, SUMMER!!!! To be continued in September! beautiful deep green, we are finishing up graduations, exams cation votes and the return to a 90-day
• Saturday, the 15th, 6 pm: ED SMITH MEMORIAL ROAST BEEF BAR-B-QUE, including
and finally changing out our winter tires cautiously, hoping we period for unions to provide evidence of
desert. Entertainment will be provided by North By South, East to West. Tickets are avail- employee support for certification. It is
able at the Legion and various sellers, for $30.00 per person. have seen the last of the snow.
IT IS WITH DEEP REGRET THAT I WAS INFORMED, AND NOW HAVE TO INFORM YOU, We are wrapping up Seniors Week, and I would like to thank difficult to understand why the previous
THAT THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO LACK OF INTEREST AND INSUFFI- our Minister of Seniors and Housing who did a fantastic tour government felt that the secret ballot,
THIS IS TRULY A SHAME, A REAL SHAME. of seniors’ facilities and joined many seniors in their activi-
ties around the province. I was also honoured to speak at the a bad idea when it came to union certi-
• Tuesday, the 18th, 7 pm: LA General and Executive Meetings
• Thursday, the 20th, 11 am – 1 pm: Nurse’s Lunch Langdon walk/run this past Sunday. Thanks to the Langdon fication. Bill 2 brings back a choice for
• Sunday, the 23rd, 11 am – 3 pm: Spring Market. Tables are available at the bar for
OK club, Corrie Corrobourg and the other volunteers for orga- businesses and their employees to de-
$20 each. The market is Comrade Kathie Earnshaw’s baby, and she would like to hold it cide on time off in lieu of overtime or be
once a month. I hope that those who attended the one in May, will come to all the others as nizing this fun event to close out Seniors Week.
well. There are such wonderful goods available for sale, and it’s truly a fun time. Do come I would like to thank the Rocky Mountain Symphony Orches- paid the time and a half rate. Many non-
in and enjoy!! Count me in, Kathie!!!! Anyone interested in cross-stitch patterns and kits, tra (RMSO) for inviting me to their concert in Strathmore this profits asked for this as the flexibility it
I’m your go-to person!!!! Of course, there’s other vendors with jewelry, purses, aprons,
past Saturday, but even more so for inviting me to conduct O provides worked very well for them in
crochet, hand-made dishes, bird houses (birds need houses too!!), etc., etc. So much the past. We campaigned on this legisla-
eye-candy!!! Canada. They provided me with my own baton, and I am still
• Tuesday, the 25th, 7 pm: Legion – General meeting smiling at the opportunity to participate with this incredible or- tion and we are through second reading
• Please every now and again check the white board by the front door to see who may or
chestra. Special guest cellist Morag Northey gave a moving per- at this point. We will continue to debate
may not enjoy a visit in the hospital. It gets to be so very lonely in there. through committee of the whole in the
• Also check the bar counter for any cards made for those in ill health or condolences. formance of the Elgar Cello Concerto, and the evening closed
These cards, signed by Legion Members, mean a lot to people on the receiving end. with Brahms Symphony # 2. The RMSO are a semi-professional following weeks as we work through the
THEY SHALL GROW NOT OLD AS WE THAT ARE LEFT GROW OLD orchestra founded in 2016 and committed to providing acces- next few weeks in session until August.
AGE SHALL NOT WEARY THEM, NOR THE YEARS CONDEMN. sible and affordable opportunities for all Albertans to enjoy or- Happy Pride Month! This year we
chestral music. Thank you to Director Carlos Foggin for the op- commemorate the 50 years since the
LORD GOD OF HOSTS, BE WITH US YET, LEST WE FORGET, LEST WE FORGET. portunity to participate and for the incredible music. We were Stonewall uprising in New York. Many
honoured to host you in our riding and hope to see you again. LGBTQ2S+ people faced and continue
For further information visit rockymountainsymphony.ca. to face discrimination in the workplace,
MAY THEY ALL REST IN PEACE and in the legal and health systems. LG-
Thank you to my assistant Vicki Welsh for attending many
events and grads on my behalf this past week as I was in ses- BTQ2S+ rights are human rights, and as
Thought for sion. I would like to give a shout out to Chestermere’s Mary we celebrate this month with our friends
and family, stand together strong in our
the Week Ann Termeer who, along with her family, hosted a charity
~ barbecue for Hope in the Dark. This is a Canadian registered communities, support families and gen-
charity that helps marginalized children and their parents in der diversity, we inherently celebrate
Example is Colombia. These children live in slums that are ruled by drug the human rights of all people and the
amazing country we live in where we
not the main lords, and most of the youth become addicted to drugs by the
respect all people.
age of 10 and are forced to traffic themselves for food and
thing in drugs around the same age. I am honoured to have attended The world needs more Canadian en-
ergy! The world needs more Canadian
influencing and met such amazing people who are trying to change the
energy! Say it with me folks! The world
world “one child at time.” To find out more and help please
others. It is visit hopeinthedark.ca. needs more Canadian energy! There are
I was proud to participate in the longest running sitting close to 600,000 jobs on the line and
the only thing. the sector is the biggest Indigenous
day in the history of this province, as the Official Opposition
Schweitzer filibustered our Bill 2 (Open for Business) legislation. This employer. As I write this article, close
to 200,000 people have lost their jobs
and their livelihood. The Federal gov-
Your BBB* Serving Southern Alberta and East Kootenay presents: ernment is destroying our industry and
is on side with environmental activists
BBB Tip of the Week: who would see us shut down complete-
ly. The impact to every Canadian fam-
Father’s Day Shopping Tips ily is palpable and growing. World de-
mand for oil continues to rise, and we
While it is tempting to shower dad with gifts of are missing out on the opportunity to
electronics or a brand new BBQ or for Fathers’ supply it. Chances are pretty good that
Day, BBB urges shoppers to make wise spending a barrel of oil that does not come from
decisions. Canada is coming from a jurisdiction
with weak or no environmental regula-
• Ask for Gift Receipts. Without proof-of- tions and no respect for human rights.
