Apple: Types, Properties and Their Nutritional Value

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The apples, apart from being present in the

Nutritional value stories of all times (from the episode of Adam
(quantity 100 g):
and Eve to stories like Snow White), are
- Calories: 52 beneficial to our health because they are rich
- Total fat: 0.2 g in phytochemical and antioxidant substances,
- Cholesterol: 0 mg help to reduce the levels of blood sugar as
- Sodium: 1 mg
supported by the World Health Organization.
- Potassium: 107 mg
- Carbohydrates: 14 g
-Proteins: 0.3 g According to the European Journal of Clinical
Nutrition, one of the apple's phytochemicals is
NUTRITIONAL VALUE quercetin, which helps prevent cardiovascular
Apples help reduce blood sugar levels, according to the OMS. problems, inflammatory diseases such as
Therefore, it is perfect for people who are dieting or suffering from an anxiety arthritis, asthma and even muscle
disorder for food. For its different benefits and properties, and its low-calorie contractures. The apple, in turn, has acids such
content (barely 80 calories per 150 grams), the apple becomes one of the as tartaric and malic, which help to better
main options to be able to take it at midmorning, when we are between digest the fats we consume. Therefore it is
breakfast and lunch. advisable to eat this fruit as a dessert after a
copious intake, either at noon or at night. In
addition, the apple satisfies our appetite and
prevents us from overeating.
The family of apples is wide and diverse, and there are a lot of varieties: Fuji, Gala (or Royal Gala),
Golden Red Delicious, Pink Lady and Granny Smith. Next we are going to detail who is who
Fuji apple
The color may vary but it is between red and pink. It is one of the sweetest varieties and
many say it tastes like honey. It is perfect for eating raw to be very sweet .

Gala or royal gala

This type of apple has a bright striped skin or red-orange streaks on a base of yellowish
color. It is recommended to eat raw, but also to bake for making cakes and baked.

Golden Apple
Like the Royal Gala apple, the Golden apple also has a shiny golden skin. It is crispy and
quite sweet. It is good to eat and is also used a lot to make apple pies.

Red Delicious Apple

It has a dark red skin with a medium sweetness. It is aromatic and has a juicy flesh. This
type of apples is the most used to accompany salads.
Apple Pink Lady
It has a pinkish skin with a greenish yellow tone. Just like the Red Delicious apple, the Pink
Lady is also used for salads and also for cooking.
Granny Smith apple
Its skin is a greenish color and is one of the most acidic apples there is. Its pulp is greenish,
very dense and crunchy, with an effervescent (acidic) point. It is multipurpose and is
generally used to add a touch of frescoes to dishes
PROPERTIES AND BENEFITS With regard to its nutritional profile, one of its main
> High fiber content. virtues is its regulatory action of the intestine,
something that is possible thanks to its richness in
> Rich in antioxidants. soluble and insoluble fiber. For example, an apple
> It contains vitamins of group B and C. of 150 grams provides about 5 grams of fiber,
> Rich in minerals such as phosphorus, potassium or calcium. something that is added to its 16 grams of sugars
> Presence of malic acid and tartaric acid. (fructose, sucrose and glucose), and 22 grams of
> They facilitate the digestion of foods rich in fats. t contains flavonoids and polyphenols so it is rich
> They help to take care of teeth and gums. in antioxidants, in vitamins of group B (B1, B2
> Help prevent constipation. and B6), vitamin C, phosphorus, potassium and
> They are diuretic, they reduce the accumulation of liquids. calcium. In addition, thanks to the presence of
malic and tartaric acid facilitates the digestion of
> They help regulate the function of the intestines. those foods that have a high fat content. And it is
better to wash them well and eat them without
peeling, since the skin of the apple contains
pectin that protects the intestinal mucosa.

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