May 17, 2019 Strathmore Times

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Page 3
Dismay as Wheatland
County council votes to
withhold library funding
Times Contributor

Learning race On April 16, Wheatland County councillors

evoked responses of shock and dismay when
they voted to withhold from the county’s libraries
Page 15 the funding allocated to them in the 2019 budget.
Beth-Anna Van Dellen, a high school teacher
and a mother of three young children, who lives
with her family south of Standard, started an on-
line petition at, urging Wheatland
council to change their decision.
“Have you watched the videotape of the way
this was decided?” asked Van Dellen. “That prob-
ably bothers me as much as the fact that they cut
the funding in the first place. It was very noncha-
Venom action lant, hardly a four-minute discussion, and some-
one on that council actually said that it was a
‘good day’ because of all the money they were
saving. Unbelievable.”
According to Wheatland County Councillor
Ben Armstrong, “things aren’t as rosy out there as
people think they are. Executive was tasked with
the job of finding a reduction of $600,000 in the
budget.” Armstrong admitted he has never used
the library services in the county. “I go more by
what the members bring back from the (library)
committee board and make my decision on that.”
Councillor for Division 7, Armstrong said local
residents hadn’t contacted him about the issue. “I
Offering IV Sedation have not received one call (about this vote) out
in this area. That’s why it’s on the back burner
Dr. Ashkan Hamzehi DDS
Dr. Arzy Kafrouny DDS
for me.”
Dr. Sharif Faizi DMD County Reeve Amber Link, councillor for Divi-
General Practice Family Dentistry sion 2, said she represents Wheatland County on
100 Ranch Market, Unit 105F the Marigold Library System board, the govern-
Strathmore, AB 403.934.5292 ing board for libraries in Carseland and Gleichen. Libraries in Hussar, Rockyford, Standard and
Strathmore have their own library boards.
Look on Page 2, 4 + 8 for “I support the decision of council,” Link said
Town of Strathmore in a prepared statement. “However, I will note I
Municipal Notices personally voted in favour of continued financial
support for the libraries serving Wheatland Coun-
Contact Us Today! ty.”
403.934.5589 Division 6 Councillor Glenn Koester was at- Thank you volunteers!
tending a conference on behalf of the Wheatland Strathmore FCSS showed their appreciation with their Volunteer Appreciation Event that
Housing Management Body on April 16, so he featured games and face painting at the Strathmore Motor Products Sports Centre on was absent when the vote was taken. May 11. Miriam Ostermann Photo
Continued on Page 6


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Page 2 • Strathmore TIMES • May 17, 2019


Council Meeting: SPONSORS OF THE
Next Committee George Freeman Trail Crossing Closure
The George Freeman Trail Crossing (bridge) is
of the Whole closed for approximately four weeks to allow for
paving and completion of the project. During this
Meeting: time, detours will be in place. To learn more about
June 12th, 2019 the project visit:

June 21st, 2019 | 12-6:30 PM Kinsmen Park,

Reminder: Town of
Strathmore AB
Strathmore Administration
Offices Will Be CLOSED:
Victoria Day
Monday, May 20th, 2019


Peoples Day
Join us in celebration of the heritage,
diverse culture and outstanding
achievements of First Nations, Inuit
and Metis through tipi teachings,

music, dancing, food, crafts and


For more information call the Town of

Strathmore FCSS @ 403-934-9090
680 Westchester Road, Strathmore, AB T1P 1J1 • 403-934-3133 • Office Hours: M - F 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
May 17, 2019 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 3


May 17 - May 23, 2019


Spring Crafters Market Matinee

The Strathmore Municipal Library held another successful annual Spring Sunday 2 pm
Mother’s Day at Aspen Crossing Crafters Market on May 11 featuring many local home businesses and a few Closed Sunday &
Monday night
Aspen Crossing held their 15th annual Mother’s Day event on May 11-12 local crafters. The library’s own assistant director, Carmen Erison, displayed
with flower specials on hanging baskets.
Rose Hamrlik Photo
her newest passion of paint pouring art pieces and jewelry. PG
Manny Everett Photo

Racing cardboard boats in Strathmore

For Movie Listings call 403-934-3057
or go to

Times Reporter

For the first time in Strathmore, Commercial | Farms Industrial | Investment

a cardboard boat race was held at
the Strathmore Aquatic Centre with Bob Sheddy C0-Owner/Commercial Broker
16 teams from Wheatland Crossing 403-324-2222
School, George Freeman School and
Strathmore High School.
On May 6, 64 students took to the KaraLee Foat, MA Co-Owner/Broker
water with their boats made from card- 587-390-0596
board, tape and a surprise beach ball.
About half of the teams managed to
paddle their way across the pool while 403-983-2121
123 2nd Ave,
the other half sank. Strathmore, AB
“I think it was successful because it
was a great day watching and listening
to students engage with the task from Sixteen teams from three local schools raced boats crafted from cardboard and tape across the
a variety of perspectives,” said Mark Strathmore Aquatic Centre pool on May 6.
Adelle Ellis Photo
McKeen, teacher at Wheatland Cross-
ing School who organized the event. into very small designs and one that people to connect, critically think and Strathmore
McKeen modelled the event on similar
guidelines as the annual Skills Canada
was folded to be nearly flat.
Some of the more memorable mo-
gain experience in relying on their
own abilities,” said McKeen. “It’s in Denture Clinic
cardboard boat race competition that ments included some where the par- those moments, when a young person Terry Grant Denturist
many of the teams had competed in ticipants took chances with their boat learns to believe in themselves, where
before. design – even if they didn’t always you see the greatest growth … this is 403.934.3877
A few benefits of holding the compe- work out. experience that contributes not only
tition locally is the fact that Strathmore “Sometimes I can see right away to a positive self-image, but helps to • Complete / Partial Dentures
has the facilities to hold events such as that they are going to run into some build competencies that will follow
• Same Day Relines & Repair
these, students can participate in front problems trying to get across the pool, them into the workplace as they col-
of family and friends, and participants but also understand the value in let- laborate and create with others.” • Custom Mouthguards
and parents did not need to travel far. ting them make some mistakes in the Winners included:
• Custom Night Guards
Participating students were all smiles process,” said Mckeen. He added that Junior high competition – first place:
during the competition, even if their he is already planning on hosting the Mary Sandum, Lexi Kathol, Jayla Keney • Natural Teeth Whitening
boat didn’t make it across the pool. event again next year with the hopes and Kylie Bishop, Wheatland Crossing
Many of them are already planning of including sponsorship opportuni- School; second place: Eric Fladhamer,
for next year having had new ideas ties, a free lunch and T-shirts for par- Jace Papp, Olie Burne and Tristen Fra-
sparked of how to make things better. ticipants, and adding some creative ser, Wheatland Crossing School; third
“I think we should have done a little and thematic elements to the competi- place: Ethan Thompson, Jacob Van
bit more reinforcing and our design tion. Dresar, Kadence Drabiuk and Taya
wasn’t quite thought out before we This year’s event offered opportuni- Brindle, Wheatland Crossing School.
started building it; so we made a lot ties for students to get involved in a Senior high competition – first place:
of revisions (and) a lot of cuts where project where they learned the benefit Cody Holdaway, Josh Kennedy, Mead-
we shouldn’t have,” said Erin Slemko, of teamwork and collaboration, build- ow Tribe and Mason Burns, Strath- 413 - 3rd St. Strathmore
a Grade 11 student from Wheatland ing something themselves, applying more High School; second place: Sam
Crossing School. mathematics and physics principles Kathol, Everett Bishop, Mack Burne
There were many different boat de- to a tangible project, to think critically and Darren Newell, Wheatland Cross- GET YOUR CLASSIFIED
signs including some that looked like and to build confidence. ing School; third place: Diana Pan, ADS IN THE TIMES!
canoes, thin and long boats, large-
based boats, some that were folded
“It is so important to provide as
many chances as we can for young
Remi Poyntz, Tessa Davidson and Erin
Slemko, Wheatland Crossing School.
Call 403-934-5589

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Page 4 • Strathmore TIMES • May 17, 2019


Equipment in the Park is taking place May 25, 2019
from 12:00pm – 3:00pm at Kinsmen Park. Bring
down your kids to check out our cool operations
equipment. During the event, The Town of Strathmore
is asking kids to enter a contest to name our new
single-axle, International dump truck!
The top ten names, chosen by our Operators, will be
posted on Facebook May 28th, for the community Sign Up TODAY!
to vote on. May 31st, at noon, the winner will be NEW Recreation Software - The Town
announced. The winning name will be decaled on our of Strathmore is using new recreation
Next Regular dump truck. The winner will be invited out for a photo
with the dump truck that they have named.
software. Searching, registering and
paying for recreation programs, and
Council Meeting: booking facilities is easier than ever.
All current recreation users and new
June 5th, 2019 users must create a new recreation
account to access services. Swimming
lesson registration has already begun,
so don't wait- signing up today. For
Next Committee information on how to create your new
of the Whole account visit:

June 12th, 2019


May 25, 2019 | 12pm - 3pm
Kinsmen Park

Equipment Tours, Balloon Artist, Name the Truck Contest,

Horticultural Demonstrations and More!
680 Westchester Road, Strathmore, AB T1P 1J1 • 403-934-3133 • Office Hours: M - F 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
May 17, 2019 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 5

Unit D,
202 Canal Court,
Strathmore, AB
Nursing retreat during National Nursing Week
Nurses from Strathmore took part inNational Nursing Week, May 6-10, along with the second annual nursing retreat on personal 403.934.6044
wellness on May 8 at the Strathmore Library. The program was for Health Care Aids (HCA), Registered Nurses (RN) and Licensed
Practical Nurses (LPN) to celebrate everything that they do in health care. Several speakers donated their time to speak to the prowatersystems
health workers. Adelle Ellis Photo