purchase, the recipient may be turned down for If you really want to make a difference,
returning or exchanging the item. you want our energy! Stop apologizing
• Check gift cards. Are there shipping and handling fees for cards Alberta! We have so much to be proud
bought by phone or online? Is there an expiration date on the card?Verify of!
that no protective stickers have been removed and that the codes on the After much logistical work, our Strath-
back of the card haven’t been scratched off to reveal a PIN number. more Constituency Office will be open-
ing soon in the Strathmore Business
• Considering purchasing electronics? Whatever kind of Centre at 129 Second Avenue. Summer
electronic you get dad, be sure not to remove it from its box before hours will be from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.,
wrapping it up as a gift. Many electronics stores require the original Tuesday through Thursday. Watch for
packaging in order to process returns or exchanges. our ad in the Times for contact phone
• Choose the Correct Payment Method. Always pay with a numbers; in the meantime, we can be
credit card when shopping online.That way, if problems do arise, you will reached at 403-207-9889 or Chester-
have some recourse with your credit card issuer. Check to see what your mere.Strathmore@assembly.ab.ca. As al-
credit card issuer’s zero-liability policies are. ways, I love to hear from you.
(Leela Sharon Aheer is the MLA Elect
for Chestermere-Strathmore, Minister of
Status of Women and Minister of Culture
Learn more at bbb.org and Multiculturalism)
June 14, 2019 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 7
Open House
On the afternoon of June 8, Rosebud School of the Unit D,
Arts (RSA) welcomed six prospective students and 202 Canal Court,
family members to the school’s first Open House.
Education director Paul Muir, faculty member Da- Strathmore, AB
vid Snider and recruitment officer Jeany Snider led
a tour of the facilities, shared the values and the
approach of the RSA training program, answered
guests’ questions and presented a video of testimo- prowatersystems
nials from past and present RSA students @gmail.com
Photo Courtesy of Donovan Snider, RSA
The Alberta Paramedic Association commis- FEATURE PROPERTY C4249259
STRATHMORE 9 Centre ST $347,000, Considered a
Kristina Bezic Financial Manager
double lot, 5 bedrooms, 2 kitchens,
Mario Prusina Publisher
2 living rooms, Separate entrances!
Janet Kanters Editor Adelle Ellis Reporter / Office Manager Rose Hamrlik Advertising Jody Schneider Production Manager
Great location. Oversized double
Contributors: car garage
Doug Taylor, Sharon McLeay, Laureen F. Guenther, John Godsman, Emmy Bailey, Manny Everett, Miriam Ostermann, Brady Grove
and RV
123 2nd Avenue, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1K1 • 403.934.5589 Parking
Strathmore Times is published every Friday by Strathmore Times Inc. and is distributed by Canada Post to Strathmore, Carseland, Cheadle, Cluny,
Gleichen, Hussar, Lyalta, Namaka, Nightingale, Rockyford, Rosebud, Speargrass and Standard. We also have various pickup locations throughout our
coverage area. Our 10,910 issues are printed by Star Press Inc., Wainwright, Alberta. The content in the Strathmore Times is copyright and reproduction
without the proper written consent of the Strathmore Times is strictly prohibited.
The Times welcomes letters to the editor for publication. All submissions must be signed and a phone number included for verification purposes. We reserve the right to
edit letters for length, legal considerations and taste. Please try and keep your letters under 400 words to ensure that it will appear as close to its original form as possible. debbeststrathmore@gmail.com
Page 8 • Strathmore TIMES • June 14, 2019 www.StrathmoreTimes.com
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT anyone wishing to make a presentation to the Council
of Wheatland County regarding the proposed plan and adopting bylaw should, in writing,
notify the Planning Department of Wheatland County no later than 4:00 p.m. on the 28th
day of June, 2019. Both written and/or verbal presentations may be given at the public
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT at the Foothills County Public Hearing, the Foothills
Council will hear from residents who wish to make representation. Comments may be
made verbally at the hearing, OR if you wish to present a written submission, you must
have 12 copies of the same to distribute to the Council at the commencement of the hear-
ing. If you wish to provide letters in advance of the hearing, please do so a minimum of 2
days prior to the hearing date. No comments via telephone will be considered. Please make
sure to include your full legal description to identify where you are located in relation to
the Plan Area of the Intermunicipal Development Plan. It is to be noted that your submis-
sion will be considered to be part of a file that can be viewed by the public at any time.
Dust Control Applications Now Being Accepted!
A copy of the proposed amendments to the Intermunicipal Development Plan and bylaws
may be inspected at the Wheatland County office or the Foothills County office during nor- If you are interested in purchasing Dust Control, you must complete
mal business hours or the either municipality’s website.
an application and submit payment prior to the applicable deadline:
Oiling ($5-$7/foot depending on road and application type):
– July application order deadline is July 8
Patching for previously applied oil (invoiced at $100/tonne + GST):
– Application order deadline is July 8
Application forms are available on our website or at our office.
Career Opportunities
Submit your resume online through our website or email to
hr@wheatlandcounty.ca. More detailed job descriptions can be
found on the careers page of our website.
Manager of Planning and Safety Codes Services
Closes: June 17, 2019
Please Quote Job #: P 19-14
Accounting Clerk
Closes: June 21, 2019 at 4 p.m .
