Inductive Study Theology God
Inductive Study Theology God
Inductive Study Theology God
Guided Study
Presented by
The Discipleship Ministry
© 2003 The Discipleship Ministry
G The Discipleship Ministry
“A Do It Yourself”
Guided Study
The Discipleship Ministry exists to help fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to
“Make Disciples of All Nations” !
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Pukalani, Hawai`i 96788
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This Guided Study was developed to help Christians learn Scriptural Principles and Truths
directly from the Word. Based on the Bible Study Method, each lesson guides the student through
the steps of Observation, Interpretation and Application. The end result for the student is a more
thorough knowledge of Scripture. Another important consequence is the personal application of
God’s Word to specific areas of the student’s life resulting in spiritual growth.
The Guided Study is best used in a Group setting. Being part of a Study Group not only helps
our motivation to continue in the Word, but also guards us from erroneous Interpretations. Group
members help guard one another from incorrect and unsound interpretations by evaluating each
other’s interpretations in light of established Hermeneutical Principles and Biblical Truths.
Group members may choose either to complete the lessons ahead of time and discuss their
answers together, or do the lessons together when they meet. Be sure to have a good study Bible and
reference materials available which ever method you choose to follow!
Before beginning this Guided Study, familiarize yourself with the Bible Study Method and
Principles for Biblical Interpretation by completing Discipleship Study 3 available at For further study, read:
Doing It Yourself
PRAY that God will guide you to His Truth and keep you from error! In a continuing attitude of
prayer and dependence upon God, print a copy of an entire Guided Study Lesson, and begin.
The Bible passages are from the New American Standard Bible (1995 updated edition) because
it is one of the most accurate modern English translations available. The text is reprinted as a
structural diagram to facilitate the discovery of key words and phrases, and their relationships to
each other.
To discover what the Bible Says, read the Bible text several times and mark specific key words
and/or phrases to highlight what you observe. (Read pages 7-11 in Discipleship Study 3) Suggested
observations are provided for you to mark in the text. However, how you “mark” the text is up to
you. Consider the following ways John 3:16 has been marked below:
Questions help us discover what the author originally Meant when he wrote the text. They reveal
the meaning, significance and implications of key words or phrases. It will be necessary to access
other resources, including a Bible dictionary, commentaries and a Bible handbook to discover the
meaning of words as well as gain a better understanding of the history, geography and culture that
impact the meaning of a passage. (see pages 12-18 in Discipleship Study 3)
The purpose for Bible Study is not just to be informed, but to be transformed by the Word. After
discovering what the passage Says and Means, we must discover what the passage Means to Us. (See
pages 19-20 in Discipleship Study 3)
In this section, review what you discovered in your Observations and Interpretations, as well as
the Principles you developed. From these, use the acronym SPACE to determine the following:
List these applications and prayerfully apply each one. Continually meditate on the Truths and
Principles you discerned from the Passage in order to transform your mind, your heart and your will,
until your life is conformed to God’s “good, acceptable and perfect will”!
Even as an agnostic undergraduate zoology student, I could not help but be in awe at the
complexity of living systems; from the intricate simplicity of the DNA molecule, to the unfathomable
beauty of embryonic development, to the mystery of life itself. How did life originate? Could it really
have happened by chance? Such questions, by necessity, led me beyond the empirical to the spiritual,
and my quest for answers drew me to the Creator. Nature reveals only a sketch of the Creator. Holy
Scripture paints the brilliant details of His Being!
Prepare yourself for this study by yielding your mind to the Holy Spirit, for His Truths are
spiritual and only those who study in Spirit will perceive them clearly. Then yield your heart and will to
the Truths of God’s Word so that you may be transformed and sanctified by them.
May God bless you richly as He opens your eyes to a fresh vision of His Being!
Genesis 21:33 ❏ Carefully read and reread the text. Examine its
33 Abraham planted a tamarisk tree at Beersheba,
and there he called on the name of the LORD, context.
the Everlasting God. ❏ Note all persons, nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs.
Exodus 3:13-14 conjunctions & articles.
13 Then Moses said to God, ❏ Ask: Who? What? When? Where? How? & Why?
"Behold, I am going to the sons of Israel, Find answers in the text, only!
and I will say to them,
'The God of your fathers has sent me to you.' ❏ Note and mark key words and ideas, as well as their
Now they may say to me, relationships with one another.
'What is His name?'
What shall I say to them?"
Note and mark
14 God said to Moses,
"I AM WHO I AM"; ❏ How God is described in Genesis.
and He said, ❏ What God told Moses His name was. Exodus 3:13-14
"Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, ❏ Who, Moses was told to tell the Israelites, sent him.
'I AM has sent me to you.'"
Exodus 3:14
Interpretation: Note:
Genesis 21:33 What does this verse teach about God? __________________ The word ‘everlasting’
means ‘for ever, always,
continuous existence,
________________________________________________________ perpetual,indefinite or
unending future, eternity’
The english word LORD is
Exodus 3:13-14 What does God’s name (‘I Am Who I Am’) mean? __________ used to translate the
hebrew ‘YHWH’ ., also
written as ‘Yahweh’,
‘Yehowah’ or ‘Jehovah’.
The Jews considered God’s
________________________________________________________ personal name so sacred
that only the priest was
allowed to speak it and
What is its significance? _____________________________________ only on the Day of
Atonement when he
________________________________________________________ entered the Holy of Holies.
Thus, whenever they came
to God’s name in the text
________________________________________________________ of Scripture, they
replaced it with the
hebrew word ‘Adonai’ which
Research the Hebrew word ‘Yahweh’ (Jehovah) which is God’s name. What does
translates to ‘Lord’ in the
it mean and why is it significant? english. The english
translators have continued
________________________________________________________ that tradition by using
LORD in place of YHWH,
using the upper case to
________________________________________________________ distinguish it from the
hebrew word ‘adonai’ which
is translated as ‘Lord’.
The existence of God is a
Interpretation great mystery. Scripture
does not even attempt to
explain God’s existence but
What does the phrase ‘From everlasting to everlasting’ mean? ____________ simply assumes it. Hebrews
11:6 says God is pleased
with the faith that simply
‘believes that He is’.
❖ _________________________________________ ❏ _________________________________________
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❖ _________________________________________ ❏ _________________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
❖ _________________________________________ ❏ _________________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
Write out a verse that you would like to memorize From what you learned, how is God different from
and/or meditate upon: His creation and/or creatures?
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Final Note:
The answer to the question, ‘When was God created?” , is ‘Never!’. God always was, is and will be. A more accurate statement is that ‘God Is!’
He is not a part of, influenced by or in any way limited by time. As in the circle illustration above, God is separate from time as we know it. If
you can imagine your life on that circle, you can only be certain of what has been (what lies behind you) and what is (where you are at
present). The future, however, is a mystery for everyone on that circle of time. God, however, sees the entire circle at once. He is able to see
our entire lives in an instant, as we were, are and will be. Such is the Eternal God we worship!
God is Eternal
From everlasting to everlasting!
Interpretation: Note:
Deuteronomy 6:4 What does this verse teach about God? ________________ ‘one’ = the number 1 or that
which is first
Besides the obvious
________________________________________________________ meaning, that the LORD
God is one God, some
believe the verse also
implies that the LORD,
alone, is their God.
In light of the historical context (The Israelites have emerged from Egypt
after 400 years there and are now heading toward the land God promised to For 400 years, Israel lived
their forefather, Abraham) why is this verse significant? among the Egyptian people
whose religion
incorporated belief in
________________________________________________________ numerous gods. Each town
had their own deity, and
________________________________________________________ they believed every
phenomenon of nature was
indwelt by a spirit.
John 17:3 What is significant about how Jesus describes God? ____________
Jesus specified the ‘only
true God’. In that one
statement, He eliminated
________________________________________________________ the possibility of another.
1 Timothy 2:5 In light of the Gentile culture in Paul’s time, what is significant The Roman religion held to
about his description of God? polytheism (multiple
deities), many of whom
were adopted from the
Greek culture. (see Acts
14:11-13 & 17:22-24)
Interpretation: Note:
In this section of Isaiah,
Isaiah 43:10b There are certain religions or cults that teach we either are gods the prophet is being shown
events concerning Israel’s
or will one day become gods. How does this verse refute them?
