Presented By:: ASQ Section 0700 ASQ Section 0701

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ASQ Section 0700 ASQ Section 0701

ASQ Section 0702 ASQ Section 0706

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Measurement Systems Analysis

Created and presented by: Gabor Szabo

Measurement Systems Analysis – Introduction

In the world of quality, there has always been a need for reliable data in order to
make data-based decisions.

• Inspections – accepting or rejecting parts based on inspection results

• Improvement activities and projects – process and other improvement
• Any measurement activity that has an impact on quality or the organization

Questions to ask:
• How do you ensure that you can rely on your data and it reflects reality?
• How does one define a measurement system?

By the end of this presentation we will have covered

• Basics of Measurement Systems Analysis

• Overview of Variable Gage R&R Study Metrics
• Application of Metrics
• Root Cause Analysis, Tools
Measurement System Definition

What – How – Who

• What: Characteristic of interest

Examples: length, diameter, tensile strength, angle, waiting time, weight,
number of cracks/voids (on part surface)

• How: Measurement method – includes the gage and the measurement

Examples: naked eye, steel ruler, caliper, CMM and automated measurement
program, spectrometer, microscope

• Who: Inspectors/Operators
Examples: receiving inspectors, engineers, technicians
Measurement System Analysis – Accuracy/Bias and Precision

• Bias: the difference between the average of
observed measurements and a master value Average of
Master value
• Linearity: accuracy through the expected range
of measurements
• Stability: accuracy over time
Precision: Measurement variation
• Repeatability: consistency of measurements PRECISION
• Reproducibility: difference between operators
Accuracy – Precision
Master value
Mean of measurements Master value Mean of measurements

Precise Accurate
Inaccurate Imprecise
Master value
Mean of measurements Master value Mean of measurements

Studies Addressing Precision – Gage R&R Studies

• Planned studies to estimate variation attributed to the measurement system. Gage R&R Studies
only assess precision (repeatability and reproducibility).
• Study plan: samples, operators, trials
The multiply of the above study elements for a number of opportunities (or study sample
size). Example: 10 samples x 3 operators x 3 trials.
• Types:
• Variable – variable output (continuous numerical values) • Non-Destructive
• Attribute – attribute output (pass/fail, good/bad etc.) • Destructive

• History: Developed by automotive industry in the 1960’s. Initially the Average-Range method
was used; the ANOVA method was developed later on (uses sum of squares to estimate standard
deviation, which is a more accurate estimation than what the Average-Range method provides)

• Reference Book: AIAG MSA Reference Manual 4th edition

Components of Variation in a Variable Gage R&R Study
Process mean

Process mean ( )
Specification limits (LSL, USL)
Tolerance = USL - LSL

Observed Part-To-Part Variation also called Total Variation

Measurement System Variation (Total GR&R)
True Part-To-Part Variation
True Part-To-Part Variation
Measurement System Variation (Total GR&R)
Observed Part-To-Part Variation
Minitab Tolerance
%Tolerance metric

%Tolerance metric
Tolerance Sigma Multiplier

Measurement System Variation (Total GR&R)


Part-To-Part Variation
Total Variation (Part-To-Part + Total GR&R)

Measurement System Variation (Total GR&R) Measurement System Variation (Total GR&R)StdDev x Sigma Multiplier
GR&R [% Tolerance] = =
Tolerance Tolerance
Repeatability Reproducibility
Repeatability [% Tolerance] = ; Reproducibility [% Tolerance] =
Tolerance Tolerance
%Tolerance metric – Repeatability and Reproducibility

6.89% + 4.34% ≠ 8.14%

Why do Repeatability and Reproducibility not add up to equal Total
• Because they are calculated and expressed in units of standard deviation – standards deviations are not additive; variances are.
• Since standard deviation is the square root of variance, the aggregate of Repeatability and Reproducibility is calculated based on the Pythagorean Theorem

A2 + B2 = C2

System Variation

(Total GR&R)


Part-To-Part Variation


Total GR&R2 = Repeatability2 + Reproducibility2 Total GR&R = Repeatability2 + Reproducibility2

