Rate Analysis: SL. No Labour/Material/Others Day Quatity/10m3 Rate Per Amount in Rs

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Note: Labour Constants have been taken from IS: 7272 (Part I)

Rate per
Labour Material Rate Per Unit Rate
Mate 162.3 Cement 329
Mason 181.8 Sand 437
Mazdoor 166.15 Coarse Aggregates 1071
Bhistie 162.3 Bricks 5.8
Mixer Operator 181.8 Terrazo Tiles 75
Mixer/ Machine 181.8
Vibrator 181.8
Machine Operator 181.8

1 Excavation and Earth Works

a) Excavation over areas (Hard/dense soil ), depth up to I.5 m and removal ( up to one metre from
edge )
Quantity Considered 10m3 earthwork
SL. No Labour/Material/Others Day Quatity/10m3 Rate Per Amount in Rs
1 Labour
a) Mate 1 0.6 162.3 day 97.38
b) Mazdoor 1 6.2 166.15 day 1030.13
Sum 1127.51
2 Water @ 1.50% 16.91
Sum 1144.42
3 Contractor's Profit @ 10% 114.44
Total For 10m3 1258.86
Therefore, Per m3 125.89

2 Plain Cement Concrete

Unreinforced concrete 1:4:8 in foundations including mixing, pouring, consolidating and curing:

1) Hand mixed cement concrete

Quantity Considered 10m3 concrete
SL. No Labour/Material/Others Day Quatity/10m3 Rate Per Amount in Rs
1 Labour
a) Mason 1 1 181.8 day 181.80
b) Mazdoor 1 21.3 166.15 day 3539.00
c) Bhistie 1 7 162.3 day 1136.10
2 Materials
a) Cement bags 34.34 329 bag 11297.35
b) Sand 4.77 437 m3 2084.15
c) Coarse Aggregates 9.54 1071 m3 10215.69
Sum 28454.10
3 Water @ 1.50% 426.811425
4 Tools and Machinery Lump sum 500
Sum 29380.91
Therefore, Per m3 2938.091

3 Reinforced Cement Concrete

Reinforced concrete 1:1.5:3 insitu in foundations, concrete footings bases for columns, etc
excluding form work and reinforcement
Quantity Considered 10m3 concrete
SL. No Labour/Material/Others Day Quatity/10m3 Rate Per Amount in Rs
1 Labour
a) Mason 1 1.7 181.8 day 309.06
b) Mazdoor 1 20 166.15 day 3323.00
c) Bhistie 1 9 162.3 day 1460.70
d) Mixer Operator 1 0.7 181.8 day 127.26
e) Mixer 1 0.7 181.8 day 127.26
f) Vibrator 1 0.7 181.8 day 127.26

2 Materials
a) Cement bags 81.16 329 bag 26702.84
b) Sand 4.23 437 m3 1847.32
c) Coarse Aggregates 8.45 1071 m3 9054.82
Sum 43079.51
3 Water @ 1.50% 646.1927
4 Tools and Machinery Lump sum 500
Sum 44225.71
5 Contractor's Profit @ 10% 4422.57
Total For 10m3 48648.28
Therefore, Per m3 4864.828

4 Brick work ( Straight Walls)

a) Brick work in walls exceeding one brick thick, in
Cement mortar 1:4
Quantity Considered 10m3 Brick work
SL. No Labour/Material/Others Day Quatity/10m3 Rate Per Amount in Rs
1 Labour
a) Mason 1 9.4 181.8 day 1708.92
b) Mazdoor 1 18 166.15 day 2990.70
c) Bhistie 1 2 162.3 day 324.60
sum 5024.22
2 Materials
a) Bricks 5000 5.8 No 29000.00
b) Cement bags 20.8 329 bag 6843.20
c) Sand 2.79 437 m3 1219.23
Sum 42086.65
3 water @ 1.50% 631.30
Sum 42717.95
4 Contractor's Profit @ 10% 4271.79
Total For 10m3 46989.74
Therefore, Per m3 4698.97

5 External Plastering:
Cement plaster 15mm thick over brick walls ( exterior ) including mixing of mortar
in cement mortar 1:4 ratio
Quantity Considered 10 m2 surface area, over which plaster is applied.
SL. No Labour/Material/Others Day Quatity/10m3 Rate Per Amount in Rs
1 Labour
a) Mason 1 1 181.8 day 181.80
b) Mazdoor 1 1 166.15 day 166.15
c) Bhistie 1 1 162.3 day 162.30
sum 510.25
2 Materials
a) Cement bags 1.0368 329 bag 341.11
b) Sand 0.144 437 m3 62.93
sum 914.29
3 Water @ 1.50% 13.71
sum 928.00
4 Contractor's Profit @ 10% 92.80
Total For 10m2 1020.80
Therefore, Per m2 102.08