Babylonian captivity that
are still centuries in the
________________________________________________________ future. The basis for God’s
promise of Israel’s survival
from that captivity is God’s
________________________________________________________ assurance that He is the
only true God, and that
Isaiah 44:6 What point is God making by His statement? _________________ there are no other gods
prior to Him nor will there
be after Him!
Compare this statement by
________________________________________________________ God with Revelation 1:8 &
22:12-13, 16. If the LORD
God claims to be the ‘first
2 Samuel 7:22 Who made this statement _____________________________ and the last’ in Isaiah and
the ‘Alpha and the Omega’
What is its significance in light of its context? _____________________ in Revelation 1, and if
Jesus claims to be both in
Revelation 22, then Jesus
________________________________________________________ must be the LORD God as
________________________________________________________ Note:
David, in awe of God’s
promise to extend his
Why is it important to know and acknowledge that God is the One and Only God?
throne for ever, rightly
proclaims of God that
________________________________________________________ ‘there is none like You ...
and ... no God besides You’.
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
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❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
Write out a verse from above that you would like From what you learned, how is God different from
to memorize and/or meditate upon: His creation and/or creatures?
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Final Note:
Most of us would deny belief in other gods besides the ‘one true God’ taught in Scripture. But is our worship really pure? Jesus spoke of
people who make ‘mammon’ (money or possessions) their god(s). Have we fallen into that trap? It is very easy to make things, or even other
people, the source of our security, significance or self-esteem, and the focus of our love and devotion. If so, they are at best false gods,
for there is only one true God... and no other!
God is One
He Alone is God!
Isaiah 44:24 What does this verse teach about God? __________________ Note:
John 1:1-3, 14 teaches that
Jesus created all things.
________________________________________________________ When compared with
Isaiah 44:24, can there be
any doubt that Scripture
teaches that Jesus is the
LORD God who created the
What does this verse say to the proabortionists and evolutionists ? Universe by Himself?
There is no other
interpretation when trying
________________________________________________________ to assimilate these two
passages at once.
In light of this verse, it is
Acts 17:24-25 What does the phrase ‘as though He needed anything’ imply? clear that the abortion and
evolution issues are really
spiritual in nature, and
require prayer and God’s
power to be resolved. Until
________________________________________________________ people understand the
divine origins of life and
nature, they will never see
How does the truth of verse 24 explain why God needs nothing to exist? the true deception of the
theory of evolution and
________________________________________________________ the pro abortion stance. It
is not freedom to think or
do what you want that sets
________________________________________________________ you free, but Truth.
Romans 11:33-36 What point is Paul making about God’s ‘judgments’ and ‘ways’?
This passage comes at the
________________________________________________________ conclusion of Paul’s
exposition of two of
Scripture’s most difficult
________________________________________________________ and, often times,
contentious teachings:
What point is Paul making about God in verses 34 &35? ________________ God’s Sovereignty and the
Free Will of man. Paul
expounds both positions to
________________________________________________________ the point of seeming
contradiction. Perhaps this
is why, almost in relief, he
breaks into this soaring
benediction, and, under
What point is Paul making about ‘all things’ in verse 36? ________________ divine inspiration, extolls
the supremacy and
mysteries of God and the
________________________________________________________ truth that all things
inevitably comes ‘from ...
________________________________________________________ through ... and to’ Him!
God, alone, ultimately
determines ‘all things’.
How does this verse teach that God is self-existing and not caused by
anything? ________________________________________________
❖ _______________________________________ ❏ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
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_______________________________________ _______________________________________
❖ _______________________________________ ❏ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
❖ _______________________________________ ❏ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
❖ _______________________________________ ❏ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
Write out a verse from above that you would like From what you learned, how is God different from
to memorize and/or meditate upon: His creation and/or creatures?
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Final Note:
Did God create us because He needed our love, or the universe because He needed to be amused? Absolutely not! God needed nothing to add
to His Being! He is absolutely self existing and self sufficient, in need of no thing or no one to be complete. Our existence, and the existence
of all things, is only and ultimately for His own good pleasure, and nothing else!
John 4:24 What does Jesus mean when He says, ‘God is spirit’? _____________ The word ‘spirit’
(pneuma - grk) means the
________________________________________________________ breath of our nostrils or
mouth, or wind. It is used
to describe the Holy Spirit,
________________________________________________________ man’s immaterial soul as
well as angels or demons.
The references to God
What is significant about how God is described? ____________________
having physical attributes
are anthropomorphism's,
________________________________________________________ which use the visible to
explain the invisible.
What does it mean to worship God in spirit and in truth? ______________ Eternal = for ever,
perpetual, without end
Immortal = imperishable,
________________________________________________________ indestructible, not
subject to decay.
In light of these verses, why must we worship God in this way? ___________ Invisible = that which
cannot be seen.
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
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❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
Write out a verse from above that you would like From what you learned, how is God different from
to memorize and/or meditate upon: His creation and/or creatures?
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Final Note:
We began in the intro with a quote from Psalm 50:21 in which God chides us by saying, ‘You thought I was like you’. A proper understanding
of God begins with the assumption that God is not like us! The cliché referring to God as ‘the man upstairs’ is unscriptural at best and
blasphemous at worst. ‘God is not a man’! His ways are not our ways. God is an eternal spirit, and as such, transcends infinitely the limitations
that mark us as physical and mortal beings.
God is Spirit
He is the Eternal, Immortal & Invisible God !
Isaiah 6 ❏ Carefully read and reread the text. Examine its
1 In the year of King Uzziah's death
I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, context.
lofty and exalted, ❏ Note all persons, nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs.
with the train of His robe filling the temple. conjunctions & articles.
2 Seraphim stood above Him,
each having six wings: ❏ Ask: Who? What? When? Where? How? & Why?
with two he covered his face, and Find answers in the text, only!
with two he covered his feet, and ❏ Note and mark key words and ideas, as well as their
with two he flew.
3 And one called out to another and said, relationships with one another.
"Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD of hosts,
The whole earth is full of His glory." Note and mark
4 And the foundations of the thresholds trembled
❏ What Isaiah observed God doing. Isaiah 6:1
at the voice of him who called out,
while the temple was filling with smoke. ❏ How God is described. Isaiah 6:3
Interpretation: Note:
verse 1 What is significant about Isaiah’s vision of God? _________________ Read about the life of
Uzziah in 2 Chronicles 26:
(a great moral story that
________________________________________________________ teaches the secret to
success and failure). Think
what impact the way
Uzziah ended his life might
have had on Isaiah?
verse 2 What are ‘seraphim’ and what is significant about their postures? _____
Read the parallel passage
________________________________________________________ in Revelation 4:6-8 for a
more detailed description
________________________________________________________ of the seraphim.
verse 3 What does the word ‘holy’ mean? _____________________________ The repetition of words is
done to add emphasis.
Jesus often added
emphasis by repeating the
word ‘Truly’. ‘Holy’, is
What is the significance of it being repeated? _____________________ thrice repeated here to
add emphasis to the
________________________________________________________ Some have questioned
whether Isaiah could have
What does the phrase ‘the whole earth is full of His glory’ mean and what is its seen God since He is
described as invisible and
unseeable (1 Timothy 1:17;
significance? _____________________________________________ John 1:18) John 12:41 ,
however, tells us that what
Isaiah saw was “Jesus’
glory”. Think what that
says about Christ!
Leviticus 10:10 Read Leviticus 10:1-9. What significance does the context bring to Note:
The context of Leviticus
10:10 enhances the
this verse? _______________________________________________ significance of what is
‘holy’ or ‘clean’ and
‘common’ or ‘unclean’ in
verse 10. Put yourself in
Aaron’s place as he
What does this reveal about God? _______________________________ receives this instruction
from God through Moses.
The task is elevated
________________________________________________________ beyond the academic to
life and death ... literally!
Leviticus 20:26 What is significant about the reason God calls us to be holy? ___
Set in a context
________________________________________________________ forbidding the worship of
alien gods and practices,
this passage declares why
Israel must be holy. They
were to reflect the nature
1 John 1:5 What does the word ‘Light’ imply when used to describe God? _______ of their God to the nations
around them.