Total Variation (Part-To-Part + Total GR&R)2 = Part-To-Part Variation2 + Total GR&R2 Total Variation (Part-To-Part + Total GR&R) = Part-To-Part Variation2 + Total GR&R2
%Tolerance metric - Application Type I or II errors %Tolerance = 15%

• Application: inspections where the inspection Area of Area of

Uncertainty Uncertainty
result is compared to a specification and an
accept/reject decision is made.
Examples: inspection activities (receiving Measurement System Variation Measurement System Variation

inspection, in-process inspections, etc.),

capability studies Tolerance

• Sample selection: Since the Total Variation component is not part of the %Tolerance
formula, sample selection does not have an affect on the %Tolerance result.
Measurement System Variation (Total GR&R)
GR&R [% Tolerance] =

• Acceptance criteria guidelines for %Tolerance per AIAG MSA Reference Manual 4th edition:
< 10% Acceptable measurement system.
10 – 30% May be acceptable for some applications. Decision should be based on feature criticality, cost of measurement device, etc.
> 30% Unacceptable measurement system. Every effort should be made to improve the measurement system.
%Tolerance metric - Application
• Effect on process capability index Cp/Pp

1.29 1.66 2.23 2.40 2.87 2.97

1.16 1.41 1.71 1.79 1.99


0.97 1.11 1.26

1.33 1.33
%Study Variation metric

%Study Variation metric

Sigma Multiplier

Measurement System Variation (Total GR&R)


Part-To-Part Variation
Total Variation (Part-To-Part + Total GR&R)

Measurement System Variation (Total GR&R) Measurement System Variation (Total GR&R)StdDev x Sigma Multiplier
GR&R [% Study Variation] = =
Total Variation (Part-To-Part + Total GR&R) Total Variation (Part-To-Part + Total GR&R) StdDev x Sigma Multiplier

Repeatability Reproducibility
Repeatability [% Study Variation] = ; Reproducibility [% Study Variation] =
Total Variation (Part-To-Part + Total GR&R) Total Variation (Part-To-Part + Total GR&R)
%Study Variation metric – Application
%Study Variation = 50%
Areas of Uncertainty
• Application: activities where process changes, shifts or Type I or II errors
drifts need to be identified or monitored.

Examples: process/continuous improvement activities,

such as SPC, Design of Experiments, etc.

• Sample selection: Since the Total Variation component is part of the %Study Variation
formula, the %Study Variation metric is affected by sample selection.
Measurement System Variation (Total GR&R)
GR&R [% Study Variation] =
Total Variation (Part-To-Part + Total GR&R)

• Acceptance criteria guidelines for %Study Variation per AIAG MSA Reference Manual 4th edition:
< 10% Acceptable measurement system. Measurement system able to distinguish parts or detect process shifts.
10 – 30% May be acceptable for some applications. Decision should be based on feature criticality, cost of measurement device, etc.
> 30% Unacceptable measurement system. Every effort should be made to improve the measurement system.
%Study Variation vs. %Contribution metrics
%Study Variation – uses standard deviations, non-additive

Total GR&R

Part-To-Part Variation

%Contribution – uses variances, additive 17.72% 82.28%

12.69% 5.03%


Acceptance criteria guidelines for %Contribution per AIAG MSA Reference Manual 4th edition:
< 1% Acceptable measurement system. Measurement system able to distinguish parts or detect process shifts.
1 – 9% May be acceptable for some applications. Decision should be based on feature criticality, cost of measurement device, etc.
> 9% Unacceptable measurement system. Every effort should be made to improve the measurement system.
Number of Distinct Categories
Number of Distinct Categories (also called Discrimination Ratio)*

• It represents the number of non-overlapping confidence intervals that will span the range of product variation, i.e. it defines the
number of groups within your process data that your measurement system can distinguish. “Effective gage resolution”

• The higher the number, the better the measurement system at distinguishing parts from one another

Formula: (rounded down to nearest whole number)