Busy spring
Water Softeners, Iron Filters
LEELA SHARON AHEER second highest ranked officer in Canada was le-
Chestermere-Strathmore MLA gally harassed and defamed for two years for the & Drinking Water Systems
“crime” of trying to ensure our navy was able to
Happy belated Mother’s Day to all of our moth- fulfill its mission. Even well-known Liberal Warren
ers, and those who we have maternal bonds with. Kinsella has had enough, as he notes in his May
I was out on the pathways on Sunday playing with 9 Toronto Sun column: “Trudeau government try-
my niece and nephew along with my beautiful ing to cover its tracks.” Suddenly all of the charges
sons at the dog park, and I felt so blessed to be have been dropped.
surrounded by my family enjoying the sun after This month is Ramadan and many of our Muslim
the rainstorm. I want to send my deep love to those brothers and sisters are commemorating the reveal-
who have lost their moms, and those who have lost ing of the Koran to prophet Muhammed through
their children as well. We sometimes forget that the prayer and charity. It is a month of fasting, prac-
days that are designated to honour those we love ticing self-discipline, spiritual reflection, devotion
come with mixed emotions, memories and loss. My and worship. Eid al Fitr is a festival when Muslims
heart goes out to the family of Jasmine Lovett and break their fast for the last time during Ramadan,
her little girl Aliyah who went missing on April 23. but every night during the fast, when the sun sets,
Their bodies were recovered two weeks later. It families gather to break their fast with the Iftar
makes me squeeze my family tighter than usual. dinner. The Al-Madinah Calgary Islamic Assembly
I would like to chat about the upcoming federal would like to invite everyone to come and join in
election. Gwyn Morgan’s May 10 Financial Post sto- an interfaith Iftar dinner at the Chestermere MPP
ry, “A principled Conservative policy would chal- room on Sunday May 19. Please feel free to con-
lenge Trudeau’s climate propaganda with truth,” is tact Abdul Hameed-403-471-3976 or Khalil Khan at
an article worth reading as it delves into the kinds 403-542-0506 to join in the celebration. This month
of issues we will see as we head into the elec- also sees the celebration of Vaisakhi. Hindus and
tion cycle. I was shocked to read that the average Sikhs celebrate this along with the spring harvest.
middle-class family is paying an extra $840 dol- This is a religious festival for the Sikh community
lars per year to keep up with the overspending of that commemorates the formation of the Khalsa
the federal Liberals. Eighty per cent of the middle Panth warriors under the Guru Gobind Singh in
class is feeling this pinch. What is most interesting 1699. This year thousands gathered to celebrate
about this article is the suggestion that this elec- and marched (the Nagar Kirtan) through the streets
tion ballot question may be about climate change, of northeast Calgary singing songs and hymns.
and the justification for the carbon tax that several I was honoured to present the award for com-
Premiers, including our own, do not support. We munity involvement at the Esquao awards. The
have a responsibility to do better and continue to Esquao Awards is the largest gathering to honour
be a leader in the most responsible resource devel- Aboriginal women in Canada. It is unique because
opers in the world, but we need to take an honest the community nominates the women, and the In-
look at the subsidizing of “green” power and the stitute for the Advancement of Aboriginal Women
cost to Albertans, and Canadians. Windmills and (IAAW) coordinates the ceremony to honour them.
solar panels have major pollution footprints, from I was also so honoured to attend the Lions Founda-
creation to maintenance to the landfill. The wind tion of Canada fundraiser at John Peake Park this
does not always blow and the sun does not always past week to raise money for guide dogs. Steve and
shine, so this energy is intermittent at best. What Marilynn King along with the Lions were able to
really strikes a chord here in our beautiful province raise $20,000. Congratulations!
is how our resources and our prosperity can be I attended the AARC (Alberta Adolescent Recov-
held hostage by this current federal government. If ery Centre) gala that raises awareness around youth
this level of disrespect was extended to one of the addiction. Thank you to the amazing volunteers
provinces out east, it would be a national crisis. We and to Dr. and Mrs. Vause who are the founders
must stop apologizing for our amazing resources and creators of this incredible program that saves
and our development of those resources. lives and puts families back together. Dr. Vause
Speaking of resources, we have a potential cano- calls addiction “the equal opportunity destroyer.” It
la crisis given the lack of leadership with respect to can happen to anyone.
China, India is still limiting access to its markets for Finally, congratulations to the Highlands Golf
our pulse crops and our exports of durum wheat Course in Edmonton. It was built on a coal mine
to Italy have collapsed. It adds to a long list of and is celebrating its 90th anniversary.
the issues the Prime Minister will be facing during Also, I hope you had a chance to catch the Rap-
the election, including the SNC-Lavalin scandal, the tors game. It was a nail biter down to the final shot
groping scandal (evidently she experienced it dif- in the seventh game. Kawhi Leonard’s incredible
ferently than he did), the attack on our veterans, jumpshot from the corner at the buzzer gave the
the lack of work on missing and murdered Indig- Raptors a 92-90 win over the Philadelphia 76ers
enous women, and reconciliation period, the attack and they advance to the Eastern Conference Finals
on our resources, the inability to build pipelines, for just the second time in franchise history.
and my personal favourite, that he is a feminist… As always we love to hear from you!
ugh! We can get a good idea of our Prime Min- (Leela Sharon Aheer is the MLA Elect for Chester-
ister’s priorities by observing that his government mere-Strathmore, Minister of Status of Women and

has been caught obstructing justice yet again. The Minister of Culture and Multiculturalism)

TOO New For Pictures!
Mario Prusina Publisher Kristina Bezic Financial Manager 3.25 Acres withTrees
Janet Kanters Editor Adelle Ellis Reporter / Office Manager Rose Hamrlik Advertising Jody Schneider Production Manager
RR 253 & Twnsp 260
Doug Taylor, Sharon McLeay, John Godsman, Steve Greene, Laureen F. Guenther, Manny Everett, Miriam Ostermann, Brady Grove C4244690 $190,000.
123 2nd Avenue, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1K1 • 403.934.5589 Raw land only.
Strathmore Times is published every Friday by Strathmore Times Inc. and is distributed by Canada Post to Strathmore, Carseland, Cheadle, Cluny,
Gleichen, Hussar, Lyalta, Namaka, Nightingale, Rockyford, Rosebud, Speargrass and Standard. We also have various pickup locations throughout our
coverage area. Our 10,910 issues are printed by Star Press Inc., Wainwright, Alberta. The content in the Strathmore Times is copyright and reproduction
without the proper written consent of the Strathmore Times is strictly prohibited.
The Times welcomes letters to the editor for publication. All submissions must be signed and a phone number included for verification purposes. We reserve the right to
edit letters for length, legal considerations and taste. Please try and keep your letters under 400 words to ensure that it will appear as close to its original form as possible.
Page 6 • Strathmore TIMES • May 17, 2019

