Zone Proximal Development
Zone Proximal Development
Zone Proximal Development
“[T]he distance between the actual developmental level (of the learner) as determined by independent problem
solving and the level of potential development as determined through problem solving under adult guidance,
or in collaboration with more capable peers” (Vygotsky, 1978, p. 86).
Two critical elements in Vygotsky’s definition of ZPD are the notions of potential development of the learner and the
role collaboration plays in the learning process.
This process entails a pedagogical balance of high challenge and high support in which we take a future-oriented
perspective of learning. This means that we recognize that, accompanied by deliberate pedagogical supports, learn-
ing takes place in advance of the development we wish to see. In this way teaching precedes development. When
we view education as future-oriented, we simultaneously build on students’ backgrounds while we are considering
their next levels of development and emerging capacity. This space of potential development is the ZPD and it is the
space in which learning occurs, thus where teaching needs to be situated. What this means for our ELLs/MLLs is that
we do not have to wait until their English is “perfect” to engage them in intellectually stimulating and demanding
tasks. On the contrary, learning can only occur when it is constructed in advance of development in the ZPD.
Scaffolding involves both the structural and procedural supports that guide and enable learners to work within their
ZPD so that they may develop their full, yet unrealized, potential. The structural element of scaffolding refers to
those planned, ritualized structures that surround learning tasks. An example of structural scaffolding is the step-by-
step guidelines used in a Think, Pair, Share (TPS) task.2 There are three moments in a TPS task:
• Think: The teacher asks one or two questions for students to consider. In order to see what students are thinking,
as well as to provide additional scaffolding as needed, the teacher asks students to record key elements of their
answer using words or phrases, but not complete sentences. Depending on the complexity of the questions,
the teacher may assign between three and five minutes for students to jot down their ideas. Meanwhile, the
teacher circulates around the classroom to monitor and check what students have written. An empty piece of
paper may be an indication that the student needs further support from the teacher.
• Pair: Students are asked to form dyads. There are many ways of doing this, depending on time available, the nature
of the questions, or even what time of the day it is (classes immediately after lunch may require opportunities
for movement).
• Share: Dyads orally share their responses with each other. All students should be ready — if called upon — to
present to the class their partner’s responses first, and then their own.
The TPS provides a scaffolded structure for students to orally request ideas from a partner, listen to their peers’
ideas, and ask and respond to questions, thus contributing to and gaining new perspectives on the topic at hand.
The result is that both students are enabled to co-construct meaning. Scaffolding structures must maintain a careful
balance of providing support to the learner without being so rigid or limited as to stifle the learner. They are simul-
taneously constant and flexible. For example, within a TPS, the structure remains constant while the focal theme
or question of the TPS task is flexible and changes each time. In this way, ELLs/MLLs do not experience cognitive
overload by having to understand and enact a new structure for sharing ideas and can mentally tend to the central
theme or question of the TPS task, allowing them to genuinely participate in the task.
After participating in a TPS a few times, students become familiar with this collabora-
tive structure for sharing ideas so that it becomes automated. Eventually, the teacher
can add flexibility to the TPS structure itself with slight alterations such as including a
drawing or a writing option to the steps.
The procedural aspect of scaffolding emerges through the unplanned support that
occurs in-the-moment and in response to something new the learner introduces in
classroom interactions. The on-the-spot nature of procedural scaffolding makes it con- In this sketch from Rembrandt we see
the women are scaffolding by support-
tingent on the learner and the particular situation in which it occurs. This means that ing the child’s ability to take her/his
first steps.
in addition to continually monitoring students’ understanding, the teacher is also as-
Their goal is not to assist the child
sessing their own structural scaffolds so as to be able to quickly modify them in order forever, but rather to build her/his
to support students’ progression to the ZPD. It is thus through the planned structure autonomy as an independent walker.
For more information on scaffolding for ELLs/MLLs, please refer to the New York City Department of Education brief, Scaffolding, by Walqui and Strom.
The TPS is one of the most misunderstood and mispracticed tasks.
The Brain Lesson (WestEd, 2008) comes from a secondary level unit that uses personal recounts to illustrate cause and effect of traumatic brain
injuries and disease.
Too often ELLs/MLLs are removed from heterogeneous classrooms and isolated in English as a Second Language
or English Language Development courses, rendering students devoid of contact and interaction with ELLs/MLLs
who have better command of English or native English speaking peers. As a result, they are provided very narrowly
focused education in which grammar and vocabulary, not content, are the focus and where language is “curricular-
ized” (Valdés, 2001).
However, what Vygotsky’s and other researchers’ work shows us is that by identifying the skills, knowledge, and
practices that are on the edge of development (i.e., the ZPD), teachers can provide targeted support or scaffolds for
students to reach the desired level of skill/knowledge and thus move toward autonomy in that area. It is in this space
that a teacher’s role is to recognize and integrate the exact pedagogical scaffolds that support students’ ripening of
linguistic, conceptual and/or academic potential. For ELLs/MLLs to reach their potential, it is essential that we pro-
vide them access to content, as well as regular and consistent opportunities to engage with their peers in a hetero-
geneous classroom setting.
The implications of this understanding are exciting in that it frees teachers from the instructional restraints that
come with the belief that ELLs/MLLs can only learn content that is within or below their language level. Essential to
such learning is the deliberate, thoughtful planning and scaffolding of tasks that the teacher provides via structured
heterogeneous classroom interactions so that the ELL/MLL is guided through her/his linguistic and academic zone of
proximal development, learning grade-level content and developing language in the process.
Walqui and van Lier (2010) summarize this future-oriented approach stating:
English language learners, like all students, arrive in our classrooms with immense potential, strengths to build
on, and dreams for their future. It is our job as education professionals to help them realize that potential and
to provide them with the right learning opportunities so that they can address rigorous academic content in a
language they have yet to master. (p. 1)
We hope you found the ideas in this brief informative and useful. Please see our other briefs for additional informa-
tion on pedagogical issues related to the effective instruction of ELLs/MLLs.