________________________________________________________ Note:
John tells us that the
What does ‘in Him there is no darkness at all’ mean? _________________ description of God found
in this verse was given him
by Jesus Himself, who
________________________________________________________ sought to teach His
disciples what it meant to
have fellowship with God.
How would you describe the Holiness of God? __________________________
This fellowship depends on
a willingness to live in the
________________________________________________________ light of God’s Holiness.
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
Write out a verse from above that you would like From what you learned, how is God different from
to memorize and/or meditate upon: His creation and/or creatures?
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Final Note:
The Holiness of God is that quality of God which describes the perfection of His purity, glory and beauty. It is a perfection that permeates
all of His attributes and works. It is what separates God from all else and elevates Him preeminently above His creation. From everlasting to
everlasting there is none like Him. God’s holiness is the standard by which all things sacred are measured and sanctioned, and the basis for
moral and ethical excellence. It’s beauty causes the believer to worship God, and brings the sinner to his knees.
God is Holy
He Transcends His creation in Purity, Glory and Beauty!
Deuteronomy 4:37 What does this verse say about God’s love?
The concept of God’s
love, faithfulness and
________________________________________________________ mercy is usually expressed
by the word ‘lovingkindness’
which is translated from
________________________________________________________ the Hebrew word ‘hesed’.
In the Old Testament, the
Deuteronomy 7:7-8 What is Moses’ point in verse 7? ____________________ idea of God’s
lovingkindness is linked to
His covenant with His
________________________________________________________ chosen people. God
bestows His lovingkindness
upon them because He has
What does this say about God’s Love? ____________________________
made an oath/covenant to
do so. The withholding of
________________________________________________________ His lovingkindness results
from their failure to keep
their commitment to the
How is the keeping of an oath an expression of love? _________________ covenant.
In a similar way, God’s
________________________________________________________ Love reaches it’s highest
expression through His
New Covenant with those
Describe the Love of God as expressed in these verses: ___________________ who come to Him through
faith in Jesus Christ, His
Son. God Loves us by
faithfully keeping His oath
to us even when we falter.
Intro: Many view the God in the Old Testament as angry and
Jeremiah 31:3 vengeful. But these OT passages reveal another aspect of His
The LORD appeared to him from afar, saying, Nature ... His Lovingkindness.
"I have loved you with an everlasting love;
I have drawn you with lovingkindness. Observation:
❏ Carefully read and reread the text. Examine its
Joel 2:13 context.
And rend your heart and not your garments.
" Now return to the LORD your God, ❏ Note all persons, nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs.
For He is gracious and compassionate, conjunctions & articles.
Slow to anger, ❏ Ask: Who? What? When? Where? How? & Why?
abounding in lovingkindness
Find answers in the text, only!
And relenting of evil.
❏ Note and mark key words and ideas, as well as their
Micah 7:18 relationships with one another.
Who is a God like You,
who pardons iniquity
And passes over the rebellious act Note and mark
of the remnant of His possession? ❏ God’s attitude toward Israel. (Jeremiah 31:3)
He does not retain His anger forever, ❏ How God is described. (Joel 2:13)
Because He delights in unchanging love.
❏ What God does. (Micah 7:18)
Jeremiah 31:3 What does ‘everlasting love’ imply? _____________________
God’s Love, as is His
________________________________________________________ Being, is ‘everlasting’.
Despite Israel’s many
escapades of spiritual
Why do you think God draws us with His ‘lovingkindness’ and not fear? _____ ‘adultery’ with other gods
and idols, there has been
________________________________________________________ the one constant of God’s
lovingkindness. No matter
how many times God’s
Joel 2:13 Read the entire book of Joel (only three chapters!). How does this verse chosen turned away from
Him, His love has always
been there when they
contrast with what is happening in the book? _______________________
repented and returned.
That is the reason for
________________________________________________________ Micah’s exclamation, ‘Who
is a God like You...?’ God’s
love is saturated with
________________________________________________________ mercy, and receives any
who truly repents from the
What is significant about who will experience God’s lovingkindness? _______ heart.
As noted in the intro
above, many see an
________________________________________________________ incongruity between the
God of the Old Testament
and His Son in the New
Micah 7:18 Read the subsequent context of this passage. How will God
Testament. But when the
point of comparison is
demonstrate His love toward His people? __________________________ God’s Love, the two images
merge into one and the
1 John 4 Observation:
8 The one who does not love
❏ Carefully read and reread the text. Examine its
does not know God,
for God is love. context.
9 By this the love of God was manifested in us, ❏ Note all persons, nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs.
that God has sent His only begotten Son conjunctions & articles.
into the world
so that we might live through Him. ❏ Ask: Who? What? When? Where? How? & Why?
Find answers in the text, only!
John 3:16 ❏ Note and mark key words and ideas, as well as their
"For God so loved the world,
relationships with one another.
that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him
shall not perish, Note and mark
but have eternal life. ❏ What God is. (1 John 4:8)
Romans 5:8 ❏ Whom God loved. (John 3:16)
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, ❏ When God loved. (Romans 5:8)
in that while we were yet sinners, ❏ How God loved (1 John 4:8; John 3:16 & Romans 5:8)
Christ died for us.
Interpretation: Note:
The word ‘Love’ has
1 John 4:8-9 What does ‘God is Love’ mean? ________________________ been painted with many
shades of meaning through
the generations, some very
________________________________________________________ lofty and others very
carnal. The Greeks avoided
Why is loving others an indication one knows God? ___________________ this problem by developing
at least four words that
are all translated into the
________________________________________________________ english word ‘love’.
The word the NT
writers used to express
John 3:16 Jesus spoke these words to Nicodemus, an interested Pharisee steeped in
God’s love is ‘agape’.
Jewish laws and traditions. What significance does this bring to this verse? Though it is not uniquely
used of God (see 1 John
2:15), it has come to
exemplify God’s attitude
toward mankind in general,
________________________________________________________ and toward those who
choose to receive it by
faith, specifically.
________________________________________________________ Agape is not a wishy-
washy, feel good, self
Romans 5:8 What does the timing of God’s Love reveal about it? ___________ serving love, but a solid
commitment to sacrifice all
for the good of the object
________________________________________________________ of that love. It is a love
that values, not debases.
If Love is measured by
Why is every reference to God’s love linked to the giving of His Son? _________
what one is willing to give
up for another, then the
________________________________________________________ ultimate must always be
God’s Love for us!
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
Write out a verse from above that you would like From what you learned, how is God different from
to memorize and/or meditate upon: His creation and/or creatures?
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Final Note:
Though we stand in awe at a distance at the beauty of God’s Holiness, it is His Love that draws us near. God chose to love us, not because of
any perfection in our being, for we had none, but because He is Love. He could not help it! Though His Perfect Holiness separated Him from
us, His Love compelled Him to become one of us to die on our behalf. Truly, He is God, for there is none other who is like Him!
God is Love
Who willingly gave His Only Begotten Son for me!
Interpretation: Note:
Deuteronomy 4:39 What does it mean that the LORD is God ‘on the earth’ and ‘no The book of Deuteronomy
comprises Moses’ final
instructions to the
other’? __________________________________________________ Israelites prior to their
entrance into the Promised
Land. Understand that
they have just spent 40
years wandering the
What is the significance of this truth? ___________________________ ‘wilderness’ and living
among nations with many
1 Chronicles 29:11-12 What does it mean that God is both ‘head over all’ and
The God of Scripture is
rules ‘over all’? ____________________________________________ ‘hands on’. He is not the
aloof deity of the Deists
who creates the world and
then allows it to follow its
own course.
Why does it say that in God’s hand is the ‘power and might ... to make great’? In this hymn of praise,
King David acknowledges
God’s involvement in various
________________________________________________________ situations that befall man.
He does so knowing that
What is the primary point of this passage by King David? ______________ God has anointed his son
Solomon, and not him, to
build the Temple.
Ps 135:6
Whatever the LORD pleases, Note and mark
He does, ❏ What belongs to God. (Psalm 50)
In heaven and in earth, ❏ What rules over all. (Psalm 103:19)
in the seas and in all deeps.