County to review funding decision

Continued from Page 1 low fees. Individuals should be responsible for paying for munity, which is especially important
the services that they require,” he said. “I do believe we as in our rural areas.”
“I don’t know what their rationale was,” he said. “I’m pretty council can meet in the middle with the service users to find Geeraert agreed. “There’s everyone
sure everyone out there that knows me knows that I support a way to be more fiscally responsible and efficient when from (ages) zero to 100 that walks
libraries.” providing such services.” through our doors,” she noted, add-
Jason Wilson, Division 1 councillor, said he doesn’t disa- The Strathmore Times invited each of the other three ing the library’s mission statement de-
gree that libraries are an essential part of the community. Wheatland County councillors to comment on the issue, but scribes it as a community hub, a safe
“However, I do disagree with subsidizing the user of that they declined. and comfortable place for everyone to
service. I believe in a user-pay system. Many of our librar- Darcy Burke, Mayor of Rockyford, was dismayed by the come.
ies within our municipality’s boundaries have zero or very decision. Rockyford library has over 100 li-
“Wheatland County approved their 2019 operating budget brary card members, but the library
with the allotment of funding in it for libraries, so it is not as has many programs that don’t require a
Strathmore Legion Branch #10 NEWS though the funding is not available,” Burke said. “The fund-
ing has already been approved. But for whatever reason,
they have decided to hold that funding. That is fundamen-
library card, including a monthly book
club, a craft group, adult paint nights,
family paint days, sign nights and craft
By Irene Knappe. For further information, please call the Legion at 403.934.5119
• NEVADA PULL TICKETS are once again on sale!!! tally not right. nights. The library hosts an annual chil-
• CHASE THE ACE is this Friday, May 17th, from 6 – 8 pm with the draw “Libraries operate on a shoestring budget,” he added. dren’s art camp and a drama camp, and
being at 8:45. The pot is now at $1,222.50!! Join us on Friday nights, for “They’re probably the most fiscally responsible organization a weekly mom and tot group.
dinner, fun and comraderie. I can speak of.” “It’s really important for kids to come
• THERE IS NO GENERAL MEETING IN MAY!! He said he can see no valid reason for council’s decision. If into the library and have those oppor-
• Every Wednesday: BINGO!!! Doors open to players at 5 pm, purchasing
he had to cut budget areas, libraries would be “the very last tunities (to experience books) and for
of cards begins at 5:30, nickel bingo begins at 6:15. Bingo usually ends around
9:15 or 9:30. Chef Pat always has a delicious special every bingo night, at a spot” he’d consider. moms to get together, especially when
very reasonable price! “Wheatland County reported to us at a regional partner- their kids are little,” Geeraert said. “If a
• Saturday, May 11th: STEAK AND LOBSTER NIGHT was a huge sold- ship meeting that they were able to lower their mill rate,” child is exposed to (a certain number
out event. I was my granddaughter’s date, and we had a lovely evening! It took Burke said. “So you’re obviously telling me that there was of) books … before they turn five, then
a lot of volunteers to make this evening the success it was! Comrades Rose no budget constraint issue. This (vote) is not about funding. they’re more likely to go to post-sec-
Jeffery, Joanne Turner and Susan Levitt tended to the baked potatoes Comrade There is something else at play here.” ondary college, more likely to do bet-
Pat Braniff brought out with butter, sour cream, Ceasar salad and buns. The Additional feedback was swift and critical. ter in school. There’re proven facts that
steak was barbqued by Comrades Richard Westgard and Dean Scott, while the
lobsters were taken care of by Comrades Chuck and Gord Coutts, and several
“I was very shocked,” said Elaina Geeraert, library board kids who are exposed to early literacy
others whose names escape me, I’m so very sorry. Comrade Mona Coutts sold chair of the Rockyford library. “I do hope that they revote.” and early reading are just set up a lit-
the 50/50 tickets while Comrade Sylvia Good took care of the Nevadas “We were quite surprised,” said Trish McLeod, Gleichen tle bit better. Just walking into a library
• Friday, May 24th: 8 pm, DUELING PIANOS WITH BURN N MAHN. An Library manager who added there was “just a two-line letter,” gets them exposed to that many books.”
audience request show: you pick the songs and they play them. Tickets: no discussion prior to the vote. “We’ve had a phenomenal McLeod said Gleichen Library also
$25.00 per person, available at the bar. Tickets will NOT be sold at the door!!!! response (of concern) from the community, from Siksika and offers a wide range of programs in ad-
• Sunday, May 26th: 11 am to 3 pm, SPRING CRAFT MARKET. Tables Gleichen town itself.” dition to lending print and electronic
are available at the Legion for $20 each.
“I was surprised and disappointed,” by council’s decision, resources. The library offers computer
What if we could help our men and women in uniform bear the weight of the burden they carry?
As holidays like Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day approach, maybe we rethink just exactly what said Bonita Hudson, a volunteer in the Rosebud Museum use, DVD trade-ins, and low-cost sales
war costs us and what we’ve asked of those who’ve gone on our behalf. In the end, no one which houses a small lending library. Hudson wrote a public and give-aways of donated books.
in their right mind wants war. We want peace. And no one wants it more than the soldier. As Facebook post, urging Wheatland residents to contact their “For 139 years, there’s been a library
General Douglas McArthur put it: “The soldier above all other people prays for peace, for he must
suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war.”
councillors about this vote. “It seemed a short-sighted deci- in Gleichen,” she said. The funding
THEY SHALL GROW NOT OLD, AS WE THAT ARE LEFT GROW OLD. AGE SHALL NOT WEARY THEM, NOR THE YEARS sion based on the assumption that everyone can afford, and from the county might be a “pittance”
CONDEMN. AT THE GOING DOWN OF THE SUN AND IN THE MORNING. WE WILL REMEMBER THEM. prefers, digital access to information.” to the county, “but it’s everything to us.
Lori Bach, chair of the Standard Library board, also saw This is the major place in town. “For
the news as unwelcome, but she found a silver lining in it. people who have (small) children, it’s
Thought for “While of course we were disappointed to hear of this mo- a destination.” Older children come in
the Week tion, it is providing an opportunity to highlight what librar- to watch movies, play games or access
~ ies contribute to our communities and the importance of this social media. Adults use the internet for
service to our patrons.” work and business.
No one The library in Standard, open three days a week, 900 hours Bach said if the county’s decision
can make a year, offers diverse community programming and services isn’t reversed, they will be working to
in addition to book-lending. Its children’s programs include replace the funding. “Our board hosts
you feel weekly events, a summer reading program, and larger events three major fundraising events each
inferior such as last year’s sleepover at Blackfoot Crossing and farm year … to be able to maintain our ser-
visits planned for this year. It also provides free high-speed vices and our building. Finding another
without internet access and a wide range of online resources. source for lost funding will be a chal-
your “We are fortunate to be able to serve all members of our lenge.”
community,” Bach said. “The biggest impact our library has,
consent. and frankly, libraries in general, is being a part of our com-
Geeraert said they do not want to
cut their hours or services due to the
funding loss. “I actually worry more
about some of the other communities.
Your BBB* Serving Southern Alberta and East Kootenay presents: I hope they don’t have to cut anything.
Because there are people in these
BBB Tip of the Week: small communities who don’t drive or
don’t have internet and for them, this
Free Trial Offer Traps is huge.”
The public is invited to the next
The internet is rife with ads and links Wheatland County council meeting on
leading to pictures of celebrities and May 21, at 1 p.m., to discuss library
“miracle” products. You may be enticed funding. Written submissions can be
to try these products through a emailed to
“risk-free” trial. But many of these free or brian.henderson@wheatland-
trial offers are not free.
“I feel so very strongly that Wheat-
Use these BBB tips to identify and report free trial traps: land County needs to review this (deci-
• Do your research on the product and the celebrity said sion),” said Burke. “Good open discus-
to be endorsing the product as well as the company that is sion should happen before decisions
making the offer. are made. Ensure that you have got all
the facts. Ensure you understand the
• Read the fine print to be clear on the terms and conditions impact it’s going to have on communi-
of the offer you are signing up for. If the terms are unclear, do ties. (Wheatland County) should have
not sign up. maintained that funding and maybe
• Mark your calendar for the time limit for the free offer. they should have increased that fund-
If you believe you have been a victim:
“I would also encourage Wheatland
• Complain to the company directly or call the customer County councillors to go to a library, to
service number on the back of your credit card. visit the local library and see what’s be-
• Report it to Internet Crime Complaint Center and the ing offered there. I think that would be
Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre . a good step for all of them.
“Maybe they should take a tour of the
libraries they fund and have a little look.
Learn more at I think they’ve got to get educated.”
May 17, 2019 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 7


adviser. He was forced to retire in 2011
due to health, and started a happy re-
tirement with Jo in Strathmore in 2013,
JOHN GODSMAN drilling rig in the Beaufort Sea. This was shift work, and he mainly because of the excellent health
Times Contributor used his days off to drive tour buses. He remembers one facilities here.
particular trip, when he took a busload of Down syndrome Ted has been a member of Irricana
Ted Currie was born in Nelson, B.C. and completed most children from Kamloops to Disneyland in 1978 – the first trip Lodge #137 since 2005, and joined The
of his education in Calgary up to Grade 11. At age 17, he of this nature ever to cross the border. Shriners the same year, driving an am-
joined the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corp. at Camp Bor- In 1979, following the end of his contract on the oil rig, he bulance in their parades.
den, Ont. where he spent the next 18 months training. On joined Alberta Gas Trunk Line (which became NOVA, which The main changes they’ve seen in
his return to Calgary, he worked in the emer- merged with TransCanada Pipelines which, in Strathmore is how the town has grown
gency department at the old Calgary General turn, changed its name to TC Energy as of in size and population.
Hospital, and became an ambulance driver. May 3, 2019) as a health and safety supervi-
At that time, there were four different ambu- sor, and spent the next 15 years there. Dur-
lance companies in Calgary, and each month, ing this time, he met Jo Richardson who was We’ll Make You
whichever company had the City of Calgary
police contract, this was the one the drivers
born in High River, and they were married
in Calgary in 1982. After leaving NOVA, Ted SMILE
worked for. formed his own consulting company which
In 1970, the city decided to amalgamate all required him to travel to different parts of the
the ambulance contracts to form a paramedic world, and on a China trip in 2002, Jo went
service attached to the Calgary Fire Depart- with him. After leaving school, Jo attended
ment. All existing ambulance drivers were Mount Royal College, and took a course on
grandfathered into the new organization. Ev- early childhood services. Her lifelong dream
Please call 403-934-9681
to schedule your appointment
ery one of them were sent to SAIT, where Ted had been to own her own daycare. But af-
Dr. Elizabeth Robinson • Dr. Leanne Lesniak
graduated with honours from the registered paramedical care ter their marriage, Ted needed her to run his office, so with
course. To this day, Calgary is recognized as having created much regret she left her daycare and became an office admin- NEW PATIENTS WELCOME
the first ever paramedical service in Canada. istrator at Ted Currie and Associates Ltd.
#11 - 55 Wheatland Trail, Strathmore
In 1969, Ted married Donna Ellingson who worked with Following the work in China, they returned to Calgary,
him at Calgary General Hospital, and they had two children where Ted continued to work in the oil patch before join-
- Kevin and Jodi. ing the Alberta government’s occupational health and safety
During his tenure as an ambulance driver, Ted delivered 13 department as an OH&S officer, team leader and technical
babies in the back of the ambulance, but his daughter Jodi
had hers at home, assisted by Ted, who then arranged for a
coworker driver to take her to the Calgary General in his am-
bulance. Ted and Donna divorced in the early 1980s.
Ted left the ambulance service in 1976 to join an oil and
gas company as their chief medical officer on an offshore $559,900 C4243797 $275,000 C4229490 $340,000 C4242207 $385,000 C4243013
609 Marina Dr Chestermere 237 Hillvale Cr Strathmore 31 Thomas Dr Strathmore 51 Aspen Cir Strathmore
Colony boy killed
in farm accident
$284,900 C4223985 $173,900 C4233229 $410,000 C4241955 $395,000 C4242964
Times Editor 9 Hillview Rd Strathmore 69 Strathaven Ht Strathmore 150 Hillview Rd Strathmore 66 Aspen Cir Strathmore

A young boy was killed Monday in a tractor accident at the

Wintering Hills Hutterite Colony, near Hussar.
RCMP said the nine-year-old was a passenger on the tractor
$509,900 C4239130 $75,000 C4192834 $569,000 C4239438 $405,000 C4242958
when he fell off and was run over.
EMS and STARS were called to the colony shortly after noon, 176 Oakmere Way Chestermere 124 Ranchwood Ln Strathmore 147 Hillview Rd Strathmore 148 Aspen Creek Cr Strathmore
but the boy was pronounced dead at the scene.
RCMP said the incident was deemed accidental and no
charges were laid.
Alberta’s Farm Safety Centre reported there were 306 farm- $649,900 C4242910 $279,900 C4229432 $220,000 C4239326 $680,000 C4242772
related fatalities in Alberta between 1997 and 2014, with 19 153 Aspenmere Cl Chestermere 325 Ranch Ridge MD Strathmore 218 Eagle Lake Cr Eagle Lake 263039 Rge Rd 232 Wheatland
per cent of those reported as child deaths. For children aged
14 and under, 41.9 per cent of farm deaths are due to machine