Acceptance criteria guidelines per AIAG MSA Reference Manual 4th edition:
ndc = 1: One part cannot be distinguished from

ndc = 2-4: The data can be split into 2-4 groups:

e.g. high and low (2), low-middle-high (3)

ndc ≥ 5: Recommended. Measurement system

capable of distinguishing parts from each other.
Can be used for process control. * Evaluating The Measurement Process, 1984 by Donald J. Wheeler and Richard W. Lyday
Number of Distinct Categories vs. %Study Variation

• Number of Distinct Categories and %Study Variation metrics are inversely proportional:
the higher the %Study Variation, the lower the Number of Distinct Categories

The relationship between ndc and %Study Variation ndc formula:

%Study Variation formula:

TAKEAWAY: %Study Variation, %Contribution and Number of Distinct Categories all mean the same
thing, expressed in different ways!
What if a Gage R&R Study fails? – Root Cause Analysis

• Potential root causes need to be investigated to determine what is causing excess

measurement system variation

• Corrective action needs to be taken based on the root causes identified

• Root causes can be related to:

• Gage
• Method/Procedure
• Samples
• Inspection Fixture
• Environment
• Operators/Inspectors

• Root causes can affect

• Repeatability
• Reproducibility
• Both
Potential Root Causes of Measurement System Variation

Environment Method/Procedure Gage

Parameters Gage linearity
Edge detection
Ambient temp. Pattern detection
Humidity Sample Zoom level
Lighting Gage stability
clamping Initial coordinates Verification
Probe used
Measurement PM
location/points Manual/Program
Lighting Accuracy/Bias
Procedure too
vague / No
procedure Measurement
System Variation
Fixture/Nest Cleanliness Understanding
Design Fixture/Nest Elastic Procedure/Drawing
Build deformation
(Tolerances) Experience

Profile/Finish Attitude
Glossy/Matte Training
Datum(s) Fatigue

Fixture Part Man

What if a Gage R&R Study fails? – Root Cause Analysis
Example of Typical Root Causes:
• Measurement method/procedure not defined well enough so
operators may interpret it subjectively
• Measurement location not defined well enough
• Sample positioning not defined well enough
• Measurement parameters not defined well enough

• Too much inherent measurement system variation – measurement

system cannot be used for measurement application

• Inadequate clamping of sample in inspection fixture

• Insufficient gage resolution or rounded/truncated measurement

results (Rule of Ten)

• Difference in operator skills – experience and level of training

What if a Gage R&R Study fails? – Root Cause Analysis Tools
Gage R&R Study graph (this chart was run for Gage R&R Study from earlier)
By Part: all study
measurement arranged by
Graphical representation
sample. Sample averages
of Components of
connected by line. Ideally,
Variation (in relation to
multiple measurements for
%Contribution, %Study
each part show little variation.
Variation, %Tolerance)

Range chart: graphically By Operator: helps assess

displays operator measurement averages and
consistency variability are consistent
(Repeatability). Any points across operators. Ideally, the
outside of the control line if parallel to the X axis.
limits show that the
operator is not measuring
Sample-Operator Interaction:
Displays average
Average chart: compares measurements by each
part-to-part variation to operator for each sample.
the Repeatability Ideally, the lines are virtually
component. Ideally shows identical.
lack of control.
What if a Gage R&R Study fails? – Root Cause Analysis Tools
Multi-Vari chart Multi-Vari Chart for ID by Trial - Operator
1 2 3 4 5 6
Graphical representation of the 1 2 Trial
0.1 978 1
relationships between a response
(measurement result) and factors 3
0.1 976 4
(trial, sample, operator).
0.1 974
It can help:

• Identify patterns of variation
0.1 972
(operator-to-operator, trial-to-
trial etc.)
0.1 970
• Identify outliers
• Identify which root causes the 0.1 968
improvement efforts should be 1 2 3 4 5 6
focused on eliminating Sample
Panel variable: Operator (this chart was run for Gage R&R Study from earlier)
What if a Gage R&R Study fails? – Root Cause Analysis Tools
Multi-Vari chart
Y axis set to span Y axis set to span
study variation Multi-Vari Chart for ID by Trial - Operator tolerance band Multi-Vari Chart for ID by Trial - Operator
(default) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 Trial 0.204 1 2 Trial
0.1 978 1 1
3 3
0.1 976 4 0.202 4