Please Quote Job #: P 19-24
Address: 242006 Range Rd 243 Phone: 403-934-3321 Mail: Hwy 1 RR 1, Strathmore, AB, T1P 1J6 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
June 14, 2019 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 9
Ag tips
were in transport to conduct illicit ac- cognizance and is scheduled to appear
Strathmore man faces Improved pattern quality - Reduced drift - Increased coverage
June 15/19 10 am – 4 pm
Proudly Sponsored by
Page 10 • Strathmore TIMES • June 14, 2019 www.StrathmoreTimes.co
Friday, June 21st 2019
12:00-6:30 PM
Kinsmen Park, Strathmore AB
11:30-1:30 PM – BBQ open to all
Holy Cross
Eliza Alido Hannah Anderson Hannah Arsenault
Kelly Berreth Steven Birkinshaw Kerri Boehk Levi Boehk Nathan Bogstie Kathleen Braniff Benjamin Burgess Jully Ann Cerdana Bree Cockx Tyler Dalstra
Cody De Sousa Braydon Devine Tanner Dumont Gabrielle Ehresman Maren Everett Matthew Farkasdi Reiley Folvik Hope Gagne John Galanos Alyssa Gillis
Hope Given Cassidy Hanas Abby Hilton Tanner Hollingsworth Presley Kalbhen Alexandra Knight Jordan Kobsar Kouwenhoven Benjamin Kruse Justin LaBossiere
Brooke Miller Alex Nwoye Ryan Orford Marena Pacek Zachary Palardy Victoria Pedersen Colten Pettifer Ezra Quigley Bailey Russell Anthony Solda
Chase Stefanich Renee Stinson Colby Tanton Jaden Tashlikowich Madison Todd Ralph Valencia Tanner West Nickia Wheeler Yellow Old Woman Emma Zaremba
Siksika Nation
High School
Dradon Ayoungman Heston Ayoungman Renae Galindo Cheryl Laderoute Delaney Little Child
Dre Little Light Chloe Many Guns Kerisa McHugh Tyrell Powderface Dylan Rabbit Carrier Brianna Red Gun Lavendar Rilling Samuel Tartsah Lacie Wolf Child Yellow Old Woman
Thanks for all your support!
Kiara Big Old Man, Sierra Many Heads
Jenny Big Old Man Reggie Brass Breanna Breaker Tia Calf Robe Chante Cayenne Mireya Curly Rider Hayden Cutter
Timothy Gwendora
Jayleen Delorme Dustin Fast Gloria Good Eagle Lane McMaster Medicine Shield Old Woman Lennon Owl Child Skylar Poor Eagle Taylor Red Gun Ramona Redhead Thomas
Sydnee Ferguson Jade Fraser Kai Hrycuk Luke Kusmack Katherine Langlois Ayden Linden Ryan Torgrimson
Photos courtesy of
Jason Ewert
Photography Munif Ali Al-Masahli Stran Back Fat Christopher Conrad Kole Corbiell Bradyn Crone Lucas DesRoche Devon Esau David
Natasha Ferraz Cole Garvin-Roper Mackenzie Holm Scott Jodoin Hailey Kenney Karter Kozma Justin Maguire Youssef Mahmoud Ted Marucha
Mathers-Tracey Izzac Perry Garret Poirier Sara Preece Colby Schempp-Hager Kalena Scott Dallas Sheppard Katie Smith Madison Wheeler
Kevin Agboro Samuel Ancell Metaya Anderson Anderson-Sharples Brittany Anger David Appolon
Jade Archibald Emily Bailie Emma Bear Chief Isaiah Biggs Kayley Bingham Chayton Birch Kaiya Birch Tristin Black McKenna Blades Ryley Blakney
Taylor Bobee Jonathan Bolando Nathan Bolinger Dalton Boonstoppel Reigha Bos Keenan Brassard Landen Brassard Carson Brown Brooke Bueckert Elisha Bunn
Karley Burton Brian Butland Jr. Tyson Cann Zoë Carlson Nathan Cayouette Ritan Chan Ngo Ting Cheung Ethan Tsz Hin Chow Chris Chretien Katelyn Clark-Dennis
June 14, 2019 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 13
Chase Clayton Cassidy Cove George Crawford Jaron Cuff Levyn Cutter Teia Dahm Johnathon Damen Amber Davidson Mackenzie Dayton Roseann Delainey
Thomas Derrick Noah Desjardins Mitchell Desserre Elyse Doble Kianna Doig Sarah Dronyk Allie Dubois Sayder Duck Chief Téa Dumonceau Scott Dumur
Matthew Eggen Andrew Ericson Madel Escobar Kaila Estall Gale Fabella Tucker Fargey Joshua Filipionek Bailey Filkohazy Tarun Fizer Javin Gibb
Brooklyn Giesbrecht Dalton Goertz Paola Gomez Nunez Nathan Gong Tyren Grimsdale Jesse Hagel Kennedy Hampson Luc Harris Aidan Havens Grace Heuver
David Hiebert Larissa Hiebert Hinger Ballestero Camryn Hinz Ivan Ho Marco Ho Simon Hoff Makel Holloway Pei-Chen Hsu Rylee Hutchings
Sue Huynh Mina Ikeda Matthew Ironside Lian Islam Arlo Jennings Chancelor Johnston Soi Jung Parker Keer Adam Kelly Darian Kennedy
Paige Kloosterhof Rylan Kohn Maria Kooistra Maggie Kosterewa Jayden Kotylak Chase Kralik Zackary Kruger Casey-Jae Kruse Sydney Laberee Mason LaChance
Paige Lakusta Jasmine Lam Ka Yu Lam Jodee Langlois Aubrey Laveck Rayanne Laycock Legault-Chartrand Alexander Lewin Noah Leys Jaden Lohvinenko
Jenna Lombardo Austin MacKenzie Rebecca Madden Talon Manca Erin Many Heads Emma Marleau Julia Matsumoto Maudsley-Tetz Aiden McBean Harmony McDonald
Cameron McInnis Kaitlyn McIntyre Shea McKenzie Elisha McKirgan Sarah McNeill Melting Tallow Ben Mertz Mollie Miller Sienna Miller Christopher Millette
Mackinnly Moore Nevyn Mosher Cooper Muenchrath Devadas Nambiar Kaylin Nguyen Nam Huy Nguyen Annie Nicholls Alicia O’Keefe Victoria O’Keefe Tristan Olexson
Page 14 • Strathmore TIMES • June 14, 2019 www.StrathmoreTimes.com
Grace Olson Kaitlyn Ottens Benjamin Page Phai Parkokethom Cole Parkyn Zachary Payne Clair Peacemaker Jessyka Perkin Chase Petruska Sydney Phillips