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR $314,900 C4235837 $790,000 C4222645 $279,900 C4239107 $375,000 C4241961
58 300 Marina Dr 282127 Hwy 564 Rockyview 323 Ranch Ridge MD Wheatland 82 Aspen Cl Strathmore
May long weekend excitement
To the Editor
Well, it’s that time of year again as we all get so excited to be
going camping, gardening or having a yard sale. But for those of $497,500 C4214431 $610,000 C4233358 $385,000 C42223475 $449,500 C4237542
you that are going camping, there are so many places to go and 287 Springmere Link Chestermere 243001 Rge Rd 240 Wheatland 26 Strathmore Lakes Way Strathmore 79 Park Lane Dr Strathmore
so much fun to be had.
Heck, I’m getting excited just writing about it. There will be so L o v e W h e r e Yo u L i v e
many exciting adventures and fun things to do. There is so much
enjoyment in playing outdoor games with friends or family.
So, folks, you don’t really need any reminders about drinking
and being responsible with open fires and leaving food and/
or garbage in your camping areas, but there is no harm done
to remind each other. Also, just because there are places to use 587-316-2000
all-terrain vehicles that are not on public streets, does not mean
you can drink and drive as we don’t want to be responsible for
someone else’s life because of an irresponsible decision that was
With this being said this is just my opinion. Stay safe and re-
sponsible but also, have a great weekend! Michelle Hayley Christa Carey
Connie Greene Eldjarnson Poirier Aleman Rose
Strathmore Each Office Independently Owned & Operated

Hussar 4-H Sale Association

is holding it’s annual 4-H Show and Sale
Sunday, May 27th, 2018
at the Hussar Arena
Show starts at 10:00 am,
and sale follows IMMEDIATELY at 3:00 pm.
Roast Beef buffet supper to follow.
Page 8 • Strathmore TIMES • May 17, 2019
May 17, 2019 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 9

SHS international students gain opportunities

Strathmore High School

Far away from one’s own home coun-

try, not every other country provides
opportunities for students to study in a
high school with enhanced facilities of
accommodation like that of dormitories
and homestays. Strathmore RCMP is
It has been a great opportunity for investigating the Theft of a
me to accomplish when it comes to
studying abroad as I have learned how Travel Trailer that took place on
to nurture myself independently, all December 2, 2018.
alone, away from home and parents. The Trailer is described as a
Studying abroad is a dream for many
students, and to pursue this desire, one
White Travelaire Rustler with
has to work really hard. license plate Y91180 Alberta and
Landing in Canada from the United the decals on it appear faded.
Arab Emirates (UAE) as an Indian, this
opportunity to study at Golden Hills
School Division has given me a lot of If you have any information that
knowledge about things and about the could help locate this Trailer,
country itself. In the beginning it was re- International student Upneet Kaur travelled with his fellow SHS students to Banff. Kaur said trips are please contact
ally difficult for me to deal with the sur- one of the best ways to make more friends and help heal loneliness and stress.
roundings and people around me, but I Strathmore RCMP.
Photo Courtesy of Upneet Kaur
gradually adapted to it. The variant ac- File: 20181794883
cent in Canada has been a challenge for alone without my family, but this op- obviously improves our knowledge
me and there were times when I would
not even understand what my teachers
portunity has taught me how to accom-
modate a living all by myself.
about the country and, yes, gives us
a lot of entertainment and whatnot. I
taught me. After getting to know peo-
ple and making a few friends, my ac-
I believe this is a golden chance for
anybody who would want to become
have had great adventures discovering
this place by travelling to many distinct
cent began to get engaged with theirs an independent person at the right age. spots. One of my most memorable trips
and today I rarely face this problem.
Culture shock, as observed by many
This program has got me involved into
connecting with people and getting rid
has been to Banff where lies the beau-
tiful Lake Louise and mountains. Trips YOUR AD
internationals, was faced by me as well.
There were certain traditions and hab-
its I happened to experience while in
of solitude which has actually made me
a stronger person; I now know how to
face all my problems by myself – I have
are one of the best ways to make more
friends and help heal loneliness and
Canada which I was not used to earlier. learned how to stand on my own toes. I would like to conclude that it is an
Talking about culture, I am yet glad to Shifting directly from a city to a town immense pleasure for me to be here as Contact Rose 403-934-5589
have known about a variety of cultures, gets uneasy sometimes but I like how an international student where liveli-
languages, ethics, habits and foods, liv- this town is always quiet and there is hood, self-realization, socialization and
ing among students from various parts peace everywhere unlike the busy city communication has shown me my bet-
of the world. life. It is well appreciated from my end ter side of pursuing the world with en-
Dealing with a cuisine entirely differ- that Golden Hills organizes trips and thusiasm and love. This is probably a YOUR WEEKLY
ent to mine has been a major problem tours to many different places which beautiful beginning towards my career. HEALTH ADVICE
for me while in Canada, despite the
fact I have adapted to that as well by
now. Canadian food gave me a chance
to discover the diet and spices used by
the locals and how different it is from CARSELAND Gord Morck

Indian food. I was not used to eating
pasta almost every day; pasta of differ- Capsule Comments

ent kinds: alfredo, fettucine, marinara, Fad diets have been around for centuries. The poet,
etc. Canadians do not prefer much spic- Byron, soaked his food in vinegar. The Fletcher
es and minimal salt only. Indians are diet asked dieters to chew each mouthful up to 100
known for spices in foods. times before swallowing. It was supposed to reduce
overeating. Opera diva, Maria Callas slimmed down
Having lived in one of the hottest by swallowing a tape worm. Not a recommended
countries, UAE, getting adapted to Can- weight-weight-loss method. The best diet is one
ada’s extreme winter was not easy for where you take in less calories than you expend. Then
me, and still is not. As a problem which you will lose weight.
every other international student would E-cigarettes continue to make the news. Health
face, the difference in time zones keep Carseland School has partnered with Speargrass Golf Course experts are seeing young people who have never
smoked before try e-cigarettes. School authorities
our minds always wandering. are noticing an increase in use of these devices which
Being isolated from parents and the and is offering an exciting golf program for students in grades make users addicted to nicotine.
country was demanding; yes, it did lead Parents have done a great job of educating their
me to loneliness, stress and anxiety for 3 to 6 during the 2019/2020 school year. children on the evils of tobacco. Now it’s time to talk
a while. I am glad the dormitories pro- to them about vaping.
vide a great source of fun, socializing  $240 for transportation and 24 lessons at Speargrass Vitamin C doses vary greatly. Some people believe
that mega-doses of the vitamin are best by referring
and communication with students from
around the world. Canada is known to Golf Course to Dr. Linus Pauling who took 18,000 mg daily. Even
his Institute has tempered its opinion on dosages
be a country where different nationali- saying that 120-200mg a day is enough because the
ties meet and are bonded in some way  Runs during the school day human cells can absorb only about 200mg daily with
or another. I have never lived a life the rest spilling over into the urine.
Sometime when a people have been in hospital
for an extended stay, they are discharged with a
Residential list of prescriptions to continue with at home. It’s

Acreage Please email LaToya Bartlett or call important to check with your pharmacist to ensure
any new medications aren’t replacing or similar to
ones you were taking at home before admission. Your
Award Winning the school at (403) 934-4161 for more information. pharmacist can help you determine which of your
older medications you should continue or stop taking.
M-F: 9 - 7 pm • Sat: 9 - 6 pm
Sun & Holidays: 11 - 5 pm
Strathmore 132 - 2nd Ave.
Alisa Wurz
(403) 934-7903
alisawurz@ Ph: 403-934-3122 Fx: 403-934-6474
Get the latest new products, special
Visit my Website to find your savings, contests and more sent directly
DREAM HOME @ to your email. Sign up today for the
Value Drug Mart E-letter.
Page 10 • Strathmore TIMES • May 17, 2019


Wheatland County Council Chambers June 4, 2019, at 9 a.m.
Wheatland County will consider the following applications for
Public Hearing at the regular Council meeting on
Tuesday, June 4, 2019.
The following public hearings begin at 9 a.m. and proceed until all applica-
tions have been heard:
Bylaw #: 2017-44
Legal Description: SE 6-25-17-W4M, Plan 081 4298 Block 1 Lot 1,
and SW 5-25-17-W4M
Proposal: redesignate +/ - 313.0 acres from Agricultural General (AG)
District to Direct Control District, and +/- 5.0 acres of Industrial General
(IG) to Direct Control, for the purposes of the Ridgeland Hutterian Colony.

Comments may be forwarded in writing to Wheatland County or in person at the

above meeting. The application files may be reviewed in the County Office during
regular office hours – Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Any comments provid-
ed will become part of the public record in accordance with Section 40 (1) of the
Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection Privacy Act. Any personal infor-
mation on submissions made regarding applications is collected under the authori-
ty of the FOIP Act Section 33 (c) and subsequent versions of the Act.

Roadside Haying Applications

Now Being Accepted!
Anyone wishing to hay municipal road right of ways must
make application by May 31, 2019. You must complete an
“Access and Work Agreement” prior to starting work.
This form is available on our website or at our office.

Dust Control Applications Now Being Accepted!

If you are interested in purchasing Dust Control, you must com-
plete an application and submit payment prior to the applicable
 Calcium Chloride ($1.50/foot):
– June application order deadline is June 10
 Oiling ($5-$7/foot depending on road and application type):
– July application order deadline is July 8
 Patching for previously applied oil (invoiced at $100/tonne +
Upcoming Meetings and Closures GST):
– Application order deadline is July 8
May 21 June 4 June 11
Council Meeting Council Meeting Municipal Planning The application form is available on our website
at 9 a.m. at 9 a.m. Commission at 9 a.m.
Agenda packages and minutes are available on the website on the or at our office.
Agendas and Minutes page.

Address: 242006 Range Rd 243 Phone: 403-934-3321 Mail: Hwy 1 RR 1, Strathmore, AB, T1P 1J6 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
May 17, 2019 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 11

Career Opportunities The combined 2018 Assessment and 2019 Tax Notices for Wheatland County
Submit your resume online through our website or email to residents were mailed on April 26, 2019. More detailed job descriptions can be If you have not yet received your notice(s), please contact our
found on the careers page of our website. Tax Department.
 Labourer (seasonal) Payments are due June 30, 2019!
Closes: May 22, 2019 at 4 p.m.
Please Quote Job #: P19-16
 GIS and Development Analyst
Closes May 20, 2019 at 4 p.m.
Please Quote Job #: P19-17
 Planner I
Closes May 20, 2019 at 4 p.m.
Please Quote Job #: P19-18
 Light Equipment Operator (seasonal)
Closes: May 22, 2019 at 4 p.m.
Please Quote Job #: P19-19
 ASB Light Equipment Operator (seasonal)
Closes: May 22, 2019 at 4 p.m.
Please Quote Job #: P19-19
 Summer Student (seasonal)
Closes: May 22, 2019 at 4 p.m.
Please Quote Job #: P19-20
 Interim Chief Administrative Officer (6-12 Month Term)
Closes: May 22, 2019 at 4 p.m.
Please Quote Job #: P19-21

Call for Applications

Community Adult Learning Program
The Alberta Ministry of Advanced Education is inviting eligible organizations to apply a two-year probationary
Community Adult Learning Program grant funding. Eligible organizations interested in serving foundational learn-
ers in Wheatland County may apply.

