Wpa Sho p4
Wpa Sho p4
Wpa Sho p4
Adalah dengan ini saya mengaku bahawa dokumen ini disediakan untuk Peperiksaan
Pegawai Keselamatan dan Kesihatan adalah berdasarkan hasil kerja asal saya sendiri kecuali
sedutan atau petikan.
I hereby certify that this document prepared for the Safety and Health Officer Examination
is based on my original work except for citation and quotation made.
Tandatangan :………………………………………………..
Table of Contents
No Title Page
4.0 METHOD 9
6.2 Review 22
6.3 Benefits 23
This report attempts to identify all hazards at a chosen workplace that leads to risks
and how safety and health measures could bring about beneficial end results by
containing or preventing these risks from bringing harm to the workers and the
high risks and harm is the “Working At Height” and “Noise” at a Construction Site.
The report sets out to identify the many forms of hazards at the workplace and a few
suitable techniques that were selected to tabulate the risks involved. The risk
assessment process was used as the main technique to access and evaluate the risks
of the hazards identified. Among these, the most critical hazard was seen to be the
working at height for safety hazard and noise for health hazard. The control
measures to eliminate or reduce this critical hazard are then recommended based on
the findings, results and reviews obtained with appropriate references/sources and
NS Construction Sdn Bhd was established in 1974 with its core business being the
Building Construction work apart from dealing in other trades. The company was
restructured in 1994 and had since been managed by the present Board of Directors.
Organization Chart
General Manager
Site Manager
Site Engineer
Lorry Driver
There are a lot of activities done in the construction site, but for the purpose of this
assignment only building works are discussed. The activities that are discussed in
this report are on how building works are carried out, erection of scaffolding,
Work Environment
The entire process and activities has various hazards. We may observe their
existence from the initial stage of the building works. The hazard identified are
working at height that can cause falling from height, falling object, slip, trip and fall
from scaffold, heat stress, exposed to weather conditions (rain, drizzles etc) and
Work Process
a. Before the work start safety induction will be given to all supervisors and
b. Fabrication of roof trusses and roof covering are done in the factory
c. After the fabrication of roof structure completed, the roof structure will be
transported to site and a 20 tone mobile crane is required to hoist the roof
e. Welding and painting works on the roof trusses are done on the ground
f. When the roof is completed, plastering and painting works will follow suit.
When all the building works are completed, dismantling work for the
tools and equipments to tools store requires very strict work ruling. The
supervision of the entire process is very critical to avoid any accidents
c. Estimation of severity of the safety and health risks from each of the safety
d. Based on their risk rating, determine the likelihood and severity of each
safety and health hazard by the use of Qualitative and Quantitative Risk
The first step in the managing risk is through hazard identification at the workplace.
a. Mechanical Hazard
Machinery, its parts, tools, objects and materials processed or used in the
b. Physical Hazard
Any hazard associated with that could cause physical harm, including but not
c. Chemical Hazard
A chemical hazard is any substance that can cause harm. Chemicals which
are stored in the workplace and at the house and can result in serious injuries
d. Biological Hazard
an organism, that poses a threat to (primarily) human health. This can include
source) that can impact human health. It can also include substances harmful
to animals. The term and its associated symbol are generally used as a
take precautions.
e. Ergonomic Hazard
back belts, lifting, pushing and pulling, and material handling aids.
risk factors, design hazards, wrist splints, and ergonomic hand tools.
Through this method, we can easily identify any hazard exist at the workplace.
Every job performed must be classified into various steps to ensure the hazards
Through this method, all data such as the accident data could provide us the
information on the existing hazard occurs; it includes also the near miss and the
All hazards identified must be assessed of its risk. Risk assessment will be
performed through risk estimation and risk evaluation. This value is represented by
two parameters that are probability and severity. Every probability and severity is
valued accordingly by high or low of the hazardous event as per Figure 1 and
Figure 2.