Kayla Pietrobono Sheena Plaza Rhianna Plouffe Arianna Polsom Teagan Rabbit Carrier Kaitlynn Rande Brayden Rankin Kaylum Red Gun Katie Reimer Janelle Reynolds
Jesse Ribbers Jessica Rice Maverick Ridley Taylor Ritchie Vanessa Ritchie Grady Roberts Tyson Robson Kyra Rycar Ethan Rycroft Logan Salm
Scott Salmon Koal Sammons Blake Sander Eric Sandum Amber Scarlett Reece Schonheiter Taron Schouten Riley Sharp Brooklyn Shea Jordan Shepherd
Kennedy Shiner Xander Sieben Carly Sikorski Nancy Sinclair Jassjot Singh Navtej Singh Benjamin Slemp Jordan Smith Marcus Smith Emily Spooner
Cordel Steadman Joshua Stocker Caleb Stone Jaiden Straub Hailey Sutherland Mao Tanaka Beibei Tang Zuviel Aimee Tantuo Jakob Thielsen Coby Thiessen
Dustin Thiessen Brayden Thompson Kyle Tingey Adrian Tongs Ami Uemura Jaden Vanderlaan Natalia Vanzo Jais Calvin Vergouwen Julia Vermeeren Sam Walstra
Nathan Wasut Daylen Wathen Varon Wesley Lacie Wichert Steve Wilks Mikayla Williams Calen Wilson Rylee Wilson Christy Wong Sarah Woods
Lliam Woodworth Yellow Old Woman Jenna Yoo Vincent Yoo Rachel Young Sydney Young Ari Yu Cheng-Yu Yu Samantha Zabori Makenzie Zaugg
(403) Dr. Elizabeth Robinson • Dr. Leanne Lesniak Beltone Hearing Centre
alisawurz@ 202 2nd Avenue Strathmore
hotmail.com 403-901-6332
#11 - 55 Wheatland Trail, Strathmore
Office Hours:
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DREAM HOME @ beltone.ca 9:00am - 4:00pm
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Page 16 • Strathmore TIMES • June 14, 2019 www.StrathmoreTimes.com
The combined 2018 Assessment and 2019 Tax Notices for Wheatland County residents were
mailed on April 26, 2019. Payments are due June 30, 2019! Any outstanding balances after June
30, 2019 are subject to a 5% penalty, and an additional 5% penalty after November 30, 2019.
If you have not yet received your notice(s), please contact our Tax Department.
Address: 242006 Range Rd 243 Phone: 403-934-3321 Mail: Hwy 1 RR 1, Strathmore, AB, T1P 1J6 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
June 14, 2019 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 17
We’ve got it
Pat Cammaert’s family originated in met during her nursing studies, and
Belgium. His grandfather Emile was they now have three children.
Aerial Crop
born in 1902 and came to Rockyford
in 1919. Pat’s grandmother Jeanne
The early days of irrigation on their
property involved the use of flood ir- covered! Spraying
Scheepens was also born in Belgium. rigation prior to the installation of a
Emile served Wheatland County as
reeve and councillor for 50 years, and
hand-move system in the 1950s. This
system remained active until the 1970s CALVIN MURRAY
was one of the original directors of the
Western Irrigation District. Pat’s father,
when a Hydromatic pivot was installed,
which was used until it was replaced by
Phone: (403) 533-2400 Fax: (403) 533-2401
John was born in Calgary in 1928, and a more modern electric pivot. email: murraycb@telus.net
attended local schools in the Memories of the hand-
Rockyford area before con- move system still bring
tinuing his studies at the uni- chuckles to the family, as
versities of Saskatchewan and
Alberta, taking science.
everyone on the farm was
required to move the pipes. GET YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS
Pat’s maternal grandparents,
Alphonse Noy and Wilhelmi-
Each person would pick up a
section of pipe that remained IN THE TIMES!
na Bossman, originated in the connected and move it in
Netherlands. Following their
wedding, they came to Al-
unison. On one occasion,
one burly cousin couldn’t
Call 403-934-5589
berta on their honeymoon and decided seem to get his section off the ground,
to move here. They moved to Rosebud not realizing that the last person to pick
to farm in 1927, and Pat’s mother Jean up the pipe carried the weight of all the
was born in Drumheller three years lat- water that had drained from everyone
er. Jean was academically inclined, ob- else’s section. He was very chagrinned
taining multiple scholarships before at- to think everyone else could out mus-
tending the University of Alberta. Pat’s cle him.
parents met during the 1949 Calgary Irrigation has permitted Pat and Di-
Stampede, and were married in 1951, ane to have a huge farm garden where
producing four children. Pat was born they have grown vegetables to fill their
in Calgary in 1952, and attended school table, even trying commercial produc-
in the Rockyford area before graduat- tion.
ing from Strathmore High School in The Cammaert family’s commitment
1972, then completing his BSc in agri- to irrigation will remain strong in the
culture in 1975. future, as it is a valuable asset that
Pat then took over operation of the provides great benefit, when properly
farm and John became service manag- managed, to keep costs low.
Page 18 • Strathmore TIMES • June 14, 2019 www.StrathmoreTimes.com
is a choice and thethisblue
choice smoky
is as you haze,
would havemy them brother do untoandyou” I
grumbled that they were
a non-transferable responsibility. Be clouds, and my mom simmered.