The Community Adult Learning Program (CALP) provides funding and other supports to over 100 community-
based organizations to facilitate part-time, primarily non-formal, adult learning opportunities in communities
across Alberta.

Eligible organizations that have an interest in working towards the program’s vision are invited to apply for Com-
munity Adult Learning Program grant funding on a probationary period. The deadline for Applications is June
3, 2019, and details on how to apply can be found on the Alberta Government website.

If you have any questions, please contact Ben Hartt, CALP Grant
Manager for the South Region, by email at or by phone at 780.427.5625.

Thank you and we look forward to receiving your applications!

Resource links can be found on the Wheatland County Website.

Address: 242006 Range Rd 243 Phone: 403-934-3321 Mail: Hwy 1 RR 1, Strathmore, AB, T1P 1J6 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
everyone around me, but does beyond measure by the very
it really matter? Am I going to God who created you.
let that rob me of the precious Pastor Elizabeth Karp
time I have left? Am I going Harvest Healing Centre Church
Page 12 • Strathmore TIMES • May 17, 2019


105 Main St. Carseland
Holy Cross Collegiate School Gym
C4 cosplay competitors hope
to earn international debut
403-934-9337 709B - 2nd Street, Strathmore
Pastor: Kevin Enns 403-934-2641 Pastor: Fr. Wojciech Jarzecki
Sunday Worship: 10 am Masses: Saturday 5 pm • Sunday 10 am
ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS ANGLICAN ADELLE ELLIS Jedi or an adventurer for a day,” she said.
RCCG PECULIAR PEOPLE ASSEMBLY 103 - 227 3rd Ave. Times Reporter Anderson, although newer to the cosplay scene,
(1 PET. 2:9) 587-727-0649 has competed in three competitions and is very
322 A 2nd Avenue, Strathmore Two locals will be donning their best costumes talented when creating performances for the com-
403-714-2283 Rev. Malcolm Kern
Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 am
and participating in a large cosplay competition in petitions as he is currently studying drama at U
Pastor: Sunday Adeola
Sunday Worship: 10:30 am “Becoming fully alive in Jesus Christ” Calgary – the Clara Cow’s Cosplay Cup (C4) – for of C.
Wednesday Bible Study: 7 pm a chance at winning first place and representing This year, Desjardins and Anderson will be HOPE COMMUNITY Canada in the Netherlands in the C4 World Cup dressing up as Miguel and Tulio, respectively, from
245 Brent Blvd, Strathmore • 403-934-2424
finals in 2020. The Road to El Dorado.
STRATHMORE FULL GOSPEL CHURCH This will be the second time in two years that
Pastor: Heidi Wiebe For the C4 competition, at least 80 per cent of
50 Maplewood Drive • 403-934-2225
Senior Pastor: Rev. Les Fischer Worship Service Sundays 10 am Autumn Desjardins and her partner Conor Ander- their costumes must be homemade. Desjardins
Youth Pastor: Rev. Kyle Lomenda son will be entering the C4 duo cosplay said they created every piece
New Office Hours: STRATHMORE ALLIANCE contest taking place on May 18 at the of their costumes, from head to
9 am - 4 pm • Tues - Wed - Thur 325 1 Ave • 403-934-3543 Calgary Telus Convention Centre. toe, using the original design of
Worship Service: 10:30 am Corner of 1 Ave & Wheatland Trail
Children’s Church & Nursery in Service
Last year the couple placed third at the characters and applying the
Lead Pastor: Mike Wiebe C4 and they hope to take that experi- design to what they would look
Extending Grace - igniting hope Associate Pastor: John Duerksen ence and some critiques to make it to like in the real world outside of
Youth/Worthip Inter: Connor Hyde
10:00 am Worship Service first place this year. What is illustration.
112 Lakeside Blvd. • 403-934-2374 “Hoping to place higher than last more awesome The costumes took over 600
Pastor: Dawn Nelson year … our goal this year is to try and hours to make and they include
Worship Schedule
Wheatland Trail & 3rd Avenue do better,” said Desjardins. than being approximately 500 metres of
Thursday Evening 7:00 pm
Sunday Family 10:30 am
403-934-3025 In this hobby, made up of a mixture a superhero, embroidery floss, over 15,000
Rev. Pamela Scott of costume and play to bring fictional beads and many hand-sculpted
Christian Education Sunday Worship 10:30 am characters to life, both participants love a jedi or pieces to represent Aztec cul-
For All - Ages 3-103 Sunday School 10:30 am
Sunday at 9:30 am Nursery Care Provided
how everyone involved is friendly, ac- an adventuer ture as accurately as possible.
Join us in Praising our Lord, Jesus Christ! cepting and welcoming, how it is OK to Not only is costume part of
Wheel Chair Accessible
Loop system for the hearing impaired both be yourself and dress up as some-
for a day the scoring points for the C4
one else, and the creativity of making competition, but 60 per cent
HARVEST HEALING CENTRE CHURCH new costumes, personas and perfor-
Meeting in the Lutheran Church of the points are based from
102 Canal Gardens
112 Lakeside Blvd. 587-227-6956 403-901-0893 / 403-880-3171 mances. Autumn Desjardins a two-and-a-half-minute per-
Pastor: Donald Pierre Pastor: Elizabeth Karp Desjardins, a co-current program stu- formance during which the
Services held every Saturday Pastor: Dave Mackie dent at the University of Calgary (U of competitors must also make all
Sabbath School: 10 AM Worship Sundays 10:30 am
Worship Service: 11 AM C) taking both natural science and edu- their props, sets and audio. The
Youth Tuesdays 7 pm Come Join us for a spirit-filled time
cation, became serious about cosplay in 2014 after duo is planning a skit based on two con men at- of worship being introduced to it two years prior. She is a tempting to scam the audience; however, the scam
seasoned costume designer and performer, having goes horribly wrong.
made nearly 50 homemade costumes in the past Desjardins and Anderson expect the competi-
six years and winning over 10 major awards from tion to be tough as competitors fly in from across
The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints both local and national level competitions. Canada to compete in the May long weekend com-
60 Maplewood Drive | Bishop Justin Hansen |
403-983-2746 | | Worship Service Sundays 10 a.m.
“I love cosplay and continue to do it for many petition. However, they still hope to come away
reasons. I love the craft, and bringing my level of from the weekend with the coveted first-place
craftsmanship higher and higher with each cos- prize and a chance at representing Canada in an
www. tume is something I love to do,” said Desjardins, international cosplay competition next year.
who added that as a hobby, Regardless of how they do, both participants
cosplay is a big confidence agree the experience of participating is something
boost as you get to portray they both enjoy.
your fictional heroes and be “I still get to run around conventions, meet new
anyone that you want for the people, spend time with friends … it’s also a way
day. “What is more awesome to sort of pay homage to series’ and characters I
than being a superhero, a love,” said Anderson.

Early Bird Air Ltd.

Ground TWO
Sacred R4045
Heart Parish SPRAYERS
Pledge Campaign 120 ft. boom
for less tracks
Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Parish is vate it into their new church.
one-step closer to building a new church in • Sacred Heart Parish has hired DI & GP De- Call NOW for all your Pre-Burn Spraying Needs!
Strathmore. Members of the Pledge Cam- sign firm in Calgary to design the renovation
paign Committee were excited at holding project. Serving our customers
their official pledge Kick-Off after Mass on • The Official Kick Off for the Campaign
Sunday, April 28. begins at the end of April and the three-
Aerial Crop Spraying
“Our vision is to be worshipping in our new year pledges are due back to the committee Requirements with an
space by 2023,” said Brent Wiley, a member before Sunday, May 26th. AT-802A & AT-502B
of the committee. “Our parishioners recog- • There will be an Open House at the
nize that this is going to be a real challenge, AIRCRAFT
former IGA Property on Sunday,
but I think we are ready for it.”
The committee intends to raise $4 million
May 26th from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m.
Designs and plans for the building will be on
We’ve got it
Aerial Crop
dollars in the next three years in order to
turn their vision into a reality.
display and members of the committee will
be on-hand to answer questions. Anyone
covered! Spraying
More Information

who is interested is invited to attend.
• Catholics in Strathmore have been without
a church since theirs was closed down in
2007 due to structural concerns.
• Currently, the parish owns the old IGA
Phone: (403) 533-2400 Fax: (403) 533-2401
property downtown and have plans to reno- email:
May 17, 2019 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 13
Avery Koole (second from
right) won first place in all of
Canada for the Royal Canadian

Legion’s 2019 Remembrance
Contest in the junior poetry di-
vision. On May 1, she accepted
her award from Brett Gates (l),
Deanna French, District 9 Com-

mander for the Royal Canadian
Legion (second from left) and
Wheatland Crossing School
vice principal Sean Latta (r) also

received a plaque to be hung
up in the school.
Photo Courtesy of
Lindsey Koole

Local wins at nationals HOSPICE

in Remembrance contest DINNER
ADELLE ELLIS impacted by it every time and thanked
Times Reporter