❏ What the LORD does. (Psalm 135:6)
Psalm 50: What is the significance about the truths in this passage? _________
The Psalmist affirms that
________________________________________________________ all things belong to God,
acknowledging His right to
do with them as He pleases.
Psalm 103:19 What does ‘His sovereignty rules over all’ mean? ___________ The word sovereignty
means supreme authority
to rule. Though there may
________________________________________________________ be monarchs and
government leaders among
us, their authority is only
an extension of the One
who possesses all
What is its significance? _____________________________________ authority.
Psalm 135:6 What is the point of this verse? _________________________ Would you like it if you
were able to realize
everything that pleases
you? Of course, then you
would be like God. He
________________________________________________________ alone does whatever He
Interpretation: Note:
Psalm 139:16 What is the significance of all our days being prewritten in God not only knows every
day we will ever live, but
does so because He has
God’s book? _______________________________________________ ordained, or
predetermined, each one.
Isaiah 14: What does this verse teach about God’s sovereignty? ____________ Note:
We have all been
frustrated by failed plans
________________________________________________________ or unfulfilled intentions.
Not so God. The only
________________________________________________________ appropriate comment for
God is that everything is
going according as He
What is its significance? _____________________________________ Plan.
Isaiah 46:10 What is God saying about His sovereign rule? _______________ Note:
Have you ever wondered
________________________________________________________ how God knows what will
happen? It is not simply
that He knows the future,
________________________________________________________ but that He has determined
everything in it!
Ephesians 1:11 What does this verse say about our salvation? _____________ Note:
Long before we were even
conceived, God had
________________________________________________________ already planned our
salvation. By His mysterious
What is its significance? _____________________________________ purpose He predestined us
to believe in His Son and
inherit eternal life! Our
________________________________________________________ salvation did not happen by
chance, but was part of
our destiny because of
God’s choice!
Romans 8:28 What does this verse say about God’s sovereignty? ___________
________________________________________________________ The Believer must never
ask, ‘Why?’, knowing that
God sovereignly works all
What is its significance? _____________________________________ things for our good. The
details may be blurred, but
not the final outcome ... to
become more like His Son!
Romans 9
13 Just as it is written, Observation:
"JACOB I LOVED, BUT ESAU I HATED." ❏ Carefully read and reread the text. Examine its
14 What shall we say then?
There is no injustice with God, is there? context.
May it never be! ❏ Note all persons, nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs.
15 For He says to Moses, conjunctions & articles.
AND I WILL HAVE COMPASSION ❏ Ask: Who? What? When? Where? How? & Why?
ON WHOM I HAVE COMPASSION." Find answers in the text, only!
16 So then it does not depend on the man who wills ❏ Note and mark key words and ideas, as well as their
or the man who runs,
relationships with one another.
but on God who has mercy.
17 For the Scripture says to Pharaoh,
TO DEMONSTRATE MY POWER IN YOU, ❏ What God’s mercy does not depend on. (verse 16)
THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE EARTH." ❏ Why God raised up Pharoah. (verse 17)
18 So then He has mercy on whom He desires, ❏ On whom God shows mercy or hardens. (verse 18)
and He hardens whom He desires. ❏ What the potter (God) has over the clay. (verse 21)
19 You will say to me then,
"Why does He still find fault?
For who resists His will?"
20 On the contrary, who are you, O man,
who answers back to God?
The thing molded will not say to the molder,
"Why did you make me like this," will it?
21 Or does not the potter have a right over the clay,
to make from the same lump
one vessel for honorable use
and another for common use?
Interpretation: Note:
In the course of three
verses 13-18 What does this passage teach about God’s sovereignty? _________ incredible chapters (9-11),
Paul boldly addresses the
issue of God’s Sovereignty
________________________________________________________ and Man’s Free Will as they
relate to the Believer’s
salvation. His conclusion?
What does this passage teach about man’s free will? __________________
Both are involved!
In his great treatise to
________________________________________________________ God’s salvation, Paul
weaves both truths through
the divine plan. Our free
verse 19 What is the answer to the second question? ____________________ will secures our salvation,
but God’s Sovereignty
What do these questions imply? _________________________________ assures its security. The
Sovereignty of God
removes man’s works from
________________________________________________________ the equation and places
our salvation completely in
the ‘hands’ of God! Can you
verses 20-21 How would you explain the response to the questions in verse 19? ___
think of a better place for
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
Write out a verse from above that you would like From what you learned, how is God different from
to memorize and/or meditate upon: His creation and/or creatures?
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Final Note:
Scripture reveals God as the Supreme Ruler and Authority of all that occurs throughout His Realm and Creation. Far from disturbing, this
doctrine is comforting, for it removes our destinies from the hands of sinful men and places them under the control of the Eternal and Loving
God! For those who know God, His Sovereignty is a source of Peace and Protection from Fear, knowing that the God, who is Love, is also
always in control.
God is Sovereign
Accomplishing All That Pleases Him!
Deuteronomy 32:4 Paraphrase this verse in your own words. _______________ In his final words to
Israel, Moses proclaims the
righteousness of God, in
________________________________________________________ the perfection of His work
and the justness of His
ways. The Israelites are
about to enter the land
promised them by God. In
What if God was not righteous and just. What affect would that have? preparation, God has
warned Moses that they
will forsake Him and break
________________________________________________________ the covenant He made with
them by worshipping other
________________________________________________________ gods. So these words of
Moses are designed to lay
the foundation for the
What affect does the righteousness of God have on us? _______________ judgments of God that are
sure to come. The
cornerstone of that
foundation is the
righteousness of God.
________________________________________________________ Note:
God will judge us. Make no
Psalm 72:24 What does it mean when it says God will judge ‘in righteousness’ and mistake about that. But in
His judgments, God will
always be just. It is
‘with justice’? ____________________________________________ impossible for Him not to
be, for God cannot help
but be just.
Because God is
righteous, He alone has the
What gives God the right to Judge? _____________________________ right to judge, for His
judgments are always
perfect and just.
Romans 1:
17 For in (the gospel) Observation:
the righteousness of God is revealed ❏ Carefully read and reread the text.
from faith to faith;
as it is written, ❏ Note all persons, nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs.
"BUT THE RIGHTEOUS man conjunctions & articles.
SHALL LIVE BY FAITH." ❏ Ask: Who? What? When? Where? How? & Why?
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven
against all ungodliness and unrighteousness Find answers in the text, only!
of men ❏ Note and mark key words and ideas, as well as their
who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, relationships with one another.
Romans 2:5
But because of your stubbornness Note and mark
and unrepentant heart ❏ What is revealed in the gospel. Romans 1:17
you are storing up wrath for yourself ❏ What is revealed from heaven. Romans 1:18
in the day of wrath
and revelation of the righteous judgment of God, ❏ What will be revealed in the day of wrath. Romans 2:5
Romans 1:17-18 How does the gospel reveal the righteousness of God? Few of us think about the
Righteousness of God when
we consider the Gospel
________________________________________________________ message, but God’s
Righteousness is both the
problem that necessitated
the Gospel and the solution
provided for by It.
Why is ‘the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness’? Romans 1:18 & 2:5
outline sinful man’s destiny
without Christ ... God’s
________________________________________________________ wrath and His righteous
judgment. That’s bad news.
________________________________________________________ God’s response was to
send His Son to live a
perfectly righteous life in
How do men ‘suppress the truth in unrighteousness? __________________ order that He might
become an acceptable
sacrifice for sin.
God forgives the sins
done by all who believe in
________________________________________________________ Jesus, and credits them
with His righteousness that
they did not do. That’s the
How does verse 18 relate to verse 17? ____________________________ good news!
________________________________________________________ Note:
Picture this verse in your
mind. Can you imagine the
Romans 2:5 How does this verse relate to 1:17-18’? ______________________ vat that is storing up the
increasing amount of
wrath God has for people’s
sins? What more do we
need to motivate us to
________________________________________________________ share Christ with others!
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
Write out a verse from above that you would like From what you learned, how is God different from
to memorize and/or meditate upon: His creation and/or creatures?