Matthew 7:12. A bad attitude is like a
Wheninformedwethat eventually landed,
your life travels in the weflat drove likedon’t
tire, if you hell for two
change days
it, you’ll
fromdirection of your attitude
Amsterdam and your
to the never go anywhere.
former Yugoslavia, only “People
stoppingmay for STRATHMORE & DISTRICT tion will be headlining our stage with a perfor-
attitude sleep
a short travels invery
the direction
late atofnight hear your words, but
in Germany. they feelrecount
I won’t your mance on Sunday night. We also have Strathmore’s
your thoughts or mental state. Your attitude” John C. Maxwell.
what those magical three weeksShalom!
attitude determines your direction.
were like for two teenaged own Kevin K Band performing early Saturday af-
brothers dragged there,
You attitude is expressed mostly in but with no ability
Pastor Sunday Adeola to speak the lan- Prepare yourself for four action-packed days dur- ternoon. Looking for a night of dancing? You’ll
words and andactions.
no knowledge
What is in yourof just The who the heck
Redeemed Christian wasChurchhugging
of ing the Strathmore Stampede, running from Aug. want to make it a priority to check out our caba-
and kissing
heart (thoughts)us,hasand many
capacity to partiesGod in (Peculiar
fields and People orchards,
Assembly),I may 2-5. ret on Saturday night with performances by TC &
actuallywhat wished
comes out forof youra swift Strathmore
end to everything. When we New this year we have The Hockey Circus Show. Company. Fireworks are also back again and will
For the kids, Christopher Cools will be perform- go Friday night at 11 p.m.
ing magic shows. We also have ventriloquist Tim Don’t forget to check out the pro rodeo and
BOW RIVER ALLIANCE CHURCH SACRED HEART CATHOLIC Holland, famous hypnotist Colin Christopher, line chuckwagon races happening all four days, as well
105 Main St. Carseland Holy Cross Collegiate School Gym dancing with Country Kaos, and for the first time, as the fan favourite, the Running with the Bulls on
403-934-9337 709B - 2nd Street, Strathmore local entertainers Improv Round Up. Saturday and Sunday.
Pastor: Kevin Enns 403-934-2641 Lastly, make sure to check out the brand new
Make sure you also sign up for our annual lip
office@bowriveralliance.com Pastor: Fr. Wojciech Jarzecki
Sunday Worship: 10 am Masses: Saturday 5 pm • Sunday 10 am sync contest sponsored by Strathmore Ford hap- RCMP Musical Ride performance. Tickets are avail-
www.bowriveralliance.com pening on the Friday night. able for all four days of the Stampede. Buy now as
ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS ANGLICAN The midway will be returning this year, so make the RCMP Musical Ride won’t be back in Alberta
587-727-0649 sure to pre-purchase your midway tickets and save until 2023.
(1 PET. 2:9)
322 A 2nd Avenue, Strathmore strathmoreanglican@gmail.com $5. Whether it’s your first rodeo, or you’re a seasoned
403-714-2283 Rev. Malcolm Kern We also have face painting and monster truck expert, we can guarantee you’ll have a great time
Pastor: Sunday Adeola Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 am rides happening throughout August long weekend. at Strathmore Stampede 2019. Tickets and midway
Sunday Worship: 10:30 am “Becoming fully alive in Jesus Christ” passes are on sale now.
If you’re looking for great music, Renegade Sta-
Wednesday Bible Study: 7 pm
www.rccgstrathmore.com HOPE COMMUNITY
STRATHMORE FULL GOSPEL CHURCH 245 Brent Blvd, Strathmore • 403-934-2424
50 Maplewood Drive • 403-934-2225 Pastor: Heidi Wiebe
Senior Pastor: Rev. Les Fischer Worship Service Sundays 10 am
Youth Pastor: Rev. Kyle Lomenda www.hope-community.ca
9 am - 4 pm • Tues - Wed - Thur 325 1 Ave • 403-934-3543
Worship Service: 10:30 am Corner of 1 Ave & Wheatland Trail
Children’s Church & Nursery in Service Lead Pastor: Mike Wiebe
Extending Grace - igniting hope Associate Pastor: John Duerksen
www.strathmorefullgospel.com Youth/Worthip Inter: Connor Hyde
LORD OF ALL (NALC) LUTHERAN 10:00 am Worship Service
112 Lakeside Blvd. • 403-934-2374 www.strathmorealliance.com
Worship Schedule Wheatland Trail & 3rd Avenue
Thursday Evening 7:00 pm 403-934-3025 Landon Schelske’s (l-r) calf was awarded Grand Champion and Morgan Hale’s calf took Reserve Champion.
Sunday Family 10:30 am Rev. Pamela Scott Photos Courtesy of Ciara Sandum
Christian Education
Hussar 4-H hosts successful show and sale
Sunday Worship 10:30 am
For All - Ages 3-103 Sunday School 10:30 am
Sunday at 9:30 am Nursery Care Provided
Join us in Praising our Lord, Jesus Christ! Wheel Chair Accessible MORGAN HALE Morgan Hale took confirmation.
Loop system for the hearing impaired
STRATHMORE SEVENTH-DAY Hussar 4-H Club This year, Landon Schelske’s calf took the Grand
ADVENTIST CHURCH HARVEST HEALING CENTRE CHURCH Champion title, followed by Morgan Hale’s calf
Meeting in the Lutheran Church 102 Canal Gardens The Hussar 4-H club held another successful which won Reserve Champion.
112 Lakeside Blvd. 587-227-6956 403-901-0893 / 403-880-3171
Pastor: Donald Pierre Show and Sale at the Hussar arena with just over After the sale, the members and buyers were
Pastor: Elizabeth Karp
Services held every Saturday Pastor: Dave Mackie
40 calves being shown on May 26. invited to have supper at the arena before head-
Sabbath School: 10 AM Worship Sundays 10:30 am Congratulations to all the members for all of ing home.
Worship Service: 11 AM Youth Tuesdays 7 pm their hard work and success on show weekend. Families of the members, as well as buyers and
www.strathmoreadventist.ca Come Join us for a spirit-filled time
Avery Koole swept the junior category for sponsors, are invited to attend this year’s club
of worship grooming, showmanship and confirmation. awards night at the Sundowners Centre on June
In the intermediate category, Landon Schelske 27 at 7 p.m., where there will also be a dessert
took champion in grooming and confirmation, buffet.