One young Wheatland Crossing stu-

Koole for writing the poem through her
“I’m super proud, it was very unex-
dent’s literary talents helped her to re- pected … lots of people have told me
ceive the highest award possible in the
2019 Royal Canadian Legion Remem-
brance Contest in the junior poetry divi-
how they read it for the first time and
how it’s impacted them and they just ap-
preciate the simplicity but the meaning
Saturday, May 25, 2019
sion. Twelve-year-old Avery Koole wrote of it,” said Lindsey Koole, Avery’s moth-
both the poem and an essay about Re-
membrance Day for a class assignment
er, noting that she has been taking her
win in stride even with people making a
Carseland Hall
last year. The result, a 20-line free verse big deal about it. Doors Open 5:30 pm • Dinner 7 pm • Auction to follow
poem titled “Just Remember” captures An award ceremony was held at
how Koole feels about and what she Wheatland Crossing School on May 1 BBQ Beef Dinner
thinks about Remembrance Day. where a certificate was presented to the
The poem ended up sweeping the na- Royal Canadian Legion Standard Branch Silent Auction and Live Auction
tion to win her first place in the junior No. 166 in recognition of Koole’s poem.
poetry division at the district level, first Koole received both a cheque which she Purchase Your Tickets Today
in provincials out of over 178 regions, plans on saving and a plaque for her ac- $50 per person
and finally first out of over 1,000 dis- complishment and a second plaque to $375 for a Table of 8
tricts competing at the national level. hang on the walls of Wheatland Cross- Contact:,
Koole, who is in Grade 6 and loves to ing School marking the accomplish- 403.934.8199
write stories has not much experience ment. or pick up at Gray’s Limited or
at trying to write poems, is thrilled at Some locals remarked that they be-
order online
the result. lieve this is the first time in the past 45
“I wrote it on how I felt about Re- years that a local has made it all the way
membrance Day and I struggled at first to and won Nationals in the Remem-
but then when I asked my teacher (Mrs. brance competition.
Moczulski) she just said to write it on Koole is ever humbled by the award
how I feel so I wrote it on that,” said and hopes to practice her poem and
Koole, adding that she had no idea that
her poem had advanced through the
ranks and that winning Nationals was
story writing to get better at it.
“I wasn’t sure at the start because I
was struggling but once I got it done HIKE FOR Life and Death Matters

a complete surprise to her when she I was really proud of it,” said Koole, Wheatland & Area Hospice
opened her letter last month. whose favourite part was when she fin- heartfelt
Society extends
She has received many praises from
friends and family, and in particular one
ished her poem because “When I read it
over I just felt how powerful this poem
appreciation for the

support and generosity by the

ie t

W h e at l a n oc
family friend whose father fought in the (was) … I feel I did really good and I d & Area Hospice S
Wheatland Community
war commented that he read the poem think I’ll maybe try to write more poems
over 50 times and still felt emotionally Town of Strathmore for its 2nd Annual Hike
Hillcrest Insurance for Hospice!

Just Remember Wheatland EMS

Jody@grafics Golden Hills Grade 3 Citizenship Program
Drew Gregory (Ms. Kooistra, Koppel, Kopp, Carlson, Muenchrath)
Listen to the gunshots fire over the horizon, Ed Meyer Serving Communities Internship Program
Listen to the prayers of loved ones back home, Village Voices (Brad Hendricks, Quaid McBean, Andrej Halkovick,
Listen to the wind as it blows through the trenches, Heather Kelly Calder Cleveland, Libby Wheeler, Lauryn Eitzen)
Back Street Productions/
Just listen. Bobby Molina
Hussar, Rockyford, Standard, Strathmore
and Wheatland County Council representatives
Ed Sheppard
Feel the hands tremble of the soldiers in the front line, Gray’s Ltd
Feel the ground shake as a grenade goes off in the distance, Hike for Hospice Physician Patrons:
Barry and Cindy Hilton Dr. Alison Clarke • Dr. Orna McLaughlin
Feel the warmth of the blood run down the face of the wounded, The Reps Dr. Ferai Senzani • Dr. Andrew Kelly
Just feel. Rocky’s Bakery Dr. Joni McNeely • Dr. Micheal O’Brian
Crowther Memorial Dr. Tricia Ewert-McNeely • Dr. David McNeely
Look at the brave soldiers fighting for our country, Photography kids Dr. Lori Lobay • Dr. Ben Sader
Look at the devastation that is left behind, (Ms. Eckenswiller, Verge,
Homen) And a great big thank you to the many committee
Look at the poppies in Flanders Fields, volunteers, H4H helpers, Hikers, and
Just look. pledge contributors.
For a small group of people,
Smell the gunpowder in the air, you do an awful lot good.
Smell the dust as many soldiers drop to the ground, With your help, over
Smell the fear of the soldiers who take charge onto the battlefield, $24,000 was raised...
Just smell. Next Hike for Hospice
Remember the innocent soldiers that sacrificed their lives for ours, May 2, 2020
Remember the freedom that the soldiers that fought for, Help raise funds for a rural
independent hospice!
Remember on the 11th day of the 11th month, on the 11 hour,
Just remember.
Poem by Avery Koole, Wheatland Crossing School, #166 Standard Br.
Page 14 • Strathmore TIMES • May 17, 2019

Energy District bylaw draws sparks from landowners and industry

SHARON MCLEAY presented his concerns. grasslands produce huge public interest came up with bylaw requirements and
Times Contributor Several industry stakeholders asked benefits,” said Vergouwen. they said they looked at provincial re-
council to postpone the public hearing He outlined protection of wetlands, quirements and incorporated some of
Wheatland County council had to bal- to gain more feedback from landowners wildlife, endangered species and positive the input council gave them in the past.
ance decisions on protecting agricul- and address ramifications produced by climate change factors are what agricul- Councillor Jason Wilson indicated coun-
tural land with demands for developing the new bylaw. tural lands bring to the table. He said he cil had looked at the issue three times
commercial and industrial properties Councillors Glen Koester and Ben was concerned about costs for decom- and gave direction to staff for developing
that bring economic opportunity to the Armstrong indicated a greater landown- missioned facilities falling into the land- a bylaw.
county. er turnout would occur if the hearing owners’ and the county laps. He said the Koester said some of the setbacks
“Landowner rights are always a top were postponed, as it is currently seed- loss of natural spaces and visual pollu- were excessive and suggested they be
priority for me, so I do think this has ing time for many farmers. Several of the tion alters residents’ enjoyment of county changed to be consistent with the other
to be a consideration for me when we newer elected councillors disagreed with vistas. In the draft bylaw, once a property county development bylaws. He said a
are looking at this draft bylaw; however, postponing the hearing. is designated under the Energy District, better setback for wind towers would be
we have a responsibility of mitigating “If it’s important enough to these land- no new residential projects can be built 75 feet (ft.) plus the height plus 10 per
the effects of those individual decisions owners, they would be here,” said Coun- on that parcel. Comments at the public cent of the tower being installed. He also
on adjacent landowners and … and we cillor Tom Ikert. hearing indicated this reduced choices asked that the 8 ft. fencing requirement
also have to manage the cumulative ef- Link stated she understood the im- for farmers on their properties. be removed, as it didn’t really provide
fects that have broader consequences portance of farmers getting their crops County landowner Darcy Morgan additional safety features and it was an
for agriculture, regarding in particular planted; however, she said if council cen- wanted more information on the dis- impediment to farming practises.
fragmentation,” said Wheatland County tred their council meeting on agriculture cretionary uses within the bylaw and There was some disagreement and con-
Reeve Amber Link. practices, they may never get business asked about the development authority fusion regarding where measurements
She said the South Saskatchewan Re- completed, as agriculture has demands decision processes. Two other landown- should start for distance from hamlets,
gional Plan and Wheatland County’s all year long. A council majority decided ers commented they appreciated greater residences and adjacent landowner resi-
Municipal Development Plan suggest a not to postpone the public hearing. restrictions on these developments, and dences. In discussion, the buyer beware
cumulative management approach to Landowner Rod Vergouwen, whose another agreed they should not be al- policy was emphasized.
balance economic development oppor- family has farmed in Wheatland County lowed to build on agriculture properties. “The landowner has freedom as to
tunities with cultural and environmental for 125 years, presented his concerns Markus Lehmann, founder and presi- what happens on their land, but they
concerns. about the bylaw to council. dent of Navigatio Capital, gave a his- also have the responsibility to protect
The public hearing, held on May 7, “I really think it is important that we torical summary of alternative energy themselves,” said Koester.
had a strong turnout from developers look after our farmland going in here. development and upcoming trends for Armstrong noted if the bylaw is too
and energy companies. Landowners had Farmers and ranchers are stewards of the renewable energy projects. He said 85 restrictive, the province may step in and
submitted objections and one landowner land, and production of these crops and per cent of Canada’s energy production take approval away from municipalities,
will be through renewable projects and as it did in the oil and gas sector.
there is significant expansion worldwide. Koester said there wasn’t a need for so
Meanwhile, East Strathmore Solar Proj- many specifics in this bylaw, as restric-
ect had previously made application for tions could be put in place when the in-
a solar facility within Wheatland County. dividual parcel applications come in for
They are holding an open house on the approval and appear before council for
proposed project at Crowfoot Commu- acceptance. The public hearings on those
nity Hall on April 5, from 4:30 to 7 p.m. will allow adjacent owners to give input
According to Kolja Vainstein, project at that time as well.
manager with East Strathmore Solar Proj- “That’s why I like the public aspect so
ect, the new bylaw changed the ground much. It gives individual control to in-
rules and they have already spent thou- dividual property owners’ site specific,”
sands of dollars on the proposed proj- said Koester. “The re-designation gives a
ect. He said he wondered if existing voice to the people that own the proper-
applications could be grandfathered in ty adjacent, and they can come in to par-
under the previous application require- ticipate in the public hearing process.”
ments, and that the company is willing to Koester’s original request for amend-
work with the county on revisions to the ments was overruled by council majority
bylaw. He addressed fears the facilities vote. Further discussion provided other
would eat up farmland, explaining they amendments. Staff wanted to know if en-
have to be close to power generation sta- ergy facilities should be subdivided out
tions, so a limited amount of properties of land parcels; however, Armstrong indi-
will be suitable for the projects. cated if those were subdivided, building
Evan Wilson, prairies regional director opportunities or other uses would be lost
with the Canadian Wind Energy Associa- and it could affect landowners’ use of the
tion, also had concerns. He said the draft land for extended periods. Alternatively,
bylaw sends a message that Wheatland subdividing each wind tower out was un-
County is closed for business and the re- realistic.
sult will be loss of jobs and tax revenue. “I don’t think that’s reasonable either.
He noted these facilities bring employ- We are missing something here,” said
ment opportunities and they have the Armstrong. He also questioned why there
potential to generate millions of dollars was a rush on the bylaw acceptance, and
in tax revenue that could pay for services why council members wanted the bylaw
normally paid by county residents. Farm- pushed through without seeing it revised
ers benefit through the lease contracts in writing.
which include freedom for farmers to use Staff revised the bylaw by the end of
areas not used by the energy infrastruc- business on May 7, and gave a verbal
ture. Many of the county guidelines are report on changes made. Adjustments
already covered under the various pro- were made to some of the setbacks and
vincial regulatory requirements. the provision of spot zoning, or special
“There is a lot that is being done by considerations was included to deal with
the province, and anything being done complicated sections under the bylaw.
additionally here in the municipality Second and third readings including
should be consistent with that or refer to the final amendments were accepted by
the rules already brought in by the prov- majority vote, with Koester and Arm-
ince,” said Wilson. strong opposed. The bylaw will be post-
County staff were asked how they ed on the Wheatland County website.