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Final Note:
The Righteousness of God is that perfection by which God is both the Standard and Judge of righteousness. It is that attribute which ought
to fill us with the fear of God, and the motivation to keep us from anything that would cause His displeasure. Though the world tries to
diminish and even eliminate this aspect of God, it is this aspect to which we will all have to give an account. Every person will be measured
against God’s perfect Righteousness. And only those who have repented of their sin, received God’s forgiveness in Christ and been credited
with the righteousness of Jesus, will be able to measure up to God’s perfect standard!
God is Righteous
He will judge the living and the dead!
Romans 5:8 What is significant about the phrase, ‘while we were yet sinners’? The word translated ‘grace’
(charis) means unmerited
favor. The grace of God is
________________________________________________________ His gift to those chosen
according to His pleasure.
It is based on His sovereign
right to elect those He
predestines to salvation in
How does this demonstrate the grace of God? ______________________ Christ. It is given with no
respect to who the
recipients are or what they
________________________________________________________ have done. There is
nothing anyone can do to
Ephesians 2:8-9 Read Ephesians 2:1-3. In light of this context, why does this earn, deserve or in any way
merit the grace of God.
God’s Grace is to be
passage say our salvation is by ‘grace’? ___________________________ distinguished from God’s
Mercy which is bestowed
on all people equally.
Apart from the grace of
What is the significance of verse 9? _____________________________
God, there would
absolutely be no way we
________________________________________________________ could ever be saved. Of all
the great religions,
Christianity alone admits
________________________________________________________ man’s total inability to live
a life that measures up to
From this passage, how would you describe the grace of God? ____________ God’s righteous standard.
Salvation is a gift of God’s
grace, offered to those
________________________________________________________ without merit and received
by a faith which itself is a
gift from God!
Interpretation: Note:
Isaiah 53 is one of many
Isaiah 53:4-6 Who is the ‘He’ in these verses? (Provide support for your answer) Messianic passages
prophesying the coming of
God’s anointed. Unlike most
________________________________________________________ of them, it portrays
Messiah, not as a
triumphant King, but as a
suffering Servant who
would take the sins of the
What does verse 5 describe? ___________________________________ world upon Himself as
God’s chosen sacrifice.
Jews read this passage
________________________________________________________ believing that the ‘He’
referred to them and their
________________________________________________________ sufferings through the
ages. But the specific
descriptions of the manner
What does ‘by His scourgings we are healed’ mean? __________________ of Christ’s death (verse 5)
clearly points to the death
of Jesus on the cross and
His sacrifice as the Lamb
of God. That this prophecy
________________________________________________________ was given 700 years before
Jesus was born makes it all
the more amazing!
How does this passage demonstrate the Grace of God? ________________ But mainly, this passage
expresses the incredible
________________________________________________________ price God was willing to
pay for us, and becomes a
vivid picture of His Grace
________________________________________________________ toward us!
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
Write out a verse from above that you would like From what you learned, how is God different from
to memorize and/or meditate upon: His creation and/or creatures?
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Final Note:
The Grace of God is that attribute which will only be experienced by His elect. It reaches its fullest expression in the gift of God’s Only
Begotten Son to those who are not only completely undeserving, but who, by nature, are enemies of God and objects of His wrath. That God
offered His Son as a sacrifice for sinners demonstrates unquestionably that God is a God of Grace.
God is Gracious
He gives freely to the undeserving!
Psalm 145:8-9 This is a song of praise written by King David. What significance Note:
David is a man who knows
the mercy of God. In 2
does David bring to the Psalm? _________________________________ Samuel 11:, he yields to
temptation and commits
adultery with Bathsheba,
the beautiful wife of one
of his top soldiers, and
________________________________________________________ then has that soldier, Uriah
the Hittite, killed in battle
to hide that sin. David must
How is God’s mercies ‘over all His works’? __________________________ have wondered if God
would rescind His promise
________________________________________________________ to him (2 Sam 7) because
of this sin, but God for-
gives David and maintains
________________________________________________________ His covenant with him,
making David’s words much
more insightful.
Matthew 5:45 How does this verse illustrate God’s mercy? _______________
________________________________________________________ Have you ever wondered
why good things happen to
bad people? Why evil
________________________________________________________ people succeed? In short,
the answer is God’s mercy.
During this era, God’s
Look up Matthew 5:44. From this context, what is the basis for God’s mercy?
mercy extends to every-
one, both the righteous
________________________________________________________ and the unrighteous. But
when Jesus returns, mercy
ends, and judgment is
________________________________________________________ come.
Genesis 18:32 Why do you think God was willing to spare Sodom on account of only Note:
When you read this
account in Genesis 18:-33,
ten righteous people? _______________________________________ you cannot help but be
amazed both at Abraham’s
bargaining boldness and
God’s mercy. That God was
willing to spare an
What significance might this have for us today? ___________________ extremely immoral society
for the sake of a few
righteous people reveals
_______________________________________________________ Him as merciful.
Unfortunately for the
Psalm 51:1 What had David done to cause him to write this Psalm? ___________ Sodomites, even ten could
not be found.
________________________________________________________ The three words which
David incorporates in his
________________________________________________________ plea for forgiveness are all
different synonyms of the
word ‘mercy’, and rightly
What do the following mean? so. For when one comes
before the Holy God under
conviction of sin, it is His
‘gracious’: _______________________________________________
mercy, not His grace, that
one appeals to.
‘lovingkindness’: ___________________________________________ It has been said that
grace is God giving to us
what we do not deserve
‘compassion’: _____________________________________________ while mercy is God not
giving to us what we do
What is their significance here? _______________________________ deserve. While the sinner
deserves punishment,
Mercy withholds that
_______________________________________________________ judgment.
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
Write out a verse from above that you would like From what you learned, how is God different from
to memorize and/or meditate upon: His creation and/or creatures?
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Final Note:
The Mercy of God restrains His Righteous Judgment and gives the undeserving the opportunity to respond to His Grace. Were it not for God’s
Mercy, we would all have been destroyed in Adam the moment he sinned. But God’s mercy toward the unrighteous is not without end, for
there will come a time when sin’s consequence will be required and all who are without God’s Grace in Christ will pay the just recompense, the
everlasting punishment which God’s Mercy withheld until the right time.
God is Merciful
He is patient toward the sinner!
1 Samuel 15:29 What is the significance about what is said of ‘man’? ________ Note:
Both this verse and its
parallel, Numbers 23:19,
________________________________________________________ imply that God, unlike man,
does not lie or change His
mind, but keeps His word
Read 1 Samuel 15:1-31. What is the significance of verse 29 in light of the and does what He promises
to do.
Though God’s Veracity
context? ________________________________________________ is most often seen as a
positive attribute, it can
________________________________________________________ spell bad news for those
who defy God as 1 Samuel
15 demonstrates.
Psalm 119: What does the word ‘truth’ mean? __________________________ Note:
Just as God is True, so His
Word is Truth. The word
________________________________________________________ ‘true’ describes what is
‘sure, reliable and faithful’.
As the Believer is called to
trust God and His Word,
the Veracity of God is the
How is this significant to God’s ‘law’, ‘commandments’ and ‘word’? basis of our faith in Him.
Can you imagine if God
were unreliable? If His
________________________________________________________ Word was not trustworthy?
How would you ever be
________________________________________________________ able to believe Him?
But because God is
Truth and His Word is
Why is it important for our faith that God’s word be found true? True, our faith will never
be in vain. We can be sure
that what God has
promised He will do, and
that what He says, is.
John 14:6
Jesus *said to him, Note and mark
"I am the way, and the truth, and the life; ❏ What the LORD God is abounding in. Exodus 34:6
no one comes to the Father but through Me. ❏ By what they are to be sanctified. John 17:17
❏ What Jesus claimed to be. John 14:6
Interpretation: Note:
Exodus 34:6 Read Exodus chapter 34:. What is happening in this chapter? ____ Our God is not a shrinking
violet. He will not hesitate
to speak out when it comes
_______________________________________________________ to His Person or accom-
plishments, for when He
proclaims who He is, it is
not bragging but fact!
Here, He proclaims
How is God, proclaiming Himself as abounding in truth, significant to the Himself as the ‘LORD God
... abounding in ... truth’.
Truth saturates His very
context? ________________________________________________ Being! And to our benefit!