The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints while Tate Yule won showmanship. The Hussar 4-H club would like to thank all the
60 Maplewood Drive | Bishop Justin Hansen | jbhansen2@gmail.com For the seniors, Luke Sevick won grooming sponsors, buyers and everyone who helped to
403-983-2746 | LDS.org | Worship Service Sundays 10 a.m.
while Travis Edwards won showmanship and make this year’s show and sale possible
Lacrosse action
The Strathmore Junior B Venom lacrosse team took on the Calgary Axe-
man for some fast-paced lacrosse action on June 5 at the Strathmore
Family Centre.
Doug Taylor Photos
of parks and recreation month. Team
Dee-O took first place in the tourney,
and whisper so you can hear Rona
with team Macaroni and Boccheese that we’ll always love Strathmores’ Florist
in second and Team Ed in third. and miss you
Doug Taylor Photos Tim Hortons
and wish that you were here.
Call Winnie Koltusky
In Memory of 403-934-5589 Thank you to the ladies
Ella Hein that helped, couldn’t
May 28, 1926 to June 19, 2017 AWNA 3 B.pdf 1 2018-10-10 do it PMwithout you.
3” wide version
on Facebook!
please contact the Village Office in Rockyford,
at 403-533-3950.
Like Us On Facebook! Call Craig
PTW Energy Services. 2308-
8 Street, Nisku, Alberta,
403-819-4442 Tuesday, June 18 & Wednes-
GARAGE SALE FOR SALE day, June 19, 10AM both
days. Over 6 million dollars
wholesale of new Industrial
at Prince of Peace Village. and Commercial electrical
Saturday, June 15 from 9 com for more details.
a.m. to 3 p.m.
Saturday, June 15 &
FOR SALE Sale by Online Auction, June
Sunday, June 16 24/25! Starting at $29,000!
403-934-5294 9 am. – 5 pm.
ING. 37+ colours available
1-2 acre lots minutes from
the lake. Registration info at
Approx. 11 Kms. East of Strathmore at over 55 Distributors. 40 hansenland.ca. 1-888-652-
Watch for Signs
year warranty. 24-48 hour 2012 HYUNDAI TUCSON 7212.
Express Service available at
Notice of Preparation Retired General Contractor
supporting Distributors. Call LIMITED AWD PRE SUMMER EQUIPMENT
1-888-263-8254. CONSIGNMENT Auction,
of 2018 Assessment Roll Miscellaneous Supplies, Tools Bluetooth, heated seats, USB, AUX,
MAS Sales Centre, Black-
used for 2019 Property Taxation Year and Acreage Equipment. WHITE SPRUCE TREES. 5’ iPod port, automatic, 3M protection, falds, AB Sat. June 22/19 @
for Village of Standard, Province of Alberta Also Household items, kitchen, average: $50. Installation: pw windows, pw locks, pw mirrors, 9am. Selling Estate Acreage
$19 includes: hole augered, keyless entry, steering controls, winter Dispersal, Case 90XT Skid
Notice is hereby given that the 2018 Assessment bedroom and patio furniture. Wurzel Dip enzyme injec-
Roll for Village of Standard used for 2019 Property tires on steel rims, 147 000km, 2 sun Steer, Woodworking, Me-
More Miscellaneous items tion, bark mulch application, chanical & Concrete Tools,
Taxation, completed under the provisions of Munici- roofs, cruise control, WeatherTech mats
pal Government Act, has been prepared and is open than can be mentioned. staking. Minimum order 25. Farm Machinery, Vehicles,
for inspection Monday to Friday during business One-time fuel charge: $125- throughout, black leather seats, ATV’s, RV’s, Trailers, Asphalt
hours of 9:00am to 4:00 pm MST at the Village of 150. Crystal Springs. 403- silver exterior, Active Eco-Mode option, Shingles, Livestock Equip-
Standard Office located at 120 Elsinore Avenue in HAYING 820-0961. Quality guaran-
traction control, hitch $11,995 ment, Lumber, Landscaping
Standard Alberta. If you have any questions or con- teed. & Building Supplies, Lawn
For more information call & Garden Equipment & Sup-
cerns about your assessment please contact ser- Van Bavel Joint Venture
vice provider, Wheatland County Assessment De-
Custom or Crop Share FEED AND SEED 403-614-2245 plies, Trees, Tools, etc. www.
partment at 403-934-3321 Any person who desires to 3” wide version HEATED CANOLA buying
3” wide version montgomeryauctions.com;
object to the entry of their name or that of any other Custom Haying Green, Heated or Spring- MISC MISC 1-800-371-6963.
person upon the said roll or to the assessed value
placed upon any property must, on or IRRIGATED
before 4:00pm Round
TENDER thrashed Canola. Buying: HARPOON ENERGY AUC-
of July 23rd, 2019 lodge their complaint(s) in writing Strathmore, AB. oats, barley, wheat & peas WANTED
GET UP TO $50,000 from GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad
the Government of Canada. credit? Bills? Unemployed?
TION 329 Energy Way, Red
for feed. Buying damaged you Deer, AB Wed. June 19/19
to the Clerk of the Assessment ReviewTwo
the Village of Standard. Please contact
3 John Deere
for irrigated quarter sections of land (NE 25 24 25 W4
SE 30of24 24 W4) are being offered for tender. The NE 1/4
or offgrade grain. “On Farm
Do you or someone you NeedDEAD money? We OR
know have any of these own your own home - you
lend! IfALIVE
@ 10am. Selling 700 Lots
Standard at 403-644-3968 to obtain more informa-
borders Disc Bines
the annexed land of Strathmore while the SE 1/4 is one
Pickup” Westcan Feed &
Grain, 1-877-250-5252.
Canadian Prairie Pickers
conditions? ADHD, Anxiety, qualify. Pioneer Acceptance
Including Sea Cans, PU Truck
tion on the Assessment Complaint process priorExcellent
mile east. to holding or farming property. Arthritis, Asthma, Cancer, Corp. are once
Member again
BBB. touring
1-877- the area. Boxes, Shop Tools
considering filing a complaint. For Brochure email: glmuller92@gmail.com or Paying Cash
COPD, Depression, Diabe-For987-1420.