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Soccer has started

The Strathmore Minor Soccer Federation kicked off their season with their first practices on May 8
followed by their first games on May 9. The program has almost doubled in size from last year and
coaches, players and parents are excited for the season’s great start.
Manny Everett Photos

The Strathmore Venom Junior B Lacrosse team suf-

fered a 20-4 loss at the hands of the Red Deer Ren-
egades on May 12 at the Strathmore Family Centre.
Doug Taylor Photos

Venom gain experience

MARIO PRUSINA the Strathmore Family Centre.
Times Editor Riley Gallant scored three times and Quaid Burkholder add-
ed a goal and two assists to lead the way for the Venom.
The Strathmore Venom junior B lacrosse team is hoping to The team will now hit the road for four games, including a
build off a difficult start to the new season. game on May 15 against the Axemen (result not available as
Despite going winless to start the campaign, the team is of press time). The Venom will face the Sabrecats on May 22,
looking for a solid second half of the season to get their game the Wranglers on May 29 and the Rage on June 3 to close out
back on track. the road trip.
The Venom had a tough weekend, losing a pair of games, Their next home game is June 5 (7 p.m.) when they host
including a 20-4 loss to the Red Deer Renegades on May 12 at the Axeman.

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Page 16 • Strathmore TIMES • May 17, 2019

New playground fundraiser Obituary Obituary

LAUREEN F. GUENTHER A Buy a Brick Fundraiser is also in
Times Contributor progress until June 15, Wilson said. Par- DESMET, REINWALD, Anna
ticipants can buy an engraved brick to Florice Mildred June 28, 1935 – May 8, 2019
Parents, staff and students of the new be placed in the picnic area of the play- (nee Warner) Anna Reinwald passed away peace-
George Freeman School, which opened ground. It is with great sadness that we say fully on May 8, 2019. She was born in
in September 2018, are fundraising to “The bricks can be personalized, have goodbye to our dear mom, grand- Winnipeg, Manitoba.
build a school playground. a logo, have a special message or a fa- mother, and great grandmother, Florice Mildred Des- She will be lovingly remembered by her husband of
The K-9 school has 224 students cur- vourite quote,” she said. “The bricks are met (nee Warner). Mom passed away at the Foothills 59 years, Henning. Her children Maria (Chris), Pierina,
rently enrolled, and 315 students are a fantastic way to commemorate the be- hospital on May 7, 2019 after a stroke on April 28, Leisa, Richard (Vanessa), Peter and by her grandchil-
2019. Florice was born August 31, 1922 in Gleichen, dren Matthew, Jonathan, Joseph, Katrina, Darren,
already enrolled for the 2019-20 school ginning of the school.” Tara and Isabelle.
year. But all those children have only an Alberta to Peter and Verna Warner. She was raised
Brick prices vary according to size, Mrs. Anna Reinwald was very involved with many
just east of Gleichen and did her schooling in Glei-
empty field to play on. starting at $75 a brick. To learn more chen. After finishing high school, she went to Normal functions, the police and fire games, Olympics and
The school plans to install a play- about the Buy a Brick fundraiser, or to school in Calgary where she received her teaching many other projects within the community. She was
ground this summer, said school par- obtain a brick package, email friendsof- degree. It was while she was teaching at Elwood especially involved with the Lord of All events, Parade
ent Kristen Wilson, representative of the School that she met the love of her life Albert Des- of Nations. She will be deeply missed by all who Anna
playground fundraising committee. But After current fundraising efforts con- met. They were married in 1944 and resided on the touched with her heart.
the project will cost nearly $500,000. clude in June, the installation of the Desmet family farm until their retirement in 1971, Services were held at the Lord of All Lutheran Church
when they moved to Calgary. During their retirement on Thursday, May 16, 2019.
Funding of $280,000 has already been playground will begin in July. The com-
obtained through a government grant, mittee plans to accomplish as much as they travelled to such places as New Zealand, China,
England and numerous other countries. They also
committed sponsors and earlier fun- possible, according to funds raised, be-
draisers. That means almost $220,000 fore the 2019-20 school year begins. If a
planned many family trips to Disneyland and a yearly MEMORIAM
trip to Fairmont. After Dad’s death, Mom moved to
more is needed, and the committee is funding shortfall prevents building the
planning two more fundraisers before complete structure, they have a plan to
Horizon Village in Varsity Acres and in 2013 moved to
independent living at Sagewood in Strathmore where A Loving Tribute
the end of this school year. complete the playground in phases. she lived until she passed. Mom was involved for 60
On June 15, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., “Our students have been so adaptive years with the Catholic Women’s League. After her
they’re hosting a Falcons Paintball event and creative in their outdoor playtime,” retirement, Mom was very involved in playing bridge
at the Strathmore Delta Force Field. The Wilson said. “We do not want to have to and it was her passion right to the end. She enjoyed Always
camping at Eagle Lake Park, where she met some
$35 admission includes safety equip- make them wait longer to get playing on
genuinely beautiful people who became her dear
here with
ment and 100 paintballs, and allows the new structure. friends. She always enjoyed a good campfire and us
play for all or any part of the day. All “Every school and every community specialized in cooking bacon and eggs. Florice is sur-
participants eight years and older (in ac- centre needs a playground,” she added. vived by her children, Elaine (Lorne) Mullen, Yvonne
cordance with provincial paintball laws) “Our goal is to enhance the outside of (Bob) Hartell, Leonard (Sandra) Desmet, Joanne (Ted) Love
are welcome. this facility to include a playground, out- Brown, and Leona Desmet. Florice had 16 grandchil- always,
Due to a generous donation from dren and 37 great grandchildren. She also leaves
door classroom/picnic area, community
behind a brother Gordon Warner and a sister-in-law
Ian, Emily
Delta Force, Wilson said, the commit- garden and parkour course, with the
tee hopes for ticket proceeds of $5,000. aim of including citizens of all ages and Shirley Warner and many nieces and nephews. Mom & Daryl
was predeceased by her husband Albert in 1978, son
They also plan a 50/50 raffle draw and abilities. The playground will not only Robert Desmet in 1990, granddaughter Lisa Har-
a raffle of donated items at the paintball be used by George Freeman School stu- tell Macdonald in 2017, Hamish Macdonald, Lisa’s Dylan Bradley Penna
event. dents, but also by users of the Sports husband in 2007, her great granddaughter Janice January 24, 2000 - May 23, 2015
Paintball tickets can be purchased on- Centre, and Strathmore and Wheatland Joanne Gallagher in 2015, her parents Pete and Verna
line at Eventbrite or at the school office. County residents.” Warner, and her brothers Howard and Neil Warner. A
George Freeman School students will For information about corporate spon- Mass and celebration of life was held on Wednesday, THANK YOU
also be selling tickets, with a community sorships, contact them via email (friend- May 15, 2019 at Hope Community Covenant Church,
blitz from May 13 to 24. (245 Brent Blvd, Strathmore) at 2:00 p.m. In lieu of
flowers contributions can be made directly to the
Bettyanne Timmer
Wheatland Hospice Society (P.O. Box 2370, Strath- Theo, Andrea and Stephanie
Wutzke Golfs
more, AB. T1P 1K3 or To
send condolences, please visit Florice’s obituary at
wish to sincerely thank relatives and friends for their words of