For when He establishes a
_______________________________________________________ covenant with us, as He is
doing here with Israel, we
can be absolutely certain
John 17:17 What does ‘sanctify them by the truth’ mean? ________________ that it will not be broken
from His side!
________________________________________________________ Note:
The word ‘sanctify’ comes
________________________________________________________ from the same word as
‘holy’ in the NT and means
to be pure or separated
John 14:6 How is Jesus ‘the truth’? ________________________________ from the profane. In a
world inundated by deceit
and deception, a life lived
in strict conformity to God
and His Word will be a life
How does this relate to our coming to the Father only through Jesus? ____ sanctified.
The primary example of
this is Jesus who is Truth,
________________________________________________________ for He never strayed for a
moment from God’s way!
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
Write out a verse from above that you would like From what you learned, how is God different from
to memorize and/or meditate upon: His creation and/or creatures?
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Final Note:
The Veracity of God is His guarantee that our faith will never be in vain. God will never deceive, defraud or distort, for He cannot, by His
very nature, lie. We can be absolutely certain that He is as He claims to be, and will do what He promises to. Truth is part of His very
substance, and though we may resort to lies and deceit, He never ever will.
God is Truth
In Him there is No Deception!
All of us change our minds
1 Samuel 15:29 Why does God not have to change His mind? ______________ from time to time. But what
would it take to always
make the right decision ...
to never ever have to
change our minds?
________________________________________________________ It would take the
ability to know and control
everything around us ...
How does this passage present man in comparison to God? _____________ abilities only God
________________________________________________________ Note:
In chapter 40, Isaiah
________________________________________________________ prophesies about Israel’s
salvation fulfilled in the
coming of the LORD to
Isaiah 40:28 Read Isaiah chapter 40. In light of the context, what is the point of Jerusalem. It is filled with
verses declaring the
supremacy and power of
this verse? _______________________________________________
God, underscoring His
ability to fulfill His
________________________________________________________ promise to save His people.
To give emphasis to
God’s abilities, He is said to
What is significant about God not becoming weary or tired? ____________ ‘never become weary or
tired’. In effect, God does
________________________________________________________ not change, but is ever
able to do what He says He
Malachi is prophesying to
Malachi 3:6 What is the meaning of this verse in light of its context? ________ post exilic Israelis who are
beginning to think that
________________________________________________________ God has abandoned His
covenant with them. Verse
6 is God’s rebuke to that
________________________________________________________ kind of thinking.
James 1:17 What does ‘variation or shifting shadow’ mean? ______________ Note:
Have you ever been to the
Grand Canyon, or a
_______________________________________________________ majestic scene lit
brilliantly by the sun? And
_______________________________________________________ then watched the scenery
change as the sun moved
across the sky, varying the
Why does James describe God in this way here? ____________________ angle of the light? That is
what this verse is speaking
God is not like the
changing scenery whose
Hebrews 13:8 What is the point here in light of the context ? _____________ appearance varies by the
‘shifting shadow’. He is
constant, unchanging and
________________________________________________________ forever the same.
________________________________________________________ Note:
The assurance of God’s
Grace lies in His Immutable
Romans 11:29 What is the significance of this verse in light of its context’? nature. To the Hebrew
readers who contemplated
leaving their new found
Christian faith to return to
their historical Jewish
________________________________________________________ faith, the writer reminds
them of the immutability
of Christ. The effect of
How is our salvation dependent on God’s immutability? ________________ Jesus’ sacrifice is eternal.
In the same way, God’s
________________________________________________________ call and promise to save
Israel is also unchanging,
and will one day be
________________________________________________________ realized.
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
Write out a verse from above that you would like From what you learned, how is God different from
to memorize and/or meditate upon: His creation and/or creatures?
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Final Note:
The Immutability of God is a comfort to believers, for it assures their salvation. But it is a source of discomfort for unbelievers, for it assures
their condemnation and punishment. God will not alter His Word or Purpose. You will never have to wonder if He will revise, reverse or
refashion His declared will, for He never changes ... ever.
God is Immutable
He Does Not Change!
The context of Exodus
Exodus 34:6 What is significant about how God describes Himself in light 34:6 is the reconfirmation
of the Covenant after
of the context of this verse? __________________________________ Israel incurred God’s wrath
by building an idol in
Moses’ initial absence.
________________________________________________________ God’s Patience is relevant
only in the context of our
sinfulness, for it is the
withholding of His
justified wrath that
1 Peter 3:20 How long did God wait while Noah built the ark (Genesis 6:3)? defines His patience.
________________________________________________________ Many scholars believe the
120 years mentioned in
Genesis 6:3 refers to the
What message did the emerging ark present? _______________________ number of years God
allowed mankind to repent
________________________________________________________ before sending the flood.
Besides the generous
time allowed by God, there
________________________________________________________ was the emerging ark that
gave witness of the
impending judgment. This,
Why did so few people take advantage of God’s patience and heed God’s
coupled with the testimony
of Noah as God’s righteous
warning? _________________________________________________ prophet, gave the sinning
population ample warning.
That only 8 people were
________________________________________________________ saved is an indication of
the sinful state of mankind
________________________________________________________ at that time.
2 Peter 3:9 speaks of the
2 Peter 3:9 What ‘promise’ is this verse speaking about (see context)? _______ promised return of Christ
and the subsequent
judgment of all people.
Peter was responding to
the ‘scoffers’ who were
_______________________________________________________ ridiculing those who held
to the promise of God,
explaining that the delay
How is the situation Peter is writing about still relevant today? (verses 3-4) was an indication of God’s
patience, not His non-
_______________________________________________________ existence.
The theory of evolution
has become the mantra of
_______________________________________________________ scoffers today who
deceive themselves into
thinking that science has
Romans 2:4 From 2 Peter 3:9 and this verse, why is God being patient? ________
disproved God’s existence.
________________________________________________________ Note:
The apostles Paul and
Peter both acknowledge
________________________________________________________ that God is being patient
to allow time for people to
repent. The two millennia
Revelation 2:21 Why doesn’t ‘she’ repent?’ ____________________________
since Christ’s first coming
simply underscores the
________________________________________________________ long-suffering of God
toward creatures who do
not repent because they
________________________________________________________ don’t want to.
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
Write out a verse from above that you would like From what you learned, how is God different from
to memorize and/or meditate upon: His creation and/or creatures?
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Final Note:
The Patience of God is best demonstrated by the withholding of His wrath toward those deserving of it. For the sole reason of allowing them
time is to respond to His Mercy and offer of Grace in the gift of His Son for the forgiveness of their sins. However, God’s patience, though
‘long-suffering’, is not forever suffering. There will be an end to His Mercy and a time of reckoning for all who refuse His gift and scorn His
God is Patient
He tolerates sinners and endures their wicked ways!
Psalm 139:
7 Where can I go from your Spirit? ❏ Carefully read and reread the text.
Where can I flee from your presence? ❏ Note all persons, nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs.
8 If I go up to the heavens, conjunctions & articles.
you are there;
❏ Ask: Who? What? When? Where? How? & Why?
if I make my bed in the depths,
you are there. Find answers in the text, only!
9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn, ❏ Note and mark key words and ideas, as well as their
if I settle on the far side of the sea, relationships with one another.
10 even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.
Jeremiah 23:24 Note and mark
Can anyone hide in secret places ❏ Where God is. Psalm 139:8-9
so that I cannot see him?" declares the LORD.
❏ Where God fills. Jeremiah 23:24
"Do not I fill heaven and earth?" declares the LORD.
David masterfully uses the
Psalm 139 What is the answer to the Psalmist’s questions in verse 7? allegorical language of
poetry to convey spiritual
________________________________________________________ truths. He introduces the
subject of God’s presence
with two rhetorical
What is the Psalmist’s point in verse 8? ___________________________ questions, both answerable
by the same response ‘no
He then conveys the
truth of God’s omni-
Where is the ‘dawn’ and ‘far side of the sea’ for the Psalmist? ___________ presence by referring to
the ultimate height (the
heavens) and depth in
________________________________________________________ verse 8, and the farthest
easterly (dawn) and
What is his conclusion in verse 10? ______________________________ westerly points (the other
side of the Mediterranean
Sea) from his perspective.