Very likely Can happen frequently
Likely Could happen occasionally
Unlikely Could happen, but not rarely
Highly unlikely Could happen, but probably never will
Fatality Death
Serious Injury Sick leave for more than 4 days/permanent
Injury Sick leave maximum of 4 days/permanent
Small Injury Near miss/First Aid
Events or situations assessed as very likely with fatality consequences are the most
serious (HIGH) risk and those assessed as high unlikely with negligible injuries are
the least serious (LOW) risk. This can be seen on Figure 3 below for the Qualitative
Risk Table.
Consequences Likelihood
Very likely Likely Unlikely Highly unlikely
Fatality High High High Medium
Major injuries High High Medium Medium
Minor injuries High Medium Medium Low
Negligible injuries Medium Medium Low Low
From definition,
In real scenario, we could not explain the risk by saying high or low because
sometimes there are existing two types of hazard and with the same level of risk
high, but the question is how high it is. So to differentiate the level of risk, the
estimate risks were represented by numbers. Numbers are given to present the level
of “likelihood” and “severity”. This numbers can be multiply, and ranked by value
This type of assessment is then called Quantitative Risk. This can be seen on Figure
4 and 5 below.
For example:
Likely (Weekly) =3
Unlikely (Monthly) =2
Minor Injuries (less than 0r 4 days MC) =2
Calculation example:
Consequences Likelihood
Very likely Likely Unlikely Highly unlikely
(4) (3) (2) (1)
Fatality High High High Medium
(4) (16) (12) (8) (4)
Major injuries High High Medium Medium
(3) (12) (9) (6) (3)
Minor injuries High Medium Medium Low
(2) (8) (6) (4) (2)
Negligible injuries Medium Medium Low Low
(1) (4) (3) (2) (1)
After performing the hazard identification and risk assessment, here are lists of
hazard found on the work area. These hazards were categorized on the level of their
risk. The higher the risk, the hazard will be placed on top among them.
a. Safety Hazard
i. Working at height
iii. Welding
b. Health Hazard
v. Noise
Assessment Matrix designed for each hazard at the workplace. Through this matrix,
all hazards that were identified through the above methods were weighted by their
risk elements through respective data and tables, their possible occurrences and risks
involved. The combination of all components in each activity was able to provide a
(16) = 4X4
b. Hazard Effect
Effect on this hazard will cause severe injuries and sometimes causing death
to the victim. Most of the work processes were done at height. The work
very great and be valued as 4 (can happen frequently) and the severity was
(16) = 4X4
Noise is the most common hazard in the workplace. It comes from the
machine. Effect on this hazard is very severe. The damage impact on the ear
takes on gradually effect without the knowledge of the worker. Most of the
damage is permanent.
The most critical hazard either safety or health must be controlled. The control
i. Elimination
to work at height. Even though this most effective method, but it is
ii. Substitution
entire jobs performed are on the high rise building. Whether we like
or not the world today, we must build high rise building to save area.
that isolation.
iii. Isolation
perform our job such as installing roof structure for high rise building
by working from the ground level? We have to go up. The only way
we can do is by isolating other people who are not involved with the
iv. Administrative Control
Through this control, we can administer the workers who must work
issuing them permit to work with height. For those who are without
v. Engineering Control
inform workers who are not involved with working at height to clear
issue all personnel who are working at height with proper PPE such
as full body harness. All workers who are working at height are to
ensure to use this PPE for their own safety. Monitoring and
workers obey the rules to use this PPE. By wearing this PPE, hazards
this harness and how to take care of this PPE. Once the PPE is
b. Noise (Health Hazard)
i. Elimination
our task, even though through elimination we can eliminate the noise
ii. Substitution
quieter than the existing machines. It can be done but it will costly to
spend on buying new and quieter machines. This method is good but
iii. Isolation
the noisy area. But what about the working personnel who is directly
Even though by doing this is practical but the cost that makes it hard
v. Administrative Control
worker must be provided with PPE such as ear muff or ear plug
6.2 Review
Reviewing on the recommendation for improving any lacking and to ensure the
process must be done ongoing in accordance with necessity such as for example if
there is a change in the work process or work procedure. The review process should
be done through:
are suit to them, knows how they are being utilized, taking care and used.
6.3 Benefits
a. To the Company
b. For Workers
iv. will ensure the safety and health of workers being taking care of
a. ILBS, Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (Act 514) & Regulations
Publisher, 2004