6 Flooring:
Precast terrazo tile flooring 20mm thick laid over 10mm thick cement mortar
including Laying, cutting, grinding and polishing
Quantity Considered 10 m2 surface area, over which flooring is laid.
SL. No Labour/Material/Others Day Quatity/10m3 Rate Per Amount in Rs
1 Labour
a) Mason 1 1.2 181.8 day 218.16
b) Mazdoor 1 2 166.15 day 332.30
c) Bhistie 1 1 162.3 day 162.30
d) Mazdoor 1 5 166.15 day 830.75
e) Machine 1 4 181.8 day 727.20
sum 2270.71
2 Materials
a) Tiles 160 75 12000
b) Cement bags 0.69 329 bag 227.40
c) Sand 0.10 437 m3 41.95
sum 14540.07
3 Water @ 1.50% 218.10
sum 14758.17
4 Contractor's Profit @ 10% 1475.82
Total For 10m2 16233.98
Therefore, Per m2 1623.40


Calculation of Materials Concrete Ratio

For 10 m3 dry concrete = 15.5 m3 wet concrete 1
Therefore, Cement required = 1.192 m3 4
Density of Cement = 1440 kg/m3 8
Cement Required by weight = 1716.92 kg
No. of Cement bags reqd. = 34.34 No
Sand Required = 4.77 m3
Coarse Aggregates Reqd. = 9.54 m3
Calculation of Materials Concrete Ratio
For 10 m3 dry concrete = 15.5 m3 wet concrete 1
Therefore, Cement required = 2.818 m3 1.5
Density of Cement = 1440 kg/m3 3
Cement Required by weight = 4058.18 kg
No. of Cement bags reqd. = 81.16 No
Sand Required = 4.23 m3
Coarse Aggregates Reqd. = 8.45 m3

Calculation of Materials C:M

Size of Modular brick is 20cmx10cmx10 0.2 0.1 0.1 m
In 1 m3, no of bricks = 500 nos
In 10 m3, no of bricks = 5000 nos
volume of cement mortar = 10 m3
Size of Actual Brick is 0.19 0.09 0.09 cms
For 1 m3,
Actual volume of by bricks= 0.77 m3
Volume of cement mortar = 0.231 m3
Add 10% for undulations = 0.254 m3
Add 10% for frogs, wastage = 0.279 m3
For 10 m3 of brickwork = 2.789 m3
For 10 m3 dry mortar = (wet mortar*1.25) 12.5 m3
For 10 m3 of c.m, Cement = 3.125 m3
Actual wet c.m requried of c.m. = 0.781 m3
Density of Cement = 1440 kg/m3
Cement Required = 1125 kg
1 bag of cement 50 kg
No. of Cement bags reqd. = 22.5 bags
Sand Required = 3.125 m3

Calculation of Materials C:M Ratio

On 10 m2, the quantity of cement mortar in bottom layer, 1
c.m. in bottom Layer= 10*0.15 0.15 m3 4
Add 10% for undulations+ 10% Wastage = 0.18 m3
For 10 m3 wet mortar = 12.5 m3 dry mortar
For 10 m3 of c.m, Cement = 2.5 m3 of cement
For 0.18 m3 of c.m. = 0.036 m3 of cement
Density of Cement = 1440 kg/m3
Cement Required = 51.84 kg
1 bag of cement 50 kg
No. of Cement bags reqd. = 1.04 bags
Sand Required = 0.144 m3

Calculation of Materials C.M Ratio

Area considered for flooring 10 m2 1
Size of a Terrazo tile in meter 0.25 0.25 4
In 1 m2, no of tiles = 16 No
For 10 m2 tiles requried= 160 No
Thickness of c.m= 0.01 m
Volume of c. m. over 10 m2 = 0.1 m3
Add 10% for undulations+ 10% Wastage = 0.12 m3
For 10 m3 wet mortar = 12.5 m3 dry mortar
For 10 m3 of c.m, Cement = 2.5 m3 of cement
For 0.12 m3 of c.m. = 0.024 m3 of cement
Density of Cement = 1440 kg/m3
Cement Required = 34.56 kg
1 bag of cement 50 kg
No. of Cement bags reqd. = 0.69 bags
Sand Required = 0.10 m3

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