________________________________________________________ In essence, God is
present everywhere to
guide and keep him.
Jeremiah 23:24 What is the answer to God’s first question? _______________ The context of this verse
is God’s rebuke of false
What is the answer to God’s second question? ______________________ prophets who have misled
Israel. He ominously
assures them that they will
What point is God making about Himself in this verse? ________________ not be able to hide from
Him for He fills ‘heaven
and earth’!
This verse conveys the
terrifying aspect to God’s
________________________________________________________ Omnipresence.
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
Write out a verse from above that you would like From what you learned, how is God different from
to memorize and/or meditate upon: His creation and/or creatures?
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Final Note:
The Omnipresence of God is both reassuring and terrifying. For the faithful, it is a comforting truth in times of peril and need. But for the
disobedient, God’s Presence is a terrifying thought, for there is no where to run and no where to hide from God’s omnipresent gaze.
God is Omnipresent
He is present everywhere at once!
Psalm 139:
1 For the choir director. A Psalm of David. ❏ Carefully read and reread the text.
O LORD, You have searched me and known me. ❏ Note all persons, nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs.
2 You know when I sit down and when I rise up; conjunctions & articles.
You understand my thought from afar.
❏ Ask: Who? What? When? Where? How? & Why?
3 You scrutinize my path and my lying down,
And are intimately acquainted with all my ways. Find answers in the text, only!
4 Even before there is a word on my tongue, ❏ Note and mark key words and ideas, as well as their
Behold, O LORD, You know it all. relationships with one another.
1 Samuel 16:7
But the LORD said to Samuel,
"Do not look at his appearance Note and mark
or at the height of his stature, ❏ What God knows or understands. Psalm 139:1-4
because I have rejected him;
❏ What God is intimately acquainted with. Psalm 139:3
for God sees not as man sees,
for man looks at the outward appearance, ❏ Where the LORD looks. 1 Samuel 16:7
but the LORD looks at the heart."
1 Samuel 16:7 What does ‘the LORD looks at the heart’ mean? ______________ Note:
God knows what is in our
hearts. The heart contains
________________________________________________________ our reflections,
inclinations, emotions and
________________________________________________________ passions, We may be able
to hide these private
activities from the prying
What is the significance of this? _______________________________ eyes of men, but they are
laid bare to the penetra-
ting gaze of God. He alone
knows who we really are,
even better than we do
________________________________________________________ ourselves!
God’s knowledge is
Job 37:16 What does it mean to be ‘perfect in knowledge’? _______________ complete, unblemished and
without error. Such is the
________________________________________________________ perfection of His
understanding. Being such,
He needs neither counsel
________________________________________________________ nor enlightenment.
Isaiah 46:10a What is this verse saying about God? _____________________
The knowledge of the
Eternal God is eternal. He
________________________________________________________ is fully acquainted with
every detail of every thing
from the very beginning to
________________________________________________________ the very end, and this all at
What is the significance of this? _______________________________ Having such knowledge,
He is able to declare what
has not been done yet to
________________________________________________________ the very end of time, and
perceive things not as they
are, but as they will be.
The knowledge of God
Matthew 11:21 What is Jesus saying about Chorazin and Bethsaida? _________ includes not only what is
but what might have been.
________________________________________________________ It is beyond our
comprehension to fathom
that God knows all that is,
What does this indicate about what He knows? _____________________ but completely mind
numbing that God knows all
that could be as well!
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
Write out a verse from above that you would like From what you learned, how is God different from
to memorize and/or meditate upon: His creation and/or creatures?
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Final Note:
The Omniscience of God includes every detail of every thing actual and possible. Nothing escapes His Omnipresent gaze in all of heaven and
earth, both that which is visible and invisible in the physical or spiritual realms. Being such in perfection, there is nothing God can learn or
gain from any thing or any one, nor any thing which can be hidden from Him.
God is Omniscient
He knows all things at once!
Genesis 1:1
In the beginning ❏ Carefully read and reread the text.
God created the heavens and the earth. ❏ Note all persons, nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs.
conjunctions & articles.
Isaiah 44:24 ❏ Ask: Who? What? When? Where? How? & Why?
Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer,
and the one who formed you from the womb, Find answers in the text, only!
"I, the LORD, am the maker of all things, ❏ Note and mark key words and ideas, as well as their
Stretching out the heavens by Myself relationships with one another.
And spreading out the earth all alone,
Genesis 1:1 Read Genesis chapter 1. How did God create the heavens and the Note:
It is the primary question
of the ages. ‘Where did
earth? __________________________________________________
everything come from?’
Scripture wastes no
________________________________________________________ time in answering it. God
created everything! And
He did it simply by
How does God’s manner of creation illustrate His Omnipotence? _________ speaking everything into
existence! The heavens,
________________________________________________________ the earth, and everything
in them.
That He created it all
________________________________________________________ by Himself from nothing
with merely the effort of
a spoken word is a
Isaiah 44:24 Why does God emphasize His sole involvement in the creation?
demonstration of the
immeasurable power of
________________________________________________________ God.
________________________________________________________ What makes this question
more incredible than it
already is, is that it is in
Genesis 18:14a What is the answer to this question? ____________________
the rhetorical form. That
it is asked sardonically by
What is the significance of this verse? ___________________________ the LORD Himself infuses
it with greater emphasis.
The question seems to
________________________________________________________ imply, ‘How can you even
think of anything too
________________________________________________________ difficult for Me. I’m God!’
Matthew 19:26 What ‘things’ was Jesus speaking of in light of the context’? The specific thing in
question here was the
________________________________________________________ salvation of sinful men.
Jesus here does the bad
news - good news routine
________________________________________________________ by first illustrating how
difficult it is for sinners to
save themselves
What does this say about God? _________________________________
impossible feat according
to Christ. But the good
________________________________________________________ news is that ‘all things are
possible’ with God! Praise
Luke 1:37 Why does Gabriel make this statement? ______________________
Can you think of anything
________________________________________________________ more impossible than a
woman bearing a son
without being impregnated,
naturally or artificially?
Neither could Mary. Hence
What is the significance of this statement? _______________________ the pronouncement by
Gabriel attesting to God’s
ability to do the
________________________________________________________ miraculous!
________________________________________________________ This question is part of
Paul’s testimony before
Acts 26:8 What is the point of this question? _________________________ King Agrippa. Look at it
carefully to appreciate its
simple boldness, for it
________________________________________________________ states the obvious.
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
Write out a verse from above that you would like From what you learned, how is God different from
to memorize and/or meditate upon: His creation and/or creatures?
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Final Note:
The Omnipotence of God is the application of His Sovereignty! God is able to do as He pleases because He has the Power to do so! And He
does so simply by decree. Such is His Power!
God is Omnipotent
Nothing is impossible with Him!
Hebrews 11:6
And without faith it is impossible to please Him, ❏ Carefully read and reread the text.
for he who comes to God must believe that He is ❏ Note all persons, nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs.
and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. conjunctions & articles.
❏ Ask: Who? What? When? Where? How? & Why?
Matthew 6:33
"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, Find answers in the text, only!
and all these things will be added to you. ❏ Note and mark key words and ideas, as well as their
relationships with one another.
Jeremiah 29:11
'For I know the plans that I have for you,'
declares the LORD, Note and mark
'plans for welfare and not for calamity ❏ What God is. Hebrews 11:6
to give you a future and a hope. ❏ What will be added to you. Matthew 6:33
❏ What kind of plans God has. Jeremiah 29:11
Hebrews 11:6 Why does the writer mention God as a ‘rewarder of those who seek Note:
In this definitive verse on
faith, it is significant that
Him? ___________________________________________________
it teaches you cannot
please God unless you
________________________________________________________ believe that He rewards
those who seek Him! The
numerous testimonies in
________________________________________________________ the chapter reinforces the
importance of this truth.
Matthew 6:33 From the context, what are the ‘things’ mentioned here? _______
Jesus sought to separate
________________________________________________________ man from his pursuit of
earthly rewards in order to
focus on eternal pursuits.