0.1 974 0.200


0.1 972
0.1 98

0.1 970
0.1 96

0.1 968 LSL

0.1 94
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Sample %Study Sample
Panel variable: Operator Panel variable: Operator
Always assess statistical vs. practical significance, and keep the measurement application in mind
• Above two charts are from the same study with the Y axes set to span different ranges (part-to-part/study variation vs.
tolerance band)
What if a Gage R&R Study fails? – Root Cause Analysis Tools, Scenarios

• What is the potential issue? Multi-Vari Chart for Dim 9 by Trial - Operator
1. Outlier – operator 2, sample 3:
1 2 3
repeatability issues 1 2 Trial
2. Reproducibility issues 1
0.572 3
• What are the potential root causes? 0.571

Typo (can only be removed from 0.570

Dim 9
dataset if proven), operator 0.569
error/fatigue, sample geometry,
measurement method

• How could the measurement system 0.566

be improved? 0.565
1 2 3
Verify sample geometry. Verify if
measurement procedure needs to be Panel variable: Operator
improved. Re-measure.
What if a Gage R&R Study fails? – Root Cause Analysis Tools, Scenarios

• What is the potential issue? Multi-Vari Chart for Dim 6 by Trial - Operators
Data points from operator “EM” see
1 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
significantly more variation when EM TN Trial
0.0435 1
compared to those from operator “TN” 2
0.0430 3

• What are the potential root causes? 0.0425

Operator skills. Operator training.

Dim 6
Measurement procedure not specific
0.041 5
0.041 0

• How could the measurement system 0.0405

be improved?
Provide adequate training. Improve
1 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
measurement procedure to be more Parts
specific. Panel variable: Operators
What if a Gage R&R Study fails? – Root Cause Analysis Tools, Scenarios
• What is the potential issue? Multi-Vari Chart for Width by Trial - Operator
1. Repeatability – too much trial-to-trial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
variation Jeremy Kenny Miguel Trial
2. Reproducibility – difference between 2
operator averages too big

• What are the potential root causes?

1. Too much inherent measurement 9.83

system variation
2. Operator training, skills 9.82

• How could the measurement system be

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Provide adequate training. Part
Measurement system may not be suitable Panel variable: Operator
for application. Improvements to current
system or implement new system.
What if a Gage R&R Study fails? – Guard Banding

Guard banding is used for mitigating risks %Tolerance = 25%

associated with measurement uncertainty to Tightened Tightened
protect against consumer’s risk. acceptance limit acceptance limit

25% of Tol. 25% of Tol.

• Guard band applied around
specification limits GUARD- GUARD-
• Guard band width equal to or a AREA Uncertainty AREA

fraction of measurement uncertainty Measurement System Variation

• Should be carefully considered as it

effectively reduces the acceptance Tolerance

limits – potentially significant yield loss


• Know your metrics

• Know your measurement application and pick your metric accordingly

• Look for patterns of variation

• Identify root causes, improve measurement system if necessary

• Determine risks associated with measurement uncertainty

Gabor A. Szabo, CQE

Any Questions? (626) 733-5279
Our Planning/Leadership Team
Vinay Goyal
C.G. Mistry Role: Membership Chair,
Role: Deputy Regional Director, ASQ San Gabriel Valley (0702)
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Jean Tedrow Akhilesh Gulati

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ASQ San Gabriel Valley (0702) ASQ San Gabriel Valley (0702)
#SCQC Committee Treasurer, Finance #SCQC Programs Chair

Nagesh Malhotra Ron Lombrano

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#SCQC Marketing Chair #SCQC ASQ 0700 Representative

Chen Low Chris Alexander

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ASQ San Gabriel Valley (0702) Valley (0706)
#SCQC ASQ 0706 Representative
#SCQC Technology and
Registrations Chair
The Arrangements Team
Chair: Chen Low

James Alexander
Ron Lombrano
Harry Oei
Stanley Lim
Armen Yeghioan
Jamie Marks
Mandana Lotzar
Lilian Ore
Without each of you, this event would
not be a success.
Your contributions, time, and efforts are
greatly appreciated.

The SCQC Leadership Team

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