Coin Collections, Silver && Gold
www.pioneer- Equipment, Wheeled Fire
Extinguishers, Well Site Com-
Notice of Mailing 2019 Property Tax & Assessment 3 John Deere Balers
lindy98mac@gmail.com. For Tender Agreements contact: LIVESTOCK tes, Difficulty Royal
bromyalgia, Irritable Bowels,
Fi- Mint Sets. Also Buying Gold Jewelry
munication Equip. & Shack
Lynn Woods Law Office, Strathmore at 403-934-6333,
Overweight, We purchase
Dress- rolls, bags or boxes Why of Repairs,
silver coins
Notice from Village of Standard. YEARLING RED ANGUS CRIMINAL RECORD? Office Equip., Exer-
or email: Lynn@strathmorelaw.ca Trouble
Combined 2018 Assessment and Tax notices have cise Equip., CAT & Equipment
Sealed not
been mailed on May 16, 2019. If you have Tender Agreements must be accompanied by a 10% deposit and received no later than
BULLS. Moderate Birth- Bonded
ing...and hundreds more. All
suffer employment/licensing
loss? Travel/business oppor- parts, Tires, Chains, Etc.
received your combined notice in the4:00 p.m.please
on July 31, 2019. Tenders subject to financing approval not be considered. Deposits
weights. Very Quiet. Perfor- ages and medical1967conditions
To arrange a free, discrete in-home visit call bidding. www.mont-
mance data available. Se- qualify. Call The Benefits tunities? Be embarrassed?
contact Yvette April, Chief Administrative Officer, at (403) 934-7610
of unsuccessful tenders will be returned. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
men tested and delivered. Program 1-800-211-3550
Think: at 778-257-8647
Criminal Pardon. US gomeryauctions.com; 1-800-
the Village of Standard office. 403-644-3968 371-6963.
Call Anthony Andrew 403 or send a text message with entry waiver. Record purge.
or Glen 820-4776. CARBON, AB. your name and mailing ad- File destruction. Free con-
Notice Date: June 14 2019 (403) 934-8234 dress to 403-980-3605 for sultation 1-800-347-2540; GET YOUR
Notice Date: June 21 2019 RED and BLACK ANGUS your FREE benefits package. www.accesslegalmjf.com.
3.75” wide version BULLS. Yearlings and 2-year- 3.75” wide version
olds. Semen tested and de-
IRRIGATED LAND FOR SALE BY TENDER livered. Call Mardy Skibsted
GET YOUR Strathmore, AB. 403-934-2571.
Two pivot irrigated quarter sections of land (NE 25 24 25 W4 and
Canadian Prairie Pickers
CLASSIFIED SE 30 24 24 W4) are being offered for tender. The NE 1/4 borders the SIMMENTAL BULLS. Red
annexed land of Strathmore while the SE 1/4 is one mile east. Excellent + Black. Semen Tested + are once again touring the area.
holding or farming property. Delivered. Call Deeg Sim-
ADS IN THE mental 403-934-4191 or Paying Cash For Coin Collections, Silver & Gold Coins,
For Brochure email: glmuller92@gmail.com or lindy98mac@gmail.com. 403-999-4191. Royal Can. Mint Sets. Also Buying Gold Jewelry
For Tender Agreements contact: Lynn Woods Law Office, Strathmore at
403-934-6333, or email: Lynn@strathmorelaw.ca GET YOUR
We purchase rolls, bags or boxes of silver coins
Sealed Tender Agreements must be accompanied by a 10% deposit and received no later than CLASSIFIED ADS I THE Bonded
4:00 p.m. on July 31, 2019. Tenders subject to financing approval will not be considered. Deposits STRATHMORE TIMES! To arrange a free, discrete in-home visit call
of unsuccessful tenders will be returned. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 403-9345589 Kellie at 778-257-8647
Page 22 • Strathmore TIMES • June 14, 2019
is looking for a new Director. knee replacement, or condi- STRATHAVEN. Single garage,
Childcare supervisors only tions causing restrictions fenced back yard. $1,500/
please. Email your resume in daily activities? $2,500 mo. + utilities (water incl.) +
to: toddlein@telus.net tax credit. $40,000 refund $1,500 DD. Avail. July 1. Call
cheque/rebates. Disability or text 403-325-0035
CARETAKING STAFF Tax Credit. 1-844-453-5372.
open for summer 2019 with Golden Hills School Division #75 requires CHINOOK III. 1 bdrm or 2
Target Airspray. Abstract Caretaker for Westmount School. Experience is bdrm. ½ month rent free
required. $25/hour starting not necessary but would be considered an asset. with a six month lease. Heat
wage. Send resume to targe-
Training will be provided.
For more information, please visit GHSD7 website.
GET YOUR & water included. No pets.
Please call for availability.
Call Keli 403-324-2944.
with a classified ad. Only
Interested candidates are invited to submit a
resume by mail, email or fax. Positions close On
$269 (based on 25 words or NEAR STRATHMORE.
June 21, 2019, at noon. We thank all applicants
less). Reach over 100 weekly $1,100/mo + SD Incl. elec. &
newspapers. Call NOW for who apply, but only those short-listed will be gas. Pet negotiable. Working
details 1-800-282-6903 ext single or couple preferred.
200; www.awna.com. Call 403-934-5678.
Please forward resume to:
Maria Gingras
Caretaking Supervisor 5 BDRM + 4 BATH HOUSE
on 403-934-5589
N/S & N/P = no exceptions.
Phone: 403-324-3842 References + tenant insur-
Fax: 403-934-5125
ance required. Call 403-378-
Email: maria.gingras@ghsd75.ca 4612 and leave a message.
Quiet Crystal Ridge Cove:
Upper floor, 2 BDRM Apt.
Job Description – NP/NS. With washer/dryer.
$900/mo + $900 S.D. Utili-
SUMMER STUDENT/ ties not incl. Call 403-934-
Title: General Labourer CHEN: Big, bright & beautiful
3 BDRM house with a huge
Reports To: Operations Manager
yard. Close to school, down-
Location: Strathmore, Alberta town, clinic and sportsplex.