His use of rewards helped
to motivate this realign-
From Hebrews 11:6 and this verse, why does God give rewards? ___________ ment of man’s priorities,
for He knew that
ultimately, we tend to do
________________________________________________________ what benefits us!
________________________________________________________ The promise in Jeremiah
29:11 is given specifically
Jeremiah 29:11 Who is the ‘you’ mentioned in this verse? ________________ to the Israelites who had
been taken to Babylon by
King Nebuchadnezzar. God
From the context, why does the LORD assure them of His plan for them? wanted to assure them that
He still had them on His
mind and in His heart. The
motive behind this promise
was for them to seek Him!
1 Corinthians 3:13-14 From the context, what will determine the ‘quality’ of ‘each Note:
Paul sought to encourage
the Corinthian Christians
man’s works? ______________________________________________
with the warning that it
does matter how they lived
________________________________________________________ their lives. A day of
reckoning was in their
future and God will reward
________________________________________________________ them for what they did, or
did not do, in this life.
From 1 Corinthians 3:15, what relationship do ‘rewards’ have to our our As the poem wisely
teaches: ‘Only one life will
soon be past; Only what’s
salvation? ________________________________________________ done for Christ will last!’
But mercifully, the
rewards have nothing to do
with our eternal salvation.
As Paul puts it, the man
2 Corinthians 5:10 What is the purpose of this judgment? ________________ without rewards will still be
saved, but singed.
________________________________________________________ Note:
Too few Christians are
concerned with the
judgment seat of Christ
where He will either
What does the giving of rewards tell us about God? __________________ reward, or deny us
according to the good and
bad we did in our earthly
________________________________________________________ bodies. We do well to pay
attention, because clearly,
________________________________________________________ rewards are important to
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
Write out a verse from above that you would like From what you learned, how is God different from
to memorize and/or meditate upon: His creation and/or creatures?
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Final Note:
The Benevolence of God is the display of His goodness toward those who love and diligently seek Him. God will reward the faithful! This, in
itself, demonstrates the high value God places on the life lived in pursuit of God’s Kingdom and Righteousness. In the end, the only thing that
will matter is all that we do in devotion to God. If this is true, and it is, then why do we do otherwise?
God is Benevolent!
He rewards our faithfulness to Him!
Nahum 1:6 Read Nahum 1:1-6. Why does Nahum introduce his book in this way? Note:
Nahum was God’s prophet
of doom to the Assyrians
and their capital, Ninevah,
pronouncing God’s
________________________________________________________ impending judgment for
their idolatry and
wickedness. They had
What is the point of this passage regarding God’s wrath? ______________ avoided God’s judgment
years before when Jonah
________________________________________________________ called them to repentance,
but this time, God’s wrath
would be ‘poured out like
________________________________________________________ fire’, and God’s vengeance
God, here, declares that
Hebrews 10:30-31 Read Hebrews 10:26-29. Against whom will God’s vengeance fall? He will take vengeance on
those who reject His
________________________________________________________ grace. Vengeance is His
and His alone! That makes
His judgment guaranteed
________________________________________________________ for the wicked.
No one can conceive
what God’s wrath will be
What is the point of this passage? ______________________________
like, but the writer’s
succinct description is
________________________________________________________ most memorable. It will be
‘a terrifying thing to fall
into the the hands of the
________________________________________________________ living God’ who is filled
with wrath toward you!
Romans 1:16-18 What is the significance of verse 18 in light of the context?
Immediately following
________________________________________________________ Paul’s definitive statement
concerning the gospel, he
abruptly inserts the topic
of God’s wrath. It is well
placed, for God’s wrath is
How is the wrath of God ‘revealed from heaven’? ____________________ the reason for His gospel.
Faith in Christ credits the
unrighteous with His
________________________________________________________ righteousness so that they
will never have to
________________________________________________________ experience God’s wrath!
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
❖ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
Write out a verse from above that you would like From what you learned, how is God different from
to memorize and/or meditate upon: His creation and/or creatures?
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Final Note:
God’s Wrath is His righteous response toward all unrighteousness. It will be terrifying for the wicked. On the day of judgment no one will be
able to escape, endure or stand. For God’s vengeance is assured to all who have not exchanged their unrighteousness with the righteousness
of God through faith in Christ.
Vengeance is God’s!
He will punish the evil doer!
❖ Circle the one thing the one who boasts ought to boast about.
How does this passage reveal how important it is for us to know God? ______
Isaiah also writes about how the heavens lead us to a knowledge of God.
Why do some sense a Creator when they view the stars while others do not?
❖ Circle each quality about God that are seen in the creation.
❖ Circle how they have been seen.
❖ Circle what those who see God’s creation are without.
How are God’s ‘invisible attributes’, ‘eternal power’ and ‘divine nature’ seen in
But if creation provides only a general witness of the Creator, where can we
find more detail about Him? Here, we must go to what Theologians label God’s
Special Revelation. The next two sections will deal with two special and specific
ways God has revealed Himself to us.
How does the gospel writer make it clear in this passage that the Word is God?
What does it mean to be ‘filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom
The sequence included in this passage has been labeled the ‘Colossian
Cycle’, and describes a chain of events that culminate in an ever increasing
knowledge of God. It begins with being filled with, or understanding, the will of God
for our lives. This understanding must result in a ‘walk’ of faith and obedience,
evidenced by a life lived ‘in a manner worthy of the Lord’. This kind of life bears
‘fruit’ in the good work done for the Lord.
The ultimate consequence is an increase in our knowledge of God. Why?
Because through this sequence of events, we gain a personal knowledge of God as
He works in and through our lives. It is one thing to learn about God from a book or
a sermon, but quite another when you experience it first hand!
For example, I knew that God was all powerful and ever present in my life,
and that He could protect me from harm. After all, that’s what you learn in
Theology class! But when the leadership of Campus Crusade for Christ asked my wife
and I to go to Papua New Guinea to start the ministry there, the only thought I had
was, ‘Isn’t that where they eat people?’. All my theology went out the window! But
we went, trusting in God’s sovereign protection, and saw Him protect us from
danger (even mortal) time and again during the six years we lived there.
What comes to your mind when you think of Worship? A group of people
singing hymns and praise songs? Prayers that declare God’s Nature and Attributes?
You’re right! But Worship is so much more as we’ll see from the following Scripture
1. Purify yourself by allowing God’s Spirit to search your heart and mind
for any sin that you have not confessed to Him. Confess them and claim
God’s forgiveness through the grace of His Son, Jesus Christ.
3. Meditate upon God and consider each of His divine qualities in turn.
4. Prostrate yourself before Him and declare His excellence through your
prayers, and songs of worship and praise.
since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken,
let us show gratitude,
by which we may offer to God an acceptable service
with reverence and awe;
Hebrews 12:28
The word ‘worship’ is translated from various Hebrew and Greek words that
convey at least two ideas. First, to revere or honor God and second, to render
service to Him. Everything we do, whether at home, work or play, is potentially an
act of worship to God if we do them with an attitude of service for God! Paul put it
this way:
Notice that Jesus did not rebuke Satan by telling him to simply worship
God, but included service to God as well. Worship and Service are two sides of the
same coin! If you want to know what you really worship look at what you serve. You
will have found your god, be it money, power, status, material things or fleshly
desires, when you discover what you are so willing to work hard for.
The test for anyone who claims to worship God is whether he serves God.
Reverence for God is always evidenced by Service for Him, though the opposite may
not always ring true (some serve God for reasons other than reverence for Him).
John chapter 17 is
"I glorified You on the earth,
Jesus’ prayer to His Father
having accomplished the work on His disciples’ behalf. It
which You have given Me to do. expresses Jesus’ final
thoughts just prior to His
John 17:4
betrayal and eventual
❖ Underline how Jesus glorified God. Verse 4 reveals Jesus’
commitment to honor His
Father through His life.
Near the end of His earthly life, Jesus testified that He glorified God The word ‘glorified’ means
by fulfilling the work God had given Him to do. Would we all be able to say that at to honor, to praise or to
the end of our lives! magnify. God was
magnified through Jesus’
In the busyness of living, it is too easy to miss the most important thing
devoted service to Him.
in life ... what God has created us in Christ Jesus to do. If you know God, if you
love God, then serve Him with all of your heart and strength, in order that your life
may become your ultimate act of worship to the One who alone is worthy!