TVDSB Employee Code

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Title: EMPLOYEE CODE OF CONDUCT Procedure No.: 3017a

Effective Date: 2019 May 28
Department: Organizational Support Services – Human Resources
Reference(s): The Education Act
Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Occupational Health and Safety Act
Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
Ontario Human Rights Code
PPM128: The Provincial Code of Conduct and School Boards Code of Conduct
TVDSB Policy and Procedure: Domestic Violence in the Workplace
TVDSB Policy and Procedure: Equity and Inclusive Education
TVDSB Policy and Procedure: Fraud Prevention and Management
TVDSB Policy and Procedure: Harassment
TVDSB Policy: Health and Safety
TVDSB Procedure: Information Technology Appropriate Usage
TVDSB Procedure: Off Duty Conduct
TVDSB Policy and Procedure: Progressive Discipline of Employees
TVDSB Policy and Procedure: Safe Schools
TVDSB Procedure: Substance Abuse and Addiction
TVDSB Procedure: Technology and Security
TVDSB Policy and Procedure: Violence in the Workplace

1.0 TVDSB Statement of Purpose

The Thames Valley District School Board is committed to supporting a system strategy
for promoting safe, inclusive and accepting employee workplace climate, free from
inappropriate conduct and violence.

The working environment of all Thames Valley District School Board employees
ensures the rights and responsibilities of all employees within the Employee Code of
Conduct. Practices will focus on prevention and will foster dignity and respect while
ensuring the safety of all through firm, fair and progressive strategies designed to
promote self-respect and respect for others.

2.0 Scope

2.1 This Code of Conduct applies to all employees within Thames Valley District
School Board. It is the expectation that all Board policies and procedures will be
followed by all employees of TVDSB, including employees of third party service
providers. It is not intended to conflict with or diminish rights afforded to all
persons under the Ontario Human Rights Code, any other policies, codes of
conduct, collective agreements or applicable standards of professional practice.
Any employee of the Board who contravenes the Employee Code of Conduct
Administered By: Organizational Support Services – Human Resources

Amendment Date(s): 2019 January 15

Code of Conduct Procedure

and accompanying Regulations may be subject to disciplinary action up to and

including termination of employment where appropriate, as per the Progressive
Discipline of Employees Policy.

2.2 The Employee Code of Conduct applies to all employees and third party service
providers while on school property, on school buses, at school-related events or
activities, before and/or after school programs or in any other circumstance that
could have an impact on the workplace climate.

3.0 Complying with Legislation

3.1 All employees and third party service providers will and will be seen to comply
with the letter and spirit of all of the laws of Canada and the Province of Ontario,
regulatory bodies, collective agreements and any contractual obligations
resulting from the employee’s employment or employment duties and/or any
contractual obligations of the Board.

3.2 When acting on behalf of the Board, no employee or service provider shall
at any time take any action that they know or ought reasonably to know
violates any applicable legislation or regulation.

3.3 It is the responsibility of all employees and third party service providers to ensure
that all information they communicate in the course of their employment is
accurate and complete. No employee or third party service provider shall
withhold information or knowingly mislead members of the Board, management,
parents/guardians, students or the public.

3.4 It is the responsibility of all employees and third party service providers to
familiarize themselves with their duties and any requirements of them as
prescribed by the Education Act and Regulations, the Municipal Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Act and Regulations and any other Act or
Regulation that may be applicable to the employment duties.

3.5 All employees and third party service providers are responsible for immediately
reporting to an appropriate supervisor any suspected illegal behaviour or
behaviour that contravenes this or any policy of the Board.

4.0 Guiding Principles

4.1 All employees and third party service providers are to be treated with dignity and

4.2 All employees and third party service providers are expected to prevent and
report bullying and encourage the use of non-violent and respectful means of
conflict resolution.
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Code of Conduct Procedure

4.3 All employees and third party service providers are to promote safety of people in
the workplace.

4.4 All employees and third party service providers are to maintain an environment
where conflict and difference can be addressed in a manner characterized by
respect and civility.

5.0 Standards of Behaviour

5.1 Standards for employees and third party service providers include, but are not
limited to:

5.1.1 Respecting and complying with all applicable federal, provincial

and municipal legislation and regulatory bodies;

5.1.2 Demonstrating honesty and integrity;

5.1.3 Respecting the rights of, and differences in, others, their ideas and
their opinions;

5.1.4 Treating one another with dignity and respect at all times and
especially when there is a disagreement;

5.1.5 Respecting and treating others fairly, regardless of race, ancestry,

place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual
orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital
status, family status, or disability;

5.1.6 Showing proper care and regard for TVDSB property and the
property of others;

5.1.7 Demonstrating reasonable cooperation with all stakeholders;

5.1.8 Seeking assistance from those in authority, if necessary, to

resolve conflict peacefully;

5.1.9 Respecting the need of others to work in an environment that is

conducive to a positive working environment;

5.1.10 Using respectful language (for example, refrain from swearing or

using vulgar language and/or gestures);

5.1.11 Refraining from engaging in online activities that disrespect or insult

students, parents/guardians or employees or promote false, misleading or
discriminating information;

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Code of Conduct Procedure

5.1.12 Maintaining professional boundaries in all forms of


5.1.13 Refraining from inappropriate personal use of cellular phones,

computers or audio devices during assigned duties; and

5.1.14 Maintaining appropriate relationships and professional boundaries with

all stakeholders to ensure that relationships are positive, appropriate and

6.0 Unacceptable Behaviour

6.1 All employees and third party service providers must not:

6.1.1 Engage in bullying behaviours or comments in any manner including through

social media;

6.1.2 Commit or threaten assault of any kind;

6.1.3 Sell or offer to sell weapons or illegal drugs;

6.1.4 Offer or give alcohol, cannabis or cannabis products to a minor;

6.1.5 Engage in the theft, attempted theft or possession of property of the Board,
it’s staff or students;

6.1.6 Be in possession of any weapon, including firearms at work or on Board


6.1.7 Use any object to threaten or intimidate another person;

6.1.8 Cause injury to any person with or without an object;

6.1.9 Be in possession of, or be under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol

or be unfit to work due to any substance including prescribed

6.1.10 Smell of alcohol or marijuana while at work or while engaged in assigned

duties or extracurricular functions;
6.1.11 Engage in hate propaganda or other forms of behaviour (including social
media comments) motivated by hate, discrimination or bias;

6.1.12 Commit an act of vandalism that causes damage to TVDSB property or

others’ personal property; or

6.1.13 Engage in any other behaviour that may result in a negative impact or
perceived negative impact to the Board, its reputation or to students,
staff or public.
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