with Celebrities comfort, cards, gifts and

support during the loss of
in Phoenix Obituary Please accept this as our
Young golfer Rory Wutzke received an personal thanks.
opportunity most 15 year olds only dream JENNINGS,
of. Rory had the chance to meet hockey Shirley Mildred
celebrities and a rock singer in Mesa.
Rory is the son of the late Gordon Wutzke
1933 - 2019
Shirley Mildred Jennings, of Strath-
and the grandson of Fred and Maria more Alberta passed away on April 24,
Wutzke of Strathmore. 2019 at the age of 86 years, 3 days after her birth-
day. She was predeceased by husband Floyd, son
Rory was invited to play in the Phoenix
Coyotes Alumni Tournament in Mesa on
Arthur and son-in-law Brian. The last of 14 beautiful NOTICE TO
sisters and brothers to pass from this earth. Shirley
April 8th. Good Friends of Rory’s mom; is survived by great friend and sister-in-law Yvonne
Laura and Ian Warrack invited Kathy and Ramage; and brother-in-law Stan Volovich. Beloved Estate of MARCIA ANN HUSEBY
Rory down for a visit and Ian had plans mother, to Wendy (Brian), Arthur (Kim), Kathy (Ron), who died on the 5th of March, 2019 at Standard
for Rory. Randy (Dori), Roxy (Rick), and James; grandmother in the Province of Alberta.
to 18; great-grandmother to 25.5; great-great-grand-
“Ian heard I was getting good at golf
mother to 3; Auntie and friend of many. She will be If you have a claim against this estate, you must file
and decided to invite me to play in the greatly missed by those who knew her and greeted in your claim by the 24th day of June, 2019
tournament with him and another friend heaven by those who passed before her. A Celebra-
Rory Wutzke and Stanley Cup Champion Lanny
of his that was visiting (Kevin Wilson). Mcdonald in the Phoenix Coyotes Alumni tion of Life will be held at SOUTH CALGARY FUNERAL with SCHUMACHER, GOUGH & COMPANY
We also got to play with Charlie Belgian, Tournament in Mesa at Las Sendas Golf Course. CENTRE, 12700 Macleod Trail South (at Lake Fraser Barristers & Solicitors
a PGA tour player” said an excited Rory. Gate), on Saturday, July 27, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. In lieu at Box 2800
Photo Courtesy of Ian Warrack
of flowers, please make donations to the Montreal Drumheller, Alberta T0J 0Y0
In the tournament on April 8th Rory got
Neurological Institute whose neuroscience depart-
to meet some famous celebrities such as factory tour was amazing they have a ment is doing great research on neurological issues If you do not file by the date above, the estate
rocker Alice Cooper, hockey players such vault with gold putters from all the PGA regarding essential tremors and epilepsy and other property can lawfully be distributed without
as Shane Doan, Lanny Mcdonald, Marty players that won an event with a PING neurological issues which have impacted our family. regard to any claim you may have.
McSorley, Colin Patterson, Gary Roberts putter”. Donations can be made at, (
and Curtis Joseph – just to name a few. Messages of remembrance may be left
Rory plays in the McClennan Ross Creditors: you must include a full description and
for the family at
Rory said “it was unreal to meet the Junior Tour which stops in Strathmore SOUTH CALGARY FUNERAL CENTRE & CREMATO-
value of the debt you allege the deceased owed
celebrities and the retired NHL players, on July 25th, Rory placed 2nd last year you and a full description and value of any of the
RIUM Telephone: 403-297-0711. Honoured Provider
I’ve played hockey for six years, so it was in Strathmore and won his hometown deceased’s property that you hold as security for
of Dignity Memorial.
the debt.
great to meet some of the players that tournament in Camrose on the tour. He
Claimants: you must include a full description of your
you only ever heard about. They were so is also competing in some of the Maple claim and why you have a right to make such a claim.
nice and took the time to talk to me” Leaf Junior Tour events this year. Rory
While in Phoenix, Warrack arranged is leaning towards playing golf after high
a VIP custom fitting for Rory at the Ping school and would like to earn a scholar-
Factory to prepare Rory for this upcoming ship at a college or university somewhere
season. Rory also purchased some new
clubs while he was there. Rory said “the
down south.
Kathy Schultz
May 17, 2019 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 17
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Page 18 • Strathmore TIMES • May 17, 2019
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Lite Aircraft, Welding Truck,
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cilities, off-street parking, REAL ESTATE
mature adult. $950/mo incl. option.
For more details, please see the ad on the Steer, Kubota Compact Die- utilities. NS/NP. Call 403- ATV/ ZIPLINE/ SNOWMOBILE
Golden Hills School Division #75 website, sel Tractor, Lathe & Milling BUSINESS/ Property for sale. Serious
936-5556. Machine, Welders, Plasma 9.7 acres. Log home and enquiries only.
Strathmore Station Cutter, Tools, New & Scrap cabins. Turnkey operation
CHINOOK III. 1 bdrm or 2
Restaurant & Pub Iron. www.montgomeryauc- bdrm. ½ month rent free with endless opportunities. For viewing call
Interested candidates are invited to submit has full and part time 1-800-371-6963. Camping with breathtaking
a resume by email, mail, or fax by Noon on positions available for:
with a six month lease. Heat
views. Call Stan 403-601- 403-324-0200 or
& water included. No pets.
Friday May 29, 2019. Position will remain open Please call for availability. 0076. 403-324-0376
Pub & Restaurant
until suitable candidate is found. Only those GET YOUR Call Keli 403-324-2944.
applicants short-listed will be contacted.
Please forward resume to: Must be over 18 years and have ProServe, ADS IN THE NEAR STRATHMORE.
$1,100/mo + SD Incl. elec. &
Maria Gingras REELfacts within 30 days of hire TIMES! gas. Pet negotiable. Working
Caretaking Supervisor $15/hr single or couple preferred. “The Missing Piece to complete Your Big Picture.”
Golden Hills School Div. #75 Experience preferred, Call 403-934-5678.
435A Hwy #1, Strathmore, AB T1P 1J4 but will train suitable candidates BLANKET THE PROVINCE Jonathan
Phone: 403-324-3842 with a classified ad. Only
Fax: 403-934-5125
Please apply with resume in person to $269 (based on 25 words or MANAGEMENT Real Estate Associate Peter or Joanne Mon-Fri 11am-4pm less). Reach over 100 weekly & REALTY LTD.
@ 380 Ridge Road, Strathmore
newspapers. Call NOW for 403-870-4446
details 1-800-282-6903 ext WESTMOUNT DR.
1 & 2 bedroom
GET UP TO $50,000 from
the Government of Canada.
bungalow, bi-lvl
& 2 stry units with
Do you or someone you
know have any of these parking, some SHOW HOME
conditions? ADHD, Anxiety, fully renovated For Rent - $1750/month
Arthritis, Asthma, Cancer, & include W/D.
COPD, Depression, Diabe-
Family Friendly.
or For Sale
tes, Difficulty walking, Fi- Executive style home with many upgrades and
bromyalgia, Irritable Bowels, No Pets.
top-of-the-line appliances including gas Wolfe
Overweight, Trouble Dress- From $845. stove. Heated garage. Irrigation and alarm
ing...and hundreds more. All + Utilities. systems. Huge master bedroom and ensuite
ages and medical conditions
Please contact our with luxury bath and shower. Speaker system
qualify. Call The Benefits
Oilfield Reclamation & Construction Program 1-800-211-3550 Leasing Team: throughout house and in yard. Three bedrooms,
OilfieldConstruction, Maintenance
Construction, Maintenanceand
Company or send a text message with 403-237-8811 bonus family room and three bathrooms. Open
OILFIELD CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND RECLAMATION COMPANY your name and mailing ad- concept lower floor. 9 foot ceilings and birch
LOOKING FOR: dress to 403-980-3605 for hardwood flooring. Large backyard. Mountain
3” wide version
: S LOOKING FOR 3” wide version
your FREE benefits package. APARTMENTS view from upper floor. Far west side of
• GRAVEL TRUCK • TRACK HOE HOE • • LABOURERS Strathmore. 23 minutes to Sunridge area of
• LOADER Strathmore, • GRADER
credit? Bills? Unemployed?
Need money? We lend! If you
3 Bedroom Condos WANTED FOR MORE INFO CALL 647-575-4426
Two pivotThe following
irrigated quarter SAFETY
sections of land COURSES
 SKID STEER are required:  LABORERS
(NE 25 24 25 W4 own your own home - you
• FIRST AID The following SAFETY COURSES are required:
and SE 30 24 24BACKHOE
W4) are being offered for tender. The NE 1/4
qualify. Pioneer Acceptance
2 Storey, 3Canadian Prairie Pickers
• H2S
borders the annexed land of Strathmore while the SE 1/4 is one
ALIVE AIDExcellent holding or farming
mile east. • GROUND
property. • PST / CST
Corp. Member BBB. 1-877-
987-1420. once again touring the Units
area. downtown
Paying Cash For
Coin Collections, Silver & Gold Coins,
For Brochure
contact: WELCOME 1&2 Bedroom Units
Royal Can. Mint Sets. Also Buying Gold Jewelry
in adult only building
or fax IN
Law resume toStrathmore
403-934-6333, 403-362-6280 We purchase rolls, -
SUBDIVISION BETWEEN 8-3, OR FAX RESUMES TO 403-362-6280 suffer bags or boxes of silver coins
We provide
 PST cement
or email: binsTOand drill waste/cement disposal. Tenants pay all utilities
Sealed Tender Agreements must be accompanied by a 10% deposit and received no later than sincePAYING HIGHEST PRICES
ing loss? Travel/business
opportunities? Be embar-
4:00 p.m. M
on July
2019. Tenders subjectPPE
financing approval will not be considered. PROVIDES:
Deposits For more information
To arrange a free, discrete in-home visit call
rassed? Think: Criminal Par- please call
don. wide version
of unsuccessful tenders will be returned. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
CLEAN-UP 3” wideRversion
US entry waiver. Record
e consultation 1-800-347-

2540; www.accesslegalmjf.
One “small” adwide
•Great 30 MARTIN WAY - BROOkS, AB.
6280 23c

3.75” version 3.75” wide

out of your 403-934-5687
advertising dollars
100+ weekly
Place your ad in this newspaper
wide $
Over 1.6 million 123456
and province
(based on 25 words) $8. Each additional word
Reach: Over 80% of Alberta’s Metro households
with DEAD
a combinedOR ALIVE
circulation Ryan Mack
Two pivot
GRAVEL,irrigated , Tquarter
SAND, FILLOver ANDsections
SAWDUST of living
land (NE
FIREWOOD 25 households
andHOE, BACK HOE & SKID STEER SERVICES of over 710,000 for only... Red Seal Journeyman
Canadian Prairie Pickers
Readership: 95%
OPSOIL of all adults in those
plus GST/HST
SE 30 24 24 W4) are beingWant
We can
help you
for tender. The NE 1/4 borders the
to reach beyond Alberta?
annexed land of Strathmore while the SE 1/4 is one mile east. Excellent
reach 30
right Martin
across Way, Brooks
Canada AB Value Ad Network
are once again touring the area.
holding or farming property. Paying Cash For Alberta Weekly Newspapers Association
Coin Collections, Silver & Gold Coins,
Maurizia Hinse toll free 1-800-282-6903 x200
For Brochure email: or
780-434-8746 ext. 200 Royal Can. Mint
emailSets. Also Buying Gold Jewelry
For Tender Agreements contact: Lynn Woods Law Office, Strathmore at We purchaseorrolls,
visit this
or boxesnewspaper
of silver coins BUSINESS
403-934-6333, or email:
Sealed Tender Agreements must be accompanied by a 10% deposit and received no later than
4:00 p.m. on July 31, 2019. Tenders subject to financing approval will not be considered. Deposits 1967 To arrange a free, discrete in-home visit call
of unsuccessful tenders will be returned. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Kellie at 778-257-8647
3.75” wide version 3.75” wide version

One “small” ad •Great BIG Results Squeezthe MOST out of your advertising dollars
100+ weekly newspapers $
269+GST Place your ad in this newspaper

Over 1.6 million readers
(based on 25 words) $8. Each additional word
and province wide $
Reach: Over 80% of Alberta’s Metro households with a combined circulation
Readership: Over 95% of all adults living in those households of over 710,000 for only...
plus GST/HST
Want to reach beyond Alberta?
We can help you reach right across Canada Value Ad Network
Alberta Weekly Newspapers Association
Maurizia Hinse
toll free 1-800-282-6903 x200
780-434-8746 ext. 200 email or visit this community newspaper
PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY May 17, 2019 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 19


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Page 20 • Strathmore TIMES • May 17, 2019

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