Aval. immediately. $1,250
Office Administrator / Welcome to GFL Strathmore
We are a dynamic, growth-oriented and safety-focused company. Providing collection and
+ utilities + SD. References
required. Phone/text Ali at
Junior Accountant processing for Waste, Recycling and Organics, GFL stretches across North America with over 403-542-0075 for viewing.
9000 employees. With customer service and safety as our focus, we are looking for full-time,
energetic, and driven General Labourer to support our growing company. This a temporary
Job Summary
We are currently seeking an energetic, individual for our
position over the summer months. APARTMENTS
Strathmore location. Job Duties FOR RENT
• Satisfy customer needs for service.
3 Bedroom Condos
Working in a team environment, your primary responsibilities will include • Proactively participate in GFL safety culture and training
for Rent
(but not limited to): • Report any incidents -
• Reconcile the accounts receivable ledger to ensure that all payments • Working in a safe manner 2 Storey, 3 Bedroom
are accounted and properly posted (Accounts Receivable) • Punctual and excellent attendance Units downtown
• Verify vendor accounts by reconciling statements and related • Operate scale house as required -
tractions, including payments. (Accounts Payable) • General yard clean-up and maintenance of the site 1&2 Bedroom Units
• Enter process and check payroll entries. • Comfortable working with the public in adult only building
• Reconcile company bank statements. • This is primarily an outside job and you must be prepared to work in inclement weather -
• Administrate company benefits program. • Safety footwear is required Tenants pay all utilities
• Ensure WCB records are up to date. • Driving to different sites and assisting where required and needed For more information
• Ensure company compliance with Revenue Canada, including • Assisting in collection and testing of samples please call
processing GST, federal tax payments, and employee T4’s. • Take samples to Lab STRATHMORE
• Reconciling employee expenses and department charges. • Assist Operators with the maintenance and care of their heavy and operational equipment HOMES LTD
• Administering corporate expenses and petty cash disbursements. • Must be able to lift 40 lbs Hanneke
• Any other duties as assigned by management team. • Other duties as assigned 403-934-5687
Required Skills & Qualifications: Requirements
To ensure your success in this position, you will require • Ability to work in a team environment and independently as required EMERALD
• Working knowledge of and experience with payroll and accounting
3” wide version
software. Preference given to Quick books experience.
3” wide version
• Required to have a valid driver’s license
• Self-starter, motivated and able to multi-task in a fast paced environment
3”x2” in Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel,
• Proficiency • Strong relationship and interpersonal skills
and Outlook). absolute timed online receivership auction
• Excellent communication skills in oral and written English WESTMOUNT DR.
• Strong organizational skills and high level of detail orientation. of Jaeger
• Strong Electric
ability inc. as authorized
to follow oral and written
by Hudson instructions
& Company insolvency trusteesproperly
inc., receiver
1 & 2 bedroom
• Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, ability to work • Computer Bidding StartS CloSing: June 20th, 2019 at 10:00 am (MDT)
bungalow, bi-lvl
• You must be returning back to school in the fall.
• Must have positive attitude and strong work ethic. Viewing June 18 & 19: 8:00am-5:00pm & 2 stry units with
• The ability to meet deadlines by prioritizing workload in a fast paced Please send all resumes to bwalls@gflenv.com Viewing 117 High Plains Place, parking, some
environment. & inspection: Rocky View County, AB fully renovated
• A proven performance record of above average. GFL Environmental is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from all & include W/D.
• Self-motivated,Quality structures
with high to meet
energy and all your needs.
an engaging level of enthusiasm. Sellingindividuals.
qualified Telehandler, BoomWe Lift, Skid Steers,you
thank Backhoe,
interest. Only those selected for an interview
Cargo Vans, Tools, Electrical Parts and Inventory, Office Equipment, Family Friendly.
• Ability to keep company information confidential. will be contacted.
Plus Much More! For more details visit www.ClubBid.com No Pets.
From $845.
+ Utilities.
We offer a competitive wage and benefit package. REAL ESTATE
*If you meet all of the above criteria, skills and qualifications, please KMS north of Westlock on
Leasing Team:
email your&resume
13460_Bins to richb@sbsi.ca
Buildings-Ads_v4.indd 4 . 2019-05-23 11:07 AM Hwy 44. Asking $57,900.00. 403-237-8811
3.75” wide version
Note: Only successful candidates will be contacted for interviews.
3.75” wide version Phone 780-349-0560.
absolute timed online receivership auction
of Jaeger Electric inc. as authorized by Hudson & Company insolvency trustees inc., receiver
Bidding StartS CloSing: June 20th, 2019 at 10:00 am (MDT)
Viewing June 18 & 19: 8:00am-5:00pm
Viewing 117 High Plains Place, “The Missing Piece to complete Your Big Picture.”
& inspection: Rocky View County, AB
Quality structures to meet all your needs. Selling Telehandler, Boom Lift, Skid Steers, Backhoe, Pickup Trucks, Cargo
UFA.com/Quote Vans, Tools, Electrical Parts and Inventory, Office Equipment, Plus Much More! Peters
For more details visit www.ClubBid.com Real Estate Associate
403.589.0783 403-870-4446
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COMMERCIAL Heavy Duty Mechanic “Everything you need to turn raw land into your home”
RESIDENTIAL Custom Decks & Fences
Dennis McNeill • maintenance-free decking • treated & cedar decking Ty Schneider 403.875.7013 UPHOLSTERY
- Master Electrician • general contracting tjheavydutymechanical@gmail.com
dennismcneill@shaw.ca Call for a free consultation & quote 403.608.1802 (Matt) Ace Custom Sewing.com
Strathmore, Alberta embeecontrating.com PAINTING / FLOORING Repair, Build & Upholstery
Strathmore AB
GENERAL CONTRACTORS Cover Up Painting • Furniture
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Snowmobile Seats & Boat Tarps
FREE ESTIMATES • Equipment and Vehicle Fronts
INTERIOR / EXTERIOR For more information
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